The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Ga.) 19??-1971, January 05, 1916, Image 2

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TG s e R 2.£ o 5 Y / 7y J \WiB ) . ) v:' t, 4 - 0 “Frffv Ak S 0 ST T B : P 8 sgY, D VPR 7L I A L g f%\“ 5 o {%‘fi 0 00l /}% g ,4")23 Ty Py, MU g = A AV W 4 657 7 2 P PV L = ff;' , N\ A e TR N a 3 Tl ) / o T L OB | 2 oA T 5 et Y g ' AT eVA (o Y sR T ) . | “Adlaoc Ahad”™ : ao 12 . -~ . 1 . ® In the Tawi Tawi Islands, every Sunday is market day, and Bongao 1s the place. The natives are Mohammedans, and our Christian Sunday 1s to i “ »» s : i 1 : them nothing but “adlac ahad,” which is Malay talk. ’ . ’ Before crack o day, any Sunday morning, hundreds of 'em have gathered from many miles around. Some have paddled cances all night in order to sell a little bunch of garlic and be with the crowd. There’s great hubbub, and much ado about little: but by dark everything has changed hands to their complete satisfaction. That’s the primitive fashien. O~ cotten markets today are patterned on these sare old lines. Cotton needs but a gathering point and a t'me understood. We’ve built here, for your service, a reinforced concrete warchouse, proof against fire and weather. It's equipped with the Webb high density compress. Yeou won't find an other east of Texas. We've sot a fire insurance rate that is the lowest in the world on cotton. We use overhead troileys, ke those in biz packing houses, and handle a bale for about 1 1-2 cents, as azainst 16 cents with a negro and a truck. We issue a NEGOTIABLE receipt—omne you can borrew money on. Thirty mills are busy within 40 miles of Atlanta. We lend ’em money, at low in y y lend terest, to buy your cotion. Pretty respectable local demand, isn’t it? Your cotton here is between the domestic and foreign demands. It can go either way with ease. You get the advantage in competitive price and readier sale. The local freizht you pay to send your cotton to us is refunded te you when you sell. vi . . - y p y - - The buyer applies it in part payment of the total through rate, just as if the cotton had been shipped straight from you to the mill in the first place. When you're ready to sell, you get the services of our organization and experience. And if your cotton has paid two months’ storage, we don’t charge ocne cent of commission. Here are our charges—and these are all: Handling in and out, 10 cents a bale: Storage, each month, 25 cents a bale; Insurance, each month, 2 cents a bale. One bale of cotton stored with us two months and sold by us for you costs you, for handling, storage and insurance, 64 cents.: ’} Who can beat that? _ 4 -t L : 0 Atlanta Warehouse Co. i X ASA G. CANDLER, President . kg P.O. Bex 1483 Atlanta, Ga. ",,% % B-4 Write for Old Bill Bobbin's Say-So on Cotten (ifi;\ ) () & : ‘:‘: Y A 0 RA Y ey, o Oe e A AL U P ™ ")'w.,:‘("":. N Worn Qut? S No doubt you are, if you suffer from any of the numerous ailments to which ai womenare sub ject. Headache, back= ache, sideache, nervous ness, weak, tired feeling, are some of the symp toms, and you must rid yourself of thiem in order to feel well. Thousands of wonien, who have been benefiied by this remedy, urge you to g 8 B S 00l B g A SR BE B g N OV Ua R G G Th *}l\3 man’ '} in {8 OMaN'S 100 G Mrs. Sylvania Woods, ofClifton Mills, Ky., says: “Beforefaking Cardui, I was, at timvs, so weak | could hardly walk, and the paia in my back and After takine three boltles ot Cacdud, the pains cis &s ‘v‘ ‘w .‘ i ; ‘ A A few mostis ww«mg Hivery individual should setbe-| Every church should set a new so o Labindard of achoiveiment for (el ianfardg et fenoh i!é{’!fi Esli;f\f e o war ffif*‘«%“.