Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, August 12, 1881, Image 2

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TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy, 12 months $1 50 ' “ 75 “ “ 3 “ so (’ASH subscription?; ate preferred, but to re liable parties a year's credit will be given, but not for a longer period. EACH subseril>cr will be notified before their time expires, and the paper will be stopped unless the subscription is renewed and all past dues settled. RATES OF ADVERTISING: ONE DOLLAR per inch for the first and fifty cents for each subsequent insertion. AbE advertisements sent without specification of the number of insertions marked thereon, will be published TrLL forbid. Annual or semi-annual contracts for space will be made on application. begal advertisements will be inserted at the fate prescribed by law. Hills for the same due. and must be paid, after first insertion of adver tisement. or the ‘‘ads’’ will be discontinued. All bills for contract advertising are due after first insertion of advertisement, and must be paid when presented. TRANSIENTS in advance. W e reserve the right to demand cash in advance, both for subscriptions and advertising, when we sec lit. f-: ’ . The Jackson Herald. ROBERT S. HOWARD. Editor. JEFFERSON, GJ±. FUZDIV August I*2. 18SI. GEOItCiIA AGI'IVS. The Dublin Post says it is estimated that. Laurens county will make barely half as much cotton this year as last. Four Cherokee Indians (three men and one squaw) from North Carolina have located themselves on Clay creek, in Lumpkin county. The Dublin Post says the fine corn prospect of that county has been ruined by the corn falling down all over the fields, bored near the .ground by a small worm. Walton News : “ The nian still lives in this ■county, and he is not an old man either, who bought a saddle from a Monroe merchant for thirteen dollars and paid for it with thirteen barrels of corn, which was the market price for corn at that time.” Athens Chronicle: “Quite an accident hap pened to Mr. C. J. O’Farrell’s little son Fred, •atfLuTa. this week. He was swinginiron agate with some other little children, when the ’hinges broke, and the little fellow fell with the ■gate on him, breaking his thigh.” ‘‘Eighty-nine miles,” writes the Atlanta Constitution, “ is said to be the length of the new railroad now being built between Atlanta and Macon. This, laid with steel fails alrca/h* purchased, will give a track easily run over by modern engines in three hours. This, we tin derstand, is the contemplated schedule, and it may possibly be reduced to less time.’’ Macon Telegraph: “ The Secretary of the ‘State Fair Association is in receipt of an ap plication from a New Yorker for the exclusive rjglit to open a tent show on the fairgrounds !in October. Among the novelties the enter prising showman proposes to exhibit are ‘the two smallest men in the world,’ ‘a seven-year old fat boy with a beard,’ ‘a long-haired wo man,* ‘a Circassian lady,’ stuffed birds and an Aquarium.” Colonel Carey, our State Fish Commissioner writes as follows from LaG range to the Atlanta Constitution : “ I have just made an exarnina tion of my breeding ponds for the scale variety of the German carp*. The breeders wore in troduced into this pond about the 20th of March. It now contains multitudes of the young scale carp. I have just had some caught—the}’ are of various sizes, the longest of which measured just seven inches. I know of no oilier variety of fish susceptible of such remarkable growth in so short a time.” The Montezuma Weekly says that during a recent protracted meeting at Rock Mill church, in l)oo!y county, a young man of eighteen years, the son of a widow lady, professed reli •gion and united himself to the church (Metho dist). On going home he told his mother of it. who is a Baptist. She was highly incensed and made an older son tic this seeker of religion, and together they gave him an unmerciful heating, and threatened a more severe punish ment if he persisted in what they called “ downright foolishness.” The young man has gone back to the ways of the world. Athens Banner : “ We regret very much to learn that the worthy Sheriff of Clarke county. Mr. Jnsiah A Browning, was stricken with paralysis last night. He was preparing to go to hod, between nine and ten o’clock. 