The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, January 05, 1839, Image 3

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0 v »e. l u heel a pistol in each hand. ; .t ti ~n he taii- at.. 11 - ' «4. • i> Wt't rt;i* i . l. uj »(•,/(! .till, -him s ■’ai Urn \s, hui he broke • . t -ireateu li ii.iodte to the woods, he rtt l . , i... tu yit tii ii.s power, but that his . v . >• -Pit trout hitn, and he , :ne. • • sosi.stance. Johnson ~ , H , . !’,■*•< 1 > * - «» tat* woods, hut was . v . 1' saw there was no chance •: ' • i.-ai: a>'.<! ottered to sur •juiti 'linn his sou to have • ,i .aey did not seen fits v»:»■ r a parley, canstdera in th»jß.it» ytijt, lie gave . . to tdi- (1.? charges ) anti two arteil »itii B. and J. ■ however, retaining two , a Bov.ii -mi", but which, in the . ■ ■- v '.Tiiiii!tes, hr* .ave to his son. I'.- . :• ti about otic-third or' a mile, ii< •: oy a file of I . sohln rs, a ..ti.’ turn * 'ie.-son, an .1 a deputy U. S. . •••!:• . : :i'Vsoti »v.v« delivered, and A •... -v. n oit’ in the employ nt, uivn’i wol»n*l w s.— seen by accounts from vasw dr?. he way conveyed to prison n . >u.ity.” • .//.» cullies. — We do not yet i.i the bcgii.i ,:ig tvc have not seen, any to dnubt that iic iil-coi;certed and ill , jiidnciPti partisan attempts to bring about' an overthrow of British power in Canada must fail. There is now so much positive and efficient mil iiary power in the hands of Sl'- John Colhorne, and tottfl appearances such utter incapacity and cowardice on the part of those « ho act as leaden* of the rcvolter.*, th; t iheie U no*, in our judgment, a sii ulow of probabilty oi K.n.o.iag the British as cendency in those pn.viucei. But, nevcrlheb f.s,i •a! evils (ir occurring on the frontier, and greater may yet be in ft ire, from the rar.Jt and disconnected iurends made occa sionally front our side. A Sew heedless men may tlrtt ultimately em lir< il two ci ‘at countries, each desiring to avoid war with the other as a mast serious calamity : a..J yett. ch too luitcu influenced by the popular vo; re to be able succc. sfully to resist its call, ti ra 'e in the name ol national honor and national i^f* A ready, it is Stated, a Unfit and States soldier has breii killed, witi .uourowii waters, 1>; a shot from a Br:t; :i post, i Ljj.s will, doubtless, be explain ed, Jiu!,;, >iar as possible, ato* ed for; bu. every such occurrence ia.i xlcs-aud instigates retaliation upon tl. sVh. . possible pretc.d. It is in this v ay, and ot beeau. ** timer Government, or tlie con m i • a-.., o. Dili.- ns cither side, are likelv *> b '• ' lent mp. vr i.t: •: mutual forbearance Udu ivf- p| lei.e I s; nov.s mi umltistai.ciing, h:s view . : t;,- i a . how great in the ' ou ..'v et • merit v ci-t>• ■ •*, wuo, by cncoxtr agitic. and tonr-iir, mss ns.onns in Canada, put at !'ri"i >r I, in i noftrien own, the !’" : 'C* an util*. ■ '• * -on much to say — ‘ : ' >• • ' ' . r.....and and A *-■' • a wemid v. ra. war , and 'A . . have occ-ii ;1 i »•, •. • : ir nlu; notice; “ a ■ ' V and : 1 ; •• • .. .. 1 -i arioid a ' a foil: »ry ; - v*r, "m-ii tncetiogf, ' ikir.B a; « 1 A < ■ ! si.oni i tv , interfered '••iia by nutimi.-j ! ~t ;•••*• u»<it is both tire 1 - ; d,.it .. ti a ivcaerai tlovonirnent, *• •c< re, a . v,;e and:. ...t ...* it is in its anxiety to 1 taia i; i-.p' thi: nat-iou, to tf-sirain ail v ' l,,;!n ■-s <• i»,i toy from taking pari in these sym • ' oi ia.. -i m every »merica:i, ‘•’.toald it not ‘"V 1 ;* -deal I .-.rain runl again, tiiat his first pohti -1 • '.uty is to l;:s own San.l, and that no specula ’' itatton about th- iiii-ti.tutons ol'another coun -1 ■ <r the. wrou .s, uuieied or real, of other peo -1•• •<, can afford i»uy justification for acts on Lis . ■ tiijt may put at itaazrud the peace and hap ii! - ss oi jus t imntry ? *t *.s an obligation of morality upon every cit u it so to use in . liberty as not to jeopard that of * -"i s, ,i , ; ilt ms act-' that they may not - .tirt'.ed the c iiimnnlty of which he is a m o.lkt, or liio tntii n . vths it he is n cuiseu. j ■‘.escf,:, 1 gn on as AiiH-ricajr and as mem e’“is o! tile ; i:-u family of mu. uts have not, we 1 "t, been sj, a,■ cens.i.'