The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, February 19, 1839, Image 4

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S9s R 8 T T v r s 7. [Translatedfrom ?'t f ieri, an.' iOHS OFI'OA i,:OLLii or St^MAtY THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BENE FACTORS. ktoiiiens of North an 2 d-j.’h America, rfllo Louis Offon Goel?csk, M. D. cf Ger -*- unn v. Europe belong the im;>eri*!iV,:e bou or of adding a jew a-•( precious hoc :rjSk to the Scieoee of Medicine—a dot-trine • nidi, though vehemently t and by nauy of the fa culty, [of which he s a valuable member, j he proves to hr as well founded in truth tit an\ doc trine of Holy Writ—;; do-.frine, uon t'.. verity of which are suspended theh *s of million* ol'our race, an 1 which he boldly ch;Uenges h:s o; no sers to refute, vi/.: Consumption is ,j ways occasioned by a d.sorderedslate rs l i < Vila, (or Lift Principle) ts th~ human body: ftyf’oflea secretly lurking in the system for years before, there is the least complaint of the —and a..‘> o h may be as certainly, thr ugh not so yuickly, cured, os a come.,rn cold or a simple headache. An inval uably precious dertrine this, as it imparts an im portant lesson to the apparently healthy of lath ' sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may he an unobserved inmate ot their “clayey hoitses’" errs while they imariDe themselves secure fro -j its attacks, teaching them that THE GKKAT SECRET IN THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DIS EASE WHILE is- THE BLADE. AND NO] WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustrious benefactor ofinnu is also enti t.s'd teonr unfeigned gratitude, and the grvitu !? oia world, tor the invention of ius MATUH »TSS SANATIVE.—whose healing fiat mry justly for It such a title, since it hrs so sigially triumphed over our great common em*- mv both in the ftrvi en.l list stage#,—-a medicine which Ims throughly til led the varum in the Materia Medico, and thereby proved itself the or Purs tciAivs^jfJJ—a medicine, for which all mankind " ill have abundant cause to bless the beneficent hiid ot a kind Providence, —a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portray ed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral v.sits to the sick chamber; by which ir A ; ’-s tiny often become the happy instruments cf i hanging despondency into hope, rirknev- into h* ,’tii, and sadness of friends into joyfnlntvs. *2 3 1 q ? GOELICKE’Sisn medicine r f more vshio to man than vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of our globe,— a medicine, which is ob tained- jnally from the vegetable, a ii» il i. min era! kingdoms, <\urt possesses a tu ;>:k-fold power.—a medicine, which thougn designed a remedy for consumption solely. is possessed of a mysterious influence ov -r m inv diseases of the 1 man system,— a medicine, which biginrstobc valued by 1 Inpu aris .w! arc daily witnessing its astonishing cuts of rr.any whom they had ie sigued to the g’aspot tne ! xsa i iarlf. (!i; , vs. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for infants, a quar ter drop: the directions explaining the of taking ahalfora quarter drop. 9 A cerrificats from thro- members o!' :hc MEDICAL PROFESSION m G, v . in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in Germany are well aware that, by out rour-x, we may forfeit the friendship of some of tar fa. culry, but not of its benevolent member*, who r.rc uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though we shall refrain Irom an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke’s new doctrine, we are happy to' see that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known—for what our eyes behold -end our ears bear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis OfTon Gnelieae first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and a new medicine, wc he'd him in the highest con tempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor and the prince of quacks. Rut, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were, induced, from motives of curiosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless pa tients; and we now derm it ourbnunden duty (even at the expense of ourself interest) publicly to ac knowledge its efficacy in curing not only consump tion, but other fearful maladies, which we have heretofore believed to be incurable. Our con tempt for the discoverer of this medirine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at there unexpected results; and, as amends for our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philanthropist, who does honor to the profession, and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of this medicine into some of our European hospitals is a sufficient guaranty that it perforins all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used it is its own best witness. HERMAN ETMULLER, M. D WALTER VAN GAULT, M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. p>. Germany, December 10, 1 -US. bbb b b b P -t? Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con., July ST IS3R. S r—A most wonderful cure has lately effect ed, through th« virtues of Dr. Goelick’s Sanative, 'in the case of an elderly gentleman, who was far •one and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY BY HIS FAMILY PHYSICAL. He is now compara tively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myself a few days since, in company with hie wife starting on a journey to the west ru part of this •State. lie ascribes his escape from jhe vary laws of death, and his recovery to health solely to the astonishing virtues of the Match?*-*-* S -.native. If- is J man possessing 3 snuit pro-iett*-, but ‘nvs H*. “1 WOULD WILLINGLY PAY oNE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE . BOTTLE OF IT, IF r CQULD NOT PUR CHASE TT FOR A LESS PRICE. To him she SfiitatrTO te \]) vain*. WATER GODDEDL, P. M. Tim above medicine for sale h v Xti-OMAS GAR DNER, A gent, 7* Y*h jo * c:o \ 1 «u— — jko THE subscribers have associated 4> tli*ni‘„ he* together as COM MIS SION '-lEUCtIANTS, under the aaiue ami stvic of ! &. a*£TTH#Co* try have purchased the commodious WARE UOv ;r,E aud CLOSE STORE, lateiy occupied • >' Jiuitigan, Lauie..ce A Cos. where they will re ceive COT i'ON or GOODS instore, artJ advance t only upon cotton in their possession aud under jth control. I heirenarges will be as customa ry. , The business will be conducted by John D. Pitts. We solicit the p itronage of the public, and are prepared to give Columbus prices for Col ton. JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nov. 10 S3 ts J. li. STARR, FOaWARDINS AND COMMISSION ME HCIIAST, Ss> £Z>e City SS. Joseph, Fla. h au «y 19,1839. G R O 0 E rTesT" The subscriber oilers for sale at his Store i•» Fiorence, a large ami MEM tirocerics. Which Lc Wiii sell npr r reasou;;ble terms for cash only. J. B. MORGAN, Jnnnray 19, lcibD. DISSOLUTION. rrHE fir-11 of GAR DNER Ac HARVEY was * dissolved by mutual cotiseot, ou the 7th imst. Those tni'.ebtea to ftm lirtn are earnestly request ed to call ou T. Gardner ami settle the claims a gaiost them. THO: GARDNER, Jan 12 49 JOHN P. HARVEY. DRY GOODS. ~ f|3HE subset!oer having recently replenished ■ t his stork, invite ;htir customers ,iud the public geiicraily. lo a 1 md ex mine for them selves. 11 is moos are new and well selected ana iic is offi-ring them on as good terms as any in the market. His stock consists in part of the following : Woolens, Saftinetts, A variety of Broad Cioths, Circassians. Merinos, Bombazines and Romba/.ettes, Red and White Flannel, A good assortment of Menrty tJSmlc Clothing, A large supply ofHOO UfS and SHOES, 6 K'iTKEMEN S AiNU LADIES iSi'adieß Sc Crocker ts, Jdurdivnre and Cutlery, With a variety of other articles suitable to the season, which he takes great pleasure in offering in his c'txtoiri-ers and the public, at Lis new store on the North side Centre street. Jan 1-> 40 THO: GARDNER. * NEW STORK TEST RECEIVED and for sale, a general as sortment of •yew English Goods, all of the first class. >-:4 which will he sold CHEAP and on accommodating tei ms. The public are re spectfully invited to give us a call. SMITH <A WINFREY. Dec. 1 35 , ' |‘P'K SUBSCRIBERS have jast received a fl- select lot of GROCERIES, w hich they offer on reasonable terms for Cash. ROOD &TALMAN. Dec 15 37 ts mHOMAS G A RDNER has just received a -a. good supply of , White Lead, Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil, Sperm Candles, Anri Soap, Which he offers to his frienris and the pub lic cheap, for Cash. Jj i 12 43 DISSOLUTION. “ rITE firm of Roqn tc Si;rjtoi-n is this riav dissolved by mutual consent, the uus icons will be settled by either of the late firm. A. P. ROOD, C. B. SEYMOUR. Lumpkin. Jan. lf>, 1859. 