The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, September 22, 1838, Image 4

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THE subscribers hare, and will keep constant ly on hand, a large and well assorted stock of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hard ware and Cutlery, 1 Among which may be found the following articles: 200 ps. fancy Prints, 50 „ Furniture do. 50 „ assorted Cambrics, 75 „ „ Muslins of every variety, 100 „ 3-4 brown Shirtings, 75 „ 4-4 Sheetings, 25 ~ 4-4 do. fine article, 25 „ 4-4 bleached do do 25 „ superior English Cloths, assorted colors, 15 „ 4-4 Merinos, assorted, 2 „ do. double width, 5 „ Circassian, Carpetting, „ fine do 10 „ Sackiug, 20 doz. Napkins, ALSO, A LARGE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Domestics, Sattinets, Cassimers, Bro linen Drillings, white do. bro. Holland, Vestings, Diapers, Russia Sheeting, Osnaburgs, Ladies and gents, kid Gloves, gents buck do. Silk and eotton Hosiery, Suspenders, A splendid assort Bonnets & Bonnet Ribbons, Thread and bolt Laces, do. Insertings, Bob inet, Grecinet, AN ELEGANT SUPPLE OF SILKS, SATINS, FRENCH MUSLIN, CHALLY, CHALLIETTE, Silk, Bombazine and Satin Stocks, Black Satin Bosoms, Collars, Sec. Sec. Together with a complete and splendid assort ment of BUMMER CLOTHING, Among which are a THIBET VESTS, a new and superior article for wear LIKEWISE, A GOOD SUPPLE OF 2sri«Ues, Saddle*, Tlartinpls, NO USINGS, S TIRR UPS, RIDING WHIPS, DRIVER’S WHIPS, Ac. All of which will be sold on such terms as will suit nurchasers, who are respectfully invited to call. JERNIGAN, LAURENCE & Cos. April 9 2 _____ ' CHEAP CASH STORE. THE subscriber has brought on from New York, a supply of Cheap and fashionable Goods, suitable both to the times and season, consisting of the following articles, viz. Bleached and brown Domestics, White and brown, striped and plain Drilling, Plain do Linen, Furniture, dress and aporn Checks, Plain, fancy and figured Silks, Black, Italian and Gro de Nap do. Printed Muslins and Cambrics, Plain and printed Lawns, Figured, plain, Swiss and Mull Muslins, do do Bobbinetl, Bobbinett Lace and Edging, Worked (Muslin Capes and Collars, do Cuffs and infants bodies, do Chil. Lace and Muslin Caps, Irish L inenand Lawns, A good assortment of French and Eng. Prints, Scotch and French Ginghams, Ladies work Baskets, Bead Bags and Money Purses, Silk and satin Reticules, White and brown Cotton Hose, Gents, do do half Hose, Boots, Shoes and Pumps, Bonnets and Hats, TOGETHER WITH AN ASSORTMENT OF READYMADE CLOTHING. oesides various other articles too tedious to men tion. A. G. MARSHALL. Florence, June 9 11 NEW goods: THE subscribers, in addition to their former stock have received a fresh supply of Dry Goods and Cutlery, from Charleston and Augusta, making then an sortment tolerably good. They are now offering articles suitable to the season, on as good terms as any in the market; in their stock may be found Challys, Challietts, Silks, Muslins, Grass, Brown and Irish Linens, Fancy Prints, French Callico, French Muslins, a splendid article, Diaper, Nankeen, Domestics, Checks, A variety of gentlemen and ladies Hose and half Hose, Shoes, Hats, Cotton Cassimerc, With a variety of other articles not enumerated. Our customers and the public generally arc invi ted to call and examine for themselves. June 9 11 GARDNER <3c HARVEY. DRS. R.W.&Z. C. WILLIAMS, HAVING associated themselves in the PRAC TICE OF MEDICINE, respectfully ten der their professional services to the citizens of FLORENCE and the surrounding country. From their extensive acquaintance withdiseas es annprfflinino oiltnc, tliey flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give com plete satisfaction to their employers. One, or both may be found at their office at all times, when not professionally engaged, conse quently those who will honor us with a call, may always expect prompt and immediate attention. Florence, April 9 2 LASTNOTICE. A r J* rrr° '"debted to A. R. Hill A Cos. H.YV. Jernigan 01,o 0 . Hill, j krN igan & Cos. Hill, Laurence Se Cos. Jwc Lau rence Se Cos. Jernigan, Gachet Cos. and \V. D. Hill, are requested to make immediate pay ment as longer indulgence cannot be given. May 25, 1838. 