11 is wife noticed that lie could not go on with his preparations. Going to him quickly and call ing her daughter they found.that he was un able to move his left side, and that his efforts to speak were ineffectual. Dr. W. A. Carlton was summoned in haste, and also (’apt. J. E. Hitch, a near neighbor. These gentlemen ro uiained with him during the night. Disease received treatment readily, and by morning the patient could talk, though imperfectly.” Gainesville Southron: “A case of slander, riot, assault and batter}*, and general bad blood, involving a large number of the citizens of Tabmore district, was tried in Judge Dor scy*s court last week. Some of tlie parties were found guilty, and many more pleaded guilty, and the whole pile suffered more or less, pecuniarily. All of this trouble grew out of a slanderous and indecent anon}*mous let ter, written by some bad person, involving a lady of irreproachable character. Of course her father took it up and went in with a right good will lo defend his daughter's good name, by any and all means necessary, physical and otherwise. Now that it is over and nobody killed, we hope whoever did write the dirty letter will hide away long enough to repent of liis or her wrong and never stoop to such a base act again.” B\dton News: “ More than one thousand people, making the largest funeral procession ever seen in Walton county, assembled last Sunday around the grave of Mr. Carter Hill, who died Saturday evening, July 30th. Mr. llill was born within a few hundred yards of where he was buried ; was in his 77th year, and at the time of his death had lived in Walton | longer than any other living person. lie was I the first, last and only Worshipful Master of Carter Mill Lodge, F. A. M.. a lodge named for him, and of which he was a worthy and zealous member. If human character ever roaohes perfection, his was perfect. We cannot improve on the language of his friend who said: ‘For forty years I have known Carter Hill intimately, and during all that long time I have never known him to do a disorderly, an immoral or an ungodly thing, and I know there was no one whoever knew him well tL.t did not love him.”’ Letter from Hosch’s Store. The weather is fine and pleasant. Ilad good showers since ac wrote yum last. The protracted meeting closed at New Liberty last T hursday. Brothers Wood and Ruther ford did a great deal of good for this com munity, religiously speaking. Several con versions, and a few aided to the church. Everything seems to be moving along in a kind of go-ahead manner. The railroaders are spurring tip, and we believe the road will lie completed by—we don’t know when ex aetly, but in tbe course of time anyway. John is sorter second boss on this road. He rides from squad to squad and gives a word of cn couragement, then says something witty, which causes everybody to show their teeth and grin, and then leaves for the next. John is a rooster, any way you take him ; no dif ference, if you catch him by the comb he’ll crow, if you don’t lie* 11 crow anyhow. Don't know what wc would do without John. Mr. Rns Ilosch is just completing one of the grandest things, in the way of a barn, out. It is large and commodious, and some would take it to be the depot at II ville, but it will only be the livery stable for this place. Rus will have room for everything in the way of farming tools, buggies, wagons and grain of every description, and plenty of room for rats besides. I think it is the best barn in the county. Talk about cotton, if 3*oll want to see some thing good, just call on Pink Copeland and look over his crop and satisfy yourself. His cotton will average about waist high, and is loaded from bottom to top with bolls and squares. It ii the best I’ve seen. llis crop shows he hasn’t cat any idle bread. Success to our friend Pink ; may he prosper. We met that ar man with the scar on his head tother morning. He looks sorter strange out’en his eyes. lie wears a streakady strika dy straw hat, and of course hides the scar, ’oept when the hat and the old Dorman's cap is off, then it shows. He is under the weath er to some extent. John and myself sorter sympathize with him, and John says a gal that’ll do a boy that way haint got much gal about her, so thinks I. That ar fcT.ow said next morning after the chase he raised upon his elbow and viewed the surroundings, and thought of the past; lie felt bad ; 3*es, bad. Sa}*3 lie doesn’t have any memory as to how ho got there, but thinks he must have quit the ground. He says them tother gals better lot him lone, and swears he'll tell on ’em certain. John says, gals, let him lone, for everything frets him. Says lie’s been hungry ever since that night; feels now like he could eat any thing from a cross cut saw up to a bale of hay. John thinks rock soup would full him up, so does I. Wish them tother fellows would write some as well as John and myself, for we want the news from all over the county, and think 3*oll could muster up something to write about, don’t 3*oll ? John and myself don’t think 3 r ou could write for a better paper than the Jack son Herald, what do you think ? Ho OSIER. P. S.