41 STOCK S «AL E. f.N consequence of other engagements requir ing my personal attention, | offer for sale inv stock in trade at Boxat.kle, the stand is equal to the best in the county. The stock consists of such articles as are usually kept in a country store, Dry Gooch, Hardware, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, and tit. many articles to form an assortment. — i he above stand is in the 24th district of Stewart countv, connected with the Post Office known as Chisholm’s P. O. For terms apply to the sub scriber on the premise*. JAMES M. MILNER. T The Lands are now rented for the third oftheir productions—Cotton, corn and fodder. I Feb f> 44 NOTE LOST. ~ T OST, some lew weeks ago, a Note of hand a J made by Alexander Morse, pay able to John Me. Neal oro.der, for 23 dollars, 18$cents, due sometime in November last. All persons are fore warned from trading for the above note. A suit able reward will be grveu for its delivery to _£4 SIMON GO'S LIN NOTICE. persons are hereby cautioned against tra ding for two promissory notes given by uiv vehsomeiimc in the fall of 1837, and due the 25th December last; one to John Martin for two hun dred dollars, With a credit on the same of about eighty dollars. The other was given to David M art m, for what amount rot now recollected, con ' fairing two credits, and fifty or sixty dollars dne jou it. As the consideration tow which said notes Iv. ere give has failed, \am determined-not to par them unless compelled by law. JOHN M. TURNER. F.-b 9 43 at . SSlimb Voiek ’ FOR SALE AT 'HHS OFFIC3. THE GEORGIA MIRROR. Vfcir«7rf Siu rifi Sales, ILL be sold, on the hist '1 ue.->day in "» MARCH next, before the court hoUsc ducr :a the town ol Lumpkiu, Stewart county, be tween the usual hours ot sale, the tolluwing pro perty, to v. it: Lot of Land, No. 218, in the 22d district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Thomas Betty, to satisfy one Fi Fa. issued out of De- Kalb superior court, iu favor of Stewart & Har groves vs. said Betty. Also, one sorrel mare, eight year- old, taken as the property of Nedam Ilarvill, to satisfy one F 1' a issue-1 out of Stewart inferior court, in favor of Dickers op A Rice vs said Ilarvill. Also, Lotof Land, No. 12, in the 23d district ol Stewart county, taken as the property of John Davenport, to satisfy one Fi Fa issued out ot Stewart inferior court, in favor of Hill, Laurence <A Cos. vs said Davenport. Also, one bay hor-.e, taken as the property o! John W. Thompson, to satisfy one Fi Fa. issu ed out of Stewart inferior court in favor ol C. C. A.S. W. Brooks, vs said Thompson. Also, No. 18, in the 2otii district Stewart conu tv, taken as the property of Charles Ingram to ■itis v sundry Fi Fas issued out of a justices court of Washington county, in favor of Nathan Hil liard vs said Ingrain. Also, Lot of Land No. 197, in the 24th district of Stewart county, taken as the property ot James Beard, to satisfy two Fi Fa3. issued out of Stew art inferior court, one in favor of Jernigan, Lau rence A Ce. tne other in favor of John West. M. M. FLEMING, Shoriff. Jan. 3#, 1939. 43 POS T LONE 13 SA LB. TJt RSdA.Yu so an ftrder of the rourt of or -- dioa ry of Randolph county, will ba sold, on the fir«t Tuesday in APRIL next, brtor- the Court House door inCuthbert, two back lots. No not known; also, the.south half of Lot ot Land. No. 39, in the 6th district, joining town. Also, nt the Court House door in Baker county. Lot ©l Ijand No. 2-14, iu the 12tb district originally Lee, told as the property of John Movnard, dr ceoeed MARY P. MAYNARD, AHm’rx. Feb. 1, 18*9. 43 f j NDER an order of the Inferior Court of vJ .Stewart county, white sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday ir MARCH next, before the Court House door r the town of Lumpkin, .Stewart countv, Lot o' Land No. 43, in the 23d district of said counts, it o-ing the real estate ot George Shaw, deceased, lor the benefit of the heirs anti creditors of said deceased, Terms made known on the day. JOHN BLACKSHEAR, Adm’r. Dec. 15 37 OUR MONTHS after date application will Abe mstle to the honorable the Inferior court of the county of Sumter, while sitting for ortiina ry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate ol John B. Cannon, deceased. HENRY DYKES, Adm’r Amencus. Nov. 10, 1838. 35 FOUR MONTHS after tlate apple cation will be rrjada to the honorable the inferior Court of Sumter caupty-, when sitting as a Court of Or dinary, for leave to sell Lot ot Land No. 220, and part ©t Lot No. 219, in the 30th district of said county, belonging to the estate of John Mathews. MOSES MATHEWS. Guardian. Sumter co. Nov. 8.1938. 