The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, May 07, 1839, Image 4

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The article publish' and below, concerning the new aid popular doctrine advanced by tlie illustrious Godii ke, of Germany, cannot fail of excitui. a uct p ami thrilling inter*-t throughout our country. .>latcdlcsv *a-*ati«'e. FOR CONSUMPTION. q q.<3 .<3 l i 3 i [l’rt'T i*l*ted from th* German.\ I LJ JtS 0.-lfdN GOkllbKt, ok or.r.MtNT, THE GREAT!-*.- T •'.•li* T TI r M \l> i»*3N- ; EFA*’IVRS. t|l) ijofis GoriucsK. '•). J). ft X. Gri*::ia:;v, Europe he«-» «:* tin- iiptiriisk ■*, ;i. ot' ;»<.• *" : a Sl'.'.t •••>•1 I’Ki'i 1 *<•« ■ --KITE to U,s Sc.face of; e which. thou-'i n-hemeiitly npp«*M.i» , ia <; ;‘if faculty, [of which he is .1 Ni member,] he proves to be as well t. j in truth as a y ihict-riue of Holy AYi ---a ('oct l '"it «*;t r’r verhv of which .. t th* lives r>t in !.*»»::s ot our t <ec, .;u.» which In* bol-.hy cha’i 1 hit o;i --tg.a -: > refute »r. : • ■ tion is ad •>• ,-t 1 ' .. iis o'MV'-a *7 by-t hfr'dtrt'i a!at* ‘ I’ ■ human . /•'y=» pjV>! -frrtlhj lurking axthr sys- C". : -s *>~jrclhf'eH the least complaint , ie I "i~ whirl) •*«»</ he us rer f-r'n’v, i’: .!<: ■ ' quickly, cured, as a eon , ,</ or 7 - heabic.hc. Art invaliw bly precious dertrine this, ns it imparts an important less*!, to the appaWly healthy 01 oath sexes, teachin? them tint this tnsid i9,,g foe .- ; ay be a t nnohserve.l inmate of the;* ‘-clayey houses” even w hile they ima cine thein e'.ves secure fro . its attacks. r„rhins them that THE GREAT SE CRET IN THE ART(> P.l'.- LR A !N<< MEAL'i H IS TO I’i.Ut'K Ol T THE DIABASE WHILE in THE BLADE. AND NOT WUT TILL THE FULL grown ear. This illustrious benefactor of man ;* also ent i-1 to mr untetg i<* 1 v ■ ;t " 1 < gratitude of a world, lor the invent! mo? his matchless swa ri f -<• healing fiat may jnsily e'at-n for .t m h a title, since it has so -igt.aliy triumnhed over our great common enemy ’IP Tl< )N. both ir, the first an 1 lost t iges,-- a medicine which has throughly filled the ro n th* Materia M dica, an ! thereby proved itself the (iT’EoAiiirtioK ok T.ivsi en>s ri) a medicine, for which nil man kind willhave abundant cause to Ides the beneficent Iwnd of a kind Providence.—a p^pjc jll c whose wotnlious vll tue.> have been to glowingly portrayed even by some of nor elcrey, in their pastoral visits to the si, k chamber; by which means they often h eoroe the happy instruments ol chanjmg and - into hope, sirknr-ss into health, and sadness of friends into j >y‘ t'.ness. q q "q *?. *3 tki JELICKK-Ris a meuicmi t morevalu.- to* man than the van mines of \ ustria, or even the united re asures ot o;ir glo >e.- a medicine, which is ob lined equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus-possessea a thrk.E fold power,— a medicine, which thougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess ed of a mysterious inilneuce over many dis eases of the 1 man system,—a mcdici- », which begines to be valued by !'hy±t 'an* ; w’ j are daily witnessing its aUonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the g>asp of the 1 nsm i ici.k Grave. DOSE of tiie Sanative, for adults, nn* drop f for children, a half drop: and lor in fants, a qnarter drop ; the directions explain ing the manner ot taking a iial. or a quarter d q q q q q q A certificate from three member's of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Gcnna.iy, in Europe. U'e. the unders'gned, rrnctitii r.ersnf me dicine in Germany are well aware tint, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of sonio o( the fa'til tv, but not ot its benevo lent members, who are tinintlucnceil by sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either ot the soundness or unsottnilness of Dr. Goelicke's new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known-- for what our eyes behold and mir ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Olson G»elicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be abase impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much jaid about the. Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives ot cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounded duty (even at the expense of our self inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consumption, blit other fear ful we have heretofore be lieved to bo incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at mice swallowed up ia our utter astonishment at tha*e unexpected results; and, as amends ff>«- our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philan thropist, who docs honor to the profession, and to our count.y, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tais medicine into some of our European hospitals is a sufli ient guaranty'hat it performs all its promises. It needed uot our testimony for wherever it is used ; is its own best witness. HERMAN ETMULLF v, M. D. WALTER VAN HAUoT, M. D. ADOLPHI/S WERNER, M D. Germany, December 10, 1838. h t h b h ‘J Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con. July 70, 1838. Sir—A inns* wonde'-ful cure has la*e!v been effected, through the vt- of Dr Gn click's Sanativo, in the c-e.e o' in et )c r ly genii nan, who was Or • and wast'd a'" <v in (v ■ UMPTF< PAST RECOVERY r . V : it 1F A h , Pti Y SIC AN. ID is ni v mparat speaking, a WELL "AN. ! saw him Oivsclfa few Jays sidc». in m aparv with his wife •tailing on a journey to the w -fra part of this State. ’l« ascribes his escape from the very jawc of death, and his recov ery to health sftlelv to the vMotush'.ng vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. >!• n man possessing a snug property, b;t <-av he. -i would willingly pay ONE THOUSAND DOLL ARS FOR a SINGLE BOTTLE OK IT, IFICOULD NOT PLjX'HASE IT FOR A LESS PRICE. To hirn'lie San .trve is üboveail value. WATER GOODE LL, I\ M. The above Medicine for sale, by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Flevtnee, Jan. 28 THE GOODSAMAIIITAN. A O'MKAhi. \LL nations, Irotn tl.e irmotest age*. . have had ships, but Columbus only fmi-,d ( -;t the way to America, tiie ! tfineot the grcai Spanish 1 avigator people en bled to paddle alt. ut the shores. J ist -o wt;h tiie Lite Medicine.... It is but tv.o shod y.-ar-since 1 fast vci.iurod upon •»n unknown ocean, and 1 live (list overrd it.e pret ious t bjt 1 1 I was in Beach ot— HEALTH. Vegetable medic,:if3 were in *‘-ed li-Miwti when 1 t oinmenced itiy nt aicli, tbc-'r use w*> not. By the use ol t‘ em. i 11 ye n.-t oniv passed front the d< jecte.: invalid,t<> lh» hale hearty and active man 01 >;•??.. but comparatively speaking, I have .one . *d my youth. I ca 1 thus, with imi'.ti dent-e in inv own experience, advise will, icil.iw-ciiizens. Does ti.v reader war.t i moot’that the VEUETABLK 1.11 K Ml \ DICINES are suitable to 1m own case r 1 I h .ve on file at mv olfice. 3ti7 Broadway, hun dreds of letters, from some of ihe most re spectable citizens of this my native land, voluntarily olfered in testimony of tin vir of A GOOD VEGETABLE MED ICINE Persons whose constitutions have bepn nearly ruined by the “all infallible” mineral preparations <>f the day, will bear me witne-s, that the Life Medicines, and such only, are the tuie course to tiermnnent com! health. JOHN MOFFAT. GENERAL REMARKS RELATIVE TO MUFF A PS LIFE PiELS AND PIKENIX BITTERS. These medicines'have lone bi-eti known ao.J a-.mreci. ted. for their extraordinary arid invne:l Ite | ove.- ot ported health to persons stiffenin' u «ier near!y every f ind of disease to which th- hum 111 I. inc is lia’de. In many hit vlrcd*of ceitift-ated instances they have . ten rescued BtilTcrcrs Irom the verv vreef an untimely ave aft. r all th deceptive nostrums <d i'h r dav It * i utterly faib 1; ad to tnanv thousands the have : scpur<d that nnil'.ii'm enioy e .'ih, vi’hout which life its. lt’ is t, , .rlid blevsine. sin great, indeed, has their e.Ticacv invariably and infallibly pioved. that it has appeared scarcely less r' a 1 tniraviilotis to tho-e who were ttnnc rjtrii f.. ( | with the beautifully philosophical I'incip’es 11:11111 .vhich they art* coni|".oun d.-il, and upon which they consequently act It was to their manifest and sensible .it tion in purifying the springs and channels of life, and enduing tivm -vith renewed tone and vigor, that they were indebted for their name, which was bestowml upon them at the spontaneous request of several individuals whine lives they had obviously saved. The proprietor rejoices in the opportuni ty affotded hv the universal diffusion nl the oailv press fir pjaeeing his A EGKTABLL LIFE PILLS within the knowledge and r eh of eve-v iod.vt Inal in the ro-nmnnity. the host of pernicious quackeries, which boa't of vegetable ingredients, the Life Pills are purely and solely vegetable, a- ! contain neiilier Merenry, Antimony, At uic, nor any mineral whatever. r I hey are cn'iic’v composed of extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of which, thou h long known Indian tribes, and re cently to some eminent pharmaceati'-al ch oni.