Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, July 29, 1881, Image 1

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ggggggggggggggggg ROBERT S. HOWARD, / Editor and Publisher. s . .... Ofr. we... . VOLUME I. £epf Idoetfeemenk Jai'kwon Coimlv. B hcreas. C. W.-lfood. Executor of Z. S. Hood, deceased, represents to this Court, by his petition duly filed, that he has fully and completely ad ministered said deceased’s estate, and is entitled to a discharge from said administration — This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any they can, on the first Monday in September, 1881, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county", why Let ters of Dismission should not be granted the ap plicant from said trust. (liven under iny oflicial signature, this May 30, ISSI. H. W. DELL, Ord’y. / 1 llOltL'U, .lachson iouuty. \ X 4 r , . . , Whereas, Jam os L. Williamson, Executor on the estate of John S. Hunter, late of said county, deceased, applies for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of said deceased— This is to cite all concerned, kindred anj crod itors, to skow;Cau|e| if any. lit the rcginaf 'term of the Oouft <ff "laid donmy, on tne lirst Monday in August, ISSI, why said leave should not be granted the applicant. (liven under my official signature, this June 28, 1881. 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. / t I'lOlUiilA, County. VX 1 I , Whereas, James L* Williamson. Administrator on the estate of Thomas Dalton, late of said coun ty, dcc'd, applies for leave to sell the land belong ing to the estate of said deceased— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any, on the first Monday in August, 1881, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, why said leave should not he granted the applicant. Given under mv oflicial signature, this June 2S, 1881. ‘ 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. .ladison County. Whereas, James Greer, Administrator of Win ney Wiliamson, late of said county, deceased, applies forleavc to sell the land and real estate belonging to the estate of said deceased— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any, before the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in August, 1881, why said leave should not he grant ed the applicant. Given under my official signature, this Juno2B, 1881. 11AW. DELL, OW*y. C3 KOHftl.A. .lacksoU Comity. Whereas. Jiitios L. Williamson, Administrator of M. Williamson, late of said county, dee’d, ap plies for leave to sell the land and real estate of said deceased— , . •v ’ g ; r This is to rite concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, if any, before the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in August, 1881, why said leave should uot be "pant ed the applieant. Given under rtfy official s i gn atfi r e,TTii s Jon c 28 , 1881. , 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. j HOUGH, .Inekittii County. Whereas, (’. M. Woqfl, Administrator on the estate of. A. M. Loggms, laxe of 'said • county, de ceased. represents to the Court, by his petition duly filed, that lie has fully administered said,es tate, and is entitled to a discharge— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in October, 1881, why said applicant should not have Letters of Dis mission from his said trust. Given under my official signature, this June 28, 1881. 11. W. BELL, Ord’y. jacksdti County. Whereas, W. P. Cosby, Administrator on the estate of Frances C. Cosby, late of said county, deceased, represents to the Court that he has fully administered said estate, and is therefore entitled to Letters of Dismission— This is to cite all concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause, at the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in October, 1881, why said letters should not be granted the appli cant. Given under my official signature, this June 28, 1881. 11. W- BELL, Ord’y. | j l!01C<nlA, Jiu ltMoii Comity. Whereas, the reviewers, appointed for the pur pose of reviewing the road in said county com mencing on the Athens and Lawrenccville road, near the residence of Charles Furgerson, thence by the residences of James and Nancy Spencer, John Marlow, C. P. Furgerson. Lewis Antlien and W. Collins, intersecting with the Watkins villc and llog Mountain road at or near the resi dence of the Widow Jones, having marked out and reported that the establishment of said road as one of the public roads of said, county will con duce to the convenience of the traveling public, ait or <*er will be pasß&B bn J)§n of August, *ISSI, tinalh'- granting tine estab lishment of said road as one of the public roads cf the county, if no good cause to the contrary be shown. i ..Jliviai . QEORGIA, Jackson County. Whereas, upon application to me, in terms of the law, by one-fifth of the qualitied voters of the 253d District, G. M.. of said county, asking for an election to be called in sjvid District, that the question of the restriction of the sale of intoxicat ing liquors in said District may be submitted to the voters thereof— It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said District, at the usual place of holding elec tions in the same, on Saturday, the (sth day of August, 1881 ; that those voting at said election