Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, October 28, 1881, Image 4

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V" u v wvcy s' C o\wmw. Fences in the South. A Louisiana friend writes us: “ I have no direct or indirect interest in any fence, except that [ want to use the cheapest and best. S-x years ago 1 put up 10 rods of barbed wire fence, and each year have added to it, and like it so well that this year I am sell ing oil’good and burning up decayed rails and board fences, became I think it better and chpaper to build wire fence than to repair the old, although I am making and selling new wooden rails on the place. As to posts, I find that a few good posts answer, with young trees set in the row, so that when the posts are gone it leaves your fence an ornament instead of an eye sore. Then it is so cheap. Two wires will turn the worst large stock ; three for calves ami sheep, and five for hogs. A man and a boy can put up half a mile in a day, after the posts are set; it saves labor. ‘Tramps' do not steal it for kindling or seat boards, nor travel acio-s your land. As to its being ‘barbarous,’ I have never known an animal really hurt with it, and if they are scratched they will not try it again. The only place 1 have found it would not do was around small lots where numbers of cattle are kept; they will hook each either through it.’’ Cotton. The New Fertilizer. It lias long been noticed that soil closely covered lias a tendency to re gain its fertility, which is accounted for in the escape of ammonia into the atmosphere by volatilization. To keep tilie surface of the earth moist, and pre vent the same from baking and parch ing, mulching of some kind is neces sary to protect it; and if a supple mental crop is raised—the one '‘lap ping” over the other—so that the na ked earth is a rare sight, an important step bearing upon fertility will have been gained. Dr. Harlan once said “that to re tain the richness of the soil it must be kept covered, though it is a hard mat ter to understand why.” In the cow pea the farmer has a plant that as a forage plant or manu rial agent to recuperate worn out kinds, or to be used as a fertilizer for any crop, has no superior. It is to be ascribed to two va'ues, one as a chein ical aid or addition to the soil, and a mechanical or protecting mulch, its rapid growth making it exceedingly valuable to choke out any weeds ; and i-n three months the ground is ecv-red with a mass of foliage, to the extent of several tons per acre, and if cat and cured makes a very valuable ha}'. Used as a summer fallow, it makes a complete green manure for the ground, and equal if not superior to any crop, now known to be turned under. A close analysis of this pea as com pared with clover makes a very favor able showing, and a crop turned under is computed by a careful Mississippi planter at double in value that of clover sod.— Cotton. Renewing Grass Land. When grass land gets run out, a* the phrase goes, the host way to re new it. unless it is very rocky or rough kind, is to break it up. and, if it is nol available or desirable for cultivation, to manure heavily and reseed. This month, after the hay is cut, is the best time for breaking up sod. It can then be manured, thoroughly harrowed and re-seeded with grass, or sown with rye. the last of the month. In sowing grass seed only those kinds should be sown together that mature together. Llerdsgrass and red top go well to get her, but orchard grass, June grass and the other early varieties should be sown by themselves. Twelve quarts of herdsgrass and three pecks of red top make a very good seeding for an acre. If herdsgrass is sown alone on very heavy land it should be sown more thickly, so that it will not grow too rank and coarse. Orchard grass should be sown very thickly or it will grow in clumps. From a bushel and a half to two bushels of seed to the acre gives a good result.— Massacha setts Plovyhman. Is Electrical Farming a Possibility of the Future? In the wildest speculations about the future applications of electricity as a motor, no one has ventured to predict that the subtle agent would ever be made to perform the slow drudgery for farming—the plowing, planting, reaping and hauling, that, make up so large a share of the bus Landman's life. Yet it is quite pos sible that agriculture ma}' become one wf the very first beneficiaries of eleetri cal application. An electrical plow has been actually invented, and was ne of the curiosities in the recent ex bibition in Paris. It consists of two electrical machines which are placed on opposite sides of the fields, drawing a set of shares back and ferth until the whole area is plowed. It can easily perform the work of eighteen horses. “If this method of plowing should ever come into general use.’