-.s, arc altogether unkno vo to the ig norant pretenders to medical sci n et and wore -if-vr before administered in so happi- ly e bcacious a comhination. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of the stomach and bowels, the various impurities and ora lilies constantly setting a round them; and to remove tiie hardened fteees which colb-. t in the ronvnUitions of the small intestines. Oth- r medi.-iuws only par tially ch-anso liiese, and leave such collected rnas es behind as to produce habitual cos tiyenc s with all its train ol evils, or sud dc diarriur;;, with its imoir cnt i*angers.— This fact is well Known to all regular an .t --oniists. who examine tin- Irtmri bowels af ter death ; and hence the preju lice ol these we i informed men against ihoqirnck medi cines of die age. r Phe ■ reoiol etfect nl the VEGETABLE LIFE TILLS is to cleanse the kiihi’ Vs me -li - bladder, and hv this means, the liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which onti >dy de.lends upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes i?s red ioer from the agency of 1!." liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being this purified hv them, and nourished hv food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely through the veins, renew s *;Ver\ part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the ha: tier of healthy in the blooming check. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases, to w hiih the Ve getable Life Pills are well known to lie in fallible : DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and second stomachs, and cr< hu” a flow or f pure healthy bile, instead of the «ta!e and aeri i kind:— Flatulency. Pal pit itinn of th. Heart Loss of appetite. Heart bur,land Head-ache, Ilestlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety Latis and M lmi' hi>!!,/. which are the general svtntmns of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. Coni)veness, by cleansing the wlrn’e Jon th of the intestines with a solvent pro-es and without violence : all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days, Ttiarrhera and Choieta , by removing the sharp acrid fluids bv which t'tese complaints are occa sioned, and bv promoting the lucrative se cretion of the mticns membrane Fevers of ail kinds by restoring the blood to a reg ular circulation, through the process of per spiration in some cases, anil the thorough solution of all intestinal obstructions in oth ers. The LIFE PILLS hare been known to cure fl'CHmat'e n permanently in .iiree we- ks, aid Gout in half"that time, by remov ing local inflammation from the muscles, and ligaments of the joints. Dropsies of a!! bnu/s, by freeing and strengthening the Kid neys and bladder : they operate most de lightftilly on these important organs and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Al«n, Worms, by dislodging from the turnings of ’he bow els t ie matter to which *hese crea tor a-dl:?re ; Astana and co-sumption, l>\ r< . :g t! r air v ■-••els of 'he lungs from '' >.•••>.'• • -v»n tliid t < M Ida will ! • *t imoved becomes bar ic icl m i produces the se dreadful diseas es Scurr y, C'e . and Inrerterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life Pills give to the blood, ami all th" humors; ftcorh itir Eruptions, and. Had Completions, bv tin r aherauv- etteet upon the fluids that iced : • sk-in !he morbid state of which or— Casio i- ill 73 u> t i>c complaints, ''alow. C[ou ■■■'/ a. 1 a her disaerreeable Completions. — The us-of these Pills for a very short time, will etscct an entire cure of Salt rheum, rlr jsipdas, and a striking improvement in the Clearness of the skin. Comtn,n Colds and Influenza will always bectired by one dosp, or by two. even in the worst cases. Piles, —as a remedy for this most distressing and obstinate malady, the Vegetable Life Pdls deserve a distinct and emphatic re- - II known to him ! "y r *'dß in thks city, F*qprt» to* of j these invaluable Pills, was !.in.self alilict- , t-u uitii tins complaint lur uj wards ot Hur ty Jive years, anu ttiut l»t l.iol iu van* every reuicoy presciioeU .wiiiuu ihe whole com p..