who favor restriction shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, *• For Restriction, ’’ and those who oppose shall have written or print ed on their ballots the words, •* Against Restric tion,” and that the managers of said election shall keep duplicate list of voters and talley sheets, certify and sign the same, one of which shall be tiled with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county and the other forwarded without delay to his Excellency the Governor. julyS * H. W. BELL, Ord’y. Gutfit sent free to those whp wish to en gage in the most pleasant and* profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $lO a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will tipd a short road to for tune. Address 11. HaLLETT £ Cos., Portland, Maiuc. : HVA/VAX NYvSCYIAAVI* \. A ROMANCE OF LABOR. I was listening to the rebellious words of a [young man who could not sec his father's wisdom in desiring him to learn a trade. “ It will make a common man of me, fath er,” lie said querulously ; “ I shall be as dirty as a blacksmith and have hands like a coal heaver.” “And if you think. Fred, that wearing fine clothes and having white hands make you a gentleman, let me tell you. sir, that you are a very common man to begin with. A good trade might help 3-011 to truer notions of gen tlemanhood.” Then I looked at the handsome young fel low—for be was handsome—and I thought just then of Steve Gaskill. Steve had made liis mark now, but many 3 T cars ago I heard just such a talk between him and old Josiah Gaskill, relative to the young man learning his father’s trade of a wool stapler. “ It’s a dirt}- business, father,” said the splendid Steve, in full evening dress, “and I hate the smell of oil and the sight of these men in blue linen blouses. 1 hope that I shall do something better for in} r self than that.” “ Very" well, lad, what is it thou’d fain be ?” “ A law)-cr. father.” *• They’re naught but a lazy, quarrelsome set, but thou sliali not sa} r I ever stood in the gate. Bea lawyer, lad. I'll speak to Den ham to morrow about thee.” So young Steve was articled to Denham & I)ywness to study law, especially conveyanc ing. lie was an only son, but had three sis ters, and over them and his mother he exer cised supreme influence. Whatever Steve did was right, whatever lie said was beyond dispute. Even old Josiah, with all,liis sound sense, wag, in of him self, swayed l/y the undisputed acknowledg ment of Steve’s superiority-. lie would not advise his spn ,to be a javyey, but seeing that Slteve frits not afraid to be one, lid*was rather proud of tiie lad's plnok and ambition. 1* cost a good dejd. Steve’s tastes were expensive, hfid Q fell naturally among a class of men who led him into many ex travagances. There were' occasionally awk ward scenes, but Steve, supported b} r his mother and sisters, alwa}-s cleared even scrape, and finally satisfied the family pride by being regularly admitted upon the role of Ilcr Majesty’s attor 1103*3. In the meantime his father had been grad ually failing in health; soon after this lie died. Most of his savings had been secured for the helpless women of the Gaskill family, and Steve now found himself with a profes sion and a thousand pounds to give him a fair start in it. People said old Gaskill had acted very- wisely", and Steve had sense enough to acquiesce in public opinion, lie knew, too, that as long as his mother or sisters had a shilling they would share it with him. So lie hopefully’ opened an office in his na tive town of Leeds, and waited for clients. But Yorkshire men are proverbially cautious ; a young law3*er was not their ideal. Steve could not look crafty and wise under any circumstances, and that first 3-car he did not make enough to pay his rent. Nevertheless, he did not in any way cur tail his expenses; and when the summer holidays arrived he went, as usual, to a fash ionable watering-place. It happened that year saw the debut of Miss Elizabeth Braitli walte, a great heiress and a very handsome girl. Steve wa* attracted by;her beauty, and her great wealth was not a drawback in his eye. In a short time lie perceived that Miss Braithwaite favored him above all other pro tdLTers to her hand, and he began to consider the advantages of a rich wife. 11 is profession had hitherto been a failure, his one thousand pounds was nearly spent; his three sisters were all on the point of mar riage, a condition which might seriously modify their sisterly instincts, and his moth er’s annual income wouldn’t support him a month—would it not be the best plan to ac ccpt the good fortune so evidently within his reach ? Elizabeth was handsome and inclined to favor him, and though she had the reputation of being authoritative in temper anti econo mical in money matters, he did not doubt that she would finally acknowledge his power as completely as his mother and sisters, he set himself to win Miss Braithwaite, and before Christmas they were married. True, he bad been compelled to give up a great deal more than he liked ; but he prom ised himself plenty of post marital compensa tions. Elizabeth insisted on keeping her own house, and as Steve had really no house to ofTcr her ho must pcods; go t© Braithwaite Halt as*tl>e husband of ite proprietress. She