““it‘vi s e e s bl e e e - %”i i i " iyear tocome 1 should he;a-'h{ghi;%fmg--‘1;,- work,” and its gifts for # Pisperng soog Eha sty S ee e “_ Dw e egae U R B s ’ Detrograd, says th¢ P 8 0 lone and it shouid be pursued with | the spread of the gospel, its de. When ihe pews reached Kerig strenous determination. lif velepment of piety among ifs wisghic# I Vienn bo feloceanhied (shind sbries gfowts Jn Ber i nemhen, 16 aebals Gt O %o tha Petrovrad authorities a!sonal character, develobment injupliftof the community should requeat that the woman's ugwww‘“m“““ | be carctully considered and de. R R s s e e RLeL el L fan bhiirin. P iAannenen LNAL O o@gl e s s T eel e L e Woy Ui Bee el B cunGinal shot G ful movements made mffiewfl"i e s was beginning at that time ard| When you get Stove Wood you} = o ——oro ol L after many vexatiousdelays. | Miller hagit. Phoneso. |waysdry. Phomedd. __—.;:.._.“_..__m_-m 2 [”"%‘?‘-‘?{e?' gt A St ENE g e i e | Sl _3‘;l»&4£ zf-";?”"b*?‘ . \',_x e ngv- i \nazalit i oma B [Tk B Siaes i AimN gt FLE N R TR NGB ‘J’g\ i €. gl *H“ a.;mgxr?@:h VR : M‘Qs ”{‘f"@, r;;}:g..@;;;_fif'; %wa, ] L \-\t‘,: .--:v‘\h,/; r,.‘ Foe .L.,\;\'@' 72 A Lok v Tl P Wy e p, =WA ({ Lowe BB\l TR CIE R 8 R S 0 BRI TR lf\ 72N \ \'~..~,’~,~=;.f‘é‘ 0. e [ RPN AR NN\ | Rel e A B 3{",’;;l.'/s'3‘_‘{s") ST T | B e ] N 0 by i (‘.’:Z’;.‘ii 118 3 x}f;’%};‘. 2 o NEesn, i ’}.[‘\; 7 e B /At x ;~:Q‘-~Lu i ,!.g df‘;;: ",‘.‘_ f,‘ i/ WEASIY () - W i eR e L W TN o B TR, TS A W TAL | A e Hil | A Talk on Health | { ;O'fln teeth means pood dipes } tion: pood dipestion 1s essen | tial to pood health. If your teeth | are bad, it 1s impossible for ycu to masticate your food properly, and poorly masticated food plays havoe with the digestive organs. It is to your interest therefore, to koen our mouth in the most perfect con dition possible; your health demands it } 1f voun teeth are sound now, keep them so. Come here for an exami pation at jeast twice u year. Small , cavilies sometimes exist without i your knowiedze. 1 W Mol D W 1 MoeCollum AR N TR LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE | "OR SALE__ GEORGIA—Crisp County. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to secure a debt executed by James C, Ray to the Mutual Benefit Lite Insurance (‘om I pany, hereinatter more particularly re ferred to and described, the Mutual Brnefit Lite Insurance (ompany wiil sell at public outery, at the court house door in said county. during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in Februarv, 1916, following described property to wit: All of lots of land numbers twelve 12). thirteen (13), and twenty-one (21) each containing two hundred and two and one-half (2952 i-2) acres, more or less; also he north half oflaund lot num ber tweniy-two (22), containing one bundred and one and one-tourth (101 1-4) acres, more or less; also ninety-cne and one-fourth (Y 1 1-4) acres, more or less, of land lot number eleven (1:), the same being all of the north half of said lot except ten (10) acres in the southwest corner in the shape of a right angle triangle, whose ‘base and altitude are of equal length, i all of said described lanis lving and be ing in one body in the tenth (10th) dis trict of formerly Dooly, now Crisp county, Georgia, and aggregatingl gight hundred {(300) acres more or iess. Said sale to be made for the purpose of paying a certain promissory note for the sum of eleven thousand ($11,000.00) dollars executed and delivered by the said James C. Ray to the said I\lutual‘ Benefit Life Insuranee t omany, on Lhe| Btbh day of April, 1912, and due on the first day of November, 1916, with l intecest stipulated from the date of said note