Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, July 16, 1925, Image 4

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A little money will pay big dividends here during the next 39 days. Come in and let us prove it. A Sweeping July Clearance, Beginning Friday, July 17th ’ ALL SUMMER GOODS INCLUDED - _ - / , I ' Here is extra good bargain news for shoppers, for now comes the greatest value giving event of the summer season, which starts next Friday. July is clean-up time here, when all remaining Summer Goods are closed out at ridiculously low prices, in order to clear the way for Fall Goods. A feast of Bargains await those who shop here during the next few days. Just glance over this page of specials for the first week. Come early, while assortments are complete. _ MOBLEIT 3 S LOOK FOR THE GREEN TAG. All Summer Goods re-tagged and marked in plain figures, conveniently arranged for your choosing SMART SILK DRESSES AT JULY CLEAN-UP PRICES These low July prices represent but a fraction of the original selling prices at which these fine silk dresses weie previously marked but out they must go regardless of what they were made to sell for. Every style is smart and up-to-date; the patterns and fabrics compare favora bly with dresses offered elsewhere at much higher prices. If you need anew silk dress, don’t miss these wonderful values. Crepes, Georgettes and Printed Silks. Clearance price, $7.45, $9.95, $12.45. FINAL CLEAN-UP OF SUMMER DRESS FABRICS AND YARD GOODS 1 At no time of Summer are greater savings possible than now on the choicest fabrics for children’s, misses’ and women’s dresses, blouses, skirts, rompers, etc. Wash fabrics, English broad cloth, sportswear materials, prin ted georgetes, printed silks —all are repriced for a quick and thorough clean-up of Summer assortments. Note these exceptional offerings for Friday and Saturday. All 50c goods, Clearance price, 37 l-2c. All 37 l-2c goods, Clearance price 25c. All 25c goods, Clearance price. 18c. Other prices in proportion. Big savings. REMNANT SALE Remnants accumulate very fast, especially after a brisk selling season of yard goods so they must be cleared out regardless of what they were formerly priced. Hundreds of fine remnants of silks, satins, tub fabrics, ginghams, etc. will be ready Friday morning—come and make your selections before the best patterns and lengths are sold. It will pay to purchase for future sewing when prices in many instances are about half. See center table. MENS 2-PIECE SUMMER UNDERWEAR Made of good quality check nainsook, comes in shirts and drawers made to retail for 90c garment. Clearance price 3 pairs SI.OO. LADIES SLIPPERS About 100 pairs, including patents, vicis, Blacks and Tans, Pumps and lace Oxfords, sizes 3 1-2 to 7. These are fine make of Shoes, but of course slightly out of style, but exceptional values for around the house and home wear. If your size is here they are cheap. Clearance price, 90c. MENS HEAVY WEIGHT OVERALLS Well made of a 220 Blue denim. Special for 30 days, 51.25. OTHER ITHnVCS X2ST SHORT LOTS Many other items we can not mention here will be included in this Store-Wide Clearance Sale. We invite you to visit our store, whatever your needs may be. We feel sure you will be more than repaid in savings to be had here. MENS ODD SUMMER PANTS Broken lots and sizes, but all new this season’s goods. Palm Beach, Wash Cotton, and light weight woolens, all at Clearance price 25 per cent to 33 1-3 off regular price. MENS OXFORDS REDUCED Taken from stock and reduced. Black and tan oxfords in all good leathers. We’ve tacked on new prices that we back to the limit as being super values. Reduced about 1-3. Come in today while your size is here, $2.45, $3.45, $4.45. Great values. t Star Brands, Bostonians, Endi cotts, Queen Qualities, A CLEAN-UP OF ALL REMAINING SUMMER MILLINERY This is a complete sacrifice of every summer hat in the store for every one must go. All smart new shapes in picture models —small sport effects, horsehair frames with deft touches of flower or ribbon and numerous styles for street or general wear. Choose anew hat from these groups arranged for clearance. Clearance price now r $1.45, $2.45, $2.95. Original prices up to $5.00. WELL MADE HOUSE DRESSES ARE SPECIAL FOR DOLLAR DAY . One would hardly expect to find such well made house dresses at such a price for it barely covers cost of mate rials but they were secured by a chance lucky purchase especially for quick selling. Made of good wash mate rials in several simple and pleasing models, they are bound to sell quickly so be on hand early for these. Clearance price, $1.29. MENS SUMMER SUITS Not a full range of sizes, but most of the best sizes in the iot. Palm Beaches, Tropical Worsteds, and other light weight materials. Some heavy enough for year around wear. Price about 1-3 off, at $6.45, $7.95, $9.95, to $13.75. If you are thinking of SUITS, be sure to see us. S BOYS ODD KNEE PANTS A good range of both woolen and cotton wash mater ials, most all sizes in the lot, 95c, $1.19, $1.35, to $1.95. Extra values. 94 UNBLEACHED SHEETING An exceptional value, smooth weave, Clearance price, 1 47 c. Clearance prices will be for cash only. Goods charged will K p a f f pmi| a r nricp? since we are sacrificing profits for cash. UG at ICgUiai M,r- LADIES WASH DRESSES Made of plain and printed broadcloth and other high grade wash fabrics. Originally priced $5.75, to $7.50. Clearance price, $3.75. SILK HOSIERY OF REMARKABLE QUALITY Here’s a silk hosiery opportunity for clearance that should not be missed, for it offers a quality which usually sells for a much higher price in all the smartest shades of the season. These have double toes, heels and tops of fine woven lisle which give added strength and durability. WOMENS LOW SHOES Number of different sytles. These are the shoes most important in fashion, includ ing styles and leathers for summer's varied occasions. There is a fine saving and choice to be made, size range is complete in every style. ' Prices reduced about 1-2, rang ing $1.95, $2.45, $3.45. CHILDRENS SUMMER LOW SHOES AT SI.OO An unusual dollar value are these sturdy low shoes for children —just the sort of comfortable sandal for hot weather wear and dressy enough to wear during the first days of school in September. Some of these values up to $2.50. Clearance price, SI.OO. CHOOSE A NEW STRAW HAT The straw hat season has many weeks yet to go—why not throw away that old discolored straw and choose another here to complete the season. All styles in the wanted weaves. $1.45 and $1.95. A CHOICE COLLECTION OF NECKWEAR Clearance price, 69c. Men—here is a real saving in neckwear that should not be passed up, offering you choice of hundreds of beautiful silk four-in-hand ties at an actual saving of 33 1-3 per cent. All colors and combinations in plain and fancy weaves—diagonal stripes, etc. Choose several from the lot at 69c. MENS FANCY SOX One lot high grade silk sox, in fancy plaid ands stripes. Our regular SI.OO number, but broken lots, to go in clear ance price, 75c. CHILDRENS TENNIS SHOES About 75 pairs misses and boys tennis slippers, some few high cuts in the lot, whites, blacks and brown. Priced original $1.50, to close out quick, take your choice at 95c pair. Just the thing to finish the summer.