The Georgia mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1838-1839, March 19, 1839, Image 1

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by G \RI)NE!? & BARROW. POE : IStiiflA HI tUOi ... ■■•••• r u ■ s , }a. at I'i 1 R K.. .> . > . i i-.j «ivuuce, or F.Oi.’ il n(.U<L iK>, .! aor paid u.iiil the end 01 :!ie y -ar. Advertiskuen rs wili !.»“ •* utm-.iy ms- • at One Dollar per square, O• mi the first, and "0 c . its lor each subsequent i:i.on. Nothing under 1 5 lines, will he considered ie.-s tliau a -j.iare. A deduction iii) he made for yearly ad veriiscjnents. AH a-tvertisemants handed hi lor publication without , limitation, will he published till forbid, and charge ! accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Executors, Ad ministrators and Guardians, are required by law to be advertised in a public Gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. The sale of Personal property must be adver tised iu like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must lie published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to svdl Land an and Ne groes, must be published we-.»iy lor four months. All Letters on business must be post i aid to insure attention. STATE CONVENTION. VN ACT to provide for the call of i Convei tion to reduce the number of lie General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and for tin ether purposes therein named. Sec. 1 Be it < Ducted by the Senate and Jlousr ~f RenresenttUives of the State of Hear plain (len (r,S A isemltly net, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That the first Monday n April, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, be, ano the same is hereby designated and set apart as the day on which the citizens of Georgia, cjuali lie,) to vo>e for members of the Legislature, snail, at t ie several places prescribed by law for holding such elections, vote for delegates to represent them in Convention, in number equal to their representation iu both branches of th" General Assembly recording to the last cr.Sses ; such > lection to be conducted, tna.i-i . -d and certified under the same laws as are ol tvice in r* spent K. elections ol members of the Genera! Assembly. J4,v. 2. A id be il further enacted. That it -dia'l |,„ the duty if such managers to transmit to ins Kxt elleuc, ihe .overt.or the resuh of saul • !e« 11 ms uud'-r lite laws . .w . f lore, in ungmg and ceid t'-1 '. ' ■ lections <>; u.c- i’.cis ihe General V.-seoibly. >s nture-aid, wiii■ ti • days alter such *'k* son wh< reupmi it is mnd the duty of Ins Excellency the ' im-rmir, to ismi ■ his Proclamation discltarping the result of licit election, by notifying the r. hv lards vet ,A'\ elect' I to represent the good pen h* ol Georgia in Convention, as contemplated by tic’ act. See. :j. And be it further enacted, That every < itiz . of the United States shall be eligible to a neat in said Convention, who ha* attained the age of twentv-livp years, and been an inhabitant of this Tate three years, immediately preceding the day oi election, and who shall have resided one year in the county for which he shall be elected. See. 4. And be it further enacted. That each member returned as duly elrcted, shall, previous to taking in said Convention, tak; the following oarh or affirmation, viz - “! do solemnly swear that I will not attempt to add or to take from the Constitution, or attempt to change or alter ;:ny other section, clause, or article of tlie Con stitution of the State of (icorjia, other than those touching the representation it) tne General As sembly thereof. and that f have been a citizen of this State for the last three years, so help me God.” And anv person elected to a seal in said Conven tion, who shall refuse to take oath aforesaid, sh .I' not he allowed to t. his seat in said (.< nvcuti.v-. Sec 5. And be 1 1 further enacted , Tint tin members of said Convention .shall assemble on the tir-t Mondav m May. after th-ir'ion, at Mdlfldgevill. in the Representative ( camber of the State House, for the purpose of < r in upon nod rorisumatiDg the r »t •■•..;eets <*t their convention, to wit: > reduction ate’ • ))•!