The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, December 08, 1838, Image 4

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KEW STOHIX T~tpt !I' suLicribers offer fur s/.10 t tueir store in .?! i Lswuce, {the oQt formerly occupied by Jcr n. ■ .•» L vartuce 6c Cos.) a well selected stock of f,-»cv m staplf Day gdoos, c zz.* C-.stlcr>, «1 \ \iCl TMZy icji—fiU UiCJy. - Gflu .1 «> .* ; r ps. Xancy Flint-, UJ „ ratr.iture d“. 50 w C€:.,rte.l Ccai i.cs, l 4 „ Muslins ol every variety, 10 > „ 3-i brown Shirtings, :., „ ;-i Sheetings, V.3 „ l-l tlj. line article, 25 „ -i -1 Meacbei do do '■ „ suticilor Enghslt CIoUw, assorted ]-3 ~ i-i filer dies, assorted, V J-. double width, 5 Circassian, Carjictting, ftti-’ do 1"., S uking, 2'-: and iZ. Napkins, ARSO, V 1 ,\Ni> EL’A'.VNT AS SORT.MU.VI' Ci‘ ll . Cups, Roots and Shoes, 1 > .i.i ’..t-, t'attiutf, Cas6i:ii'rs, Rro lim-ti DLLings, white do. bro. Holland. \ D.3pers, H iU . tin*, OsMburgs, i. kid Glo.t-c, genta buck do. S. il ...item Hu .cry, Suspenders, A i . .iiiasevit L. a ,iets 6 Runner Ribbons, 'L-. .j i . ti- v SZTSZ.X or SILKS, Si. srrl*--/1... '.'Ll i, ChALLY,CHALLIETTE, is da, tni Sitra Stocks, Link Sot,:*i-utotnr, Cellars, 6cc. 6cc. To Go and spLadid assort ment c. eliiMi R CLOTHING, Among 1... Area few THIBET VESTS, a new ands; r ar:iclc far wear. LU- •:.»*. , A UDCL ililLX OF Brir. „ J - L tz.Z ..*. AgalaH r*co. I* ok E 1 DING V, „ .:? 1 IT.I T uK’B V. HiES, &c. All of v,Llw- . - J..;. .n- acis terms as will suit purer.. ..s , >T w :l.*lly iuvited to call. Are el: i tv... v. imeluly a- c«. Oct. 6 ic _ •• I ?t C ill .L . f|HIE stib i.j.;;-; . t. Jic.'pi ."fih’.iy inforjn t lie JL iuliai .. ' >*«. a:: county and XllCjidjoi,;,; l“-t &«■)’ UrY* refitted the Ft ore turn. v ...pui ly >(x. •H. MiMer, and more recenty , .. 3. Lvj o:i (,'ontre street, wliei i.„j c.rg a a:;-,', . ... . »!a;r ..S3«j-.*?4;4 i> r or HATS, E'■■■'; slii^a^MfiAHS. iGi-J:.*,Le.oS; «* , JL ll .. E.t'v.t*. 14- WAGON AN > ART BOXES, &c. Ac. | 'The. above >j: . ustr »«u . elected from the i Nuiv I’orl. an .i> '.a tuaii • U.. Ai.>. l . ■ .J? • Jlt <>*- Clio ■'‘■'tabs, Vfc. EAC3:i— ::.W;E IV'ib SM3JLEEE3. Ml:)nr, JLttrJ "i T a<r A* CuQ'ec, miANu\, ; Os, "WHISKEY, h•/.v/in /i vor. o. t ?t>t ir.s. All of which tli«_» ■•: »-or Ij. cw etiiu it Jit frti sq... ale terms. V '.''■EEV\’S <E BEbllE. Florence, Autsu»t 1 E. VV» an tit.*;; Pa 11 OILS and WINDOW Ti.-'.ES, aad a large us sortuient of litXJlvS 11 ■ id >’l ATE' 7 cRY, ML LGCINES, BAGGLNt m.. 5 HE, A,. A A: B. NEW (i *uLo. riAIIE subscribers, in 'Eti.u t, thur fomsr J. stock have received v. froch ‘ tccl' cf l>ry Cda». f 3‘i hoe Gv- r .‘.cirsE I'rorn Charleston and limit tic sortHioiit tolerably good. Eh -y«| e 6K, w jffenug articles suitable to the s a aja, f/r ur J c it«».: U any in the market; ia th.'ir stock-jcny fc.> lotatl Cliallys, Chailietts, Silkc, M'jciiu*, ilrass, Brown and Irish Lirtna, anev Prints, F»c»ch C uics, French Muslins, a sjd-.-ndiu article, iDiaper, Nankeen, Dutn ytA-., A variety of gentlcmon and Ht*c and half llose, Shoes, Hats, Cotton Cns Enere., With a variety of other art , ! -t e|i Our customers and the public g ;.i raliy til* te !to call and c\ inline I' tli on:. > -*> .lunep 11 G.\KDNd.I. V " I'IMLSII KECMI'i ITT FI 3HE Subscriber rpspecifullly i if.'CeT : : f 'Nrtl* *nd the puh’i; gen« rr.liy, th.,t lie .i a- * iug a fresh assortment «T CHOSEN, WITH MIK II l ARE. *. :. c O If ciiocEiirrs , Cotton ISttsgiiig, Tlt'i'*Z,C'c» He begs leave to toim inv fTiendsflnrt hw w ill continue to receive Cf)'!' L't/X tm 3tore \t his WARU-IIOI'SK as u<ml, • n 1 j.dedgFE \a ms elf t" make every cft'orl to give c ' rai satirfactibato lus patrons, and begs their pair nae 11. V. . \ OvUWARt). l’lorenec, Nov. 15 H 4 ripiiß station, lt*hoUitGic «e»s tl l£( Tail. FINITE Fnbserihers have just eyei.t-J their Fall A and Winter Stock of tine and superfine Let-' ter, Cap, and larger PAPEKS, taort of which has ite'eii pufelrist il direct from the Riaiiufar?ures. Stationary of everv Liu;!, Blank Books, forrity or country trade,' Porkct Books, Pen Knives, Ac. Which they will sell on acv jtuaiodaf.nj terms, 1 for jntv-acceptances. Rian!. Books made to order. Printers supplied with Pr.ctLcg Paper, Ink, tc J. of th" best (fiialitv. UERNES i': V’fMiER, _Stationer's llali, ->5 K,».t-Bay, Caa.Eaton, S. C. fJoV. 1D b... |%/J" LAL ! 