insisted upon his removing his office to Braitli waite, a small village, offering none of the advantages for killing time which a large city like Leeds did ; and she had all her money scrupulously settled on herself lor her own use and under her control. Steve felt very much as though his wife had bought him, but for a little while the eclat of having married a great heiress, the bridal festivities and foreign travel compensated for the loss of his freedom. But when they re- JEFFERSON, JACKSON COUNTY, GA.. FRIDAY. JULY 29, ISSI. turned to Braithwaite, life showed a far more I prosaic side. Mrs. Gaskill’s economical dis position became particularly . offensive to Steve. She inquired closed’ into his busi ness, and did not scruple to make unpleasant witty remarks about his income. She rapidly developed, too, an authoritative disposition, against which Steve dail3 r more and more re belled. The young couple were soon very unhapp3'. The truth was that a great transition was taking place in Steve’s mind, and times of transition are always times of unrest and misery. The better part of his nature was beginning to claim a hearing. lie had now seei|all that good society could show him ; he had tasted all the pleasures money, could buy 4 and he was unhappy. She had no ennui and no dissatisfaction with herself. There was her large house to oversee, her garden and conservatories, her servants and charity-schools, her toilet and a whole colony of pet animals. Her day's were so short for all the small interests that filled them ; and these interests she would have willingly shared with Steve, but to him they soon became intolerable bores. Under such circumstances he might have found his work in the ordering and investigat ing of his wife’s large estate, but Elizabeth was far too cautious to trust her business to untried hands. Her father's agent was her agent; her banker managed all her invest ments ; her park and farm and gardens were all under the care of old and experienced servants, who looked upon Steve merely" as “Missie's husband.” In the second year of his marriage he began to have some thoughts which would have as tonished his wife could she have thought it worth while to inquire what occupied his mind in the long hours when he paced the shrubbery, or sat silently- looking out of the window. But Steve was now ready for any employ - ment that would take him out of the purposely dependent life which he had so foolishly chosen for himself. One day. greatly to his surprise, Elizabeth said to him : , “ Steve, I have a letter from a cousin of mother’s, who lives in Glasgow. She is going to Australia and wants 1110 to buy her house. She says it is a great bargain, and I wrote to Barrett to go and see about it. I have a letter this morning-saying-he is too ill to leave his bed. I wonder if you could go to attend to it?” Anything for a change. Steve showed a very proper business-like interest, and said : “ Yes, I would bo very glad to go.” “ Very well; I should think you knew enough of titles and deeds and conveyancing and all that sort of tiling. I will trust the affair to you, Steve.” So the next morning Steve found hitrsclf on-the Caledonian line, with ,£IOO in his pocket, and a valuable piece of business on hand. The first twenty miles out of Leeds he enjoj'cd with all the abandon of a bird set free. Then he began to think again. At Crewe he missed a train and ho wandered about the station, fell in talking with the engineer of the next one who was cleaning and examining the engine with all the love and pride a mother gives her favorite child. The two men fraternized at once, and Steve made a trip over the Caledonian line in the engineer’s small cuddy. lie was a fine young fellow, “ one of seven,” he said, “ all machinists and engineers;” he was only serving his time, learning every branch of the business, practically; he had brothers who made engines, and he hoped to do so some time. In spite of his soiled face and oily clothes Steve recognized that refinement that comes with education; and when his new friend called upon him at the Queen’s hotel, he would not have been ashamed of his appearance, even in the most fastidious days. “ Mr. Dalrymple, I am glad to see you,” said Steve, holding out both hands to him. “ I thought you would be, sir. It is not often I make mistakes in my likings. I will go with you now to see my father’s works, if it suits you.” Never had such a place entered Stephen Gaskill’s conception ; the immense furnaces, the hundreds of giants working around them, the clang of machinery, the might}' struggle of thind with matter. lie envied those cyclops in their leathern masks and aprons; he longed to lift their heavy hammers. He looked upon the craftsmen with their bare, brawn}* arms and blackened hands, and felt his heart glow with admiration when lie saw the mighty works those hands had fashioned. The tears were in his eyes when Dalrymple and he parted at the gate of the great walled in yard. “Thank you,” lie said, “you have done qie the greatest possible service. I shall re member it.” That night Steve formed a strange but noble resolution. First of all he devoted himself to his wife's business, and accom plished it in a manner which elicited Mr. Barrett’s warm praise and made Elizabeth