■■ umu of the Genera'. AsaepmK >• have r **r *o prescribe their own rul a. at •,n m <.n.sine ft . . ltd to determine on the quaiM, :o:nns 01 hied own members , lect nee »• 1 > oim.evs. ...d mv.;e all orders which they iiav ! *erti co'-elueitlr 'o )■ e fm ; Iter.oii'e of ibe-ooj- ' •> *hic<i such t ouvoit tion shall assemble. Sec. 6. And be if-farther enacted. That it shall t»e the duty of dr Excellency the Governor, to give publicity o the nhevations and .v 11511 I nerts vote ,• the ; 'oivditutiori in reterehce to the re dnetion cf the number of Members ompnxt:;g thetieneral Assembly ; and the dor-day in October . ext, after the raising ot od f n iv\ ntion, he shall fix on for the ratifienti"’ t v me people, of such amendments, alterations, nr new articles, as they may make for the objects of reduction rud equalization of the General Assembly only, and ii ratified hv a majority of the voters who, vote on the question of “Ratification” or “No Ratifica tion,” then and in that event, the alterations so by them made and ratified, shall be binding on the people of this State,and not otherwise. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted , That it shall be a fundamental article in the formation or a mendments of the Convention, that each County of the State now organized or laid out, or which •nay hereafter be created by law, shall be entitled to at least one Representative in the Representa five branch of the General Assembly. The Sen ate shall be composed of forty-six members only, from forty Senatorial Districts, composed ot two J contiguous Counties: and in the event of the i creation of any new county, it shall be added to : some contiguous Senatorial District: an., that the said Convention shall not disturb the Federal bqsis, in apportioning the representation in the General Assembly of tTte Sfafe of Gcfirgfa. > c. 8. ',ni be : further enacted, That so soon ■> in. • Ai h*.e jKisssij, Ins Excellency the •'.u.i n- , ,i.i i ue is ticrc iy required to cause it to Dc pnojhied ,:i .ne gazettes of this State, o..ce a wees utuii me day tixeil on by this act for tiic election of D to said Convention; as •> <‘li a- t;ie .lumber to wtiicn each County shall be entitled in said Convention, according to me ap portionment of members of the General Assem bly, to be made under the late Census, taken and returned during the present year. Sec. 9. And b tt further enacted, That the Delegates to said Convention be paid at and after the -.line rates that the members of the General A se.obly now receive ; and that his Excellency the Governor lie requested to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the same, out ol any money not otherwise appropriated ; and ail laws and parts of laws militating against this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker *f the House of Representatives. CHARLES DOUGHERT Y, President ol the Senate. Assented to 26th December, 1838. GEORGE* R. GILMER, Governor. TABLE, Showing th? Representation us the several Counties of the State by lac la'e Art of Apportionment. Appling, 1 Laurens, 2 Baker, J Lee, 1 Baldwin, 2 Liberty, 2 Bibb, 3 Lincoln, 2 Bulloch, 1 Lowndes. 2 Butts, 2 Lumpkin, 2 Burke, 3 Macon, 2 Bryan, 1 Madison, 2 Campbell, 2 Marion, 2 Carroll, 2 Mclntosh, 2 Cobb, 2 v;ert wether, 3 t ass, 2 Monroe, 4 < olninbia, 3 Montgomery, 1 Crawford, 2 Murray, 2 Coweta, 3 Morgan, * 3 Chatham, 4 Muscogee, 4 < lark. 3 Newton. 3 Cherokee, 2 Ogiethorpq, 3 Camden, 2 Paulding, 1 Dade, 1 Pike, 3 Decatur, 2 Pulaski. 2 DeKalb, 3 Puttiam, 3 Dooly, 2 Rabun, 1 Enrly, 2 Randolph, 2 Effingham, 1 Richmond, 3 Elbert, 3 Scrivcn, 2 Emmanuel, 1 Stewart, 3 I’ avette, 2 Sumter, 2 r loyd, 2 Talbot, 3 ,* orsvth, 2 Taliaferro, 2 tankliti, 3 Tattnall, 1 G liner, 1 Tellair, 1 G Vim, 1 Thomas, 2 Greene, 3 Troup. 4 Gwinnett, 3 Twiggs, 2 Habersham, 3 Union, 1 Hancock, 3 Upson, 3 Heard, 2 Walton, 3 Henry. 3 Walker, 2 Houston, 3 Ware, 1 Hall, 3 Washington, 3 Harris, . 