Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, September 16, 1881, Image 2

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TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, 12 months <*l r>o '* ” ” 75 “ “ 3 “ ‘,O CASH subscriptions are preferred, but to re liable parties a year’s credit will be given, but not lor a longer period. EACH subscriber will be notified before their time expires, and the paper will be stopped unless the subscription is renewed and all past dues settled. RATES OF ADVERTISING: ONE DOLLAR per inch for the first and fifty CENTS for each subsequent insertion. ALL advertisements sent without specification of the number of insertions marked thereon, will be published TILL FORBID. Annual or semi-annual contracts for space will be made on application. Legal advertisements will be inserted nt the rate prescribed by law. Bills for the same due, and must be paid, after first insertion of adver tisement. or the “ads” will be discontinued. All bills for contract advertising arc due after first insertion of advertisement, and must be paid when presented. TRANSIENTS in advance. W e reserve the right to demand cash in advance, both for subscriptions and advertising, when we see fit. The Jackson Herald. ROBERT S. HOWARD. Editor. JEFFERSON, G-J±. I'lC I DAY MOUV.XG, Scp’mbcr 18, 1881. In view of the fact that there will be a "real © demand for household servants during the O Atlanta Exposition, the colored help of At lanta are organizing a grand strike, to come off about the first of next month. From their actions, we infer that the Geor gia Legislature is opposed to accumulating a surplus of State money, so they propose to remain in session until all evidences of such bungling financiering is dissipated to the four winds. A prominent railroad man in Chicago says he expects in the next sixty days to see all the railroads taxed to their utmost to haul live stock into Chicago from districts where com is a failure. The farmers are selling their stock and holding their grain. The President is still on the mend since his removal to Long Branch, but it is very slow. On last Tuesday he was able to sit up 35 minutes in an invalid’s chair. lie has had one or two bad days, but, upon the whole, it can be said that lie is gaining a little. A report is in circulation, and has been partially verified, that John Mathis, of Ilal! county, a white boy eighteen years old, was whipped to death at the convict camp on the Marietta & North Georgia railroad. Gov. Colquitt has had the case thoroughly investi gated, and will prosecute the parties to the full extent of the law. On our fourth page will be found an excel lent article from the pen of Prof. John W. Glenn, on wheat and oat rust. Prof. Glenn has given the subject careful thought, patient and intelligent investigation, and the result of his labors therein recorded are worthy of the attention of every farmer who desires to contend with this enemy against the success ful cultivation of grain in this country. The third trade issue of the Augusta Chron icle <s• Constitutionalist has reached this office. It is a mammoth affair, making sixteen large pages of matter, done up in the best style. It is filled with matter illustrative of Augus ta’a institutions, resources and advantages as a manufacturing and trading center. The enterprise is a credit both to its projectors and the city whose greatness and importance it so ably sets forth to the busy world. Three or four weeks ago we noted that a band of robbers out West bad boldly stopped a train and rifled its passengers of all of their money, jewelry, etc., and e3caped with im punity. But we hardly thought then that the affair would be the forerunner of another of a like character, an account of which we give in this issue. The outrage was characterized by such bold audacity that it has aroused the ire of the peace-loving citizens of the State of Missouri, who have at last determined to rid themselves of such characters and redeem the fair name of their State. The Chronicle & Constitutionalist, of Au gusta, in its recent trade issue, in speaking of the firm of John J. Cohen & Sons, brokers of that city, makes the following mention of the Gainesville, Jefferson & Southern rail road : “ * * An important highway in the upper part of the State, which will con nect with the Georgia railroad and add great ly to the cotton trade of Augusta. About a hundred thousand dollars of the bonds of this road will shortly be placed on sale in Au gusta, and those who wish to secure some of them, as they will be a first-class investment, will do well to call on this firm.” For several years past the inhabitants of the counties lying along the waters of the upper Savannah river have been complaining about the canal dam at Augusta obstructing the free passage of fish, more especially shad. The matter has been the occasion of the ap pointment of a special committee of the pres ent Legislature, who have reported that the dam docs obstruct the passage of fish, and rocomraend that a passage way be opened so that fish can pass. This meets with objec tion from the city of Augusta, as it has been at great expense