wonder whether she might not spare her agent’s fees for the future. Then he had a long confidential talk with the owner of the Dalrymple iron and machine works, the result FOR THE PEOPLE. of which was the following letter to Mrs. Gaskill. My Dear Wife : I shall not be at home again for at least two years, fori have begun an apprenticeship to Dalrymple as an iron master. I propose to learn the process prac tically. I have lived too long upon your bounty, for I have lost your esteem as well as my own, and I do not say but that I have deserved the loss. Please God I will redeem my wasted past, and with 11 is help make a man of myself. When lam worthy to be your husband you will respect me, and until then think as kindly as possible of Stephen Gaskill. The letter struck the first noble chord in Elizabeth's heart. From that hour not even her favorite maid dared to make little com passionate sneers at “ poor master.*’ Steve, in leather apron and coarse working clothes, began laborious, happy days, which brought him nights of sweetest sleep ; and Elizabeth began a series of letters to her husband, which gradually grew more imbued with tender interest and respect. In a few weeks she visited him of her own free will, and purposely" going to*t!rc works, saw her self-banished lord wielding a ponderous ham mer upon a bar of white hot iron. Swarthy, hare-armed, clothed in leather, he had never looked so handsome in Eliza bctli's eyes; and her eyes revealed the fact to Steve, for in them was the tender light of love founded upon genuine respect. Steve deserved it. lie wrought faithfully out his two years’service, cheered by" his wife's letters and visits, and when lie came out of the Dalrymple works there was no more finished iron master than he. He held his head frankly up now and looked fortune boldly in the face; he could earn his own living anywhere, and, better than all, lie had conquered his wife—won her esteem, and compelled her to acknowledge a physical strength and moral purpose greater than her own. Between Leeds and Braithwaite Hall there have been for many y-ears gigantic iron works. The mills and railway on the West Riding know them well; their work is famous for its excellence, for the master is a practical machinist and overlooks every detail. The profits are enormous, and Stephen Gaskill, their proprietor, is also the well-beloved and respected master of Braithwaite Hall. Making Things Over. “ Maria,” said Mr. Jones upon one of his worrying Jay 9, “it seems to me you might be more economical ; now, thcre’s my old clothes, why don’t you make them over for the children, instead of giving them away ?” “ Because they're worn out when you're done with them,” answered Mrs. Jones. “ It’s no use making over things for the children that won’t hold together; you couldn’t do it yourself, smart as you think y'ou are.” “ Well,” grumbled Jones, “ I wouldn’t have closets full of things mildewing for want of wear if I was a woman, that is all. A penny saved is a penny earned, you know.” That was in April. One warm day in May Mr. Jones went prancing through the closets, looking for something he could not find and turning things generally inside out. “ Maria !” he screamed, “ where’s my gray alpaca duster ?” “ Made it over for Johnny.” “Ahem! Well, where’s the brown linen one I bought last summer?” “ Clothes-bag !” mumbled Mrs. Jones, who seemed to have a difficulty' in her speech at that moment. “ Just made a nice one.” “Where are my lavender pants?” yelled Jones. “Cut them over for Willie.” “Heavens!” groaned her husband; then in a voice of thunder: “ Where have my blue suspenders got to ?’’ “ Hung the baby-jumper with them.” “Maria!” asked the astonished man in a subdued voice, “ would you mind telling me what you have done with my silk hat ? You haven’t made that over for the boys, have you ?” “ Oh, no, dear!” answered his wife, cheer fully. “I've used that for a hanging basket. It is full of plants and looks lovely.” Mr_ Jones never mentions the word economy' or suggests making over—lie lias had enough of it. We All Have Faults. lie who boasts of being perfect is perfect in his folly. I have been a great deal up and down in the world and I never yet saw a perfect man or horse, and I never shall until I sejj Sundays come together. You cannot get white out of a coal sack* nor perfection out of human nature ; he who looks for it had better look for sugar in the sea. The old saying is, “ Lifeless, faultless.” Of dead men we should say nothing but good ; but as for the living, they arc all tarred more or less with the black brush and half an eye can see it. Every heart has a soft place and every heart has its black drops. Every rose has its prickles and every day its night. Even the sun shows spots, and the skies arc darkened with clouds. Nobody is so wise but he has folly enough to stock a stall at Vanity Fair. Where I could not see the fool’s cap, I have nevertheless beard the bells jingle. As there is 110 sunshine without some showers, so all human good is mixed with more or less evil ; even poor law guardians have their little failings, and parish beadles are not wholly of a heavenly nature. The best wine has its lees. All men's faults are not written on their foreheads, and it is quite as well they arc