The Greenesboro weekly gazette. (Greenesboro' [i.e. Greensboro], Ga.) 1858-1858, December 11, 1858, Image 3

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t'catgi ehsiotf.aGßl ■Washington. Do -. 6. —<J rip to-day. -After organizing, the the President was read. Senntt^H gave notice that he would call up cific Railroad bill to-morrow. Senator Hale made one of his charactcW istic sarcastic speeches about the message. In the house the message was read. The Hon. AVm. L. Dewart, of Pennsyl vania, made an ineffectual effort to intro duce a resolution instructing the committee of Ways and means to report a bill to in crease the tariff’ on iron, wool, &c., <Ssc. • Washington, Dec. 7.—ln the Sonata to-day Mr. Cameron, of Pennsylvania, gave notice of his intention, at an early day, to introduce a bill authorizing a pension to be paid to the widow of General Persifer P. •Smith, i Mr. Seward, of Kew York, gave notice that he would bring forward a similar meas ure to pension the widow of General Gains. The,House considered the,resolution of the last session, for the abrogation of the Clayton Bui wer treaty. A motion to lay the resolution on the table was negatived by a vote of ninety to ninety-three. Berth Houses have adjourned until Thursday. Washington, Dec. o.—ln the senate to day; Messrs. Crittenden, of Ky.— Toombs, of Ga and Johnson, of Tonn., ap peal’d and took their scats. Nr. Iverson, gave notice of a motion to substitute money as a compensation in the place of ‘.he frail king privilege. In .h i House, the committees were an nounced. The \1 atrous impeachment case was up. A'icttrtJgnia Emigrants, Mouii.t. Dee. 7.—The three masted schooner Susan, Harry Mattery, master, sailed on Sunday morning last at one o’clock with 110 passengers and a good supply of provisions, without a clearance. It is sup posed she, was destined for some port in Florida. The schooner was overhauled before reaching Mobile Point by an armed boat, commando 1 by Capt. Morrison, and Lieut, White of the revenue cutter Mc- Lelland, and stopped. The passengers threatened the cutter men and would not allow them to come on hoard of the schoon er. The passengers and schooner have heed stopped; and the government officers are now wailing for instructions from See retavy Cobb to know what to do. This in terference lias caused considerable excite ment among ihe filibuster people, and their friends The government secret agent. Wilson, of Ohio, left suddenly a lew days ago, as there was very evidently a disposition among some persons to treat him harshly—perhaps tar and feather him. Moiule. Dec. 8.- -The schooner Susan with the Niceragna emigrants, under the toinHi-nmi—r,t Capt. Manny, went, to sea last night. The revenue cutter McLelland fired into the schooner, but done no dam n 5 p..... . Capt. White, of the. cutter, is on boat'd the schooner as a guest. Con.MiiiA, 8. O. Dee. (i.—The decis ion of t i Federal Con.t on ill ■ application for hahehseo) jus onbcl.alt of i lie crew of Hi Echo, was delivered to day Judges M r g ath aiifl Wayne deckled that t ic act of 1820 is to Ist t iCoral/and they remanded (he Echo [triioneis to jail to await tile ac tlfen of grad jury .aLthe next tegular term of the Cons’, i. h/vhasgp of piracy. MOBILE. Dec. 9.