The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, January 05, 1839, Image 4

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NEW STORE. DIE subscribers offer lor sale at ibeir store in 1 b lorence, (the one formerly occupied by Jer •,'au, Laurence Ac Cos.) a well selected stock ol •'AJiuY m STAi’LE DRY GOODS, ffl aril ware ami Cutierj, ;ion ri which /nay be found the following articles: 200 ps. fancy Prints, 50 ~ Furniture do. 50 „ assorted Cambrics, 75 ~ ~ Muslins of every variety, 100 „ 3-4 brown Shirtings, 75 ~ 4-4 Sheetings, 25 „ 4-4 do. fine article, 25 ~ 4-4 bleached do do 25 „ superior English Cloths, assorted colors, 15 ~ 4-4 Merinos assorted, 2,, do. double width, 5,, Circassian, ,; Carpetting, ~ fine do 10 „ Sacking, 2ft dor. Napkins, ALSO, A t.ARUF. AND ELEGAIfT ASSORTMENT Os Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Domestics, Sajtinets, Cassimers, l-.o linen Drillings, whits do. bro. Holland. Vestings, Diapers, Russia Sheeting, Osnaburgs, Ladies and gents, kid Gloves, gents back do. Silk and cotton Hosiery, Suspenders, A splendid assort Bonnets A Bonnet Ribbons, Thread and bolt Laces, do. Insertings, Bob inet, Grscinet, AN ELEGANT SUPPLY OF SILKS, SATINS, FRENCH MUSLIN, CHALLY,C'HALLIETTE, Silk, Bombazine and Satin Stocks, Black Satin Bosoms Collars, Arc At. Together with a complete and splendid assort mvat of SUMMER CLOTHING, Arming which area few THIBET VESTS, a new and superior article for wear. LIKEWISE, Ass ©Of) SrpgLF OF Biirflft*, .^.irtinsrals, HOUSINGS, ST IF H l PS, BIDING WHIPS, DRIVER’S WHIPS, fee. A'l of which will bo sold on such terms as will suit purchasers, who are respectfully invited to vail. 3 Me KEITH \N, Wr>fRERLY & Cos. Oct. 6 28 ~ NEW “GOOD'S! THE SUBSCRIBERS havo received their supply of Wiuica* ftoods, CONSISTING OF Woolens, Sattinetts, A variety of Broad Cloths, Circassians, Merinos, Bombazines and Bombnzettes. Red and White Flannel, A good assortment of fienfly f lathing, A large supply of BOOTS and SHOES, genteemf.n’s ladies Saddles, Hridles Sc ItliirtfngnlftG Crockery, Hardware avd Cutlery, \\ ith a variety of other articles suitable to the season, which they take great pleasure in offering to their customers an 1 the public, at their new store on the North side Centre street. GARDNER & HARVEY. Dec. 8 3T6 NEW STORE. P PIE subscribers would respectfully inform the •8- inhabitants of Florence, Stewart county and the adjoining country, that they have refitted the store formerly occupied by Mr.J. M. Miller, and more recenty by Win. Stafford, Esq. on Centre # r*ef, where they are now opening .» NEW AND STLENDID ASSORTMENT OE _ ent\ m a off ips. HAT*, eoors. SHOES, & tiROGANS, tatlksi ami Ronnofs, Hard and Hollow JVare, WAGON AND CART BOXES, fee. Ac. I ae above stock has just been selected from the r»ow I ork and Boston markets. ALSO. A LARGE STOCK OR GROCERIES , Viz. SACON —HAMS, SIPES AND SHOULDERS, Flour, JLard, Sugar *V Codec, BRANDY. RUM. WHISKEY. WINES A YD CORDIALS. All of which they offer for sale on the most rea sonable terms. ANDREWS A BEMIS. Florence, Angiiet 1 19 N. B. We are daily expecting PAINTS OILS and WINDOW GL ASS, and a large as sortment of BOOKS and STATION \R Y ME DICINES, BAGGING and ROPE, See. A <fc B. FRE CRUTT. THE subscriber reSpectfulUy notfiicshis friends and the public generally, that he is now open ing a fresh assortment of Sfapleaih! Fancy Dry €*oods, CHOSEN, WITH MUCH CARE. ALSO IN STORE, GROCERIES . notion Bagging, TuiKc,#c. He begs leave to remind his friends that he will ehntinue to receive COTTON on store at his AVAR E-HOUSE as usual, and pledges himself to make every effort to give general satisfaction to his patrols, and begs their patronage. . H. W. WOODWARD. FlofWce, Nov. ?5 34 PAPER WD STATIOVARV, Wholesale and Rctfsit. fJAHE Subsrmbrrs have just opened their Fall 8 and Winter Stock of fine and Superfine Let ter, Cap, and larger PAPERS, most of which has ' °-ca purchased direct from the manufactures. Stationary of every kind. Blank Books, for city os country trade, fP r ' KPt Books, Pen Knives, Ac. •i .rich they wdl sell on accommodating terms t o. city acceptances. Blank Books imde to order i supphed with Prioting UapeY, Ink, of the best fii'-. •a. e? ' I P ES , & W ALKER, s ilx A rt D iy. Charleston, S. C. 41 'm .iiv» cohjhsmo* hoi si: a. l ilt, ftuuscribers have associated | r % M