—John sa}’s the boys are brightening up again ; thinks they’ll be rcatty for some thing else by the time the railroad comes, so do I. The boys are powerful to take to an3 r thing, if it’s nothing but Western cereal. August 6th, 1881. 11. Russia. In his recent speech to the Muscovites, the Czar indicated that lie was about to entrust himself and his fortunes to the loyalty and local pride of their city. If this meant, as many believe, that lie intends to reside there—to change his capital from St. Peters burg to Moscow—it is a notable sign of the new approach of that great upheaval so long threatened in his empire. It would be a con fession of weakness, a retreat from the capital more disastrous than the loss of a battle. It can no longer bo denied that the Russian autocracy is in dread ; it confesses danger, and in the voice of weakness appeals to Muscovite loyalty to despotism. The revolu tionary elements will not fail to interpret such a movement in their favor, not hesitate to avail themselves of its advantage. It is quite probable that the abandonment of St. Peters burg by the Czar would be taken as the signal for a general outbreak. In that event the world will he entertained with the proceedings lof a revolution not less important than that of the French, and one like it, terminating in the liberation of the people.— Savannah Neios. A brief extract from a letter written by Airs. Garfield to a friend in Ohio, which the Warren Tribune was allowed to publish, affords a curious contrast with the reports regarding the President’s appetite that have been furnished through the bulletins and correspondents. The letter was written July 21, in which she says : “ The General is just beginning to have a faint suggestion of an appetite. From newspaper reports you would suppose that he had been taking beefsteaks and lamb chops by the quantity ; but the truth is, he lias only tasted them to gratify the doctors, and not alway to his own advantage.” Governor Crittenden, of Missouri, says that when he was last in Washington Judge [Clifford told him that he had prepared a ! complete and detailed history of the procecd ; ings of the electoral commission, of which lie ' was a member, and that it would be published after iiis death, miles his wife, who was custo | dian of the manuscript, should decide other wise. The Judge said its publication would create a sensation throughout the country. Gray Hairs arc Honorable, but their prema lure appearance is annoying. Parker’s Hair Balsam is popular for cleanliness and promptly restoring the youthful color. Hundreds of Men, Women and Children Rescued from beds of pain, sickness and almost death and made strong and hearty by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evidences in the world of its sterling worth. You can find these in every community. Post. See advertisement. Con vers Exconi iter: “M r. Thomas Jones, of Twiggs county, had three daughters lying still and cold in death under the same roof on Fri day. Two died Wednesday within an hour of each other, and another Thursday with measles, aged about sixteen, eighteen and twenty years.” —* • *0- ♦ ♦ COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council Chamber, \ Jefferson, Ua., August 9,1881. j Ordered, by the Mayor and Council of the town of Jefferson, that there be assessed and collected by the Treasurer and Clerk of Council seven and one-half tenths of one pex cent, upon the taxable property of said town, as town tax for the year 1881, as per tax digest for ISSI, for the following purposes, to-wit : To pay the salaries of the Mayor, Marshal and Clerk of Council, live and -12-100 tenth of 0:1c per cent $350 00 For contingent fund, one and 1(5-100 tenth of one-tenth of one per cent 75 00 To pay the legal indebtedness of the town that is past due, three and 40-100 tenths of one per cent 219 90 AYE A. WORSHAM, Ma)-or, A. J- GILLELAND, ) JAMES E. RANDOLPH, J- Aldermen. F. L. PENDERGRASS, J J. C. WHITEHEAD, Clerk. A NEW KIND OF WATCH CASE. Now because it is only within the last few years that it has been improved and brought within the reach of every one ; old in principle because the first invention was made and the first patent taken out nearly twenty years ago, and