—The schooner Susan which was stop] ed bv flio cutter Mc-L'iel land; on Tuesday , escaped and is believed now to be about four hundred miles at sen- The cutter, in pursuit, got aground at the Navy (Jove, and remains there. ‘1 he escape of the schooner, and the detention of the cutter, have caused much pleasure to those who favor the emigration scheme. New Orleans, Dec. 6, —We hare rece ived intelligence here of a destructive tire at Cairn. Illinois. The most of the Spring field block is repoted to be destroyed. IN Greene County on Thursday 2.5 th November l>y W. G. Jlionson, j. I. C. Mr. .Jri.iis W.Leslie, to Miss, Mary F. Ash l ift'. (£rf?nesliofo’ prices’ Current. * v rr Corrected Weekly for the Frv'aS f :e BY SHANNON & SNELL INC 8. Bagging (Gunn v) yd 18 77 20 Rope per 1b,.:... 10 © 12.} Bacon Hams 10 © 40- “ Shoulders “ Clear sides 12 © l~i Lard 10 © 12 Butter Country 121© 15 Eggs 10 © 12} Chickens, 12\'d l-> Tallow 10 © 12} Candles Tallow 1/> © “ Adamantine ;, 0 ©33 “ Sperm, O-j 77 60 Cheese 48 77 20 Coffee Rio 12 l© 14 <• Lnguira H> 77 18 “ Java 20 77 22 -p ea 100 77 125 Feathers Mackerel No. 1, “ No. 2, per bbl $lO ©IS u ’No. 3, “ “ . 15 77 17- Smoked Herron, per Box 112 77 125 Flour Extra Family per sack 250 77 275 \Corn with sacks • 75 77 80 Meal per Bush Wheat White 100 77112} ‘Wheat Red 60 77 90 Oats Peas 90 77 100 RyJft Powder (Shot-Gun) 37}7? 40 Shot 14- © 12} Lead ‘ 1* ©l® Iron tSweeds 7 77. 8 “ English 5 © 5) Nails nor Keg ■- • s}© 6} Steal Cast 22 © 25 Blister IJ © 12 • i, * 2,.:$ ■ .* a I ■ a;y next. ‘ We are Wr’- william a. loet^l Candidate for Solicitor GreH of the Ocmulgec Circuit at. the January next. [Nov. 6, 1858. n WEAVER, takes this kiflUSy method of announcing to his friends and the voters of Greene county generally, that he is a candidate for the office of Tax Receiver at the ensu ing election in January m-xf. (Agu. 14, ’SB. We aie authorized to announce J-Skr tlie name cf JOHN 11 SXELL -INGS, as a candidate for the office j of Tax Collector, at the ensuing election ill January next. [Aug. 11. 1858. fc-'JTcJpo We are authorized to announce JOEL C. BARNETT; Esq., of Madison, ns a Candidate for Solie i i tor ■General of the Ocmulgec Circuit, at 1 the election on the lire.: -Monday in January I next. [August 21st, ISSBJ ! ‘ OP* See advertisement of Dr. Sanford's IJN Lit INVIGORATOR in another col until. [Sep. 4, 1858-1 v. Greene Posipoacd SlieistP* ionic A AT EES. he sola on the first T’.vsdty in T ¥ uary next ‘.'itb:n the usual hours of .ae before tU Court liner; door in G a enetbot o the fulioning prop-art',’ to-wt- : —Mourning at.d her child Ram, also Ned a man about fifty-foi r years old, mid les who .M irthn, about fort', -eight years old —K vied on by virtue of a li fu Irani G- eene LiL-rior Court, in favor of Areheha’d , Tat pi y v-r. /fobrrt Newsom am! /Fchaid A. N Avsom and IJo-.veh F. liimkly, S.curity, and one li la from the Su ; ui Court of said county m favor of Jußts VV.- As bury vs. Richard A Newsom and John Evens, and sundry other li fas fro a the Super,or and Inferior Courts of said Coun*y vs said l{. A. Newsom. C. C. NORTON, D. Sb’ff. I), c 71li, 1858-tds. Greene HSicriflT’s Bu!c. \\7’lLb be sold before the Couit-Houss door t I in die City of Givencsboro on the first Tin s-iliv ir: Ja.u a y i. ex*, be tween the legal hours of f-a’o the fallowing property to-wit: Two acres of lard, more or less, with the hu ms v.mcids thereon—afj ‘ining lands of Eh;;u Hall, Wrn. 8. Cr d-.-li ami others. L.vijd c n .is the j iopeny of Kichaid Sheillny, to satisfy a li fa from the ices Court of the 102 Diatdct (r. M. L’ Vy n turr.e 11<> no; bv .J ,hn Brown, Cons abi •. C. 0. XOJL’ON, D. Sh’ff. Ass® :st flic same tiaic suul place, Will be sold one House, awi Lot in the City ol, contaiirng hlif acre of land more j o> less, s'tuay-d on fm Athens load, adjoining ’ ■hoi ts <Tf J—rt: fvood and ffiT.’ dT. UfkitTn, sepera'.c iby die ;o. 1 to Athens, and a f pres nt occupied ny W. A Em de l. !o satisfy a li lii from the Superior Court of sad county, in fa | vor of John G. ,McHenry and Thos. N. t'oulain ; J”.. Aainini.