The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Ga.) 19??-1971, August 20, 1918, AFTERNOON EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1918. e OFFICE + e A PHONE 33 PHONE 30 |By Miss ]‘.l lia fveal| RESIDENCE NEW METHODS WHICH MAKE THE DRUDGERY OF MUSIC A PLEASURE. Do you remember how you hated the Music Hour and Practice? Your child won’t have to, for through Mrs. Dun ning a revolution has been: worked in its teaching. “In teaching children the hard facts of musie, study must be presented in the form most appreci ated by the child mind. Without hav ing the lessons degenerate into play hours, and yet to make them a pleas ure: to the child this was the prob lem I sought to solve.” Mrs. Carrie Louise Dunning was explaining her original method of teaching music to children by making the drudgery a pleasure. The highest and complete thought cf the Dunning system is the three fold development of the child; spirit ual, mental and physical. It’s pur pose is to develop real musicians in stead of mere players. So from the beginning, the children are trained in every branch of music; Ear traiAning on novel lines, enables the children to develop wonderful accuracy in pitch and key. Sight Reading and Key board work are corelated from the begining. Rythm and Pulse are taught through body movements, songs, rythmic drawings and old dance forms. The Keyboard harmony com promises chord and melody building, modulation, transposition ond impro visation. = Musical History, Analysis and Form are taught in a most attract ive way by means of verses and pic tures. The hand technic is based on on the Leschetisky Method. ° We know that facts expressed in verse are more easily retained than in prose rules. The child is intelli gent and not intelectual. Therefore means which afipea] to a child’s nature and capacity should be used to culti vate the love for music and desire to learn. As each thought and princi ple is presented to a child, an object leson is given. Abstract ideas are never grasped by children but poor -Iy, while object lessons are given read v expression. Miss Edith Fletcher, a talented young musician, is a certified expon ent of the Dunning System and is forming clases for children in this city. She has successfully taught the Dunning System for two years in New York in a select school for chil dren. LWL BIRTHDAY PICNIC Last Saturday afternoon Mrs L L Helms gave a birthday picnic for little Miss Maude Watson of Sylves ter, who has been visiting her for the past few days. The little lady was ten years old and received many prety and uceful gifts. There were fifteen children in 21l and they were MACHINERY AND :MILL SUPPLIES We operate the only foundry WITHIN 40 MILES OF CORDELE Let us supply your castings, boilers, engines, shaftings, belt Ing and heavy machinery re palring. ¢ WE DO EXPERT GAS WELDING In all the costly metals. Tomlin - Harris MACHINERY CO. CORDELE, GEORGIA. taken (ut in (ars to Brown's mill, where bathing was enjoyed and a delightful spread was given them. On their return trip to the city they were taken by Rcck Cave and then on to their homes Each of them | appaerad tc enjoy the occasion to 'a very high ccgree. 1 SN % I J R Brown spent today in Albany atending to business. %* 2 » Miss Ardell Manuel ot Unadilla was a visitor to the city today. l Wiy ! Mr and Mrs A B Starr have re turned from White Springs Fla. | oW ' Sergeant Frazier Durrett is here ’on a furlough visiting home folks. SN __® | Mrs Eugene Cox of Camilla is the [guest of her mother, Mrs D A Pitts. PP __® ‘ Mrs Carmichael and soi, William, have returned from a visit to States \ville, N C . : B g Miss Mary Alice Lingo of Amer icus is the guest of Misses Ida and Frank Marsh. * * % Mr and Mrs Robert Toombs of Jacksonville Fla are now making Cor dele their home. Mr Toombs is con nected with Stead’s Drug Store. ; ¢= @ | B H Palmer and family are back from a stay of several days at Warm‘ Springs ana othcer places in north Georgia. | .% 9 ‘ Attorneys J A Comer of Ashburn and W T Williams of Sycamore rep resented Turner county in Cordele today. . *% % | Editor Isador Gelders of the Lead ertEnterprise at Fitzgerald spent a.} short time in Cordele this morning and paid the Dispatch a call. ‘ WAS SEIZED IN U. §. LARG EQUANTITIES STORED AND READY FOR SHIPMENT. NEW YORK, Aug. 20.