themselves together as COM MIS g*,W Sl MERCHANTS, under th* name and *fylc of JOH.Y O. I*/ I TS Jr e#. They have purchased the commodious WARE HOUSE and CLOSE STOKE, lateiy occupied byJernigan, Laurence <sc Cos. where they will re ceive COTTON or GOODS instore, anti advance only upon cotton in their possession and under their control. Their charges wiii be as castoma •7- The business will be conducted by John D. Pitts. We solicit the patronage of the public, and are prepared to give Columbus prices lor Col ton. JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nev. 10 33 ts FORWARDING AND COMMISSTorT business, Ea the Cily ol' ft**. vJespph. Fin. w> The undersigned have tormesl a ♦ copartnership under the firm ot ANDERSON STARR 5c Cos. - or rondm tinir a Forwarding and Commission Business, and have undertaken the construction of Commodious Warehouses in Sr. Joseph, lola, and the Cbipola Depot, for the stor age of Cotton and other agricultural productions We pledge our best exertions for the interest of ail concerned, and respectfully solicit a share of con fidence from the public. \V. ANDERSON, J. B STAFF, A: W. E. ANDERSON. August 1L 1833 20. NEW STORE. JUST RECEIVED and for sale, a general as sortment of . vVtr English floods, all of the first class, and which will btsold CIIEAP and on accommodating teirns. The public are re spectfully invited to give ns a call. SMITH A: WINFREY. Dec. 1 35 NOTICE. nnHE late firm of A. P. Root* k Cos. is this -I- day dissolved by mutual consent, the busi ness ot the firm will bo settled w ith all possible dis patch bv me. A P. ROOD. Dec. 1, 1838. 37 3t FIHIE SU BSCRiBEES have ju«-r received a -I. select lot of GROCERIES, which they offer on reasonable terms for C^sh. ROOD &TALMAN. Dec 15 37 ts COFFEE, FLOUR, Scc7 ~ TUST RECEIVED, per Steamer Arab, and va for sale for cash only, 10 bb's superior Flour, 10 sacks Kio Cos Coe, 20 ps. best Kentucky Bagging, 20 coils ~ Rope. A. B. C. WINI’REV & Cos. Dec, 8 36 GROCERIES. JUST RECEIVED, pet' steamer Ellen, and for sale, 20 ps Kentucky Bagging, 20 coils Rope, 5 bbls Whiskey, 5 , Gin. Rum, 2 ~ Cog. Brandy, 2 ~ Hoi. Gin, 3 ~ Cordials, 5 boxes Soap, 1 ~ Starch, 3 baskets Obampaigne, 5 boxes Cheese. A. B. C. WINFREY A Cos. Dee. 15 37 NOTICE.’ " FIIIIF. subscribers have on hand a good supply ° CONFECTION A RTFS, which they offer for sale at the store next door to McKeethan, Wimberly A’Co. formerly occupied by Mr. J. Jordan, which they will sell low for Cash. W. B.HARVEY & Co.' I*o 15 37 FOR SALE i AO pb’ccs best Kentucky agging. IVU bales best ” Rope bv JERNIGAN LAURENCE & Cos Sept. 22d 26 ts LOOK OUT I r OR A STORM. 15 HF. subscribers having disposed of their stock of Dry Goods at Florence and Lumpkin, they take this method to inform their customers that all notes and accounts that remain unsettled after the Ist day of January next, wall positively be place I in the hands of an officer for collection We will all 'w the - HIGHEST CASH PRICE for COTTON in payment for anv debts due. JERNIGAM, LAURENCE ■* Cos. Oct fi 28 NOTICE. r ID7L Stockholders of the BRUNSWICK -2 and FLORIDA RAIL ROAD, are reques ted to meet at Thomasvil e, Thomas county, on Monday, the s-venth day of January next, to e lect a boat lof Directors, and other officers; and at v.lnch time five dollars on each share will be required to b pud in. THOS. BUTLER KING. Nov. 20 35 5t (L/ 2 * The Milledgeville and the Cotumbus pa pers, the Georgia Mirror, and Brunswick Adjfo catc, 1 rwinton Herald and Tallahassee Floridan, will insert the above notice until the first of Janu ary, and forward their accounts to A. L Kin-, Brunswick, for payment. “notice. A i-f- 1 tltose indebted to the estate of George Shaw, deceased, are requested to come for ward and make payment, and those having de mands against the estate will present them ac cotding to law. JOHN BLACKSHEAR. Nov. 19 33 6t Adin'r. 4 TREATISE by,he ReU -.-A. James E. Glenn,(just published.) for sale b >' - . GARDNER fc tfARV^Y. Doc S 56 1 THE GEORGIA MIR ROR. WILL be sold before the Court Ho -e ii.n>r in Lumpkin Stewart County on the fir.