The Cordele dispatch. (Cordele, Ga.) 19??-1971, March 14, 1920, Sunday Edition, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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PAGE FOUR (Established 1908) v - i e e s elies Published Daily Except Saturday by 2 tha DISPATCH PUBLISHING CO. CHAS. E. BROWN - - Editor. Pt e - >2t e et Nt e et Subscrtipion Price—Daily Weokly ‘Hy Carrier .icoovcooo, 12% N DIBIEEN. e 40D TnaG NBVEIN i Sl2O B Mogths o e 8200 ONE VBN BOOD SEMI-WEEKLY Semi-Weekly, Year ............ %2.00 B NIONEhE o i 3100 kntered at the Postoffice, Cordele, Ga. as Second Class Matter, under Act of March 3. 1879. | Memhers of The Associated Press. ‘ The Associated Press is exclusively | entitled’ to the nge for republication l of all news dispatehes eredited to it or not otherwise credited in this pa- ‘ per and also the local news pnblish(-di herein, | A DESERVING ENTERPRISE The Im".fl piblic has certrinly seen enongh lately of the local concert band to knew that it is courting pub ic favor. It'is an organization com prising voung talent in music that is fast developing and is certain in the near tuture to make those who pay no heed now blush with newly-invented surprise and pretended satistaction, The,day ¥ coming when the local concert band will command attention. That day sig not far distant, How will yvou feel abont it when it reaches the stage wheve il can require your atten tion without your h:n‘inf.: at any time given it strong support? The np|in|‘||ll|il_\' still i here for vou to manifest at least an interest, You could say today that vou wish it well. You could zo down and hear them play some night and say a word that would help. Lots of ways are open. It is not your pocket altogether. The concert band is primarily inter ested in acquirving goed music, It is more inferested in musical accom plishmentd which you ean appreciate, But encounragement is the food in these days of hard and long effort and vou should be liberal with it. Our local musical organization has high aspivations. Kvery man working has a view of becoming a real artist, The uhn;& are perfectly directed, \w-ll} poised and will bring results, Only a short time and all this will he I‘xnll_\" revealed in the advancement. ‘The concert band is a special pride of the community. More people ought to call it theirs. Let us manitest an in terest while such a course will ql()‘ good, ol A NEW WORLD PROGRAM | Wi have had occasion many a (inmi since the league of nations has hm\n( under (lisrlnssinn in the United States senate (o semind our readers of lhog larger, deeper meaning of this sululnn} world covenant. | Article Ten is now in the lime light. It is the backbone of the great .-u\'v! nant. By it the military torces of the! world are marshalled in future ;u;;uinsl‘ war. Under the old order military! forces weére trained gnd mobilized for ware with!an ever growing national and international jealousy arvising out of tervitgrial acquisitions, secret trea ties, and the development of military and commercial rivalries. Under the old ordepr a great army here made another necessary in France, iff Germany, in Great Britain in Japan-—throughout the world. Un der the old order a great navy in Great lh'i“\fll made 4 great navy ne cessary in the United States, France, Italy, Japdh—for every flag that sail ed the seas. And hillions of dollavs evel'y vear had to go to the enlarge ment andtupkeen of these war ma chine. If that order were to continue. it would &till be necessary only on a larger seale as the strength and price of each nation grew So much for the principle. Now, a freaty with a reservation that nulli. fies this feature of it is the kind of covenant President Wilson i< fight. ing. The ‘enemies of the present ad ministration have sworn with great oath to destroy the league, Hence the k:. wrticle ten, Hence the presi- dent's stand. Here is the real test. As the fight goes on in the senate, the country watches and waits, | Writing to Senator Hitchcoek late 'l_v the president made very clear the lrnmmnx for abjncimns to these nul flif,vmg regervations as they apply to !artirlu ten, , He said: i i Any League of Nations which | does not guarantee as a matter of I incontestable vight the political : independence and integrity of | i ecaclh of its members might be ; | hardly more than a futile scrap ‘i of paper ag ineffective in opera- ‘ tion as the agreement between ] Belgium and Germany which the i Germans violated in 