Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, August 26, 1926, Image 2

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YOUNG LADY HAS A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN BECAUSE SHE WAS SHORT FRACTION OF “UNIT” The news article published be low should be a warning to teachers and school authorities in dealing with school children and their parents. If a child is not accomplishing the neces sary amount of work to be entitled to graduation at the end of the re quired number of years in school, then parents should be advised. Few parents know mych about “units," and it is a great disappointment for a child to reach the closing months of eleven school years to be informed he lacks a half-unit to entitle him to a diploma. Read what happened to this Stilesboro young lady: Stilesboro, Ga.—The condition of Miss Dori% Taff, prominent Stiles boro girl, mysteriously stricken on the eve of her graduation at the Cartersville High school and uncon scious for many weeks, is rejmrted as steadily improving. The family physician believes Miss Taff will soon be restored to a nor mal condition. A detailed account of her illness is .given by her mother, Mrs. Joel Taff. “Doris had been in high school at Cartersville for three years,” says Mrs. Taff. “On the morning of May 23, Professor Dendy called her up about 10 o’clock and told her there was a fraction of a unit at the Stilesboro high school which she had attended previous to going to Carters- j ville, still against her and she would not be graduated. “Doris was dressed for the com mencement exercises when he called her, while invitations authorized by the faculty bore her name in the graduating class and her diploma is made out and is now in the Carters ville high M-honi. • “She was naturally crushed by this unexpected message. The school authorities had three years to notify her of this unit and still they waited until the last day.” BLIND GEORGIA GIRL WEDS BLIND CAROLINA YOUTH AT ANDERSON Anderson, S. C.—Through the darkness of sightless eyes there ap peared Wednesday a ray of sunshine when a young couple, both blind 6inee childhood, agreed to work out their more or less uncertain desfinies as man and wife. Although they have never looked upon each others’ face, there appears to exist an understand ing more infinite and a love more profound by virtue of the great handicap under which both must live and labor. A w'edding ceremony without pre cedent here was performed by Judge of Probate Herman E. Bailey Wed nesday morning when John Atkins, 23, of Forest City, N. C., and Miss Mary White, 25, of Savannah, Ga., both blind, were married. The marriage followed a courtship of eleven years. It had its begin ning when the two entered the school for the blind at Cedar Springs in Spartanburg county. They left for Columbia immediate % .after the*ceremony. Mr. Atkins is a clothing c aJft?Pn* while Mrs. Atkins will hilve work in the department for the blind, and they “will manage,” they declare. HUSBAND-TO-BE ASKS SIZE FAMILY SHOULD BE A letter asking the government how* big a family it prefers has been received by the federal department tf agriculture at Washington. “I am a young man and about to be married,” said the letter, which was signed with the name John J. Hanlon, of Chicago. “Could you be kind enough to send any literature in regard to ideals toward marriage and the size family the government wants us to have?" ARITHMETIC He is teaching her “arithmetic." He said it was his mission. He kissed her once; he kissed her twice, And said, “Now, that’s addition.” And as he added smack by smack In silent satisfaction, She sweetly gave his kisses back And said, “Now, that’s substrae tion.” Then he kissed her and she kissed him, Without an exclamation, Then both together “smiled” and said, “That’s multiplication.” But dad approached upon the scene '* And made a quick decision. He kicked the lad three blocks away And said, “That’s long division.” -—Exchari'-p. NOTES ON GUBERNATORIAL RACE I _ • | I*? . * (Editorial From Gainesville Eagle) - THE vacillating positions the opponents of John Holder for Governor are very amusing. They first attacked Mr. Holder and the Highway Board because they did not promptly proceed to al lot the additional 800 miles authorized by the Legislature last Au gust, but when they found out that over 120 counties had applied -for additional mileagte and that there were five times as many miles applied for as the Highway Board were authorized to allot they then said Holder should resign so that anew Chairman could go ahead promptly in making the allotment. Then when they found out that Holder was devoting all his time to hearing these numerous