The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, May 11, 1838, Image 4

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srjnr (&o®3)So TIIF. subscribers iiave, and will keep co-istant ly on hand, a large and well assorted stock oi FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hardware and ('littery, Among which > ly be found the following articles. 290 ps. fancy Prints, 50 ~ Furniture do. 50 „ assorted Cambrics, 75., „ Muslins of every variety, 100 „ 3-4 brown Shirtings, 75 „ 4-4 Sheetings, 05 M 4.4 do. fmc article, •25 „ 4-4 bleached do do V’s ~ superior English Cloths, assorted color-', 15 „ 4-1 Merinos, assorted, *2 ~ do. double width, a ~ Circassian, <j ,; Carpetting, 1 „ fine do 10 „ Sacking, ‘2O doz. Napkins, ALSO, A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Hals, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Domestics, Sattinets, Cassitners, Pro lin“ii Drillings, white do. bro. Holland, Vestings, Diapers, Russia Sheeting, Osnaburgs, Ladies and gents, kid Gloves, gents buck do. Silk and cotton Hosiery, Suspenders, \ splendid assort Bonnets & Bonnet Ribbons, Thread and bolt Laces, do. Insortings, Bob inct, Greciuet, AN ELEGANT SUPPLY OF SILKS, SATINS, FRENCH MUSLIN, CHALLY,CHALLIETTE, Silk. Bombazine and Satin Stocks, Black Satin Bosoms, Collars, &tc. Arc. Together with a complete ami splendid assort ment of SUMMER CLOTHING, Among which area few THIBET VESTS, a new and superior article for wear. ■LIKEWISE, A GOOD SUPPLY OF Bridies, Saddles, HO USIXGS, S TIIIII CPS, HIDING WHIPS, DRIVER’S WHIPS, Arc. .\)1 of which will he sold on such terms as will suit purchasers, who arc respectfully invited to call. JERNIGAN, LAURENCE & Cos. April 9 2 GROCERIES! GROCERIES ! A. I*. 8008 & Cos. Corner of Broad and C utre sts. HAVE on hand, and are constantly receiving from New York, Baltimore and New Or leans, via. Apalachicola, a completely assorted Stock of (•iroccr 'rs, which they offer to their friends, and the public generally, at tin* lowest prices for Cash only; among winch are the following articles: ■*' • Croix, N. Orleaus and Loaf P. R. Ac G.’ 11. Cofiee, ( anal and Western Flour, Mess and Prime Pork, Sides ;uid Hams Baron, Lard No. 1, Mackerel Nos. 1 At ‘2. Crackers, N. O. Molasses, Rice, Cheese and Raisins, Irish Potatoes, Holland and Northern Gin, Northern Rum, Rect. and Motion gahala Whiskey, Cognac, American and Peach Brandy, Malaga, Madeira and Claret Wine, Tea, Gun Powder, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Lemou Syrup, Champa; tic Cider, Vinegar, Sperm. Candles, Bar and Shaving Soap, Powder, Shot and Lead, Liftwich, Hart and Com. Tobacco, Trabuco, lLivauna and Coni. Si-gars, \ xex. Ploughs. A few sacks of PETIT GULF COTTON SF, E I) at co-4. Florence, Ga. April ‘2. 1 __ ’ Henry W. Woodward, (On Centre street, newt d»or to Broad,) TJ> ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, and AV the public generally, that lie has on hand, and Intends constantly keeping GROCERIES, IN TUEIR VARIETY, T/our, Bacon, Bard, Salt v\v. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, SSeadv Wado Clothihs:. 11ATS, BOOTS AM) SHOPS, IKON WARE AND CUTLERY, IKON CASTINGS, And a great variety of other articles, which lie of fers for sale on reasonable terms. lie also returns his thanks to the farmers for the p;tfVonoge he has received at his WARE HOUSE in storing Cotton, and pledges himself to pay such attention to the interests of those vho entrusts him with storing and shipping their cotton as to give satisfaction. Florence, April 2. I GROCERIES, &c. THE UNDERSIGNED oilers for sale a good assortment of Groceries and Confectionaries, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, CONSISTING OF Cog. Brandy, 11. Gin, N. Gin, Jam. & N. Rum. Irish, Reet. and Mon. Whiskey, Wines, Cordials, Candies, Raisins, Nuts, of various kinds, Soda and Butter Crackers, Lemon and Pine Apple Syrup, Tobacco, Hav. Principe and Florida Cigars, Spice, Pepper. Soap, Salaratus, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Ac. GILLIS POWELL. April 2 I FOR SALE, BY the subscribers 100 sacks SALT, for CASH. only. JERNIGAN. LAURENCE & Cos. April 9, 1838. COPARTNERSHIP. THE subscribers having associated themselves together under the title and style ot ilardaer X Harvey, for the purpose of transacting a general MER CANTILE BUSINESS, offer for sale, at then store on Centre street, opposite Jernigan, Lau rence A: Cos. a well selected stock ot m:v goods, • Jlardicarc and Cutlery , on accommodating terms. The public are reques ted to call and examine for themselves. TIIO. GARDNER, JOHN P. HARVEY. Florence, April 2 1 FLORENCE NEW GROCERY STUHL rTHIE Subscriber has Just received, and is now A opening a fresh stock of Groceries