1914, Artl ] cle X as written into the 'l‘i'tlnt,\' I of Versailles represents the re l nunciaetion by Great Britain and - Japan, which before the war had | hegun to find so many interests ! in common in the Pacific; by l | France; by Italy—by all the great ’ fighting powers of the world of ‘ the old pretensions of political 'n'mu]ll"sl and territtorial argran | dizement, ' Shall we tight for the new program, e new order? Shall we still contend with the enemies of the treaty that we are not intermeddling, but merely assuming our share of the larger world interest in the most sensible manner possible. Our interests are no lnngorv'r_vpr(u sented in the terrvitorial bhoundarvies of the United States. They never were, but now more than ever are we thrown into every center, every umn-l try, every harhor and nv(-r’,\' clime, there 1o commingle our interests \vilh' those of other men and nations for ever! War under any flag in any country, is our concern now. It is curs hecause we have trade interests wherever that conflict may break. It is ours because we have citizens and their interests wherever men in habit, It is ours because we are pledg e with g historie sympathy, a deep ‘\vnml love of freedom, to stand be tveen the aggressor and the oppres sed wherever that stand will estab lish justice and cause it to stand! ; BUSINESS SUCCESS ‘lt gives us real pleasure to he able to make such an announcement as that which the J; B. Taylor Furniture Company is making in our Sunday is sue tomorrow. By good management and progressive aim, the local man has made it possible to own a b'usi-' ness of his own and outside capital ‘is no longer his master, In his cage onside capatal was in the hands of @ splendid business man, but our aim is to stress and encofirage home ef fort in home enterprise, It outside brains and outside money are bhrave cnough to tackle local enterprise, cortainly local brains and local el fort ought to deserve commendation in the same line, We wish the James B. Taylor Fur pitnre Company success, It is the kind of concern which deserves it, ———————— o p———— TIGERS THAT KiLL Tiwcis killed g thousand people n 'ndig last year but the chances ‘ ire that it was a case of the man or the tigev.—Thomasville Times- Knterprise, And we are rvegrettully impressed t'at tigers Killed some men last year lotch nearer home than India, 1t was not a case of the “man or the tiger,"” but a case of the man and tiger. i RUBBING THE RIGHT WAY Literary Digest: The knack of do i @ and sayving the vight thing at the vight time ig a wondertful asset in Visiness, and its absence is the cause Coomany a man’s il suecess, Slr;nu‘.«'»l v enough, it sometimes happens that| these men have given 1-nn.\‘idur:ll\iu; t"ought to this very thing of meeting people in a pleasing avay, bhut hn\'." tailed to get on to the philosophy m" it. The following story appearing in tvstem (New York, and credited m‘, ¢ hanker whose reputation puts him% v ar the top of people who know Imwi to rub people the right way, hn'u\\‘-\; s e light on this matter: i When 1 entered the banking hnsig ress 4 geod many years ago-l hid ;\i rumbepr of copy-hook ideas abhout !m.\'% I <hould meet people. “Always t:i\'n‘: firn, strong grip in shaking hands.” * L.ook the other man in the eve when| vog talk oowith Shim? et hin Know ]!hut vou are glad to see him.” Those lwere some of my ideas. i They didn’y last long, tho. Old wr. ' Block, president of the institution, ,rulic«l me over to his desk one day !in his abrupt way. “Young man,” he ;lu';.r:un. “yvou are a promising chap in ,'lh‘s:s bank. So rem2mbeyr that what gl'm going to tell :vou is for your own i:uuL to help vou develop, I don't ilikv the way you meet people, and 11 don't think that they like it. You i;xrl as rh')._\‘nn were doing it by rule. |.\:-r natural; don't be affected. If you }:'rv sincerely interested in the other ;l'--llm\' he'll know it even if you growl, !'l‘nkr' that for what it's worth.” | That was the hest advice that ever came my . way. [ left off my l-up)'vlm:)k manners, and began to act more like i human being, Immediately [ began getting along better with people. | have ever since been using every-day man-to-man sin lm-rir,\' as my one method in dealing with men. This is all there is to it. |l|'-' <o simple it's hard to believe. [' Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains. It relieves pain and soreness caused The president has bheen asked to put his O. K. on the league reserva tions. He is more likely to put the K. 0. on them.