>s 01 il*c Alatciia at edit a. He however, at leogili, ineii the toolicii.e which h now oilers to the public ami lie was cured 111 a very short time, alter his recovery had been j roiiouoceu 1 <4 only improbable, but abso luieiy in posiblc liv any laimai. means. lbKiX'liUA h A'ii L.*sL —inc I’ro j rit-'or ol the \ ea table Lite i iiis Uoi s i.«t loliow the oise aud mere-uary practice ot ttie quacks ol tiie day, *ll a..vising persons a* lake Ins Pills 10 J.O£’- quantities. No good medicine can |>ossioiy he so required, i tiese Ptlisare to he taken at bed time every i'ip hi, tor a wtsk or iortnigbt, according to the obstinacy ot the disease, 'i he usual ..o-e is triiio "g too, at-ruriling 10 ihe consti uiion 01 the pers. n A< ty delicate per p-ons should begin with but two. and in- crease as the nature of the case may require; those more robust, or ot ve y costive habit, may begin w ith 3, and increase to 4 nr even A Pills, and they will died a sufficiently happy change to guide the patient iu their further use. These Pills sometimes occa sion sickness and vomiting ttioughvery sel dom unless the stomach is very foul; this however may be considered a favorable sym pioin, as the patient will find hiinsell at unop relieved, and by perseverance will soon recover. They usually operate within 10 or P 2 hours and never give pain, unless the bowels are very much encumbered.— They may be taken bv the most delicate fe males under any circumstances.—[t ishow cvt-rrecominendeJ, that those in later per riuds of pregnancy should take but one at a time, and thus continue to keep the bowels open, and even two may be taken where the patient is very costive. One pill in a solu tion of two table spoons full of water, may be given to an infant in the following doses —a tea spoon full every two hours till it op er tt-s • fora child from one to five years of age, half a pill—and from five to ten, one pill. I'fiE PiICLXiX BITTERS, are so cal led, because they possess the power of re storing the expiring embers of health, to a glowing vigor throughout *h*» constitution, as the Phoenix is sahi to he resto ed to life fro nthe ashes of its >wo dissolution. The Phoenix Bitters arc entirely vegetable, com posed of*roots found only in certain parts of the western country, wldch will in fallihly cure FEVERS AND AGUESof all kinds : will never fail la eradicate entirely all the ef fects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla, and will immediately cure the determination ot BLOOD l’O IHE HEAD neverfail in the sickness incident to jjovnpf males and will b@ found a certain remedy in all eaves of ner vous debility and weakness of the most im paired constitutions. Asa remedy for Chro nic and Inflammatory Rheumatism the effica cy ofthe Piicenix BiUets will be demonstra ted by the use of a single bot'le. The usu al dose ol these bitters is half a wine glass full, in water or wine, and this quantity may be taken two or three line a day, about half an limit before meals, or a less quantity may b'- taken a all times. To those who are afflicted with indigestion after meals, these Bitters will prove in valuable, as they very greatly increase the action of the principal viscera, help them to perform their func tions, arid enable the stomach to discharge into the bowels whateveri-s ofiensive. Thus indigestion is easily and speedily removed, appetite restored and the months ofthe ab sorbent vessels being eleased nutrition is fa cilitated, and strength of body and energy of mind are the happy results. For farther particulars ol MOFFAT’S LIFE PILLS md I' 11 >F. NI X BITTERS, apply at Mr. Moffit soffiee No. 3b7 Broadway New York, where the Tills can he obtained for 25 cents, fit) cents.or Si per box -, and the Bitters for SI or $2 pcrbottle. Numerous certifi cates ofthe wonderful efficacy of both, may be there inspected. In nine obstinate and eomp'icated cases ol chronic ami inflammatory Rheumatism, Liver Complaints, Fever and Ague, Dyspep sia, Tnlsy. Rilts, injuries from the use of mercury, quinine, ana other diseases of lons standing it may be found necessary to take both the Life Tills and the Thoenix Bit ters. in the doses before recommended. N. B.