at .'libers old stand, on Centre Street, one door lrom Broad Street —consisting of various articles in the Groce ry line, which he offers at whole sale or retail on reasonable terms, tor cash only. ILs friends and the public generally arc invited'to call and examine for themselves. WM. Si AFT OitD. May 4, 1838. ______ d1 rs. r.w7&z. c. williams, HAVING associated themselves in the PRAC TICE OK MEDICINE, respectfully ten der their professional services to the citizens ot FLORENCE and tiic surrounding country. From their extensive acquaintance with diseas es appertaining to a Southern clime, they flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give com plete satisfaction to their employers. One, or both may be found at their office at all times, when not professionally engaged, conse quently those win will honor us with a call, may always expect prompt and immediate attention. Florence, April 9 2 dL^OSSQ-5 Attorney at Lan , FLORENCE, STEWART, COUNTY, GA. Apaii Id ts WHITE & FLETCHER. S y ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and -SLA the public generally, that they have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying oa the business of a BLACKSMITH SHOP, in the town of Florence, where every kind of work carried on in their line, will lie promptly and faithfully executed in the most workmanlike man ner, and on as moderate terms as can be had else where. They would also state that they can make and repair all CARRIAGE IRONS which are made in the Southern country, and will, if necessary, repair the wood works of Carriages of every de scription. GUNS AND PISTOLS repaired in a neat and workmanlike manner; also, gentlemen’s WALKING CANES mounted and finished off in handsome style and at the shortest notice.— JEWELRY will also be repaired at their shop and put in the best of order. As they intend using every exertion on their part to give general satisfaction to their custom ers, they hope to share a liberal portion of the public patronage. April 9 2 FAIR WARNING ! ! ! A LI. those indebted to the subscribers either by -X jL note or book account, are respectfully soli cited to make immediate payment, as we are com pelled to pay our debts when due, consequently we cannot give further indulgence. Such de mands as we have that are not settled before next August term, will be handed over to our collect ing attorney for collection. A. P. ROOD & Cos. Florence, April 1G 3 NOTICE. [OST or mislaid a promissory NOTE given A by John M. Turner to lea Parker, for nine ty Dollars, with u credit of sixty dollars on the same, and due the 25tli December, 1834. 1 there fore caution all persons from trading for said note, and the maker from paying the same to any other person except mvself. \V t LUAM WILLIAMSON. May 4 G 3t FAIR NOTICE. rijS HIE subsbriber having completed the Metho ds Hist Church in the town of Florence, ac cording to contract, and now being desirous to re ceive the amount subscribed, takes this method to inform the Trustees, that immediately after the expiration of thirty days, suit will be commenced against said Trustees tor the amount due me; and I shall close the doors of said building until I re ceive the same, which 1 have earned. WM. BARTLETT. April 27 5 4t NOTICE. VTTTILL be sold at the Court House, in the v ? Town of Lumpkin on the first Tuesday in June next, the following valuable property to wit: one Lot of the best quality of Land No. 31 in 22 1 Dist. of this comity, adjoining E. Miller A Mr. Lewis, and two Town lots no which I now reside, one of eleven square acres with improve ments and an excellent well of water, peculiarly situated for health, pleasure and convenience, and one of 14 acres immediately below enclosed, and some other improvements lying on the main street. Terms nfnde known on the day of sale. Any person wishing to purchase any of said property would do well to call and examine for themselves, May 4, 1838. F. BUCKNER. I' A OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belong ing to the estate of Blnford Spence, late of said county deceased, lor the beuefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES HILLIARD, Adm'r. April IG, 1838. 