applications and leaving his campaign for Governor in the hands of friehds, they then became desperate and charged that he had no mileage to allot and that the last Act of the Legislature placing 800 additional miles at the disposal of t|ie Highway Board did not mean anything. These critics' remind us very much of the famous lawsuit in the Justice Oort bcfw< n two old women over a washpot. The plain tiff alleged that she loaned a perfectly new and sound washpot to her neighbor and when the neighbor returned it the pot was broken. The de/c iant employed a lawyer and set up the follow ing three defense. : First: Defendant alleged the pot was broken when she got it. Second: She alleged the pot was sound when she returned it. Third: She denied ever borrowing the wash-pot. So, following this example, Messrs. Carswell et al allege that the State Highway Board should proceed at once to allot the 800 miles; second, they say that Holder should resigft so that anew Chair man couid allot it more promptly; and third, they allege that the Highway Board has no mileage to allot. FRIENDS OVER STATE CONFI DENT OVER HOLDER’S ELECTION Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 23.—John N. Holder, of Jefferson, Ga., Chairman of the State Highway Board, and a candidate for governor of Georgia, occupies the unique distinction of making no personal campaign nor of doing any electioneering, whatever. His friends are doing all the cam paign work, while Mr. Holder him self works at his present job of run ning the highway department. These friends, who have perfected an active organization throughout the state, as sert w r ith a high degree of confidence that Mr. Holder will be nominated at the September primary “just as sure as gun’s iron.” Chairman Holder,'"rather than Can didate Holder, it would seem, says that the Highway Department ex pects to finish a hard surfaced road from Atlanta to Macon this year, and from Macon to Florida line next year. Much of the work on both sections has been completed, and there are only a few missing links to fill in, it was stated. The Chairman points out that vfrith constantly increasing revenues of the department, it will be able to do more w r ork and contract for more miles at the time, instead of letting short mileage contracts, as hereto fore. As Chairman of the Highway Board, a post ho has held for more than four years, Mr. Holder has con sistently advocated a policy of road development and constrution, insist ing upon the “pay as you go” plan, instead of issuing state bonds in large amounts to provide a system of hard surfaced roads in Georgia. The bond proposal was defeated in the state legislature last spring, and Mr. Holder’s friends throughout the state urged him to become the arfti bond candidate to carry the issue before the people, and thus obtain a direct expression Horn the public on the impuiVmt question. PEDDLING A DANGEROUS PIECE OF MERCHANDISE Mr. Jake Free, who lives beyond New Holland, appeared in town Mon day peddling a dangerous piece of merchandise, if you would call it such. He had a small flat box with a glass top which attracted a good deal of attention—though not close attention, at that—and it was found to contain a big rattlesnake. The snake was about four feet long, and had seven rattles and a button. He had seen the snake in some bushes near his home, cut a hickory sapling and split the bark back, making a loop, in which he caught the reptile. He then trans ferred it to the box. Asked what he was going to do with it, he said: “Sell it. Want to buy it?” We declined with thanks. Asked how much he wanted for it, he said five dollars. Just about that time the reptile, indignant at a thpmp against the box, started up a brand of music that is melodious in no respect, and inspiring in only the one respect that it inspires an instant desire to vacate the place where you now are—and pretty Soon Mr. Free had plenty of parking room for his box. At last accounts no sale had been made. Rattlers ain’t like watermelons. It don’t take many to glut the market. —Gainesville Eagle. Fresh Lettuce, Celery and Tomatoes.