Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, March 25, 1881, Image 2

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The Jackson Herald. ROBERT S. HOWARD, Editor. JEIPFEKSOKT, oa.. FRIDAV HOKAIAG, Maich 2.T. 1891. Georgia may well be proud of her two Sen ators. The Southern Pacific Railroad is open fur traffic. Gov. Colquitt has been on an inspecting tour to* the various convict camps in the State. Gen. Emory Upton, the author of Upton’s military tactics, committed suicide in Califor nia last week. It is about settled that an adjourned ses sion of Congress will be called by Mr. Gar field at an early day. Through the treachery of Mahone, the Re : publicans were enabled to organize the Sen ate, which is now Republican—the two parties equally divided. Ren Hill tore the hide of Mahone, the new Senator from Virginia, otr in {leaks last week, and rna le him admit that he would vote with the Republicans in the organization of the Senate. One of the most important features of the new administration’s policy w.ll, thinks the Baltimore American, probably be the vigor ous development of our commercial relations with Mexico. Every newspaper that has a Washington correspondent is filled with accounts of office seekers at present in the Capital, dancing attendance upon those who are in power and have influence. *ItUB Bai<l that the revisers of the liible have found 120,000 error,* in the present one. This accounts for the many forms of relig ion. But, seriously, wo don't like to see so much change all at once. The people out West, who have been snow cd under for three months and nearly frozen to death, are chuckling over the idea that the weather must have killed the potato bug; and, even if it di 1 not, they say crops will be so late tins season that the bms will be starved to death. Here is some solid wis lom from the Savan nah Morniny ]\eics: “The course of "Ma hons, Virginia,” in the United States Senate, lbr which he is receiving such high flown praises from the Republican members of ■Congress and from the Republican press, ■should effectually put a bar upon two favor ite Radical battle cries, viz: “ Southern repudiation” and “a solid South.” It was a Southern Senator who gave them control of the Senate, and it is a Southern repudiator upon whom they are now lavishing their praises.” I lie Russian Nihilists have at last succeed od in killing the Czar. On last Sunday week, as he was returning from a parade in his car riage. a glass shell, filled with nitro glycer ine. was thrown at the ca r riage, and bursted underneath it. This one. however, did not injure the Czar, who alighted at the time to see the amount of damage done. Another one was thrown and bursted under the Czar’s feet, crushing both of his legs and tearing out one of the eyes and injuring him so that he died that evening. lie will be succeeded by his son, who has already assumed charge of the government. It is rumored that there are Ro proposi tions before the Directors of the Georgia Railroad to lease it and guarantee an eight per cent, dividend to the stockholders. The propositions come from the Louisville and Nashville and the Central Railroad of Geor gia. W 111 le this will be a paying move for the stockholders, yet we are of the opinion that the road ought to preserve its individ uality. If other roads can afford to pay that much rental and make a profit for themselves, it looks as if the Georgia ought to be able to make eight per cent, on its own hook and preserve its individuality. The people of Augusta are opposed to the lease, as it will undoubtedly cripple their city, and they had bettter commence work on the country stock holder now in time, or ho will go for a big and sure dividend. • Here is what Alex. Stephens said in regard to Ben Hill’s arraignment of Mahone. Mr. Stephens may be right, but we don’t happen to think so, a:ul his reasons a3 set forth in tiiis paragraph will never convince us of