<t i Tuesday in February next, under an order of the honorable the Inferior court of said county, one | negro *tirl named KLsey, 16 year- ot aye and one Lot ot land No. lU6. in the 23d district ot origin ally Lee now Stewart county, belonging to rhe estate of Leww Dupree, sen. deceased, sold for the benefit el the {»*•*» and creditors es »*t« de c«esed. LEWIS DUPREE. Jr. Adm’r. Oct ft 33 VjL r ILL be e dd. agreeabie te an order ot the honorable th.e Inferior Court et Snmte county, while sitting frfr ordinary purposes, on tN first 1 nesday in FEBRUARY next, before th ( ourt House door in Americus, Sumter county within the usual horns at' sale. One Lot of Land. No. 166 in the 28th district of said county ; also, one other Lot, N% 4 f. in the 28th district, all sold, ns the property of Guil ford Joiner, deceased. Fold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. LEWIS JOINER. Admr. Nov. 28, 1858, 37 If ISDLR an order of the inferior Court of C Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on rhe first Tuesday in MARC H next, before the Court House door in he town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, Lot of Land No. 43, in the 23d district of said county, it being the real estate of George Shaw, deceased, or the benefit of the heirs anti creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. JOHN BLACKSHEAR, Adm’r. Dec. 15 37 TI7ILL be sold, agreeable to an order of the v v Inferior Court of Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, on the first Tuesday mFEBRUA RY next, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, all the real estate of John A. Shilling, late of Stewart county, deceased, viz. one Lot of Land, No. 31. and the north half of 33 and 32, all in rhe 33d dis trict; also eight negroes. Terms made known on the dnv. William b. SHIR LING, ) , , , JAMES WEBB, Adm «. Sept 3,1838. 24 VI7TLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in Feb- V v ruary next, before the court house dow in Lumpkin, Stewart county, agreeable to an or d-v of the Inferior court ot said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, all the real "estate of Lewis Dupree, sen. consis in.g of the undivided thir l ol 10 (hares in the Florence Company, and nls -, the npdivifled third of the following lots in said town. viz. Lots Nos. 34, 35, 36, 37, 18 and IS, all in block B ; Lots Nns. 93, 89 and 88, and one sixth of T.ot 96. nil in block, E, and one third of Lots, Nos. 46 and 47, in block C; all sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. LEWIS DUPREE, Adm’r. Dec 1, 1837 35 TTJURSUA NT to an order of the court of or * dinary of Randolph county, will be gold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, at the Court House door inCuthbert, two back lots. Nos. not known; also, the south half of Lot of Land. No. 39, in the fir>t district, joining town. Also, at the Court House door in Baker county. Lot of Land No. 2 >l,in tbs 12th district originally Lee, sold as the property of John Maynard, de ceased. MARY 1\ MAYNARD, Admix. Dec. 1 35 R MONTHS after date application will be nude to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Sumter, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John B. Cannon, deceased. HENRY DYKES. Adm’r A morions. Nov. 10, 1838. 35 R MOXI HS after date application will . ma, l e ,0 she honorable the Inferior Court o! Sumter county, when sitting as a Court of Or dinary, for leave to sell Lot or Land No. 220, and part of Lot No. 219. in the 30th district of said County, belonging to the estate of John Mathews MOSES MATHEWS, Guardian. IV’OUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior com* of Stewart county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell the land and negroes belong ing to the estate of John A. Shirling, deceased, late of said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. WILLIAM B. SHIRLING, ? , , JAMES WEBB, \ Adm’rs. Sept. 3.1838 24 months after date application wdfbo . made to the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Sumter county sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of Guilford Joiner deceased. BY THE ADMINISTRATOR. Amerieus Oct. 2 1838. 