Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, December 16, 1881, Image 2

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TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION; One copy, 12 months $1 oO “ ** G “ 75 “ “ 3 “ CASH subscriptions arc preferred, but to reliable parties a year's credit will be given, but not for a longer period. EACH subscriber will be notified be fore their time expires, and the paper will be stopped unless the subscription is re newed and all past dues settled. RATES OF ADVERTISING; ONE DOLLAR per inch for the first and FIFTY CUNTS for each subsequent inser tion. A LL advertisements sent without speci fication of the number of insertions mark ed thereon, will be published till for did. Annual or semi-annual contracts for space will be made on application. I.egal advertisements will he inserted at the rate prescribed by law. Bills for the same due, and must be paid, after first insertion of advertisement, or the ** ads" will he discontinued. All hills for contract advertising are due after first insertion of advertisement, and must be paid when presented. TRANSIENTS in advance. We reserve the right to demand cash in advance, both for subscriptions and adver tising, when we see fit. Jackson Herald. ROBERT S. HOWARD, Editor. JEFFERSON, GA. FJUIbIY, ■>*<** ibe r lb. 1891. Guiteau is anticipating his doom, lie says it is time for him to die. Ex President Jetr Davis lias ret urn ed from a trip to Europe. With Bob Toombs, lie constitutes the chief mourners of the lost cause. Mr. Josiah A. Browning, of Clarke county, is dead. lie was at the time of bis death, and had been for twenty years previous, the Sherilf of Clarke county. A theatre caught fire in Vienna, Prussia, on the night of the 9th inst. Two thousand people were in it at the time. Over five hundred bodies have been recovered from the ruins. Many were trampled to death. Our town has been flooded tins week with fruit trees from the Jackson County Nursery.— Camming Clarion. Yes ; and in three or four years it will he flooded with fine fruit. You don’t throw your money away when you buy trees from the Jackson County Nur sery. The regular old line, true blue. Republicans, who go in for the sugar, are exceedingly glad to hear that it has come around to their lime again, and that the powers that be are really genuine Republicans, who propose to divide the spoils within their own family. President Andrew Johnson favored North Carolina in many ways during the days of reconstruction, just after the war. which enabled that State to get, on a substantial basis before the balance of the members of the Southern Confederacy. The reason assigned for this favoritism was that the Presi dent was horn in the old North State. A careful and reliable estimate of the cotton crop makes it a million and a half hales less than the crop of last, year. We can safely say that the staple will from now on yield a fair price to its lucky owners. But it has passed out of the hands of the men who worked night and day to make it. Why is it that the Southern farmer should, of his own free will, he a hewer of wood to the speculators ? Disregardinpj the broad intimation of his friends, both black and white, to the effect that Mr. Speer cannot control the Athens Post Office appoint ment, flic Alliens fP((A7<w<bf*continues to insist that he can and should use his influence to have a white man appointed to the place. Mr Speer is nodoubtdisgnstcd with t.lie pertinacity of the Watchman in this instance, but he should not complain if the Watch man adopts the methods of his own nice organs. Laura City Items. From the Walton News of the Gth inst. Cotton picking is over. Marriages are scarce. Farmers are busy sowing wheat. The depot will be located and the slakes driven to-morrow. Ilev. Mr. Wood rejoices over anew born baba. Mr. Hush says he is going to carry Miss Laura and the children to the exposition soon. Messrs. McMillan and Main are building neat dwellings at the Tavern. As Mr. Hiram Letts attemdted to get into his wagon a few days since the horses started very suddenly, throwing him between the wheels and almost breaking bis neck. Just a-s the wheel struck his neck Kan Britlon, colored, snctched the wheel up and it passed over, . aving his life. Mr. N. J. Kod.y and lady are visit ing the exposition this week. We are having hog killing weather. One of our neighbors says he has done without meat so long the first he ate made him sick, and he did not eat but half a head and firtir feet. Mr. John House brought in a seven pound turnip last week. It is said that half the crowd at Carter Hill’s sale had books under their arms collecting. One man says he owes so man}' that when he sells