The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, April 09, 1838, Image 4

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iilL i\VU WIVES. \ i \w. i like the scream of a wild j g' i . hors vill si.ou tall m the siiaj e el .. i," ci! I Alonzo to us one aiteruoin, ' • * • -* niing by the corner of a street, and . igii otUs anti warm brown heartlis. ... - . re.icii your house,” continued he, . .1 bur', t lortii. Come ttieu and go ’> .■- You have heard ot' my Maria— f -v >mau —the best < f wives —ALUn , / 1 see how she will receive her nus l. chord. . ...ul mentioned his wife to me before, .. *!. .e was nothin.' peculiarly . .1 m, yet, one that you often hear il' f: • curiosity to sec. As we hied i> ion which my trier.d rented, we i i.eijij Daggett.— lie too liad a . way, wi». ii lie passed, did •i.iaii3S( r uu; use lute oi lus is rend indeed, ’’ said Alonzo, “hut no n !:K tl. in—th in coinpansun aches " ■ - ; ight! \V hy, sir, sue ■ 1 ' • a . man, which is, or ought .1 /. My friend Daggett is a ::• • 1 - ns but uni appily he is u ".. .nnoc appreciate him, and .—i. in here is my house. - ■■■ - • ■ sunn can be. i these words, the door at the staircase, and saw .. . . u. I r:.ssed ovp; it very lately.— . -• i wanned, and the brass son ■ rotten«toue in many days, A young lady sat by /be Cv.aiting her lingers, for ju> ed to engross lier attention, so lr.r as the quality of the but there was a great lack of and even the vulgar idea ol a ntded as wo looked ujcuijhe mctl her head to ln r shoulders. : *’ ' •'-■ if tong to make these remarks, ns r entrance and embraced Alonzo, ■ot seen him before i;i a mouth. J !; -and Maria gave tt <to understand ; and friend of her incotn >, .w’e abundantly welcome. bled over a Urwotn and a bandbox, - <■ ;vi« w_A:gv iw.i in the middle ol und the wyy t » a chair thickly rov- It *ss tather lute in the nlter . - ere glad to hear Alonzo tell her to ' the «h. vr on the table. She replied, •‘ccr i o, nothing gives me greater ploa • '. ’i i ■ '.ci upon you J You know it is my a.. ! ire. f ink to obt v your w. lies.” V: ' ?1 - ' • - I/O ".'h a smile <,f triumph a* " ‘ 1 1 • twin the com, and mid, “c m I vainan who so readily i v-eatas all ■' * i- > ’I heard what she said,*' , ' 1 'I w.i !i and. I lire : - m e ;fre;iielv ; 1 the eouf-.-e of 1 If an hour, .id 1). vy st 'p < 1 dari., upproac h '• *‘N' _ thought wo’’ vve shall break ■ mc a r give s one a tremendous au- Mau.i c d-.-.-l, bi t intend of bearing in her 1 a ■ - platter or a table cloth, her .{trios book* :uH i'ii'tares, AVr now ex -1 1 • o/.o w mid seriously chicle, but he *'■' -Mis most triumphantly and uliis ' hit it is ty an intellectual w 1 w compelled to examine a dozen ' ■ dsfett to the remarks of the esilight • lie sun lia 1 declined very near the, • on the western hill, before the subject ‘.'.i aiti mentioned, wh n Alonzo serm ’ ‘ ’1 : i»n e tranep. and rather pettishly . t -tern 1- might be iiiimediat'dv e ol his voire brought tears info o i, w lio threw lieimums "about his l ’ ned slu* eculd not live if he was •p- r. i ins was all very intorestbi". ‘ 1 :: the nhertitM interview lasted f’d to " 'f tls bet c r anpetite f.»r ■/ ’ hn I sn the i his beloved ’ -ir:, h» diseavered thu hi<» rutiles *i tr.i:• i the embrace, and gen ly i ) i like :r> put them oil anil * • ' if ’ it and bosotn. e. ' cried .he, “they l ave not •i the washerwoman's.’* i y ih-'U", yon can *■•(»! for them.’’ . t gone,"' am w- vd • !;e, nulling .. .;u * shoe to hide a hole inthe stock ■ll liow many times have ■ '•* - ‘'f' a change of linen always .v r-;d ‘plaintively, “alas! Tam ■“ • ‘i nippy wluun I love.” ' ir .a,” began Alonzo. : i •••••mg «ut our watch, and l no- m . on, 'st have and appoint ment, and “Nurrly,” civ ■] xlom-o, not before dinner—- rour •, Maria, and haw it on the table.” i quarter of an hoor, when she ■ '• i-n i latter of incut, winch she carried ■ ill .’, jut touchy* g it with the tip of 10-r *•' f ' :u A gdippi i from her grasp—the dish 1 the meat roiled up e i rth in a viole :t , „• u set his foot upon the when he cann tumbling to the floor, llts .