The Abbeville chronicle. (Abbeville, Ga.) 1896-1953, September 26, 1901, Image 8

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SHERIFF SALES. (>UG I A;- wllcox county, ill-be', sold on the 1st Tuesday in October .1, at the court bouse in sale’ county at Ab :llo within the legal hour* of .sale, to the nest bidder for cash the following described • •perty to-wit; ot of land No. two hundred and eighty (280) he twelfth 112th| district of said county, ied on os the property of the estate of .11C Mc ire under and by virtue of a distress warrant rent, issued in favor of Mrs. Hattie E Wood n against the curtate of J K McGuire. This /perty has been sold for taxes for the year and KMMtr.d w ill !>s .Gold subject to said . \« s, the purchaser will have to pay said taxes audltlofi to the amount Wd,’before title will o made. iiu Airgu4t*2ftd, won W. M GIH11S. Sheriff Wilfcox County. TAX SALES. GEORGIA—Wilcox County. Will bo sold before the court house door in the city of Abbeville, on the first Tuesday in October 1301 to the highest bidder for cash the following described property for state and county taxes for the year 1300, under and by virtue of tax tl fa Issued by C. s. McCall. Tax Collector of Wilcox county, Georgia. Lot ot land No. 153 in the nth district or Wil cox county, lla. Le\ ied on and to be sold as the property of W. S. Hush for state and coun ty tax for the year 1300. Levy made by G. \V. Gladden, L. C. This September 3rd. 1301. W. M. GilSHS. Sheriff. Guardians Sale. O l.-.f)»G IA -W t icox county, Hy virtue of an order of the court of Ordina ty of $#id county will be sold at public outcry before the court house door at Abbeville, \N 11 <*ox county Georgia on the first Tuesday in October 1901. between the legal hours of sale (be follow in: real estate situated in Wilcox epunty Georgia, to-wit: 8tt H acres of the south-west part of lot of land No, 218 in 1st district of Wiloox county. Sold for the pur pose of paying debts and distribution, Terms cash. This September 8rd. 1901. 9-1 it pd ISA 11 ELLA THIGPEN. Guardian. Road Notice. GEORGIA- Wilcox county. To whom it may concern: All persons Interested arc hereby not itied that if no good cause be shown to the contrary an order will be granted on the 1st Monday in October 1901. changing the new mail road commencing at the north-west corner of KUar King’s fence on lot of land No. 186 and run ning on tlie North side of S. T. Gordays house and running due West al>oiit six hundred (800) died (1100) yards and connecting w ith the old road at II. A. J. Gorday s house, on lot of No, one hundred and seventy-eight (Gs.) and to discontinue the old road at the starting point of said new road to the connecting point ut II. A. J. Gorday’s house, September 2d, 1901 S. H. RKID. l\ II. Coffee, J. 1*. DOSTER, clerk co. com. J. H. MITCHELL. County Com’rs, Wilcox co. Administratrix Sale. GEORGIA—Wilcox County. by virtue of an order granted by lion. John M. warren, Ordinary of Wilcox county, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in October, w ithin the legal hours of sale, for cash, the following real estate situated in Wilcox county, Ga.. to wit: One hundred and one and one quarter (I0C4) acres of the East half of lot of land No, two hundred and thirteen (213) in the eighth (8th,) district of said county, sold for the puritose of supporting and educating the minor children of J. T. Mixon deeased. Terms of sale cash. This ith day of Sept. 1901. MRS. .IF LI A L. WATSON. Guardian of the minor children of J. T. Mixon. Citation. GEORGIA—wilcox county. To all whom it may concern: J p. Hosier Jr. having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of adminstratlonon the estate of J A Hosier, this is 10 cite all and singular, the creditors and next, of kin of J A Doster to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause, if they can, why permanent administration should not granted to J P Doster Jr. on J A Hoster’s es tate. Witness my hand and official signature. This the 2d. day of September 1901. J. M. WARREN, Ordinary. Citation. GEORGIA - Wilcox County. Mrs. Lenore Gunn having made application for twelve months support out of the estate of W J Gunn and appraisers duly appointed to set apart, the same having fUed their return, All persons concerned are hereby requested to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of safd county on the first Monday in October 1901 why said application should not be grant - ed. This Sept. 2d. 1901, J. M. WARREN, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGI A—Wilcox County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordi nary of said county, will be sold at public out cry before the court house door in Abbeville, Wilcox county Georgia, on the 1st Tuesday in October, 1901, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate towit: Lot of land No. 47. In the 12th district of \> ilcox county, containing 202% acres more or less. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs of Hester I. Lacey deceased. This Sept. 2nd. 1901. w. H. HENDERSON, Admr. estate of Hester L Lacey, deceased. Sarah E. Land, i In Wilcox Superior Court vs. Laud. ^September ) Libel Term. for 1901. Nathan i Divorce. To Nathan Land: You are hereby commanded to be and ap peal* at the next term of Wilcox Superior Court to be held on the 4th Monday in September. 1901. to answer the complaint of the plaintiff injthe aboven state case; or the court will- pro ceed as to just Ice shall appertain. Witness the Hoi^rable l). M. Roberts, Judge of said court. This Jlll.v l&tli. 1301. JAS. M. MIX OX, Clerk Wilcox Superior Court. Citation. GIvOEG 1 A—Wilcox ulunty. G, C. Mixon Us next friend of the miner cbHt* dren of Amanda .1. Wilcox deceased having made application for twelve months support out of the estate of Amanda J. Wilcox and ap praisers duly appointed to set apait the same Waving filed their return. All persons concern ed are hereby requested to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the 1st Monday in October 1001. w hy said applica tion should not be granted. This Sept 2nd, 1901. J. M. WARREN, Ordinary. Citation. GKOROTA— Wilcox county: p. D. Wont ten administrator on the estate of Thos. H. Wootten deceased having apllied to the undersigned for an order for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Thos, II. Wootten tow it: Fifty [50] acres of lot of land No. 24«s and all of lot No. 255 containing four hundred and ninety [490) acres, both in the Second [2dJ district of Wilcox countyand lots Nos. 109 and 125, Two hundred and two and one half [202%] acres each and seventy two and one half acres of lot No. 110, all three lots in the Eighth [8th,] district of Wilcox county, Ga., to be sold for the purpose of paying debts and making distribution among the heirs of said estate. Said application w ill be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in October 1901. This Sept. 2d. 1901. J. M. WARREN, Ordinary. BUY THE 5 E SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. Thiskindofaiuachinecau be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WI MAKE A VARIETY. THE HEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The ]>ouhle Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCUS showing styles tho dif ferent of Sewing Machines w« manufacture aud prices before purchasing Hour row SEwntc uiintrm. OMNOI, MASS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, III., Atlanta, Ga., Bt. Louis,Mo., Dallas, Tex., Ban Francisco, Cal FOR SALK BY fuimfl yte jlMlTEO flBUlED w a Trains Double Daily Service Lv Abbeville... .8:15 p m Ar Helena...... .4:05 p m “ Savannah... .8:25 p m Lv Savannah... 11:85 p m Ar Columbia... .4:88 a m “ Camden..... ..0:43* m “ So. Pines.... 10:05 a nt “ Raleigh..... 11:50 a m “ Petersburg.. .4;38 p m “ Richmond... .5:40 p m “ Washington .9:80 p m “ Haiti more.............11:25 pm “ Philadelphia 2:50 a m “ New York.... 0:13 a m Lv Abbeville.............. .3:15 p m Ar Portsmouth............ .5:50 p m Lv Abbeville.............. .8:00 a m 12:86 p m Ar Cordele................ .9:00 a m 1:40 p m “ Americus.............. 10:02 a m 8:10 p m “ Richland............... 4:01 p m “ Columbus.............. 5:20 p m “ Hurtsboro............. 5:40 p m “ Montgomery............ T: 40 p m Lv Montgomery....L A N 9:35 p m Ar Mobile......... “ 8:15 a m “ New Orleans.... “ 7:40 a m Chair Cars between Savanah and Montgomry. Magnificent Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car Service from Savannah. Din lug Car Steamers leave For folk daily ex cept Sunday for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York and daily for Washington. R. E. L. BUNCH GenT. Pas. Agt., Portsmouth, Va. Wm. BUTLEll, Jr., Trav. Pas. Agt., Savannah, uGa. JAS. M. BARR. 1st Vicc-Pres. and Gen. Man. GEORGIA— Wilcox County. Alter four weeks notice, pursuant to section 2546 of the Civil Code, a petition will be, by the undersigned,- presented to the Hon. 1) M Rob erts