The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, July 21, 1838, Image 4

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THE subscribers have, and will keep constant ly on hand, a large and well assorted stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hardware and Cutlery* Among which may bt found the following articles: 000 ps. fancy Prints, 50 „ Furniture do. 50 „ assorted Cambrics, 75 „ „ Muslins of every variety, 100 ~ 3-4 brown Shirtings, 75 ~ 4-4 Sheetings, 25 „ 4-4 do, fine article, 25 ~ 4-4 bleached do do 25 ~ superior English Cloths, assorted colors, 15 ~ 4-4 Merinos, assorted, 2 ~ do. double width, 5 ~ Circassian, Carpetting, ~ fine do 10 ~ Packing, 20 doz. Napkins, ALSO, A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Domestics, Sattinets, Cassimers, Bro linen Drillings, white do. bro. Holland, Vestings, Diapers, . Russia Sheeting, Osnaburgs, Ladies and gents, kid Gloves, gents buck do. Silk and cotton Hosiery, Suspenders, A splendid assort Bonnets & Bonnet Ribbons, Thread and bolt Laces, do. Inserting®, Bob inet, Greciuet, AN ELEGANT SUPPLY OF SILKS, SATINS, FRENCH MUSLIN, CHALLY, CHALLIETTE, Silk, Bombazine and Satin Stocks, Black Satin Bosoms, Collars, &c. Arc, Together with a complete and splendid assort ment of SUMMER CLOTHING, Among which arc a few THIBET VESTS, a sew and superior article for wear. LIKEWISE, A GOOD SCFPLT OF Bridles, Saddle*, Martin&als, HOUSINGS , STIRRUPS, RIDING WHIPS, DRIVER’S WHIPS, Ac. All of which will be sold on such terms as will suit purchasers, who are respectfully invited to call. JERNIGAN, LAURENCE & Cos. April 9 2 CHEAP CASH STORE. TIIE subscriber has brought oh from New York, a supply of Cheap and fashionable floods, suitable both to the times and season, consisting of the following articles, viz. Bleached and brown Domestics, White and brown, striped and plain Drilling, Piain do Linen, 1 Furniture, dress and aporn Checks, Plain, f.iucy and figured Silks, Black, Italian and Gro de Nap do. Printed Muslins and Cambrics, Plain and printed Law ns, Figured, plain, Swiss aud Mull Muslins, do do Bohbinett, Bobbinett Lace and Edging, Worked Muslin Capes and Collars, do Cuffs and infants bodies, I do Chil. Lace and Muslin Caps, Irish Linen and Lawns, A good assortment of French and Eng. Prints, Scotch and French Ginghams, Ladies work Baskets, Bead Bags and Money Purses, Silk and satin Reticules, White and brown Cotton Hose, Gents, do do half Ilose, Boots, Shoes and Pumps, Bonnets aud Hats, TOGETHER WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF READYMADE CLOTHING. Dcsides various other articles too tedious to men tion. A. G. MARSHALL. Florence, June 9 11 NEW GOODS. THE subscribers, in addition to their former stock have received a fresh supply of Wry Good* and Cutlery, from Charleston and Augusta, making theii as sortment tolerably good. They sure now offering articles suitable to the season, on as good terms as any in the market; in their stock may be found Challys, Chailietts, Silks, Muslins, Grass, Brown and Irish Linens, Fancy Prints, Z rencli Callico, French Muslins, a splendid article, Diaper, Nankeen, Domestics, Checks, A variety of gentlemen and ladies Hose and half Hose, Shoes, Hats, Cotton Cassimere, With a variety of other articles not enumerated. Our customers and the public generally *re invi ted to call and examine for themselves. June 9 11 GARDNER & HARVEY. DRS. R. W.&Z. C. WILLIAMS, HAVING associated themselves in the PRAC TICE OF MEDICINE, respectfully ten der their professional services to the citizens of FLORENCE and the surrounding country. From their extensive acquaintance with diseas es appertaining to a Southern clime, they Hatter themselves that they will be enabled to give com plete satisfaction to their employers. One, or both may be found at their office at all times, when not professionally engaged, conse quently those who will honor us with a call, may always expect prompt and immediate attention. Florence, April 9 2 ______ ALL persons indebted to A. R. Hill tk Cos. H. W. Jernigan & Cos. Hill, Jernigan & Cos. Hill, Laurence & Cos. Jernigan Lau rence & Cos. Jernigan, Gaciiet Cos. and W. D. Hill, are requested to make immediate pay ment as longer indulgence cannot be given. May 25, 1638. 9 H. W. JERNIGAN, for all Concerned. FOR SALE, BY the subscribers 100 sacks SALT, for CASH, only. JERNIGAN, LAURENCE k Cos. April 9. 