29 NOTICE TS hereby given that application will lie made ,0 E'c court of ordinary of Stewart « ounty, on ihe first Monday i; January next, for an order for she distribution of the estate, of John G. White, late of said county, deceased, among the lawful heirs es said deceased. SAMUE L ADAMS ])er h Cl-F * Adm’r. CEO!;GIA—Sumter County. X\t Hr. REAS David ONcland applies to me for ▼ ▼ letters of administration upon the estate of M. Smith, countv, tlecrasori, G'his is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to appearatmy office, within the time pre scribed by law to file th°,r olijectiotis, if anv, why said letters of administration shall not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Americas this 13th tiav of December 1838- CEORGlA. —<S uinter county. A^l' BEAS Allen M. Tatem applies to me * v for letters of Administration upon the es tate of Mary YV il 1 is, late ol said county, deceas ed. These are therefore to cite and admonish all ami singular the kindred .and creditors of said de ceased, to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, ifany they have, why said letters of Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Americas, tiiis24th day of October. I&3S. G 5 JACOB W. COBB, c.c; &. GEOlKjlA—Stonier ■ ULKE aS. W anon \K . ; n r aj p t* v? me lor tetters ot Vummir-iranon on i.c rate of I riah J'ulier, late ot th.s t.ountv. dere .s ed : 1 hi* ts tiierefore, to che and admonish all and ungulvr, the kiob.ed and creditors of said dec£a= cd. to appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law. to •'•ie their objections, if any they have, why said letters of administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 9th day oi November, 1838.' EDMUND NUNN, * -5 c. c. o. Toil ii lula for ?i'f, f I HIE Subsribers will sell on she %■ r Me ,ia * in January next, some valuable niaim-f.; Lots on the West side of the Chattahoochee, ju.- above Florence, imnu diatFy op-. osite the Ferry ■he situation is beam ' .■. * .nos r town—and fiom the. ir.e-?as; .g w eauhol the coun try bordering on r e :?■hsitahoochee -those who purchase lots w ill tie l.andsomely profitteif bv the investment cd their monev. \ r , oat will tliis town more profitablr is that if is located immedi ately above Florence which we have no doubt will greatly enhance its importance, as well as add to the property of the former plar-e. Terms will be liberal. Florence Oct. l: th ] MAT 1 HE vV AVERF.TT. ROBERT W. WILLIAMS. 29 rs ~ JNFORMATION WAxM FU. riMIERE was inveigled ofi from Macon, Ga., in the winter of 1831, bv sonic person, allov. then about ten years old, spine made, black eyes, rather brown hair, and very fast spoken. His re nlname is MARSHALL DEES, but the ineji vidua! who took him off may have changed liis name. It is supposed lie is in Dooly county Gn. Any hiformation relative to him will be thnnkfnl ly received by his brothers ar.d sisters, by address ing this office. pa pers iwthe lower ytert of this State, who fed for the distresses of orphan children will please publish the above, and oblige the broth ers and sisters of the unfortunate bov, who wish to remove ta Texas the coming vviatci u spiin* and wish him to go with them. Pet. 27, 1538. Mamn Telegraph INFORMATION WANTED^ \inLLIE JONES, of Fayetteville, tv N. C. left North Carolina about 17 vears ago, and went to the State of Georgia, where he died about two years ago, leaving as it is said, con siderable property ; but in what part of the State is not known. He had resided about 11 years in Augusta, up to six or seven years ago, where he learnt the carriage maker’s business' i>ut afterwards owned a Grocery Store. His mother, an aged and poor woman, is anxious to learn where he di cd, and such particulars in relation to Ins proper ty, as may enable her to obtain it. He was about 37 years of age at the time of his death, and had no family. Any information will be thankfully received by Mrs. Mary Brown, at Fayetteville, SL C. LARGE MAPS OF MISSISS PPI. AND ALABAMA. the public all Indian Lands, In dian reservations, land districts, townships, streams, &c. engraved from the government sur veys, plaits in the general land office, Washington c ityt.hy E. Gilman, draughtsman in the general land office, FK TAYIjOR, bookseller, Washing} on City, has just published [and secured the copy right according to law] the above maps which will lie found infinitely more complete anil accurate than any heretofore published. They arc published on separate sheets; each containing nearly six square.feet, and will be found especially useful and valuable to those interested in the lands of ei • her state, as they show every item of information which is in the possession oi the laud offices, re lative to watercourses, township lines, Indian lands and reservations, land districts, &c»ar.d will be found perfectly accurate and precise in these points. They can be sent by mail to any part of the United States, subject only to single Ictfei postage.