—These Tills and the Bitters will get all mercury out of the system infinitely faster than the best preparations of Sarsapa rilla and are a certain remedy for the rush ins of blood to the head or all violenthead uehes, tie dnulevteux, <Vc—All persons who are predisposed to appopltrn. palsy, Arc., should nev'-r he without, the Life Tills or the Bitters for one dose in time will save life. They equalize the circulation e.f the blood, draw all pressure from the head, re store perspiration and throw- ofl’every impu rity by the pores of the skin. ri e : hn\i medicine for sale by THOMAS O A I' 1 -, Agent. April 1. IR3S fit For \ixlbfl, MACON, G.A. WJ ILL regularly attend the terms of the *v Circuit Court of the United States, in Savannah, in May, and at Millcdgeville in November. All causes committed to their care will be punctually attended to. April 10 4t ’ 1 NOTICE. IN conformity to a Resolution of the Flor ence company, will be sold on the Ist Monday in July, two w harf lots. 'i erms made known on the day of sale. H W. JERNIGAN, Agent April 13 1839. l For Safe. \ LIKELY MULATTO GIRL, about V fifteen years old. She is tolerable seamstress, an excellent house servant, and a good nurse. J. L. BULL. Florence, April 22 2 .*>t STOCK FOII SALE. S' N consequence of other engagements re quiring my personal attention, 1 offer for --ale my stock in trade at Boxat.kle, the rd ts equal to tlie best in the county The - took consists of sucli articles as are Usually kept in a country store. Dry (tends. Hardware, HATS. BOOTS AND SHOES, and th. many articles to form an assortment. The above stmd is in the 24th district of Stewart county, connected with the Post Office known as Chisholm's P. O. For terms apply to the subscriber on the prem ises. JAMES M. MILNER. The Lands are now rented for the third oft heir productions—Cotton, corn and fod der. F eb 6 44 r I 1 HE Subscriber Will attend to the roller -1- tion of all debts due the late firm of Gardner Ac Barrow, up to April, 1839 Persons indebted to said firm will please make imiueatrmoaediatel*. Apr»nb -•» Ts. BARROW ' Xff Sheriff sales. 11 ‘ ILL ue sold on the first Tuesday in It MAY next, before the Court House d«>or of Lee county between the legal hours of sale, the follow mg property to wit: lo t of Laud No. 4U in the second dis trict of Lee couny, levied on ns the [leoperty ot Al laliam Iwngsy, to mi I: sly a it la in lavor cl Vv m. F. Bond, ar.d »*:.e fi lavs, said King sv in lavor 01 Bond *V Btietneld, i-sued from a .luMtee Court ol W ilkinson county, levi- and on and returned to me by a consta ble, property pointed 01 t l-y iMuiutifls .At torney . Lot of Land No. 109 in the 14th dis trict of L*e county, levied on as (he pro perty of John Marshal anil Ezekiel Ahbett. o satisfy a fi f.i issued from a Justice Court of J.isj er county. iri lavor ol W illiam Mor ris, lor the use of Robert Bull vs. said John Marshall and Ezekiel Abbeit, property poin ted out bv James Aiibett levy made hi and re turned to me bv a constable. One yoke ol" Oxen and cart, two st e!,s of Fodder, fifteen hu ml red v.a ight, limr*- ■ 1 I-.-.S. and one two acre Lot in the S. li. corner of Lot No. 240. in the 13th district of Lee county—levied on as the property of John Sherrnrd to satisfy a ti fa issued from the Su perior Court ol Lee county in favor of Har rison Jones, vs. said John Sherrardand Sam uel Sillivant, property pointed out by .Sam uel Siilivant. Also, Lot of Land No. 228 in the 12th dis trict of Lee coutitv, and also a part of two Lots, Nos. not known, well improved, con taining two hundred acres more or less, the place whereon James Huckaby now lives, levied on as the property of James Huckaby to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior t'ourt of Lee county, in favor of Davis Smith ft Cos. vs. said James Huckaby ft George AV. Huckaby—property pointed out by George W. Huekabv. Also, Lot of Land No. 180 in t’.ie Ist district of Lee county, and two half acre Lots'iu the Town of Starksvil'e Nos. not known, levied on as the property of George W r . Huckaby, to satisfy afl fa issued from the Inferior Court of Lee county in favor of Davis Smith A: Cos. vs. James Huckaby and George AV'. Huckaby, property pointed out by defendant. Nathan Bankston's interest in lot of land No, 39, in the 