The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Ga.) 19??-1971, October 25, 1918, AFTERNOON EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PAGE SIX " FRENCH SOCIALIST MEETS AMERICAN LABOR LEADER 5 ‘ R . J:,».}‘fi%( 3 ‘ B : T el ; N ‘f.. 5 3 \“; ‘*‘ e . &y Uers Rl : { t A WY e Ayt ‘ . ,ah g 2 ) . i T iy, Ly 7 ' e T ey ‘ L Ly ' e .« %, . l % \ A gfi:(ae 4 e N ’ ' v ok ) 2 AN -:t 4 ‘( e :i\ / j b i..‘ 4 *?::Q » ""é( * ""4\l‘- &»r i £ e BER & B 5 ::.!i‘ ;;,!.' Q e, ; il ’l",‘, ",‘i‘.,“ ; AR ¢ L 'fi;",‘ A b, R A T 5 s 7 ~‘,-."’: AR ‘\;:‘ o% * e R, B 7 R T - 4 S A Ao RO A e PR o R 1,(_:““/;:’?’ 5 {d" ‘g &:"{,GD‘A N B‘gf ,’ P BA o e “,'-t u.a‘&],‘t;,gqv, ¢ oan ! PR o o P R % ; PRI 287 P & A N By {7B ;\l-’?’51‘7.4,’ J 8 G A W WAL :’%"v‘.té""'fi’w ‘3‘7“"{@3&#” A .L O Bl AR ‘J::_ /}3‘s’." ¢ },';’}»‘ ‘/‘l!‘r‘ A R M 2 L SRR T X A RS LRy % o B %uj,gj R 0 SR Y R . IR K, [ NG Y R y 3% RN gy 0 TAR ,‘“ M Y ‘((.‘ o ¥ ,~‘v:, _:'_ Y AR - B M A AL fi;’v ' v e Tg{fi:*fikz«, il 0 O R Besuay | SN 4 T A ‘ IR “oy ; Ve |k AT e YR ': ot '/l‘)' (AT L ey .v"’.‘.’ s So] P L 8 P s » o 0% 8 3 ER IS RERTY Y™t W &T B f% Sowey e V. ""{9‘. 27 14 Sf"fi T e {;‘;:" R 0% 4 ‘ SR N o SR T S S Ps Pty asel o ! o 4“&" i O s e 7 . N ':‘:;fl v R YA vy Gy ¥ 3 o SRR, - ¢ i R b ¥ ¥it N 5, '4'"{‘ W . U-W.’é a 022 s e g . - 3 Bz “"&» P bt T ALBERT THOMAS ' SAMUEL COMPERSG. T Albert Thomas, perhaps the fore mogt representative of Socialism in France, who went to the Inter-Allied Labor Conference at Westminister Hall, London, is here shown shaking hands with Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor. ‘,,' PAPERS SAY WITHDRAWAL OF i SUBS MAKE IT POSSIBLE i London, Oct. 26.—Dutch newspapers + gay that shipping concerns are taking " steps preparatory to resuming their . regular trips to England and the ! United States in congequence of the ~ withdrawal of the submarine menace, ~ accroding to an Amsterdam dispatch ‘ tp the Exchange Telegraph. Shipping with Denmark was resum ~ed Monday it is said. 6,790.003 BALES E Washington, Oct. 256. —Cotton . ginned prior to October 18 was 6,790, P 003 running bales, including 113,335 ~ round bales and 9,780 bales of Sea . Island bales. ‘ MRS BRADLEYS MOTHER % DIES AT ADAIRSVILLE ; Informatitn came this niomlng E' that Mrs. R. D. Combs, mother Mrs. g T. E Bradiey of Cordele, passed a } way at three o’clock this morning. This information will bring sorrow . to Mps. Bradley's friends throughout . the communily. Mrs. Combs had visited Cordele several t.ln;(!s and was gtéatly bheloved by all who knew Ler here, Tae funeral will oceur tomorrow at Adairsvl]le. Mrs Bradley will be un- E able to attend on account of the ill-‘ ness of her little dhughter here at } home. . ESTHER WILLIAMS DIED ; AFTER LONG ILLNESS E Ester Willams, who for sometime E past operatod a small grocery store k on Ninth avenue, daughter of G. C E Williams, one of the colored barbers = of long standing in the community, died this morning at ten o'clock . from angerism, trouble arising from broken artery which results in bleed é, ing to death. She was 23 years old * and belonged to a family command i; ing the respect of all who knew them. | ! The funefal will be Leld tomorrow % at two o'cloek at the residence on g Sixteenth avenue. © LOST—Opé 32 X 3 12 auto tire and i they aprove his course in this *g Friti('al peried. The returnof a 1 Republican majority in either house ?1 he said will certain be inter & preted aboard as a repudiation of & rim on National Highway between % WVienna and Cordele. Finder please re - turned same to W. P, Jones and re eeievd reward. 