'IE s. K ‘ fur sale i v * , EMIT 11 x WINTRLF. 3'l \r;v; $ iioisi:. a t ,j I i.i .s Inive associated jT Jf'h'i; Ives Te. 'lni ,a Gti.Vi.MIS ..JO* j ° r l^e jou.v u. 'jpi'ri sf r«, They have puceii urn • ' - I HOthL ands I.G'E STUB J.. i.: :/ oc.vupieti | t . Jernii'an, Laurence A Cc. v>hen they will i - ccii >• { ()TTO.N t-« GOGHS u-.-tore. ..mi ;. i, uiee I jnlv upon coti"n in p •.;•■ e.uii . nd under ! their cui.tiol. i hc.i u;.ar 0 v.>».... be ja custouia »y- The business will be comineted by John D. Pitts. We solicit the patim. _e of the publ •, and are prenared to give Columbus prices for Cot ton. * JNO. i). PITTS, fil. J. LAURENCE. ITorcr.ce, Nov. 10 33 ts “l9R‘f/AHB;N6 ANO COMMISSION ULSJXESS, | la (iie (iU «i’ SI. Jobi'i-.-t, I ~ —The undersigned have forint ! a / <s* copartnership under tin* lir/n oi i ANLEUSON .••/]'a r k N ;432S5fSL2S*t> for eonductiny a ion .. .. .g ~ud i Comui'iajiou Business, and have under!awen the ! construction of Co.nun* dious Warehouse- in St. Joseph, loia, and the (. nijiola i)epot, lor the stor ge of Cotton a;..l (.titer agricultural productions. We pledge our Pest exertions for the interest of all concerned, and respectfully solicit a shar of con iidence from the public. W. ANDERSON, J. B STARK, & W. E. ANDERSON. Augwtll, 1538 20. NEW «10RE. JUST RECEIVED ar.dfor sale, a general .is sortmuit of ,Vnc jEuglisk Goods* all o! the tir--.: class, arid n hieh will be sold CilE AP and on act ommodatiug let ins. 'The public are rc specUullv inv.u-d to pile us a cr.!'. SAHTii A WENFR KV. Pec. I 35 EOii SALE I I Iv ltio ky iigeiup. Jb. x.”v/ bales best Rope bv JERNIGA.N I.AERENCE ic Cos Sept. 22d 26 tl LOOK OUT l Oii A STORM. FIT HE subscribers having disposed of tlicir stock JL of Dry Goods at Florence and Lumpkin, they take this method to inform their customers that all notes and accounts that remain unsettled after the Ist day of January next, will positively be placed in the hands of an officer lor collection We will allow the HIGHEST CASH PRICE for COTTON in payment for any debts due. JEKNLGAN, LAURENCE At Cos. Oct 3 23 williams, HAVING associated themselves in the PRAC TICE OF .MEDICINE, respectfully ten der their profe.-sio i.d services to the citi/.ensof FEOKENT 'E and the surrounding country. .From their c\tcu-ive acquaintance with diseas es appertaining to FoUther.’ clime, they flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give com plete satisfaction to their employers. One, or both may be found at their office at all limes, when not professionally engaged, conse i|ucutlvthose tvho will honor us with a call, may always expect prompt and immediate attention. •Florence, April 9 2 willilm r. r a It, ATTORNEY AT I,AW, *J..jrAVING located hirnscll'in Starksvillee, Lee —.■ J county, will practice in all the counties ol | the Chattahoochee Circuit, and in Houston and [ Upson of the Flint, and Duolv of the Southern. .1- hopes, by strict attention to the business en ! trusted to his care, To receive a liberal share of ! public patronage. i Nov. 1.3 5t 34 _ J. A. 11. AIAC'OA’, ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW, ™KSV!LLE. LEE COUNTY. GEORGIA. V.W "ILL. attend the Courts of the CIiATTA ;1 V hjochee circuit. | .in’ •; i 35 1 v i kZI : lyC/ jglu'r-'Xj AJtorisey at L»w, ?r 'l NC E, STE WAR TANARUS, COU N T3', G A NOTICE. ftarUiolders of ths BRUNSWIfK i a- J'.C_ 'DA RAILROAD, are re n— *. *ntmf *? Thomasvilie, Thomas county on M AtCc.