—Witchita Beacon, A COMPLETE KNOCKOUT | Kvery bhatttle between Ameco and l(-hills and fever reans a complete vie tory for Ameco. It has never failed [in a single instance, . l The minuiu you take a dose ol Ameco you can rest assured _\'u‘u will miss that dreaded chill doy. “it kiils the chills,” A few doses breaks the fever and after taking one or two bot tles as a tonie, the fever will not re turn, Ameco will also cure any ordinary cold in 24 hours. Try a bottle of Ameco. You will be agreebly surprised how quickly and thoroughly it does the work. Every bhottle guaranteed. ' PRICE 25 CENTS. ~ . Oridgen Liros.,, Wholesale Distributors, ‘- 7 v | f! . ‘ || }% E%%\{\Pw i | %! T ! _ 6 : / ; b 4,‘ AJA \l‘27 | Wrpiegd ! ! \JN“ 8 { Y ) e t ( \\//‘{k&’ \fl = i BT/ I T, i 1 i f: i| Hi T L Al "y ZAtl ln"f" & i !;l |~ %w r / : “'"'E“H < S i IR X e w.:(wvfill NS S i '-"f""!""e‘? ; : !f/f";ju!j;'u.‘f Wl ! N b ) NN, Ri 8 il ({ N | w:wflfr,;./,44'4;{){!4!}!{ I - TS /f/f //l,'; ;m i I A 11 | s fi i /,'/,,v’//f’a:;/'uH;f%;;i | & CIE Ml i | == ii 1) _— s/ e b SRR | izt if' ik ‘Alvvaysvvel('Or,l {,,;ii’l i“ . ook rraniein waima .Dbeliß et !:u”f “il ;Ke :.t:x.n:m.\“ s MET ‘::" i' :' CALU DER = “.H:iii' ) ow . Always | ! ! i | B‘QKI'NGP N 3",!; b 8 oy L “:1 ! |;l= | } nasts g o sou wse it , ‘H‘ THE CORDELE DISPATCH { The Democrats don't have mueh feay !of a steam roller gt the San Francisco ir(;nwlminn this year. What their eyes (are peeled for is a wheel chair.-— {Kuusus City Star, ii e R | In Bulgaria they march profiteers !lhrrmgh the strees in chains, Here we ‘dr:rl;.:v - their autonnobiles.—New i York Evining World, | Bk A The' boarding house business faces !“ crisis, The prune crop this vear is 'said to have been all hut ruined.-— (Springfield (Ohio) News. i If you wish to know whether you will be 4 success or a failure in life there is a simple, infallible test. Can vou save money? If you run: vou win. llt not, vou fail.—James J. Hill, Heat Flashes, . . Dizzy, Nervous Augasta, Gua.:~—="When 1 approached middbe lite my health was in very poor i condition. I had 7T 2 heat Hashes, dizzy . A spells and ner -4(:'» ‘Q‘ vousness, hesides N ’ a catarrhal con- M;l\‘, ~".,‘,:f dition. 1 was \3, 7 just'as miserable e as one coild be Wit when I decided Saa? I would give Dr. Pierce’s Fa *Z - vorite Pre lv'lil_vi T -7 tiony o trial. “ ?’\ 7t had doctored and i obtained no relief &0 had little confidence in anything, but 1 found most wonderful relief in the first hottle of ‘Favorite Prescription’. I'or two yeurs 1 took an oceasional bottle whenever I just felt that my condition warrantod my taking a tonie, and it brought me thra the chunge in a strong and healthy state. 1 well remember that I hadn’t a hot flash, dizzy spell or hemorrhage aiter my third hottle of ‘Favorite Preseription,” and 1 would advise women who_are taking this nmedicine to keep on with it until restored to perfect health, —MRS, ALICLE EU BANKS, 1951 Broad St. . Backache and Nervous Columbus, Gi.:—"lor about two vears 1 cuffered and beeame run-down. I was ner vous and-would be so weak I could not get up in the morning: my buack ached all the time and so badly that I could not sioop at all. 1 also suffered with pains in iy side. I tried many medicines but did not wet any Letter. I had gotten to be a physical wreek when I began taking Dr. Pieree’s Favorite Preseription and by the time 1 had taken two bottles T was cured of my ailment and felt like a new woman. I have never suf fored since with this troublc. ‘[avaorite Preseription’ is the best medicine for wonien I have ever taken.—MlßSa ANNA MIDDLETON, 2944 Ist Ave: Sold by druggists in liquid or tableis, If vour druggist does not keep it, send 60e. to Dr. Picree'sllnvalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., for tablcts, or 10e, for trial package. -, ’. & Born in 1839 Dr. Caldwell Still in His Office Daily Wonderful vigor of the founder of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Millions now use his famous prescription Physicians know that good health depends largely upon proper digestion and elimination and that much sickness results from constipation. No one knows this better than the “family” doctor, the general practioner. . R. W. B. Caldwell of Mon- D ticello, Hlinots, was and is a family doctor. - The whole human body, lot any small part of it, was his Fr.u.:l,ius. More than half his “calls” were on women, children and