3 months after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of 'Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purpos es, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belong ing to the estate of Timothy Carrington, deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors. JAMES HILLIARD, Adm'r, April IG, 1838. THE GEORGIA MlltflOß [ESTABLISHED is 1834.] A popular and highly esteemed .Magazine, oj gen eral Literature unit the Fine Arts, embellished with gorgeous and costly Engravings, on S eel, Copper and Wood; and tdso with Eashionable and popular Music, arranged for the Piano- Tortc, Uuilar and Bard. EDITORS. MRS. AXX S. STEPHEN'S A WILLIAM TV. SNOWDEN. Assisted by many rs the most popular lEnters. SINCE the publication of the ATuy number, the demand for the Ladies’ Companion has been unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine anticipations. A, the commencement oi the vol ume an additional number of copies were printed, v. iiicll was considered at tiie time adequate to sat isfy all the orders winch might be received, and leave a considerable number oil hand for subse quent calls. The publisher is more than gratified in stating that the whole edition was nearly ex hausted before tire issuing of the seventh number of the volume; and at tins time but very few com plete sets remain on hand, to supply the numer ous orders which are daily received from every section of the United States. Inconsequence ot this great unforeseen increase of new subscribers, he lias determined to double tiie number of impressions for the subsequent year; while he most gratefully appreciates the un precedented encouragement extended to tiie La dies* Companion, and at the same time he begs to assure the readers of tiie Magazine and the pub lic in general, that it is ids ardent resolution to meet it with a corresponding liberality on his part to merit its continuance. Splendid Steel Engravings by our best ar tists, accompany cacli number—illustrated by Tales and spirited Sketches—which will, as here tofore, continue magnificent and far superior to those published ii any other Magazine iu Amcri ca. The Ladies’ Cos npanion contains a larger quail till l of reading tha 1 any other magazine issued iti this country, and its subscription price is only three dollars a year, while tiie great combination o( talent secured for the coining year will render it unequalled by any other periodical. Its Literary Character! w ill undergo con siderable change, as the publisher of the Ladies’ Companion, in order to show his appreciation of the public favor already extended to him so liber ally, h: * ecured the aid of Mrs. ANN S. STE PHENS, late Editor of the ‘Portland Magazine,’ and author of a series of the most beautiful and popular tales ever presented to an American public. No lady possessing greater \ariety of tal ent, or better calculated to aid in conducting a Ladies’ Magazine, could have been selected from the galaxy of female genius which is the glory of our country. Iu addition to the powerful talents ot Mrs. Stephens, the proprietor lias secured a list of contributors, which combined will render the Ladies’ Companion one of the most interesting and t..lcnteu Magazines of the day. Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney, Mrs. Jane E. Locke, Mrs, Woodliull. Mrs. Emma C. Embury, Miss A. D. Woodbridgc, Miss 11. L. Beasley, Miss Charlotte Cushman, Miss Mary Emily Jackson, Messrs. Robert Hamilton, .f. N. Mc.Jilton, James Brooks, Erast us Brooks, Rev. .1. H. Clinch, Rev. A. A. Lipscomb, Greenville Mellon, N. C. Brooks, a. m. S. E. Beckett, James Furbish, William Cutter, John Neal, Henry F. Harring ton, Isaac C. Pray, Jr. James E. Vail, Edward Maturin, Jonas B. Phillips, E. JJurke Fisher, 11. 8. Meckenzie, l. i„ and. W ith many others who will occasionally contri bute to the pages of the w ork, and every exertion will be made to render tho Ladies’ Companion, what a work devoted to the female portion of the community should be, interesting, useful and in structive. The Musical Department is under the su pervision of Mr. J. Watson, whose qualifications for the task are too well known to require our tes tiniouv. r l his department of the Ladies’ Companion has ever commanded a large share of attention, and been looked upon with no little interest by its rea ders, and more especially the Ladies, whom the publisher is i.i the highest degree anxious to please. It will continue to be a subject of more than usual care to him, and to tiie Professor, under whose supervision it is placed, to make that portion of the magazine allotted to Alusic, more than ever deserving of the countenance of every lover of music. It has ever been and will contin ue to be tlie desire to have all pieces of Music printed concctly an l free from errors. The Work in General. Over every depart ment an equally careful supervision will be strict ly exercised by the Editors, and till appropriate expenditures will be liberally bestowed, as it is the design of the publisher, with the aid of his con tributors and the adviceof his friends to make the Ladies' t'ompanion distinguished for the beauty and accuracy of its typography; the variety and high tone of its literary articles ; the quality and value of its music; and the unequalled