Judge of the Superior Court of said county on the 29th, day of Oct. 1901 at the court house in Mt. Vernon, Ga., praying for an order to sell and reinvest the following described real es tate, the property of William, Mark, George and Frank Mathews, minor children of Abble Mathew s, deceased, towit: Lot No 10 contain ing 490acres of land, and lot No. lTcontaing 259 acres of land, said lots being in the First land District of v\ ilcox county. Ga. The rea son given for making the application is that the said lands are unimproved and yield no revenue for the benefit of said minors: further said minors are residents of Montgomery coun ty Ga., and said lands are too far away to be looked after with profit or advantage to said minors. Geo. X. Mathews, Guardian for William. Mark, George and Frank Mathews. This September 14th, 19U. its Morphine treated ana without Whiskey pain hah* or confinement. Cure guaran teed or no pay. B. H. VBAL, Man’gr Lithia Spring* San itarium, Box 8, Austell, Ga. LOCAL OVERFLOW. The New York Bargain, Store, B S Haisfeld Prop., lias a large and complete stock of fall and winter goods to which he invites the at tention of the public in another col umn of this issue. Mr. A G Carithers is handling the famous Duchess never-rip men’s pants. Attention is invited to his ad in this issue of the Chronicle. Mrs. M A Pittman, of Barues ville, is visiting her children Messrs R E Stubbs, J L Pittman and Mrs. Weibourn Fuller, in the city this week. Bryant H Drew, representing A G Duncan, of Americus, will be in the city next Wednesday, Thursday aud Friday with a complete line of Dress Goods and Silks and Ladies’ ready-to wear goods. Clothing aud Men’s Furnishiugs aud Ladies’ Fine Shoes. Samples will be displayed at Mrs. C R Poole’s millinery store. Ladies arc invited. Mrs. Emma Morris and children, of Milledgeville, are visiting rela tives in the city this week, Rev. A. W. Fuller is in town at tending court this week. Prompt precautions have been taken by the town authorities to prevent the spread of scarlet fever, Hon. J. J. Dennard, ot Edna, is here attending court this week. Mr, and Mrs. (J. F. Ford are visit ing relatives in South Carolina. The Pope of Rome declares that the assasination of President McKin ley was attributable to the excessive freedom granted to the people of the United States. THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION Will close Oct. 31st. Those who liavr not yet visited this Marvelous Wonderland are reminded that the time is growing short. In order to permit every citizen iu the territory traversed by its lines, to take tliis trip, the S A L Railway has placed in effect a rate of practi cally one fare for the round trip to Butfalo and return. Tickets on sale Sept. 3d, to Oct. 20th, inclusive; tickets good tg return within twenty days from date of sale, This liberal concession should meet with a hearty response on the part ot the traveling public, and many will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity of attending this last and largest of National Expositions. tl 10 21 HORSE THIEF CAPTURED. Everett Everson, a noted horse thief, was captured near Whigham. Decatur county, last Saturday night. Everson had stolen five horses re cently. His method seems to have been taking horses from racks at public gatherings. The pocket book found on Everson's person contained between seven hundred and eight hundred dollars in gold and bills. Superiority, Is the distinctive characteristic of our Men’s, Women’s, Boys’ and Children’s sH SPRING and SUMMER //, CLOTHING If \ * l NO STOCK in the SOUTH I equals ours in QUANTITY, QUALITY, VARIETY, I or general excellence of STYLE and FINISH, and I on EQUAL QUALITY y Our Prices Always Lead. Wt L -H Ladies’ Tailor-Hade Suits, Waists, Skirts, Underskirts, 3U i Corsets, Neckwear, Under ' J wear, selections in especially exclusive m a i \ .... iBi MAIL ORDERS solicited. Careful attention, and shipments C.O. D f with privilege of examining befor e paying. moMteuig Correspondence invited.