The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, April 23, 1839, Image 1

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tdx* a^ fsli-'. UtiOfthil t Ji !it 2 . IS PCBLlS't'.:r> EVERY TCF* H 3t Maidaei* JL Sl.ti’j-0.., (Editors ami Proprietors.) \t rHREE [>ODL WIS a .ear, if paid 1 1. advance, or FOUR DOLLARS, if not paid until the end of tlie year. Advertisements will ho conspicuously inserted it One Dollar per square, (13 lines or lass,) the first, and 30 cents for each sub sequent insertion. All advertisements handed in for publi cation without « limitation, will be published till forbid, and charged accordingly. Sales of Land and Negroes by Execu tors. Administrators and Guardians, are re quired by law to be advertised in a public Ga/.ette, sixty days previous to the day ot sale. The sale of Personal property must he a dver tse<' in like manner forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors ol an estate must be published torty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Ne.roes, must be published weekly lor four months. ,«■ All Letters on business must be post cun to insure attention. JOB PRINTING. (1 ONSECTED with the om -e of tin J MIRROR, is a splendid as.-o.: oe . •• And we are enabled to excitie all Kind, m <> work in the neatest manner and at the slimi est notice. of every description will constantly be !,op. on band, such as Attachments', Justices’ Executions, do Summons, Jury do Subpoenas, Clerk’s Recognizance, Scieri Facias, Appearance Bonds, (Ja. Sa. Declaration—Debt, I ieekirat ion —.Assiiinjisit, Sheriff Deeds, Tax Collector Executions. Blank Notes, A"c \e v (>o *iis>sioit House. Eg IHE subscribers have as / If ®- sociated themselves to got her as COMMISSION MERCHANTS, under the name and stvlc of JOU.V if" FTS »*• Cos. Tliev have purchased the commodious WAREHOUSE and CLOSE STORE, lateiy occupied by Jernigan, Laurence A < o where they will receive CO l ION or GOODS instore, and advance only upon cot ton in their possession and under their con trol. Their charges will be as customary. The business will be conducted by John D. Fitts. We solicit the patronage of the public, and are prepared to give Columbus prices for Colton. JNO. D. PITTS, M. J. LAURENCE. Florence, Nov. 10 33 tl J. B. STARR, FORWARDING AMiJ COMMISSION MERCHAJS TANARUS, st. Joseph, Fla. January 19, 1839. DRY GOODS. rriHE subscriber having recently repleu- A islied his stock, invites his custom ers and the public generally, to call and ex amine for themselves, liis goods are new and well selected and tic is offering them on as good terms as any in ilie market. His stock consists in pari ol the following: Woolens, Sattinetts, A variety of Broad Cloths, Circassians. Merinos, Bombazines and Bouibazettes, Red and White Flannel, A good assortment ol Heady . Untie Clothings A large supply of lit >OTS and BlioEß, uentemen s aKo ladies SADDLES, BHIDLFSAND MARTIN ALS. Crockery , Hardware and C 'ullery, W uii a variety of other articles suitable to the season, winch lie takes great pleasure in offering to his customers and the pub lic, atdiis new store on the North side Cen tre street. Jan 12 40 TIIO : GARDNER. NEW STORE. fTMIE undersigned having associated I them selves under the name and style of Harvey & Chastain, offer for sale anew and well selected Stock of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, from Charleston, viz. Broad Cloth, Sattinetts, Emernetu, Merino, fSilk Lustring and Mattronas, French Muslin, do Ginghams, do Prints, Scotch Ginghams, Anew assorted Stock of English and A niericaii Prints, Furniture Prints, Bonnets, Hats, Shoes, of all kinds, Brill es. Saddles and Martingales. Besides a variety of otli er articles too tedious to mention. Which will be sold low for cash or undoubted ere diturs. The public are requested to call and ex amine tor thumselves. JOHN P. HARVEY. MORGAN CHASTAIN. March 26, 1839 30 _ npHE SUBSCRIBERS have just re -JL ceived a select lot of GROCERIES, which they offer on reasonable terms for Cash. ROOD &TALMAN. Dec T 5 37 ts I' *MAS GARDNER has just receiv ’d a g.