splendor of its Pictoral Embellishment's. It is the determination _of the publisher to use every means to maintain the superiority which the Ladies’ Companion has obtained. For four years lie has steadily pursued a course of improve ment, and lie Hatters himself that his present fa cilities are such as to give the Ladies’ Coin].anion eminent advantages overall other publications of its character. From the foregoing it w ill be perceived that the Ladies’ Companion embraces every department within the range of Belles-Lettres and the Fine Arts; ami no exertions or expense will be deem ed too great to render the work equal to any other extant. The flattering and general testimonials of nearly every cotemporary journal in the United States, and in fact, many on the other si<|p of tire Atlantic, have strongly asserted the undeniable claims of the Ladies’ Companion to the support iff the public generally. There is no work that gives its readers such great returnfur their subscrip tion. Ihe Prize Articles will all be published du ling the year. These articles will comprise the successful candidates for the premiums of one thousand dollars awarded by a committed of liter ary gentlemen in August last. TERMS.— I hree Dollars a year in advance, or four during the year. No subscription received for less than one year. t Letters must be addressed to the proprietor, at No. 107 Fulton St. New York, (post paid.) WILLIAM \V. SNOWDEN, Proprietor. Jan 9 6 For Na if, A first rate saddle and harness MSB Horse, perfectly gentle. For fur flier particulars inquire at the office ■ssQ&saSfe-'-* of the Mirror. TOWN COUNCIL. Ordinances of the town of Florence, passed by the Board of Commissioners, April 11, 1838. let. For the preservation of good order, and to prevent the annoyance consequent upon persons being intoxicated in the streets on tiie Sabbath day, be it therefore Ordained, That no person or persons shall vend any spiritous liquors or any kind of merchan dize on the Sabbath day—any person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay the sum oi ten dollars for each and every offence. • 2d. And be it further Ordained, That no slave or slaves shall be permitted to visit the town with out a written permt from his, her or their owner, or from the person or persons having the direction and control of such slave or slaves; and no slave or slaves, unless living in the place, shall be per mitted to remain in town after ten o’clock, with out it be specified in the written permit, under the penalty of receiving thirty-nine iashes on the bare back. 3d. further Ordained, That any white person or persons trading with any slave or slaves, for articles other than those pointed out by law, shall forfeit and pay the str.n of five dollars for each and every offence, and shall be prosecuted to the extent of the law in such cases made and pro vided. 4th. And be it further Ordained, That any per son or persons who shall be found fighting and quarreling within the limits of the corporation, contrary to the good order and peace of tin* com munity, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dol lars for each and every offence. sth And be it further Ordained, That the Mar shal receive for the correction of any slave which may be sent to him by the owner, or any person or persons having the control or direction of said slave, the sum of one dollar. Resolved, That the Secretary have 50 copies of the ordinances printed, and that the Marshal distribute them to the inhabitants of the town, and see that they arc carried into effect. On motion the board adjourned subject to the call of the lntendaut. 11. W. JF.RNIGAN, lutcndant. T. GARDNER, Sec. NOTICE. A LL those indebted to the firm of Hi W. Jernigan (c Cos. Hill, Jerntuan At Cos. Hill, Laurence & Cos. Jernigan, Cachet Ac Cos. and Jernigan, Laurence Ac Cos. will please make immediate payment, otherwise!!!!!!!! April 9, 1838 "‘2 P ROS EE C T US~ OF THE h wmm 03^ A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, PUBLISHED in Floreaacc, NtewnH < o. Ga. JYTE h ive been induced to publish the Mlß v ▼ ROR, from the firm conviction that the in creasing wealth and population ot' the counties bordering on the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers, in this section of Georgia, call lentilv for a chron icler of the times. We do not deem it nc e ;sary to go into a lengthy detail of the doctrines this papier will sup port, or the prine pies it will inculcate, and the grounds upon which they are predicated—but will merely state that it is intended to diffuse gen eral information throughout the country, of a Do mestic, Foreign and Political nature. A consid erable portion of its columns " ill hg devoted to Literary aad