1838. Attorney at Law, FLORENCE, STEWART, COUNTY OA. A pail J 6 ts - - TO CONTRACTORS. a The Trustees of the Independent Church and Female Academy, will re ceive sealed proposals until the 4th day of August, for building a house 50 feet long and 30 wide, based upon 17 brick pillars, 5 feet long, IBinches above the surface, and G below, 18 inches thick at bottom and 12 inches at top ; the sills to be 12 inches square ; sleepers 12 by 3, to be placed 2 feet from centre to centre ; joists of second floor to be 3 by 12, supported by a gir der in the centre of the* building; interties to be 4 by 12; plates 4 by 8; corner posts to face 12 in. and guttered ; the studs of the lower story to be 4 by G; the window and door post of the upper story to be 4by 6 and studs 3by 4; rafters 3by 6 at bottom, 3 inches square at top; rafter joists 3 by 8 inches 2 feet from centre to centre. The whole building to be strong and substantially braced. The floors will be laid with 10 inch plank, lj thick,tongued and grooved; *the lower story, ceiled chair board high, having 62 seats plain, with solid inclined backs; there will be a partition a cross the back end for stair w ay and Library, leav ing a recess for the pulpit—the pulpk w ill be plain with panneled desk and the library furnished with a suitable number of shelves. There will be 10 windows in the low r er story, 36 lights 10 by 12, and 15 do. in the upper 15 lights 10 by 12; 2 large fol ding pannel doors, and two small do. with transom lights; plain newel stairs will be run to second sto ry landing in passage above. The upper story will be divided into 3 rooms— one 30 feet square, another 20 bylß and the third 20 by 12; the partition, and rafter joist to be ceil ed : there will be a decent cornice around the building and a pediment front finished with a suitable frieze and bed cornice; the weather board ing will show' sinches and the shingles 54. The whole of the materials to be of good mer chantable lumber and the work executed in a neat workmanlike manner by the first day of Decem ber next. Intending it not only as a convenience but as an ornament to our town the Trustees are opposed to having it botched. It w ill be required of persons making proposals to give the names of two good and substantial se curities for the faithful performance of the work. 11. W. JERNIGAN, Secretary. July 13, 1G {T-t* Enquirer and Sentinel, Columbus will publish the above till the day of lettiug, aud for ward their accounts to the Secretary. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. - tTNDER an order from the Inferior Court of > Lee county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold the following Lots of Land be longing to the estate of Lewis Bond, deceased, before the Court House door of the respective counties herein named, to wit: At Starksville, on the first Tuesday in SEP TEMBER next, Lots of Land, No. 217, north half, in the first district; 56, 141, 168, 184, 185, 186, 199, 200, 201,202, 203, 214, 215, 216, 217, and 230, in the second district of Lee, comprising the Fowl town plantation, and Lot 203 in the third district. And on the same day, before the Court House door of Randolph county, Lot 106 in the fourth, 214, 35 and 34 in the fifth, 6 in the sixth, 230 in the sixth, and 107 in the 10th district of Randolph county. All sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased Terms on the day and sale positive. H. JONES, > J, BOND, \ ’ June 23 13 ADMINISTARTOR SALE. TJ|7"LL be sold at the Court House door in the vv Town of Talbotton: Talbot County, Ga. on the first Tuesday in August next, lot No 90, in the sth District of said County, as the pro perty of Chauncey Bralley, deceased sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM BELL. Adm’r. May 25, 1838. 9 WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DE CEMBER next, before the Court House door in the town of Atnerieus, Sumter county, within the lawful hours of sale, Lot of Land, No. two hundred and forty seven, in the 28th district formerly Lee, now Sumter county, the same be longing to the estate of Philip Troy, deceased— to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms made know non the day. NANCY TROY, Adm’x. JOHN PENNINGTON, Adm’r. | July 4, 1738. 16 months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Sumter, whilst sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Philip Trov, late of said county, deceased. NANCY TROY, Adm’x. JOHN PENNINGTON, Adm’r. July 4, 1838. 16 FOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting as a court of ordina ry, for leave to sell the real estate of James Gilles pie, late of the State off Mississippi, deceased. July 2. 1838. 15 RICH’D KIDD. FOUR MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of George Shaw, deceased. JOHN BLACKSHEAR, Adm’r. June 9, 1838. 11 FOUR months after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purpo ses for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belong ing to the estate of Bluford Spence, late of saTd county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. JAMES HILLIARD, AdirCr. April 16,1838. 