in obtaining its waterpower means of this dam, and if a part of it is Mfimoved it will, in a great measure, destroy fme usefulness of the whole of the city’s heavy outlay to build the dam. We want the fish and the dam both, and cannot see why fish ways similar and as efficient as those now in use in Europe cannot be constructed by the city, and by this means satisfy both parties. But if this cannot be done, let the complain ants be supplied with carp and Augusta’s dam be built higher, so that she can offer every induefiwent tp twto {injid fac-. The Chronicle <s* Constitutionalist, of Au gusta, laboring ur.dcr the fear that her dam will be sacraficed on account of the fish-lov ing propensities of the up-country people, is led to exclaim that “ shad are poor eating any way.” We would like to know If the C. $• C. is in down right earnest. A correspondent of the Augusta Chronicle # Constitutionalist proposes to travel through several of the Northern States, and will give his observations to the readers of that paper in a series of letters. This will be quite a new departure in the field of Southern jour nalism, and is evidence of the fact that our writers are growing more bold and self-re liant. It is said that at the end of the present fiscal year there will be somewhere near eight hundred thousand dollars of surplus money in the State Treasury ; others deny that there will be anything, and lo get at the truth of the matter a special committee has been ap pointed by the Legislature to report the facts. Several methods have been proposed by which to dispose of this large surplus. Nothing as yet has been agreed upon, except a tacit un derstanding amongst the legislators them selves to remain in session until the surplus disappears. The discussion makes two points in our minds that wc would like to see ex plained, viz : Is it not poor financiering to create such a large surplus when there is no for it ? And what kind of books do they keep that it takes an investigation by a legislative committee to tell whether there is a surplus or not ? A Shot at Guiteau. Washington, September 10.—At sever, o’clock Sunday evening an attempt was made to kill Guiteau in his cell. At that hour battery B, Second artillery, was relieving Captain Graves’s command, which had been on duty at the jail the previous twenty-four hours. The battery arrived in their wagons, in the first of which was seated First Sergeant Mason. As the wagon drew up in front of the jail Mason jumped out, threw his cap aside, and, with musket on his shoulder, proceeded to the right wing of the jail. A few seconds brought him abreast of the window, through which Guiteau had been often seen. Putting his gun to his shoulder, the clear report which rang through the jail told the story of his intention and act. The ball grazed Guiteau’s head and penetrated his coat, which was hanging on the side of the cell. Sergeant Mason surrendered himself to his commanding officer, Captain McGilvery, who immediately put him under arrest. Mason is a native of Virginia, and has been nineteen years in the service, lie says he shot for the purpose of killing Guiteau, and is sorry he missed him. lie had tired of riding over the cobble-stones to jail every day to guard the life of such a man as Guiteau. lie made up his mind to kill him. lie loaded his gun be fore he left the arsenal, and as soon as he reached the jail he went to the window where Guiteau usually stands, waiting and gaping for the arrival of the guard. That he fired, and that is all there is about it. Guiteau was overcome with fear, and he pleaded for removal to another part of the building. His request will probably be granted. Another Western Train Robbery. St. Louis, September 8. —A special from Independence, Missouri, says the passenger train on the Chicago and Alton railroad was stopped and robbed by twelve masked men four miles east of Independence and 14 miles from Kansas City at nine o'clock last night. The express car was broken and Messenger Fox refused to give up the key to the safe was so terribty beaten that he can’t live. The amount taken is not known, but it is estimated from $5,000 to $20,000. After going through the express car all the passengers were robbed of their money and watches, amounting to several thousand dollars. The robbers were heavily armed and kept up a continual firing of pistols to intimidate the passengers. Several shots were fired at the conductor but he escaped unhurt. The whole affair occupied less than 15 minutes and was done very systematically. After securing the booty the whole party rode off into the woods. The trainmen made a 9how of resistance, but being unarmed they could effect nothing. The spot selected for the bold deed is in dense woods two miles from any habitation. The train was stopped by a red lantern and obstruc tions on the track. The train ran into Kansas City and gave the alarm, and Chief of Police Speers started out at onco with 50 men on horseback. A special train with a posse under Marshal Murphy also went immediately to the scene of robbery and large bodies of men are being sent out from all points in every direction. The leader of the