Jackson herald. (Jefferson, Jackson County, Ga.) 1881-current, October 13, 1949, Image 8

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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 114* TALMO Church Social The Deacons and their wives of the Talmo Baaptist Church were en tertained Saturday night, October Bth, by the pastor and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Joe Fulbnght, at a fish supper. After supper the deacons had their regular meeting and re commended to the Church for full time pastor. Those attending were Mesdames L. J. Fuller, J. H. Kin ney, Sr., Z. J. Bridges, R. A. Haw kins, Lloyd McEver and H. H. Whid by; Messrs. L. J. Fuller, J. H. Kin ney, Sr., Lester. Pethel, Emmanuel Pethel, Z. J. Bridges, R. A. Haw kins, Lloyd McEver, H. H. Whidby. Birthday Dining On Sunday, October 9th Mrs. E. E. Bagwell, Sr., entertained at a birth day dinner honoring her daughter, Virginia, on her 18th birthday. Those present were Mr. Howard Bridges, Miss Virginia Bagwell, Miss AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION Maysville, Ga.. Saturday, October 15 At 10:00 A.M. FREE BARBECUE DINNER ON PREMISES! The property of JOHN HALE, JR., consisting of the Pledge Cooley place, Ed Garrison place, and Henry Green place all joining and being just East of the City Limits of Maysville on the Homer Road, adjoining the lands of J. O. Marlow, J. M. Jarrard, Obe Cochran and Wiley Redmond. Said land is divided in small tracts and one-horse farms. Also, the William Riley and Borders places, totaling (310) acres on same, is about 60 acres bottomland on the Grove River, plenty of timber and running water. This land is divided in 1, 2 and 3- horse farms and is located three miles northeast of Maysville on the Homer and Levell Henderson School House Road. This is some of the best land in Banks County, much of same will make a bale of cotton per acre, good roads, lights, and school transportatin and selling for just what it will bring. FREE DINNER FOR ALL! LOOK THIS PROPERTY OVER AND BE WITH US ON SAID SALE DAY! If You Need Help in Selling Your Property, Write or Wire— MOON, GRIFFIN & CROWE AUCTION COMPANY PHONE 700 PRINCETON HOTEL GAINESVILLE, GA. Office Open 24 Hours Per Day. AUCTION - AUCTION - AUCTION Pendergrass, Ga., Friday, October 28 At 10:00 A.M. FREE BARBECUE DINNER ON PREMISES! The property of MRS. A. L. McDONALD and also the lands of J. W. COLE and known as the J. W. WHITE PLACE, said properties consists of one 7-room dwelling finished through out and having lights and bath, large barn, two-story grain house and one 5-room dwelling complete and 190 acres of Jackson County's best land, divided in resident lots, filling station sites, community store sites, one to 10-acre tracts, one and two-horse farms. Good pastures, orchards, plenty of tim ber and much land that will make a bale oi cotton per acre, beautiful home sites with natural contour. Said land is on the Pendergrass-Jefferson paved highway, one mile east of Pendergrass, six miles northwest of Jefferson and 14 miles southwest of Gainesville, in Jackson County, adjoining Oconee River, lands of J. D. Jewell. Ben Wright, J. W. White, Joe Elrod and Wendell Gee. It is in a section which has much civic pride, good schools and good churches, good roads, good climate and good soil. TERMS: ONE-HALF CASH—BALANCE JANUARY 1, 1950. LOOK THIS PROPERTY OVER AND BE WITH US ON SAID SALE DAY! If You Need Help In Selling Your Property. Write or Wire— MOON, GRIFFIN & CROWE AUCTION COMPANY PHONE 70S PRINCETON HOTEL GAINESVILLE, GA. Office Open 24 Hours Per Day. Nora Bridges, Mr. John Kinney and Miss Jane Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kinney, Miss Annie Lou Kinney and Miss Eliza beth Echols spent Monday in At lanta. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Sims had as guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Euel Pendleton from Green ville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fulbright of Toombsboro, were guests in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Joe Fulbright on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kinney, Sr., Bill Kinney, and Mrs. D. E. Murphy visited Mrs J. D. Murphy in Chat tanooga, Tennessee, Sunday, Octo ber 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Wallace and two sons from Griffin, visited Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock over the week end. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Murphy on Sunday in cluded Mr. and Mrs. George An derson and Mr. and Mrs. .Ralph Murphy, all of Atlanta. The Jackson Herald, Jefferson, Georgia NICHOLSON Rev. B. M. Sailors and others from here will attend the Association of the Congregational Holiness Church of Georgia in session at Griffin, Oct. 12-16. You are invited to hear the Rev. Garnet Wilder of Athens, who fills his regular appointment at the Methodist Church, Sunday morning and evening. Patrons and friends of Benton High are invited to attend the reg ular monhly meeting of the P. T. A. which convenes at 7:45 o’clock on Friday evening, Oct. 14. Congratulations to Mrs. Irene Kesler upon the remodeling of her residence, which adds very much to the appearance. Mrs. John M. Conwell and chil dren of Lymon, S. C., were among the week-end guests of friends here. Services were conducted at Mid way Church, Friday and Saturday evenings,, Oct. 14-15, by Little Miss Sandra Cox of Macon. Dorsey Smith and family of Oconee Heights were visiting here over the week-end. Mrs. D. E. Beauchump and chil dren, of Danielsville, were among the guests of friends here over the week-end. A. D. Barnett and family, of Cov ington, were visiting here with rel atives and friends, Sunday. Mr. Barnett is connected with the Soil Conservation Work, and friends are glad to note his splendid service in interest of the farmers. Clyde Walker and family of Jack son, were visiting here over the week-end, guests at W. T. Walker’s home. Guests of Mrs. Irene Kesler on Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Craft, L. C. Luke and family of Bogart. Earl B. Sailors, who is employed in electrical work at Eldorado, Ark., is spending a few days here with relatives. Some splendid work has been done on the roads in the vicinity of Nicholson, for which the travel ing public is appreciative. Wilburn Brock, who has been visiting here, has returned to his home in Griffin. WALNUT Sunday School was well attended at this place Sunday. We are sorry to report Mrs. W. J. Cruce on the sick list. Hope she will soon be better. Also, Mrs. Wal ter Swaim is still confined to her room. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Swaim Sunday were Mrs. Etta Crook, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Evans, Mrs. A. C. Holman, Mrs. Stoy B. Hayes, Mrs. Holland McEver, Mrs. Woodrow Gaddis, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Jarrett, also, their mother, Mrs. E. J. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richardson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Banks. Miss Ramona Phillips spent Sat urday night with her sister, Mrs. Early Maddox. Those visiting Mrs. Walter Swaim Saturday were Mrs. B. W. Skeltcn, Mrs. G. W. Murphy. Mrs. C. T. Ber ryman. Mrs. Wiley Hayes visited Mrs Hubby Phillips Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Skelton vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wheeler of Commerce on Friday. Mrs A. D. Garrett of Winder and Mrs. Harod Benton of Gainesville have been visiting their mother, Mrs. W. Z. Cruce, this week. Mr. Walter Swaim has been sick but is better at this writing. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Skelton Sunday were Mrs. Addie Maddox and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Posy Maddox. Mr. B. M. Swaim and Misses Georgia and Vinnia Swaim of Au burn visited Mr. anl Mrs. Walter Swaim Thursday. Remember the new time for B T. U. is 6:45, instead of 7 o’clock. LEBANON Rev. Truman Thomas will fill his appointment here next Sunday morning. An offering will be taken for the Orphan’s Home at the morn ing service. All that can, come, and help in this good cause. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ivey and daughters and Mrs. Gladys Payne were in Atlanta Sunday attending the fair. Mr. Key Holliday was in Athens Sunday afternoon for the funeral of Mr. Thomas McMahan, who died suddenly at his home Friday night. Several from this community at tended service at Gallilee Sunday. Mr. Tom Reynolds has been sick for several weeks but is much bet ter. Miss Peggy Fulcher of Athens is spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fulcher. We are sorry to state that Mr. Ben Martin is on the sick list. We all wish for him a speedy recovery. Mr. James Nickerson spent last week in Atlanta on business. Miss Ethel Martin spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Martin. Key and Miss Ruth Holliday vis ited friends in Commerce Sunday evening. PLAIN VIEW Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sailers and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Tolbert of Mt. Airy. Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Langford were Mr. and Mrs. Grady Langford and family of Gills ville, R. F. D., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Porter and daughters of Dry Pond, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Langford and daughter of Commerce, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Martin and daughter of Maysville, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Langford and family, Misses Mar tha, Dorothy and Shelby Langford. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Watkins had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mr£ Munch Hutchins of Gainesville, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watkins and daughters of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moore and son, Mrs. John Scott, and Misses Johnnie and Judy Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Turner last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lipscomb vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Speer Gilmore Sunday. Sunday visitors of Mrs. John Beat ty and Miss Evelyn Beatty were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Webb of Athens, Mrs. L. J. Lyle and Jackie of Jeffer son. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tolbert and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Farris Brown during the weekend. Mrs. J. A. Beatty, Miss Evelyn Beatty and Mrs. D. D. Marlowe were visitors in Gaineville last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Royce Langford, Johnnie and Bradley spent Sunday in Gainesville visting Mrs. Mollie McCrakin. Mrs. Lee Ragan spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Hoyt Lang ford. Miss Minnie Lee Davidson of Commerce spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Davidson. Mrs. Lester Ragan visited Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sims last Sunday. Mr. Mack Parks of Atlanta spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Myrt Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Denver Savage of Atlanta visited relatives here last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and family visited Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins and Mrs. Belle Brown last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Gillstrap were visitors in Gainesville during the week-end. The surprise birthday party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ragan last Thursday evening hon oring Miss Johnnie Scott was a de lightful occasion and enjoyed by a large number. BROCKTON MRS. DUNSON DIES We deeply sympathize with the family of Mrs. Rilla Rice Dunson, who passed away at her home in Toccoa last week. Thase attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. John Massey, Ralph Massey, Mrs. Gilbert Venable, Mrs. J. N. Thurmon, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Venable, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Massey of Winder, Mr and Mrs. G. T. Kesler of Jeffer son. BETHANY SUNDAY SCHOOL A large crowd attended church services here Sunday. Rev. Truman Thomas delivered the message, after which a collection was taken for the finishing of our church base ment. Collections were $303.53. Our Sunday School had an of 153, collection $54.54. Our en rollment is 179 and our goal is to have every pupil enrolled present. FARM BUREAU OCTOBER 17 Remember the date has been changed for the Farm Bureau meet ing for this month to Monday night, October 17th. A guest speaker will be present. Mr. and Mrs. John Wortham, of Athens, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bascomb Cheek. Mr. and Mrs. Stype Venable and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Venable of Gainesville, visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jule Jackson spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Venable. Mrs. Estelle Shirley and Donald spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mcßee. Mr. and Mrs. Etsel Bell, of Win der, were visitors in our commun ity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Wilhite, of Miami, Fla., arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie L. Potts and Mrs. W. C. Wilhite. t Miss Willie Mae Venable, of At lanta, spent the week-end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dupree Brown, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. REBUILT WITH STATE PARTS BY STATE EXPERTS a Complete with New Attachments GUARANTEED STATE VACUUM STORES, INC. 341 W. Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. CYpress724l I would like a free home demonstration of a fully guar anteed Rebuilt Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner complete with 7 new attachments at no obligation to me. NAME.— ADDRESS-- - - - CITY.. STATE. NEW VIRGIL Services at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Church, Sunday night, October 9, were enjoyed by all. Rev. Clay Campbell, of Jefferson, will preach at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Church, Sunday night, October 16. Everybody welcome. Miss Hazel Irvin spent Sunday with Miss Darline Irvin. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Church, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. John Doster and children, of Athens, and Mr. Tom Doster and grandson of Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Whitehead and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whitehead, at Royston. Those visiting Mr. and Mi's. Hugh Phillips, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whitehead, Mrs. Dilmus Cooper and children, and Mrs. Joe Ben Whitehead and son. Mr. Lum Phillips spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Doster at Braselton. Mr. Hugh Phillips is very feeble at this time. Tom Hunter, and Mrs. Farmer, of Athens, were visitors of Mrs. A. B. Potts Sunday. Miss Caroline Wilkes spent Sun day with Miss Bettie Sue Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Mcßee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dowdy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Anthony visited Mr. and Mrs. Mack Anthony Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Brooks, of Center, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. F. C. Daniel. Miss Joyce Venable attended the F. H. A. District Meeting in Gaines ville, Monday. §C car-safety amesr ■ BEa and -jet this attractive SOT ftM reflector Instated FCF.iI JES SEE ANY FOND DEALEN NOW!