his cotton he don’t know which way to start, so he just sits down at home and they come to him. W. 11. Goodwin has bought a farm near the Tavern. It sometimes hap pens that men get fired of business life and seek a more quiret one. Our | opinion is that some young lady is better posted as to his motives than we are. Now and Then. Because it adds to Personal Beauty l, y restoring color and lustre to gray or faded hair, and is beneficial to the scalp, is why Parker’s Hair Balsam is such a popular dressing. Says the Covington Enterprise: “ There is a large rock on the creek here in town with the perfect foot track of a man iu it, and on the same stone can be seen a horse track two inckesdeep. Old Mike Harper, a sup erstitious darkey, who died here a few 3 ears ago, claimed that it was the track of himself an i horse, and made there in the sand on a day so hot that the sun melted the sand into stone. We are not prej ;ue 1 to vouch for the truth of Mike's ass rtion, buttho>e who doubt the Dad s being there can walk to the l end of the creek, just be low the mill, and see for themselves.” Har'wcM Sun: ‘‘We regret to chronicle the following painful acci dent, which occurred in Fi anklin conn ty on Saturday las f . ami v.h ch caused the death of a good and upright citi 7.en, Mr. Martin Looney, who resiles in the neigh', or lino 1 o'Ciai k'* Church. He was returning from the fi. 1 1. and his mule became frightenc 1 an 1 ran away, and Mr. Looney by s nr.c means became e; tangled with the harness and was dra g *d by the it u’e a con siderable distance, lie was found dead, his bo ly being terribly tnutila ted. Tuc decease i was one of Frank lin's old and most respected c tizens." Cumuliim Clarion says : “ Monday night, our citizens were amuse 1 by the erv of lire! which proceeded from the jail. Upon inve.,tigation it was found that, the inmates. Jim Roe and !S tig Rite, both colored, ha 1 attempted to burn their way out, of the dungeon, intending to put out the fire with some water that had been left the e. For tunat.ely the supply was soon exausle 1. and when the fire got be’, ond their control, being in danger of burning alive, they called lustily for help. The fire was soon cxt nguislied by those who responded to the call, and a guard was organized an 1 stationed at the jail the remainder of the night. The desperado, Jim Roe, win the orig nator of the plan, an i he should be summarily and alt with at the next term of the Court.” Says the Griilin Nines: "LastTucs day morning a good looking well dress ed young man upi led to Bowden & Shackleford for a horse and buggy, saying he wanted to go Jackson, Butts county. He gave his name as C. T. Evans, and said he was from Atlanta. It isn't generally the custom to let. out teams to strangers without some iden tification. but Evans pn s.'iite 1 the ap pearance oi being every iticha gentle man so Mr. Bowden allowed him tot ike the turnout simply on lius face, little dreaming that anything was likely to lie wrong about the matter. The next day passed, an 1 Ivans still failed to appear. Then Timr.-d iy came and went;.still no Evans. Friday morn ing the livery firm began to feel scared, and commenced at once to institute search for the man and turnout. They' have written and telegraphed to a number of places, and it is to be hoped they will succeed in overhauling the festive Evans.” According to the S tvannuh News. this is the way the Judge of the Supe rior Court, of that Circirt fixes things up: “It appearing to the court that Sam Brvan was the prosecutor in the case of the State vs. George Gi i din, and a duly subpoenaed witness to appear on Gih December at the trial of said case, and that said witness came to Savannah aid suffered himself to bo made drunk by one Calvin Griffin, brother of the defendant, in order that he might not, appear on the trial of the case, and that said Calvin Griffin car ried said witness to the house of one Emma Walker, there directing him to be kept closely concealed, all of which obstructed the process of the court and delayed the trial of said case on the 6th December, as aforesaid, ‘lt is ordered, that the said Sam Bryan be confined in the jail of Chatham county for throe days, and that Calvin Griffin he confuted in jail for five days, for contempt of court.’ ” Athens Watchman: “Mr. J. G MoElroy. of Banks county, relates the following occurrence which happened on his plantation near Harmony Grove a few days ago: W hile his throe little boys were standing in ihe yard a large hawk swooped down and flew away with a chicken in his talons. The hoys thinking that his majesty might drop the chicken, followed him some dis tance.when to their delight they saw him-drop his prey. As soon as this happened the hawk commenced cir cling around whore the hoys and chick en wore congregated and finally lighted on the eldest, boy, who was ten years old, and fastened one talon in the boy’s chin. The second son went to the rescue, when the hawk caught him on the arm with the other talon, thus holding both the boys at his mercy. The third and youngest seeing the perilous situation of his brothers, drew his knife, went to work and succeeded m cutting the hawk from his brothers, and killing him. The talons were shown tiiis reporter by the father of the hoys, an 1 shows the gashes indict ed by the youngest son. Both legs were cut to the bone, just below the claw, before the boys were released from their dangerous position. After his lordship was dispatched be was found to be a large bird and measured twenty four incites from stem to stern." Cause and Effect. The main cause of nervousness is indigestion, and that is caused by weakness of the stomach. No one can have sound nerves and good health without using Hop Bitters to strength' en the stomach, purify the blood, and keep the liver and kidneys active, to carry off the poisonous and waste matter of the system. —Ad ounce. NOTICE. WILL be sold, on the freehold of E. R. Lay, in the 2-ttith District, G. M., of Jackson county, on Saturday, the 2 fth day of December. ISBI, one mouse color ed mare mule, with right eye out, four feet four inches high supposed to be twen ty years old, and appraised to he worth twenty dollars by' freeholders. Said mule sold as an cstray, under an order of the Ordinary of said county, to pay cost, ex pense of keeping, Ac. Toms cash. T. A. Mi LLIIA NX ON, Sh’iL Dec. 10th, 1881. TRUTH ATTESTED. Some Important Statements of Well- Known People Wholly Verified. In order that the public may fully re al i/.c the genuineness of the statements, as well as the power and value of the ar ticle of which they speak, we publish herewith the far simile signatures of par ties whose sincerity is beyond question. The truth of these testimonials is absolute, nor can the facts they announce be ig nored. Atlanta. Ga.. March 3,1851. 11. 11. Warner 8? Cos.. Rochester . X. GuxtLKMKX—For twenty years 1 have suffered more or less from my bladder and kidneys. My business for many years had required me to travel a 1 over the Southern States. Whilst going to Texas, last fall. I saw in a paper an advertisement of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I bought a bottle, and in less than a week the improvement in my health was pal pable. Since then, my general health has improved wonderfully, and I now enjoy a degree of health and strength, in every particular, such as 1 had not hoped it pos sible to enjoy again in this world—of which 1 am satisfied, under God's bless ing. has been due to your remedy. Jyuf. CjH^^ Office of Ordinary Mlyscogee Co., A Codum Hi’s. Ga., Get. 1, Ixßl. j 11. 11. Warm r 8? Cos.. Rochester. N. Y.: Gentlemen : For eighteen months I suffered intensely with a disease of the kidneys and a torpid liver, and after try ing every remedy that I could hear of, be sides being under the treatment of some of our ablest physicians. 1 had about given up my case as hopelessly incurable, when 1 was prevailed upon by my wife to ti’} r your .Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. 1 confess that I had but little faith in its merits or efficacy ; but to my great joy and satisfaction, after 1 had commenced on the second bottle. 1 continued the use of the medicine until 1 became completely cured. Judge Court of Ordinary. Thousands of equally strong endorse ments—many of them in cases where hope was abandoned—have been voluntarily given, showing the remarkable power of \\ arner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in all diseases of the kidneys, liver and uri nary organs. If any one who reads this has any physical trouble, remember the great danger of delay. Postponed Sheriff’s Sale. YYT ILL he sold, before the Court House T door in the town of -Jcll'erson, Ga.. within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit: A tract of land, situated in Jackson county. Ga., on the waters of the South Oconee river, in the 2 Fid District. G. M„ containing two hundred and fifty-live acres, more or less, adjoining lands of James Varnvmi, Wallis, Long and others. On said place there are two tenant houses ; about thirty or forty acres of the land in good state of cultivation, the balance of' the land is in old field pines. Levied on as the property of-John 11. Harrison, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county in favor of Wm. Batman vs. John 11. Harrison and W. I). Harrison. Said fi. fa. now controlled by M. A. Batman. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Written notice given to the tenants in possession, as the law directs. T. A. McF.LUANNON, Sh'if. J, MONROE TAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1844. Gold Medal Rnda, Gold lYß.cdn.lt Saleratns, 113 WATER ST., MiWIOKX, The whitest, nicest and best goods made. Guaranteed pure, superior in quality and stvle of package to any brand in the world. Takes less quantity to do the same work. Ask your grocer for it, and have no ether. P KORGIA, Jackson County. KJ Whereas, Helena E. Long applies for Letters of Guardianship of the property and persons of Ilubbert Long and Homer Long, minors of -John A. Long, dec’d This is to cite all concerned, and the next of kin, to show cause, if any. on the first Mouday in January, IXB2, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, why said Letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my official signature, No vember 30th. 1881. 11. W. BELI , Ord’y. i c^RiKog^f|ScigwiH)|)iS DAVID.LANDRETH &SOKS. FKiIA- — / . I Rent’s Sale. Wild, be sold, before the Court House door in Jefferson, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Jan uarv, 1882, at public out-erv. to the high est bidder, the tract of land in said coun ty on which the widow of the late John Griffith, dec’ll, had a life ostate.it being a portion of the old John (Iriflith homestead place, near Hurricane Shoals, in said coun ty. containing, according to estimate, two hundred and forty acres, more or less. On said place is the dwelling lately occupied by said John Griffith, with the improve ments, stables, barns, out-houses, Ac. About one hundred and twenty-five acres in cultivation, the remainder in original forest, well timbered. There is a small creek near the dwelling, with sufficient water to run any ordinary machinery, and on which F its lino a shoal as the country affords. The farm is in very good repair. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the distributees and legatees of the late John Griffith, dec’d. WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Agent for the distributees and legatees of said John Griffith, dec'll. FAIR WARNING ! A LL parties arc notified not to hire or ljl harbor in any manner a colored boy by the name qf ZAGK HEMPHILL, as he is bound to me, and 1 will prosecute all to the extent of the law for so doing, dec 1G A. LEMON, fROWlfs MMS "xNn-a BROWN’S IRON BITTERS are a certain cure for all diseases requiring a complete tonic; espe cially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Doss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enriches the blood, strength ens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all Drug gists at SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHEMICAL. CO. • Baltimore, Md. See that all Iron Bitters are made by Brown CnnMiCAi. Cos. ami have crossed red Hues aud trade mark on wrapper BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. AltlAMin I. OKITIA, ilM ‘•Moxai l,” New Style. No. 12009, 27 Stops, 10 full sets Gulden Tongue Reeds, SOLID WALNUT Highly Bolish cd Case. New and Valuable improve ments just added. Stool, Book. Music. Boxed and delivered onboard cars here, price Only Sixty Dollars. Net Cash. Satisfaction guaranteed in every particu lar or money refunded after one years’ use. Every one sold sells another. It is a Standing Advertisement. Order AT Once. Nothing Saved P.y Cor respondence. My new factory just completed, capacity *2llllO Instruments every "JH days, very latest labor-saving wood-working machinery. Vast Capi tal enables me to manufacture better goods for less money than ever. Address, or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey'. New Styles <>!' Chroma Cards iciih Name, or 25 Xetv Years' Cards , lUr. Nassau Card Co s., Nassau , N. Y. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE world 175G72 .Magnificent Gift Books; Gorgeous Juvenile Books; Superb Bifiles and Brav er Books almost given away. Grand Hol iday Catalogue free. LEGGAT BROS., SI Chambers St., near Broadway, N. Y. WONDERFULJMSCOVEJRY. META I, TIP LAIIII* WI Pal’d Dec. 7, 1880. •-1 GiTv-3 a Brilliant. While and Steady I 0 light, requires no trimming, and lasts for months. Sample wick 10 cts., 3 wicks2s ets., 12 wicks 75c., postage paid. Have four sizes. No. 0,1, 2,3. Agents wanted. Address METAL TIP LAMP WICK CO., 70 Cortlandt St., New York. FLORIDA ! HBsnanm Atlantic ami Gulf 4'av>l Cana! stmt Olicecliobec I .anil Cos. 50,000 SHARES, $lO EACH At PAR with a BONUS of 40 Acres for each 10 Shares from Choice Lands of the “ Disston Purchase.” OFFICES -•-Third and Chestnut Sts.. Phil adelphia ; 115 Broadway, N. Y., Rooms 111, 113. Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed FREE. MEDAL AWARDED the Author.A newand threat Med ical Work,warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every man,entitled “the Scienceof Life or,Self-Preservation bound in finest French muslin, embossed, fall pilt.SIX) pp.contains beautiful steel ensrravincs, 125 prescrip tions, price only $1.25 sent by mail; illustrated sample. 6 cents; send now. Address Peabody Mod- FtTflW TUVQFT V ><’al Institute or Or. W. Jl. PAR- A-It U W 111 I wLLr . KKIt. No. 4 Bnlfinchet. Boston. Geld Medial Baking Powder, Gold. Medial Cream Tartar, tioid Medal Washing Crystal. THE CHICKERINfi PIANO. THE HIGHEST AWARDS TbSos in Ihe GREAT WORLD’S FAIR in LONDON, 1S51; nt the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI. 1875; and at the yrand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1576. All persons wishing to purchase (or et amiiij’) instruments arc respectfully In" viled to visit our Warerooins. Seml/or Circular and rrice List. GHICKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N. Y. j 156 Tremont St., Boston. Having purchased another Store- Room. I WISH TO REDUCE MY STOCK BEFORE MOVING, AND l WILL SELL AT COST FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. F. M. HAILEY. CeTParties owing me are requested to MEET THEIR OBLIGATIONS AT ONCE. HORSE and Cattle Powders. OF ALL the powders that arc in the market, none stand the test of trial better than JACOBS’. They have a very EXTENSIVE SALE, and their great reputation is due more to real merit than to an y putting in the news papers, as they have not been indiscrimi nately advertised, hut have grown into favor by actual use. This Powder is carefully prepared from the best materials, and is warranted to give satisfaction in every instance. It gives Horses an appetite, and causes them to digest and appropriate their food. It is a sure preventive and cure for LUNG FEVER, Colic, Yellow Water, Distemper, Etc. Many Horses have an appetite and eat heartily but do not gain flesh, the skin is tight and the hair rough and dead. In -uch cases 11 $ tvcoVis V* OW^tVvY" will give a soft, healthy look to the hair, the skin will become loose and the Horse improve rapidly. By the use of this POWDER the quan tity of Milk and Cream will be increased ten per cent, in Cattle. Directions for Use. —For Spring Fe ver from two to four tablespoonfuls a day. for all other diseases a tablespoonful three times a day. Large Packages, price *2o Cents. FOR SALE RY Dr. -J. B. Pendergrass, Jeffers n, Ga. Dr. L. (i. Hardman, Harmony drove, da. Dr. C. L. Harden, llarino y drove,oa. 1. A. Madden,-Maysville, da. nov 18 HARTWELL high school. Hartwell, Oa. MORGAN L, PARKER, A. B, Principal. r SMIK Spring Session for ISX2 will open JL on Monday, Hie 9th of January, and close on Friday, the '2nth of June. Tuition, per month, 81. JO, 82.00, $9.00 and SI.OO. according to advancement. Music (extra) SI.OO. Board from SB.OO to SIO.OO per month. Those seeking a place to send their chil dren are invited to give our school their consideration. F< r Pull particulars, apply to the Prii = cipal. • dec 2 ffSa pin^ m 111 Hg 'SAFES FOR RAILROAD TICKET OfFICES' FOR RAILROAD AND EXPRESS CJOMPANIES. ESTIMATES AlilD DRAWINGS FURNISHED PQUNQ CORNER v ; f SAFES ) i EXT r a^'becure LOCKS” W.H.BIiTt.EK. / 291 bF^ A new YORK GENERAL AdENT FOR IDIEBOLD SAFEfLOCK COl Jachson Shei'iff s tin / e. WILL be sold, before lie Court House door in Jefferson, -Jackson count}-. Ga., on the first Tuesday in January. 18S2, w ithin the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to-wit : Twenty-Jive bushe’s of corn in the shuck, eight hundred bundles of fodder and one bale of cotton, weighing about three hundred and thirty pounds, more or less. Levied on as the property of G. L. Wood, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Jackson county, at the February term, 1881. in favor of S. I*. Thurmond vs. Green Wood and M. I>. Doster. Property pointed out l>y S. P. Thurmond, plaintiff in ti. fa. T. A. Mt IvLIIANXON, Sir if. jMy If von arc a you or<- jf business.woak- man of let ened by the strain of ■■ tors toiling over mid your duties avoid night work, to re - stimulants and U 8 e V tore brain nerve anti Hop Bitters. ■waste, use Hop B. - If you are young andHsuffering from any in discretion or dissipamtion ; if you are mar ried or single, old orßyoung. suffering from pool-health, or languisliEmg on a bed of sick ness, rely on H O ppßitters. ■Whoever you are. ragsfk Thousands die an whenever you feel |Jj Jh nually from some that your system ufiHj) form of Kidney needs cleansing, ton- fSSffif disease that might ing or stimulating ]■ I] have been prevented without intoxicating, lßflt fthy a timely use of take Hop ifiA Hopßltters Bitters. ■■HBi ITavo you dys- Am'.