9 11. W. JERNIGAN, _____ for all Concerned. FOR SALE, BY The subscribers 100 sacks SALT, for CASH, only. JERNIGAN, LAURENCE <Jc Cos. April 9. \oae. £2fi:KD3ff£<S) Attorney at Law, FLORENCE, STEWART, COUNTY, GA April 16 NEW STORE. THE subscribers would respectfully infomthe inhabitants of Florence, Stewart countyand the adjoining country, that they have refittec the store formerly occupied by Mr. J. M. Miller.and more recently by Win. Stafford, Esq. on Centre street, where they are now opening anew and splendid assortment of MMKY GOO US, HATS, BOOTS. SHOES, & BIOGANS. Ladiok and Misses Hornets, Hard and Hollow Wae, WAGON AND CART BOXES, cc. &c. The above stock has jwst been selected from the New York and Boston markets. also, a large stock of GROCERIES, Viz bacon—Hams, sides and shoulders, Hour, Mjard , Sugar A' Coffee, BRANDY, RUM, WHISKEY, WINES AND CORDIALS . AH of which they offer lor sale ou the nost rea sonable terms. ANDREWS fc BEMIS. Florence, August 1 19 N. B. We are daily expecting PAINTS, OILS and WINDOW GLASS, and a large as sortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY, ME DICINES, BAGGING and ROPE, Sec. A Se B. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, 111 the C'ity of St. Joseph. Fla. The undersigned have formed a copartnership under the firm ol ANDERSON STAIR & Cos. for conducting a Forwarding and Commission Business, ami have uidertaken the construction of Commodious Warehouses in St. Joseph, lota, and the Chipola Dc»ot, for the stor age of Cotton and other agricultural productions. We pledge our best exertions for the interest of all concerned, and respectfully solirit a share of con fidence from the public. W. ANDERSON, J. B STARR, & W. E. ANDERSON. August 11, 1838 20. 'IJST'ILL be sold, agreeable to an order of the ▼ v Inferior Court of Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, ou the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, all the real estate of John A. Shirling, late of Stewart county, deceased, viz. one Lot of Land, No. 31, and the north half of 33 and 32, all in the 33d dis trict; also eight negroes. Terms made known on the day. WILLIAM B. SHIRLING, ) , , , JAMES WEBB, \ A<lm rs ’ Sept 3,1838. 24 TT7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in PE- T v CEMBER next, before the Court House door in the town of Americas, Sumter county, within the lawful hours of sale, Lot of Land, No. two hundred and forty seven, in the 28th district formerly Lee, now Sumter county, the same be longing to the estate of Philip Troy, deceased— to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. NANCY TROY, Adm’x. JOHN PENNINGTON, Adm’r. July 4, 1738. 16 lIOUR months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court ol the county of Sumter, whilst sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate o Philip Troy, late of said county, deceased. NANCY TROY, Adm’x. JOHN PENNINGTON, Adm’r. July 4, 1838. 16 FOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting as a court of ordina ry, for leave to sell the real estate of James Gilles pie, late of the State of Mississippi, deceased. .1 uly 2. 1838. 15 RICH’D KIDD. MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of George Shaw, deceased. JOHN BLACKSHEAR, Adm’r. June 9, 1838. U mbnthV afterdate, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart county w*hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the property belonging to the estate of Lewis Dupree, sen. late of Stewart countv, deceased, both real and personal. LEWIS DUPREE,jr. Adm’r. June 25,1638. 13 MONTHS after date application will be made to the honotable the Inferior court of Stewart county, when silting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the land and negroes belong ing to the estate of John A. Shirling, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM B. SHIRLING, } . , . JAMES WEBB, i Adm rs ’ Sept. 3, 1838. 