-tiiitor, vs. U ivid S. Holt and VVal er ! lii 111 i, Sicur fy. Property pointed out by the s-Jcu’ ietv. 1. AiUKRIoUN, So ft'. November £9, IBoS. CTICE. Two months af’er dute ay pi il cation will bo nude to the Court of Onii i ary of Gretne county, for leave to sell the ne groes belonging to the estate of Mary E. Me- Unde, I.list. JO-iN S JACKSON. Nevoiubtr t, 1848. Cuaidian. DAY,'SOX INSTITUTE. MiSLXa 13 & SPirJ IVXAN-X-cTJ, Wii itu Pl ain s, Georgia. ii oa ed o r I rustcu cti, ou: V. T. SANFORD, A. M. Principal, W. J. HARRIS, Assistant, MISS E. B. HEARD, Instructress in | French and Music. The Spring Torn of-1539, will commence on the third .. onday in January. Jtgf” For fail particulars address the Principal, bite Putins, Dee. -fdi, l;-;’i c -2 n. | rpo KENT. I From the first of January next, die J.: Office on Main Street now occupied by K’lL'. ■ , ; Office on .Main Street, occupied bv Or N. r i avers, Abo, a r.r.::, in the Brick BirMing fronting the Cot:, i ii use. These are ad desirable offices and can bes eurodbv early application (■> i recnesboro*, 1.) s c. 4,2 u. vV. GRIFFIN. N'fcW GOOB>B I'hankful for the liberal patronage of past years, the subscriber takes iHis method of informing bis friends and the public generally, that be has now in store a good assortment of GOODS, consvtmt; of Dry (loads, Gioccvu s, lie de rc, ttc. In fat’*, nil artiict-R usn illy kept in an ~p country Store, which ho clf-rs on t. : o most :ea on.Me term . Call and cxaiuin.- heP,.re purel-asinit elsewiierc, as his motto is “Qaick sales and short profits ” V- .it. c. sill i 11. Grotnosboro’, Ga., Dec. lSbr'-ffm Dwelling house for salb. Four acres es land lying immediately in White Plains, Ga., upon wldch is rituatid anew, neat and hand some dwelling house containing s>x rooms with fire places, aud all necessary out houses, also a good orchard and Well, one two-story wood-, shop, Blacksmith-shop &c. Applv to A. B. TAPPtiN, on the premise'”. Dec 1,-1 m JAMES B. KNOX 4 vs. > Libel for Divorce. NANCY KNOX. ) It appearing to tho Court from the re turn of the Sheriff, that the defendant in said case is not to be found in the County, it is ordered that service b perlccted on said defendant, by publishing, once a month for four months in the Crecncsboro Gazette, that the defendant be and appear at the next Term of tbe Court to answer the complaint of said .James B. Knox. A true extract from the Minutes, this September 291 It, 1858. VINCENT SANFORD, Clerk. Oct .2, 1858-lflm. ’’SHJ I :N3■ ■ ‘ . ‘ ■J’ j... -y'p'i/ ■ ■■ i ‘ v. J|| 11 and i ; . i! ‘’Vi ■ I ■ ids ‘ ■ I". A • . ■ t t-^l \tensive ‘ 4. : ;jtp';> : :v evearii’g—l cuitr b.r uB jiu'.d’slted ui the ci.un'.v of will eotPatn all ‘he cott.ty ailvertt jfV’FMSS—BI 50. if paid within tH months; 82 mi ii’ paid within six mol or $2 50’ if delayed till the end ctH BOOK & JOBOFPIC A. ” Tbe. proprietors have nowon hand, and are still receiving a large and elegant assort ment of plain, fancy and ornamental JOB TYPE, which will enable them, to thor oughly execute all orders for Job Work, on the most rnaxnnahle terms, at the short cst notice, and in a neat style. Address all orders to W. M. JEFFERSON & BRO. Proprietors. Greenesboro’, Ga, Nov, 27, 1858. ESP®* Our exchanges will confer a favor upon us by giving the above a few insor tions. HA AIR NOTICE. ,y 4 A 1 ! ’hfwe indebted to the “lat firm of S\.IT