The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, March 05, 1839, Image 4

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J q «3 ■'} [ i ramified from ttu Citnxan. 1 I-OYIS OFFOA OF GERMAN Y THE GREATEST OF lil'MAs ELNE FAC i O RS. Citizens if Xc- c*i Si'Ah America, fflj L;*ci» Oi r.'.t Ci >kl:cke, M. I). of Ger .B- ma-v, Europe b! • . iue imperii h.tlile nou (irui addm; a m:w ... r.\ -:t m. s mrmSl! to tiie S.-,« ic.j of W-■ iic:.i»*---a <! iTrine which, tb:>u 2ti Y“h -.ii opposed i•. many ol the (a raitv, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to be ?s well fouuded in trail) as any doc trine of tloiv Writ-- a doctrine, u - on the verity of winh ar * • os; e u!e.l the lives of millions of our t ace, and which h : boldly ch-liemres Ins oppo -scra to refti-e, viz: Contain plum it a disease al~ ■i.'.i . occa to ■■ lbya di sortie edslatt tjf / is V\ (or L'ft Prineip: ) of the hut; an body, (xf’oftin serrctiylu kig in the system far years before there f the least complaint rtf the b.‘jngrPQ---and which may be as certainly, though not so quickly, cured, cs u common mid or « sina.-U headache. An invai luioiy precious doctrine this. as it i>i■ r -is an im portant lesson to the apparently hraltr.y of Loth sexes, teaching them that this insY'.ius foe may be a:i unobserved inmateoftheir “clayey houses" even while th y iniur'ine themselves secure IYo ... its attacks, t -a* hi tig them that TU E GREAT SECRET IN THE ART OF PRESERVING HE ALTH IS TO PLUCK OF V THE DIS EASE WillLE it THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustrious benefactor of man i, also cn t; - Ue.ltoonr unfeigufJ gratitude, and the gratitude es a world, fer the invention of his MATCH LESS SANATIVE, —whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common ene my both in the first and hist stages,---a medicine which h..s throughly til ltd the varum in the Materia Medica. and thereby proved itself the of Phis icians^.UQ —a medicine, for which nil mankind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent band ot a kind Providence,—a medicine whose v oadrous virtues have been so glowingly portray ed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber: bv which means they often become the happy instruments of changing despondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends into joyfulness. H n R H R *. e I y V GOELICKF/S is a medic n° -finaio value to man than the vast mb.•*« »i 'u ir or pvi n the uni" ! treasures of o*»rglo'»e. t tnedi hr.e. which is ob tained equally from t • power—-a -u- 1•• wh ; cii thou in designed as a remedv fi<r co'—a nyi'v; rlelv. p assessed of a nyslerii . , .... - ascs of the ) .man system,— a r.ediei* •, vl bl (i-grirtobe valued by 1 • ■ -ens .s’ j are dTv witness] ig its astonish) ig cures of many whom tii v had re signed n the g’a«;>of thtf Insa iv i.r. Grave. DuSE o: th" S.tna ? ive, t r ndahs, one drop; fur children, a ball drop; and for iufi Ts, n rinar ter drop; th*- directions t ic manner of taking a ha'., cr a rpurtr r drop. Snr r n r i v i 11 y i A Ct of th* MEDICAL PROFESSION in Gciuuiuy, in E urope. AA c, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine in Germany are well aware that. 1 our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the f.i cul v, bit not of its 8 * vulcnt mtmh rs, who are motives. T 1 ongh >• * shall retrain Irom n expi -sion of otn opinion, cither of tlte soim lot vs or tm .utind.