* the St Lou s Repubiiam thinks “our farmers will need to be educated up to the standard of Harvard professors. Every granger will have to be an elec trician to know how to 4 run’ his ma chine without receiving its charges in his own body.” —Savannah Neivs. A wise Deacon. “ Deacon Wilder, I want you to tell me how you kept yourself and family well the past season, when all the rest of us have been sick so much, and have had the doctors visiting us so often.” “ Bro. Taylor, the answer is ver}’ easy. I used llop Bitters in time; kept my family well and saved the doctor bills. Three dollars’ worth of it kept ns well and able to work all the bime. I'll warrant it has cost you and the neighbors one to two hundred dol lars apiece to keep sick the same time.” ” Deacon, 1 11 use your medicine hereafter.” A Safe and Sure means of restoring the youthful color of the hair is fur nished by Parker’s Hair Balsam, which is deservedly popular from its superior ulgaiil n. ss. NEW STOCK AT TIIE- OLD STAND ! R\ VI ng resumed business at my old stand, in Harmony Grove, Ga., i am now ottering for sale one of the largest ami most varied Stock of Goods EVER BROUGHT TO Harmony Grove CONSISTING OF Flannels, Linscys, all kinds of Dress Goods. Cashmeres, .Silks, Worst* ds, Alpacas, Calicoes. ic. Cloaks and Shawls, Trimming Silks and Satins, all colors; Ladies’ Hats, trim med and unlrim • rued. Hat Trim mings, Buttons all kinds ; Ladies’ Handkerchief's. Collars, Cults. Corsets, Hose, and all other Dress Goods ; full line of Hardware, Toilet Soaps, Colognes, Stationery. Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Gent’s Underwear. Jeans, Shirting, Sheeting, Factory Checks, Tick ing, Bleaching. Stoves, Tin ware, Trunks, Clocks, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Etc. And other articles too numerous to men tion. 1 desire that my old customers, and all who wish to examine my stock, should call. They will receive kind treatment. My stock was bought low. and will be sold at living prices. Give me a call, and price for yourself. Respectfully, C. W. HOOD. Harmony Grove, Ga., Oct. 14, ISBI. FLORESTON Fragrant, COLOGNE. Refreshing-. Asen, Delightful and Fashionable rerfnme. S' 'III by druggists and fanrv goods dealers. None genuine Ttirhniit signature of HISCOX & CO., Chemists, N. Y. , (linger, Jluclin, Mandrake, Stillingia and* ■many of the best medicines known arc combined] ’in Parker’s Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of! [such varied and effective powers, as to make it' ,the greatest Blood Purifier and the ] Best Health & Strength Ifestorcr pver used.' It cures Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neural gia, Sleeplessness, and all diseases of the! Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver, Urinary [Organs, and all Female Complaints. . If you are wasting away with Consumption or] ■any disease, use the Tonic to-day. No matter, [what your symptoms are, it will surely help you.' , Remember! This Tonic never intoxicates,[ •cures drunkenness, is the Best Family Med-! [icine ever made, and entirely different from' [Bitters, Ginger Preparations, and other Tonics/ .Buy a soc. bottle of your druggist. None gen-! ’uine without our signature on outside wrapper.. ] . Hiscox & Cos., Chemists. N. Y. ' PARKER’S HAIR BALSAMLmkS‘wTS THE TRADE! A large and complete stock of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, LEDGERS, JOURNALS. LETTER BOOKS. WBITING TAPER. ENVELOPES, INK , MUCILAGE. INK STANDS, PENCILS, Etc. Churches and Ministers supplied with Books at publishers prices, by BURKE & ANDERSON, Feb. Athens, Ga. CHAMPION ji l lji , ti , I Pv^3P^m[ raVfw WmSgF wfev ftfci 'a! Yn. rri' 1 T jfr Vv pM|||S|L HF Rotary Harrow. r PIIIS Harrow is simple in its construc -L tion. combining strength and light ness. and cannot easily get on of order. It revolves continually while in operation, so that turf, stones, corn huts, or any oth er obstruction of the kind cannot clog it. The reason of it is the rapid motion of the teeth ; therefore, as a Pulverizer, Soil Mix er, Destroying Bermuda Crass, and for Covering Grain, it lias no equal. We ear nestly invite all farmers, mechanics and businessmen to examine this Harrow, feel ing assured that it cannot fail to meet their highest approval. The following named gentlemen, who have bought and used them have authorized the proprietor to re fer to them, at Athens. Ga. : John A. Meeker, J. N. Montgomery, A. L. Hear ing, Thomas Hudson, Athens. Ga.. and many others. -J. 11. NEWTON, Sept. 23 Owner Patent State of Ga. Agents Wanted for ie standard Eitition Revised New Testament, -g Q STVI,r:s.J ELEGANT Edition, 1.0 Large Ty fiOO pages. Corn- Front sl.o') to s7.