i & HALL, take fair notice, that if their notes and accounts ABE NOT settled by tli • li st of J inn iry nex’, they will be piac tll in the hands of an tiitor for eo'kction, without res;rve. SMITH & HALL. Greenesboro, Ga., Nov. 2b, 1858—Gw. TTiT t k a i i~ SSj. Baaruess Mtkcs*, OTfT) g-v'A . , Greenesboro’, GeorgiaOtk Vlti 1 ) “JS prepared to Manufacture, at a. and on reasorabto terms, j* Saddles, Ilamies^-r Bridaja,,. etc. Abo (-'“niage Trimming, Repairing, &c., done notice Alt wvrk put ut> by him. is ot the very best materials am( Warranted, fhorefor", all those waning tj’ork done in hs line, would do we!! to give him trial. Greenesboro’, Ga November 20th, ISSB -ts. PHI me firm of Coe & Latimer, is -**- this day dissolved by mutual consent. Greenesboro Ga. 1 IT. A. (JOE, May Ist, 1858. f J. S. LATIMER. The practice will be continued by J. S.b t\ IS. SjiZTB.JSF.St,’ Alto Wtlffl, VISIT, Oxford, Peuficld, • White Plains Warrenton Elbe.ton, Mount Zion, Danielsvillo and Fort Lamar. Permanent Ollsce in Gi’o‘iJt*sSoi'o. Grecncsboso, May 15tli, 1858. —ts. Practice of Medicine r.tnl Surgery. TSI HANK FI L for the ltb-ral jntron.age of past Ji_ years, the subscriber tenews the tender of his professional services, to his friends, and the public generally. Me is prepared to re ceive and treat (at his residence) Chronic cases, and such as require Surgicvtl treatment. Fiom the, number and success of his opera tions. lie. hopes to share liberally, of that kind ot practice. Office on Main Street below the City Ho tel, Greenesboro’ Ga. JOHN E. WALKER, M. D. Mare'll 27—ly. MISS E. KLLLLY, XuE jE 2Bt jLs X S3 - 2D jES. „ e'AVSAiG taken a room in the city fur tin purposo of carrying on the Mtliitiary bus n**ss •%octet respectfully sohoit the patronage ol thea’ : zens of Greenesboro’ and surrounding country. She is jncj ared to execute all erdets entrusted to her cara in the most fashionable style. Bo,allot?, (In pp. Faurr Koad lg'. Mace to order,on reasonable terms and at short n’tice. Room next door to Dr. Walker's Ojjiee. on Main, sireel below City Hotel. Greenesboro, Oct. 30-to. ‘VTOTIC*!.- By virtu” of an order from the Jlm O-iurt of Ordinary of Greet"; County, will be sold in front of five Court-House door in Greenesboro’, on the first Tuesday in De cember next, the interest of William E. Walker, in a certain bouse and lot in the city ot Greenesboro’, whereon ho lived at the time of his death. Terms made known on the day of sale. VINCENT SANFORD, Adm’r. Oct. 13th 1858—tds. A BARGAIN OFFERED. 1 offer for sale, my plantation, situated North of Greensboro’, on the road leading to Pen lie!d, known as tht^/L-l AYM L place, contain ing £OO acres, a large portion of which is goed bottom land. There is on the placo a good Gin-house and Screw, overseers* house and a'l necessary out buildings. Besides a good well, there is an abundant supply of spring water.— Persons wishing to examine the premises, can call on Mr. Oartright, at the place, or the sub scriber at his residence. I will give a bargain, I as I want tbe money for a different investment. JOHN E. WALKER. Greensboro, Oct. 2,1838-2 tn. Vi 1 Ip TIL The f i ■ jp ‘‘ - , TO BE DRAWN EACH SATURDAY IN DECEMBER! 1 Prize of $50,000 10 Prizes of ‘ 900. 1 “ “ 20,000 10 “ “ 800 1 ” “ 10,000 16 “ *• 700 1 “ “ 5.000 10 “ “ 600 1 “ “ 4.000 50 “ “ 500 I “ “ 3,000 50 ** “ 300 1 “ “ 1,500 100 “ “ 175 10 “ ,* 1,000 225 *■ “ . 