Miscellaneous matter, which depart ment shall receive particular attention. We deem it necessary, however, to state that the political stand which the Mirror will assume, will be a firm and independent one; and in support off the State Rights and Anti-Van Burkn party of Georgia; but conducted with moderation anil prudence, without descending to the low billings gate which is so characteristic of the political Newspapers of the day. < Maiming the right to ex ercise an opinion of our own, we shall be willing, at all times to admit that l ight in others—and when ever occasion requires us to speak of the doctrines or opinions of our political opponents, we shall do so with respectful consideration. TERMS — The Georgia Mirror will bo pub lished at THREE DOLLARS a year, payable in advance, or FOUR DOL LA RS at the end of the year. GARDNER & BARROW. Arril 1 PROSPECTUS. OF THE Southern Literary Itfesscmgrer. TTY HIS is a monthly Magazine, devoted chiefly SL to Literature, but occasionally finding room also for articles that fall within the scope of Science ; and not professing an entire disdain of tasteful selections, though its matter lias been, as it will continue to be, in the main, original. Party Politics, and controversial 'J'heologif, as far as possible, arc jealously excluded. M hov are sometimes so blended w ith discussions in litera ture or in moral science, otherwise unobjection able, as to gain admittance for the. sake of the more valuable matter to which they adhere : but whenever that happens they are incidental, only; not primary. They are dross, tolerated only be cause it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incorporated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occupy their due space in the work: and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a threefold tendency— to convey, in a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting incidents ns are embodied in the works reviewed, —to direct the readers attention to books that deserve to be read—and to warn him against wasting time and money ijpon that large number, which merit only to be burned. In this age of publications that by their variety and multitude, distract and ovcrwhelinn every undis criminating student, impartial criticism, gov erned by the views just mentioned, is ouc of the most inestimable and indi'pcusablc of auxiliaries to him who docs wish to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility or a musement, or both— Historical sketches — and Reminisences of events too minute for History, yet elucidating it, arid heighfning its interest— may be regarded as forming tlm staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough is published—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents of our country. The times appear, for several reasons, to de mand such a work—and not one alone, but many. 1 he public mini] is feverish and irritated still, from recent political strifes: The soft, nssuasive influence of Literature is needed, to allav that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, into their nttiiig haunts. Ignorance lords it over an in,, aieijse proportion of our people:—Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlighten ed, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no lon ger brood, like a portentous cloud, over the Des tinies of our country. Vnd to accomplish ;i j| these ends, what more powerful agent can be em ployed, than a periodical on the plan of the Mes senger ; if that plan be but carried out in prac tice ? The South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Literary periodicals! Northward of that city, there arc probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is this contrast justified by the wealth the leisure, tho native talent, or the actual literary taste of the Southern people, compared wit,, those of the Northern? No: for in wealth, tal ents and taste, w e may justly claim, at least, an equality with our brethren «nd a domestic insti tution exclusively our own, beyond all doubt, af fords us, if w e choose, tw ice the leisure for read ing and writing which they enjoy. It was from a deep sense of this local want, that the w ord Southern was engrafted on this peri odical: and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate supposed local inter ests. Far from any such it is the !;<(,. tor’s fervent wish, to see toe North and Souih bound endearingly together, forever, m the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. q ilr from meditating hostility to the north, he lias ai readv drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw much of his choicest matter tlietice; ami Lai ■ y indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, i/y making each region know ihc other belt: 1 Toi'ni bute in any essential degree to itisj < 1 ih, ; lowermi. clouds that now threaten the peace ot boih, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred tics of fi a terual Jove. M lie Southern Literary Messenger lias now reached the 11 ill No. of its thud volume How far it has acted out the ideas here uttered is not for the Editor to say. lie behevt-s, how ever that it tails not further short of them, than human weakness usually makes Practice fall «hort of Theory. CONDITIONS 1. The Southern Literary Messenger is pub lished in monthly numbers, of G 1 large su ,t.