24 NOTICE. \ LL persons having demands against Jot- A. Whirling, late of Stewart ecu*- ' lC,?eaS ‘ ed|will present them in terms of ♦ >-- ‘ avv • WM. B. SHIRKING, I Adm’rs. JAMES WEBB, » Sept. 3, 1838 24 FEJIAUE of M M‘f® sobSolE fb;s place on Monday next, 9th .ust. in the new house built by A. DeLauuay, Esp in the North ern part of town. July 7, 1838, V w e are luthorised to announce L. STREET MAN as a esniidate for Sheriff of ® Stewart count) at the next elec tion. Sept. 8, 1838. 24, We are authorised to announce LtAVIS WILLIAMS as a for Tax Collector ® of Stewart cmnty at the election n Januaiy next. Sept 8 e ar e aiihorised to announce WILLAM A. BELL .;i*S&jjygJr a candidate for Receiver of Tax i Returns for Ste\/rt county at the ] next January election. Sept. ( 1838. 24 TEE GEORGIA MIRROR. VALUABLE PROPERTY rou SmiLE. FOR the purpose of closing the estate of Asaph R. Hill, late of Stewart County deceased. The subsriber will sell at private sale, one third or thew’hole of the following property, viz. ONE COMMODIOUS NEW STORE HOUSE AND LOTS. The well known stand ot Hill Laurence Se Cos. Lumpkin Ga. Also 34 acres Land adjoining said Town, handsomely situated for private resi dence. Also the well known, l*h<rni\ Motel, Furniture And Lots, in the Town of Florence, at present occupied by Mr. A. Burnett. Also the large framed, WARE HOUSE ANO FIXTURES, In the Town of Florence, at present occupied by Jernigan Laurence &Cos Also two unimproved Lots, in said Town, Nos. 108 and 109 in square II- high elevated ground for building. Also about $20,000 worth of •lssorted . Also two settlements of valuable pine Lands, con taining 740 acres, 3 miles from Florence. Also 8 Lots in the city of St. Josephs, amongst which ar« Lots to suit the merchant or the settler. Also 27 shares of the Capital Stock in the St. Josephs Rail Road Se Canal Company. Also one fine Sad dle Horse. Any of the above property will be sold on ac commodating terms, by application to the sub scriber at Florence Georgia lIENRV W. JERNIGAN Ex’tr. and partner of A- R. Hill deceaed The Subscriber will sell several valuable settle ments of Land, from 202i to 1000 acres. May 25, 1838 9 H. W. JERNIGAN. Columbus Enquirer and Southern Re corder will please give the above three insertions and forward their accounts for payment. H. W. JERNIGAN. LOTS IN FLORENCE, FOR SALE. The subscriber otters for sale on ac coinmodating terms, several Business iiitiyil ant * R es >dence Dots in the town of Florence, beautifully situated, and one improved lot with a comfortable dwelling house, ou the same for sale or rent. Persons wishing to settle in Florence and are desirous of purchasing Lots for business or residence will do well to call and examine mine as they will be sold on very liberal terms. Florence is rapidly thriving and in a short time must become a place of immense bu siness, situated as it is in a healthy section of the country, surrounded by wealthy and industrious planters. I would also remark that the citizens are ma king arrangements to have fine schools established both Male and Female—which are now in opera tion. A fine female Academy is in contempla tion which will shortly be completed when Flor ence will be enabled to compete successfully with any town in Georgia for advantages of this kind. The subscriber also offers for Sale on liberal terms 600 acres of land with some improvements on the road leading from Lumpkin to Irwinton, 5 miles from the former place. The situation is beautiful and healthy, the water good. Persons wishing to purchase orview the premises will call on Mr. James P. Matthews near the place who is my authorised agent for the sale of said lands or to the subscriber near Florence. JOHN T. B. TURNER. Julv 28,1838 18 ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. NIIALF 9 14 30 • S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 36 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N\ half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 2G E. half 22 13 28 N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above Lands will be sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Ma con. J. COWLES. July 06 18 The Columbus Sentinel will publish the above. LANDS FOR SALE. 4igijs|N|k The Subscriber otters for