|Parativc Edition, over new versions on opposite pages. “ 11 istorv of the Bible and of the New Revision*’ given to subscribers. The secret of suc cessful canvassing given every agent. Send for our liberal terms. [Mention this pa per.] THE HENRY BILL PUBLISHING CO., Established 1547. J Norwich, Conn. I. WAR Ne.H ' S . A I Lg euticil 'ITso loadingSciontwts oFlo-ilr.y agree that most diseases arc caused by disordered Kidney's or Liver. If, there fore. the Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the re mit. This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find re lief. The discovery of Warner's Safe Kid ney and Liver Cure marks anew era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it con tains just the elements necessary to nour ish and invigorate both of these great or gans, and safely restore and keep them in order. It is a KMISS'S’SVK lSiucly for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body—for Torpid Liver —ll ea< laches—J aundicc— 1) i z /.mess—(J ra vel—Fever. Ague—Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy 11 will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Ueucor rhoca or Falling of the Womb. Asa Blood Purifier it is unequaksd, for it euros the organs that make the blood. This Remedy, which has done such won ders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the mar ket, and is sold by Druggists and ali deal ers at per bottle. For Diabetes, ennui re fo r WAR N E E’S SA F E DIA BETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE Rem edy. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester. N. Y. BITTERS BROWN’S IRON BITTERS arc a certain cure for all diseases requiring a completo tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Boss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm cn the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold hy all Drug gists at SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. ® Baltimore, Md. ■ See that all Iron Bitters arc made hy Brown Chemical Cos. and have crossed red lines and trade mark cn wrapper BEWARE OF IWRTATIONS. HN j3.. , 1 BP '&£(jri£s*k I|§ USa l x.' .:jrA fiCH &Z 8 1113 mM ibiib SAFES FOR RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES' FOR RAILROAD AND EXPRESS COMPANIES. EST(MATES AND DRAWINGS FURNISHED POUND CORNER : P RODFI > ' ESAFE Si EXT RVajr ( SECURE- L Q C K S.& ■ WiH.Bli l m Ei^ O> @YORK i GENERAL AGENT* FOR IDEBOLD SAFEfLOCK Ctt Coffins! Coffins! I WILL keep on hand, in Jefferson, a full supply of COFFINS —AND— BURIAL CASES of all sizes, and at prices to suit the times. Every effort will be made.to serve parties promptly and satisfactorily. Respectfully, ap 12D W. A . W ORSII AM. \Y u\}syOu YuyWnwyYxvjw, . American beef is regarded in Eng land as of a superior quality, but they think the mutton we send there is not to ho compared in flavor or tenderness with that of home production. The reason for this is that our sheep are generally treated in a way to favor the growth of their fleeces, without much consideration of the quality of the mutton. Tne little German city of Klingen berg, in lower Franconia, not only imposes no municipal tax, but every voter receives an annual dividend from the city treasury of a sum ranging from $22.b0 to $25. The city recently celebrated the Sedan anniversary by giving every citizen fifty cents, with fifty cents extra to every soldier of the war with France. A sentimental fellow at Wrights town, Minn., wrote to a girl that lie would hang hiin-elf if she did not marry him As he was a stranger, she took his queer missive as an insult ing joke, ami re; lied angrily that lie would please her greatly by choos-ng the tree which grew near the window ol her room. When she looked out next morning there hung his lifeless body. A Philadelphia police Sergeant said, a year ago. that lie believed his wife would murder him eventually, and now bo lias died of poison. If lie had not. made that remark, nobody would have suspected tiic cause of his death, as the doctor said it was cholera mor bus ; but those who recollected it in formed the Coroner, an autopsy was made, and a case against tLie wife seems likely’ to be made out. At Lille a whole family have been injured, several seriously, by the ex plosion of a bomb, weighing thirty pounds, sent in a box so arranged that the opening of tbe lid made it ex plode. Five similar boxes, addressed to other inhabitants, were fortunately detected. Suspicion rests on a bank nipt, tradesman who hail to leave the town some time ago, and who threat ened his creditors with vengeance. Smith absconded from Denver wit, h SB-000 belonging to a friend. Two Chicago detectives (breed him to dis gorge $750 as the condition