<od supply ot A’lute Lead, Linseed « ni. La up Uii, Sperm Hand'ax, And Soap. Which he otters to his friends and the public cheap, for Cash. Jan 12 40 C Mil NET FUiINiTUfIK. GORGE h. a wm. j. wallers \T respectfully inform the citizens of Florence and the surrounding country, *hat they have permanently located themselves in Florence, and are prepared .to execute in the most neat and workmanlike style. Side Boards, Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, Work and Wash Stands, and Furniture of every description used in this section of the coun try. They (latter themselves, from their long experience, that they will be able to give general satisfaction to those who may fiver them with their patronage. April 9 52 S4OO KUWARI). | J ANA WAY from he subscriber, jK lA> on the 21st of M ircli. nil. an*-- grn manuamed .STEPHEN a ar ***** penter. by trade -said negro is a bout five feet 10 indies high, and is aboiP forty years of age dark . ompl‘*eted, speaks v*-ry quick wfen spoken to, and has a large seat over Ills leti eye, a-i ; amiih-r on bis left slnn o. visioned by lip kick of a horse, he has i S’inll white speck on ins right eye and is i v-ry rce agent negro, he has no dun to •pint-lire ire papers from some white per m I mu. nase'l him from ,M David Pn f Stew ill count v ill ihe fall of 1837. aat <■ as to. (Joubi gone back to ‘"-tew rt on . where lie says he has a wup and childr* n \\ n»n he ■ ana way he Lad on a new !)•• -ver hat, a pair ot old boots, . red flannel s .ui a diinet | anialo ns. and he also, tool, w ith him a bag containing many othd iff rent kinds of do mg. Any per so • vho will apprebetfd an I leliver said ne gro to me in Hamburg 8. C. or lodge him in some safe jail so that I can get lmn again, shall have the above reward. r G. SALDAVIA. Hamburg 8. C. March .'4 1839, 52 uuhTnuncT yfck f| 1 HE season having com tr*. y ■- met-eed on the first 0< Wareh, this horse will stand at Lumpkin and Flor ence, each, alternately, three days at a time. Persons may know where lip may be found, by counting the davx wind) he re mains at each place. Ho wis m ' 'urea -e on the 3d. -1 tli and sth ; in Lunrpk", *;t -, 7th and Bth, and from thence by mv hnu e and Wm Porter’s on liis return to Florence, -,v ery week regularly, thereafter. Any solveut gentlemen who aid mate up a company of 12 mares, shall receive the 12th the season gratis. T. VV. PE ARC K March 12 4A ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. NHALF 9 14 30 . S. half 4 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 N. half 7 14 30 S. half 7 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 8. half 11 14 29 8. half 20 18 28 S. half 34 19 28 N. half 36 19 29 8. half 36 19 29 W. half 29 16 26 N. half 6 16 30 E. half 21 22 26 E. half 22 13 28 N. half 33 20 26 S. half 32 18 28 W. half 26 15 24 8. half 29 .16 25 E. half 2 18 25 Any of the above Lands will he sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John 1). Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Macon. July 26 IS J. COWLES. LOOK SHARP And (tikegood Ao ice. \ LL persons are hereby Cautioned A. aga nst trading for a certain promissory note made payable to the administrators ol' Win. tl. Furttuson deceased, of Baker coun ty, said rote was given on the'first Tuesday in January 18:-7, and amount one thousand dollars if my recollection is correct, aud due the first day of January 1838, made by Morgan Chastain principle and G. G. Ford security, which is the subscriber here below, said note has been paid bv Morgan Chastain principle, or lus authority. I un til rsfand said note has been in the hands of John Pollock of Baker county, who paid said note for said Chastain and 1 seeiug an advertisement stating tnat said note was stolen together with others which induced me to believe that said note was detained for the purpose of coming against me as se curity is aforesaid. The consideration of said note was two Lots or one Lot aud fraction of Land lying in tlie Bth district of Baker county, sold as the properly of the afur- said Wm. 11. Furgerson deceased,which the said administrators sold to Morgan Chastain and took his jiromissoi\ n"te and myseli for his security,and gave the said Chastain a bondtor titles stating in the Oondiiioi s that he would make titles when's aid note was paid, and the said I oho I’nihu took said bond aud paid