-icss oi Dr. Goelicke’s new dirOmr, we arc happy to' say t hat we dt etn his Smut;.;; too valual) l ** net to he generally ktiowa- for wlmt our eyes behold end our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby stat -, that when Dr Louis Offou Goelicke first cliine before the German pub ic, the pretended discoverer of anew do trine and a new medicine, we li ! l him in the highest con tempt, believing, ami o; -nly pronouncing him to he a base i m poster an ! the pi ince of quacks. Hut, on hearing so much ja and about the Sanative, against it and tor it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless pa tients; and we now deem it om bontiden duty (even «t the expense of our self interest) publicly to sc knowlc lge its efficacy in curing not only comump tion, but other fearful m,*’ idles, which we have heretofore beliryai to ’,y incurable. Oar con tempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at swallowed np in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results: and, as abends for our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philanthropist, who does honor to th" profession, and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of this medicine into some * r our European hospitals is a sufficient guavacty that it performs all its promises. It .needed no"? our testimony for wherever it is us'd it is its own best witness. HERMAN ETMULEEV. M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT. M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M D. Germany, December 10, 1838. bbb h h b Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con., Ju’v 20, IS3B. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately effect ed, through the virtues of Dr. Goelick's Sanative, "in the case of an elderly gentleman, who was tar gone and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY h Y li!S L AMlIi V PHY SIC AN. He is now compara tively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myself a few days since, in company with Ins wife starting on a journey to the western part of r is 'State. He ascribe* hi*escape irom the very jaws flf death, and his recovery to health solely to the vtstonishing virtues of the Matchless Sanative. ,He is a man possessing n snug property, but snvs he. “I WOULD WILLINGLY PAY ONF THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF IT, IF I COULD NOT PUR CHASE IT FOR A LESS PRICE. To him the Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODELL, P. M. Tin* above medicine for sale by * „ GARDNER AgeDt. " Jaaiigry ?5, 1'833 X2W (O *\ HOUSE* i [ themselves together as COM MIS lERCHANTS, under the me and at vie of * if. M*+TTB4r to. Tbev 11 *•- •’ ■ ;In e l tiie commodious WARE HOUSEau: CLOSE STORE, lateiy occupied La are: ce 6c Cos. where they will re ceive Cu l ’fi -S or GOODS instore, and advance only upon cotton in their possession and under their control. I keircharges will be as customa ry. Tire business wii! he conducted by John D. Pitts. We solicit the patronage of the public, and are prepared to give Columbus prices tor Col ton. JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nov. 10 33 tl J. B. STARK, FG.TiVARDfNG AND COMMISSION MERCHANT i u« Ihe OJy ol’Si. Joseph, Fla. January 19, 1839. G IiOCEKIES* 'i'he subscriber oilers fur sale at j/ Ida Stora in Florence, a large and " e!l a,sorleil stotk of n'iW-fZisrin ■ u; rocerifs. Which he will sell upxa reasonable terms for cash only. J. B. AiORGAN, ray J . 1839. ' SOLI) WON. h ii olvedby mutual consent, uu the Tthinst. \ hose tiidf-bie.! to the firm aic earueatty request ed to call on T. Gardner and settle the claims a gainsl th :n. THO: GARDNER, Jau 12 40 JOHN P. HARVEY’. DRY GOODS. f'IHE subscriber having recently rojileuished Jl ins stock, invite their customers and the public generally, to call and examine fierthem selvcs. Ilis goods are new and well selected and he is otf l ing them on as good terms as any in the market. His stock consists iu pari of the following; Woolens, Sattinetts, A variety of Broad Cloths, Circassians, Merinos, Bombazines and Bombnzettes, Red and White Flaunel, A good assortment of ypafl’j ,13a< 1e Clot hit fc. A large supply of BOOTS and SHOES, OEXTKKMF.Jf’S ASu LADIES Bridles Ac Jflartingals, ('r ickertj, Hardware and, 'Cutlery, a variety of other articles suitable to the it, which he takes great pleasure in offering to his customers and the public, at his new e on rim North side Centre street. 