—Boggs Bros. & Dadisrr.r.n, Phene 245, POLITICAL POT SIMMERING AT LOW BOILING POINT * (From Athens Banner-Herald) Clarke county people seem rather hard to stir politically this year, and continue to remain unruffled over the primary to name county, district and national officers, which is now less than a month off. An unusual ly large crowd heard’ Dr. L. G. Hard man deliver an address here Monday night, but little comment was passed around one way or the other after the speech was heard. SYLVESTER LOCAL WANTS BROTHER EDITORS ELECTED Editor McGill of the Sylvester Lo cal is proud of the fact that so many men who guide the destinies of the weekly press arc aspiring to seats in the ' next general assembly. Now, Bro. McGill, let’s elect an editor governor, and make it unanimous. The Local says: “We note with pride as well as pleasure the epidemic among Geor gia editors to run for office. If all who are running for the legislature or something are elected the next ad ministration will be made up almost entirely of editors. This ought to be helpful to the state. Lawyers and town farmers have ruled the state since time immemorial and it is high time that the editors be given a chance. Here’s hoping that if the editors are in the majority in the legislature they will do something for the editors instead of spending most of their time trying to “help the farmers” as has been the custom in the past on the part of the lawyers and town farmers. We hope they will pass a bill to provide for the payment of a pension of .S2OO per month out of the state treasury to each editor on reaching the grizzly age of 35. The money for this could be raised simply by abolishing the department of agriculture, whicjLl seems to be the appends. oTTlic' tate “nr'iwo or three cents per gallon to the gas tax, which nobody would miss.” RAISING COTTON TO BUY FOOD AND FEED STUFF Georgia still produces less than 40 per cent of the food it consumes. It takes a million and three hundred thousand bales of cotton to pay for the food and feed brought into Geor gia every year. That means more than one hundred million dollars in cold cash we are paying out for pro ducts which we ought to produce at home. And Jackson county is con tributing her share of this stupend ous sum. How many farmers are there in the county who have no garden, no fall lirish potato patch, no sweet potatoes, no late corn for roasting ears, hut who depend on buying their food from the city groc ery store? One of our exchanges says: “This year probably a third of the money from last year’s cotton crop of the county went to Tennes see, Missouri, Illinois and other states for feed and food. We bought hay and corn by the trainloads. We bought meat by the carloads. Tins will continue so long as the bankers and the farmers gamble on the cotton crop. Georgia farms will never be self supporting, or will we ever get anywhere, until the banks and the fertilizer people quit backing the planting of the earth in cotton to the exclusion ot food and feed for the farms as well as other and more profitable money crops.” THE PUBLIC SERVANT COOK, NURSE, MAID, AT TENDANT, CLERK, BUTCH ER, BAKER. (Dr. S. A. Anderson, Commissioner of Health, Baldwin County.) They prepare your food and that of your children; they handle raw foods to be eaten by you and your children. They bathe, dreßS and care for the baby, for you, for mother. Good old colored mammy? Yes, she Is free from any dangerous disease. llow do you know that she is, and what reason have you to even suppose that she is? \ young girl? She always w-ears clean,* neat clothes, and apparently keeps her body clean; she has never been sick. Even if they are sick occasionally, how many people think anything of it ? Day after day they allow them to con tinue caring for them and their chil dren, Sore throat, sore eyes, appar ent “fever, blisters,’’ frequent head aches, general lassitude; yes, Lucy, pur nurse, has all those things once in a while, but it is nothing serious, and we still keep her and leave the children with her. Occasionally this servant will also have trouble with her bladder, will lose her appetite, lose weight and cough from a little throat Irritation. You slop and think! Doesn’t the thought of syphilis, gonorrhoea, tu berculosis, skin typhoid car rier, ever occur*to you as being pres ent in your servants? Do y#u ever send those servants to your physician or to your health officer to be exam ined? Why should it be possible for everyone under the sun to have any or all of these diseases and your ser vant, yourself, your child, be immune from them? Your precious little child, blind from gonorrhoea contracted from the filth c f your supposedly clean nurse, incurably afflicted with syphilis, tuberculoses or any other dis ease, all contracted from some ser vant whom you trusted to care for them. To whom should the accusing finger of responsibility be pointed? To you, of course; no one else. Do you ever suppose for one minute that any public servant is goiiig to tell you If he or she is affected and afflicted with any communicable disease? They will do this just, as quickly as a bank which is to close its doors will tell you of its failure. It will more than pay any mother and father to think of this, to have their servants