—The seiz ure by the government of a million eight hundred and seven thousand pounds of devitalized wheat gluten which was intended for Germany thro ‘Switzerland, was announced in a state ‘ment by the Alien Property Custodi ian, A. Mitchel] Palmer. l The grain was worth two hundred ‘thousand dollars, i npre-war times. !It was discovered in June in a ware }house ready for shipment. ~ JAPAN RICE RIOTS {' il e !TROUBLES ARE SUBSIDING EX CEPT IN NORTHERN JAPAN. TOKlO.—(Saturday).—The rice dis turbances are reported to be subsiding except in northern Japan, where ap parently they are spreading. Mobs burned several houses at Sendai. The Rice Exchange announces that thirty houses were burned in Taundye Prefecture Thursday. SAVE - SUGAR PV' TORTHE 55 ille”, MAN ot = .j %\m Il ‘)"é CAITDFIGHTS SZ LOST—New Goodyear tire and rim for Paige car and rear light on road from my place to Cordele Tuesday nmoring. Reward for information or return. J. R. Felder 8-Zu-6ipd ee e e Paraffin taat has teen used once can be washe<, remelied and used again, BUSINESS SCHOOL AGAIN READY FOR STUDENTS Miss Mary Rowden contemplates opening the business school in Cordele ‘about the middle of Sgptember, and ‘because of the great demand for sten ographerrs now,—the greatest de mand the world has ever known—and because of the fact that stenographers are being paid splendid salaries, Miss Rowden is expecting a full enrollment at the opening of her school. Many have applied for scholarships already. Miss Rowden is making a special of fer, viz:To all who apply and make definite arrangements fo rscholarship befor September Ist will be given the full three months course in shorthand and typewwiting, commercial law, ete., for $40.00. This is very reasonable considering war prices on everything. Miss Rowden is offering every advan tage that can be had in this line of work and any pupil of ordinary com mon school education can finish the course in three months. You will have no difficulty in securing a position. There are thousands of vacancies. Miss Rowden is spending the summer at her home in North Georgia and will answer all letters from there. Call at the Dispatch office for reference. Address Miss Mary Rowden, Ellenwood, Georgia. 8-18-3 t. 'GERMANSGUARDED FORMER - EMPEROR NICHOLAS FAMILY Berne, July 31.—Repeated reports of the assination of the former Emper or Nicholas of Russia have brought cut a statement in diplomatic quar ters that the German authorities took care to guard as }u as possible against the eventuality of an assina nation of any members of the former imperial family, by a secret article in the Brest-Litovsk treaty providing for the treatment of the former Em peror and his family. This article as discussed in diplomatic circles, re quired that the personal safety of the imperial family should be safeguard ed by suitable military a‘nd police guards, and that their future sur} roundings should be in keeping with the dignity of their former position. It was in accordanc with this provis ion is is said that the Red Guard, which formerly had charge of the im perial family was changed to a guard of Lettonians in whom special confi dence was reposed. The change of place of imprisonment to Yekaterin- You will appreciate a choice pork or beef order from us when you know you can get the best Geor gia raised from us. We take special care of our meats in summer. They are better. ' Buy your groceries from us We want more satisfied cus tomers. . Parlor Market ‘. PHONE 66 & PHARMACY | PHONE 284 | We want to remind you that ours is a fresh stock and one so varied as to make it possible for you to get what you want. Remember our cold drinks and stop with us. THE CORDELE DISPATCH THOS. J. McCARTHUR, M. D.,—Special 'Attention to Surgery and Gyniecology. Cordele, - - - - - . Georgla, L. L. DAVIS, Attorney-at-Law, Office Phone 130, Cordele, Ga. MISS EDITH RUTLAND FLETC}HER Teacher of Piano-Teacher two years in New York Cily. The Dunning Sys tem gof beginuners—ldeal Music Metl od. $4 per month. Phone 344, DR. W. W. McCOLLUM, Dentist. Wesb brook Building, Cordele. Ga DR. A. J. WHELCHEL, Physicla» and Surgeon, American National Bank Builcing. * Cordele, Ga. 0. T. GOWER, Attorney-at-Law, over Bxchange Bank building, Cordele, Ga. Cordele, Ga. DR. B. DANlELS—Diseases of the stomach and other pbranches of inter nal medicine treated with medicine and physical means, such as Electri city, Electric Light