3 Wayne, 1 Irwin, 1 Wilkinson, 2 Jones, 3 Wilkes, 3 Jasper, 3 Warren, 3 Jefferson, 2 Jackson, 3 Total, 206 FLORENCE ACADEMY. HE exercises of the Male Department of the I Florence Academy, will commence on Mon day next, 7th inst. under the superintendence of Mr. Gkursk J., who comes well recommended as an instructer of youth. The following will be the rales of tuition, por quarter: Orthography, Reading and Penmanship, <64 00 do do do with Arithmetic, 5 00 F.nglish Grammar aud Geography, 0 00 Higher English liVanehes, 8 00 Ganglia ;es, 10 00 The Female Department will commence on the same <iay, under the direction of Miss Mabua . t. -flAiiV !• v, and the -Department of Music un der the charge of Miss Wright. Os Miss Har vry•- qoihfe-atiims tpp Trustees deem it unnrees' satv to hey are tor well known to re quire any recommendation from them. Miss Wt igh: bring with her the best evidences of her ct: -Iritiry to dtsch r> 0 hr duties with the ut nptst ■ ati.fa. 'm *. i the Trustees do not hesuate to recommend luv to the patronage, ot the public. The terms < • tuition, will be the same as state above, aud for Drawing and Painting, !2 (W Mn-in alone, 10 00 do wit other branches, 20 00 Needlework an extra charge of 3 SO Board can be had, for males and females, in the most res'icctabie houses, at reasonable prices. .Tan. & 30 P.Y THE TRUSTEES. LAW NOTICE. VBA H undersigned have associated themselves e i the PRACTICE OF LAW, under the firm of Bull A* Mitchell, and will attend promi.'tiv to all business entrusted to their care in the Courts of the following counties, viz. Stewart, Sumter, Muscogee, Lee, and Randolph, Barbour, Ala. J. L. Rui.i. may be found at his office in Flor ence, and J. M. Mitchei.l, at his office in Lump kin, Stewart co. Ga. JESSE L. BULL, JAMES M. MITCHELL. Febl. 47 8t J. A. BS. JIACOW attorney at law, STARKSVILLE. LEE COUNTY. GEORGIA. XfrU.l. attend the Courts of the CIIATTA HOOCHEE CIRCUIT Nov. 'JO 1> FLORENCE, GA. TUESDAY, MARCH 19, }S39. A BILL OF CHARGES, * GREED toby the Physicians of the townef fa Florence: To visit in town, in the day, (A 00 ~ do do at night, 2 00 ~ getting out of b-dat night, 2 00 ~ visit out of the corporation, under one mile, 2 00 „ mileage, per day, good weather. 75 ~ do do rainy weather, 1 00 „ do per night, good weather, 100 ~ do do rainy do 2 00 Special attendance, per hour, 3 to 5 00 Consultation, 10 00 Natural Labor, 5 00 Difficult Labor, 30 00 instrumental Labor, 50 00 Delivering Placenta, from 10 to 20 00 Embryotomy, 100 00 Examination per Vaginatn, 5 00 Treatment of Gonorrhoea, from 10 to 20 00 do Syuhilus, 20 to 50 00 Extracting tooth, 1 00 Venesection, 1 00 A rteriotomy, 3to 500 ('upping, Ito 200 Introducing Catheter, 5 00 Extracting Polypus, 10 to 25 00 Oneration per hare-lip, 10 to 20 00 Trephining, 50 to 100 00 Aneurism, 50 to 100 00 Tapping, 20 00 Operation per Cataract, 30 to 100 00 .Attendance and Vaccination, each, 5 00 Lancing child’s gums, 1 00 Opening Abcesses, 2to 500 Advice by letter, 5 00 Attendance on contageous diseases, double, Amputating Thigh, 50 00 do Log, 30 to 50 00 do Fingers, 5 to 15 00 do Toes, 5 to 15 00 do Arm, 30 to 50 00 do Fore Arp), 30 to 50 00 Operation per Lithotomy, 100 to 150 00 Rej lacing fractured thigh, 25 to 50 00 do do leg, 15 to 25 00 do Arm and Forearm, 10 to 15 00 Simple dose of Medicine, 25 Compound dose do. 50 Bills per doz. from 50 to 2 00 Simple Powders per doz. 1 00 Compound do do. 200 I Tossing River, 1 06 Prescription in all cases, 1 00 Tinctures per cz. simple, 25 do do compound, 50 Introducing Pessary, 5 to 10 00 Taking up Arteries, 5 to 10 00 Dressing wounds, 1 to 10 00 Excisslon of Mamma, 50 to 100 00 Exeission of Tumours. 10 to 40 00 We. the undersigned, bind ourselves to abide by the above bill. Z. C. WILLIAMS. T. HARTRIDGE. Feb. 20 46 6t R. W. WILLIAMS. ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. T\T HALF 9 14 30 I N . S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 20 13 29 S. half 34 19 2g N. half 3(i 19 29 S. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 I« 26 N. half 6 16 30 K. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 26 N. half 33 2# 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 1 6 25 E. half 2 18 25 Anv of th® above Lands will be sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John D. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Ma con. J. COWLES. July 26 IS QUIDNUNC. rfIHE season having fT . “ err lon tbe first of March. , * l ' s h° rse stand at Lumpkin MTnfraiiW"i'Ai*i I and Fl«reuce, each, alternate ly, three day* at a time. Persons may know where he may be found, by counting the days which he remains at each place. lie was in Flor ence on the 3d, 4th and sth ; in Lnmnkin 6th. 7th and Bth, and from theDce by my bouse and Win Porter’s oti his return to Florence, every week reg ularly, thereafter. Any solvent gentlemen who will make np a companv of 12 mares, shall receive the 12th th« season gratis. T. W. PE ARC B March 12 4S __ TEN DOLLARS REWARD. yfs pi TRAYED, about the Ist of Feb ruary last, a CREAM COL isr\3 ORED MARE, about 7 years old, trots and paces well. The above re ward will be paid for the delivery of said mare to me in Sumter county, five miles from Pondtown, or any information respecting bet will be (hank fully received by the subscriber. JAMES L. INGRAM. March 19 ot 43 WILLIAM R MAY, YHoniey at Law, STARKSVILLE, Lee county, Ga. will prac tice in all the counties of the Chattahoo chee circuit. March 10 43 ty ticneva kale of Town LoU». ON the 15th •! April next, the Lots iu lb Town of Geneva will be offered for sale. Geneva offers many advantages to the . id. and adventurer ; it is si mated at the lieau «> boat navigation ou the fork us the Ch< now i..i ic and Pea rivers (iu Dole county, Ala. > >c>< c ers empty into the Choctowhatcliic or Si. L> Bay. A steamboat is expected to b* at the lat.dit - on the day of sale. The produce from an extensive region, of c< nil try, including Jackson and Walton counties, l lor ida, arid Dale and Covington counties, Ala. nun t concentrate at Geneva. The payments to be divided into three inrtal merits—the first iu 60 days after sale, 11.* halame Ist Jan. 1840 and 1841. On failure ol p•> v i i.t after each becomes due the Lot and all paid there • u including notes, to be forfeited. For health and other conveniences will !v‘‘ left with the purchasers, w horn it is expected will vim* Geneva ere they purchase, awl where they w *< meet with entertainment. March 6. 48. IL A. YONGE. Agent NOTICE ALL those who are indebted to the estate <■ Sauiuel Williac s, late of Ftewnt «outil\ deceased, are hereby notified to eon e tinware and make immediate payment, and those having de mands against said estate, are required to rende •• thorn in according to law. E. E. CROCKER, LOVERD BRYAN, ( T. FORT, y Executor*. W. BOYNTON, | Feb 3 46 Ct Noficir - ALL persons indebted to the estate of John - J. Sims, late of Sumter county, deceased, ase requested to come forward nr.d make jay met t; and those having demands against said estate, will present them in terms of the law. J. W. COWART, Ad mV. Americas. March 10 Gt 43 WJL& tf&M From the Augusta Minor. Judge Lynch Cislwiiled. Some years ago, J udge Lynch claimed a broad jurisdiction, in and about flic vicinity of T , Florida. He took cognizance of all matter;, and punished all offences, which were net otherwise provided for by law. No informality, or lack of proof positive, screened the culprit from the in fliction of his summary mode of punishment. If an individual, by any indiscretion or impropriety of conduct rendered himself obnoxious. Judce Lynch was sure to apply the corrective. r j he public constituted the Judges Grand Jury, ano just so sure as an individual excited the public voice against him, just so sure, he was compelled to undergo the sentence of the judge, without the benefit of the clergy. 