3 FOUR -months alter date application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purpos es, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belong ing to the estate of Timothy Carrington, deceas ed, for the benefit of tire heirs and creditors JAMES HILLIARD, Adm'r. April 16, 1836. FOUR momhs afterdate, application wfllbe made to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the property belonging to the estate of Lewis Dupree, sen. late of Stewart county, deceased, both real and personal LEWIS DUPREE,jr. Adm’r. June 25,1838. 13 JOB PRINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE. TIIE GEORGIA MIRROR Stewart Sheriff 1 Sales . WILL be sold before the court house door in j the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, on the first Tuesday in AUGUST next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lots of Land, numbers one hundred and twen ty-two and one hundred and twenty-three, in the twenty-fitli district of originally Lee now Stewart county, well improved, taken as the property of Jeptha Pickett, to satisfy two Fi Fas from Stewart Inferior Court, in favor of Abraham Prim vs said Pickett—property pointed out by the defendant. Also, one negro man by the name of Winzer, 25 years old, taken as the property of William A. Wethington, to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas from a Justice’s court of Stewart county, in favor of H. M. Haws vs said Wethington—levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Also, one negro man by the name of Randoll, taken as the property of Robert Reynolds, to sat isfy sundry Fi Fas. issued from Stewart Superior Court, in favor of William D. Ethrige, and one in favor of Larkin Reynolds, executor of Benjamin Reynolds, vs Robert Reynolds. Also, Lot of Land No. 44, in the 24th district of originally Lee now Stewart county, taken as the property of P. L. Gunuells, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas from a Justices court of Stew art county, in favor of William Cooper and others, vs. said Gunnells—levy made and returned to me by a con stable. Also, Rose a woman, 21 years old, Dinarah a ' woman 22 years old, Arthur a man 22 years old, and Sampson a man 35 years old, all taken as the property of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from Stewart Superior court, one in favor of John W. Sutton, two in favor of Samuel Quarles, and other Fi Fas vs said Hatcher. LEONIDAS W. HILL, Dep. Sheriff. POSTPONED SALE. Also, will be sold ns above. One negro woman named Alley, taken ns the property of Byrd Hudson, to satisfy one Fi Fa, from Stewart Superior court, in favor of Stewart & Fountain, vs said Hudson. LEONIDAS W. HILL, July 3, 1633. Dep. Sheriff. Fi:ttAULE SCHOOL. "IVTISS MARGARET HARVEY, of Ma -Lv-L con will open a FEMALE SCHOOL in this place on Monday next, 9th inst. in the new house built by A. DeLaunay, Esq. in the North ern part of town. _July 7, 1838. “valuable property M OK S*lL, JR. the purpose of closing the estate of Asaph R. Hill, late of Stewart County deceased. The subsriber will sell at private sale, one third or the whole of the following property, viz. ONE COMMODIOUS NEW STORE HOUSE AND LOTS, The well known stand of Hill Laurence Ac Cos. Lumpkin Ga. Also 34 acres Land adjoining said Town, handsomely situated for private resi dence. Also the well known, Ph<£iiix lflofel, Fimiiturc And Lots, in the Town of Florence, at present occupied by Mr. A. Burnett. Also the large framed, WARE HOUSE AND FIXTURES, In the Town of Florence, at present occupied by Jemigan Laurence <fc Cos Also two unimproved Lots, in said Town, Nos. 108 and 109 in square H- high elevated ground for building. Also about 820,000 worth of • Isso rted tiler chan dize. Also two settlements of valuable pine Lands, con taining 740 acres, 3 miles from Florence. Also 8 Lots in the city of St. Josephs, amongst which are Lots to suit the merchant or the settler. Also 27 shares of the Capital Stock in the St. Josephs Rail Road & Canal Company. Also one fine Sad dle Horse. Any of the above property will be sold on ac commodating terms, by application to the sub scriber at Florence Georgia HENRY W. JERNIGAN Ex’tr. and partner of A. R Hill deceaed The Subscriber will sell several valuable settle ments of Land, from 2024 to 1000 acres. May 25, 1838 9 H. W. JERNIGAN. Columbus Enquirer and Southern Re corder will please give the above three insertions and forward their accounts for payment. 11. W. JERNIGAN. NOTICE. AFTER the expiration of Thirty days I shall proceed to collect the Tax for the Town of Florence. J. P. HARVEY As’r. &Col. June 30, 1838. "notice: CAME to the subscriber’s plantation, near Florence, a black mare INDIAN PONEY. about 6 years old, one glass eye, switch tail, bran ded on the right shoulder with IM. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property and take her away. H, W. JERNIGAN. July 2 15 ” NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the estate of Lewis Dufl -Cm. pree. sen. late of Stewart county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will please present them in terms of the law. _ LEWIS DUPREE, jr. Adm’r. June 23 13 6t IHRkKBY give notice that 1 will make appli cation to the next Superior Court of Baker county, * to be held on the 4th Monday in August next, for right of dower to all the lands belong, ing to the estate of Jacob Suttou, late of said Connty deceased. JUDITH SUTTON, Widow. May 25,1838. 9td. GEORGlA —Stewart C ounty. PERSONALLY came before me, W. A. May a Justice of the Peace in said county, James R. Pickett, and being duly sworn, saith, that four promissory notes of thirty dollars each, given sometime in the fore part of 1837, and due the 25th December or Ist of January thereafter, payable ♦o Samuel Adams, Administrator of the estate of John G. Who, deceased, signed by William Stafford and Moses Ramsay, have to the best of his knowledge, been washed to pieces and destroy ed while in the possession of him the said Pickett JAMES R. PICKETT. Sworn to, and subscribed before me. this sth July, 1838. 16 3t W. A. MAY, J. P ALL those indebted to the subscriber are re spectfully invited to call in and settle, as I am going to remove from the old stand where I now occupy. THOS. C. PRIDGEN. June 14 16 3t PROSPECTUS. \ or THE Southern Literary THIS is a monthly Magazine, devoted chiefly to Literature, but occasionally finding room also for articles that fall within the scope of Science ; and not professing an entire disdain of tasteful selection though its matter has been, as it will continue to be, in the main, original. Party Politics , and controversial I'heology, as far as possible, are jealously excluded. They are sometimes so blended with discussions in litera ture or in moral science, otherwise unobjection able, as to gain admittance for the sake of the more valuable matter to which they adhere: but whenever that happens they are incidental , only; not primary. They are dross, tolerated only be cause it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incorporated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occupy their due space in the work: and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a threefold tendency—to convey, in a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting incidents as are embodied in the works reviewed,—to direct the readers attention to books that deserve to be read—and to warn him against wasting time and money upon that large number, which merit only to be burned. In this age of publications that by their variety and multitude, distract and overwhelmn every undis criminating student, impartial criticism, gov erned bythe views just mentioned, is one of the most inestimable and indispensable of auxiliaries to him who docs wish to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility or a musement, or both— Historical sketches —and Reminisences of events too minute for History, yet elucidating it, and heightning its interest may be regarded as forming the staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough is published—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents of our country. The times appear, for several reasons, to de mand such a work—and not one alone, but many. The public mind is feverish and irritated still, from recent political strifes: The soft, assuasive influence of Literature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad : —They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, into then fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an im mense proportion of our people:—Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlighten ed, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no lon ger brood, like a portentous cloud, over the des tinies of our country. Vnd to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be em ployed, than a periodical on the plan of the Mes senger ; if that plan be but carried out in prac tice ] The South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Literary periodicals.' Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is this contrast justified by the* wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual literary taste ot the Southern people, compared w-ith those of the Northern? No: for in wealth, tal ents and taste, we may justly claim, at least, an equality with our brethren md a domestic insti tution exclusively our own, beyond all doubt, af fords us, if we choose, twice the leisure for read ing and writing w hich they enjoy. It was from a deep sense of this local want, that the word Southern was engrafted on this peri odical : and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate supposed local inter ests. Far from any such thought, it is (he Edi tor’s fervent wish, to see the North and South bound endearingly together, forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. For from meditating hostility to the north, Ire has al ready drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw, much oi his choicest matter thence; and happy indeed will he deem himself, should his pages by making each region know the other better contri bute m any essential degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now threaten the peace of both, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred ties of fra ternal love. CONDITIONS i}' , TliC Southern Literary Messenger is pub lished m monthly numbers, of 64 large super royal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, and neatly covered, at $5 a year—payable in advance z. Or free new subscribers, by sending theii names and S2O at one time to the editor, will re ceive their copies for one year, for that sum, or at $4 for each. 3. The risk of loss of payments for subscrip tions, which have been properly committed to the mail, or to the hands of a post master, is assum ed by the editor. 4. If a subscription is not directed to be dis continued before the first number of the next vol ume has been published, it will betaken as a con tinuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence with the beginning of the volume, and will not be taken for less than a year’s pub lication. 5. The mutual obligations of the publisher and subscriber, tor the year, are fully incurred as soon as the first number of the volume is issued : and after that time, no discontinuance of a subscrip tion will be permitted. Nor will a subscription be discontinued for any earlier notice, while any thing thereon remains due, unles t the option ol the Editor. - r CARD. To the patrons of the Southern Literary Messenger. The startling cost at which this work has been established, and is sustained, and the backwa d ness ol many subscribers in fulfilling their nan of our mutual compact, call indispensably for an ap peal, not to their liberality—but to their justice. It punctual payments are ever necessary, thev are pre-eminently so in the case of such a publica tion,—purely literary—almost wholly original— and destitute of the vital aid which newspapers derive from advertisements. 1 1 My ALL is at stake, in this enterprise It is a venture, stimulated indeed by some hope of e mohunent; but founded largely, also upon the well warranted expectation of /allying Southern talents and Southern public spirit, around the uiooping and well nigh prostrate banner of South ern Literature. Since it has now acquired claims upon Southern justice— can it be, that thes are urged in vain ? * e Subscribers then, who are in arrears—and l. them remember that payment is due m advance will, I trust, without delay, transmit the mounts they owe to me, at Richmond, by mail Ti ll nsk and cost; taking proper evidence of the fS i d oTe°a f ch m n^e n !’nr and * " Richmond, Nov. W * WI «TE. TOWN COUNCIL. Ordinances of the town of Florence, passed lu the Board of Commissioners , June 25, 1838/ THE board of Commissioners met according to adjournment, members present, 8 R. W. Williams, Intendant, Joseph M. Miller Benj. Gardner and William Stafford.* * Ist. For the preservation of good order, and to prevent the annoyance consequent upon persons being intoxicated in the streets on the Sabbath day, be it therefore Ordained , That no person or persons sball vend any spiritous liquors or any kind of merchan dize on the Sabbath day—any person or persons so offending, shall forfeit and pay the suniof ten dollars for each and every offence. 2d. And be it further Ordained , That no slave or slaves shall be permitted to visit the town with out a written permt from his, her or their owner or from the person or persons having the direction and control of such slave or slaves; and no sf, ve or slaves, unless living in the place, shall he p t r mitted to remain in town after ten o’clock, with out it be specified in the written permit, under the penalty of receiving thirty-nine lashes on the bare back. c 3d. And be it further Ordained, That any white person or persons trading with any slave or slaves tor articles other than those pointed out by l aw ’ shall forfeit and ;pay the sum of five dollars for each and every offence, and shall he prosecuted to the extent of the law in such cases made and uro vided. * 4th. And be it further Ordained , That r.nv pe r son or persons who shall be found fighti'ng 0 r quarreling