Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, December 02, 1926, Image 4

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EBB ha jSBKJ m| I HB h HB 13a Rv AWH Cash Converter SALE Starts FRIDAY, DEC. 3rd, 9 a. m. THE REASON We all know that business has not been what it should be this Fall, due to conditions over which we have no control. We bought heavily, there fore must raise $15,000 in 14 days. GINGHAM A ni:e collection of 28-inch fast col or Gingham, in stripes, plaids and checks, while our supply lasts O per yard YARD GOODS DRESS PRINTS The newest fall patterns, 36-inch width, IQo an extraordinary value, per yard SUITING Your opportunity to buy wool mixed suiting, in pretty plaids, a regular 65c value, per /f yard FLANNEL 54-inch width, our regular $2.50 value, <S£ “g QO many of the wanted shades, per yard ._ * •Z/O ~ THERE’S NO RESERVATION Far-reaching and store-wide With decisive reduc tions, this big merchandise event brings before you extraordinary price reductions on seasonable mer chandise that you and your family can use right now —unmatchably low prices and super values—an event brimful of price reductions of unexcelled im portance—reductions which will enable you to pro fit by supplying your remianing needs for winter during this most wonderful occasion when our sole aim is to make you a permanent customer through the supreme values we offer during the next 14 days, beginning Friday, Dec. 3rd. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Our genuine value giving extends to every department in this high grade stock. Our Mens Suits are grouped in 5 groups, and represent great savings. Group One include $25 values, slightly soiled, hut extra good QC quality. Cknee Group 2, Mens all wool, in most all sizes. Patterns and color combination that . 111 please you. £Q QC Choice Other groups priced in proportion. Boys Short Pant Suits, all new mer chandise, and all wool. A Q C Group No. 1, Boy. Long Pants. $12.50 drQ QC and $15.00 suits >27 *£7o RIVERSIDE PLAIDS This is the best plaid made. You had better be here when the *1 /\ doors open, per yard TOWELS Medium size, good quality towel, with colored Q border, each HOSE Ladies Hose, peach, biege, and all colors. An Q extra special H. T. MOBLEY k CO. SALE STARTS FRIDAY, DEGEMBER 3rd, 9 O'GLOGK A. M. OVERALLS Mens 240 weight, eastern denim Overalls, while this lot lasts per pair BOYS OVERALLS Good 240 weight denim, sizes 6 to 16. Extra special, per pair WORK SHIRTS A big roomy full cut Shirt, made of Golden Rule cheviot, double stitched, and has 2 pockets, each VVl* MENS HOSE We have gone the limit in our effort to raise cash. We have not overlooked the smallest items. Here is a good quality hose. While our quality Q lasts, per pair SWEATERS We have the all wool Sweater, in most any color, or color combination, you may wish for. All priced to ell quick. One big lot of Boys Sweat ers, slip over style, with red and blue collar, QQ . each o*7 C Jefieft'son, Georgia 9 O’clock Door Crashes When our doors open Friday morning, we will place on sale, while our supply lasts, one lot of 27-inch Sheeting, at per yard 5q SHEETING The well known L L or Father George 36-inch Sheeting. An extra good quality, per yard _ _ MENS SOCKS Mens fancy dress socks, all shades, while our 1 Qq supply lasts, pair .. CHILDRENS HOSE , all sizes, 3-4 length, our regular 25c value, 9c pair TICKING A mighty good quality of Mattress Ticking, an extra special, *| f\ per yard lvfC LADIES READYTO-WEAR Never before have we had such wonderful values in Coats and Frocks. We are not waiting until the season’s end to reduce our price, you can buy them right now, while you need them. Our sls Coats, fur collared and cuff- Qj? ed, latest models Our sls Frocks, newest stvles and <fcO QC shades <PO.^O Others proportionately reduced. 1S THE BEST NEWS ~ We’d like to shout the news from the housetops— it’s such good news! We’d like to see every man, woman and child in Jefferson and surrounding ter ritory pay us a visit during the next 14 days, and see for themselves just what we have to offer them in the line of exceptional values of every kind and de scription—we have secured for you the most excep tional savings, and we trust that you will give us an opportunity to demonstrate what impressive saving opportunities are here for your selection. Savings that challenge duplication—values that are truly astonishing A most extraordinary value-giving event in which are included needs for you all. * SHOE DEPARTMENT Don’t Pay High Prices For Shoes Buy Them Here Childrens Shoes, sizes 5 to 8, pan co sole, elk hide upper, per 98c Ladies Shoes, consisting of straps, pumps and oxfords, blacks or browns o*/C Mens Oxfords, all the popular makes, one big lot to choose from, 1 choice A • \J*s Boys Shoes, the famous Endicott- Johnson Brand, sizes 2 1-2 $1.98 to 5 i-2. An extra special