33 GEORG lA—Sumte r county. %.M/ HERKAS, F. r. Han-on applies to me v v lor letters of Administration on fhf esfj’ht! of Elmira Hanson, late of this county, deceas ed : This is therefore, to cite and admonish a’l and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law, to file their objections, if any they have, why said letters of administration should not be granted. Given umlermy hand, at office, this #3d day of January, 1889. ' EDMUND NUNN, 43 «. c. -o I»rs. R. & K. YVIEEIAIIS, 11 A YiNG permanently located themselves in -®- -B- FLORENCE, respectfully tender their professional services to the citizens thereof ami the surrounding country. From ihe success which has heretofore attend ed th'-ir practice, they flatter themselves that they will be enabled to give general satisfaction to their patrons. One, or both, may be found at their office when not professionally engaged. Jan 26 42 ; 'DR.'T...HATTRTDTJ’E OESPECTF LILLY tenders his services in -2-F< the practice of MEDICINE AND SURGERY, to the citizens of Florence and its vicinity, and hopes, by unremitting attention to merit a" share ot the public confidence. Dr. Jl. may always be found, except when pro fessionally engaged, at his office on Broad street, lately occupied by the Georgia Mirror. Jan 5,1839 39 Dr. Wen. Ts. SlnrdvsieSi, LUMPKIN, GA. C 1 AN, at all times be found hv those wishing his > services, at his oifice. or the house of M. McCttllar, Esq. when not professionally engaged. Jan 26 42 LAW" K() TICE. IJHE undersigned having moved to Lumpkin, - will practice Law iu the County of Stewart and the adjacent counties. All business entrust ed to his care will be promptly attented to. January 11. 1838. E. W. RANDLE. J. A. 11. HACOM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WJ ILL attend the Courts of the CHATTA v t HOOCHEE CIRCUIT. Nov. 25 35 ly AUorney at L»w, FLORENCE, STEAVART, COUNTY, C.\ April tfc 7~ WANTED ” A T tbisoftre. an active, industriops and infel s- A- hgent lad as an apprentice to the Printing .lusmess. Great pains will be taken to m ike him master ot his trade, as well asiiwticular attention ‘ to bis moral deportment. I Dec. to. 37 FLORENCE ACADE \ IT. f SHiK exercise of me Mat- Department ol the ■- i Academy, w.,| conunrtic on Mon day next, 7th inst. under the Kupermtendence of •ir. Gkokge J. M.C'LiSKEV, who comes wc.fl recommended as an instruc-ter of youth. The toKov. ing will lie the rates of tuition,' ;>or quarter : Orthography, Reading and I’ermianship, g-l 00 do do do with Arithmetic, 600 English Grammar and Geography, 6 00 Higher English Branches, 8 00 ■Languages. 10 00 The I emale Department will commence on the same day, under the direction of Miss Marga kf.t Harvef, and the Department of .Music tin !er ti e charge of Miss Wright. Os Miss Har vey s qualifications the i’rustees deem it uuneces -ni v to speak, as hey are too well known to re inire any recommendation from them. Miss \\ tight brings with her the best evidences of her capability to discharge her duties with the ut most satisfaction, and the Trustees do not hesitate t) recommend tier to the patronage of the public, i ne terms ot tuition, will he the same as state ibove, and for Drawing and Painting. > jo qq M usie alone, 16 00 do witit other branches, qq qq Needlework an extra charge cf 3 co Board can he had, for nr. 5 and females, in the most icspectatde houses, at reasonable prices. _J m. 5 39 BY THE TRUSTEES. • f¥£ “ ¥ 1 . ic\ non* fi i % Randolph co. ga. h '' 1 fr- Trustees oi this institution take pleasure dfc. ip inlprihing tneir friends and the public that they hare succeeded in obtaining the services of Mr. John W. Thompson , for the present year. Mr. T has been for a number of years engaged in he instnicticn ot youth, arp! cymes weil recoin tiemled both as an English arid Classical teacher, 1 and they do not hesitate 111 pronouncing as their j 4 ion ,at those who tnav :>at:onize the insti iiMtoi: w. 1 h- perfectly satisfied with the advance ment o‘ tbnr children a”d the good management of the school. TI.KKS OF T I'IT ION PER QUARTER. bor < )rthog> tpny, Reading and Writing, §4 00 do do with Arithmetic, 500 English Grammar and Geography, (> 00 Canguages, on BY THE TRIT -TF - Fe Ir. j. 1839 4 1 3 r pa s» \is g tnt! nitft&ft, r ffJIIE Subscribers have ju«t opei ed their Fall “ ai| d k^ T inier . 