*, si* nth day of January no;, to i .*e: fi btiu! if E <»etors. and other office;-- ti'ai | t.t**. Vnt t rtt» f. • rioEars on each share w ' ♦wj'nrf'Ct' H rtaid m. H HOS. BUTLER KING. Nov. * * rs st ! t_/~> Thu IF .le Hoville and t.he Columbus pa | ptrs, the G^r> ; a Mirror, and Bruuswick Avivo cat*t. iTifnton iletald ar.d Talia'nvsi r- p .arid -m, i*'.iltnr-crt the time notice until th- first of Jn.u *rv. u rtl Er* »ri t'.Gr at. ouuts to A. L. Ling. BttriK.vuk, far payment. INFORMATION" WA N TED. . nf'Ti'VVli wa: sir's ol' from M;t on, ib , ! s. ft the Wifit*.-nfleM. by some person, a TL'„' tn'". Ittt '•♦trt e'. l, spare made, black eye ! rstutr ti'awr;} sir an . v >vv fast spoken. Hit r • :.:ARRH.V.',K ! I’.ES, i.ut t!;e t> {ji- I*. twSk Lm cmay have changed his i tame, ll *s anpptt?j I<■is m Donlv coni;;, Ga. , Any infurUiutia:. ir' t* eto him will he thaakfni -llv rscc- et. by LirTe .:n". and sisters, by address t ing this ol'Tt’v Cr’ Int- r-s* eis i,< the . aver part of this State, Svl.o 1 eel fijr the (hstres of orphan children *Th pleaßSpuh; i!i the above, ami oblige the broth- W i»ri siiitr? fl* c ur.t.» ; tunnte bov, who wish to retnc- e tt> T*xas the coming winter u spring, aad " tMi h!d; to go ivF-i them. Cut. S'", le3s. Miron I'tleifraph FOUND, B\ the subscriber, ori the road be ow Florence, a Bill ot MONEY, which the ownei can have by paying tor this advertisement and proving Nov. I? 34 2t THU GEORGIA MIRROR. Vl/TLL be sold, agreeable to an order of the * * lnljrior Court of Btewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, betore the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, all the r«al estate of John A. Shilling, of Stewart souafy, de-re; -cJ, viz. one Lot ot Laud, No. 31, and the noiid ! if of 33 and32, all in the 33d dis trict ; *lso,:, c .1,. /roes. Ternu made knowu on the day. WILLIAM B. BURLING, } . , ... JAMES WEBB, V “ Sept 3,1838. 24 \ll NISTR ATOR F.. \ GREEAIiLE to an nrJer of the Interior j T Court of >icwart countyi when sitting lor ordinary purpo. s. will bo sold on the font J ues jay it ext, within the legal hours ol - bet'.ir-' r . Court House door in Lumpkin, tin- urge• -• using to the estate of Timothy Cart;;*"ion, late ,-i said coutity, deceased, to wit ?>lunab, a girl, about seventeen veats old, and Ke ah * girl, about eighteen years old: sold lor the smiefit ul the heirs and creditors of said du ct; cd. Terms made known on the dav of sale. JA,M ES 111 LL 1A K D,' Adm’r. Oct. 24, 1635. 31 51/ ILL t»c sold before the Court House door v t iu Lumpkin Stewart County on the first Tuesday iu February next, under an order of the honorable the inferior court of said county, one negro gnl I' lrnei! Llsey, It) years of age, and one Lot of land N j. ICK>, in the 23d district of origin ally Lee now Stewart county, belonging to the estate of Lewis Dupree, sen. deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. LEWIS DUPREE, Jr. Adm’r. Oct. 'J 33 _ EXECUTRIX SALE. GKEEABLI' to the last will and testainen XIL of James Parker, late of Stewart county de ceased. will be sold to the highest bidder, on the first Tuesday iu January next, at the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, two tracts or lots of land, to wit—Lot No. 21(j, iu the twenty third district, and Lot No. 37, iu the twenty first dis tiict, both in the county aforesaid. Terms of sale made known on the day. MARTHA PARKER, Ex’rx Lumpkin Oct. 20 1838 31 EXECUTOR'S SALE. MItTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in JAN t V UAR Y next, at the house of Colsou Guil ford, in tin' Bth district of Randolph county, the following property; JSix Negroes, to wit : Sue, a woman. 