ssid note and > tides to the aforementioned sold I, and, by w ! t b ii e re ill* considera tion is nniphe with, lli r line all pe uis are her- ii, in,; tin that if they iratle tor said note 1 will *'\-r jay li e same until com pel!' Ir, Law. yes, -rid tl at a! sort < tLaw. G. G FORD. I 'iider'ovn L*e county La April 6, 1838 1 2t NOTH E IFORWAI.N ail p< - ins fun ng for a ceiiain pron i *ty nee t ivm ■ i e day alter date, and made ; ay„bv it, i. N. Sra:ha - r beari r, for tw tv ilndat aeu 12tlii::st. aid note was frauduie. y rbtamed, and lam determined not to pay the ante, until compelled by law. W. W. F.ILANDS. April 15, 1839 1 3t j©a* m* zum* PROSPECTUS OF THE VT7*E again appear before the public, in vv the form ol a Prospectus, soliciting aid for our undertaking. The MIRROR has beeu published now nearly to the close of its first volume; and to those who have extended to a-their patronage, and Lome up our hands with the amount of their sub scription, we return our most sincere and heartfeU thanks, and solicit a continuation of that patronage, and an exercise of their in fluence in our beliail. The Mirror will continue to support the principles of the State Rights party, believ ing, as tlie Editors dt> that upon those prin ciples rest the perpetuity of this Union, and the happiness of its citizens. To this end it shall be tlie constant endeavor ol tlie Editors to expose to the gaze of an honest and in jured community, the corruptions, mis- 1 management and huililessness ol tlie pre sent Chief Magistrate ot this Unio , am us*; ill honorable means to prevent, so lai .. their humble el forts will go. bis re-election to ail office which he has so uufaithlully and unproiitably filled. I’fie Mirror, however, will be devoted eu tire-y to the support of a SOUTHERN ( AN DIDA'I E ior the high and responsi ble office of President of the United State', believing that unless we guard our lights and liberties at every point, ere we are a w ire of it, toe fanatical and infuriated Ab olitionisfx will have seized upon them with a pern nat ions grasp from which it will be impossible lor us to extricate ourselves, un til our rights shall have been snatched from us, our iihertv auniollaled. and our bright prospects and present happiness torever blasted ' No man, therefore, can receive the so; port of this paper* who is not like Ctesar’s wile, not only innocent ol the vile doctrine ot Abolitionism, but entirely above us mm on. The Mirror will, as heretofore, continue to be i vehicle of general information, both Domestic and Foreign, so far as may be ol interest to the general reader—it will als-*, contain its usual quantity ot Literary and Miscellaneous matter —in short, every ex ertjon will e-mtinuo to bo made to render it both uspliil and entertaining to those who mv feel disposed to extend to us their patronage. It is ihe design of the Editors to enlarge their sheet after the expiration of the pre sent volume should the patronage ot the pa per at that time justify such a step. We respectfully request all those who feelanv interest in the disseiuina* ion of cor rect principles to lend their aid in giving the Mirror a more general circulation. Tv rms, —THREE DOLLARS a year, paid in advance; or FOUR DOLLARS if not paid before the end of the vear. GARDNER & BARROW. Feb. 15. 1839. PROSPECTUS OF THE SOUTHERN LITERARY MESSENGER. fTIHIS is a monthly Magazine, devoted A chiefly to Literature, bin occasion ally find in., room also for articles that fall within the scope ol .Science ; and not pr essing an entire disdain ol tasteful selections, though us matier has been, as it will con tinue in be, in ihe main, original. Party Politics, and controversial Theol ogy, as far as possible, are jealously exclu ded. Tln-y aie sometimes so blended with discussions in literature or in moral sci ence, otherwise unobjectionable, as to gain admittance lor the sake of the more valu able matter to Inch they adhere: bu* whenever that happens they are incidental, only not primary. They are dross, tolera ted" omv uecause it cannot well be severed from the sterling ore wherewith it is incor porated. Reviews aud Critical Notices, occu py then due space ui the work : and it is the Editor’s aim that