sale a val uable TR T CT OF LAND whe*—" 1 he now lives, lying in Stewar*- ount y* —JL. one mile and a half fro-* . lorence, containing 1,000 acres, of which - ,iere ’ s between 200 and 300 acres in cultivv' "* >n R ie Premi ses there are cows-., , iY a good GIN HOUSE. atY" s \ w\ri n i a nd T <TL AR ’ A,so ’ a P”"'. x KATE SAW MILL, which has only been in operation about six months ; surrounded by an inexhaustible quantity of pine timber, near several towns, situated on the riv er. The laud is rich and level. I have good Z 7? Water ’ * nd a healthy and beautiful situa -2?” f* r n reS !? enc l e ’ An Y person wishing to pur chase will call and view the premises. July 58 .8 JOSEPH REESE. .... lands for sale. ~ , lhe subscriber offers for sale the fol lowing valuable lots of Land, lying in w'wW* a rich and prosperous part of the State te d™ -°" ver J liberal and accommodating N *’ian *•" 7th Randolph. JJ2 ! n 10th „ do 1 l !» 10th „ do ! n st , h « do * 117 ?“ » Stewart. !]o 18th ” do oj? ?“ 29th „ Sumter. 210 in 29th „ do jo i” £ h Mrogee lumb.a countv. Ga. \ V J nm', ' o ' August 11 o 0 wm. GLOVER. JERIIOAH. A SALE of lots in this town will take place on -LM- Tuesday the 16th of October next. Terms—One fourth cash, the balance in three annual instalments. This town is beautifully situated on a high blutt of the river Chattahoochee, in the county ot Bar bour, Alabama, about one mile below the mouth of Ilatchechubbee, and from twenty-five to thirty miles below Columbus. It possesses local advan tages inferior to no place upon the river. T. he bluff on w hich it stands is a continuation of the ridge, dividing the waters of the Hatchechubbee and Cowagkee creeks, affording the most eligible location for an excellent road into the interior of Barbour, Russell and Macon, by which the pro duct of the rich and fertile cotton lands ot those counties can be easily conveyed to market. The road from Columbus to Florence and Irwinton, w ill pass through this town. Situated below the Snake Shoals and Woolfolk’s bar, which are the principal obstructions in the river, it can be ap proached without difficulty by steam boats at al most all seasons ot the year. Indisputable titles will be given to purchasers. For the proprietors, JAMES E. GLENN, Agent. N. B. The cash payment may be made by a good paper, well indorsed, payable 60 days, at any Bank in Columbus. Aug. 16 21 ts PAY YOUR TAXES.” THE citizens of Florence are notified that their Taxes are now due, and are requested, (in order that our tow-n may be improved,) to ocme forward and plank up the Rirto. Aug. 4 19 J. P. HARY EY, Collector JOB PRINTING. (CONNECTED with the office of the MIR- J ROR, is a splendid assortment of rag And we are enabled to excute all kind of Job work, in the neatest manner and at the shortest notice. of every description will constantly be kept on hand, such as INDICTMENTS, i DECLARATIONS, SUBPOENAS, JURY SUMMONSES, EXECUTIONS. COST EXECUTIONS. SHERIFF’S BILLS OF SALE, do DEEDS, L AND DEEDS, JUS. SUMMONSES, do EXECUTIONS, MORTGAGE*?, do GUARDIANSHIP. LET. ADMINISTRATION, do TESTAMENTARY, And a great many others for Justices, of the Peace. Administrators, Executors,&c. PROSPECTUS TO THE THIRD VOLUME OF THE Containing Quarterly Fashion Plates, Illustrated 'Articles, tyc. THE CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD. IN commencing anew volume, the publisher would take occasion to observe, that not only will the same exertions be continued, whicli have secured to his subscription list an unexampled in crease, but his claims upon the public favor w ill be enhanced by every means which unceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal expendi ture can command. The subjoined is a brief plan of the work : Its Original Papers w ill be so varied as to form a combination of the useful with the enter taining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful science, essays, tales, and poetry which may deserve the name. It is the publishers design to make the Visit e agreeable to the old and the young—to the sedat and the gay—to mingle the valuable with the a musing—and to pursue the tenor of his way with the entertainment of good feelings toward all par ties. TERMS.