40 THO: GARDNER. NEW STORE. ~ ST RECEIVED and for sale, a general as »> sortment of cVeiV ilitglish fa cods, all ofiii iirst class, and which will besold CHEAP and on accommodating teims. The public averc spcctiullj invited to give us a call. SMITH ft WINFREY. Dee. i : rrrilE SUBSCRIBERS have just received a .i. t elert lot of GROCERIES, which thev offer on reasonable terms for Cash. ROOD A TALMAN. Per l’» 37 ts v H<OJAS GARDNER has just received a -5- good supply of White Lead, Linseed Oil. Lamp Oil, Sperm Candl s, A.ttd Soap, M hich lie oilers to his friends and the pub lic ehoap, for Cash. Jan 12 43 ""dissolution. rpilF. firm of J. B. Mobcan A: Cos. was dis -15 s.-.l .ed by mutual consent on the l3tti inst. The business in inter will icted hy J. I>. Morgan. IE MORGAN, J. B. BROWN. Feb. If) 4> 31 ~ »ISSOLUTION.’ *"PHE firm of lvoor> fc Seymour is this day dissolved hy mutual consent, the business will be settled bv either of the late firm. A. P. ROOD, C. B. SEYMOUR. Lumpkin. Jan. Ifi, 1839. 41 tl’r.h Hardiricb, LUMPKIN, OA. AN, tit all times l;c found by those wishing liis services, at Ins office, or the house of M. McCullar, Esq. when cot professionally mgaged. Jan 26 42 Dw. R.& z. MAYING permanently Heated themselves in h LORENCE. respectfully tender their professional services to the citizens thereof and the surrounding country. f roni the success which has heretofore attend cr! tii-nr jiractice, they Hatter themselves that they will be enabled to give general satisfaction to their patrons. One, or both, msy be found at their office when not professionally engaged. Jan 26 42 '“TijTjTH ART RIDGE II'ULLY tenders liis services in -■-wa the practice of MEDICINE AND SURGERY, to the citizens of I lorence and its vicinity, and hones by unremitting attention to merit a" share ol the public confidence. Dr. 11. may always be found, except when pro ftwsicnally engaged, at his office on Broad street, lately occupied by the Georgia Mirror. Jan 5,1839 39 lUtoriicv at Law, FLORENCE, STEWART, COUNTY’, OA I Aprn Tfi TIIE GEORGIA MIRROR. Startert Sheriff Sales. ILJL< be sold on the first 'l t.rrdi y n it MARCH next, before the iou:t hi u-e door in the town of Lumpkin, .Stewart county, b tween the usual hours of sale, the followi g p-o perty, to wit; Lot of Land, No. 218, in the 22d district e Stewart county, taken as the property of Thomas Betty, to satisfy one Ei Fa. issued out of De Kalb superior court, iu favor of Stewart A Far groves vs. said Betty. Also, one sorrel mare, eight year- chi, taken .. toe property of Nedam Harvill, to satisty one F Fa issued out of Stewart inferior court, in favor of Dickerson & Rice vs said Ilarvili. , Also, Lot of Land, No. 12, in the 23d district of Stewart county, 'aken as the property of John Davenport, to satisfy one Fi Fa issued out of Stewart inferior court, iu favor of Hill, Laurenc <Y Cos. vs said Davenport. Also, one bay ffor-e. taken as the property ol John W. Thompson, to .satisfy one Ei Fa. i-su ed out of Stewart inferior court in favor of C. C. ic S. W. Brooks, vs said Thompson. Also, No. 18, in the 25th district Stewart coun ty, taken as the property of Charles Ingram to satisfy suudry Fi Fas issued out of a justices conn of Washington county, in fiver of Nathan D.i iiard vs said Ingram. Also, Lot of La:xl No. 197, in the 24ib district of .Stewart county, taken as the property of James Beard, to satisfy two Fi Fas. issued out of Stew art inferior court, one iu favor of Jernigam, Lau rence be Cos. the other in favoi of John ’/est. M. M. FLEMING, S ben if. Jan. 30. 1839. 43 Stewart Sheriff Sales. vA/"ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in i v APRIL next, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following pro perty, to wit: Nos. 100, 99. 