at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payat:le annually, and 10 per cent attorney’s fees, the interest on said note being evidenced by five interest | coupons of the same date, and it was stipulated that one of said notes was to become due and payable on the first day of November, in the years 1912, 1943, 1914, 1915 and 1916, respectively, and said principal note stipulating and providing that upon the failure of the said James (C. Ray to comply with the conditions mentioned therein, including f the payment of the interest on said principal note as evidenced by said in terest coupons, within thirty days from ‘date of matvrity of one or more of said interest rotes, the principal sum should at the option of the owner become duel and collectanle at once, time being of the essence of the contract, and that lhol ‘whole amount of said debt, including | principal, interest, taxes, and attorngy 's | fees, may become immediately due and | pavatle at the eiection of the lmldwr(!f\ 'said note, and the said James C. Ray | having failed to pay the interest of six | hundred and sixty ($660.00) doliars | which became due on November llst ~ 1914, and having iailed to pay the in terest of six hundred and sixXty (660.00) doliars which became due November 1. | ‘ 1915, within thirty (30, days atter th; same became due, and as he still fails and refuses to pay the same, the princt pal and interest due on said note were declared to be due and payatlle on the second dav of December, 1915, on| account cf the default in;the payme ntot! interest as reinbefore “‘'mentionred, the amounts due being as follows: On said principal note eleven thousand (311,000.- 00) dollars with interest from Novem- | ber Ist.. 1915, until paid, and interest note for six hundred acd sixty ($660.00) | dollars which became due on Nov. lst, | 1914 witl interest m same from | b SRR BRI - I ®¥y 4 ® iy W s \V/}M%% Youve hit the |/ g~ "2 — QLS Y ¥ 1 < = = bW L W ¢ n / / Gty Ny el o ) \% s 1. i, 72— TP £i T <&@ *& 2 @ /)/ -Wl - = rignt OaCC 0 Wy O . s / i ZZ Ay . RN SRR AAT R // v} ’,‘/ /’4,\\_;‘\ Y Z-, ///fi’/ /4/// ) Vil 77 SO NSR st A AT when you fire-up some it Sy~ e/ ///} Prince Albert in vout / i 9 2 y Hrinece Albéert 1n YO : / IR OREIN /) [, ~ z EIIICE Albert 11 YOt /// ; «,’ , ;’/’/// 13 o e e . 4+ iNI e / o 1 mmy ‘-,_'-i?)\.“- Ot 11 & &7, W\ .?-v/, /,"/ 7 T 94 i 7Y ’7;}l,};// ,//'7'///’/’// % you know it/ Can’t get fil P 7 U/ / -~ G E Copvright 1918 by 7&// 4 VP in wrong with P. A. for it / Lry K. Reynolds 7 vf".«"{"l// //'4// 7 Al wWilOllg Wi i . //;’; Tobacco Co. 7. ““ /7// : \\\/ . 1 >ol Y L s 7 SN 7 7 BRU ] AN 7 13 maae right; made to ‘\\ 5. v‘.E‘-..-.,/(g:,,//,/ 774 spread-smoke-sunshine oy ‘fl\? ’ g mE177777 744 // OPICaII = »lIiIOAC=>UIIISINIIIC N g T# T \,..‘.‘4"",_.:“_,:7.,:,,,” f /445 among men who have \, A’/‘/ //1/ e / ~«\f~:,3.;:_1;/’ / : e . 1 N RS S ‘ !.' N suffered with - scorched / T[] =<3 e iy /) &, | [l 6 / ‘\,.:.:,‘ 4 tongues and parched //f N | 7\\ 7 5 =v N SN RS AIR | 877/ Y = J I ST T iy N / ! "L i T 729 ey /) V 0 throats! The patented Jiiack \// v _.k!_\ . f rocess fixes that—and AN / / b Fosiies : It’s an easy job kN / />/ cuts out bite and parch. tu change the shape and J i \ 83/ BT |\ e / /, & S color of unsalable brands EYORISIEA B S Sods! 111 £8 r o v’ cino to imitate the Prince BAN e SRS e ]/ /1457 ; i il YyOou i »‘-‘1“;:, Albert tidy red tin, but § 85% A Wit ARG (] ) g - % 5 ‘i - it is am;;lossib.'ef t;)) irai- ":‘ R ‘if"\f_;:}.;u;{ ¥ "v’%‘:“,-'" e ¥ VOIUI 217& VOl L€ tate t avor of Prince VB AT RS B R - | e T L Dt Y ¥ leterte tobacco! The (i 4;# A 4 'l 1 }v""fl?*\ z 7 : fg;??(GdPTOC¢SSPYOICCN g "\:*‘,‘)z%f:l ;q‘.??;/%":r RN R T T DETRESNE AW g ]«, gpEy IR ol AT [ B N Aok B YB B 25 53 RA 3 s R Y NGI e : ; i.:’?flé?