they should have a three fold tendency—to convey, in a condensed form, such valuable truth or interesting in cidenls a are embodied in the works re viewed,—to direct the readers attention to books that deseive to be read—and to warr nun against wasting time and money upon tii.i large number, which merit only tube burned. In this age of publications that by their variety an I multitude, distract and o ve.wheimn every uudiseriminating student, iMi-AUTiAL cmticisai, governed by the views just mentioned, is one of the most inesti mable mid indispensable ofauxiliaries to him who docs wish to discriminate. Essays and Tales, having in view utility or amusement, or both ; Historical sket ches — an" Keminisences of events too min ute for History yet elucidating it, and lieiglitnmg its interest - may be regarded as forming tlm staple of the work. And of indigenous Poetry, enough ■> publish ed—sometimes of no mean strain—to man ilest and to cultivate the growing poetical tas and talents of our country. The times appear, tor several reasons, to demand such a work—and not one alone, but mauyt The public mind is feverish ami irritated still, from recent political strifes: ilte suit, assuasive influence ol Lit erature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe iliat irritation, k ice and folly are noting abroad ;—They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lashed by ridicule, in to iin n luting haunts. Ignorance lords it over tn immense proportion of our peo pie .—Every -.pi mg should be r-et in motion, to arouse the .-uligiitened, and to increase tli ir .-lumbei; so that the great enemy of popular 'overumeut may no longer brood, i ke a portent hus cloud, over the de tmies ot our country. Ltd to act. na .ish all these .'itds, what more powertul agent can be e.ujhoyed, titan a periodical on the plan of the vlesseuger; if that plan be but car rit .1 out in pra< tit e : I’he South peeuiiariv requires such an agent, to all the Union, south of Washing ton, there ir but two Literary periodicals! Northward ot th i city, there are probably at - rtst twenty-five oi thirty! Is this con trasr justified by the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual liferar. taste o! the .Southern people, compared with tnose of the Northern ! x’o: for in wealth, ralents and taste, we may justly claim, at least, a equality with our brethren aid a | domestic iusßtutioa exclusively our own, beyond all doubt, a fords us, if we choose, tw ice the leisure lor reading aud writing which they enjoy. it w as fruinadeep sense of this loco/ want that the word Southern was engrailed on this periodical: and not with any design to nourish local prejudices, or to advocate sup posed local inte ests. Far irom any such thought, it is t he Editor’s fervent wish, to see tne North and South bound endearing ]y together, forever, in the silke: bands ol mutual kindness and affection, fai from meditating hostility to the north, lie lias al ready drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw much of his choicest matter thence; and happy indeed will he deem himself,, should his pages, by making each region know the other better contribute in any es sential degree to dispel the lowering clouds lhai now threaten the peace of both, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred ties ol Ir: ternal love. The Southern Literary Messenger has now been iu existence four years—the pre tfot No (Commencing the fifth volume. low far it has acted out tlie ideas here Hi red, is not tor the Editor to say; he be io'Ves, however, that it fallsnot further short i them, than human weakness usually iiakes Practice fall short of Theory. CONDITIONS. 1. The Southern Literary Messenger is published in monthly numbers, of 64 large “Upe royal octavo pages each, on the best of paper, an ! neatly covered, at $5 a year— payable in advance. 2. Or five new subscribers, by sending thei names and S2O at one time to the edi tor, vviil receive their copies for one year, for that sum, o at $4 for each. 3. The risk of loss of payments'for sub scriptions, which have been properly com mitted to tin mail, or to the hands oi a post master, is assumed by the editor 4. If a subscription is not directsd to be discontinued before the first numbor of the next volume has been published, it will tie taken as a continuance for another year. Subscriptions must commence with the be ginning of the volume, and will not he ta ken for less than a year’s publication. 