•ul ciuri * to his neck, demanding - s and we forthwith took our depart ■v* Cl k, ,; ' weary, we past swiftly along . .. :. • ci,mg h,J set in, and we saw a ! -ueerf v. light shining through the blinds ' • ‘ on the opposite side of the ■ s v uce was the next moment " ‘ ; • I (, n lire steps of his house and ■ f so. lii* wife re ■ • mony, i »r she was ■av i uffiurs. Siicuisked us if . "ii we told her we h«»l nt» ; “lit of the room ns npulcss Ls lighttiing. Wo scarce vl - t neatly formed anclepnd -‘f'V y doth was sjiread upon :i;tf suthccfl to ctyver it with u 1 fl ivor, ant) rodketi m a When her husband spoke ud before lie had finished, iuced—the half express ?' , v ; • •’•»«• I- It is true siie did r like 9 :rod—but admiu* ' ' ul anticipated his wish •pril fv that novels sel 'f ' v * : ' •!Mile house comfortable in v.-i, when we took a wife ' 2 e ‘ V( ‘! us with her hands and v:: 13 l * v> * I*° r hcrjrt.—- Boston Galaxy, PUFNTICIANA. We refused to exchange w ith a poor little paper at Cincin: i, called the “News,” and the editor lias now turned to abusiug us. lie is resolved that w ‘: ther be villiiieil in his columns, or put to the expensed' furnishing him wih our Journal for that miserable little nothing of his. We must cither be blackguarded or have our pockets pit bed. Wc prefer the former. Mr. Prentice, of Mississippi, snvs, instead of being kept out of his ser.t|iu Congress by fair means, he was poked (Polked) out. Win. Winder was recently married to Marga ret Welsh at Keswick, England. H.he was hi* fourth wile, and he her seventh husband. hen Creek meets O’rcek, theu comes the tug of war.” When Mr. Jenifer retorted upon Pr. Duncan in the case of the Spy in Washington, the color fl w install iy Ireiifthe face ol the Ohio.ll*tpre»fii ' tative.— C>rrtsjiondt nt. Ol course the Doctor came off with flying col or g. We burn th > Louisville Journal without read ing it.— Pa. DrinrKTat. If th: t be ti-u ", our paper suffers as Ignominious a fate as the heretical writings in the day sol Queen Mary. They ere burned by the hands of the “co .unnu Inin? lum AV c eo ii ter Thomas 11. Denton as the very embody merit of pow< r.—.Gti. ('an, 8(> do we. liiprke says—“power is alwsys steal ing from the many.” Messrs. Editors: Why is your neighbor of the Advertiser like an apothecary? Q: W e don’t krtnw. We know very well why he is riot like an apothecary—he never deals in scru lilcs. The editor of a little Tcry paper in Indiana threatens to “gore” us. We perceive from the numerous pilfering* in his columns that he is great at “hooking." Dn the 3d inst. a woman was seen running through the strei ts ol < harleston, hotly pursued by two constables. Siie was a eh/etrd female. Quick IVnrk. — l ft no liny An thing* on Jlmk uictr, AJirhi'ran. —Not long since, a voting man rc;i( Jiit>J a settlement on surveyed his ground on Ju< -sd,ay, built a house on Wednesday, ~g“f married” on Friday, moved hunjai on Sat urday, and, w th bis wile, like the rest of the set tier-, went to church cn Sunday. Ary girl that always, lakes goa l e.o.Tea, doe? not s‘*olil on a wa-diing day, a-id is willing tube seen before breakfast lime,'will doubt!-s make a good wife. • oT'uwmrwrmm- -n rrru-n w ~ , , ~ M|>||| GROCERIES! S’. KDOO A Cos. Corner of Broad and Centre s!s. HAA I", on hand, and are constantly receiving from New A or!;, Baltimore and New Or leans, via. Apalachicola, a completely assorted hfoc/c cf (jtocci iex, which they .oiler to their friends, and the public generally, .it the lowest prices for Cash only; among whirls are t! e follow insr articles: B*. f ’rosx, N. Orieans and Loaf ( anal and W’cstern Flour, Me.