but one thing, and that is the growing necessity for a Ben Hill in the lower to draw Mr. Stephens over the coals : “ The Demo crats have bungled all through this campaign, and have acted indiseretely since. My friend Hill has given tho finishing stroke. I regret his conduct; it was very injudicious. What right had Mr. Ilill to question or attack his peer ? It was an outrage ; a species of Jacob i lism. A man is responsible only to his own conscience, I believe. \\ hy ! these caucus measures are ruinous. I will not submit to tiiem. I will do as I think right at the time, no matter what caucus, constituents or part}' say. Every man, I believe, has that right. Mr. 11.11 s speech was very unwise. Who gave him the right to catechise a fellow Sen ator ? He has probably lost us everything. Of course, the administration would have controlled the important committees, but if the Democrats had acted differently we should have been given some good places in organization. Now, I suppose, everything is strangled.” Mrs. Nancy YV illiams, who has been an in mate of the lunatic asylum in Milledgeviile for thirty -seven years, died on the Oth° inst., ninety. She was one of the first patients received in that institution, and during the ' * si - 1 Western Circuit. Few persons except the members of the bar probably are aware of the great inequali ty in the division of labor among the Superi- ! or Court judges. The Western Circuit is I one of the largest in the State, the most la* orious, as well as the most difficult to j travel. There are in the circuit twelve coun ; ties. Court meets in each twice a year.j Taking the aggregate sessions for the year in one county there is a five weeks court, in three counties four weeks, and in the other seven two weeks, making in all thirty-one weeks out of the fifty-two that the Judge must be actually in the court house. Thus not taking into consideration the ex pense and difficulties of riding a circuit in which there are few railroads to the county towns, not regarding the immense amount of work which falls on the judge out of court, it is readily seen that it is almost impossible for one man to undergo the fatigue and en dure the labor. The result is, that work as hard as he may, hold as many adjourned terms as he has time to do, and business will be in arrear, and the dockets cannot be cleared, cases linger on, and parties lie out of their rights from no fault of judge or counsel. The number of weeks of court in other circuits will not av erage twenty, the counties*are fewer, the county towns more accessible and as we said before, none of them equals our circuit in the amount of work and difficulty. The remedy for this trouble is in dividing the circuit and making two circuits for which it is amply large. With Gainesville as the headquarters of the new, and Athens of the old circuit, and a fair division of the counties, there will be still enough work in each to employ fully an active and competent judge, even suppos ing he displayed the energy of our present judge. —Athena Banner. GIIOitUIA AIUVN. A reliable gentleman of Milledgeville avers that he has gone fourteen days and nights without sleeping. The Montezuma Weekly relates the follow ing “ sad accident;” “ Some days ago Mr. Joel Oliver, a resident of this county, was attempting to bridle a mule, when it turned and kicked him in the breast, over the region of the heart, and killed him almost instantly. He staggered and fell, and before lie could be carried into the house, a few yards dis tant. he had breathed his last. On examina tion, no outward sign of the kick could be seen. Pike County News : “It is currently re ported that Mr. Pete Jones, of Meriwether county, and who is well known in Barnes viHe. committed suicide by hanging himself on Wednesday last. Air. Jones wa9 in Barnesville Monday or Tuesday, and seemed to be in fine health and spirits. lie is a young man, the son of John It. Jones, ofSandtown, and