28 years old, Dorcas, a girl, ten years old, Ann 7 years old, Cinthy, five years, Ryal, a boy three years old, and Amos three months old—all sold as the pro perty of John Gmilord, sen. late of said county, deceased, sold for a division amongst the heirs. Terms, twelve mouths credit, with small notes and good security. COLSON GUILFORD, Nov. 2, 1838. 33 Ex’r. PURSUANT to :;u order of the court of or dinarj of Randolph county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, at the Court House door iu Cuthbert, two back lots, Nos. not know n; also, the south half of Lot of Laud, No 3'.), iu tin fir t district, joining town. Also, at the Court House door in Baker county. Lot of Land No. 2 >4, iu ths 12th district originally Lee, soli! as the property of John Maynard, de ceased. MARY P. MAYNARD, Adnt’rx. Dec. 1 35 VXTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday iuFeb t ▼ rimy next, before the court house door iu Lumpkin, Stewart county, agreeable to an or der of the Inferior court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, all the real estate of Lewis Dupree, seu. consis ing of the undivided tlurd of 10 Glares iu the Florence Company, and also, the undivided third of the following lots in sai I town. \;/t. Lots Nos. 34, 35, 30. 37,18 and 19, all in block U ; Lots Nos. 93, 89 and 88, and one sixth cf Lot 80, all in block, K, and one third of Lots, Nos. I.> ami 47, in block C ; all sold fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors. LEV.'J S DUPREE, Adm’r. Dec ], 1837 25 • jiE Ol K MONTHS after date application will -R bo msifle to the honorable the Inferior court ot the county of Sumter, while sitting for ordina ls purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John Ll. ( auuon. deceased. HENRY DYKES, Adra r. Amorims, Nov. 10, J7»OUR MONTHS after date application will -2- he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of .Sumter couily, w hen sitting as a Court of Or diu-!.-y,fo leave to sell Lot ol Land No. 220, and ; ,i Lot No. 219, in the 30th district of said . ing t , the i state of John Mathews. Vl< hSF.S MATHEWS. Guardian. Sumter co. Nov. 8, 1838. 33 T'* l *1 R months after date application will be ; lon Inferior ('ourt, '■{ S' n.o t county sitting to. ordinary purposes •an to sel! the ; il estate of Guillord Joiner BY i IE MINISTRATOR. Aim v us t »ct- k ,G , t, 1 ’ ’’ mo; to.- alter date ..••'!(• 'An will be * ■■’! "iu to iat-, hoiioiab't t!;c Inferior court ol !■■ ' . ri.tei . , t g for orilinarv pur; r leave io real estate o I—;• • . uv. iale of -aid eotmiv, deceased. 7»AXC\ ilN>\ , Adm’x. 11 N PENNI G.TGN. Adm’r. July 4, i c 3-. i(j . »ntlis after date, application will be '(! ;,i Bio honorable the Interior (’ourt of : •wait county, when sitting as a court of ordina ry, tm w-.tve to sell ihe real estate of James Gilles pie. late ct the State of Mississippi, deceased. July 5, 183,8. 15 RICII’D KIDD. MONTHS after date application w i I J- be made to the honorable the Inferior com 1 ot Stewart county, when siting for ordimiry pur poses, for leave to sell the laud and negroes belong ing to the estate of John A. Shilling, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM B. SHILLING. / . , , JAMES WEBB, . v Aum rs. Sept. 3, IH3B. 24 t IS fcATLV PRISTKU A.M) FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE GEORGIA —Sumter county. HERE AS Allen M. Tatem applies to i> t v ▼ for letters of Administration upon the es tate of Mary Willis, iaie ox said county, deceas ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish a'i and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters of Administration should not' br granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Aijiericut, this 24th dav of October. 1838. 