1 Target who was the fust rail rode man iu Flor ida, but 1 well recollect that not a few passenger, were conveyed out of the corporate Emits of ts ■ -- i on a single rail, that being the ptinFl)- menttn ordinary cases. But 1 have not for.ot the first time that the Judge’s sentence could not bo executed, and wheu his executive officers met with a resistance which they could not overcome. John Rodgers was given to drink, and when under the influence cf fhc brain stealer, was, in bis own estimation, the most unfortunate man livine. Naturally a quiet, wcl! (Imposed fellow, when intoxicated he became noisy, q a vnlkonio, and disagreeable. On that day, lie had indulged to excess, he had got into numerous quarrels, in one of which he fired a hors; -j istol on a small boy, who returned the compliment by peppering him with a full charge of shot, from a fowling piece. The distance, between the parties, prevot. ted any serious damage being done, and but for tire great disproportion in the size and age of tile antagonists, the duel between John Rodgers and the race rider, would have passed off without notice. It soon became a town talk, liowevir and as John went staggering through the street ;, swearing vengeance, and exhibiting his wounds —his right arm and hand having receiv’d of the shot—bis conduct tended much to increase tin excitement against him. Judge Lynch wes not slow to make a decision in the case, and before dark it was currently given out that John Rodgers was to be ridden upon a rail (hat night. Now, of all o<her men, perhaps John Rodgers hail the greatest aversion to “sittin' on a rail." He would rather have died than suffer such an indignity; and immediately on receiving this in telligence, he resolved that he would not bo caught “sleeping rcry sound." Ho then took another larger drink, and after clearing his throat, ex claimed in a whining tone of voice : •‘Rule me on a rail.' — Why I’ll bed- and, if id be rid, on a rail, for five thousand dollars.” “Well you’d better put out, thpn,” said the gentleman of the bar, as ho set back the bottle and popped the flip” into the drawer. Lynch has said it." “ Yell, now I’m not a gwain to be sarved no such trick,” said John. “Judge Lynch be d— and. John sauntered out, cry ing and muttering to himself, “blow ’em all to hell, if they conic a projectin’ about this child.” He then stepped into a store, and purchased three pounds of powder, which he tied up in a silk ixickct handkerchief. As it grew towards, dark J-ihn with his handkerchief under his arm, walked into a confectionary ..kept hy a good old French man, and purchased a few cigars; lighted onr- of them, and commenced smoking'. Already the officers of the high conrt of Judge Lynch were in pursuit of hirn, and as he saw them gather round the door, he began to pnff away R his rigne and mutter curses against. “The whole infernal pack of ’em.” “Yes,” said he,” you come frying’ that are, and •you'll get waked tsp wors'c than ever you was Vol. I.—Nc 43. afore—blast nation seize yi nr j titers. You just fool with tliis child —that’? ail—-ami ii i dint blow you to hell—you see it 1 non t. ’ 'J lie crowd, w hich had asseinbbtf nurd th© i now gradually entered the room, and as ii.i mj. John be n ati to llourish his cigar and Jest you tetch, now Ts you lay your hands ti me. i il semi you < h Lie,’ if this here pow ers iiomi ti r aoy tiling I co. li.ue foi myself— Id rather be biowed through the loot of tliis her**, store, than b end on a mil—-a comoundcd sight. 'I his la.-t speech had attracted the attention of he old Freuchmait, who to fool very uneasy. •-1 ia, vvha dat you shall say /-—blow of the roll liom my Louse.” “Lay hold ol him, said ihe Judge, who gen iwally aiti iideu t ne"execution ol his st ud nil’s in |erson; "by hold of ium ieiiows!” “Stand oil! "li.u mi. ext tanned John, at the topul Ills von e, as lie held o] die powder ill one hand aud the tu me other. “Do you ace this ’e/e cigar, and tins ue powtici t j list yon lav your 1 ai.ns on me, nt.d i II tetch ’em to getlif r quiel'Cr m r iit il ll siotcira leather. Il I don’t tow, dad horn me.” “Aim Dieu ! Mon Dieu !” exclaimed the old Frenchman, “Go out of my house, i-air—begouo witn yonr poodre and you cigar—what le diabic ? --will you blow all up my property ?” “W ell, let ’em let me alone, i’ll blow all hand up and myself too, before I’ll be rid on a rail." “Gather him up, gentlemen,” said llie judge; “the sentence of law must be executed.” 'J he crowd, which had now 0 creased in num ber, gradually drew round, the besieged Rodgers, end the imi of the lail was sceu entering the door. ••Here goes, then!” exclaimed Dodgers, draw ing the cigar from his mouth, and applying it cto-o to the haudkerclii f. 