5. The mutual obligations of the publish er and subscriber, for the year, are fully in curred as soon as the first number of the volume is issued : aud after that time, no discontinuance of a subscription will be permitted. Nor will a subscription he dis continued for any earlier notice, white -any thing thereon remains due, unless at the option of the Editor. B*ls SPGCTUS to the fourth volume of the PHILADELPHIA VISITER, Containing Quarterly Fashion Plates, Illus trated Articles, ¥■ THE cheapest periodical in the world. IN commencing anew volume, the pub lisher would take occasion to observe, that not only will the same exertions be con tinued, which have secured to his subscrip tion list an unexampled increase, but his claims upon the public favor will be enhan ced by every means which unceasing en deavor, enlarged facilities, and liberal ex penditure can command. Tlie subjoined is a brief plan of the work : Its Papers will be so varied as to form a combination of the useful with the entertaining and agreeable. These will embrace the departments of useful sci ence, essays, tales, and poetry which may deserve the name. Jt is the publishers design to make tin- Visiter agreeable to the old and the young —to the sedate and tlie gay—to ininnla the valuable with tlie amusing—and to pursue the tenor of liis way with the entertainment of good feelings toward all parties. TERMS.—The Visiter is published ev ery other Saturday, on fine white paper, each number will contain 24 large super royal octavo pages, enveloped in a tine prin ted cover, forming at the end of the year a volume of nearly 600 pages, at the very low price of $1 25 cents per annum in ad vance, or cents per number payable on delivery. Post Masters, and others who will pro cure our subscribers and enclose Five Dol lars to the proprietor shall receive the sth copy gratis. All orders addressed to the publisher, 49 Che-nut Street, post paid, will receive im mediate attention. Editors, by copying this prospectus and ntlng a paper of the same to the office, shall receive rh< Visiter foi one vear. ~mmm3leejejm h © i/y a FOR THE OEURO A MIRROR. A LOVE STORY FOUNDED ON FACTS. It was on a e'ear moonlight evening, then 1 called to see one who 1 had for some tune been parti <1 too, as a inend , but alas tuSt partiality on the Evening above referred to, ripened intowh t is called Love; cupid rivi ted Ins chains around my heart and I was bound in such a manner as to be totally un able to relea'e myself; 1 consequently be came a fre j lent visitor. Though business continually demanded my attention, yet nothing received it, but the object ol my adoration. lat last come to the conclu sion that 1 hail received encouragement suflfident to enable me, with the hope of success, to propound my question, 1 done ! so ; but reader can you imagine my feelings, j when I was informed by lips from which i believed m thing emanated but truth, and by a tongue that i believed never assisted to promulgate guil*-, that she wys previously engaged, the bloud seemed to curdle in my veins, my tongue seemed to palsey, my heart almost ceased to flutter, anti my eyes glared as if deluded by some itividuous visitor, i was relieved at last, however, by a promise at companied with a smile, that 1 would re ccive an answer in a short time after, wheth er the engagement was positive or not, it filled my soul with clastic joy and my mind rambled witli pleasure imagining nothing bet the mosts incit'd picture of a happy and bright picture; it eenietl to ive as if future years would roll round tad permit me with pleasure often-to gaze upon the rising Sun as it streaked the Eastern Horizon, and pro mulgated to me that it came to glitter iu all its magnificent grandure above my home of contentment. But hope—vain hope-— thou art vain and delusive indeed; tis>, only yours to deceive, tis, ours to grieve. You »erve to illuminate for a «hile my path to piosperity to success to laj pines', bin m I lie midst ol misibitune you lied aud leit me to think to rise no more ; you a.