habies. They are the ones most often sick. But their illnesses were usnolly of a tiinor nuture—colds, fevees, head aches, biliousaess—and 2l of the required fiest @ thorough evacuation. They wereconstipated. Dr. Caldwell in the course of 40 vears' practice, for he was grad uaicd from Rush Medical Colicge back in 1875, had found a good deal of succese in cuch eazes with a prescription of his own contain ing sinple laxative herbs with pepsin. In 1892 he decided to use this forniula In the manufac iure of a medicine {0 he known as Dr. Caldwell’s Syrap Pepsin, and in that year the preparation was first. placed on the market. ‘The piciure et Dr. Cuidwell that ap pears on the peckage was tuken in that year. The preparatton immediately had as great a tueecss in the deag stores o ib previousty hod in the doctor’s privafe practice. 'loday the third generation is using it. STEAMER BRINGS LEATHER FROM HAMBURG TO Y. S. Savannah, Ga.—The American steamer Weastern Front has arrived in port from Hamburg with a cargo ¢f Kainit and leather. This is the first . vessel to bring leather from Ger-| ahny to Savannah since the beginn ing of the world war. as far as can The shoe store for high grade shoes. We don’t sell sample shoes or job lot shoes. We sell the best well known brands. : Red . Y 7 American Girl /f;:fi 3 ;‘ Glove Grip,| 4 z]fl% Shoes for Ladies A W | AN\ Eo = Florsham & | R 230 a %, @omEene Numnßush & | (& === Packard , NN | RISFER-20 Rl @ Shoes for Men and Young Men e Last but not least Buster Brown and Humpty Dumpty fine shoes for children We are now showing a complefe line for all. We make every shoe good with a new pair if there are defectiuns in workmanship. Ask your neighbor. We do as we advertise. Next to Louis Miller’s Department Store CORDELE, GA. Mothers are giving it to their children who were given it by their niothers. Every second of the working day someone some where is going into a drug store to buy it, for Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is selling at the rate of over 6 million bottles a year. Tts great success is based on merit, on repeated buying, on one satisfied wuser telling another. There are thousands of homes in this country that are never with out a bottle of Syrup Pepsin, and the formulator of that prescrip tion is fortunately living to see its wonderful success. Woinen, children and elderly people are especially benefitted by Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. W hile it is promptly effective on the most robust constitution and in the most obstinate cases, it is mild and geatle in its action and does not couse griping and strain, Containing neither opiates nor narcotics, it is safe for the tiniest baby and children like it and take io wallingly. - Every drug store seils Dr. Cald well’'s Syrup Pepsin. Keep a botile in vour home. Where wmany live sonieone is sure to need it quickly. ! be learned among shippers. i ll Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antisep tic; it kills the poison caused from in t fected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. The reporter who can get an inter view out of Charles R. Crane now | ought to be able to touch up Colonel | House tor a two-column criticism of‘ the president.~—Minneapolis. Journal. SUNLAY, MARCH 14, 1920, : Zfl‘“fi!.filu R i ‘ 1e TR R AR, N ol ”‘ i {3‘;\*"\&"‘%‘( i i;' A Z= e (AR ) Lhithl? R e (i H e)3R U S T e A L 2350 SR LA 220 NN i 7, e o R | \.“ ‘l:’; ‘), ']";'Y‘ \\ 7 e N oil N ‘\.-.)?“ i | \\( fijl ks bl AR ORIt T R~ ‘ SR ‘\ i :‘*!?Gf'.f”.;"'?; e (HIDeS eyttt i (K e s‘\(k\'i& e : "%’Th A TN e U DR. V. B. CALDWELL TODAY _ Born Shelbyville, Mo.. March 27 1‘33 Began the manufacture of his fan‘;o’us ggre scription in 1672 In spite p,:)gfu' fact that Dr. Cald well’s Sy Pepsin is the largestselling liguid luxasive in the world, there berfzg over 6 million boitles sold each year, ~.unyju'ho need its benejits have nuL:\ wed it If you have not, send yous name and address for a free trial (\*Vr.":rzf.; to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511 Vainotons S : Vashington St., Monticello, Illinois. ] % i i 6.66 quickly relieves Colds and La ~ Grippe, Constipation, Biliousness, | Loss of Appetite and Headaches. 1 Mexico seems to be laboring under ‘the impression that because the Unit ol States does not act, it does net think.—Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. 666 hsa proven it will cure Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe.