Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, July 16, 1931, Image 5

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01. Clarence Whelchel of Gainos jll,, was a guest Sunday at the ho me of Mr. O. P- Aiken. Miss Opal Hill of near Hoschton u spending a few days this week iith Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Hill. Miss Lou Alice Carter of Washing ton. Ga., is visiting her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Niblack. Miss Annie Brown of Rochelle was visiting here last week, guest of Mr. a nd Mrs. C. E. Barnett. Miss Margaret Appleby of Jeffer son is visiting Miss Sara Barber.— Winder News. Miss Virginia Ann Holder will leave this week to visit her aunt, Mrs. R- S. Gudger, at Chatsworth. Jimmie McElhannon spent last week in Covington, guest of the sons of Dr. and Mrs. Lester Lee. Miss Beth Bailey spent last week in Athens, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Medlin of Atlanta were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. A. C. Wilson. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Campbell and Miss Eleanor Campbell of Athens were visitors in the city Monday. Mr. Roy Moore and Mr. Pittard of Gainesville were guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. R. D. Moore, Sr. Mrs. J. D. Escoe and little son, Stanhope, of Jefferson, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Wright. —Walton News. Little Miss Virginia Wills return ed Sunday from a visit of several weeks to Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Carter, at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bryan and two children are spending two weeks at the summer home of Mrs. W. T. Bryan, Sr., at Rabun Gap. Miss Lanelle and Albert West moreland left Saturday for Oconee county, to spent a few weeks with their grandparents. Dr. McTier and Miss Kirkland of Savannah were in the city Sunday, visiting at the home of Mr. F. P. Holder. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Pendergrass of Griffin spent the week-end with rela tives in Jefferson. Their son, Nat, who had been here for several days, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harold Smith of New Holland, and their guests, Dr. and Mrs. <J. W. Lynch, of Wake Forest, N. C., were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith. Mrs. Fred Thompson has returned home from Winder ,after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. J. A. Jarrett, who has been real sick; but is improving nicely, to the delight of her many friends. Mrs. Homer Hancock and children, Miss Doris and Cecil, and Miss Ruby Hancock, left Monday for Black Mountain, N. C., where they will be guests of Mrs. J. S. Ayers, who has a cottage at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carr of Athens were in the city Saturday, and were accompanied to Blairsville by Mrs. J- S. Holder, all of whom are spend ing the week at the home of Col. and Mrs. Pat Haralson. J. E. McElhannon, Franklin Hol der, John Lilly, Joe Pendergrass, Jimmie McElhannon and Dr. J. S. Holder spent the past week-end at Lake Tugalo. The Sunday school class of Mrs. Lucile Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Smith, motored to Johnson’s Mill, Monday afternoon, where they en joyed a delightful outing. After swimming and engaging in numer ous games, they were feasted with delicious watermelons. A very delightful occasion of Sunday was the dining given by the children of Mr. T. S. Johnson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Deck in honor of the birthday of r - Johnson. All of the children and grand children, -with the ex ception of Mrs. Llewellyn and her tvv ° children of Lakeland, Fla., were Present to enjoy with their parents the happy family reunion. Those Present, were the honoree, Hon. T. S- Johnson, and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. | A. Johnson and family, Mr. and R. S. Johnson, Mrs. Deck Duke a family, Mrs. Lucile Smith and amily, Mr. A. S. Johnson and fami ' Mr- H. G. Johnson and family, and Mrs. John Ballenger. Mr. and Mrs. Y. D. Maddox are spending today in Atlanta. Mr.~®nd Mrs. P. A. Carter of Washington were to Jeffer son Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Berryman, Sr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hill. Miss Lewis of Thompson is the guest of Miss Mildred Dyal, at her home on Sycamore street. Mr. W. E. Whitehead and Miss Frances Faust of Oglethorpe county, en route to the mountains, had breakfast at the Harrison Hotel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mathis spent Friday in Cornelia, guests of the lat ter’s brother, Mr. Jimmie Griffeth, and family. Little Miss Eleanor Campbell of Athens spent a few days recently in Jefferson, visiting Mrs. A. J. Flani gan and Mrs. J. C. Turner. Mrs. George Slappey, who is spending the summer with her par ents in Jefferson, was with relatives in Athens Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Q. Ledford of Columbus spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Foster. Col. R. L. J. and Mrs. Smith, and Miss Annie May Smith, of Com merce, were in the city Sunday, guests of Mrs. Ora Smith. Miss Dorothy Randolph returned Monday from a delightful visit to her aunt, Mrs. Louise Askew, in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Grantland Hyde, their guest, Miss Ruth Hyde, and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Willis, spent Sunday in Dahlonega. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mcßee and Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Martin were visitors the past week to the moun tains of North Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges of Logans ville have been guests of their son in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Boland, at their home on Sycamore street. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Daniel of Winder announce the birth of a daughter on July 3, who will be christened Emma Carter, for her pa ternal grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and children, and Mrs. Bray and little daughter of Greenville, S. C., were in the city Sunday, visiting Mrs. George Smith. Miss Annie Hugh Hancock Will return this week from Milledgeville, where she has been studying at the G. S. 'C. W. summer school, which closes Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sheridan of Gainesville were guests Thursday of Mrs. Cole, at her home just outside the city limits, on the Jefferson- Athens road. Mr. John Ballenger of Seneca, S. C., was in the city Sunday, and was accompanied home by Mrs. Balleng er, who has been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Anderson of Pensacola, Fla., are here on a visit to relatives. They were called here on account of the serious illness of Mr. Anderson’s father, Mr. J. A. Anderson. After spending several days in Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Grif feth, Jr., have returned to their home in Cordele, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Griffeth, Sr., and Frank Griffeth. Miss Sarah Frances Yarbrough of Commerce is the guest of her grand mother, Mrs. B. H. Collier, at her home on Athens street. The friends of Mrs. Collier will rejoice to know that she has about recovered from her recent illness. Mr. Marshall Merck of Atlanta visited friends in the county recent ly, and was given a cordial greeting. Mr. Merck is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merck. He was reared in Jackson, and finds much pleasure in mingling with his boy hood friends. Among those attending the Gain esville district meeting at Lawrence ville from Jefferson last week, were: Rev. T. H. Shackelford, Rev. J. H. Smith, Mr. H. I. Mobley, Mr. J. H. Boges, Mrs. Stanley Kesler, Misses ' Ethel Moore and Martha Dean Cool- I ey. There were about 350 pastors 1 and delegates in attendance upon the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Moore spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kell spent the week-end in Atlanta. They attend ed the wedding of Mr. Kell's sister. Mrs. Docia Darnell of Florida has been the guest for several days of relatives in and near Jefferson. j Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Howell and lit tle Miss Mary Belle Howell spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mrs. T. H. Turner is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Wheeler, who recently suffered a broken arm. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wil liamson, of Arcade, on Tuesday, July 14, a boy. Mrs. Boyce Mobley has returned from a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. J. B. Cheatham, at her home in Toccoa. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Griffeth, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Griffeth, Jr., Miss Leona and Frank Griffeth, were visitors to Atlanta last week. Miss Ruby Keith of Gainesville is spending this week with little Miss Fredna Brock, at her home in the country. The many friends of Miss Addis Griffeth will be delighted to know she is expected in town the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fambrough of Oconee ,county spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wilhite. Mrs. Ozella Puckett of Buford was in the city the past week, and was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rienhart. Mr. Rienhart continues quite ill. Misses Vinnie Barnett and Sarah Craft, and Mrs. F. C. Staton and children, were guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. Pace, in Athens, one day this week. Mrs. J. D. Escoe and little son, Stanhope, have returned from a visit to her brother, Mr. Vernard Wright, and family, at their home in Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jerusel of Rock ford, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Onie Voyles and Mrs. Sley and daughter of At lanta, spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kell. Mr. and Mrs. Bascomb Barnett and children have returned to their home in Atlanta, after a visit of several days here to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Barftett. Mrs. Ollie Smallwood, who li,ves in The Mill Village, has been seriously ill for several days, and has been carried to the home of relatives at Winder. Mr. J. A. Anderson, who lives on the Jefferson-Hoschton Highway has been seriously ill for several days. At this time his condition shows some improvement, and his many friends trust that he will continue to improve and soon be able to be out again. Messrs. Joe Levin and Dickson Storey, who have been spending their vacation in Jefferson, will re turn to Columbia, S. C., this week. These two young men are 1930 gra duates of Citadel College, Charles ton, S. C., and since finishing school have been with the highway forces of that State. A “Negro Minstrel” will be put on at Martin Institute Auditorium on Thursday night of next week, by the Brockton Epworth League. This play has been staged at Brockton and Dry Pond, and all who have at tended say it is a show worth your while, so go out on this occasion, and enjoy an hour or two of fun and amusement. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Roberts of Athens were in the city Sunday, visiting their mother, Mrs. Frances Turner. Their daughter, Miss Fran ces Roberts, has recently returned from a delightful visit to friends in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson an nounce the birth of a little daugh ter, which they have named Doris Frances. Mrs. Robinson, before her marriage, was Miss Janie Chancey, of near Attica. Their home is at Dry Pond. The Sunday school of the First Baptist church picnicked at Wil banks’ Pool, two miles west of Com merce, Thursday afternoon of last week. About seventy-five were in attendance, of whom several enjoy ed a dip into the water. About six o’clock, the luncheon was served, and a bountiful feast it was. Bell’s Mill, above Gainesville, was first se lected as the place, but later it was decided to go to Wilbanks’. MR. JOHN WORLEY’S BARBECUE HONORING HIS WIFE ON HER BIRTHDAY On the second Sunday in July, Mr. John Worley has for several years honored his wife on her birth day, by giving a barbecue. From year to year, a large concourse of relatives and friends are invited to partake of the hospitality of these good people, and to congratulate this good woman upon the arrival of another happy birthday. Such was the occasion last Sun day, when 200 or 250 relatives and friends met to celebrate the seven tieth birthday of Mrs. John Worley. They came from all parts of Jackson county, and some from Hall and Barrow counties. During the day, the crowd was entertained by a program of songs and recitation, prepared by Mrs. Al vin Evans; and impromptu speeches solos and quartettes. Mr. Buford Glenn was master of ceremonies. Songs and recitations were ren dered by the following young peo ple: Ruth and Martha Evans, Louise Claudine Hudson, Della Mao Worley, Nana Lee Hawks, J. W. Worley, Adelle West, Summie Wor ley, Frances Nunn, Wilma Gee, Vir ginia Robbins, Edna Earl Elrod, Horace Gee, John Franklin Fleming, Wilda Wheeler. Dr. J. C. Bennett, Mr. Bob Grif feth, Mr. D. M. Jackson, Mrs. Mae Mangrum, composed the quartette which rendered several selections. Speeches were made by Dr. Lester Lee, Mr. J. B. Loggias, Mr. Col quit Sims, and Mr. Frost. Mr. J. J. Mitchell was unique in singing a real Indian song in the In dian language. METHODIST MISSIONARY CIRCLES TO MEET AT CHURCH MONDAY All members of the three circles of the Methodist Missionary Society will hold a joint meeting at the church at 4 o’clock Monday after noon. The hostesses are Mrs. P. Cooley, Mrs. W. C. Smith, Mrs. H. D. Dadisman and Mrs. Cap Duke. An interesting part of the program will be the presentation of the Mis sion Study, “Trailing the Conquis quedors,” by Min. T. H. Shackel ford. REVIVIAL AT EBENEZAR 1 - Revival services will begin at Ebenezar church Wednesday, July 22, 8.30 o’clock. Will continue through the week, services morning at 11 o’clock, evening 8.30. Every body come. J. 11. Smith, P. C. "preaching at high view Rev. T. H. Shackelford will preach at High View church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. All cordially invited to come out to the service. REVIVIAL services at GILLSVILLE We are requested to announce that revival services will begin at Gillsville Methodist church on next Sunday, July 19th, to be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. O. Burnette. All cordially invited to attend the services. SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCH T. H. Shackelford, Pa.tor, Sunday, July 19 10 a. m., Sunday school, H. T. Mobley, Supt.; Wesley Brotherhood Class, P. Cooley, teacher; Susannah Wesley Class for Women, T. T. Ben ton, teacher. All other standard de partments. 11 a. m., Preaching by the Pas tor, subject, “THE ATTRACTIONS OF THE MINISTRY.” 