-s and Prime Pork, Sides arid Hams 1? >cnr. Lard No. 1, Mackerel \cs. 1 A" ”. Crackers, ?». tO. Molasses, Pice, Cheese and Ilaisins, Irish J’otafoes, Holland and Northern (Jin, Northern Rum, Kect. and Monongahida Whiskev, Cognac, American and Peach Fiandy, Malaga, Madeira and Claret Wine, Tea, Gun Powder, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Lcinim Syrup, < 'hamnaigr.c Cider, Vinegar, Sperm. Candles, Pu r and Shaving Soap, Powder, Shot a id l ead, I.iftv.ieh, Hart and Coin. Tobacco, Trabuco, Ilavanna and Coni. Serais, Axes, Ploughs. A few sacks of PETIT GULF COTTON SEE D at cost. Florence, (ha. April 2. i Henry W* Woodward, (< O Centre street, next door to Broad A RESrpECTFI LLY informs his aia] /Jtheputllic geuerally, that he -on'hand, and intends constantly keeping •GJK.<j)CE4MEi% tx tlirtß v.\rikt’V, I Flour , Bacon , Lard, Sa/f Sr. FANC Y AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Heady Had? PlotSiinii, HATS, BOOTS AM) SHO ICS, i IRON WARM AND (T’TLERV, 111 ON FINNS, And a great variety of other articles, which lie oi lers for sale ou reasonable terms. He also returns his thanks to the farmers for the patronoge lie has received at his WARE HOUSE in storing ( otton, and pledges himself to pay such attention to the interests (it those who entrusts him with storing and shipping their cotton as-jy give satisfaction. Florence. April .2. 1 , NOTKE.S A tW indebted to Drs. J. & J. Reese arc - respectfully invited to call and settle the same, or they will be given to an officer for eollec tio1!- W.di. ,UARVEA', Cdfh Car for 1)r». ii. A- J. littse. April 2 1 7 LOST OR MISLAID. A PROMISSORY NOTE given by 11. W. and V .Terni.'an to myself, for two hundred and sixty-five dollars, dated 20th June, 1837, antiitine the 25tli December thereafter. All persons are hereby cautioned against trading for said note, as I have received payment from the maker for the same. WM. P. TOMPKINS. April 3, 1838. 3t* % THE GEORGIA MIRROR. COPAItTNEItSIIIP. t subscribers having associated themselves A together under the title and style of Ganhirr tV Harvey, for the purpose of transacting a general MER CANTILE BUSINESS, oiler lor sale, at their store on Centre stre- t, opposite Jemigan, Lap* re nee Cos. a well selected stock of GOOOKI, Hardware and Cutlery, on accommodating terms. The public are reques ted to call and examine for themselves. TIB >. GARDNER, JOHN P. IIARVEY. Florence, April 2 1 ~G J JOCK It IKS, &c. milE I'NDKRSIGNED offers for sale a good -8 assortineut of (Iroccrics cud Ct it feet invar ter, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ios.SISTJ.S3 OF Cos. Tfiandv, fl. • fin, N. Gin, Jam. <fc N. Rum, Irish, Reef, and .'To:i. Whiskey, Wines, Cordials, Candies, Raisins, Nuts, of various kinds, Soda and Butivr Ctas-Ucf y Lejuon and Pire Apple Syrup, TWacco, I lav. Principe and Florida Cigars, Spree, l , epper, Soap, Salavat’is, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Ac. GIL LIS POWELL. April 2 1 NE W COSCECT fO^Alli "VVT I■ SANDERS respectfully ir.farms his ’* • friends and the public genemilv. flirt he has opened a CONFECTIONARY uu Centre street, near DeLuuuay & A\ iidgey’s store, where he has, and .v>ill keep constancy on hand the fol lowing articles, viz. Brandy, Gin, Rum and Whiskey, Wines and Cordials, Porter, Champaigjj* Cider, JLiisijiSj J’, I < -’lackers, Herrings, Dried Beef, The above articles com) rise a part if my s f o< k, agd a fresh supply shortly expected, w 'm h w II be sold low for cash. r J’,h« are requested to call and examine for thenireives. April 2 1 3t Fli tsjsd sAPOii, CLOUF.M'IC, (r HAATNI, r. covered hi, h ten der; ins profess'-; nal services to ilie citi zens nt Fl'<hkxck, and tlm a ijoiniuj counties. Dr. S. lias e;.toyed i'll li •• a !vinta"i's of rb. best tnedic-d tr stitntior ee l hosj itaks of iliis country, unit i practice i.t .-•■M nd years iu a bil lions climate. April 2, 1833. l Alplso t:-o iii'Lqufenv, A :"!'