— isteii in< to 11 vet the viper in my bt.M.m, the iie.eui.on'ot which were pure, ami «-u.u>: eO it to n fltet a wound upon my heart won it'into.ions, bitter and poison lar-g w Ini ii «ooiu i nr l..t< i will bid me welcome my doom, winen i> torture, destruction and n Beiy ; yt~ this vi per, a pretended, without authority, but with bare, s run- and malignant lats, hoods and calumny, ue| rived me ol li.e unit source to winch 1 looked tor happiness.— es r-ader, un uigii this demon the ittsi lingering thieao ol hop-'o winch i so fond ly and with sn eerily dung, was broken, and let me drop into the unceasing gull of agony and d;s] ;ur. i tried to sleep, bul there w;ia no rejMise mu ndid lor nr, lor it 1 seeme i ..s if im cmieh were Min nntled with le . ous rin wit. po _nard desig i. g totori ure my biain. tear mv it, sit. nicica; > the wound ot my e;i. • and oallleiat my no mory from tin- only nc I Loved on earth. Can you eonje, line mv let-lings, when I called to see in i who was’my only adinir.itiou and looked upon the counit u nuee which had nit mid me 1 nad a friend in the one who possesed it, when 1 looked upon the sptnklmg large blue rye which had always bi #n:ei! w ith delight towards me, and saw pictured uiliie one hatred, and hi the other n-vi ti.c •; my lips appeared as if they had beeu sealed by so .e magic w and ; 1 turned and looked* upon the affectum.:lt- 1 mother who I knew bad been mv friend, .-fit likewise seemed to sav, mv lin-udslup Ibr you has vanished, and hatred, deep rooted, has taken possession oi my heart. 1 pro tested. declared, vowed, mvoic mv innocence, the mother appearently became satisfied, it relieved me some, but .las my only care, no longer deco:-riled tier blooming cheek with the smile ol friendship; liom her lips their emanated noth ng to sooth mv sorrow ; ller voice which had always before apjteared to be that of melody, m>w wss to the reverse ; every word she spoke went like a dagger to iny heart, .She recalled Iter promise to give me an answer at the appointed time, and ex pressed her desire to do ii then ; t came a death blow, 1 left as it 1 never again cared for I lie a it-lie of fortune, but could candy and serenely though unprepared, have wcl coined the messr tiger <ie oh. Bhe told me she was yet my lii. ud. that her feelings wen as before; that she was satisfied ol my in nocence; but alas. r< ailei, actin's predic ted the reverse, ands. ivetl t<> sav. vanish traitor, for 1 have wiilten yout doom.— Would that it could hav; been written with iny own hearts blood, it would have been the only source of relief. The hand that so ot ten gave me the shake of friendship, then seemed as if it would distant to be grasped by mine; the lips from winch i had weliom ed many asmiiethi ns-eu eti to m< as ii they were pie pared to spit ihe venom ol Birred upon me; every moment told tne plainly that the friendship I otic* hail was if wn, i thought to myseli that and guilty I would deserve to suiter the many pangs l mu. but I was coucious of im innocence, aud it wrought to mv heart a bleeding core. Would to God that 1 could only know that she bore uwards me the same feeling ol friendship she once did. it would soulii every pang whether i ever obtained her hand or uot, which 1 fits re mil /I- e ut. cd to an other, 1 must connoted it main iu Love ..mi only hope that she is y-i my it Goo forbid that she should evti how by worn or actions that there inis ever been a change wrought over her feelings di rogateiy to n:e, if she will only ackuuwieuge In mel. my friend such a- site has picviously bee... 1 aui content. I desire not tut-v-r ml. iu lore again for it has no dooms, but m lilted with pangs of sorrow grid « ,1 woe. i have received a lesson which 1 intend shall serve to animate me only to high u-solves and nerve me in their execution. Marry 1 never will; unles-s ] obtain the hand ot her whom I now Love, ami that i never expect to do, consequently a bachelor’s happiness and misery, a bachelors destiny is mine; O liow oft have 1 had nothing but the mid night star to illuminate my path while re turning from the residence of Iter i Lotto ‘ llow olt, has my