---— l,l "“ ——^ B.H.Levy ro, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA. Memorial Services. The memorial services at the Methodist church last Thursday night in houor of President McKin ley, were most impressive. The program consisted of addresses and essays iiiterspurced wtth sacred mu sic. Among the speakers were Prof. Little, principle of the Georgia Nor mal College and Business Institute, aud Messrs, J R Monroe and P J Buckwalter. Miss Leila Story read an inteiesting paper on the domestic life of the murdered president. Slaughter—Gaoge. Mr. Chas, H Googe and Miss Lora M Slaughter, of Pulaski county, were married Sunday evening at 8 o’clock at the residence of Mr. Jas. Googe, father of the groom, B E Mauess, J. P., officiating. Only a few special friends were present at the wedding. After the ceremony an excellent supper was served. The Chronicle congratulates the young people on the happy event. Wilcox Superior Court. 'I he fall term of Wilcox Superior Court convened at 10 o'clock last Monday morning, Judge D M Rob erts presiding. The charge to the grand jury was able and exhaustive. There is a full civil docket to ho disposed of, including a number of cases of unusual interest. The criminal docket, while not so heavy, is burdened with several cases that will elicit much interest. It is more than probable that the court will continue through next week. A destructive fire occurred at Ocilla last Monday night in which several stores with their contents, and the post ofHce building were de strayed. We have so tar been un able to gather the particulars of the conflagration, but learn that the fire originated in the post office, and that there was insurance on all the prop erty destroyed. For Sale. 1 Still and fixtures. 85 Acres Land. 10 Houses. (! Mules and Harness. 3 Wagons. 2 Horses and Saddles. 15 Crops Second Year Boxes. 3 Crops First Year Boxes. Dip Barrels, Etc. For further particulars apply to, D M ELKINS. 9 19 2m Capps, Ala. Come Out to the Auditorium Friday. October Fourth. Hon. Joseph G Camp, the “con temporary of John Temple Graves,” and “the South’s imperial orator,” will lecture at 8:15, Friday Oct. 4th iu the college auditorium on his choice subject, “Truth and Shams.” Those who fail to avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing Mr. Camp will miss a rare and delight ful treat. His humorous stories of “the lover and his fair beloved,” “The country boy on the excurion train,” “the starving lawyer” and “one boss’ doctor” are thrilling enough to shed the sunshine of laughter and reveal the dawn of happiness to the most melancholy and despondent spirit. His lecture is full of fun, full of energy, full of life, full of true manly and womanly character. He can drive away that despon dent feeling with which you have been troubled for the past few days; he will open up new vistas, through which you can see new and prolific fields for the aspiring young man and woman to cultivate, he can prime your erroneous branches, purge your prolific ones, and thus make you wiser and better by hav ing heard Georgia's most brilliant orator. Come out an tiring your wife, if you have no wife bring your sister. If yon have no sister, bring the oth er fellow's sister. Re sure to come, laugh and grow fat, grow wiser, grow happier, hear, see, listen, learn, clean your teeth, wash your feet, be better to your family, kinder to your friends, quit talking about your neighbors, and -g'aS ilTHirg- tTbitii’Ce Amboy Items. ny LOST HOY. Once more our people have been run iuto their coats J M Roberts and W K Durham went over to Cordele last week and purchased a new engine and lioilor to pull the ginnery at this place, Dave Raney went to Ashburn Sat urday on his wheel. Some of our people are attending court at Abbeville this week. We were visited last week by heavy rains and winds which dam. aged cotton that was open on the stalk, Christmas is coming, some one send the correspondent a doll, The old bachelor who went to work' in the earl .V spring to hunt help mate has decided he wont marry yet while. Perry Haman has got a bicycle and now he travels about 4 miles to see her. Homer and Catisie Williams were in A ah burn last Saturday slopping, Cotton picking is still tiie go. Quite a crowd of young people at tended Sunday school at Deep Creek Sunday evening. There will be an all day singing at Rock Spring the fifth Sunday and some of our people say they will at» tend. September 23rd 1901. Tax Collector’s Notice. I will be at the following places on the clays mentioned for the pur pose of collecting state and county tax for the year 1901. Gin House, Monday Sept. 30th. Davis' Mill, Tuesday Oct. 1st. Eval s Mill, Wednesday “ 2nd. Maple Branch, Thursday • Rochelle, Friday “ 4 th. Abbeville, Monday “ 7 th. Bowen’s Mill, Tuesday ’■ 8 th. Sibbie, Wednesday “ 9 th. Shake Rag, Thursday 10th. Wolf Pit, Friday Util. G B Ga.m.uaok, T, C. W, C,