94 and the North half of No I 125, all in the 25th I)ist. Stewart county; Also one fine four wheel carriage, one sorrel horse, one roan colt, one set of black smith tools, and one gray mare, all taken as the property ol' Larkin Reynolds to sattisfv a Fi Fa isssued out of the Superior Court of Stewart county, in favor of Sarah Nelson, vs. Larkin Reynold*. Also, a negro man by the name of Doeior. thir ty five years old, to satisfy a Mortgage Fi Fa is sued out of Stewart Inferior Court, in favor of Samuel Williams vs. Laban Morgan. Also, No. 70 in the 18th Dist. of said county, taken as the property of Laban Morgan, to -< tis fv a Fi Fa issued out of Stewart Inferior Court, in favor of William Stafford. Adm’r Also, the following negtoes to wit: Dave a man forty years old,Sally a woman thirty five years old, Nancy a*gir! lOyears old,Frances agirl seven vein* old. Mary a girl three years old, all taken as the property of Robert Bird, to satisfy two Fi Fas issued out of Hancock Superior Court in favor of David Smith vs. Robert Bird. M. M. FLEMING, Sheri.T. POSTPONED SALE. At the same time and place will he soM, one third part of Lot No. 247 in tl-e 25th Dist. of said county, taken as the property of Jno. McLain, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of Gwinnett Superior Court in favor of Franklin C. Hurd vs. said John McLain. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Feb. 36, 1839 46 JLee Sheriff sales. AI7ILL besold, on the first Tuesday in V T APRIL next, at the court house door in the town of Stnrksville. within the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: John S. Jenkins’ interest and improvement in Lot oi Land No. one hundred and for'y. in tiie Kith district of originally Dooly, but iev Fee county, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued trom a Just;. . -; court ot Lee County, in favor of William J. Ford —Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made anti returned to me by a (-unstable. Also, Iloweil Alsabrook’s interest and improve ment in Lots of land Nos. two and three, in tire 16th district of originally Dooly, but now Lee county, to satisfy two Fi Fas. issued from the Superior Court of Lee county, in favor of John Land vs Iloweil Alsabronk and Alford Alsabrook. Property pointed out by A- Alsabrook. Also, Lots Nos. 60, 52, C 4. 65 and 66. in the Tow ii of Starktvi le, containing 43 ecus, more or less, well improved—Levied on as the property of John Sherrard, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Superior court ol Lee county, in favour ol Davis Smith Ar •. < Jonn Slierrard and Robeit G. Ford—proof ,> pointed out hy R. G. Ford. Lots No. 185. N0.186 Fraction No. 199. in the loth disiricl of originally-Dooly, but now Lee county, with the exception of £0 acres on Lot No. 186—Levied on as the property ot Robert G. Ford to raiisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Supe rior court rs Lee county in favor of LaVis Smith <Y co. vs John Sh rrard and Robert G. Ford. Property pointed cut by John Sherrard. A Do. ini of and No. 59, in the'lst distr-ct of Lee—Levied < n s the pr p< r:y of Charles T. Harrison to satisfy a Fi Fa n favor oi the Infe rior Court of Lee inst said linrrbon principal, and < fifi Smith ml William .1 lord securi ties. orty po need in ti v Grist n Smith. A TYSON, She lift. Feb- 59 *39. 46 POSTPONED SALE. PURSUANT to an order of the court of or dinary of Randolph county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door inCuthbert, two back lots. Nos. not known; also, thesouthhalf of Lot of Land, No. 39, in the 6th district, joining town. Also, at the Court House door in Baker county, Lot of Land No. 2 >4,in the 12th district originally Lee, sold as the property of John Maynard, de ceased. MARY T. MAYNARD, Adm’rx. Feb. 1,1839. 