- royal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, and neatly covered, at 85 a year—payable in 2. (Jr live new subscribers, by sending ti.eii names and 820 at one time to the editor, will re ceive their copies for one year, for that sum, or at 84 for each. 3. The risk of loss of payments for subscrip tions, which have been properly u mi: uted t< de mail, or to the hands of a ] osi mas.; r, is at: i r,. cd by the editor. 1. li a subscription is not directed tube dis continued before the first number of the next u !- ume has been published, it will lie taken as- a r l:ll . t.nuance for another year. Substri] f« t * in, t commence with the beginning of the \ Gu.ic, and will hut be taken tor las , ; ~~r s, lication. j 5. The mutual < l.;ig>:iuns iff the- i nblisl or r.rd subscriber, for the year,are fully i. o'm.ed a, fW „ as the first number of the volume is .;<d: aul after that time, no diseontii mint e of :* subscrip tion will be permitted. Nor will a M.bscripliiii be discontinued for any earlier notice, while my thing thereon remains due, t the option ot the Editor. CARD. 7 o the patrons rs tin Bout'u rn Literal a i Murer rer. Mhe startling cost at which this wr’ik has ietn established, and is sustained, and the bat kwa fi ness ol many subscribers in fulfilling ihiir part iff our mutual compact, rail indispensabN fer an iq peal, not to their liberality—but to their .r-tic'. !l punctual payments arc* tier in e< -sarv, they me pre-eminently so in the ease of meh a jubila tion,—purely literary—almost t holly original— and destitute of the vital utd whit li * new spaj ers derive from advertisements. My ali. is at stake, in this enterprise.—lit is a ventitle, stimulated indeed bv son e hej e oi c mo’umciit; but founded Lively, a!so uj en lie well warranted expectation of nd’yii g Ser.iLoru talents and Southern pubic spff’it, Lnourd lie drooping and well nigh jr« r ate ! ; n, er ot Si rff ern Literature. Sii.t eith .- now ; ( mered claims upon Southern justice—c..n it U, the? nc urged in vain ? Subscribers then, who are in an ear- and lot tm in remember, that j aymi ut *si!i e in ariiavci, w nl, 1 trust, w ithout i clay, transmit the mounts they owe to me, at Richmond, by n:a : l, i.tnv risk and cost; taking j n per i ridoi i t > of the fia t and date of mailing; awl r« t oning a memoran dum of each note m r f. 'J IIOMAS V. WHITE. Richmond, Nov. 21, 1827. TO THE TIM!; I> V. LUMP. I T THE Containing ( l uarterly Cushion dates, Illustrated Art’chr, Jy r. THE CHEAPEST PERIODICA L IN TEE WORLD. IN commencing n new volume, the would take oc< asion to obseive, that not otiiy will the same exertions be continued, which have secured to his subscription list an unexampled in crease, but his claims upon the public favor "ill be enhanced by every means which unceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal expendi ture can command. The subjoined is a brief plan of the work: Its Original Papers will be so varied as to form a combination of the useful with the enter taining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful science, essays, tales, and poetry which may deserve the name. It is the publishers design to make the Visiter agreeable to the old and the voting —to the sedate and the gay—to mingle the valuable with the n musing—and to pursue the tenor of his way with lllC entertainment of good feelings toward all par ties. TERMS,—The Visiter is published every cm er Saturday, on fine white paper, each unnd" r will contain 24 large super-royal octavo part 's enveloped in a fine printed cover, forming at * _ end of the year a volume of nearly 000 pages, *> the very low price of Iff 25 cents prr annum 111 advance, or 6] cents per number payable on de livery. . Post Masters, and others who will woe*'" Subscribers JIM enclose Flip Dollar/ to tire £«■ pnetor shall receive the sth copy gratis. . All orders addressed to the publisher, 40 Cb**‘ nut Street, post paid, will receive immediate ut’ tent ion. Editors, by copying this prospectus and "rd* ing n paper of the same to the o(Sfc, shall t>‘ ceivc the Visiter for one year,