* pepsia, kidneyMaU'-——'- q i q or urinary com plaint, disease Hi I . is an absolute of the stomach, 1 JlfiTk ?P and rresista bowcls, blood, it! HI I R ble curo for liver or verves i iM|| Hy A. drunke ness, You will be US • use of opium, sasisssj I piTTfnQ SSKS’" If you are sim- Ull I I.IIU Soldbydrng ply weak and JMj ....... gists. Send for low spirited, try ■ NtVEK Circular. savevou rfl ETA I I hop bittebs fife. It has IrA I L BrG co • saved hun- Jf Botbester,. T. dredS. ’Hjj. ■ & Toronto, Ont. Coffins! Coffins! I WILL keep on hand, in Jefllrson, a lull supply of COFFINS —AND— BURIAL CASES of all sizes, and at prices to suit the times. Every effort will be made to serve parties promptly and satisfactorily. Respe jtfully. api 29 W. A. WORSHAM. Subscribe for the Herald. CHINA HALL. JUST RECEIVED A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF Japanese Sc Fancy Goods, WHICH ARE AI.l, THE RAGE AND VERY SUITABLE FOR Bridal Presents & Holiday Gifts Also, Full Lines of CLOCKS and MIRRORS, besides our regular stock of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Wc make no idle boast when we say that our prices will average lower than tli of any house in the State. ,s ° LYNCH FLANIGEN, iiixhjk, vi iii;\s, oct *2B SPECIAL JUST RECEIVED AT M.G. & J. Cohen, A SPLENDID STOCK OF Black and Colored Cashmeres, PLAIDS, STRIPES AND Fancy Dress Goods In all the newest and most fashionable designs. Black and Colored Fringes, Pasa mcntries, Beads, Cords and Tassels, Bunch Beads. Buttons, etc., to match all new dress fabrics. An elegant line of Black Cashmere and drab d’eto. Dolmans trimmed in Satin and Pnsamentries. These goods were bought at JO cents on the dollar, and will be sold at prices lower than they can be sold anywhere else in the world. ALSO, A SPLENDID LINE OF Ladies’ Jackets, Ulsters and Cloaks AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ! An immense stock of Jaconet Edgings, Neck K uching, Scarfs and' Fischtics. Spanish Lace Ties. Irish Ties—all in the latest and most beautiful styles. Our stock of Flannels, Cashmeres, Jeans and Domestics IS COMPLETE AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY HOUSE IN THE CITY. Ladies* and Children's Shoes. Men's and Boys’ % Boots and. Sllioes! MEN'S, BOYS’ AND YOUTH’S CLOTHING I AN IMMENSE STOCK OF C A It 1> E T S, SHADES, Lace Curtains, Etc. All as low as they can be bought in the State. Our stock for tins season will be more complete than ever before, and would ask of our friends and patrons to look at our stock before purchasing, as wc are sure we can save them money. ] ‘erij respect fully, M. G. & J. COHEN. Athens, On., September 30th, 1881. FIRE PROOF MESSENGER BOXES : AN UN V\\ ECUDENTED DROUTH Has greatly injured crops of every description, thereby rendering ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY The strictest economy in all our expenditures. Fully alive to this fact, we have re duced the prices on Eoots and. Blioes To the very lowest possible figure. Our stock is one of the largest in the Stato. _W\ Y\vc CJvvwVvYw Owv UtootXs S\vcuVv V\st:Y^. Everybody invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, BALDWIN & BURNETT, Sept so No. 3 Broad St., Athens, Ga. REMOVAL ! % T. FLEMING & SONS WILL MOVE THEIR STOCK OF HARDWARE to Reaves, Nicholson & Co.’s old stand on January Ist, ISS2, and will be glad to see their friends as heretofore. Athens, Ga., Dec. 9, 1881. 'W NEW EDITION. The most Interesting Book of Washing -3 1 ZA JLJP * ■toil Life ever A History of every Administra tion from WASHINGTON to the T’lrXTT 1 1 r V "KTOTTSiT! „r,-sent tunc. Includes much W XIliA Xlv/ U O-U* Personal and Private History never™ I™* 1 ™* ***•■ before published. Illustrated with more than 20 Steel Portraits of the Ladies ot tne White House, including a sketch and portrait of Mrs. Garfield, “Mother Garfield;” a sketch of the President and the history of his assassination. Agents wanted. Send for circulars with full particulars. BRADLEY A CO., publishers, No. GO North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, T a. "Vrm YD C* & YITI to sav that nothing can take the place of the N. XX XJi oilX Jui Y. WEEKLY WITNESS in the Family. It has the latest news of the day, reliable reports of Markets, daily report of I niton Stieet Prayer-Meeting—at,one worth the subscription price; Sunday-School Notes by Professor Doolittle ; Home Department (a groat favorite with the ladies), tni - dren’s Department, Temperance Department, Editorial Articles on all the questioiis of the dav. 75000 families read it now. Specimen Copies free. Nme to-J - DOUG ALL & CO., 17 to 21 Vandewater Street, New York. Fres.li, 1 aiti* mu<l I’earUst..