cases made at that time and worn ever since, are nearly as good as r.ew. Read the following which is only one of many hundreds, jmur jewelers can tcdl of similar ones : Mansfield, Pa., May 28,1878. I have a customer who has carried one of Boss’ Patent cases fifteen \*cars and I knew it two 3- ears before he got it, and it now appears good for ten years longer. R. E. OLNEY. Remember that Jas. Boss’ is the only patent case made of two plates of solid gold (one outside and one inside) covering every part exposed to wear or sight, the great advantage of these plates over electro-gilding is apparent to every one. Boss’ is the only patent case with which there is given a written warrant, of which the following is a fac simile : \ TmaSß&Bmvthat theacccmfwwinb Ca^/ \ K WAS MANUFACTURED UNDER / \ JtatSiSSa’PATENTOrTWOPIATES OF SOUO/ See that 3*oll get the guarantee with each case. Ask 3*our jeweler for illustrated catalogue. licit) Martin Institute. Fall Tern, 1881, Spas Anpst 25th. I ET the citizens of Jackson county, who would J secure the lowest (possibly free) tuition, pa tronize the School ti-tts FAIL. The Martin Fund pays a larger proportion in the fall than in the spring. To students from other counties we promise lower rates of Board and Tuition than almost an} r other Collegiate Institute. For further information, apply to aug 12 4t * JNO. W. GLENN, Prin, 13 E A T T V'* oka:\s 17 Stops fa™ H 9 ¥ 5 set Golden Tongue reeds only SSS. Address Daniel F. Beatiy, Wash ington, N. J. PIANOS O A jfyl § parts of the country. & SNa l Prices low and terms of payment easy. Send for catalogue, Horace Waters & Cos.. Manufacturers and Dealers, S2(> Broadway, New York. Fpa BB r3 Send to ULL MOORE’S a BUSINESS UNIVERSITY | C fisi Iha Atlanta, Ga. For Illustrated Circular. Ali ve actual Businesa School. Established twenty years. a BOLD KEDAI AWARDED tlio Author. A now and groat Med ical Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every man,entitled “too Scionceof Life or,Self-Preservation bound in finest Ifrcnch muslin, embossed, full Kilt,3oopp.contsins beautiful . stool cm.-ravings, 125 presorip tioiw, price only $1.25 sent by V'-'.at 7 mail; illustrated sample, heents; 'Mi'.lilrf: pend now. Address Peabody Med- F MOW TTTYSFT F Kti Institute or l>r. W. 11. PAID ikii U Vlr lil I WiiLl i KHR, No. 4 Bulfiuch st. Boston. IIATE VO!' EVER KNOWN An}* person to be seriously ill without a weak stomach or inactive liver or kidneys? And when these organs arc in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health? PARKER’S GINGER TONiC always regulates these important organs, and never fails to make the blood rich and pure, and to strengthen every part of the system. It has cured hundreds of despairing invalids. Ask your neighbor about it. HOP BITTERS cure all diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver. Kidney and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, and especially Female Complaints. Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters and try them before you sleep. Take no other. Send f®r circular. HOP BITTERS M’F’G CO.. Rochester, N. Y., and Toronto, Out. Benson’s Capcine Porous Plaster. No Remedy more Widely or Favorably Known. It is rapid in relieving, quick in curing. For Lame Back, Rheumatism, Kid ney Affections, and aches and pains generally, it is the unrivalled remedy. Harmony Grove High School. r PIIE Fall Term of this school will open on X MON DA Y, J uly IStli, and will close October 7th, is,SI. Rates of tuition the same as hereto fore. The tuition of pupils between the ages of (> and 18 will be credited by the pro rata of the Public School Fund. We hope that pupils will enter at the opening of the school, that they may take an even start with their classes. Respectfully, july .8 M. L. PARKER. sfo!h(".-s, Wives, I>auglilcrs, Sons, Fa fliers, Ministers, Tciicliers ItusinosN ia<‘, Farmers, !?S( i rhaiiios, AF9., should be warned against using and introducing into their BSO.fiNostrums and Alcoholic Remedies. Have no such prejudice against, or fear of, “ War ner's §af<: 'A’oiiie HBitJers.” They are what they are claimed to be—harmless as milk, and contain only medicinal virtues. Extract of Choice Vegetables out;/. They do not belong to that class known as “Cure-Alls,’* but only profess to reach cases where the disease originates in debilitated frames and impure blood. A perfect Spring and Summer Medicine. A Thoroilißlood Purifier. A Tonic Appetizer. Pleasant to the taste, invigorating to the body. The most eminent physicians recommend them for their Curative Properties. Once used, always preferred. m Trial Size, ,(><*. Full Size (largest in market) 8. ETTRY THEM.