party as swers the description of the leader of the party that robbed the Chicago and Rock Island train at Winston, July 18th. Governor Crittenden has issued a proclama tion calling upon the people to rise en masse and exterminate the train robbers, lie lias gone to Kansas City to consult with the authorities of Jackson count}' regarding the apprehension of the robbers. Fully 1,000 men are organized into posses from Kansas City, and from Jackson, LaFayctte, Clay, Ra}’, Clinton and Saline counties and are now in the field under the command of sheriffs and marshals. W ater is getting to be very scarce up in the mountains of Southwestern Arkansas. Springs and wells that were never known to fail before are drying up, and some farmers have had to haul water several miles from the Caddo, which is lower than it has been for years, for their stock and home. use. .sickness is the The Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern Railroad. AN INTERVIEW WITH COLONEL CANDLER. A day or two since an Eagle scribe had the pleasure of a long talk with Col. Allen I). Candler, President of the Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern Railroad. In answer to the question. ** How is the Jefferson road coming on ?” Col. Candler said : “The Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern Railroad is getting on splendidly. We have nearly five hundred hands at work, and it is being pushed as rapid, y as money and muscle will do it.” “ How much have y r ou graded now, Col.? ’ “About twenty-two miles is now ready for the ties and iron, and a prettier road bed you never saw anywhere. The contractors have done their work excellently.” “ How much of this is on the Jefferson Branch ?” “ About four miles. Of this amount we have graded one mile to the county line. “ When may Jefferson expect her first train ?” “ That she must determine for herself. Just as fast as the stockholders can pay in their subscriptions the work is being pushed for ward, and it is for them to say when they will have the road finished.” “ What about ties ?” “ I have just paid out to-day §12,000 on cross tie contracts, and they will be on the line ready for the iron.” “ Have you any' iron yet?” “ Iron is ordered, and will commence to arrive next week. We are ready to commence laying track the very moment the first car load is laid down.” “ I shouldn't think you could do much in the way of construction until you get your engine and cars.” “ Well, that is in a measure true, but we will proceed as far as we can push the iron on hand cars, which will give us a mile or so before we strike a grade. The engine is now approaching completion at Pittsburg, and a train of flat cars is now ready. We will have a mile of track ready by the time the engine gets here, and then we will rush things.” “ I see a large lot of lumber near the jail, Colonel, and it is reported that the depot is to be located at that point.” “We have located no depots,” replied the Colonel, warmly, “ and when wc do they will be located solely with a view to the interests of the company', and regardless of the in terests or whims of any manor set of men. The lumber back of the jail is not to build a depot, but to construct a trestle in Major Finger’s field beyond the Air-Line. The lumber was put down there for the simple reason that it is a good place to do the framing, and because wc did not wish to destroy the Major’s growing crop by hauling lumber over it. He has acted honorably and fairly in the matter of right of way% and the company’ desire to damage him as little as possible. The contract for the trestle has been let to Messrs. Shaner and Nunn, and they will soon commence the work.” “ Everything then is moving on satisfac torily ?” “Eminently so. I expect, if nothing hap pens, to have twenty-five miles of the road in operation by the first day of December.” “ Well if that is the case,” quoth the scribe, “I shall begin to stir around for subscribers down that way.” “ You can just go ahead,” said the Colonel with a smile, “and tell them that we will bring their papers on the train by that time. The road is going to develop one of the finest countries in Georgia, and there will be a harvest for merchants, newspaper men, and all others of enterprise.” And with this cheerful assurance the Colo nel tore himself away.— Gainesville Eutjle. Atlanta Constitution : “An amusing inci dent occurred at Stone Mountain a day or two ago. Deputy United States Collector Irish had secured information of the fact that some illicit whisky was concealed near Stone Mountain, and proceeding thither, was re ceived in a rao3t cordial manner by the gentleman at whose house the whisky was. Mr. Irish made known his business and a search of the house was instituted. The search was about to prove fruitless, when a small son of the gentleman, who had been watching the proceeding with a great deal of interest, said : ‘The dram don’t stay in here now, it's out by the roadside in a gull}' covered up with logs.’ A visit to the gully was rewarded by the discovery of a barrel of illicit brandy. The gentleman, Mr. E. L. Phillips, was arrested and brought before Commissioner Smith, where he gave bond to answer the charge of concealing illicit whisky. A barrel of brandy and a half barrel of whisky were also found in the possession of Mr. Wm. Brown.” Atlanta Constitution: “ Yesterday morning Conductor Dunlap, of the West Point train, brought a ‘ modern’ curiosity to Atlanta on his train. It was a fifteen-year-old girl, the daughter of a Mrs. Jackson, or Coosa county. Ala. Miss Jackson is just twenty-six and one-half inches high and weighs only twenty nine pounds. She is well developed and has a face that will attract attention. Iler mother is a large woman. Miss Jackson will remain in Atlanta until the Exposition closes. She has never been on exhibition and will make her first appearance before an audience next month.” Boots and Shoes! Sew Sloe S&op at Mailer’s Old Office, JEFFERSON, GA. on hand best of material. Fine sewed Boots and Shoes a specialty. My work needs •27 STOP BEATTY’S *■£*!£#££ Address DANIEL f. BEATTY, Washington, N. J. . REVISED NEW TESTAMENTS! IllHMtvsited. Cheapest Sf Best. Soils at sipflit. ho new N ' s PICTORIAL BIBLES! Ajfonts M suited. A. J, IIOLMANit Cos., Phila. rnrr to PKpP BUSIN ESS UNIVERSITY I II In Atlanta, Ga. For Illustrated Oircular. A litre actual Business School. Established twenty years. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY.^—* METAL. TIP LAMP WICK KSSgi I PatM Dec. 7,1880. Kggljl^f Gif C"S a Brilliant. White and Steady .J light, requires noirimming , and lasts for months. Sample wick 10 cts.. 3 wicks 25 cts., 12 wicks 75 cts., postage paid. Have three sizes, A, 13 and I). Agents wanted. Address METAL TIP LAMP WICK CO., 70 Cortlandt St., N. Y. mB OLD MEDAL AWARDED the Aut hor. Anew and great Med ical W ork. warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every man,entitled “the Science of Life or,Self-Preservation ;’* bound in finest French- muslin, embossed, full gilt,3oo pp.contains beautiful steel enirravings, 125 prescrip tions, price only $1.25 sent by mail; illustrated sample, Scents; send now,Address Peabody Med- FYrnW TU V<TT V ><-'l Instituteor l>r.W. H. PAIt- Jk.it UYY 1 111 ULLi ■ KER. No. 4 Balfinchst. Boston. A hook oi* rare originalily, culitlcd PRACTICAL LIFE. The great problem solved. The individual care fully considered from the age of responsibility up to maturity, in regard to Education, Home, Soci ety, Love, Marriage. Business, tc. How Bread- Eaters are to be Bread-Winners. The volume abounds in.striking thoughts, rare information and intense common-sense. Full-page colored plates —each one a gem. Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular, full description, terms, itc., to J. C. McCurdy & Cos,, Phila., Pa. AGENTS WANTED demand for the ONI-Y Complete, Authentic and Fully Illustrated Life of President Garfield, just published. It is a thrilling story of how lie rose uy herculean struggle from obscurity to fame. EpeeiaUy full regarding his Cabinet, Conflict with Conkliny . Attempted Assassination , Wonderful Surgical Treatment, Peculiar Critical Condition, etc. Ably written; embellished with steel por trait of Barfield, also full likenesses of the Sur geons, Cabinet, Mrs. Barfield, etc. Low price. 13y far the fastest selling book out. Circulars free. Liberal terms. Outfit 50c. Address at once. HUBBARD BROS., Publishers, Atlanta, Ba. JROWHS IRON kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk BITTERS BROWN’S IRON BITTERS are a certain core ibr all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Boss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives new liffe to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food. Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that trill not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug gists at SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL. CO. ® Baltimore, MjL • See that all Iren Bitters arc made by Brown Cfibmicja Cos. aad have crossed red lines and trade mark on vrrappor BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Outfit sent free to those wlio wish to en gage > n the most pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new. Capital not icquired. We will furnish you everything. 810 a day and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men, and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will iind a short road to for tune. Address 11. Hallett & Cos., Portland, Maine. FLORESTON Fragrant, COLOGNE. A Hew, Delifhtfal and Fashionable Perfame. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. None genuine without signature of HISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. T. I PARKER S GINGER TONICI G laser, Bacho, Mandrake, Stillinria and many of the best medicines known are combined' [in Parker’s Ginger Tonic, intoa medicine of! [such varied and effective powers, as to make it' .the greatest Blood Purifier and the [ Beat Health A Strength Restorer pver nsed.