of being allowed to remain at liberty. Then a Denver detective followed him to In diana and blackmailed him out of SSOO When a third man made a similar de mand Smith voluntarily returned home and gate himself up for trial, doubtles.. convinced that he could not retain any of the booty in peace. The Rev. J. G. Wood, the eminent English naturalist, in an article on “The Ilorse and its owner,” says, in reference to bearing reins Teoplc see the horse champing its bit. flinging foam flakes right and left, tossing its head, rattling its harness, and assume that the horse is acting in the pride o< ds strength and fullness of spirit, whereas it is suffering agonies of pain, and is trying to gain by tl cse move ments a momentary relief. Young Spurgeon was expected to die within twenty-four hours at Crt st line, Ohio, and under tlie circum stances Miss Gray consented to mar ry him, though she had never recipro cated his affection, ami had chosen another man to become her husband. Her amiability got her into a dilemma, for Spurgeon has recovered, and wishes to hold her to the compact. To that she will not agree, and she begs him to get a divoice, so that she may mar rv his favored rival. In this unsatis factory condition the matter rests. A secret society has been formed in St. Petersburg for the purpose o! combat'ng the Nihilists with their own weapons. The society is said to he composed of three hundred persons, divided into groups of five each, and iireelcd by a centra! committee, at the head of which is a man of princely rank, closely connected with the throne. The other members beh in •hiefly to the nobility and the offit i 1 class. They arc animated with intense hatred of Nihilism, and are determined to use even assassination to crush it-. When the Southern Pacific Railroad is completed, with its connections, to New Orleans—an event that is ex pected to occur by next summer— immigrants will be conveyed by this route from Liverpool to San Francisco for S4O to SSO. This is looked forward to as being the solution of the problem presented by California's dffjar.ee from the centres of civilization, and b\ the consequent high rates of freight and passenger transportation that have heretofore been checking hei business progress and her rapid settle ment. FIRE PROOF MESSENGER BOXES A Chicago police arrested a wife murderer, but could not find the re mains of the woman, and the case seemed likely to fail through. Know ing that the prisoner would be speedily discharge 1 unless some proof was forthcoming, the. Captain entered the cell with a paper in his hand, and said : “Your wife isn't dead, after aU. She was found alive where you left her. and tikcn to hospital. This is her sworn .statement of what vou did to I cr. She wants to see you.” The murderer was completely deceived. On the way to the hospital, as he sup , osed, he was induced to tell where he had shot his wife, and there the bodj’ was found. Vast an 1 destructive grasshopper swarms have been ravaging parts of Turkey and of the Russian Caucasus. In the latter region 100.000 roubles were appropriated for., distribution in the shape of rewards for the destrne tion of the larvae. In the region about Smyrna the entire population had to turn out for the destruction of the pests. In the district about Angora all shops were closed by proclamation of the Governor for three days, and the population was set to work in the fields. Besides this, prayers were of fered in all the mosques, and every inhabitant was required to turn in to the Government a certain quantity of the larvae, to iso burned in pits dug for the purpose. These grasshoppers, or locusts, are said to come from I’crsia. .ProjWioiml’ (Tunis. JQK. R. I?. ADAIR, Dentist, June 10-'SI. Gainesville, Ga. I OIIX J. STRK’KLAXi), O A TTOKN EY-AT-LaW, Danielsvillk, Ga., Will protnpfly attend to all business en trusted to liim. dec 17, ’BO. Dlt. X. IJ CASH. Nicholson, Ga., Tenders his professional services to the surrounding country. Rheumatism, Neu ralgia and the diseases of women a speci alty. Feb. 13th, 1880. ly RO WARD THOMPSON,’ A TTOIt N aV-AT-I.AW. Gainesville, Ga. Prompt and faithful attention given to all business placed in his hands. \y]LEY U. HOWARD, t Attorney-at-Lavc, Jefferson, Ga.. Will attend faithfully to all business en trusted to his care. inch 4, OILMAN & THOMPSON, O Attorneys-at-Law, Jefferson, Ga., Will practice in Jackson and adjoining counties. Jackson Sheriff’s Sale. WILL he sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Jefferson, Ga., to the highest bidder, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, the following property to wit: A tract of land, lying in Jackson coun ty, on the waters of the South Oc nee l iver, containing one hundred and ninety acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Robert Shields, Levi Martin and others. On said land there is about seventy-five acres in good state of cultivation, about forty acres of this is river and creek bot toms. the remainder is in original forest and old field pines. On said land there is a good dwelling and out-houses and ten ant houses, a good orchard and other im provements, making a first-class farm. Levied on as the property of J. 1). •John son. to satisfy a !i. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county at the August term, I SSI , in favor of S. C. Dobbs against J. 1). Johnson. Property pointed out by S. C. Dobbs, the plaintiff in li. fa. Written notice given to the ten ant in possession as the law directs. T. A. Me: FJ J IAN NON, Sh"ff". CHARLES STERN CO., mE3IE CLOTHIERS^ georqia. IpiiiSin {jidltiMl^RicAl HOME MANUFACTURE! SHOES! HARNESS! LEATHER! WE are now making the very host quality of the above articles right here at home, and they are for sale. We do not expect to sell them merely because they arc home manufacture, but because of their excellent quality and low price. We are making regular of the very best material and workman ship. and offering them for *2o per cent, less than the usual price. Our BROGANS cannot be beaten in excellence, or cheapness for the quality. These sell only by the case. Bridles. Col lars and Harness, double or single, always on hand, or made to order. We have the most experienced workmen. All we ask is a trial. ATKIN'S. CARR & CO. Maysville, Ga.. June 17th, ISSI. 500 MEN Can he supplied with the finest Cooking Stoves ever brought to the market of Northeast Georgia. 11 ith our excellen t Cook Stoves , we give everythina that is WANTED in the Kitchen for all cooking purposes, and guar antee in every cook stove to give satisfaction. If yon want something that is good cud will be cer tain to give yon satisfaction, APPLY To W. IT. JONES, SupT .a.t tlrxe “ JFied Store,” OPPOSITE COHEN’S. Athens, Cl a.. Sept. 16th. 1881. One Thousand People Wanted! Tit HUY THOSE CHEAP GOODS AT PARKER & LAMP BROS. II c arc receiving daily, a large and well selected assortment of FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERIES, Canned G-oods, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrup, and therßest Mackerel 11ST THE CITY. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF £oo\s, W*v\ CaoovVs, Sc We have bought in large quantities, and can offer Gtreat Inducements TO THOSE I’URCHASIXO BAGGING ANI) TIES. REMEMBER, WE SELL ONLY AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ! Highest Market Price Paid for Cotton. Call and See That We Mean What We Say!: PARKER S' CAMP PROS., Feb. 25 No. 12 Broad Street, Athens, Ga. J. N. MONTGOMERY, (Broad Street, next door to Col. Dobbs, Athens, O’a.) DEALER 1 1ST LOUIS COOK’S BUGGIES, Carriages dfe Harness, Which I warrant equal to any sold in this market at same prices. THE OLD HICKORY WAGON—warranted as good as the best. THE F A R 0 i HAR ENGlNE—noted for power and durability. THE FARQUIIAE SEPARATOR—nothing better nor cheaper in market. THE ATLAS ENGIN E—one of the most popular and cheapest on the market. The wcll-knqwn ECLIPSE ENGINE, and the BOOKWALTER ENGINE, (ji Horse- Power, for &LV>. 'l’he well-known BROWN COTTON GIN, CONDENSER and FEEDER Cheapest Gin on the market. Also, the eelehra ed HALL GIN: nothing finer. COTTON PRESSES, PORT ABLE CORN. WHEAT and SAW MILLS, SORGHUM MILLS. EVAPORATORS, SHINGLE MACHINES. The well-known OLIVER CHILLED TERN PLOW, SULKY and GANG PLOWS. Improved HARROWS, GRAIN DRILLS, REAP ERS. MOW ERS. and other improved agricultural implements. Also, several brands of FERTILIZERS. ftaT’Sample ENGINES and other articles kept on hand. - Sept 0-i.v J. N. MONTGOMERY. G_ 3D. ATHENS, ------ GEORGIA.. AGENT FOR T. T. IFAYDOCK’S (Cincinnati Buggies & Carriages, The Columbus Hussy Co’s Fine Hussies and Carringcs- THE CELEBRATED Milbuni One and Two-Horse FARM WAGON . A good assortment of Harness. Also Manufacturers’ Agents for the WIN SHIP COTTON GIN, Cotton Press, Condenser and Feeder, the best gin outfit on-' the market. Steam Engines, Saw Mills and Agricultural Implements. Prompt at tention paid to orders. Terms liberal. Office and Ware-Rooms, corner Clayton* and Thomas Streets, Athens, Ga. ■iuiya-2 JOHN WINN, Salesman. New Opening: - WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ATHENS, . . . GEORGIA. CHARLES A. SCUDDER, DEALER LIST WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. ALL kinds of Repairing done by the latest improved methods. Gold Plating and Engraving. All jobs and orders sent by mail or Express promptly attended to.. BRUMBY’S DRUG STORE, College A venue*. Athens, Ga. * sep oO