—The Visiter is published every nth er Saturday, on fine white paper, each number will contain 24 large super-royal octavo pages, enveloped in a fine printed cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nearly 600 pages, at the very low price of $1 25 cents per annum in advance, or 6.j cents per number payable on de livery. Post Masters, and others who will procure our subscribers and enclose Five Dollars to the pro prietor shall receive the sth copy gratis. All orders addressed to the publisher, 49 Ches nut Street, post paid, will receive immediate at tention. Editor*, by copying this prospectus and ud ing - paper of the same to the office, shall r reive the Visiter for one year. LARGE MAPS OF MISSISSIPPI AND ALABAMA. CUJOWING the public all Indian Lands, In reservations, land districts, townships streams, Ac. engraved from the government sur chv bvTr ger !f ral , » Dd o, oce, Washington S office,’ ’ draUgh,sman in the general I'. TA\ LOR, bookseller, Washington Citv has just published [and secured the copy rigß according to law] the above maps which will be (ound infinitely more complete and accurate than any heretofore published. They are published on separate sheets; each containing nearly six square feet, and will be found especially useful and valuable to those interested in the iands of ci !vbW>b atC ’ a l Uie ' V Sl ‘" w cve, '. v > tem of information which u in the possession of the land offices, re anve to water courses, township lines, Indian lamb, and reservations, land districts, <fec. and will noinfs d Tbl feCt y . aCCUrate and Precise m these fbeuAirndQ? r nbe u ent mail to any part of the l mted States, subject only to single letter S! ge -.r; r,ce , t ' vo dollais * or three copies of e.the, will be sent by mail for five dollars. A lib eral discount will be made to travelling agcqts, of to any who buy to sell again, 9 ‘ November 23. .iST™ t™ ow “Lfr \ h ° notice, one or two insertions shall rPr J- UC '°£ th,S turn mail a copy of each 2, if , rCCeiV ® h ? re ' lilaii K I\oles, nkatlv printed and for sale at Tins office PROSPECTUS. OF THE Southern Literary Messenger. ri 1 HIS is a monthly Magazine, devoted chiefly A to Literature, but occasionally finding room also for articles that fall within the" scope of Science ; and not professing an entire disdain of tasteful selections, though its matter has been, as it will continue to be, in the main, original. Party Politics, and controversial Theology, as far as possible, are jealously excluded. They are sometimes so blended with discussions in litera ture or in moral science, otherwise unobjection able, as to gain admittance for the sake of the more valuable matter to which they adhere: but whenever that happens they are incidental, only • not primary. They are dross, tolerated only be cause it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incorporated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occupy their due space in the work: and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a threefold tendency to convey, in a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting incidents as are embodied in the works reviewed, —to direct the readers attention to books that deserve to be read—and to warn him against wasting time and money upon that large number, which merit only to be burned. In this age of publications that by their variety and multitude, distract and overwhelms every undis criininating student, impartial criticism, gov erned bythe views just mentioned, is one of the most inestimable and indispensable of auxiliaries to him who does wish to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility or a musement, or both— Historical sketches and Rkmimsences of events too minute for History, yet elucidating it, and heightning its interest— may be regarded as forming th« staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough is published—sometimes of no mean strain— to man ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents of our country. The times appear, for several reasons, to de