14th district of Lee eountv, it being a share of one tenth part of said lot, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a Justice court of Coweta county, in favor of Silas Lau rence, vs said Bankston- Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Lot of land No. 220, in the 12 h district of Lee county, levied on as the property of William 11. Harrison, to satisfy a Fi Fa is sued from the Inferior court of* Habersham county, iu favor of .las. Smith, vs said Har rison- -property pointed out by the plaintiff. Lot of land, No. 201 in the 2d district of Lee county, levied on as tVie property of Teter H. McCaskell. to satisfy a Fi Fa issu ed from the Inferior court of Lee county, in favor of Mordicai Alexander, vs George \Y r . Huckaby, and Peter H. McCaskell—prop erty pointed out by George \A 7 . Huckaby. Lot of land No. 199. in the l2th district of Lee county --levied r n as the property of Jas. Bradley and George Mitchell, to satisfy three Fi Fas issued from a Justice court of Jasper county in favor of Thomas Bmddus vs said James Bradley and George Mitchell - -property pointed out hv plaintiff, levy made and returned to m» by a constable. One house and lot in the town of Starks ville No. the “lace whereon the Rev. Wm. W. Manuel now lives, levied on ns the property of George \V. Huckaby. to sat sfy a Fi Fa issued from the Inferior Court of Lee county, in favor of Mordicai Alexan der, vs George \V. Huckaby and Peter 11. McCaskell, property pointed out by plain tiff. Also, lots of land No. T 74 No. 12. and N<>. 37, i.t the 13th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Michael Madden, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Superior Court of Sumter county, in favor of Jernigan iV Lawrence vs said Madden, property poin ted out by Thomas (J. Sullivan. A. DYSON, Sheriff. March 21, 1838. Also, will he sold at the same time and place. Lot of Land No. 229 in the 15th district of originally Dooly, now Lee county, levied on as the property of Robert G. Ford, tosatisfv a fi fa in favor of the Inferior Court of L' < county, vs. B. O. Pearson, AA’illiam.J. Ford, and Robert (5. Ford—property pointed out by defendant. One yoke of Oven and car , levied on as the property of John Cain, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Lee county, in favor of Harrison Jones. Adm’r. of the estate of Lewis Bond, dec’d. vs. said John Cain. D. GOFF, D. Sheriff. March 21,1039 51 Stew art Sh er iff Sales. REFILL be sold, on the first Tuesday v ▼ in MA Y next, before the court house door in the town of Lumpkin, Stewart coun ty, between the usual hours of sale, the fol lowing property, to wit: One lot of land. No. 64. in the 33d (list. Stewart county, taken as th ■ property of Wiley Burk to satisfy sundry Ft Fas, issued out of a Justices court of Heard county in favor of C. B. ic J. T. Brown-—levied ct> and returned to me by a Constable. Also, No. 113, in the 19th district of Stew art co. taken as the property of Robert J. Bridges, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued out of a Justice court of Stewart county in fa vor of A. P. Rood Ac Cos. and others, pro perty levied and returned to me by a Con stable. Also, No. 10 in the 32d district of Stew art county taken as the property of B. Swarin gitn, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas, issued out ot a Justice court in favor of J. Lumpkin and others. Also, No. 197, in the 24th distiict of said county, taken as the property of James Beard, to satisfy one Fi Fa, issued out of Stewart Inferior Court in favor of John West, vs Reuben Roach James Beard and Winwright L. Stewart, security. M. M. FLEMING Sh'fT. March 28,1«39. ADMIN IST R A TORSOS A LE VI/ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in * v July next at the Court House door in the county of Sumter, lot of land num ber fifty, in the twenty eighth district of for merly '.ee, now Sumter county. Sold as the property Willis Jernigan, deceased, for the benefit ofthe herrs and creditors if said deceased, terms made known on the day of sale. BRYANT JERNIGAN, Adm r. Amercus, Feb. 9,1839. 