. oil anti weitilled by . 0 • r frootiei iniiabiiaiits who are pirnrut intg sympathy with muidian stifiercrs to tan away w th their. . : erjndgtfient, an ’ who are 1 substantia': b -mgs for uncertain, and siuiur as « c may judge 'he revolters by the con •Hiet anti proiossions of th or pusillanimous lead < ls , niulcM -vedmivan.ages to strangers. W e noo**, r,-* it •;« too I:ue, thai considerate mm ot a,’ "lies wiil et.deaveor to restrain A ttaerican *\ the hounds of duty to America ic •' „•!?::< ican. 1 ts. - . to "Texas has been sus pended rcce sly v> some extent, by apprt • '•.M-ued itv ’ ■ ..;111 difficulties. The rumors relative t , t. disturb:'.aces h.ave been nittch -Hggmm , ere.ic.i .groundless alarms l lie sav.i•. i , .a.-, rn the iiWitier a:e from hr ,n S bu m ..... arattve • f number - ’ - . n *®vprize , , , e the *he Mis ig • : ■ o extensive t ?j»t, !, It and uni-.r -a ;l !•.- *“ e * r forces to act ii upon ganizedplan .•' tvn:f-,;t TV* arc n: .tunden ». at *'° st*,' jus ,j. menh • the ufmu ia .-obb'. t'uin this quarts’. ,'ne k?e pane -ft otu Tc-x •ts announce the return of tranquility to he.- bm lin Indians have been dispersed, ami stui ro disposition to renew htsuilitics. Forvigt»-u' •jesirous of visiting ihe country, are assured of / H 1 sr > in safety, with the privilege of traveling hioijgkifs whole extent without beiur molested, -u accounts conspire in representing tTie perrn.t "® Bt Pstablishmeut of peace and prosperisy, N. O. Bulletin Vountafcitg. —A\ e 'earn from the Nashville vvfjig, that mi scheme for counterfeit **■' *he notes of the, B ilk of Tennessee luui betan detected. A man by the name of Peav has been fudged in jail, in whose saddle bags were found Moulds for counterfeiting specie, and cold coin, "•**»! a quantity of the counterfeited, unsigned pu ul the Bhnh of Tennessee,, lithographed in imitation of the engraved ten dollar notes, but P ; * ,r ty cxecoted; a lew were tilled up. The H ,i».g ad is.—•• i hey are printed, not with eu g v out with pi inters tun, on da. a paper, and w< f : . ogether an unfavorable aspect. The worts ,e., (.Mars a.omul the tup an., bottom gtns in the genuine noi--: are in tbe counterl*its uninteiiigible or entirely ntuuted ; itit vignettes clumsily executed—particularly the eagle ot: :tie left hand end ; the tilling up very iiidiitereinly im itated. The notes that have oeeu brought t» light are all of tiie letter A. dated the 2nd Juue 183d, and payable twelve months alter date. Peay ts yet ahve, and likeiy to recover, so that the whole scheme will probably be brought to light indeed it is thou o hi«uul euougti is a.icudy known to iead to the ajapreheusion of several of the vil lains concerned, though we should not deem it prudent at present, were we at liberty, to go into detail.” Peav made an attempt to commit sine de, but unsuccessfully. The public should be on their guard, as o.tiers may b«ve been more successful ta imttriijj t;>eni into circulation. FLORENCE, ( fiii «. t. isivt * , «V .i i’y.' 45, § ihe great itngih ol Tiro i tee Baxuiug iaw, which we iay beforeonr readers to day, must be our apology tor fne lack o. r our usttai quantity of editorial matter. ' The Legislature adjourned on Saturday last* after a session ot 55 days. The following were some oi its actings and doings, as gleaned from the last Miiledgevilie papers : Iverson L. imrris and (J. D. Hammond were elec red Commisstouers, as provided tor in the tieuertti Baukuig law. Anew county nas been formed from the coun ties ol Tinydy..J Walker, bearing the name of Chattooga. Ihe cnartero! the f.’entral Bank has been ex temird till leso. By an amendment to the char ter the BaaX is ahoweJ to operate ia exchange, to the extent oi tne interest ot the State loan. f .te comities tn the State are permitted to re tain the taxes tor the next political year. i lie State has been authorized to borrow one mjihou and a naif doharg to prosecute her great Ice ad* the election precinct, in .his county, has been changed trout to tuts place. 