100 APPKOXI%IATION PIiiZKS -4 Pri. of S4OO Ap’x. to $50,000 are $1,600 1 “ “ 300 “ “ 20,000 *< 1,200 4 “ “ 250 “ “ 10,000 “ 1000 4 “ “ 225 “ •* 5,000 “ ’ 900 4 “ •* 200 “ 4,000 “ .800 4 “ *• 150 “ “ 3,000 11 600 4 “ “ 100 “ “ 1,500 “ 400 5,000 of S2O are 100,000 5,510 Prizes amounting ft $320,000 WHole Tickets $3 0 : Halts S5 ; (jMill’iW'6 82.50 A Ci;cular showing the plan of the I-ot tcries wii: be sent to jiy One desirous of e .iv ing it. . CntrtncAT'.s or P.u k*-;:v wt*! be snldaFfh.- folio ving rates, which is the risk :. .Certificates of Pack, of 10 whole Tick. SBO “ 10 Half “ 40 ■ “ ‘* 10 Quart. ’• 20 “ •• 10 Eighth “ 10 Xib Ordering Tickets or Certiflcales Enclose the ty.Cney to our address for Tickets ordered, on reeaSpt of which they will be for warded by lust mad. Purchasers can have tickets ending inmny figure they designate. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes wii! be sent to purchasers immediately after the drawing. s * Purchasers will please write their signa turns plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. Remember that every PU7.3 is drawn and payable in fail without deduction. All Prizes of one thousand dollars and under, ! aid immediately slier the drawing—-other pn /as at the usual time of Thirty-days. All communicatlms strictly • confidents!. Address Ordet s for tickets or Certificates to S. S A AN i-iO, Augusta Geo. J-jf” Persons residing near Montgomery, Ala or Atlanta, Ga., can have tt.< ir orders tided and save time, by addressing 8. swan & Cos., at eith er of those cities. UF A list of tho numbers that are drawn from the wheel, with the amount of the prize that each one is entitled to, will be published after every drawing,, iu the fol lowing papers: —Augusta (Geo.J Constitu tionalist, New Orleans Delta Mobile 1\ ‘g ister, Charleston Standard, Nashville Ga zette, Atlanta Intelligencer, New York Dis patch, Savannah. Georgian, \liclimond Dispatch, New York Weekly Day Book, and Paulding (Miss.) Clarion, and Little IWa- (Ark.) True Democrat. July 31st, 1858-ly, f". $7 JB.i iilV 50 •#;.£, Er, MANIJ FAOTUUEH OF Saddles, Harness,.VWtjjjjplp Ac , Ae. -fi lif AS ■ . 1 A ed him- t in tfewjSo* ‘ ‘ 1-Lf.A.of Pentiiel *. He -is n receipt of a Fine Lot of llatcrinl. ttml will constantly keep o>i bandy n go°d assortment ot /Adcf ■ Wagon. Coach and Buggy llainevs of lIIS OWN and the NORTHERN MAKE. UiP All JOBS put up in the most •’work manlike manner of the best material fe9 fF“ Repairing done at the shortest no tice. [Sep 4,1858-ts. j of their” store :■? ’ of Jack-oil’ ar.d IR-. nold-i treets, i ■receive on storage al! consignments rosdf tb',v Liberal cash advances ti ade on Pioduce/t? store, when required. AXTOTXEI ■ OUT.AIt , TUtfMAS J. JESSIES JAM AH FURSE. October 20;t> City Motel. * 6ircc!esboi’o Ga. # Mbs. M, T. STATHAM( a IT would be superfluous in thl -m ----nouncemcnt to make a “long string of promises” which are unfortunate ly tfie often like a taic -*• rdSdjj an If’ioi.iuU of sound ami lin y H Simplifying n--thing'’ Hence Mrs. Stathaji contents her#?V with sim ply saying that she will keep as tsootJa IM-Mif (he situ tma of Grvcnesburo and ir> tacilitic't will ali.wv—feeling assured that thorj person ■.vho fcav • once visited Iter Uousc bill com The Bn Ntm will befcibiil *fct. Aepo'prj p trtd to wait on-rcssergers U the Cltv Hotel. April IT— ly.’ _\ fs DARBY AS PHOPES i j&.f tT9 V FjtfvMß, Allows no Rival in America A ! R emovosyve r y lad Odo R! B nrsls ii*to“contagion like a hum B! Y ields to nothing in supretnac Y ! ‘S tnnds unrivalled in its merit I P oisons cannot elude it s gras P ! R amoves rancidity from butte li i 0 tiers cares tor so*s, bv.nts cts O'- P unties the breath au beauty s li P . H Wily benefits and presevvs teet 11! Y ou ought to have it for J our fauiil Y ! L ets no malaria escape its coutro L ‘. A cis with certainty on all miasm A ! C uts short the necessity lor physi U ! T akes pain from the bite of a;i hist c i’ Invites tkc notice of Liberat 1 ! C bines up to tlieideaot I’mrjdiylaeti C ! F lings contagious diseaes entirely of F ! I. els nothing have color sooeautitu L! U sc it freely and you'll find this I’>l I ! T dniore wonderful than teats of Mag 1! DARBI ‘S PKOPHOLATICFLOD! .More powerful than aay other agent in prevsn ing the spread cf COX I'AGROTS i>I*EASKS. U \NUF ‘Ol UROT onlv in the L AUK VTORY OFJ. DARBY . v. Auburn, Alabama. Or Ilarral R slev & Kitchen, Xo. 96 Barclay St. New York From which, it may be ordered. For sale by Druggists generally, and by J Henry Vi ood, Greenesboro, Dr. Jl W. Price, jjfcashington,; Dr. ’i. M. Smith, Atiiens > jn*+'"l"’r RrW—flTrtjnn, Warren ton, Gv , Sept 3d, 2858—1 y. ~ “ “for “rentT A Dwelling Houas oti main street two doors “J\_ below the City Hotel, contaimi g live comfortable rooms. Also a la-ga and commodi ous stable aj icent, now occupied by Duster & McCarter. * M. T. STATUAM. Nov. 37th, lm. BL.AIVHS: Blanks of every description neat , U jdrintecl at this otiiee A pqp j>jnl in your advertisements, : *^ll - I f: •’ ‘■ -i ‘ ■ J f i\ , t ;• - v xr',:: cu^Hm i- FD. CUrko/MmSKM Gillauo Dirmdfrs n:ul Liver Coran r>;:r ,T.Tj?E.\T or tur Washington, D. C-, 7 Feb., 1556. ” Sir : I liars need your rills iu my general and hospital pr-v aror *fnce yon made them. and cannot hesitate to say they .*r* tha Lost cathartic wi* employ. Their regu buios action on the livfr is quirk and decided, consequent ly they are an admirable remedy for tierancremeutsof that organ. Indeed, I have seldom found a case of bilious dit* cau so obstinate that It did not readily vicid so them. Fntternailv years, ALQNV-O BALL, M. D, Tk’. sfcum of the Slarim Hospital. Cfg^atenr* Ret*x, and Worms* r.Y —. H viii.A.V'; Ltv. Cos., Micf., Not. 16, 1855* r>s. Ayjg : ‘im’.r FilK are the perfection cf medicine* They hare odne my wife more good than 1 can tell you. Sho'had LxH ri sick bikl, j iuiug ar.*ay {\>r nnmths. Went off f Ue. lAac hired at bat got no better. She ’ a crmnruieed takmg your l'iHt, which eoon cured her, by expes-iu* large quantities of worms (dead) from hep l ■ •>-. TANARUS; • > aftenvnriia cured her and onr two ohildpea of Lioom dy i;'.orT. One of our neighbors had it bad, and my wife cutv l him with two doses of your Fills, while o*!iers around us paid from five to twenty dollars bills, nud lest cinch thae. without being ctfred entirely even then. such a medicine ns yours, which is actually g-'od and itor.ebt, will be pc&ed hero. GEO. J. GRIFFIN. Postmaster. Frcligsstiou r.r.d Imparity cf the Blood. s’ or* lici\ J. V. IFiiTier, I'xutor of Advent Church. Boston. ?r. Ater: I Mr? used your Pills with extraordioary iu my jpmi2y and amon< those I am ,-aUed to visit in diX;>:ss. To regulate the organs of digestion and purt* the H> l t-Uqy are the very best remeily I have ever known, 1 tqn ctmfidcnUy recommend them to my L ends. Y ‘Uif- J. Y. HIMES. vr.vTSA'.i VFrcrmm Cos.. N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. Britt Sir : J am 4ng your Cathartic Pills in my prao find them at excellent purgative to cleanse tht system and t rify the On m tains of the blood. JOHN G. MEACHAM, M. D. Erysipelas, Scrofvla, Kius’s Evil, Tetter, Turners, ncl Salt Kheum. Frr.bA a fb-M cardivg of St. Leu*, ftb. 4.1854 Da. AIM: Your Pills an the paragon -of all that ts rrciif in niedhico. They htw cured my little daughter of okvrous sorea Upon her ha*ds and feet that had proved Inmrabio for year*. Her mother had bee long grievous ly H.Nirted with blotches and pkTpl.