mand such a work—and not one alone, but many. The public mind is feverish and irritated still from recent political strifes: The soft, assuasm influence of Literature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad:—They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, into their fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an ini mense proportion of our people : —Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlighten* ed, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no lon ger brood, like a portentous cloud, over the des tinies of our country. And to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be em ployed, than a periodical on the plan of the Mes senger; if that plan be but carried out in prac tice ? The South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Literary periodicals! Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty! Is this contrast justified by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual literary taste of the Southern people, compared with those of the Northern? No: for in wealth, tal ents and taste, we may justly claim, at least’, au equality with our brethren md a domestic insti tution exclusively our own, beyond all doubt, af fords us, if we choose, twice the leisure for read ing and writing which they enjoy. It was from a deep sense of this local want, that the word Southern was engrafted on this peri odical : and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, br to advocate supposed local inter ests. Far from any such thought, it is the Edi tor’s fervent wish, to see the North and South bound endearingly together, forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection. Far from meditating hostility to the north, he has al ready drawn, and he ‘ hopes hereafter to draw, much ot his choicest matter thence; and happy indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, by making each region know the other better contri bute in any essential degree to dispel the lowering clouds that now threaten the peace of both, and to brighten aud strengthen the sacred tits of fra ternal love. CONDITIONS J■ The Southern Literary Messenger is pub lished in monthly numbers, of 64 large su"cr royal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, and neatly covered, at $5 a year—payable in advance 2. Oi five new subscribers, by sending theii names and S2O at one time to the "editor, will re ceive their copies for one year, for that sum, or at $4 for each. 3. 1 lie risk of loss of payments for subscrip tions, which have been properly conmittcd to the mail, or to the hands of a post master, is assum ed by the editor. 4. If a subscription is not to be dis continued before the first number of tb e next vol umc has been published, it M ill n ‘ tinuanee for another vear c “<akcn as a con commence with the beginning sr. ” ot bes “ "L* tion wffi hi ’”° of a subscri be disconrii^ Cr ? 1 f ttefl ' Aor wiU a subscription thin? thpio m an y earlier notice, while any • the option T °rt S Literary Messenger. established men* 8 * whiC j th,s work has been Bess of martw «k S ?i 18ta,ned ’ and the backward our mutual ‘ U scnbers in fulfilling their part of peal not m Call in for an ap- If unc „?l liberality— but to their justice, nrr Zlp i payments arc ever necessary, they are Sot —i ■? ,n the case of such a pnblica . 11,I 1 , !• 1 y literary—almost wholly original—* derive from " hich “' W " My all is at stake. In »h; c „ * venture, stimulated kid,.''!. Enterprise.—lt i? a mohnr.fcnt; hut Sonie hope of e- worrnntbd cxpe cta ti 0n ,;, "f 1 V- lso “P° n . the talents ...„i .1 ecration of rallying Southern drooping and 'n • ? public spirit, around the rvn Li \ wel ' n, g h Prostrate banner of South unon S ti UP Since it has nowacquired claims SiS? justice— -can it be, that thes are urged in vain / them b rl b : r K Sthe 2’ Who are ia arrears—and le. willlT™, r m i"’ ,hat Wmcm is due in advance , thev owe to 1 ' ,thout d ? ,a ) r < transmit the mounts risk and Rlchmond » by mail, at my and flam f ' -rk ln £ P ro Per evidence of the fact duin of eaclTnote sent. ll(l rPtaining 3 raem ° ran THOMAS W. WHITE.