examined every four months at least. Consult your State Board of Health, the United States Public Health Service, the Tuberculp sis Association, your family physi cian, your local Department of Health. To your utter amazement, verify by them what nas been said. CORRECTION > PHYSICAL DEFECTS It Is one thing 'to make a physical examination of a child and another to get the defects corrected. It is a use less waste of time to examine children and* not correct them. In some cases it is a mistake to find and report a defect that is not corrected, and we question the wisdom of doing so. In certain types of nervous make - up if the child is found with a defect and told abou£Jt a‘j-d-iJ+fc c.ocregtio.n.isjnqr made, the fact of the defect will cause the child to brood over it. To accomplish the end sought all de fects found should be corrected where it Is humanly possible to do so. The examining physician should use caution in making his exami nations and in the type of child referred to above should make a confidential report to the teacher and parent. In fact, there is no rea son to parade before the world and the playmates of the child in particu lar a defect of any sort. Every school should have_its children examined, but especially the child of pre-school age. Every school should In advance have in mind the providing for the correction of defects. If the question of the geographic distribution of hospitals is made it will be found that we have about 42 general hospitals in Georgia, with something over 4,000 beds, within reach of almost every section of the state. It seems to us that an arrange ment could be made with them to take defective children for surgical corrections in groups at reasonable rates. Tho Coun ty Medical Societies could readi ly arrange this and make the arrange ment for the surgeon to do the work. If 15 or 20 children were taken at a time for tonsils and adenoids a very low rate could be made. This would be much more desirable than clinics at the schools or improvised hospi tals, or at least the State Board of Health think so. We hope that our county will make arrangements for the taking care of all our children, but especially the children of pre-school age. If you live in a malarial section the Sfate Board of Health advises the dai ly use of quinine. Six Handfuls n Wheat a Day J Considered in toms of the prod ucts you sell, the cost of electric light and power through Delco / ca „ rccommcul Li ? ht “ , LeS than the Deico-Light'as a price of six handfuls of wheat a (jood investment day lakes care of the operating to my fnenda. and upkeep cost of this modern J. H. Duke power plant, without taking into consideration the tremendous sav ing in time and labor it makes pos sible on the average farm. The Delco-Light time payment plan makes it easy for you to secure the benefits of Delco-Light. Send for the booklet telling more about Ml Delco-Light—this modern lighting fet- system. A post card will bring it Cipfp R - J-HSLLY • Jefferson,Georgia DEPENDABLE DELCO-LIGHT FARM ELECTRICITY Judge Alex. W. Stephens Entitled to re-election to the Court of Appeals o <: Georgia + Up’. - .;.;. Quality of Judicial Work is the True Test of Judicial Efficiency Judge Stephens has disposed of all cases within the time allowed by law, and with that dispatch consistent with jpst and correct decisions and the duty which ttie law imposes of writing opinions which create precedents. The recoFumade*u^J u3gT§ t&frxm ** thorough and accurate work is fully understood by all who have iolloweft opinions, and such a record justifies his retention in the place where he is serving the people of Georgia so efficiently. Alex. W. Stephens Campaign Committep, Edgar Watkins, Chairman BULOVA WATCHES Look for name ‘'Bulcva” on the dial. It is always your assurance of a perfect time-piece. Priced from S2O up. BULOVA Watches vary in design to meet varying tastes; they are alike in dependability. • M. F. FICKETT JEWELRY CO. • Jewelers-Optometrists 224 Clayton Street Athens, Ga. TRAIN SERVICE TO AND FROM ATLANTA SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Leave Jefferson G. M. 9.03 a. m. 4.53 p. m. Arrive Athens G. M. 10.10 a. m. 5.50 p.m- Leave Athens S. A. L. 2.45 p. m. 6.15 p. m* Arrive Atlanta S. A. L. *4.10 p. m. *B.OO p. m Leave Atlanta S. A. L. *6.10 a. m. Arrive Athens S. A. L. 10.00 a. m. Leave Athens G. M. 11.15 a. m. (Ex. Sunday; Arrive Jefferson G. M. 1.00 p. m. •Atlanta, Central Time For further or other information, write or call on N C. G. LaHATTE, T. P. A., S. A. L. Ry., At lanta, Ga. H. E. PLEASANTS. Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent . fe. A. L. Ry., Atlanta, Ga. ” (Advertisement) Seeks an endorsement