1 lie effects ot (Jurisimas holidays hang upon our (..cuitius line an incubus, anti wo ttud it very difficult, alter having uad a smalt respite, to bring ourselves to the drudgery bi the office, but poor fellows, as we have to come to it, we snail suoinit "do as good a grace as possi-n*., and, as »vo uavc it tod), we shall do uu. best. Our loaders may exj eel therefore, that we shall be at our post du fing the present year, perpeiraiirig ad sorts ot «rr tor their edification and amusement, tuaL is to say, it a certain iellow wno strolls about these streets sometimes, clothed wttn a tittle oriel an tjivrit'', will let us. Should we see him cast a n7n'iw:n; r looa towards our estuolisiimeni, wc ua.i mi tail to jfive our snoscribers due notice oi m s wicked designs, jtud as., tueir aid and assistance m protecti g a. irom ms iron grasp. i here are some folks wuo do not like the Mir - non at ail, and we done in,ten wonder at that.— Bui you ever see a squailid wretch who liked iiie imthitii reflection irom the looking glass ol ms distorted features • Instead oi trying to amend their defects, there is a continual disposition to find fault with the glass; well such is human na ture and we must not complain. vVe shall con tinue to hold up our Mi, ror to the world, with a fixed and firm resolution nei.aci to be smiled nor Irowned from our duty. The business oi Congress is t'animched an retarded by the unceasing presentations of Abo iiiioti petit ions, and ; :it ions ter the recognition ot il.tyiian mdepciiiieuce, by that eternal pest ■: c, ii-i v>. Adams. We are sorry to hold a ucti lan guage towards a man who has lit led the stations which Air. Adams has in tire country, but when a man makes nimsclf ridiculous, anti so far forgets his own e.naracter and honor, and trie dignity a <j honor of the country as to keep a continual clang about tiie negroes, hesnould be trea.ed withseern and contempt. \Ve are not so sure but it would beoetter tor tne country, it the next man who rn- * in Congress with a negro petition in his hand ,v- • -netted out of doors, or be put in durance -lie unti ie purges fits contempt to the house. A'h :: v ■ were boys we did think that Mr. Ad ams had good sound sense, but our sober second m.Vifis mase us doubt if very much. If his ids would put a blister plaster oo that bald p ' . his, n ght possibly be brou.;hi to his to act with that dignity which be . me .* .A station he fills. If he be not in >. e a ■ ~ii: illy low and eroveiling, and wish oa , . I'JiC't Johnson plan, why in all con " ~i do and perpiex and harrttss the ■ uuati;. n:> more about it. T»•' on .he recognition of Ilaytiau In ti - • v ii i the crisis that must and will rums :hi . *il • ■.; iy infat i.atiou of ttie North, vvd’ii.'ver test e.iiii ue bond which unites us Is severd, and if t! tmut be so. (tic sooner we know the Letter. STATE KIGHTS MEETING M UcdeeviU, Dec. 2?, 4 838. At a meeting of tin Stile liiguts Party, com posed of members of.Tie Legislature and citizens, held pursuant to previous notice, at the State Rights Hotel. On motion of Col.T- M. Berrien, Col. Fcler THE (iECRGIA MIRROR. Lamar, was railed to the Chair and Wm. V. liumeli, nominated as Secretary. The objects of the meet iug being stated; ou motion of Major Jas. A. .Merriw ether ; . 'i'sulred, That the State Lights party in the ki i rent counties in this State, be requested to select Delegates to inaet in Milk'dgeville. on the first uay ol the Reduction Convention, shuuitl .sui'.i < onvention lie called, if not. then on the tiur.i Monday in May next, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the office of Governor. Resolved , That the number of Di-legates to be elected in each county, be the same to which said county may be entitled in the uext General Assembly ofthis Spate; On motion ot George W. Crawford Esq. W herens, .lie General Government is now seek ing to ertablish an expedient in the place of the ex|»eriine!it lately made on the currency of the na tion, and as such a question is strictly a subject for the consideration of Congress, which aloue can take any