—Price two dollars, or three copies of either will be sent by mail for five dollars. A lib eral discount will be* made to travelling agents, ot to any who 'any to sell again. November 23. Ok*]” Editors of Newspapers, anv where, who will give the above advertisement, including this notice, one or two insertions, shall receive bv re turn mail a copy of each map, if they will send a copy of the paper containing it, to the advertiser. PJJOSPECTIS TO TriE TIIIRB VOLUME OF THE Containing (Quarterly fashion Plates, Illustrated Articles, <^r. tkf. curu’FST rnr.iomcAL in tiif. world. TN commencing anew volume, the publisher w ould take occasion to observe, that not only will the same exertions be continued, which have seemed to his subscription list an unexampled in crease, but his claimr upon the public favor will be enhanced by everv .mans which unceasing en deavor, enlarged fadin':-*, and liberal expendi ture can comm uid. The subjoins i . a i.nef plan of the work • its Original ’at-cub will ie so varied as to form a combination ot the useful with the ent<*r tamm and rmn.-.F, Tn.- will embrace th* departments of useful s< ieixce, kssai and T’oetrv winch ma> leseiTe the name. it is the publishers design to make the Vis.te agreeable to the old and the young— 4o the sedat u.k: tne gay to mingle the valuable with the »• musing—arid to pursue the tenor of his way with the entertainment of good feelings toward nil nar ties. 1 IE RMS. ’1 he Visiter is published every oth er Saturday, on tin* white paper, each number will contain 24 large super royal octavo pages, enveloped m a fine printed cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nearly 600 pages, at the very low price of.? 125 cents' per annum in advance, or 6 4 cents per number payable on de livery. r J Post Masters, and others who will procuro our subscribers and enclose Five Dollars » 0 Fne nr praetor shall receive the sth copy g rd t> 8 P All orders addressed to the pubßsher in Editors, by copying this prbsptofuj th e’ TOn ’ c to S itiUr The VtMter foi obeyVaV. ' ' i liOSFEC i LS ia a monthiy Magaxmc, devot'd Ahiefi* to Littkatuhe, but oc< asionslp. ' •■■ a room arso tor art.cie* ti. •• :ai» r. th* , ,jj Science; and not profersing an entire msdahi of tasteful s lections, though its matter has been ax it will continue to be, in the mam, c arnal. irz . i antics, and CGiiTrovc-rr-iBl h foit ■ ■ tar as possible, are jeaioueiv exc.uded. 1 hev ar» sometimes so blem'ed with dir u-mors i n ture or in moral science, otherwise unobjection aale, as te gain admittance for the sake of the more, valuable matter to v hich they adhere : >, u , whenever that happen- they are ivridental, only sot primary. They are dross, tolerated only >e cv,. ' n cannot well be severed from the ste'rlFc c-r° wherewith it is incorporated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occupy their due space in the work: and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a threefold tendency— to convey, in a condensed form, such valuable truths interesting incidents as are embodied in the, works reviewed,—to direct the readers attention to books that deserve to be read—and to warp him against wasting time and money upon th it large number, w hich merit only to hr burned. ]., this age of publications that by the . variety rn j multitude, distract and overwlrelmn everv arid is. criminating student, impartial trim, ism, r J. erned by the views just mentioned, is one <■’*'• .. most inestimable and indispensable of auxilir i a. to him who does wish to discriminate. Es# yts and 'Bales, having in view utility or-. mnsement, or both—Historical hes—;t.,| Rf.miNI3ENCF.S of events too minute f„* Histo n yet elucidating it, a..d hcit.l.tning its i'.trre-r— --maybe regarded as forming th- static of ;,, work. And of indigenous Foetrt, enough "is published—sometimes of r o mean strait*— to n, : . n ifest and to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents cf our country. The times appear, for revera] reasons, to ,Ic ir.mid such av, ; rk— and not one rfi.ue, but n. J iie public mind is feverish and irritated Mil from rt cent political strifes: I’he suit, n influence ot Lite.atttre is needed, to adav that vv.