10-25 3t BLACKSHEAR MAN IS REPORTED PRISONER IN GERMAN Washington Oct. 25—The follow fng casualties are reported by the commanding general of the American Expeditionary Forces: Killed in action 4; died of wounds 1; died of accident and other causes . ‘ied of discase 2; weunded severe ly 14; wounded (degree undetermin ed) 137; wounded slightly 77; miss ing in action 8; prisoners 4; " The only Georgian included is Pri vate Archie B. Allen of Blachshear, who is reported a prisoner, ENEMY IN DISORDER DEFEAT FORCES IN MORVA RIVER VALLEY London, Oct. 25.—The Serbians have defeated the armies of the enemy in the valley of the great Morva riv er. g The enemy is retreating in disorder, gays the official announcement. C. 0. Perry, County tax receiver, who has been confined to his home several days on account of illness, is able to stir again and is now at his offie» STRAYED OR STOLEN—Large Jer scy cow, slipped horns, Left premises Thursday night. Notify Mrs. H. H. Smith Eighteenth Ave, east 10-23 3t. WE ARE PREPARED—To do your rcavy hauling Phone 152 S. J. Hill. 10-25-26 Ea——SALE—-SN’('nr—l"z;m -ard Touring Car. in perfect condition Has five good tires. A bargain at $l5OO. Write H. N. Randolph, Empire Building Atlanta, Ga. 10-24 th SOME COLD FACTS—The l\laxwelll is the best car under $l,OOO The most economical car to operate made. The Maxwell one-ton truck can’t be beat at any price. The 'Chalmers Famous hot spot is the best car under $2,000 and the most common sense high class car made. The little two wheel. Warner trailer at $95.00 is a war time necesity, We also have the North way 4 wheel ton trailer, Bargain in used cars. s And did you know that‘we are bet ter equipped for service on all kinds of cars than any one in this section Phone 152 S. J. Hill 10-25-26 ¢C Where can I clothes 1 nefeil(‘ild the sort f Tllsig,raeC:}:’:'Y<?lll);; ok these dang,, ! 0 icr_c—cc )tiom’&;l;?rrl:i“ ie:l:)flitche hour, standi ’ iL7 R &]-lh ancfli:fir(::r,f;:‘:‘?r:?f,}'xirmfcw,% ek ial things fl.#/f(;‘;[eéff : j l W L Yand attractive i::,nd lmerpretega-u ght this new ks of the dey. ffif;'ff’q': ol P piio ?‘”M Suit:l;twi" find whats;j:c’ but lasti,l,;l?ngsf“{ent:v :gtiri:nlof the el hi o' ot " | g u need this Fall inrv‘;;: G l;,;gfl!:lll!‘:"l:‘.a -. - : wwm@ffiwmwam,~“h ' | .ie o by - g it Iz;;;zgfllljs f“fi““J o j o & f';i‘#fé;f,‘, o 1 TR i - !N‘l“\‘ i o o (i |e o i l ,i l 'lil’l ll'll‘l‘li\l “‘ “\ | Sl 4D 4 . lli|’!"" e 1 i‘l ‘fi‘ \ “““\‘\\\\\\‘“ | 911:.\::»3;:&;«%5 g“"'?f"if"rfi"'"il? I \ \i X \‘\“\\\\W | 3 “K““r'*"flf*rr h'vi;.;x'!wit!ll’llni,.j%{t \| | \i' il *gfiwa"wflmm.i WWH” o i }s' .f'?r;}jg',fix‘?"""[fi'ftf“‘]’; "flhfi!}]’m‘m ‘ ‘se:i?f:éréfiffjf?i!;"*“' oQ. ”!’fl L—— W l M‘\! . hi,",‘}l ‘\ “lllllll"“l““i*’ L |M‘"w."”"flwwmt ‘ !'fi" oner “ | f’w T - iey | \ B ,J{;; ‘ ]‘| i\ “i}',‘ =Y b ! ",,.El'W' 4 e % fc\ \‘M i ww\‘i |BR gl |~ Wmfl P | ’. e Al o CASH IN ADVANCE THREE TIMES FORPRICE OF TWD| KODAKS:—And Fresh Fllms, at Jen nings Drug Store. 1-Itf. “Delay is dangerous” or, Haile's “KNOCKER” will prevent, and the only remedy for Influenza and L Grippe and colds.