authoritative action on it. And whereas, from re ant deveiopements, such expedient til tv not be the permanent p.oliey of the nation. Resolved unanirnoAslg, As the delibetate sense of this meeting, that it is impolitic that any divi sion should be made in the State Rights paaty on said question. On mot ion of Mr. Sullivan, of Sumter. iv •>': e•. That the proceedings of this meeting I e by tin- Chairman and Secretary, and rc i uested to ! - published in all the State Righto’ Papers in this State*. PETER LAMAR, Char'n. Wm. \ Haxski.l, Secretary . Messrs. Editoti, Please announce the as candidates for Cos mini Me; a . : oblige A Florestixk. THOS. GARDNER, GRANVILLE WHITE, H. \V. WOODWARD, JOHN R. SPANN, F. G. GIBSON. Messrs Editors, Please announce the following candidates for Commissioners of our town, a:id oblige ti;axr voters. F. G. GIBSON, J. D. PITTS, T. D. HARVEY, J. R. SPANN, 11. W. WOODWARD. Messrs Editors, l perceive by an advertisement in your last pa per, that an election has been ordered lor five com missioners to serve tiie town the ensuing year, permit me therefore to propose the following "e;;- tlemen as candidates for that office. And as we are, for the credit of our town, compelled to have Commissioners, it is to be lutoed that nothing ol a private character will induce ih rn to decline the nomination. feoke.vce. H. W. JERNIGAN. J. D. PITTS, T. D. HARVEY, F. G. GIBSON M. AVJfiRITT, The recent incendiary attempt to set fire to our city together with the fire in Moutgom ry, (Ala) and the number of thieving operators who have been detected aboi t Columbus, lead ns to the lielteve that there is an organized gang of robbers in number and power to do mis hies, equalled on ly iiv the famous Muriel gang. Indeed, the de tection ol that infamous leader, we fear, has only occasioned a temporary disparagement of tueu plans. That secret clan is in existence, bent u.ion the most horrid mischief, and reckless of all consequences of their daring villanv, cannot be doubted. It behooves every good citizen then, to keep vigilan. eyes upon these vagabond loafers anti birds of passage, which are so numerous in the country. An almost simultaneous movement has beeu made in Augusta, Savannah, Colmnbus Afontgomciy, and this place, how far else it may extend is unknown at present, and with what suc cess. The particulars of tho fire iu Montgomery so far as Itass been ascertained, will be found in this day’s paper. The volunteer corps in ,this place have made every necessary preparation to meet an em r -ency. Vigilauce is the word ior ev ery good citizen .—.'yjuihcrn Post. Trial of Bmja nin Alexander for Murder. — On Saturday last the above trial came on m the Circuit Court of this county before his Honor Judg Picket) :. The peculiar circuiinrmses of the case rendered it a spectacle of intensely pain ful interest. The prisoueris a poor, feeble, worn out old man, nearly one. hundred years oj who was indicted for the murder of his grand son, a young man aged about nineteen years. The only witness on the part of the state was the mother of the deceased, who wasan own daughter of the a god prisoner. She gave her evidence with aston ishing firmness, ‘lt was,’ she said, ’her own dear father who had killed her own beloved child.’ The scene was truly solemn and affecting. Her peculiarly painful situation, excited tho deepest sympathy in the bosoms of all present. But sho told,the dreadful talc that'her father had been ‘drink ing’—that he was lying on L a bed asleep—that the young man came in and tr.a l* considerable noise—that the old man sprang from his bed— drew his knife, from his picket—tn.l stabbed her son to the heart !—All this she related with a calptness truly astonishing. Whilst she was giv ing her testimony, the miserable old man, whose head was whitened with the frost of ninety-five winters, sat before her a wreck of life, whilst tears ran in profusion down the deeply furrowed cheeks. Evidence was adduced, which showed that the old man had been a poor but honest, hard-work ing man through liis long life—that he served his country in the war of the revolution.