feelings been edit'd by ti.e vain delusion of receiving in mum, the hand and heart of Iter l Lovto ! if ut alas, tis anotheis, more fortunate that, myself. L wish him no ill will, but all the hap; mess imaginable 1 conceive hern beju ti. abb even in her cold treatu eut to'vaius me, bin hope that she will sound or latei, see iiei error, and know that it ha been liie tongue of Calumny as bitter as the g;,il aim as un as sat,in, that has rivited them ume. Let my condition in life be exalted or degrade., 1 ask her respect lor 1 can never c< ase to Love. Time can not obliterate or the (light of her beauty des roy it; it will never cease to burn like heavens light, it will blaze on the alier ol my heart till the messenger of death shall extinguish it. If 1 should sip the sparkling wine, nil \agra .ts death 1 die, let her never regia t, for she i- blame less and 1 alone the dupe ol lolly : il the dag ger grasped by my own band should dram my heart of Us lasi drop ol blood, lei her not regret it tor she i blameless it' Isi « tild ris“ and leap from | ruk to | eak until I perched upon tl e l> ftiest temple of nu nenc». let her be contented ' r its hoi ihat nerves me on; for tli n proud y would I ac cept of her even in widow mid. My doom is seated and 1 w in cea-e with the hope that 1 wi i never again fall in Love; though 1 know too well mat 1 am too linn, to ever relinquish loving her who I now Love, her friendship alone though must be my happi ness. liar, tis but bar tln ut. Lumpkm, via. id. FOE the UKOKUIA mirror. IVritten by F. A. Eadoi k. at Talladega ‘Ala. U< L Itb 1«36 How often have young men propiunded to themselves and others, the question, what is the lirst quality to be sought for in the choice of a vile? and hew devise have been the answers to this important interro gatery ? The gay and thoughtless will point out to beauty, wealth and accomplishment; Olliers who look beyond the tinsel of the exterior, regard amiability and feeling a> the brightest jewels in the lemale character; others still, who have searched deeper into the springs of human action, and know well the fountain whence floor the purest and 1 rflon tirdcirilwg will giwe the duty if o ib true answer to the enquiry, yjz: a strong Christian faith, seutimeDfsund practice.— Religion is ivery where lovely, hut in wo man peculiarly so. It makes her but little lower th„n on angel; it purifies her heart, elevates Lei i*^cling and sect intents, harrows her affect tens, shtrls light on her iinder siai tiing, Hf it in-plants dignity, nor does its li.fiiielai i pikl lit re ; It beams in tlie gleam of the eye, it seis« u ih* lips :n a*Mnile, It chi eks the ungracious reply, ll enrapiines lut can o» h* ude. V\ Oman from bet very nature is destined ft* drink deeper irom the rup of sorrow arid sufieri! g than the other sex. Her trials are chiefly of the heart, and consequently the hardest to be born. 8l eis seld. ni perhaps t ailed upon to i ontend with those formida ble < vils and temptations which rouse ait the < nergies of our nature to rt-psl tln-ir attack, but is be e torn the time she enters itta womanimod, by a thousand petty trials and anoyances. Begartl this most important q lalific -t in low few think to penetrate into ihe set r I chambers of the soul, to see wbat is tin r hidden w ithin so fair an ex t-rinr ] If then the vestal lamp'sheds its clear and constant ray, external at fiction may bear captive for. a time, and feeling may send a thrill of exquisite joy through the heart of the recipient. AN OLD CLOCK AND A WITTY AUCTIONEER. Tiie Christian Register of Boston pub lishes with just commendation Ihe annexed speech of an auctioneer unnamed, who find tlie selling of the clock of the “old brick meeting house’’ in Boston. To be sure, the Courier of that city throws some doubt ii|H»n the authenticity of this speech, in which case wo have only to apply the Italian saying. Si rum c vero e hen Irnrato. From the Christian Fegister. A Vener able Relic—The Clock which for many years hung in the interior of the “Old Brick” meeting-house, in this city, after various fortunes, lately fell into the hands of tlie Aetionerr. At the time of the sale the. actioneer actually delivered the following speech