'lock ol fine and superfine Let ter, Cap, and larger PAPERS, most of which has ueen purchased direct from the manufactures. Stationary of every kind, Sdnnk Books, for city or country trade, Pocket Books, Pen Knives, 6c c. Which they will sell on accommodating terms, l or cify acceptances. Blank Books made to order. Printers supplied with Printing Paper, Ink, Ac. of the best quality. BURGES fc WALKER, Stationer’s Hall, 85 East Bay. Charleston, S. C. U» w 1m ALABAMA LANW~ FOR SALE. V HA L F 9 14 50 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 it 39 S. half 7 14 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 36 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 )6 30 E. half 21 22 E. half 22 13 N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 15 04 S. half 29 16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any ot the above Lauds will be sold on trvrr to suit purchasers, by application to John D. S’, c.sq. I* lorenco, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Ma- J. COWLES. July 26 18 rRdSPEtTIS ' TO THE THIRD VOLUME OF THE Containing Quarterly Fashion Plates, Illustrated Articles, tpc. THE CHEAPEST PERIODICAL IN THE WORLD. {N commencing anew volume, the publisher - would take occasion to observe, that not only yvil! the same exertions be continued, which have secured to his subscription list an unexampled in rrease, but his claims upon the public favor will beenha need by every means which unceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal expendi ture can command. The subjoined is a btjef plan of the work : Its Original Papers will be so varied as to form a combination of the useful with the enter taining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of uskeci. science, essays, tales, and roETRT which may deserve the name. It is the publishers design to make the Visiter agreeable to the old and the young—to the scrim and the gay—-to mingle the valuable with the a inusing—and to pursue the tenor of his way with the entertainment of good feelings toward all Du ties. v TERMS.—The Visiter is published every oth er Saturday on fine white paper, each number will contam 24 largo super-royal octavo pages, enveloped in a C-fie printed cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nearly 600 at the very low price of $1 .5 cents por annum’ in advance, or 6., cents per number payable on de livery. Post Masters, and others who will procure our subscribers and eoclose Five Dollars to the pro prietor shall receive the sth copy eratis. All orders addressed to the publisher, 49 Ches ttUt Street, post ]»airi, will reeeive immediate at tention. Editors, by copying this prospectus and ml ng a paper of the same to tire office, shall r eive the Viviler for oof» year. 17(7*1'. ~ ~ ONE No c on f ».ichet tY Jernigan for Sevenrv fivc Dollars, due Fum;-v Is:, 1 < :9, one ior fifteen dollars, due Ist Oct. 18;;8,oti Mernt Jones .Tolm Stuckey. Ja:r I* 4iD ’ rOR AM. FRO Si EL TLs o> THE I'jtKUUCrB is*.<»,»* % Hfsj e:L rfc 'I I | i ‘, lS i a l, ‘ uuu, ’> devoted 7nic*i. O Literatlke, bin occasionally findiui rwom also :or articles that fail with,,, ,iie' 4 Science: and not professing «n entire ,hs ;• °" tastefiil stltciions, though its matter has be 77 ° it will continue to be, 1.1 the mam, onacnal. Party Politics, a , i ecntroversial Theoioon far as possible, are jealously excluueti. 9 Lev’ sometimes so blended .v„h discussions in iLZ* ture 01 in moral science, otherwise unebie, ~ able, as to gain admittance for the sake ot o' more v aluable matter to hich they adhere - It whenever that happens they are not p. anaiy. j i te y are dross, tolerated only be t nuse it cannot well be severed trom the sv'h„, * 01 e wheiewitli 1; ,s incorporated. * KtVit and • RITICAL Ao T, occupy their due space (il ltl e work: and it lf4 ih e Fdmi- , tha, they should have a threefold tendency -!« convey, m a condensed form, such valuable truths or interesting incidents as are embodied i™ he woms reviewed,—to direct the readers attent on o books that deserve to be read—and to warL him agamst wasting time aud money upon that i.u iie number, winch merit only to be burned |„ this age 01 puoli'-ations that by their variety and uiuiinuiie, uisuact and oveiwhelrtm every midis ernmnatmg student, impartial criticisV erned bythe views just mentioned, is one ’ most inestimable and imi.spensable ot ■,7, ,■ ,he to him who dots wish to discriminate. har,es Lssavs and i ale;s, having in vu-iv r, musement, or botb-HisxoßicAL sketch 's ?, Ke.mimse.nces of events too minute for H 7 and yet emcidating it, and height,,mg ,L ’ may be regarded as forming th* staple o h work And of indigenous Poetrt, enough l 8 published sometimes of no mean strain t? V* and talents 01 our count;-', ,J h f til, E s a Ppear, for several reasons, to de mand such a work—and not one alone, but mam ihe public mind is feverish and irritated stil from recent political strifes: The soft, assuasive influence of Literature is needed, to allav th-t fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly Hrenolmg abroad :—They should be driven hi indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, mto rhe’r fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an mi ' j > o|!t»rtion of our people .