- r. and soothe that irritation. Vice and' f o »| v rhey th ’ ■ 1 ■ or lashed by rid ■ -,: j r fitting haunts. Ignorance it over an ini nietiso proportion of our people:—Every should he set in motion, to arouse the eiidjdoi' ed, and to increase tii-ii nuu4bcr; r-o that the great enemy ot popular "Uvcrnmrrt may no l<m ger brood, like a port, at -ms cloud, over the ties tinies of our country. \nd to accomplish nil these ends, what more powerful agent can be em ployed, E/um a periodical en tlie plan of the Mes senger; if that plan be but carried out in prac -7 he South peculiarly requires such an agent. In all the l/nion, south of V ashington, there arc but two Literary periodicals ! Northward ot tint city, there are probably at least twentv-ffi P ~,• thirty ! Is this contrast justified by the wealth the Joist:r •. the native taici t. «„• ti c a’ctual literal *j iste 1 J* 10 Southern people, c utpared with those ot the Northern? No; for in wealth, tal cuts and ta?(c, we may justly claim, at least, an cijuaiify with our brethren ti,d a domestic insti U 1 OW! 1o;O!’ ,ii doul t, 11 | ' e the leisure for read tng and w _ whi- ii *’,iey enjov. It w: in in .< ■ ■ <• oi tins heal want. *i , t «l"’v.or: t . rafted am this .xd -0< ’ - ; any design to nourish local prejudices, .r . vo. ate ■ ,ed local im e:-t~. Bar fir m aur such then tht, it is the fai tor’s ' • to si - n,e Nt .th and f-oi tlt bound end cant t, gether, t< mt;-, in tl e sili-.-i bands of mutual kindness and al'hotmii. !,r from meditating I.a /;»»/ to the 1:011b, he L. s al ready drawn, and l.v hopes hereafter to thaw nmch of his choicest matter thence; and hap; indeed w,h ■1 r- dcriri luniselt, should lii.s pages, i., making each region know the other better conti bute in any csset ted degree to di.- 1 ■ ! the lowem. clouds that now thicatcu the [(ace of both, nr to brighten and strengthen the sacred ties of Ii;. ternal love. _ rONDITIONS 1 • Ihe . .omhcrtl L;ter;u v p’i!» lished in monthly numbers, ol (,i large super royal octavo pages each, on t.’-e’.est of paper, and neatlv covereu, at $5 a year—payable in advance 2. Oi five new subscribers, bv sending theit names and S‘2o at one time to (he editor, will re ceive their copies (or one year, fer that sum, or at 84 for each. 3. Ihe risk ol loss of payments for snbserip tions, which liave been properly committed to tbe mail, or to the hands of a post master, is assum ed by the editor. 4. Ii a subscription is not directed to be dis continued before the first number of the next vol ume has been published, it will betaken as a con tinuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence wfitlt the beginning of the volume, and will not be taken for Jess than a year’s pub lication. 5. Ihe mutual obligations of the publisher and subscriber, for the year, are fully incurred as soon as the first number of the volume is issued: and after that time, no discontinuance of a sul>scri|> tion will be permitted. Nor will a subscription he discontinued for any earlier notice, while any thing thereon remains due. unies 1 the option of the Editor. lard. To the ] rilr< ns o; the Southern Literary iHeSStfigtr -Ihe startling cost at which this work has been established, and is sustained, and the backs a ■!- ! nnss nf many subscriber? in fulfilling their part ot our mutual < ompact, call indispensably for an ap* peal, not to their liberality—but to their justice, ti punctual payments are ever necessary, they arc pre-eminently so in the case of sueli a publica tion, —purely literary—almost wholly original— and destitute ol the vital aid which newspapers derive from advertisements. My all is at stake, in this enterprise ~ft is a venture, stimulated indeed bv lol , ie Ut , fA ’ moluinent: but founded - t,e well warranted exn**,. at s on 5 ; -*» "Us talents and c out } iern , , rn % in S drooifinv .....1 .....u J public spirit, around the err* r I t prostrate banner ofSoufb nnnrTs: »Since it has now acquired claims ~’ ‘ l,thrrD J t'STrcr.—can it be, that thes aic ur ' in vain ? Subscribers then, who arc in arrears—and b’ ( them remember, that payment is due in advert a will, 1 tiust, without delay, transmit the moiturt they owe to me, at Richmond, hy mail, at tny risk and cost; taking proper evidence of the sac. : ' n J °* mailing; and refaiuing a memoran otlrn oT eaen note sent. ttiomas w. white.