which we have been per m'lted to publish. We venture to affirm, t! -t a more appropriate and witty s* eech nev er fell from the lips of the most celebrated orators at Vendues: ‘Here is the relic of the early days of our country’s annals, a remnant saved; antique of ifs kind, ami venerable for every associa tion connected with its history;—the old church clorl - bearing a mark of p; ‘riarchal longevity iu the date, that speaks it one hun dred and eighteen years of age. Vet, while ii has ticked ands ruck of the thousands- and tens of thousands who have looked on its calm face, into eternity, it is still in good time, and going ! going! •Though its existence was begun in the land ol Kings, moved by the sjnit of our pious fmliers, it (btlowetl them to the land ot pilgrim*, and was consecrated to the ! oi>-<- of God, whom they eSn.e hither to w rslfip us ihe children of liis kingdom, and ' of a' spiritual slave- to earthly despotism. •This sober, ever going doe! . * ame over in the days ot camion and sanity. It came when a sea voyage was a serit us tiling, and* religion tl set ions tiling, aid a church elm Jen serious thing. It counted the moments, while the minister ol God was j reaching, and liis hearers iiso tu g <f Eternity. It - rimed liis text, ••Take heed how ve 1 ear.” ’I In-ii was then real clock-work and oderin men’s mit.tls and principles. Vanity did : ot then stare this vc entitle monitor in tlie I. it. and study th<- while how to display its plumage. Avarice did not dare, tinder its t* ca*tiled “click.” to he planning in the temple how to lay up goods for many \exrs. Norway pride then | uffi-d op by the breath i ! its own nostrils, whit* this minute-hand was showing its duration cut shorter at tlie beat of t very pulse. •Now, who will l»t this venerable memen to of tl:ode days b* tlese* rated ? Who will not wish to possess hill 'd! of it. as a relic ol tlie age of simplicity and godly-sincer ity ? ‘Look at its aged but unwrinkled face.— It is calm ; for it has not so answer for the sermons it lias heard. Look at it. ye de generate sons of New England ! Do ye not seem to see the shade go Duck on the dial plate to the days of your fathers, and to hear the voices of those aged servants of God, who went from their preaching to their reward ? 1 would speak more, but the hour is come. i'o w O'M - hall it Im sold V RKCOLLKt TIONS OF YOUTH. No one <d oiomary leflrrtion can have I'a-ud Bha! spear’s fourth division of life, without having leit the fondness innate recur ring to t ln- sea-ons oi boyhood, when hope, with her gantly day urearns eemed the living personification ol iruili Ah hough that per, iod movent may seem the least iu ) ortant iu life; and although we may have lived to see the vhporchmd palaces, glittering (lcw-drops, reared by our youthful imajgina'ion, melt away belore the noontide sun ot manhood, still we can not fail to observe and feel the mighty influence ol those halcyon days! winch, as we recede from them, grow dearer; and dearer, and in their influence, stronger and stronger.—Hence, we never see an old man leaning upon his staff' in the j h asant sunshii eor smoking h.s pipe by the cheerful fire in the long winter evening, who, if spea king of the present, does not take occasion to praise the past. An Old Stager.-—'l he eastern papers ore continually telling tough yarns about the number of miles fiicir old sea taptains have travelled on the ocean, in making their trips to different countries. Now we know a steamboat “t a| tiug” at piesent in this city vho bio- made onehundred and seventy trips from Louisville to New-Orleans and back ! Ten of these trips were made down the uver on a keel boat eight times the keel boat was w> rked the whole distance back, and twice he walked from this city to Louisvihe though the wilderness. He was employed on the first steamboat ever launched on western w, ters, and has been on them so much since that, in river parlance, lie has got to be a ••regular steamboat” himself He looks hear -ty and young, enough, with the present advantages ot travelling by steam, to uiaksaa many more trips; and such is his general character for good, that when he laughs as ho l ajwuj* at a guod juke, feats feave beetx