^i For She B&itlncys, S.ivrr ami! I'riuary Organs, use nothing but “WAK.f'KIPS safk a\w lAVFii mss-:.'*’ it stands UNRIVALLED. Thousands owe their health and happiness to it. |sgg“We otter k * War ner’s Safe Tonic Bitters” with equal conlidence. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester, N. Y. FLORESTON Fragrant, COLOGNE. Refreshing:. A flew, Delierhtful ajid Fashionable Perfnnie. Sold by druggists ami fancy gm.ils dealers. None genuine without signature of HISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. V. > (singer, ilucliu, Mandrake, Stillingia and' .many of the best medicines known are combined! jn Parker s Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of. ,such varied and effective powers, as to make it' .the greatest Blood Purifier and the ! Best Health & Strength Restorer pver nsed.. , It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural-J aia, Sleeplessness,- and all diseases of the! Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Urinary. Ortfbns, and all Female Complaints. ‘ . If you are wasting away with Consumption or! ■any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter, [what your symptoms are, it will surely help you.' , Remember! This. Tonic never intoxicates,! ■cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Med-| icine ever made, and entirely different from 1 I Bitters, Ginger Preparations, and other Tonics/ ißtiy a 50c. bottle of your druggist. None gen-! fume without our signature on outside wrapper.. t w Hiscox & Cos., Chemists. N, Y. ' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAMSSfffiSK Home Manufacture. SHOES! HARNESS!! LEATHER!!! \l7 E are now making the very best quality of f ? the above articles right here at home, and they arc for sale. Wc do not expect to sell them merely because they arc home manufacture, but because of their excellent quality and low price. We are making regular VWUUV’C \\Vk\W£SS \ of the very best material and workmanship, and offering them for 25 per cent, less than the usual price. Our BROGANS cannot be beaten in excel lence. or cheapness for the quality. These sell only by the case. Bridles, Collars and Harness, double or single, always on hand, or made to or der. We have the most experienced workmen. All wc ask is a trial. ATKINS. CARR * CO. Maysvillc, Ga., June 17th, 1881. rROM US DAVID LAKDItETH & SOUS, Philadelphia. Pa. jjjjj 7V<> oito who is regular in the bowels is half as liable to disease as he that is irregular, lie may be attacked by contagious diseases, and so may the irregular, but he is not as nearly as subject to outside influences. The use of Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient secures regularity, and consequent immunity from sickness. SOLD 13Y ALL DRUGGISTS. To Our Customers! IT is with great pleasure that we*are enabled to announce that having secured die commodious Barber Shop connected with the Commercial Ho tel, Athens, Ga., we shall, upon the opening of the hotel, which will take place on or about Sep tember Ist, be prepared, with increased facilities and a cops of superior workmen, to cater to the tastes of tlie most fastidious, in anything apper taining to our line. Connected with the hotel and adjacent to the Barber Shop, elegant bath rooms, with hot and cold water, have been constructed, giving our patrons the opportunity of enjoying a luxurious bath at any season of the year. * Alto gether ours will be the most convenient best ap pointed establishment of it < kind in the city. Our record in the past, we confidently trust, is a suf ficient guarantee that the comfort and salisf ction of all who may favor us with their patronage will be carefully considered. With thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed upon us at our old stand, and respectfully asking a continu ance of the same at our new quarters, pledging our best endeavors to give entire satisfaction, we are. as ever, The Public’s Servants, GEORGE DAVI*. DICK HARRIS. Athens. Ga., August sth, 1 SSI. 1m tad perfect in - wL- Soots and Shoes! New Shoe Shop at Mailer’s Oil Office, JEFFERSON, GA. KEEP on hand best of material. Fine sowed Boots and Shoes a specialty My work needs no talk from iuo. Give me a trial, and T will give satisfaction. pane 10 .