<>BMC \ A I TANARUS, I :t:' [N aditi 'on to the cnu*o ■l‘ lit- Chattahoo chee and Decatur oft 1 • Nnr hern Circuit, he will attend the counties (.1 Russed and Barbour m Alabama. Otliee in Florence, Stewart enu-ry, Georgia. April 2 1 NMilih’S* Nhf fjtr S’llt'*, Adfe/ ILL be sold before the Court Home door v v in t! e town ol Airmens, Sumter eoutitv, within the usual hours of sale, on the first Tues day in .May next, the follow'd g properly, to wit: One lot .of (gnd number ore "hmdred ;md seven ty,.and two fractious, one and two, all in the twen ty eight district of formerly Lee now Sonccr county. Leved cn as the property of Geor-.e Robertson, to siitsfy ...syni(w li ,I'as Com S,x>tutori Superior Court; James P. Gne r . :na Jesse Har ris and others vs. tlie said Geor e Roberson— Property pointed «,ut by K. IL Brown, p’aintili's attorney. JAMES CLASS, Shlf. At the S.TT c tm'C a.n,.J glarx er.i ulyO' e T. ii he rod, Three Negroes, a woman named Hester, aiui two i hildren, Merv aid George; ml town lot Humber ore, in square letter H. in the town of A menetts, Sumfc eoniitv, with the store house and (KvcHirg now oeeujiied by Win. S. Ramsey thqtr-. on, a!! leved rr as the j roperty of Lewis .j. Rum-' sev, to sat Fly a U la from Sumter Supericr Court in favor of John I. Hudson. Property pointed by tbe pLhuid’. 4 ‘ Also, lot nuxJmr twenty i ire. in the sixteen:!, district of formerly Lee now Sumre.r h vi« and ■ as (he property of Seaiiom Samnfers, (»> satisfy two fi has from Morgan Justices Court, one iu .fa vor of Matthew IL Jones for Peter Copeland vs.l Seaborn Saunders and others, the “filer, in favor of A. H. Scott vs. Seaborn Saunders. Levy rnade and returned i>y a < unstable. Alpo, lot immber’ sevrnTct n, in l! r f •-.•;-:ifv-r-v --euth disifiet tis formerly Lee n*.w Smuter •ouni.y, leved ou as the j roperty of Joseph Morgan, to satisfy sundry fi fas from SunvCr J»*liqps Court, in favor ol John 'l\ McCrary and others is. ,M organ Levy made and returned hy a consta *Mo.' ; Al-o, lot number two hundred and tljirtvmne, in the twenty-ninth district of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Fred erick McGuire, .to siuisfy three li fas from Gwin nett Justices Court, in favor of S. Bogin vs. said McGuire. Property h **.ed on, and levy .returned by a corstabh'. .\lso, town h.f>b"r one, in square letter in the town of Auiericns, Sumter county, the plare whereon \\ in. S. Ramsey now lives, and tlm store house thereon, levied on to satisfy three fi fas from Sumter Justices Court, in lijvor of \\ right Brady vs. \\ m. S. Ramsey. Le\ •• made and returned by a constable. Also, lot number,one hundred am! ninety nine, ,ju the tnenty-nuiMi district of lirmeiiv Lee .fi'?!' Sumter county, levie<i the property of Anil«^MU>'i|*erjv, l t<. satisfy two* 4Ur„ urn- .fppn Stipe*it** K ourt. .in favor of GeoiTfcei Hargraves vs. Andermn Spear and Rol!v Wil liams, security: tlie other from Mjnjqpgw inferi or Court in favor of .Tauiojs jC. AAhftVon vs. said *qi?g»y ands ornelins \\ adkius. Projierty pointed m'Ut by Cornelius 'Wadkins. GREEN M. WHEELER, D. S. At the mrre five and pin e as above will Ic sold: Lots of Land numbers two hundred and thirtv five and two hundred and ninety-four, all in the twenty-eight district of formerly Lee now Sumter county, with forty acres of open land on lot num ber two hundred and thirty-five, all levied on as the property of Robert F. Learer and William Simmons, and Lewis Foster, to s: t sfy one fi fa from Talbot luferior Court. Property pointed ..out hy Hill. JOHN KIMMEV, Shff. March 2g. ,1 PAY UP ! rjriHOSE indebted to the late firm of Alilpfr -S- <!c Tompkins, or to J. M. Millkk, either by note or book accinipf, gre earnestly requested to make immediate payment, or they may find their notes and accounts in the hands of an offi cer. J. M. MILLER. April a 1 l.ost or lisiaid, A