43 WILL be sold, on thr 20th of MAY * y next, at the house of Clement Bryan, late of Rando lph : aunty, deceased, a quan tify of Corn and Pcuiler. It will be put up in lots to sui. purchasers, and on a credit until 'he 25fh of December next; pure ha sem giving email notes, with approved se eurity. L. BRYAN, , IX C. BRYAN i *** n Ittr!’ 9 5^ Stewart SheritT salts, ILL tie old beiure the Court House v T door 111 the town ot Lumpkin. tSt«_w rt county, on ttie first Tuesday m JUNE m \t, iieiween the usual hours of sale, the tol ou ing property, to wit: Lot of La id. No. lit), in the 2*2d district of Sit wart c.itit: y taken as tie |.o;e*t\ of Giv tos ui sv - j.. !r\ Ft 1 ’a- i u id out of .a ji.“-i»ct’s ccuit, it* f..vor cl AD.e kirl Terry and others. Also, No. 2, in the 32d district of said county, taken as the propeity of James Ilun man, to satisfy sundry Ft Fas issued out of a justice’s court of Stewiut crunty, in favor of Howell Wells and otlv r«. Also, No. 29. in the 18th Ui trict > f Stew art county, taken as tiie property of Harri son Bush, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of a justices court <1 aid countv, ia favor ot W iliiatn B. Butts vs. Hariisou Bush am! Jo seph Scott. Also. No. 52. in the 24th district of Stew art county, taken a-the property of i’liniati L. Gunnels, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. issu ed out of a justices court of said county, in favor ol C. A. Parker and others. Also, two lots in the town of Florence, Nos. 56 and 57, in square < ’, taken as the propeity of T' o ns Gardner, to satisfy a Fi Fa. issued out of the Superior Court of Bii)l> county in t'avo of William Giovervs said Gardner. Also. No. 152. in ihe 23d district of Stew art county, taken as the properly ot Frede rick Mills, to satisfy aFi Fa. i«sn. ( | out of Stewart Superior court in favor of James O'Jelks. Vs said Mills. Also, No. 216. in the 24th district of Ftew - art coutitv, taken as the pioperfv of ! a*.. AT. Coe, to sa'isfy sundry Fi i'as. issued out of a justice's court of Stewart county in favor of Abner Banks and others vs. said Coe. Also, Ty C Beard's interest in Lot of L-nd No. 135, m the24th district of said -ccuutv, taken to satisfy sundry Fi Fas issued <,. > of a justice's court of .Stewart county, in f.vor of R .1 Snellin" and others. Also the west halt of Lot No. 159 in the 24th district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Thomas Gary to sati-ty sundry fi t;r issued out of a Jmtiee (an. ; ot said county in favor of 11. S.ia- and others. Also No 45 in the 24th distrii t of Stew art county taken as the property of James 11. Harrell, to satisfy sundry fi fas} lout of a Justice Court of said count* i lavor of R. Ponder and ethejs. Also No. 42 in the 23d district of e ■’.! comity taken as the property of Winripl.t L. Stewart, to sift iy ali fa issued out m the Superior Court of Stewart eountv. in favor of James Case, vs. Win. j. ht L. Stew art. Libin Mi :hi md Narlia i Cf ton. Security. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. April 27, 1859 5 Wjßo Sheriff sales. 'WETII.L be sold on the Hist Tuesday in • » JUNE next, at th* Court ilou«c door in the Town of Starksyhle. within the usual houisnf le he folk wing prop r’V 10 w it : Lot of Land No. 187 11 the 14th district of IjP" c» ii v I 'Vo and o as the property cl Edmund Suiheiiin aud Allen Tark t, to sa'isfy a fi ft from a Justice Court of New ton county in favor of Samcrl.l Brian, vs. Edmund Slither''in aid A Hen Pa-L-r, property pointed'ini by plaintiff, levy made and irturned to inc by a constable Also Lots Nos. 50, 52, '. 65 and 6 r i. in the Town of Statksville well improved, leviod on as the prop* rt* of John Siieriaril .0 sat isfy a li fa issued from the Superior Court of county in favor of Davis Smith & Cos. vs John Sherrard ft Robert G. Ford, prop erty pointed onr by Robert (J. Ford. Lots of Land Nos. 185. 186 and I -ac tion No. 199 in ihe 15th district of original ly Dooly now Lee county, with the c-. rp tion of 20 acres of Lot No. 186, levied on as the property ol Robert G. Ford to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of Lee county in favor of Davis Smith A C *. vs. John Sherrard and Robert G Ford property pointed out hv John Sherrard. April 25. 