and other bath vibration, Ex-Ray, etec. CORDELE, GEORGIA, JONES & BUSSEY, Lawyers. Prac tice in all courts, State and Federal. DR. 7. E. BRADLEY—Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting of Glasses. Westbrook Bldg. Cordele, Ga. COMER SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, theory, history, ensemble filay ing and harmony taught. Certificates given. Director for Sherwood School of Music. R T ——— DENTIST DR. A. H. KENDALL Special attention to gum diseases and the correction of crooked teeth. Phone 40 Holmes Buildirg CORDELE, GEORGIA. Suwanee Barber Shop ~AT- Suwanee Hotel WALKER’S BARBER SHOP is what we aim to glve our town. We will do the work right If you will see that we get It. Isn’t that fair? McCoy Steam Laundry, PHONE 108 CORDELE, GA FRANK E. WILLIAMS—Buys and sells mules and horses or trades. 8-8-26¢ burg is also said to have resulted from the same provsion requiring safeguards against the personal dan ger of the imperial family. The prevailing diplomatic view here is that the interest of the German au thoritieg in Nicholas and his family was something more than humanitar ian, and foreseeg the posibility of Ger man support of an imperial restora tion in Russia, if that should eventu ally prove on effective part of Ger man policy in Russia. CUTHBERT MAN MADE - SWEET POTATO APPOINTEE J. G. Woodruff, of Cuthbert, Ga., has been appointed “Sweet Potato Curing House Agent” for Southwes! ;Georgia under the Bureau of Markets of the United States Department of Agriculture, and takes this means of stating to the people in the territory that he is in a position to furnish plans, blueprints and specifications together with bills of material for “Sweet Potato Curing Houses;” in formation in regard to the cost of hous es for individunal farmers that hold from 200 tb 500 bushels and of houses for communities that will hold from 1000 to 2500 bushels, and of houses for commercial concerns that are in terested in storing sweet potatoes as a business proposition, can be had by applying to J. G. Woodruff, Cuthbert, Georgia or to your county agent. WARE’S SCHOOL FOR BOYS Will open September second for the sixth year. This school 1s chartered by the State and Accredited the highest units by the Southern Associated Colleges. The boys are taught. by an ex perienced educator. Personal attention is given each student. A limited number of boys admitted. A well prepared course of study out lined. Dr Chas G. Maphis, President Uni versity of Virginia Says: “Professor A. F. Ware has for several years been instructor in Algebra in the Universi ty of Virginia Summer School. His work has been thorough and most sat isfactory in every respect. “I commend him as a teacher of ability.” Apply now for admittance. A. F. WARE, HEADMASTER 8-15-26 t. | | NOTICE } Leh s i The State Democratic Executive Committee having named August 15, ‘as the last day for paying assessments ‘to enter the primary"o_f_S}y:Lember 11 all candidates are hereby notified that their assessments must be paid to the Secretary, Dr. T. J. McArthur by midnight of August 15th. J. J. WILLIAMS, Chairman. THOS. J. McARTHUR, Sec. Crisp County Democratic Executive Committtee. 8-15 IF YOU ARE—Looking for sowething and can’t find it, ask Frank. E. Wil liams. 8-8-26 t e S e e D a——— Potatoes that are shriveled can be baked if they are parboiled first. PAINT UP! PUT ON A NEW TOP Your Ford may need a dressing up. Your other car may need it, too. We want to suggest that , you bring them to us and let us do a very tasty job of painting. You will appreciate it more and your car is worth it. WE PUT ON NiW TOPS AND DO THE WORK RIGHT If you will let us do this for you, we w illprom ise a good job. Isn’t that fair? A FEW MORE ELECTRIC FANS F. L. BARTHOLOMEW HARDWARE NEWLY DISCOVERED BY PROD. Amsterdam, July 31.—At a “poard meeting of the Goldschmidt Company of Essen, a well known industrial con cern, information was given regurdint}. COTTON SCALES. We have the right quality. When you fool yourself with a scale you make the risk too great .We sell the kind that weigh correctly. PLATFORM, FAMILY SCALES Postal Scales and Spring Bal ances, all of quality. WATT & HOLMES HDW. CO. some important newly discovered by product of coal, notably a synthetic benzine. A company has been formed with a capitan of 30,000,000 marks to work these new inventions. PAGE THREE