*. M STARK. AM OLD SAYING TELLS US THAT JiOTIIING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS ! t VERY TRUE; BUT WHAT MADE THE SUOOESS? shake their heads now-a-days, and say the big stores arc eating up the little ones But i . iars *** :is TEN TIMES AS MUCH SPACE to business as we did in IS7I. What has caused this Enormous Growth. ? Certainly not possession of any secrets of business ; certainly not advertising, though that has eoiu tributed its share ; certainly not our location. There is only one explanation : Tireless Industry and Pleasing the Public. Pleasing the public means having just what the people want at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. This policy is the one wc have pursued for the last ten years. The attractions which we offer in the assortment, in the quality, and, above all, m the prices of our goods are such that no lady rm resist going to 3 COHENS’ For Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, New Carpets, New Shoes, LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF Ever shown in Athens. Ladies’ Tics, Scarfs. Jabots. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ladies’ and Childrens’ Hose, Parasols, Um brcllas and Fans in all the newest and most elegant styles and designs. 'WiT'liito C3rO>odis. Piques, Lawns, Linens, Cambrics. Mulls, Swisscs in a larger variety at LOWER PRICES than, any house in the city. Ladies who want BARGAINS. New and Stvlish Dress Goods, New and Stylish Gloves, Parasols, Fans, to see all the Latest Spring Fashions, arc requested to call, as we have the FINEST STOCK wc have ever shown. GUIS SHOE DEPARTMENT Is complete for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. CLOTHING FOR THE MILLION AT COHENS’, For Men, Youths and Boys. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, SOLE AGENTS for the “KING OF SHIRTS.” Every Shirt GUARANTEED. Price, 61.00. C3r©33."fcs* O’ In all qualities. Gents’ Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Cravats. Scarfs, in all the latest Styles. Our stock in every department is complete, and our goods are fresh and of the best qualities.* Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and we will he sure to save you money. M. G. & J. COHEN. HENRY HUMAN’S POMIS STORE. TjfIJIERE is no use going to Atlanta, Athens, Gainesville. Jefferson, or any other largo city or JL town, to get what you want on your farm or in your house, as I keep a full line of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, CROCKERY, GLASS; AND WOODEN WARE, ’ ’ GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, RICE, PEPPER, and all kinds of Spices. A full stock of Bacon, Flour, Meal, Syrup and Molasses. Also, all kinds of FARM TOOLS, PLOWS, HOES. RAKES, FORKS, Etc. -iAJJL of These Goods Will be sold cheap for cash, or on time to prompt paying customers, and none others. I shall, im addition to the above, keep a full line of the BEST OF CORN WHISKY and other spirits for medicinal purposes. Come and examine inyr goods and prices before making your purchases. The highest market price always paid for COT TON and other FARM PRODUCTS. HENRY HUMAN, > apl 15 Pond Fork. Jackson county, Georgia. BUTLER'S ESTIMATES AMD ORAATWCS FURNISHED ROUND CORNER Vl SXT F?AT ( BECURE- LocKa?; ■ iH.EIJTLER£* / •:■ " * B < 6R -- a new a vork SCNERAL ACENT FOR jDiESOLD SAFEfLOCK CO. NEW ROCKS! I HAVE just put in operation a NEW SET of WHEAT ROCKS at the Long Brills, and all of the machinery is in order to make first class Hour. Send your NEW WHEAT right along, and 1 will give satisfaction. JAMES E. RANDOLPH. Jell'erson, Ga.. July Ist, ISSI. THE TRADE! A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OT BLANK BOOKS AND Stationery, LEDGERS, . JOURNALS, LETTER BOOKS, WRITING BABER . ENVELOBES r INK, MUCILAGE, INK STANDS, BENCILS, Etc. Churches and Ministers supplied with Books at publishers prices, by BURKE & ANDERSON, Feb. 25 Athens, Ga. Farm for Sale. I OFFER for sale my plantation, situated about two miles and a half from Jefferson, on Curry’s creek, containing one hundred and seventy-five acres of upland and bottoms. Enough land open for a four-horse farm, and in good state ofcultirjv tion. Good dwelling and necessary out-houses, orchards, &c. I will sell the present growing crop and deliver possession at once. Persons de siring a good farm, can get a bargain. Terms — CASH. july22 S. 13. WEIR. Lj*Outfit furnished free, with full instruc- JL vJ tions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The busi ness is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn largs sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dol lars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised at the case and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address TltllE & Cos.. Augusta, Maine. .... ...