within the limits of the corporation contrary to the good order and peace of the coni' munity, shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than Three nor more than Twenty dollars for each and every offence. sth And he it further Ordained , That the Mar shal receive for the correction of any slave which may be sent to him by the owner, or any person or persons having the control or direction of said slave, the sum of one dollar Ordained , That the Marshall be authorized and required to prevent all unlawful assemblage, ot individuals, and any and everything calculated to disturb the peace and good order of the com munity. And any person oi persons so offendinr be drought before the incorporated authorities of tne i own, to be punished at the discretion of the Board. Ordained , That any member of Council who shall he guilty of the violation of any of the fore going Ordinances, shall pay double the amount imposed on other citizens. It being requisite to raise a revenue to defravthe necessary police regulations for the year 1838 Be i f Ordained , That the following rates of Taxation be imposed c On all improved lots in the town of Florence a tax of 124 cents on every hundred dollars of val ue as returned or assessed. On all unimproved lots in said town a tax of 20 cents on every .SIOO assessed or returned. On all goods, wares and merchandise, including drugs, medicines, saddles, bridles, and harness boots, shoes, ready made clothing, clocks, watches' precious stones and jewelry of every description,' held and kept for sale in the town' of Florence theie shall be paid a tax of ten cents on every 100 dollars ; the person giving in to swear to the Inch est amount ot stock or merchandize which he mav have had on hand, between the first day of Jan uary, and the eighteenth day of June. On all retailers of spirituous or fermented li quors m less quantities than one gallon, a tax of ten dollars, and one dollar to the clerk in every in stance for a license. J On each male white inhabitant of said town be tween the ages of 16 and 45, a tax of three dollars as a compensation for road and street duty. On each practitioner of law and medicine a tax of three dollars. On each slave liable to road duty, a tax of §3. On each slave not so liable, a tax of 50 cents.' On every free male person of color a tax ofslo. On every free female person of color a tax ofss. On all pleasure Carriages a Tax of 25 cents per wheel. r On aH Road Waggons, Jersey Waggons, Carts and Di ays a 1 ax of 104 cents per wheel. On every Showman and Juggler who shall per form or Exhibit for public amusement, and who charges therefor, a Tax of ten dollars. of s" 0 eVCry CIfCUS ° V w l ucstria « company, a Tax On each and every collection of animals or Birds exhibited for money, a Tax of $lO, and all Showmen or Juggler, proprietors of wax figures, animals or Birds, every circus or equestrian com pany, before they shall be allowed to exhibit, must apply to and receive from the Clerk a license for which, besides the before mentioned sum, they and each of them shall pay to the Clerk one dol lar lor a license. And be it further Ordainod, that the assessor and collector before entering upon the discharge of Ins duties shall take an oath for the faithful per formance ot his duty, and give bond and security, in the sum of three thousand dollars, and that lie proceed forwithfto assess and receive returns of all property pointed out in the several ordinances and that after giving thirty days notice in the Georgia Mirror, he proceed to collect. Be it. further Ordained , that all persons who shall refuse to give in their taxable property shall b double taxed, and after sixty days from the adver tisement of the collector, execution shall issue against all defaulters as in case of Tax for the State. m r. » r, WILLIAMS. Intendant. T. GARDNER, Sec. •Elected in the place of Thomas Gardner, Esq. who resigned at a previous meeting of the board k it Ordained, That no person or person • u . * n the Chattahoochee river, with in the incorporated limits of the town of Florence, above Centre street—any person or persons so ot feudmg, shall be subject to a fine of One Dollar. nd be it further Ordained, That if any per son or persons shall fire guns or pistols within the of ‘be tow nos Florence, he or they shall be subject to a tine of Two Dollars. nersoii That if any white : „~. I rSf ‘v“ shall run horses, mares, geld n/Vv.r T tl l ro,, 8 h ‘be streets of Florence, he or they shall be fined in the sum of One Dollar; i a " y S ? Ve 0r slaves sl,al < violate »his Ordjn» ance, he or they sball receive tw enty lashes on the bare back. R. W. WILLIAMS. latend’t. I ho. Garpner. Sec . June 18 Blank Motes, neatly tainted and for SALE AT THIS OFFICE