35 " JACOB W. COBB, c. c o. GE UR G lA —Sum ter co u n ty. 11/ HEREAS, Walton \V. Fub ,' ,r; u - to If me for letters of Administration on Ike »s tate of Uriah Fuller, late of this county, deccas ed : This is therefore, to cite and admonish a!! and singular, the kindred and creditors of said (V.-; a-, ed, to appear at my office wit-iin the time pi -Lri bed by law, to file their objections, it any they have, why said letters ol administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 9th day of November, 1838. EDMUND NUNN. 35 c. c. o. (JEORGlA—Sumter County. “VMTHEREAS Joel Joiner applies to me for v Y letters of administration upon the estate ol Guilford Joiner, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said de ceased to appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law to file their objections, if any, why said letters of administration shall not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Americus this 2ud day of October 1838. JACOB W. COBB, c. c. o. 29 In Stewart Superior Court Al esc Term 1838. Allen Fletcher I vs. J. Libel for deforce. Cynthia Fletcher. ) Rule to perfect sen ice I T appearing to the Court by tlir return ot the . Sheriff that the defendant ( inti. Fletcher is uot to be found in said county i; i. c/Oeie.i that service be perfected by publication in < c m the public gazettes of the State once a mont;i fur three mouths previous to the next Tut : •; ; - Court. ALFONSO DIE' M, Pljfs. Attorney. Tlte above is a true Extract from the minutes of this Court, Sept. 24th 1838 27 E. PEARCE, Cl'k s. c . CAUTION. \ LL persons are herein cautioned against tra- G i. ding tor ten thirty dollar notes given by tnv selt to L. \V . Hill, dated the 20th of January, 1837, and due the 25th December, 1828. The above notes having been Itaudulently obtained, I am determined not to pav them unless compelled bylaw. 'JOHN HARRELL. Nov. 5 33 fit LARGE MAI’S OF MISSISSIPPI. AND ALABAMA. MOWING the public all Indian Lands, In- LA dian reservations, land districts, townships. streams, CllV^ veys, plaits in the general land office, Washington city, by E. Gilman, draughtsman in the general land office, F. TAYLOR, bookseller. Was, ngton City, has just published [and secured ihe copy according to law] the above maps which will be found infinitely more complete and accurate than any heretofore published. They are published ott separate sheets; each containing nearly six e-juare feet, and will be found • . teeially usi ful and valuable to those interested in the lands of ci ther state, as they show every item of information which is in the possession of the land offices, re lative to water courses, township lines, Indian lands and reservations, land districts, Arc. and will be found perfectly accurate ar.d precise m these points. They can be sent bv mail to any part of the United States, subject only to single letter postage.—Price two dollars, or three copies of either will be sent by mail for five dollars. A lib eral discount will he made to travelling agents, ot to any who buy to sell again. November 23. of Newspapers, any where, who will give the above advertisement, including this notice, one or two insertions, shall receive bv re turn mail a copy of each map, if they will seud a copy ot the paper containing it. to the advertiser. PROSPEI’TrS TO THE TIUIID VOLUME OF THE S£ > 2IB2E&4kS&2B&S§‘SK2SA 32 "gg Containing Quarterly Cushion dates. Illustrated Articles, tyc. Tilt: CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD. IN commencing anew volume, the publisher would take occasion to observe, that not only wi’l the same exertions be continued, which have secured to his subscription list an unexampled in crease, but his claims upon the public favor will !,c enhanced by every means which unceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal expendi ture can command. Fhe subjoined is a brief plan of the work Its Original Papers will be so varied as to form a combination of the useful with the enter 1 imn.c and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful science, essays, tales, anu poetry which may deserve the name. It is the publishers design to make the Visite agreeable to the old and the young—to the sedat and the gay—to mingle the valuable with the a tmtsing—and to pursue the tenor of his way with the entertainment of good feelings toward all par ties. ILK MS.