was clever, all right and free from any domestic troubles. A few months ago he married a Miss Watson, a beautiful and clev er girl.” On the subject of'•Mining,” the Dahlonega Signal says: “The mines show increased ac tivity this week. Chicago capitalists are at Auraria, and New York and Pennsylvania capitalists are stopping at Dahlonega. All the mines are at full work. The Findley is doing better than ever before in her history. Ihe Bast and Ivey arc above their usual good returns. The Fish Trap is putting in much new machinery. The Danse is being rapidly developed and is showing better this week than last. Captain Davis has opened a very rich placer mine. The Dawsonville mines are building mills and extending their ditches in every direction. The Dawson county mines arc now an established fact, and opens a large field for capital.” Jlero ililoertiscmciits. G- liOlttxl.l, Jackson County. Whereas, the road commissioners appointed for the purpose of running and reporting upon tlfc public utility ot discontinuing the public road in said county leading from the Fedeial road near (Jrcen Wood’s residence, thence by the residences of E. A. Veal and Coopers to the Ilall county line, near said Cooper, having filed their report that said public road is of no public utility, an order will be granted finally discontinuing said road on Friday, the 22d day of April next, if no good cause to the contrary is shown on or by that day. Given under mv official signature.* March 23d, ISBI. 11. W. 13ELL, Ord'y ADVERTISERS By addresing G EO. 1. ItOU Hl.h Si CO. 10 Spruce St., New York, can learn the exact cost ofany proposed line of AD VEItTISING in Ameri can Newspapers. ffe£Tloo-bage Pamphlet, 25c. K'T'TT YEAR and expenses to agents. will Outfit Free. Address P.O. VICKERY. Augusta, Maine. a Y car to Agents, and expenses. $G XJf Outfit free. Address F. Swain & Cos., Augusta, Me. Peter Henderson’s * COMBINED CATALOGUE OF v SEEDS PLANTS Will be Hailed Free to all who apply by Letter. Onr Experimental Grounds In which we test onr Vegetable and I Flower Seeds arc most complete; land our Greenhouses for Plants (covering 3 acres In glass), arc I the largest In America. PETER HENDERSON & CO. 35 Cortlandt Street, New York. AgenU Wanted. $5 al>uy znudo FAMILY Iffli-— I "lT"|y ll rr in Wej*hsupto2slbs. Retail Is4r * price. *1.50. Terms surprise Agent#* v vw JAIAUbSTIC iSuALk Cu M Cincinnati MAN HO 0 D HOIV LOST, HOW RESTORED! -Just published, anew edition of DR. CULVER WELL’S Celebrated Essay on the radical care of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness Invol untary Seminal Losses, Impotexcy, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Coxsr.M itiox, Eiti.ki*sy and Fits] induced hy self-indulgence or sexual extravagance' iv C. Thc celebrated author, in this admirable Essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suc cessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure him self cheaply, privately, and radically. feuT" This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents- or two postage stamps. Address the Publishers, SPRING 1881! GRAKT3D OPENING OF SPUING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES, COMMENCING-. M OJS DJI I, MA li VII 2 8 tli, To Which All Arc Cordially Invited . Xovvys Yevv\ M. G. & J. COHEN. march 25th. Athens, Ga. A STRCNGTHENER.A SU^^^ER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tome ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The Only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS Inducements Extraordinary! AT THE MAMMOTH China, Crockery and Glassware House OF NORTH-EAST GEORGIA. JAS. H. HUGGINS, vYo. 7 Broad Street, Athens, Georgia. HAY ING just returned from the Eastern market, wc are offering the largest, most varied and best selected stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, LAMPS, CHANDALIERS, LANTERNS, &c., itc., 25 per cent, lower thean ever before known in this market. A full and complete line of HOUSEFURNISHINC GOODS! Such as Buckets. Brooms, Seives, Trays, Knives and Forks, Table and Teaspoons, Coffee Mills, &c. Also, a complete stock of Table Linen. Oil Cloths, Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Etc. SILVER PLATED WARE! A handsome stock of TRIPLE-PLATE SILVER CASTORS, TABLE and TEASPOONS Prices SURPRISINGLY LOW. Kerosene Oil by the Car Load, Also, Aladin and “Red C Oil.” Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Canned Goods, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, LEATHER, Eta., Etc., at prices as low as any house in the State. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. MAH-FtT .E ! MARBLE ! ♦ •♦* ♦ A. R. ROBERTSON, DEALER IN ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE Monuments, Tombs, Head & Foot Stones, LARGE and SMALL CRADLE TOMBS, Marble and G-ranite Box Tombs, AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASERS. A Large Lot of Finished Monuments and Tombstones on Hand for Sale and Ready for Lettering. My Yard is Full of Marble, and Ready to Fill Any Orders. GIVE IvXE .A. CALL, AISTp GET PRICES. A. R. ROBERTS ON, Monumental Builder, Athens, Georgia. SPIEBDID MTATIOB GOLD WATCHES,- TRADING AND SPECULATING. ONLY $6. /’Bk¥ Ms The Watch -which we olfcr forealo li a geod imitation of MW Jt * a Gold Hunting Cxicd Watch in color aud appearrnee J7JW JtFk The metal is a composition el other metals, so closely f/jfj jrfFPf —, a resembling gold that it i3 difficult to detect the diH.r. I i/Ws Cfey' l , except by chemical tost. The -works embrace th* EHM Arjgw^—celebrated IMPROVED AMERICAN MOVEMENT and CIbKM Mf EXPANSION BALANCE. Tho case is Massive, Strong. 'Etfp&teisSSSsfffi Afßf/ and Exceedingly Handsome. Tho Illustration 1* only taif sire and will give you only a faiat idea of nor j-mly Fra Vi AT / celebrated Watch. This watch you caa cell for sls to r-M? w* ** Sit?, and take any (roods yoncatl Cad a market for h exchange. This willenahle youto tnakeaproiitof fI ra—K it*”* * V, V-A to SIS ox the Watch, aboa protlton the good,. For thU usEjk ; c i-mf LjT I t.s, rHSevil reason Farmers as well a* Agcnt**aa engage In this new n*Rr| tt * i r; as.l highly wmoncrat!™ fi..-Moray labor. Wa will tend the Free of all charge* l&flk f l fdcSVd/IMITA^ON C c/lLD 1 CHAINS ©njjjrs| lily"vfvhi tT v/atch 13 extensively advertised and Jsrl oofdbyothcrfirmoct SIO each. Dont xnKwsaJreiF pay Ton Dollars when wo will sell yoit precisely tho name watch for $6. Wu Bell and nre willing to icll you a lingla TVateha’ wholesale prictr.niordcrto plr?yonaPV.-ncetotryandscllthiem,kao"ingyon wlllordernnumbcrathtlme when you find they are really good and Salable. World JSlailUf’a COt 122 KSSSaa §K* Y. k PRINTING OFiTCE FOR ONE DOLLAR Childrenlearn srrnntjemcnt of IcttefSiTH c WORLD info word* and words into aentcnces cni iri Dim. OER FAM ,L Y Li:ir* the convrr.i gg- ' jvith the flexibility, Wrente* Infc i, PC ' C ‘ i\'t o l£ r } C ££' T l D ''. ■era etc. in urat I‘ox.v* ith. direct ion*, tJ prico you jav for cue frame. PrlCO *’▼ naiT f Sf • Cnfrtlonit* cf Accnt’s £ood* fYc° WORLD M.LNU. 'Q CO. 122 Kirjr.u Street, llstt Verb. Tie American Popular Dictionary, $l. CD B 1 >ot iiioMonarjr in thoj U' O rW, b^'.^' | equal either in price, Cnlsh or Contents." —The Advocate. ••A perfect Dictionary and library of rchocirt —Leidio'a irjos. hew*, N. T. One copy of the American Pep la r Dictionary (illustrated;, (he greatest and best boofe ever pnbflshed, post, paid to anyaddragson receipt of $ |. JJTSr’Enf ire pta'isractiow gnamntecd. 1 copies port, pa id $ I .73. Ofderat onCQ> World Manufacturing Cos., 122 Nissan St., New York. LfiVE? EUI Bf ijppi A STRANGE & WONDERFUL BOOK LUVc. ItfaAKJirasS SOLVEO ngj c v ~ s Fortune fellfif Or an Easy Road to Marriage. T I*l 7* ,§ 7* , T^rvJ, ' Tbo*oln Lov?wm find Andtlxe Witclics Koy tolucky I>n>jtnu. PM Tlfc it Cuokwlil<ipi'a wltlo 7anlsho9-^-OldMiidge can bring you <'*<l *,.''rt' 1 1I.