é é!\ :%'.:\S 2‘?"‘"‘ ‘; *"s!} fg-;' "f‘;u_w‘;.f’ §.€ 08 iX 4 l /.% N ‘J"‘ Y Be BN i R o W N e SE ) AR ' A A 28 & \&-x;‘? 23E A bl MY stk B R A 8 g 1 s§A§@§A\ b o MEINN oy I gl . et J * ¥ oBN S LNe narionqal Jjoy smore § é,\%:“t I \“‘] ' i i NPI 4 . . ~ i FE G~ fil Il his testimony straight from the shoulder, men, ; fa.%%{;flfl eur | § ge..lY3 i f ’ i moke a barrel of P, A. without a kick! It hands ;S'Sfi?srre"?f:éfi:‘égq: | the tobaccoe happiness any man ever dreamed — t's so smooth and friendly. It's a mi - ’ » smooth and fri dly. It’'s a mxghty cheer bt be on talking-terms with your pipe and your vou’ll find Prince Albere > > z 5 . 2 awaiting your cheerful visit. 2t the same time—but that’'s what's coming Buyit in foppy red bags, 5> pi 5 e : i tidy red tins, 10c; handsome ire as you pin your faith to Prince Albert! poundand haif-pound humi ? e v < v dors—and—in that classy pou’::d crystal-glass hamidor CUNNT NS TADR ¢ o~ . with sponge-moistener top REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N, C, s*h kesbetha tobaccaen fil maturity at the rate of 8 per cent per annum until paid, and the interest note for six hundred and sixty ($660.00) dollars which became due on Nov. Ist. 1915, with int2rest thereon from matur ity at tbe rate of 8 per cent per annum, end 10 per cent on said principal as attorney's fees, together with all costs and expenses of sale;said deed tosecure’ a debt from the said James C. Ray to the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com pany hereinbefore mentioned being recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Courtof Crisp County Georgia, in'deed record book 6, pages 245 and 246, and the recitals, rights and powers stipulated in said deed, including the power of sale, being as follows: | ’ The said party of the first partfurther { covenant and agree, that in case of ' default in payment of the debt above "mentioned when due, or in case of de fault in any of the conditions mentioned | [in the said bond for re-convbyance, the' ’ said party of the second part may enter !nmpon said premises and colleet the ‘ } rents and profits thereof, and may sell | the said property, including the right, | title and interest therein of the party ofl the first part, his heirs and assigns, at j auction at the courthouse door in the { county in which the said land lies, and itif lies in more than one county,then at the court-house door of eithercounty in which any part of said land lies, to thel 1 highest bidder for ecash, first givingl four weeks’ notice of the time, terms and place of sale by advertisingf once a week iu a newspaper published | in the county where the said land lies, ! and il said land lies in more than one | county, then in a newspaper publishedll | in each county in which any partof the land lies, all other notice being hereby waived by the said party ot the first ’part; and thereupon may execute and ‘deliver to the purchaser at said sale a isutficiem conveyance of said premises in fee simple, which said conyayance shall contain a recital as to the happen= ing, or default upon which the execu tion of the power to sell herein granted depands. And the said party of the first part hereby constitute and appoint said party ot the second part his agent or attorney in fact, to make such recital, and hereby covenant and agree that the recital so to be made by said party of the second part shall be binding and con clusive upon his heirs. executors, adminis trators and assigns. And the conveyance to be made by said party of the second part. shall be effectual o bar all equity of redempt ion of said party of