not, or hats would need wide brims; yet as sure as eggs are eggs, faults of some kind nostlc in every man’s bosom. Thcrc’-s no telling when a man's faults will show themselves, for hares pop out of a ditch just when you are not looking for them. A horse that is weak in the knees may not stumble for a mile or two, but it is in him, and tho rider had better hold him up well. The tabby cat is not lapping milk just now, but leave the dairy- door open, and we will see if she is not as big a thief as the kitten. There’s fire in the flint, cool as it looks, wait till the steel gets a knock at it, and you will see. Everybody" can read that riddle, but it is not everybody that will remember to keen his gunpowder out of the way of the candle. Yes, and the very one's who cry- the loudest over one's faults have grosser failings in themselves. It is a much easier thing to point out and speak of a man’s faults than it is to say you are sorry he has them. To gether, hands in hand with faults and failings should go sympathy". Then wo could say that vve had soberly reflected on these faults of others, and then how ranch the sum of human happiness could be advanced i>v sym pathy. We get cheerfulness and vigor, wc scarcely know how or when, from mere association with our fellow men and from the looks re fleeted on us of gladness and enjoyment. We catch inspiration and power to go on from human presence and from cheerful looks; The woman works with additional energy having others by-. The full family circle has a strength and life peculiarly its own. The substantial good and effectual relief .which men extend to one another is trifling. It is not by those, but something far less costly that the work is done. Our Maker has in sured it by a much more simple machinery. Ho has given to the weakest and the poorest, power to contribute largely to the common slock of gladness. The child’s smile and laugh are mighty powers in the world. When bereavement has left you desolate, or misfor tune bowed you to earth, what substantial benefit is there that renders condolence ac ceptable ? It can bestow on you nothing permanent. But a warm hand touched yours, and its thrill told you that there is indeed a living response there to your every emotion. Unknown Exchange. No Letter for Burch. A man from Branch county", being in Custer City soon after a post office was established there, went up to the shanty- 011 c day with intent to inquire for mail matter. A man from Missouri was just ahead of him, and inquired if there was any letter for Zachariah Burch. “Be you the feller ?” queried the Post master. “ I am.” “Named Zaehariah, arc ye?” “ Yes, sir.” “ Too infernal long for this country. You’d better chop it in two.” “ I axed if there was a letter here for i Zaehariah Burch,” said the Missourian, with I a bad gleam in his eyes. “ And 1 heard ye, and there ain’t nothing of the sort here.” “ Kinder seems to inc there is.” “ Then I’m a liar ?” The pair looked at each other for a minute, and then Burch remarked : “ Mebbc you are.” Uncle Sam’s official hopped out of his den and went for Zaehariah Burch. It, was a pretty even match for ten minutes, and then the Postmaster got his favorite hold. Soon after that event Mr. Burch observed : “ Stranger. I reckon it’s no use to prolong this sorrowful affair.” “ I reckon not, but ye inquired for a letter for Burch.” “ Yes.” “And you give it to me purty strong that sicli a letter had arriv.” “ Yes. I did,” replied Burch, as lie felt of his left ear to see what portion was If ft for future fights, “ but I’ve bin thinkin’ powerful hard in the last ten minits, and I guess the old woman back in Missouri has put off writin’ till next Sunday. Let’s go out and take sulkin' to bring tears to our eyes.” Five Thousand Comets For July. Observers at Savannah, Ga.. report dis covery offive thousand new and brilliant hued comets, each with a long and most elaborate tale. These comets were first noticed in the constellation of Ludden & Bates, common!}' called the Great Southern Music House, from whence they are being disseminated through the entire Southern hemisphere. Each is | labelled on its nenclcus, Southern Musical Journal, and the 5,000 July issue is viewed nightly by at least 25,000 delighted readers, who without telescope or eye glass, ceaselessly admire its beauties of Fine Tinted Paper, New Type, Fine Illustrations, Choice Mending Matter, Serial Story, Delightful New Music, and New Cover. One Dollar’s Worth of Choice New Music in each comet. 