—that he w ta with Gen. Marion in the celebrated conflict wi'Lt the British and tories iu South Caroliua—tod tiiat he was now iuhis dotage, and a! times, espe cially after using spiritous liquors, perfectly in sane. After the case had been argued, and the Court given its charge, the Jury retired; and ulieru iiout two hours brought in j verdict jfinauslaugh ter, and the Court then sentenc**.J ■he uriso Dt* to twenty days imprisonment. We heard nothing but the evidence in the case, but we learn that the utmost possible ckmeuov of the luv was extm. 1 i to the prisoner on account ofhis c . rena - obi !•„.•. I! is evident that when the fat ii iced tvai con rnitted, the old man knew not what he was doin '. We know the prisoner, and we satisfied that liis mind is a perfect wreck, and we co-il l not think that the stern demands of justice required the infliction of any punish:n :fi on this wretched old rtm, ' • WANTED VT this office, an active, industrious and intel ligent lad as an apprentice to the Printing Business. Great pains » ill be taken to make him master ol his tratie, as well as particular attention paid to his moral deportment. Dec. 15 37 DR. T. HA anno BE O LSPLC ii- ULfif teiiieis his services in -i- w- the practice of Kr.DICI.NE AND SURGERY, to the citizens of Florence and its vicinity, and hopes, by unremitting attention to merit a share ol :ti!' public- confidt nee. ■ ir. li. may always be found, except when pro fessioually engaged, at his office on Broad street, lat-Iv occupied by the Georgia Mirror. Jan 5,1839 39 ELOIiENCE ACADEMY." ’ | 11 f. exercises ol the Male De|KU tment oftlie J. 1- 'ortmee Academy, will commence on Mon day next, 7tn inst. under the superintendence of Mr. J. McClkskei, who comes well recommended as an instruoter of youth. The following will be the rates of tuition, por quarter: Orthography, Reading and Penmanship, DO do do do with Arithmetic, 500 English Grammar and Geography, 0 00 Higher EnglLh Branches, 8 00 Languages. jq qq i lie I- etnalc Department will commence on the same day, under the direction of Miss Marua kk" llai.vev, and the Department of Music un der tia- diaize ot M:ss AVkioht. Os Miss liar* veyV qualift-.-aiitmsftie Trustees deem it unueces saty to speak, s 'iiey are too well known to re- T-dr- all .'- i-.".'oinumndation lrotn them. Miss •i riglu bring witfi her the best evidences of her capability to disciiar. p licr duties with tiie ut niost • iti'taetion, and the Trustees do not hesitate to recommend her to the patronage of the public. The terms of tuition, vwH be the same as stafe.. above, and for Drawing ;:cJ Painting, 12 00 M usic ulooc, 16 00 do with other branches, 20 00 Needlework an extra charge of 3 00 Board can be had, for males end females, in the most respectable houses, at reasonable prices. J m. 5 39 BY THE TRUSTEES. TO THE PUBLIC. rriHE TRUSTEES oftlie Stewart county A -II cade my. ilceni it nothing but justice to them selves and to the institution, to correct some mis statements that have been most causelessly and ungenerously circulated against them. It ha-- been slated, and repeated, (and that by nitjri of some considerable reop«*ctahiiily,) that Mr. Shipp has ceen detached from the iuMitutiod, or lias not been employed tie- present year, because lie was a Union imq>; ami that Miss Douglass, also, has not been retained itecaose site was originally re commended by Union influence. Now v»-e give this charge n most flat and unconditional denial, and we invite the proof—we defy any mao or 6et of men to exhibit any testimony or evidence, de rived from any act or deed of the board to war rant this assertion. ft The reasons, nod the alone reasons why they were not retained, w ere, that the, income of the institution did not warrant giving the salary they demanded—party views have nothing lo do with either of the measures. M. GRESHAM, ) E. T. BEALL, K. DENN AltD, T. FORT, [.Trustees. B. BEDDINGFILD, | M. M. S. WADSWORTH, HOLLIS BOYNTON, J Jan. 1,1839. 