the first part, his success ors in interest in and to said premises. The said party of the second part shall collect the proceeds of said sale, and have reserved thereirom the entire amount of principal and ‘ fnterest due, together with the amount of taxes, assessments, premiums of insurance and attorney’'s fees. theretofore paid by said i party of the second part with eight per cent. interest per annum from the date of payment | together with ali cost and expense of sale and ten per cent. upon the aggregate amount due for compensation to the attorneys represent- Ing said party of the second party. and shall pay over any surpius to the party of the first part, his heirs or assigns. And said party of the second part, itS sucecessors or assigns, may purchase at said sale and execute and deliver to itself conveyance as herein pro vided as though it were a stranger to this instrument, And the said party of the first part further convenant and agree that the powers of at-| torney hereintefore and after .\lipul:uml.[ together with all the powers of this instru ment set out and delegated to the said party l f the second part, may be assigned and delegated and redelegated by the snid party of the second part, and shall apply to its successors with equal power in them to assign and delegate and redelegate said powers, It is further agreed that the powers herein conferred may be executed by any officer az 2t ar nt;orney a. th party of the seceond part who may be delegated there to by the said party of the second part, its' successors or assigns. The powers herein { conferred are camulative of the remedies allowed by law or in equity. 111 S&'2 patvy O Le 11N parte llllllll‘l' covenant, that in case of a sale as herviw{ beiore provided, or by process of law, thel part i the first part, or any one claiming | under the said party of the first part, shy then become and be tenant or tenants hl.‘m‘ ing over. und shall forwith deliver possemi.‘,' at said sale, or be summarily dlspo“esswl according to the provisions of law applicaie to tenants holding over. = By virtue of the powers and rights of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company jj said principal note, and said deed to secure debt, and other papers in connection \\'itfi said loan, said described property wlll b sold, and deed made to the purchaser hy the undersigned, as hereinbefore stated, and as provided in:safd papers in connection with said loan. This the 21st. day of December, 1915, The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Hugh Lasseter, Cordele. Ga, Ellis, Webb & Ellis, Americus, Ga. - Attorneys at law. ; HUNTERS’ LICENSE Sold to the following: County: S. A. Royal, J. C. | Holder, W. G. Hatecher, D. J. }Sheffield. W. C. McKenzie, E, L. , Teagle, Mabry Kennedy, C. J. i Bushnell, B. O. Willis, Geo. S. |Harris, C. F. Walters, R. R I‘Hanis. L. O. White, E. P. Van devender, J. T. Smith, W. 0. !Roberts, W. P. Heard. G. C, Lewis, J, C. Littlejohn, Sam |Lewis, C. A. Culpepper. ! State: H. T, Stoy, P. 8. Lit ‘tle, Carl Williams, W. B. Shipp, J. D. Cobb, J. J. Yates, Grant 'Roberts, Edward Stallings, O. }S. McCoy, B. P. O’Neal, H. B. Nicholson, J. M. Diifee, O. M. Heard, W. L. Dixon, J. R. Free man, Tip Cox, G. B. Southwell, € A Crowelll G M D" Hunt M. N. Johnson, P. B. Gleaton, W. M. Greer, J. F. Cannon, W. R. Bartee, D. Browder. The above list of hunters hay ing purchased license are per mitted to hunt in any district of the county or state as to license held. This list is given for the ben efit of the property owner and the hunter alike. Wm. H. Thornton BEST PUBLIC GRAY Likc N THE CITY We Move Anything at Reasonable Prices. Heavy Hauling A SPECIALTY