'Twelve comets yearly, and only $1.25 per dozen. Specimen comets (July No.) free of charge. Everybody invited to send for one. Address LUDDEN & BATES, Savannah, Ga., Pub lishers of the Southern Musical Jnxiinal. V TERMS, $1.50 PER ANNUM. / SI.OO for Six Months. \\ u\\s'\Ac Gav\\Wvws. It is claimed by the Methodist that not more than half of one per cent, of clergymen fall through immorality. Philadelphia and New York arc connected by more telegraph wires than any other two cities in the world, the number being 110. A Canadian paper says that the wife of Benjamin Corporang, of Mcteghan, Nova Scotia, gave birth a few days since to two boys and one girl, weighing respectively three, four and five pounds, and that she had fivo children in eleven months. The comet is to blame. A woman belonging to the sect called Per fectionists undertook to run herself to death at Dallas, Texas. She got the idea from a Scriptural passage about “ running the race to the end,” that if she ran till she died she would go direct to heaven. She could not kill herself by pedestrianism, however, and resorted to drowning instead. An archery club went out to practice at Ensign’s Mountain, Mo. Miss Matthews had a lovers quarrel with Mr. Grace, and when it came her turn to shoot at the target, a few minutes afterward, she sent an arrow intotho young man's breast. It was all an accident,' she said, and she was ever so sorry; but ho believed she meant to kill him, and had her ai rested. The statuo of Robert Fulton, which is to be placed by Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives at Washington, will bo the work of Mr. Howard Roberts, of Philadelphia. It represents Fulton in the dress and with the surroundings of a workingman, intent In studying a small mechanical model held in the right hand. Warner opened a dancing school at Meno monee, Wis., and also gave lessons on tho guitar. lie regarded his employment as sentimental, and largely dependent for suc cess upon the personal impression which he made on his female pupils. Therefore he deemed it necessary to be thought a bachelor. He had a young wife, whom he introduced as his daughter. But llie deception, though a pecuniary success, resulted in disaster. Tho girls became enamored of their teacher, ant) his jealous wife .finally shot him. At the Prefecture of Police in Paris the sun is doing good work in the detection of forgers and other calligraphic olfenders. The hand writing on a document is enlarged by means of photography ten or twelve times, and com pared with another specimen suspected to he by the same person. If the one is spurious and the other real, there is little difficulty ir* at once detecting telling differences between the giant up and down strokes. If any writ ing is characteristic of a man, the character comes out in a marked manner as soon as the enlargement takes place. The Supreme Court of Wisconsin lias just decided in a suit growing out of a wheat speculation that a contract for the sale and delivery of grain or anything else at a future day is valid if the parties to it really intend to deliver and receive the commod.itj’, but not if the purchaser is merely to receive or pay the difference between the contract and the market price. In other words, a legitimato business transaction will be recognized and guarded by the courts ; a purely speculative one will be treated as a species of gambling, whieh it really is. Since the appearance of the comet a heat wave has been hanging over Italy ; the tem perature is higher than has been recorded for many years in June, and in Rome the heat is aggravated by a persistent sirocco. The highest quotation is from Florence—nearly !.“J deg. Fahrenheit. The effects of this ex cessive heat have been shown only too plainly in the Campagna, where the corn reaping is in full swing. Out of a body of 200 soldiers marched out for exercise one morning early, ten men fell by 1 lie roadside before reaching Rome again, of whom two died. Ex-Gov. Hunt says that the force of work ingmen engaged in building the Denver and Rio Grande Railways is larger in numbers than the United States army. More than 32,000 men are engaged in hammering spikes, laying rails, digging through cuts and putting in bridges. When the work is completed there will be under control of the company 2,400 miles of road in old Mexico, and this, with the roads being built in the States and Territories, will make 4,000 miles. This i3 the company in the interest of which Grant went to Mexico and obtained valuable con cessions from the government of that country. William Porter, who was wrecked early this year in the steamship Diamond of Dun dee, hears testimony, in a letter published in Chambers' Journal, to the extraordinary efficacy of oil in calming waves: "I first heard of its good effects in the case of a whaler in the South Seas. She was on the point of foundering. The men were unable, owing to heavy seas, to remain at the pumps, * * * when some of the oil casks broke adrift in the hold and smashed. The oil was then pumped out with the water, and the sea. though still as high, did not break on board.” At the wreck of the Diamond he considers that they owed their life to the oil thrown out. Two of the foremost chemists of St. Peters burg, Messrs. Bcitstein and Ivurbataw, have subjected the Caucasian petroleum to a criticalcxamination, winch has been published in full in the proceedings of the German Chemical Society. The peculiarity of this petroleum consists of its high specific gravity compared with American petroleum of the same boiling point. For a long time this fact caused the consumers to be mistrustful of their own oil. Experiments and comparisons, however, proved that the Russian oil gave ten per cent, more light than the American, and it was also found that the illuminating oil even of this high gravity was drawn up the wick to the flame more easily than the American oil. The high gravity of Caucasian oils has for some time been taken advantage of by the manufacturers oflubrieating oils. NUMBER 23.