43 TTNDKR an order of the Inferior Court of Ev Stewart county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart county. Lot of Land No. 43, in the 23d district of said county, it being the real estate of George Shaw, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav. JOHN BLACKSHEAR, Adtn’r. Dec. 15 37 FOUR MONTHS after date application will he nude to the honorable the inferior court of the county of Sumter, while sitting for ordina ry purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John B. Cannon, deceased. HEMtY DYKES, Adm’r Amenctrsf, Nm\ id, 1533. 35 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. I VI ILL be &oIJ on te first Tuesday m July » i e.\t at the i -Yurt i .ou-e door m the coun y 1.1 Sumter, bit ol laud number buy in ibe twenty e. .litii ii. ir.. t otTormcrly .te, now Sum ter comity. Sold as tiie property \\ lib* Jt-im gau deceased, lor the benefit ol the heirs and ei c.htors of said deceased, terms made known on the day of sale. BRYANT JERNIGAN, Adm’r. Amercus, Feb 9,1839. 45 i .voUR SoM I S alter <! re application will I hr- made to the honorable the inferior court of Sumter county, when sitiii tor ordinary pur pose- for rave to sell a (sari oi the real estate of Liimuiid Jo-ne*. it i.orol Wiley Jones, deceased. Y, INNEY JONES,Guardian. Feh. 4. 183:). 45 i . ( UR. MON’i US after date application will - in- »wi> to the Honorable I »»l* i ,oi Court ol (he o a vol Si ruler while si !i: g for ordinary ! purpn:- ; fi.r leave to sell lot nuinher tdty ill the ! twenty < i !.th di- trict. of formerly Lee now Sum- t ter county tn be sold }.s the pro; '-rty ol W ill.s Jer nigan decease)!, t..r the henef.t ot the heirs and creditor-- of said ih ceased. BRYANT JERNIGAN, Adis.’r. Americus, Feb. 9. 1839, 45 4m | J Ob’ A he made to the tionoral le the Infer nr »'.m i of Sumter county, when sittu-g as a ( Yen or ■ dinary, for ieav • to <?»-!! Lot oi Land No. 220. ai i "part oi Lot No. 219, m the 30th disirn-t in sa; i county, bt-lon. ing to the estate ol John Math •«». M( *' ES MATHEWS, Guardian. Sumter co. Nov. 8; 1 -'3B. 33 GEORG!/ —Eahi fi r co u n ty. Vt. lIEKEAS. F. T. Hanson aj-piies to :■ • < v idr letters ot Administration Yu the <•-: . . i of Eltnina llauson, late of this on.ns dt-e .. ed : This-b therefore, to rile and adt amisli ail i j singular, the kindred and eitalitors of said de; | ed, to appear at my onto within the tin epr i : bed by law,-to tie their f.-hjeetin s, it any t, y ! liave, why -aid letters ei admit not be granted Given Utah • . January. 1t?39 ■ ' .hi . N 43 , . , d.'iSlfiiOii is CXCti, \ GEN it. JT3L' CARLISLE e tinny h . inst. iuluriii'-d nu- tie was In.; v ir i . i tlement with a gentleman by the nun e , • - I Horn. Being acquainted v. i:h fii, tjor-.. I i't ... i on his word, and while co versing, with Um. he offered me a five dollar billon the (.'mumpin'-a* Bank of'Florida, which I refused. IF- stmed that Jlrs. Horn had sent it .by him to pawn for some change that she needed until her intsl a; • returned from Mn<*nn. As J look him t,» fit i gentleman, lie olfi : .-il to make a bill, aim . Peon seined to, and traded to the amount of $3 :'lh cents. !u a few maint i lout «i out that iie u ..< a Loafer, strolling titrnugii the roontrv, ami pur sued him, but never vertool. the villain. The said Carlisle, as wel! as i can ban from .Mr. 11. re. came from Cirawfoiii coi.i ty, rag a. In an v> with a gentleman the - . )-e int t sc : off, and w ru mi rig away. 1 will pay TEN LDLLARSfoi liis delivery in Sumter county, Ga. or FJ V K for information so that i can get him. 'i’lie said Car lisle is common • tine, daik complexion, 25 or 30 years ol ■ e, i ding a bright sorrel gi'diug. black tipped hat. ca-k over coat, nothing more particular r-.-coil! i t )l JAMES EVANS. Friemlsi ip. fi .niter eo. Ga. F.-b 3t 45 ()[/* 'i'he Boutlicrn Recorder, Georgia iinnu. Federal I t-ioo i -i Gt.-o; .-•a Jouru-d, will ;f<*ase in‘.»rt the above :hr- ■ I'.me, nut; lurwerd (h< r ac counts to Frieii-1-.ii'.p. ot*u' ca.u v i>r s< ttle menf. J. iY STOCK FOK CALL. coti.sequemie of ot iif r enga :ein>.