'J here was a suden rush to the doors, a confusion ol voices cry ing out. “biop ! stop!”—Don’t! don't!”—above all ol which might be heard tlie Frenchman dying out, “Mur! murdare !*’ “Well," said Rodgers, r.s the crowd dispersed, “i’d just as lieve be killed, as nd on a rail." “1 id yott one, two, si vend limes, to begono vid your poodre magazine, and your cigrr. Will you leave my house sate ?” Bht Rodger-co Ii neither le persuaded nor driven fiom his position against the wall, until th? old man had’prevailed upon the Lyt ill party to withdraw to some oistarce from his tfi or. Ho tiieti lelt the house, nmeu ti the rebel ol the old Frenchman; but ever as tlie ctowd approached, he would prepare to apply .lie match. At ono time iluy sppmaciied with mon than usual de termination, and when they had go! quite near, one was heard t s y —“Brit g the rail!” “You try it, " said John, ‘‘and if you don’t get into a hornet s nest, it’d be because lire wont burn powder, now iiiiiiu.” The circle begun cautiously to close round hip->, but as John knocked the ashes from his cigar, at fiie same time producing a few sparks, prrpara lory to touching it to the powder, he was again sniii < nly left alone, 'i he ii.divii.ual who Lad Honied himself considerably, by carrying the rail, in his sudden reireat dashed it to th ground and exclaiming', “Mon conn.tnd in na!ueon.bust.bus abandoned the attempt; the tun of ti.eycssc scca imitated his example, leaving Rodgers triumph ant. Thus Jar!' c Lynch, for the first time, witnes sed the most utter contempt of his authority, acd the most iletei mined iietia. ee ol his power. The following morning found Joint Rodgers a ober man, and tn in that time forth he was never seen within the jurisdiction ol Judge Lynch, of “BOARDING ROUND.” Annexed is a humorous description cf tlrfr cr tii.tvx | edaj.o: ue “bctttdiug round’ with cacti i dividual iu his distrii t. as traslhc get erai cus tom in bygone days and we believe tars usagtv stih prevail- in some portions of: he country. Monday- -V >mto he ard ai Mr. B—’s; had a naked go se lor liinnetf, svj j o*>« <i tarn size s tnc thickness of its skin and oti c* venerable ap ".’.nances, to have been one of ii.efirrt settlers es -madea sligm impicss.on or the pat-, natch’s brea-t. Supper- -cold gecsO acd pota toes family consisting cf the trail, good wifAj . daughter I’eggy. four boys, Tempty the dag; aud a brace of cats fire built, in the square room, about nine o’clock, anil a ) ile ol wood laid by the fireplace; saw Boggy scratch Let fingers, ar.«t crtuld’nt take the Lint -leh squeamish about thei stomach ; and talked ab. ut going to bed ; l eggy looked sullen and put out the fire in the squai*. room; went to bed, and dreamed ol having eatett n quantifv of stone wall, Tu<- a .--Cr I gander for breakfast, sw.Tmp te.i md i in c. kes, the latter some couscr h lion Tinner- 1 1 «.* leg-, ke. ofjthe giodet done n| warn , ore r»« ar’y dr pi tched. Sopped —The other leg, Ac. ccW , wen robed as Beg «ry oai rallying the tie*? to the square recur,-' dreamed I was a mud turtle, —and go ton fey tacit, and could ncf'gef ever again. Wcrhimday —Cold gander for bvce.kfrisf, <-eVu plained cl sickness, aril eat nothing. Leaner* - Win • s, Ac. of the gander vrarmcfl up; did mvf best to destroy them If r fear fl.ey shotihi l3c!exL for snppcr did not succeed dreaded all. the afternoon. Su/ per—Flat Jrniian Johflny takes, and r o goose, felt greatly relieve*!, thought 1 had got elect of th* xaadrr, and went to.bed for igli*'s rest; dLap) on te<i very cold night* and rolud’nf keep » inn in ben; got u[S at ti top "ed the hu>k"i! wii do- s with my n at no u.-e; fr(*:e ii y tu s** befoie n p Tuisthy.' —Breakfast! cold ganuet again-; very intieii discouraged to see tiie gauder not half gone, wmt t visit in «for dinner and slept abroad, nnd had "hvasant dreams. Friday. — Breakfast abroad. Dinner at ii*. B s; cold gander and hot potatoes; last very £iod eat tlirK sad wcaVto aciiaoi quits GACtenten,