39 gsiosi fd i.g viuidtß.ii 1 1 f .’f tp RH-fr* ETA HE Executive Committee of the Georgia ! * Female College, exercising a discretion with which they deem themselves vested, by the rela tion which they hold to the Institution, have, up on mature deliberation, and in deference to what they have learned to be the goucral sense of the friends of the College, determined to reduce the charges of tuiiion in some important particulars below the rates recently published. They therefore announce to the public the fol lowing rates: For the regular collegiate course, embracing all 1 the studies requisite to a thorough English, Liter ary mid Scientific Education, and including the • French Language, the price fora collegiate year of ten mo»ths, will be Fifty Dollars. For Music o:t Piano, per quarter, sls 00 Use of Piano, do. 2 00 Drawing and Painting, do. 800 Spanish Language, do. 5 00 , Italian Language, do. 500 ; Latin and Greek, do. 500 j To the instruction*! belonging to the collegiate j course, and for which the annua! charge is fixed • at tlu- moderate sum of Fifty Dollars, theassidtt i ous labors of the President and three Professors will be devoted. The study of Music, Drawing . and Paititing. and of the Spanish, lfitiiau, Latin and Greek Languages, not forming a part of 'the • regular College conr e, will be the subject of ex tra charges, at the rates above stated. The puce of tuition in the Preparatory Depart met,t will be, per quarter, $8 00. Board per month, exclusive of washing and candles, sls 00. The Institution will open on the first Monday , in January noxt, and it.?first session will termin 1 ate on the first of August. The regular col'egi , ate year will commence on the first of October rext, and expire 6n the first of August ensuing , leaving August and September as months ol va cation. Twelve years is fixed as the lowest age for ad mission into the College. Foradmission into the Preparatory School there is no restriction as to Board and Lodging within the colleg-' edifice, can be furnished as well ta the pupils iu the Pre paratory School, as to those ia the collegiate : classes. E. HAMILTON, Chm. pro. tern. E. C. Macon December 24, 1938. LOOK AT THia tj GST, on tiie road leading from Lumpkin di- T J ■ ctly to lrwintnn, Alabama, otto note of Hand on James Beal of Dooly county, lor One : H undred and tweuty-five dollars, mado payable i to Samuel Hand, given on the 3d day of March last, and due sometime in December thereafter. — All persons are forewarned from trading tor said note. SAM UHL IL\NX>. - Dec 23 39 3t* Fjce %:!’ ri/r sales, UJ ILL be sold, i,a ; lie first Tuesday in FEB al Alii next, at the court door in the towu of Starksvtlie, witiiin tue usual nours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot ol Land No. two hundred and thirty-one, in the, Hurd district ot Lee c.maiv, letted on as the property ot l Lomas W ri:u, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued trom a justice's court of Baker county iu favor ot John Liickmau, vs saiJ Yvrcu; ievy made and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 180, iu the twelfth district of Lee •ouatv, levied on as the properly of G T. Yel ventou. lo satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued from a justice's court ot Marion county m favor ot John J. English vs Joiiu W. Merideiti, aDd G. T. Yel venton and V» Gillmore endorsers; sold for the use of Naltuu P. Singletary. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lots of Land, Nos. ten and thirty-four, iu the fifteenth district of Lee county, levied ou as the property of David Gofl'to satisty two jft Fas issu ed lrotn the Superior Court ot Lee county, one in tavor ot H. B. Ac YV . \V » ed, vs. David Goff, llenry B. ilataway atni James time, aad one iu tavor of Fondren et Tli,i.u f i,uii vs D. Golf A: Cos. Lot No. one hundred sixty, iuthe fifteenth district originally Dooly, n w Lee county, levied on as the ptopetty of Abrati uu .dills to satisty a Fi Fa issued trout the lot r.ur < unit of Pulaski county, in tavor of John Iwtvi, Go. sold for the use of James O'Jclks. Also, the east hall ol Lot of Land No. two hundred, iu the fifteenth district oforiginglly Doo