7.45 p. m., Senior Epworth League, Edwin Kelly, president; Hi-League, Miss Ruby Hancock, superintendent 8.30 p. m., Preaching by the Pas tor, subject, “THINGS WRITTEN ON TRULY AWAKENED HEARTS.” John D. Rockefeller celebrated his 92nd birthday last Wednesday, and so did Mr. Soney Ramsey. However, Mr. Ramsey was only 44. A few invited friends enjoyed the repast prepared by Miss Ruth for the oc casion. Mr. C. N. Pinson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harris and chil dren of Crawford, spent Sunday in Atlanta *with Mrs. Pinson, who is recuperating from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Maddox and Charles of Winder spent Sunday in Jefferson with relatives and friends. “NEGRO MINSTREL” TO BE PRESENTED AT THE MARTIN INSTITUTE AUDITORIUM. ON THURSDAY NIGHT, JULY 23, AT 8.30 O’CLOCK, BY THE BETHANY EPWORTH LEAGUE, ADMISSION 10c AND 15c. CAST OF CHARACTERS PART 1 GEORGIA MINSTREL GAGS End Men—Luther Wilkes, George 11. Webb, Clyde Mcßee, Comer Leo Barnett. * Chorus—Claude Venable, Joanie Scarborough, Sheddie Wilson, Mayes Venable, Stype Venable, W. J. Massey, Charles Potts, M. F. Webb, Webbie Wilson, J. N. Thurmond, Roy Daniel, G. T. Kesler. Reeves Barnett, Interlocutor. PART 2 THE BELLES OF BLACKVILLE CHARACTERS Mammy Sykes Nell Webb Sucky Sykes - - - Eloise Thurmond Topsy Sykes Amelia Mitchell Cyndy Sykes Voncile Venable Chloe Sykes Janette Venable Tillie Tubbs, Tizzie Tubbs, Twins Frances Barnett, Clara Lou Harris Mamie Lippencotte Clifford Kesler Pauline de Nivers Gertrude Dowdy Rosa Riggles Fleeta Massey Ginnie Sykes Thelma Massey Miss Hammerhandle Johnie Mae Kesler PART 3 THE BOOSTER CLUB OF BLACKVILLE Hon. Bill Johnson, Running for Judge Comer Lee Barnett Abraham Lincoln Washington, Running for Chickens M. F. Webb William Bilkens Smith , Running for Anything Charles Potts Churles Augustas Hotfoot, Too Slow to Run for Anything __ Clyde Mcßee James Jackson Mushniouth, Running for a Crap Game George H. Webb Garfie4d Fussfeathers, A Chicken Inspector Mayes Venable Alexander Brutus Thicklips, Pork Chops Inspector Luther Wilkes Rufus Rastus Goggenheimer, Health Inspector Roy Daniel Horace Wetweather Cutup, Razor Inspector W. J. Massey Michael Angelo Wish-Bone, An Artist Sheddie Wilson PART 4 Minstrel Gags. Entire Minstrel AT J. C. ALEXANDER’S Side Meat, per Tb -12 c. Fat Back Meat, per lb 10c* 8 tb Pail Silver Leaf Lard -95 c. 48 tb Rialto S. R. Flour, was $1.35, per sack now .. $1.25 48 tb Golden Eagle Flour, was $1.35 per sack, now . $1.25 48 lb Elberta Flour, was $1.50, now $1.40 48 lb Silk Flour, was $1.50, now $1.40 48 lb Thread of Gold, was $1.25 per sack, now $1.15 Fresh Home Ground Meal, per peck 25c. 100 lb Pure Wheat Bran - $1.35 Quart Fruit Jars, Tops and Rubbers, dozen 85c. 5 Gal. Kerosene Oil 7o c* All 20c Plug Tobbacco 15c. Carnation Milk, 6—sc size 25c. Armour Milk, 3—loc for 25c. 6 —sc Boxes Matches -15 c. 8 Oz. Certo, bottle - 3 5 c. 1 lb xxxx Sugar I®°* 25 lb Sugar 51.25 J. C. ALEXANDER • Jefferson, Georgia. GALILEE Rev. Jno. H. Wood filled his regu lar appointment here Sunday. A large audience was present. It was announced that protracted meeting would begin the second Sunday of August, instead of the fourth Sun day of July, as has been the former custom. Home Coming Day will al so be the second Sunday of August. Miss Wilhelmina Fite spent the week-end in JefTerson. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Dodd have as their guests, Mr. Dodd’s mother and father of Texas. Misses Kate and fiance entertained at a spend-the-day party Friday. Following lunch, the guests enjoyed a delightful swim, after which delicious ice cream was serv ed.’ Those invited were Misses Thel ma and Hazel Wood, Mabel Segars, Edith Jacks, and Mrs. John W’ade. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson and children spent Sunday in Jefferson, attending the Johnson family re union. Misses Dovie Mathis, Modane Banks and Mae Usher, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Freeman, were guests of Miss Thelma Wood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O’Dillon and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Fite. Miss Hazel Wood was the guest of Miss Edith Jacks, Sunday. Annoncement was made at Sun day school that the members of Galilee church should meet Friday to clean off the cemetery. But since the protracted meeting has been postponed until later, the cemetery will not be cleaned off until further announcement is made. RED STONE The fish fry at Chandler’s Bridge, Saturday afternoon, was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Umore Young is spending a while with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Deavors. Friends of Mrs. W. M. Spencer will regret to hear of her accident. No one was hurt, but the car was badly damaged by a passing car. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Garrett and little son, Danny, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Yarbrough, and family. We are sorry Miss Nell William son wasn’t able to attend Sunday school. Mrs. W. B. Matthews and children of Atlanta spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Archer. Rev. and Mrs. Hoyt Cruce of Hoschton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Deavors. Miss Mabel Hardy spent Sunday with Miss Gussie Yarbrough. Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Toney and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Toney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gailey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Tailor But ler, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Nelver Fields of At tica spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fields. We are sorry to know Mrs. Floyd Miller is not doing so well. Three fine young men were or dained to serve as deacons at Crook ed Creek church Sunday afternoon: Leonard Massey, Ernest Moore, Claudie Scarborough.