-s oni her skin and ia her hair. After our child war cired. she also tried yon* PL 1 .?, and they have cured her ASA MORGJUDGE. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Goal* F lift the liev. Hr. Houles, of the Mc&txUd £pis. Churc\ Fpxasxi Hopex. Savannah, 9a., Jro. f, 1866. H -xoreo Sir : I should be ungratofu.for the relief you* skii! has bron rbt me if I did not report my case to yon. A colii settled in my limbs and brought fu excruciating ricumlgfc pains, which ended in chrotvn rheumatism. Nv twitbetauding I had the best cf physieiais, the tlieease grew worse and worse, until, by the advice ts your excel -1 -r*: agent iu Baltimere, I>r. Muckeciie, J tritd your Pills. Tie r etfects were riow, but Bure. By persevering in th use of them, I am now entirely well. SfgrATK Chamber. Baton Rccgz. T.a.. 5 Dee, 1555. ‘ Afrr.: i have been entirely cured by your Pills of Rheumatic Gout —a painful disease that had sfllljtMd ms m years. VINCENT SI.IDZLL. Tor Drar'y, s'lcthorn, or kindred Com. plniivts, requiring ou active purge, they are an excel* ivnt remedy. For Cell venofs or Constipatioa, and aa a Dinner TUI, they are agreeable and effectual. Fits, Suppression, Paralysis, Inflamma tion, ; -id even Deafness, and Partial Blind ness, have been cured by the ulterative action of these Pills. 3lo*t of the Pills in market contain Mercury, which, al though a valuable remedy in skilful hands, is dangerous Iu a public pill, from the dro'idfnl consequences that fre quently follow its incautious use. These contain no mer cury or mineral substance * hatever. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL FOR TIIE RAPID CURE OF COI'GUS, COIjDS, hoarseness, influ enza, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COIGII, CROUP, ASTHMA, IN CIPIENT CONSUMPTION, and for the relief of consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. Wo need not speak so the pnblic of Its virtues. Throughout every town, and almost every hamlet of the American States, its wonderful cores of pulmonary com* plaints have made it already known. Nay, few are tbo families iu any civilized country on this continent with out some persona] experience of its effects ; avu fewer yet the communities ar.y where which hare net among them some living trophy of Its victory over the subtle and dan gerous diseases of the throat and lungs. While it is ths most powerful antidote yet known to man for the fbrmh dablo nnd dangerous diseases of the pulmonary organs, It Ia also the pleasantest and safest remedy that can be em ployed for infants ntid young persons. Parents should have It in store against the insidious enemy that steals upon them unprepared. Wo bars abundant grounds la believe the Cherry Federal saves more lives by ths con sumptions it prevents than those it cures. Keep it by you. and cure vour colds while they or® curable, nor nw lect them until no human skill can master the inexorable canker that, fastened on the vitals, eats your life away. All Know fho dreadful fatality of lung dirorders, and a* .they know’ too the virtue* of this remedy, wo need not do more than to assure them it is still made the best it can be. We spare no cost, no cure, no toil to produce It the most perfect possible, and thus afford those who rely on it the lest agent .ieh our skill can ftirulsh for their enra. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER. rrictu-.l -nd Analytical Chemist. Lownll, Al>J> SOLV EX