ly now Lee county, with good improvements, the place whereon Robert G. Ford uovv lives, levied on as tbe property of the said R. G. Ford, to sat isfy a Fi Fa issued from the Superior Court of Lee county, in favor of Davis Smith & Cos. rs John Stierod and Robert G. Ford. Property pointed out by JohuSherod. Lot of Laud No. one hundred and ninety, in the third district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Charles M. Dinkins, to satisfy three Ft Fas issued from a justice’s court of Houston county, iu favor of George Patton vs said Dinkins, sold for the use of John Chain. Also, Howell AFisabrook's interest and improve ments in Lots of Land Nos. two and three, in the sixteenth district originally Dooly now Lee coun ty, levied on as the property of lie said Howel Allsabrooks to satisfy two Fi Fas, issued from the Superior Court of Lee county, iu favor of John Land, vs said Howel Allsabrook aud Alfred Alisa brook. Also, Lots Nos fifty, fifty-two, sixty-four, sixty five, and sixty-six, in the town of Starksviilo, con taining forty-three acres, more or less, w ith good improvements, between twenty and twenty-five a cres cleared laud thereon, and under good fence, levied on as the property of Joint Sherod, tosat isfy a Fi Fa issued from the Superior Court of Lee county in favor of Davis Smith Ac Cos. vs John Sherod and Robert G. Ford, property pointed out by R. U. Ford, ABRAHAM DYSON, Sh«njf. Dec. 27,1838. 39 VALIBI.E iSTEWART LANDS FOR SALT. f1 1 HE subscriber has several fine tracts of Land -I- tor sale, situate from five to ten miles <TFlo reucc, some well improved anti iti a fine state of cultivation, in bodies fioiu 2( 0 to 1000 :tcr*'S in a tract. Any person wishing to buy a good home will do well to make early application, or a great bargain may be lost. Rich Land and good titles lor cash, negroes or good paper and a long time credit. THOMAS J. STELL. Jan 1 39 St LOOK OUT FOR BAILIFFS. FFMIE subscribers arc compelled to have money I or suffer greatly, therefore all persons due them, little or much, ou their smith accounts for th<> last year, are requested to come forward with out delay, and make payment, ao we cannot give furtheriudulgcncc. WHITE & FLETCHER. Florence, Jan. 4,1839. 39 3t .Votire toMsOt Purchasers, A LI. persons having notes due and unpaid, for Lots in the town of Florence, would do well to call at my office forthwith and save their lots and improvements, as a general meeting of the company w ill take place in a few flays, and they will want money. H. W. JERNIGAN, Jan 5 39 3t Florence Cos. NOTICE. 1 FOREWARN all persons from trading for a promissory note made payable to one Mr. Woodatd for Three hundred and twenty or twenty live dollars, due 25th Dacember, 1838, which noto I ant determined not to pay unless compelled by law. as there is a fraud in part of said dote. REUBEN WEATIIERSJ3EE. Dec 31 39 3t cautionT I FOREWARN all persons from trading for u certain proinisßonr note given by the subscri bers J. M. Miller, for Three Hundred Dollars, as I have in my possession an order, showing pay ment for s:t:d note, and I am determined not to pay it again. Also, a note for 78 dollars or therea bouts, made payable to said Miller, said notes be ing satisfied in full, the public are cautioned a gatmst trading for them. W. P. TOMPKINS. Dec 24 39 3t LOST. ONE Note on Gachet &c Jeruigan for Seventy fiv. 1 Dollars, due January Ist, 1839; one lor i fifteen dollars, due Ist Oct. 1333, ou Merrit Joues ! payable to John Stuckey. • Jan 1,1839 _ 39 THOS. COR.^N. I OFFER my property ia Lumps ; p.. .r',’j kin for sale. Apply to G. DeLaunav. JL-VLsLi H. JONES. Dec. 3 36 co'vgui To Breeders of Good Cos As The thorough bred Station, a -rffa P3MNC. t i will stand ui** ensuing spring set - j son, at Lumpkin and Floieact. under the nianageinsnt of Mr. Thomsu W j Pearce. This Horse is a beautiful blood bay. of splendid action, and choice pedigree:—He was got by the imported Arabian Bagdad, his dam by Sir Archy, ! his grand dam by imp‘wt«»d Wrangler, hi# gieat ! grand dam by imported Traveller, he. D P HILL HOUSE J Dec. S 36 21-