< It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural-' tia, Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the! tomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Urinary< [Organs, and all Female Complaints. < . If you are wasting away with Consumption Or[ -any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter, [what your symptoms are, it will surely help you.' , Remember! This Tonic never intoxicates,' -cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Med-’! [icine ever made, and entirely different from . Bitters, Ginger Preparations, and other Tonics.' ■ Buy a 50c. bottle of your druggist. None gen-[ uine without our signature an outside wrapper.. 1 - Hiscox & Cos., Chemists. N. Y. ' PARKER'S HAIR Notice to Ginners ! Tie New Hansel Sin-Saw Filing Maciine! ITAKE this method to inform those who are interested, that I have purchased the county right for this excellent machine. Parties who contemplate purchasing should call on me. Those desiring their Gins sharpened should call on Mr. A. P. Cathright, who will wait on them and give Can be supplied with the finest COOKING STOVES ever brought to the market of Northeast Georgia. With our ex cellent Cook Stoves, we give everything that is WANTED ~ in the Kitchen for all cooking purposes, and guarantee in every cook stove to give satisfaction. If you want some thing that is good and will be certain to give you satisfac tion, APPLY To W. H. JONES, Sup% AT THE RED STORE, OPPOSITE COHEN’S. Athens, Ga., Sept. 16th, 1881. Richmond and Danville Rail Road. Passenger Department. OX and after May 15th, 1881, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line di vision of this road will be as follows : I .S. Mail, ;X. Y. Express, |U. S. Fast Mail,: Suwanee EASTWARD. No. 43, ; Xo. 47, j Xo. 49, : Accommodation. j A. B. j C. ] Xo. 21. Leave Atlanta j 4.00 A. M. j 3.15 P. M. j G. 30 P. M. i 5.00 IVM Arrive Suwanee 1; 5.18 “ 4.37 “ j 7.45 “ ! 7,03 “ Lula El 6.45 “ i 5.59 “ j 9.06 “ j “ Toccoa F| 7.58 “ j 7.15 “ I 10.16 * “ \ “ Seneca Bi 9.20 “ \ 8.40 “ j ]].25 “ j “ Breenville ll| 10.58 “ 10.20 “ 1.00 A. M. : “ Spartanburg K: 12.14 P. M. I 11.40 “ j 2.11 “ “ Bastonia L; 2.30 “ j 2.04 A. M. 4.27 “ u Charlotte Mi 3.35 ki ; 3.15 “ j 5.35 “ j U. S. Mail, iN. Y. Express, lu. S. Fast Mail.! Suwanee WESTWARD. Xo. 42. XT). 48. j Xo. 50. ; Accommodation j j i Xo. 22. Leave Charlotte Mi 12.30 P. M. 12.20 A. M. 12.10 A. M. “ Bastonia Li 1.27 “ 1.30 “ i 12.56 “ I “ Spartanburg K; 3.50 “ 4.05 “ j 2.53 “ j “ Breenville Hi 5.07 “ j 5.18 “ 4.05 ki “ Seneca Gj G. 50 “ 7.02 “ j 5.27 “ ‘‘ Toccoa Fi 8.01 “ 8.15 “ j 6.30 “ “ Lula El 9.16 “ | 9.31 “ j 7.59 “ I “ Suwanee l)j 10.38 “ 10.54 “ 8.51 “ 5.40 A. M. Arrive Atlanta i 12.05 A. M. 12.20 P. M. 10.00 “ I 8.00 “ connections! A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. & T. P. Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and VV. & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. I) with Lawrenceville Branch to and from Lawrcnccville, Ga. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Ba. G with Columbia and Breenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C\ II with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. lv with Spartanburg and Ashville, and Spartanburg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Buage to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C., C. A—C. C.—R. fc D. and A. T. &U. for all points West, North and East. N with North Carolina Division R. it D. Railroad to and from the North. A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. UVE-A-IR/BIjES I A. Ft. ROBER.TSOIV, DEALER LIST MONUMENTS AND TOMB STONES. I HAVE A LARGE LOT OK Monuments, Head and Foot Stones, Cradle and Box Tombs, YvwUWii ttiuV Jot That 1 Will Sell THIS FALL at VERY LOW FIGURES. GIVE ME A- CSA. X.X., A.ITID GET PRICES. A. R. ROBERTSON, Monumental Builder, Athens, Georgia. Farm, for Sale. I OFFER for sale my plantation, situated about two miles and a half from Jefferson, on Curry’s creek, containing one hundred and seventy-five acres of upland and bottoms. Enough land open for a four-horse farm, and in good state of cultiva tion. Good dwelling and necessary out-houses, orchards, &c. I will sell the present growing crop and deliver possession at once. Persons.de siring a good farm, can get a bargain. Terms— CASH. july22 S. B. WEIR. Outfit furnished free, with full instruc tions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone cm engage in. The busi ness is so easy to learn, and our instructions are so simple and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very start. No one can fail who is willing to work. ’Women are as successful as men. Boys and girls can earn largs sums. Many have made at the business over one hundred dol lars in a single week. Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage arc surprised at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. You can engage in this business during your spare time at great profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to us at once. All furnished free. Address True & Cos.. Augusta, Maine. THE TRADE! A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF BLANK BOOKS and Stationery, LEDGERS, JOURNALS, LETTER BOOKS, WRITING PAPER. ENVELOPES, INK, MUCILAGE, INK STANDS, PENCILS, Etc. Churches and Ministers supplied with Books at publishers prices, by BURKE & ANDERSON, Feb. 25 Athens, Ga. AG’IvVI’S WAITED for the Best and Fastest-Selling Pictorial Books and Bibles.