PROMISSORY NOTE, given by J. M. Miller about the first of November la-t, to William 11. Pierson, or bearer, for due the first of January next. .All persons arg cau tioned against trading for said Not», and the ma ker from paying the same to any one but the sub scriber. BENJ’X, GARDNER. April 2 2 For fcalc, A first rate saddle and harness * H |,rs0 * pciTcct’y gentle. For fur if/ ther particulars inquire at the oflice . of the Mirror. April 2 1 JOU POINTING.' C1 ONNECTE D with the otliee of tin* MIR- J ROR, is a splendid assortn. au < t And we are enabled t(» exetite all kind of Job work, in the neatest and at }h*‘ shortest notice. of every description \vi}l ciMistautly he kept on hand,such as INDICTMENTS, DECLARATIONS, SUB IMF NAS, JURY SUMMONSES, EXECUTIONS. COST EXECUTIONS. SHERIFF'S HILLS OF SALE, do DEEDS, LAND DEEDS; JUS. SUMMONSES. do .EXECUTIONS, MORTGAGE LET. ADMINISTRATION, do TESTAMENT \F. Y, do GUUEDIAXSmP, And v great many others for ,F;-ti( -s of the Peaee, Admiui UnitorExecutors, l*i tOS IE C T U*S~ OF TItK | A » : JOi l . I'Al-O K, V. : L's: c-' tv Ilorcmte, xitciTro! Cos. Cr., ~IT7E have been induc' and ? Upuhli !) •}.*.. MIB V 7 R< »R. iVoin the firm «■<• .vietion tin t the in crers’ng v.valih and j cquilaflon of the com tics bordering on rh • ( I;. tt .1 or; lice and Flint Rivers, in this s**f,tio?: o| (ieorgia, call loudly L r a c hum idor of ti’C Vhnes. We do not deem it l e-e -rarv to go into a lengthy detail < f tbe doctrines th > *•;(] Nip pon, er the I»rmc pi s it will inculcate, aid the grounds upon, which they are predicated—but will merely state that it is intended to rlillitse gen eral information throughout the country, of a 1 •<>- inestic, Foreign r.v.d Political nature. * A consid erable pertiou of its columns wi’l i e devoted to Literary and Miscellaneous matter, •,< bi< h depart ment shall receive particular attention. We deem it necessary, however, to state u ;V, political stand which t?*e Minor will assume, will he a firm and independent ot;e: and in ' up'ortot the Stats: Rights and An it-AA.n Bt kin p-,,-v of Georgia; but eoiuhvtcd wjtli moderation and prudence, without descending to the low biltings s -gate which is so characteristic of the folith-d X* (Ue,.lav, (]Lnu,ivv ,:hi' rigjuv *-x --en'ise an opinion of'dur own, we shall lie willing, at all times to admit that right in others—«i:d wh; n cver oceasion requires t;s to speak of the dm fri.i.;; or opinions of our political opponents, we shall f'e, so with respectful consideration. TERMS—The Gkohgia Mtiraon will be; - b hshedat THREE IHUaJ. A-KS a year, pavabb fi advance, or FOUR. DOLLARS ul them'd of the year. GAR I)N V. R A J’. \ RRr. \7. April 1 A Fit osbectTn of Ti:r So:iihrr:i Ulfj'ary 'it'll* THOMAS W. WHITE, Editor and Proprietor. rrUHS is a-monthly Marine, ijt voted ehitKv I_ to JjiTKiiATUiii:, but oecasionailv UiiHimF Ti'om also for articles that fail within the" scope ,n; aid not protessing nil cm re disdain oi tasteful s</ (lions, though its matter has been, as it v dl continue to be, main, original. Pnrty Politics, and eonSsoversi ii ■‘Jl'lii lo'su, as (ar as-[ ossible, are jealously excluded 'Jjjev are lipmctiiiies so blended with discussions in fifeiVi-* science. otherwise unobjeetion ab!e, as to gain admittance /or thu sake of the 1 more valuable matter to v. hi Mi .they adhere : bu> whenever that happens tln-y are incidental, only not primary. r .l hey are dress, tolerated only be cause it cannot well be severed In *u t)a- -(ecling ore wherem ilh it is incorporated. Rkviews and Critical Notices, rccury their due space ill ti e work: and it is the Editor’s dm .that (hev.sliottld have a tlircefold tendenev- to convey, ii: a condensod fenn, stu h valuable truths or Hitcrcs*;-,- incidents as are embodied in the works r< viev.wd, to direct ,the readers attention to books thqt,desurve -to be read—and to warn turn against Masting time and money upon that largo*inpnbor, which merit,only so be burned, hi lias age of publications that by their variety and multitude, dbtnict and overwh'elnm every umhs ermnnatirig student, imi-af.tial craTtci/.vi, gov erned by tlie view s just .ineptjoqe;!, is one oYthe njax: ilu stimaWe and indispensable of auxiliaries to him <vho does wish to discriminjipe. * Essays and P--V*ks. having -in wiqp- utifity or a giuiscnient, or both—ll isrouicAt y K>:.