-—Every .spin, vrt ,n n,,,tu ' n ' to arouse the enlighten' . and to inciease their number, so that th*- great enemy of popular government may no lo> ger brood, like a portentous cloud, ovei the des times of our country. \nd to artomplisk al tliese ends, what more powerful agent can be e,n ployed, than a periodical on the plan ol the Me* senger; if that plan be but carried out m ora, tice ? 1 r peculiarly requires such an ag -; In all the Union, south ot \\ ashington, th* re r but two Literary periodicals! Northward ot *h city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thnty. Is this contrast Justified by the wealth, the leisure (he native talent, or the actual fiferarr t ,ste oi the Southern people, compared with those of Northern? Vo: for in wealth ra cuts and taste, we may justly cimm, at least, • epiality with our brethren , n d a don estic ins*, tmion exclusively our own, beyond all doubt <<• fords us, H we choose, twice the leisure for read Juki writing which thf*y enjoy. It was from a deep sense of this local want, that the word Southern was engrafted on this 1 eri odiral ; and not with any design to nourish lorn prejudices, or to advocate supposed local intei csts. frr from any such thought, it is the Lrj tors fervent wish, to see tne North and South bout.d endearingly together, forever, iu the silken bands 01 mutual kindness and affection. Fai from meditating hostility tu the north, he has ai ready drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw, mu*h ot h.s choicest matter thence; and ham v mured will htf deem hims, If, should his pages, I > , a!, t r r j, 1 rrg * 11 ! now the other better contri hme :r, any essential degree todi j el (he lowerinfi '•■cues thai now threaton the peace of both at, to brighten and strengthen the sacred lies of ir. ternal loye. The Southern Literary Messenger has now been inexistence four years—the present No. commencing ihe nry-fi volume. Low iai it has aefer- out ihe ideas here uttered, is not for the. r to say; he believes, however, that it falls i ot further short of them, than human weakness us' - v m ikes Futctirr, fall short of Theo, , CONDITIONS 1 ■ ihe Southern L teraiy ideesrngeris r*il‘ ashed in monthly numbers, cl 64 large sure, royal octavo pages each, on the best of 1 apt r, arse neatly covered, at $5 a year-payable in advance 2. Or five new subscribers, by sending tlieir names and &2 0 at or.e time to the editor, will re their copies for one year, far that sum, or at $4 for each. ■>. J he risk oi loss cf payment* for subscrip turns, which have been properly committed t« the m;u., 01 to the hands of a post master, is assum ed by the editor. 4. ll a subscription is not directed to be dis continued lief ore tl e first nun ic ol the next vol ume has been published, it will betaken as a ron tinuance for another year. Subscription* must commence with the beginning of the volume, and v.’ I not be taken for less than a year’s pnb licatiou. 5. The mntnal obligations *f th* publisher and snltscriber, f*,r the y*ear, are fully incurred as soon as 1 hit first number of the volume is issued: and Hiter that time, no discontinuance of a subscrip don will he permitted. Nor will a subscription be discontinued for any earlier notice, while any thing thereon remains clue, unites t the option of the Editor. JOBPKINTING. C CONNECTED with the office of the MIR- J ROR, is a splendid assortment of And we are enabled to excute all kind of Job work, in the neatest manner and at the shortest notice. , 18lUk»IR8» Os every description will constantly be kept otf hand, such as INDICTMENTS, DECLARATIONS, SUBPtKNAS, JURY SUMMONSES, EXECUTIONS. COST EXECUTIONS. SHERIFF’S BILLS OF SALE, do DEEDS, LAND DEEDS, JUS. SUMMONSES, do EXECUTIONS, \nd a great many others for Justices, of *!*« f I'onec, Jx.\*ccpron»,A'c.