‘i-l- rrquir - ing my personal ait<mtiou, 1 offer for sab my stock in trade at Boxnnkie, the stand i-. equal to tiie best in tie comity. The stock consists ol such articles as an- usually ! ej,t i• i a c utitry store, I ley Goods, Hardware, HATS, BCOT; N D SHOES, and tii many articles to form an a: sortmei t.— The above stand i- in the 24th di trict oi Stewart county, connected with trie Rost Office known as < hisholni’s I’. O. For terms apply to die sub senber on the premises. JAMES M. MILNER. The Lands are now rented for the third oftheir productions—button, corn and fodder. Feb fi 44 V2l SF^CTirS TO TiiK THIRD VOLCJSK OF THE I :T" •.NfGraL..:. Containing (Quarterly Cushion Plates, Illustrated Articles, Jyr. the cheapest i-eriooical rs the world. J' N coimnencmg anew volume, the publisher . would take occasion to observe, that not oniv wdl tuc same exertions be continued, v.-mcli have ; seem, -i to in s subscription list an unexampled m t ere isc, Imt his claims upon tit<- public favor will | heenh » ' i very means which unceasing en ieavij .e . ■ lactlittes, anti liberal expendi ture can command. i The subjoin, d.s „ hr., i plan of the work . Its Orioixal I'apers vnii !>e so varied as to form a combination ot the useful with the enter taining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful science, essays, tales and poetry which may deserve the name. It is the publishers design to make the Visiter agreeable to tae old and the young—to the sedat and the gay—to mingle the valuable with the a musing—and to pursui the tenor of uis way with the entertainment of good feelings toward all nar j ties. * j TE R MS.—The Visiter is published every oth , er Saturday, on fine white paper, each number i will contain 24 large super royal octavo pages ; enveloped in a fine printed cover, forming at the ! end of the year a volume of nearly 600 pa res at the very low price of $1 25 cents per annum’ in advance, or 6j cents per number payable on de livery. -I ost Masters, and others who will procure our subscribers and enclose Five Dollars to the pr i prietor shall receive t se sth copy gratis. All orders addressed to the publisher, 49 C’hes nut Street, post paid, will receive immediate at tention. Editors, by copying tins prospectus' anil nd ng a naper of the same to the office, shall r eive tiie \ Liter for one year. RROtSi EL ill, ‘ it _ itCitftiigCf, ’His* is a moili.iij uc-oteu a„, .„ -B- to Liieuatuke, Lu> oecasioiraliy ..i.ciu room aiso tor articles that tail witlnn tue scope oi Science; and not ptolessnig an entire disdain o taste.ul ctuciicm, thougli its matter lias been, a ft v\ hi continue to be, m the mam, or annul. Party l ulitas, and controversial JuCoiogy, as tar as possible, arc jealously excluded, 'i Ley ar* sometimes so blended with discussions in litera ture or in moral science, otherwise unobjection able, as to gain admittance tor the sake of the snore valuable matter to hull they adhere: bu» whenever that-happens they are id .Cental, cnlv not primary. They are m oss, t. It rated only be cause it cannot well be severed Irom the sterlir ore wherewith it is incorporated. Reviews and Critical Notices, occupy their line Space in the work : and it is tire Editor’s aim u tney should iiave a threeloid tendency t 0 convey, in a condensed form, such vuuabie truths or interesting incidents a- are embodied ii. the “ ‘ " ’ - --'a din <■! tS i . atti i ; to !iO“ks tiiat deserve to he r . : - ;u and to n are lmn a,' an.-; v.ast.n;' time and mot.ty upon that umi r, w’i merit only to ru .. U, l 1.- .o. pan - .ms that i , tiag- vr.rietv HR j nijiiii: u:ie. . istru : ami ovmxvl.i nut cverv i.u criiii-t::<tmg student, impartial cuitkis; . . ernedbythe vrmvs just n.eiuioi.-er, iJoue of*,hJ mo me»,nuiil.le ai ! in.i en.-nl.