^cnr:s—and Kkmimskncf.s of events too minute ,f*w dlistoiv \ot elucidating it, and heightning its interest— mav be regarded as forming the staple of the V" 1 indigenous, enough is published—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents ot our -country. I lie times appear, for several reasons, to de mand such a work—and not one alone, but many, ihe public mind is feverish and irritated still rom recent politic and strifes: The soft, assuasive influence of Literature is needed, to allav that I fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and' fidlv arc noting abroad They should be driven by- 1 indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, into th. -r J fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an im mense proportion of our people:—Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlighten ed, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no lon ger brood, like a portentions cloud, over the des tinies of our country. And to accomplish ad tiiese ends, what m<.qe powerful agent can be em ployed, than a pcrio«>ral on the plan of tlie Mes senger; if that plan be but parried put iu prac tice ? The South peculiarly requires s*uh an agent. In all the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Literary periodicals! Nprt|i\var.i of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is this contrast justified by tin-wealth, the leisure, the jiafive latent, or t};e actual literary taste of the Southern people, compared whir those ot the Northern I No: for in wealth, tal ents and taste, we may justly c laim, at least, an re u dity with our brethren ; and a domestic: insti tution exclusively our own, beyond all doubt, af fords us, if we choose, tw ice the leisure tor read ing and writing which tln-y e: j< y. It was from a deep sense of this load want, that the word Soutiikk.v was engrafted on this peri odical: and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate sup] cited local inter ests. Far from any such thought, it is the Edi tor’s fervent wish, to see the North and South bound endearingly together, fore’.er. -u the .silken bands of mutual kindness and aifiition. Far irc ni meditating hostrliti/ to the north, lie has al ready drawn, and he hopes hercaltrr to draw, mm hot h;s choicest matter thence; and liappv indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, b’v making each region knew the culler bitter contri bute in any essential degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now tin>‘.ifi-ii the peace of both, and to brighten grid strengthen the sacred ties of fra te.i'nal love. '1 he Si pTirray J.rit.rakt Messenger has now reached the Hqh No. of its tJd.d volume. i iow iar it has acted out the ideas 1 cie uttered, is not tortile Editor to say. lie believes, how ever that it t ills nyt t*i*.!iei short of tlum, than human weakness usually makes Pruitui tail short of Tritoiy. CONDITIONS. L I J.Y *JUJ:4cern J/torary Messf-tver is !i*Aie<i in n.omhiy numbers, of U 4 large su|ci r. yal oft; vo pages <ac h, on the best el paper, aid neatly ea vereil, at #5 aye ar—j ayabie in advance. -• * r »' v e law iubsc-ribets, ly sending their '•'• 11 ,s ' !! d -.t one time to the tdil. r, vfH ts - • ' ih-' ; . cc-p-ies fc.r “i.e year, for that rtim, </ •r ' t fir c; < *i. •fi f i ! rj; 1 c 1 ioss of p--. ntet.f; fir M.l.rrip- I '“••>ns. V luc-h 1 ve Lean prcq. riy cctmni'tcd to the |i i -il, ;• :o ts ;• hands of am m nv, si*, i.. • in ; . ‘ > ay !t:e f '•ft a‘-iibscrq.iii ;i is r.cit direr rc .1 to I « di«- CMitiimi.! Ix-son the f.r.