— !he \ isiter is published every cth cr Saturday, on fine white paper, each number will contain 24 large super-royal octavo pages, enveloped in a fine printed cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nsirlv COO pages, at tne very low price of $1 25 ce> per annum in advance, or G.j cents per number t cable on de livery. Dost Masters, and others who will procure cur subscribers and enclose Five Dollars to the pro pri-tor shall receive tlac Sth copy gratis. All orders addressed to the publisher, 49 Che; nut Street, post pu:d, will receive immediate at tention. Editors, by copying tty* prospectus and stud dwpot of the Sjmto to the office, shall r . c ive ihe \ isiter for otic vegj» proseectl s. OF 'ILL Southern JLilerji! t 1 r|lih; is a monthly Mu.umne, devoted cbi-a -R- lu Ll; ERATL Ri.. bi.l occasionally i loou. also for articles t.iut tail wainu ;lu’ ~c ot ["•" 1 Science; and not professing an entire di»ua- **! taslefi 1 selection: . tin ugh its matter has been ’ it w:.i ; ontinuu to ht. tit tl. iii„,n, ( tigi/mi. Party i at tins, anti contr \ versial l’heolox u • far as possible, arc jc.fioi.-i; excluded. Tin y' ' sometimes so blended w nil discussions m .j, U ture or in moral science, otherw .ie unobjecti" J " able, as to gain admittance lor the sake of th* ; more valuable matter to which they adhere - t. 6 ; whenever that happens tlu-y ate incidental,'^ 1 . ! not primary, 'i hey are dross, tolerati and oni\ f, ’ cause it c; nnot i » !i he severed lrom the sterli. x ore wherewith it is i:.corpi»rated. "" 0 Reviews and Critical Notices, occupy the due space m the work: and it is the Editor's ;i | u ! that tnev sin aid have a threefold tendency—- can ey, iu a condensed form, such valuable truth or mtere-tiug incidents ;ts are embodied in works reviewed, —to direct tiie readers atfui • to books that deserve to be read—and tun., ! him against wasting time au l money upon t* a . large number, which merit only to be burned, j, litis age of publt ations that by their variety a „a multitude, distract and ii ciwhelmn every uri( | N criminating student, impartial criticism erned bythe views just men', i. .ned, i s one of,; most inestimable and indisyensahii of au to him who c/oes tetsh to dist timinate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility { , musement, or both—Gli-n nn al sketchrs , Reminisences oi events too n,mute for Hist, yet elucidating it, and heigl tnmg m- i n?fc . maybe regarded as forma g tin* staph* < work. And of indigenous Poetry, , publii-hcd—sometimes ot' ~o n.c, nsfi.s.:;. ifest autl to euhivate the <■ u. • poctu and talents of on; ccm i.y. The times apj.e:-.;', « i . .. • . f mand such a weir. - ind not o- jsi.-s-- f Jllu , The public mitnl . feverish ,-.••• , from recent pm:;/ s s ’."hi sot influence of Literatui« . i. ( —j • fever, and soothe that irruatiou. f • are rioting abroad:—They should be .!r' «jfc'v indignant rebuke, or lasln ! by ridicule, into their huitig haunts. Ignorance lords it over an in,, n en.-i proportion of our people.—Every r i„, iiocbj Ik ,-et in motion, to arouse tlje «'nliehten • and ‘’d to ncrease their number; so that t'.c . i-iuv oi popular government may no 1, :.- ger brood, like a portentous cloud, over the des firiies of our country. Ynd to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be em ployed, than a periodical on the plan of ihe M ( , s . senger; if that plan be but carried out in m/,'. tice ? The For in peculiarly requires such nnagem. In all the Union, south of Washington, there are but two Literary periodicals! Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty! Is this contrast justified *)} the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or * ,e actual litnai* taste of the Southern peop r > compared tiitf, those of the Northern? vo: h> r in wealth, ts 1 ents and taste, we may i-istly claim, *t lea*t, equality with our brethren Hid a dutiifstie !■,«, tution exclusively our own, beyond til doubt, a.- lords i.-, if we choose, twice th. IcitU’.e !o> : ing ami writing whud* ilmy enjoy. i. . . .. Beci' sense ol lliu. l‘\. - .or ■ the word Southern was ergiaf'e-f e; *H* - p oiiical; and not with any design to rn-ui-di |. piejuilicer., tie ti, adiocat' suf'; *,. —.* j,/ esfs. 1* nr iioin anv such th /ucht, ,f i- tlw I tor s fervent w iHt, m N'iiiUi ncl ei n j bound endearingly fog# the!. r. *<,, ~r . .>,*• mlv.c bands of mutual kindness ai •! .iiYr.-tton. I mmi meditating hostility to the i . rh, i:c b>s,. ready drawn, and lie hopes hereafter te G ■ much ot'his choicest matter them «• :.i,e > indeed will lie detin himself, should i-;s , making each region know the othei t. v«. bute, in any essential degree todispe l *1 < clouds that now threaten the peace of bet/ " to brighten and strengthen the sacred ties ol ternal love. CONDITIONS 1. The Southern Literary Me./scngf" - i • D lislied in monthly numbers, of 64 largt sni'.- royal octavo pages each, on the best of ptm •' neatly covered, at >5 a year—; ayable in v ' 2. CT five nttv subscribers, by semiu l * G I names mid S2O at one time to tb.c editor ••••" u I ceive their copies for one year, for that «:u I :tt e l for each. I 3. The ri'k of loss of payments for Mibscri] 1 H tions, which have been properly committed t' l ' rif I mail, or to the hands of a post master, is assus: ■ ed by tl e editor. I 4. If a subscript ion is not directed to be d:r- ■ continued before th* first number ot the nru vc. ■ nine has been published, it will bctakci- as a fi ,! ' ■ tinuance for another year. Subscriptions tam ■ commence with the beginning of the volnnG H and will not be taken for less than a year’s ] v '- H lication. ■ 5. The mutual obligations of tin’ publish''." >< ■ H subscriber, for the year, are fully incline;. H as the first number of the volume is l-saeo. H after that time, no discontinuance <4 » st’J sl ' :: ; H lion'will he jiermittbd. Nor will a stibseii; t! 1 ! H be discontinued for anv carher notice, while •'* H thing thereon remains due, utfles t the °1 p of the Editor. s CARD. I To the patrons of the ISouthem Literary .h’osvo';" H The startling cost at which this work bus KtcM established, and is sustained, and the back«# ness of many subscribers in fulfilling our mutual compact, call indispensably I"? al; .“l'■ peal, not to their liberality—but to their If punctual payments are ever necessaty. flic'- ■ pre-eminently so in the case of such a puLG ■ tion,—purely literary—almost wholly origin ß and destitute of the vital aid which nt" s r :l l ie derive from advertisements. S My all is at stake, in this enterprise -n ■ venture, .stimulated indeed by some • :0 - C1 ,r,8 molunient; but founded largely, ah-e G O . well warranted expectation of roily is “' o,l i ji.^B talents and Southern public spirit, meut 1 drooping and w ell nigh prostrate bant ■ r ■' " ern Literature. Since it has new r< qu:n v (1 upon Southern justice—can i» be. tl'.at ’ 1 H urged in vain ? . Subscribers then, who are in arre’i’ them lemcmber. that pavtnent i'dur .<• will, 1 trust, witliout delav, transmit the , , ' l . ( they owe to me, at Richmond, b> 1 risk and ret; taking jiiTPCr t videi ec e 1 1 dat# of mailing ; am, n taming R Il,cn p f duin of ca.cii note ieuf. . . .„ rr r ■ THOM AS VF. I