-le of aux.iutrtcs i who e to (iiscrln iuate. ■' ws and alls, having in ,-. utility or a mtisi .Jieut, er I >tn i is-- naac .u. s;. v.tchi.s *'■ '" : ' •-•' f*>o i-ni nu- for liistoiy, 2' (nueii.; n ii, :: r: he; i.t;i. g iis iiil.... ht ‘ ; : lbiiniLg the staple t , ; tJ .,. • )••• ’ oimgeimUS J 'ETKV, eiK-ligh is u ‘ ■ ■ - nc; Cl ; 0 u;< Miait:- to nan ' •’ ' ■■*•" »<'-u g ; ci-tica. taste ! ‘V* f. Ito U»‘- .. but many fated ta . assit.cive allay tiiat ra..| f u My <:riven hv into their - over an uu ■ Every spring ■ -• the eniigiiten •' • ' ■' 11 cr; *o that the : may no lon • ‘ . ; i . over the (ies -11. n. Sir-lollij lu ll ■’ rr ° ! ' /■■■■■ •)’* • •:.! ei:» can he e.n --1 1 0 • he j inn ot the if! es -1 i 1 -f i- be but lulin-ii out ill ! lat tice ’ "i he S.-VTI- pc-.o'-uav rferi.i smli r.ts agent. ' ! *-...! -i huiVi ; ; ton, ri.i re are ■ a! m > i itorary pa . Neithwitii! oi that t;te •’ arc y at h:.>. i twenty-five oi *' f ; ' : ' *u. jtt; tified l-v the v.aidih, tli<- i isntre, * e r.. tv< ~ei t, . j ij.,. tual literary ■ > < f*>e Si ■ nj le, mj ared wiri - ti-1.-) of the Not .-111 I, : ,o: thrill wealth. t„ ea: ; .-•! taste, we ma, }i at i< ■:. la 0021 ( ; in. ! iiitmii exolusiv.-N <tu ovvti tra cai all doubt, ; ' ■ • *'• :i l r« h urc for re id mg .ml willing whit!: ,hey < j< y. l! V.,'.- i rill aU< ( SC USC Ol *1 j, ; local UTau, J], {,lp Southern was engrafted cn this ’peri odical: and r.c>l v-aiii any 1-_-n to nourish local prran.Ya-:. or to .i.lvociiys -i.pjc-td local ii.te, ests. Jar from It, it is the - • ' s (etTcnt wi- h, to see tm- North and South .mumi . -..dt aringly together, forever, in the silken b i, i'utilid ktndirr.-s and affection. Far ■'’•‘t.litp to the north, he has al | ready drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw. ! ! !U *'-' h 1 ! 5s- tYcii tr t uiMtei; and Itappy ' !<! his pages, by >' - < tiici better contri' oute ii. , ; ; ei (he lowering rl, V".' - ■uii •- j.ea. eof boili, and crew ties of fra ternal love. r i hi- Southern Lp rarv .M. ss-rgi-nr has now Im co in existence t. or ycars.-the' present No. commenti:.g the fi: •:iy, \ij . I]„., v | ; , r j; l, as u tell out the ideas Ira- i o’, ;s not fur the laditov to say ; lie I* 2- ves, Jiew, v< that ii falls no* further shor: ol them, than him , UJ weakness nst ally makes Practice fall short of Th-o-n GONDFIiON.. 1. The Southern Literary Mer-.vr.gcr is puh .hol.ed in monthly numbers, of 64 large super royni octave pates each, on the best i t j ai er, and neatly covered, at j-5 a year—payable in advance 2. K'T fve niw suhscrib'rs, by sending theii names ami :>•>() at one time to the editor, vs ill re . l ive their coj ies for one year, for that sum, oi at -24 tor each. ... i •!<• 1 . h ct loss of payments for subscriji tarns, which have been properly committed to the in,!'!, ot to the hands ol a j ost master, is assum ed hy the editor. 4. it a snnycnption is not directed to be dis continued be!ore the first rumber of the next vol ume has bra n published, it will betaken as a con tinuaiice lor another year. Subscrijitions must eomu •t c v tit the beginning of the volume, ami vvi.l 11 ot b( taken for less than a year’s pub iicntion. o. ihe mutual i bligat.cts ot the publisher atid su-isci:her, lor ihe year, are fully incurred as soon as ■ue first nun her of the volume is issued; and a’fer that time, no discontinuance of a erbserip i tion will fie j eu.gtied. Nor will a subscription be discontinued for n: y earlier notice, while any thing the icon remains due, uuixs t the option of the Editor. jobJprinting: " ONNEGTEI) with the office of the MIR NT RUM, is a splendid assortment of if'is'JS A mi ;ve are enabled to cxcute all kind of .Tobvroih. ui the neatest manner and at the shortest notice. •L- - •**’ f ’ -«p <x» s _ • V T i of every de-criptiou will constantly he kept on hand, such as Aflac lmacnts. Justices’ Executions, do *Butmnous, Jury do •Subpoenas, Ulerk’s Recognizance, F'cien Facias, Appear.UK (' Bonds, Ct. Sa. Ueclnratiou Del’t, a a-a ari.,,v - Assumpsit, ! Slier .! Deeds, < * Tax Collector Jxxecufion?, * ' Blm!; fTSfesi Cife.