-t number ol the next, ( .|- ume ha.- iieen pulilhherl, it will betaken as a c cili tiunaiue lor another year. Subscii; tions mint commence with the "beginning „f /} ~ . and waii not be taken for Ic. s tlum a vein s i üb lic aticin. ‘ 1 /». f i ?,<- muriv-l . bligatirus oft?: i.hlte’.-er and subscriber, t< r -,i e year, are fully ii.< i r’ e3 as sec ,i as the first in:m!>er of tlie voluiue is issued : and alter that time, no .liseot tii nanc e c t a>i bstii}- tioii will be | eimitten'. «ill subserijtit ii be dis. oiifini i-d ii r ary earlier noth e, while at y thing the: eon remains due*, unless at the ot t:t;ii 1 the Fdiior. CARD. To the pdr-ns es the Soothin' Idle ran- Am surer. The startling cost at whic h this work has !. . . establn 1 cd. and is snstaii »and, and the had \ m> - mas c.f many subscribers in fulfiliii-g thi, • i our imttual < ompact, c all it <lisj eta-ablv fi r an ap peal, net to their liberality—Jut to t! . ir justice. H punctual i ayments are ever net e-s-j v, t'l ev am j re-emineutly so in the ease ol .-uc li ii t i Flic non.—) tm-ly literary—aluo-t v.bellv -uL ii-a! aid destitute of the vital aid whic h' n' at e;.s cjorsve th in :M? am. is at stake, in this n tcrp.i i* e.--I: is u .. ntn:o, st.mutated indeed ivsi ut: hitja-r>f e m.dnnieiit; but fi (i laig e’y, also *;[th ti c weli of rallying uthetn fa.en*s ami Southern pnl.iie spirit, around tl <: (•joc'|iL)ig and wellnigli prostrate banner oi'Senth ern Literature. Since it has now acejirred claims upon Southern justic e—c un it he, that these aie urged in vain ? Snbse.riiiers then, v.-ho are in arrears—aid h t thrui -yinrjptlp’r, that payment is *loe in ndvarai, "'ill, I Artist, without delay, transmit (he amounts tl:e\ civ.e to me," j-.t Ricdunoiid, bv mail, at rev risk and cost; taking proper evidence of the fact anil (late ot mailing • .prill retaining a meniwMn <!in,:i of each .^pic'scnf. 'i ITOMAS V, r . WHITE, ’bn hmond, Nov. 24, 1837. TO THE THIKO VcU'Vi: < r TI E VL r IX - c ' T-'ic «• tuTf sc , Containing Quarterly Cushion Blahs, llLmtrufol Art Ties, Ac. ii'E cnr.APEST i’ehioiucal in ti e wor.T.n. N rnminenciug anew volume, tlie publisher . " ,n, hl take occasion to observe, that not only will ilic same exertions be continued, which have seeuiul to liis subscription list an unexampled ;?•- ficava, fm Ins claims,upon the public favor will 110 enhanced by every means which unceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal expendi ture can command. I lie subjoined is a brief plan of the work : • ts ! fine:lnal I’afees ’.ll be so varied as to torni n combination ot tin* useful with the enter taining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful sc ienck, essays, tales, .mo I‘oetry w hich may dc-serve the name. It is the pubhshers design to make the Visiter agu-ealde to the.iijd and the young;— and the gsyr.—-to,mingle the .variable with the a mttsitig—and to pursue the toner of his way with the qntertahiment ot good feedings toward all pat* «i''T rivßMS.—q he A i.siter is published every cth • er I s a turd ay, 011 tine white paper, each number CJvihxontaiti 24 large super-royal octavo pages, .cm eloped in a tine printed cover, forming ;u Wifi end ot the year a volume of nearly 600 y tin- very low price of Si 25 cents" per annum iu advance, nr 6j cents per number pavable on de liver v. '••■'•' - l*ost .»Tnstrr«, and enters who will procure four subscribers and enclose Five Dollars to the pro prietor shall receive the sifi copy gratis. All orders adfhysvpd to the pubiisJter, 43 flics* tint Street, post paid, will receive inuneiiiate :U' tention. Editors, by copying tliis prospectus and ftid* 111 - :l paper of t-!*e sa,tne t“ .tlie office, shall re ceive the \ is iter for one year.