* —-Uon’t the barred door, and make Lotos Pathway clear. Start Right spurn her— She la powerful lor condor Evil—l his Book sent •nd the Battlo Is Halt Won 1 Thia Book Bent by Mall for Ten by mall for 10 Throe cent stamps — Two Books for fO cts—rlv# Threo centstamps. Two Hook, for so cts. I’lvo'v mka f>r Sl.ou Tteok for *l.ro. Fvorv flood has a Silver Lining. World Manufacturing Cos., 122 N&B3au St., New York. ! Woili Manufacturing Cos., 123 Nassau Si, New York. 47 Pieces of Popular Music For 21 CtS. c hare ponirc'i n n f nmonpf* floplc of Choice Mnic at extraordinary low figures, and at the price at which w hare determined to dispose of it, It I'the greatest bargain crer offered the Musical Public. The Collection is com posed of\ ocal i a pieces, rtTLL miket MUSIC sizs, which if bought •Cparatcly in theMoiic Stores, would cost over F°U n UO ii ar They are nicely bound In book form and the entire lot will be sentto any address post-paid, on receipt or o *. e . mf f STAMMS (U C .)Six Lot* for One Dollar- WORLD MANUFACTURING CO. 122 Nassau 5t NaV# THlHsns OF IT I COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. JUST RECEIVED 300 ELEGANT COOK STOVES, 3000 Dozen Wash Pans, 100 Dozen Splendid Baking Pans, 100 Dozen Elegant Dish Pans, And a large stock of goods in our line which will he sold CHEAP POP CASH. A. K. CIIILDS & CO. The Showman’s— . , 4 . * . . marvelous things fa nnrient ana modern m*g!c, and Is the text-book for all show men. It shows how to knock a tumbler through a tabio ; to or ® tumbler through another; howto n-.ako protests liquid; to make n watch stop or go ai tbo word of command; ' how to walk barefooted C:i a hot Iron bar; to discover any card In tho pack by i!s weight orrtneH; to turn water Into I trine; hovtoeat fire, V) dip tho hand into water without wet tlii'T It; how to fJI a glues with two different liquids, without mixing then* ; how to light a candle by a glass of wator ; to freeze water by shaiteng it ; to break a atona with a blow of tho (Ist; to ten r a fcnjnfkercWef into pieces, and mnko it whols nrrai-t; bow to firo loaded pistol at tbo hand without hurting it; to change ab<wl of ink intoelear water with fish ewim ming in it; to produce caudles, nuts, etc., from a handkar lejicr, and many ether fricki too numerous to mention. I I'ricofj certs. Address. | v.’oblu iiAyruFArTUKryo co.. t 1-i b-tjjAa JtiiiijtßT, Mrw York. Tho Hand-Book SffiffiKHSS' embracing tho usages and enrtoms of rood sorftfy in public nnd private life. This la tbo bc.-t woik 01 Etiquette ever publicise L JJ-, atittqflated leustoms or obsolete 'afts aiclierc introduced, but everythlniy ii modem, n:.d presented in a clear, interesting nnd forcible manner. It it an authoiltj'on a.l matters relating to behavior and rocinl intercourse of every Lind. Among tito subjects treated, r-o : Press, Introductions, Cards, Fhrking Hands, Letters r i Presents, Crnccrsatim. iloming Calls, Pinners. I Carving, Halls, Kvenlngl’nries, Hiding ntid Driving, F.oatlng, Staying wi ll friends, Public Meetings, I'icni:’. Tho Prom enade, le-vo, Conrttliip end JTarriapo. YT; t lt this book u® Cno need be at a locs h->w to ael in an 7 emergency that may arise, or hesitate to cnt. r into any Eociety. without beiscSub ject to discomfort or embarrassment. Price lb Ceuta. Address, YTOP.LD MANUFACTURING CO., 1-3 KaasAg Stbebt, New York. llerc you are bojrJ Just the thing for a little* barm.) les3 masquerading. The anutaefies are ade • rgewurna Lair, cuQ be fastened t* cr remove! from thfl face wills fav. rin'l rh(Q v<>rn cannot be tM from the real pr?* and action. Bovs and yoon { rictt fin haro hosts of fun put ting them on in a crow l of friend*, who will be greatly astonished at the rudder* transformation- Three colors light,dfiriw bro^n,and Mackw Goatees to match. PRICE MY MAIL, MUSTACHES W CT3- GO ATFKB 15 TENTS. Valuable Catalogue of Ajrenti* goods free. World Manuf’s Cos. 122 Nassau SfftlowYorka