—City Pharmacy. | LOANs—u;ge_or sman, prompt se;- vice, low interest, small commission. w. C WINFRER. 1-8-tf. " Dr. Hailes “KNOCKER”. the only preventive and remedy for Influenza Colds and La Grippe City Pharmacy. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an unhealthy color, which indi cates poor blood. and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance GROVE'S TASTELESS c¢hill TONIC given regularly for two or three wee' s will enrich the blood, tmprove the di gestion. and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole svstem. Na ture will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the child will be in per fect health. Pleasant to take.. foc par hottle. Fri. tf THE CORDELE DISPATCH @UICK LOANS—Made on both city and farm lands. See C. M. McKen o T79-ut Ghathel s L RN AT L L WOOD—When your wood glves out think of good wood and call Starling Lumber Company. Prompt delivery. Telephone No. 449. 4-16-tf. HAMPSHIRE GELTS FOR SALE— -8 to 10 months old bred or open, reg istered in purchaser's name. R. D. Mims Cordele, Ga., -10-20-6 t WANTED—Disisabile from loan ap | plications. Interest 5 1-2 percent W. lc. Winfree. 1022 t £, % Get a bottle of “KNOCKER” dont | delay it will do the work 50c.—City li Pharmacy. | WANTED AT ONCE—Two widg ‘;awake men to travel with manager. EExporicnce not necessary. See C. R. | Milliken at Suwanee Hotel from 7:30 P. M. to 8:30 P. M. this week., IWANTED—Two furnished rooms for iligh( house keeping. Call 388, ask for ; Mrs. Pruitt. | LOST—Strayed or stolen 1 Black and tan hound bitch left eve out $25.00 war. A. L. Middlebrooks Warwick Ga. 10-22-12 t. TO HIGHEST BIDDER—WiII be sold before the court house door in Cor dele first Tuesday in December (100 acres lot 130 Eleventh district Crisp County to highest bidder for cashl About 80 acres in ocultivation, tw‘ \houses, barns, ete, north half Tyson place. For information apply to G. L. Ward. to 12-1 pd. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE—4OO acres of fine land in hight state of cultiva tion. Will sell in 100-acre tracts. Good water, good community. Five miles east of Cordele, one mile north of Penia. Good school and church. |Has advantage of two public roads. Terms easy. Now is your time, Mr. Homeseeker, if you want a home. The bhest farm opportunity in Crisp County. | B. F. &R. S. SHEPPARD, : Cordele, Georgia. i 10-24-26 2 ——————— | S——————————————— —————— | STOLEN—Thursday night October % 15, from house at 208, Twelth Avenue IHercule buggy and harness, made in Evansville, Ind. Buggy practically new, side spring, top Buggy, rubber { tires, blcak with dark red stripes Bottom ob buggy in slats, covered with rubber matting also two new ax iels in bottom of buggy. f $25.00 reward for return of buggy 'and harness W. M. Hutchins 216 t pd. We have doubled our force and now kzep one of the best eating places in Georgia. Come in and dine with us. We have all the seasonable delicacies properly served. You can get a quick meal here. : .A ".( .'|> ELEVENTH AVENUE, CORDELE, GEORGIA We want everybody to know that Spanish “Flu” is dangerous and that we have just received a fresh supply of HERBARIUM HERB & TONIC THAT WILL KEEP THE BOWELS OPEN and regulate the’ whole system. Don't delay. Come Now. A bottle free with each bottle you buy. Money back if not satisfied. Opposite Terminal Staticn Cordele, Georgla. FRIDAY OCTOBER 25. 1918