18 9 3 . ABRAHAM DYSON, Sheriff wi I L be sold, on ti>e first Tu> sday in » * .It LY n* xt. at the court housedoor in town of Amerietts. under an order of the TFnnorah’*-the Inferior court of the com 'v of Sumter, while sitting for ordinary purpos es. lot of kind No. 557. in the 28th district, of oinnerly Lee, now Sim ter county—sold ns the property of John B Cannon, deceas ed lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said deceased. HENRY DEKES, Amn’r. April 4th 16.39, 52 \G.REEABLE to an orrfei ot ihelifi' - rior Court of Stewart county, who, sitting for ordinary purposes will he sold on the first Tuesday in July next, within f *, legal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Baker county, Lot of land No. 53 it* the 9th district of or iginally Early, now Baker county : sold for the benefit ofthe heiis of Timothy Can r-g ton, late of Stewart county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. JA V, ES HILLIARD, Adtn'r. April 16th 18.39. 2 \ LL tliose who are indebted to the cs ® late «.f Samuel Williai s. late of Stew art ("I'mty deceased, arc hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having demands against said es tate. are required to render them in accord ing to law. E K. CROCKER, ) LOV'ERD BRYAN, I ~ T. FORT, } Executors. W. BOYNTON, J A LL persons having demands against - * the estate of Clement Bryan, late ol Randolph county deceased, w ill present them for payment in terms of the law; and those indebted to said estate, will please make pay ment immediately, to L. BRYAN, ? r, , D. C. BRYAN, \^ xrs - April 8. 19j;9 52 fit Monti is after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court ofSumter county when sitting for or dinary purposes, for leave to sell the real es tate of Uriah Fuller deceased. walton w. fuller, Admv M *ri , 1 '• ' 49 ill! 1 ’I R Mi) \ BUS titer J >te ap);lication *- will be made to the honorable the in ietior court of Sumter county, when silt in cr lor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part of the real estate of Edmund Jones, minor ot Wiley Jones, deceased. WINNEY JONES, Guardian. Feb. 4, 18.39. 45 R MONTHS after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of the county of Sumter while set ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot number fifty in thu twenty eighth dis- I trict, of formerly L*’e now Sumter county to I be sold as the property of Willis •Trfnigarqde ccased, tor the benefit of the heirs and crcd itors of said deceased. BRYANT JERNIGAN, Adm'r, Aor*t?Cus, Feb. 9, 45 < ro ] Aiisnisiiwti al&ns* Sale. \ T the Cuurt tiouse iu Baker couutv, will be sola ou the first T uesday j u August next, t>y an order ol the inierior Court 01 Lee county, me loliow ing describ ed Lots ot Laud, belonging to the estate of ihe late Lewis Lund, deceased, ail bold for the beueht ol tnc heirs aud creditors of said deceased, audio effect a distribution; a part 01 v.luch lots compile tl.e Baker planta tion.- ->ales to continue hum uay 10 day un til the w hole is sold, 'i el ins umde known ou the day 01 sale, viz: Lots 347 “<J, 2d. 1 t*7 2d, 137 2d, 156 2d, 145 2d. North halt ol 215 2d, 186 2*l, 144 2d, 351 2d, 148 2d, 73 2d, 14« 2u. 534 2d, 2.3 2d. 138 gd, 220 2d, 213 2d, aiid 192 iu the 2d District of Baker, originally Early county ; and also Eois lot- sd, lm sd. 21)5 3-d. 254 3d. 137 o ( t 113 3d, in the 5d Di-irutoi Lake r, lornici Iv Early county ; and also. Lots 10.100, 21. fij, and 257,in the seventh district 01 Baker* toriberly Early c« nnty ; ami also. Lois qpj and 197. in ti;e 12th district ol Baket coun ty, lormerly Ear y. am; also In; 7* m-ik,. p rst district 01 Baket county, fornseily Early. Also, on the first Tuesday in Srptcniber next, will be sold, at Starksviile, Lee eouu ly, before ihe t door, the follow ng Lots ol Laud belonging to the said de ceased, and sold tor a similar pui| o«c \i z • 216, 2*o 217. 214. 169, 230, i-.fl, ]<;o v O o* 56, 184.235. 141.215 ai Kbl-d district Ot lee ci ! <y, a |--, t ,; v j,;,,, ■ npri •* ..'-.Li-., :| »• «" •'« (!h-n.* n-s and also h t »• *’•«* third. •>• ! ii .. north i all „t lot 217 in the In r jli T..,-| tce county. Al.o, outlie fust ' ’ u'gck.v 11 <li tubermo * I '* !* re ihe Cos: rt i 1 n-r >!■ , j j,. j ~j, WiIR ir oil • nm:?\. lk- f.i!',*-. ing Lot- r;’ LamJ he loti ting *0 ■aid th c< ;e ed, w j : , rt <.f ' * t oii-pi 1 !< k i ! ; :S.II ; k'iiiatkitl, **o lor a siinih.i | iir|,osc, v ; . ; -j; 1 4.j , *-•:'• V'M. !» ’ Ith. 2- lilt. 513 4i},. 1 4] ’ <7l it . 26-. 3d, 1-. I dill 25 4ill. 26 ~it. lih 30 4th. 282 sth. 2e<3 sih, 286 sth, V < Eh. 164 sth, 185 sih, 297 4th, 300 4.:.. 5,5 and, ,49 3d, 350 5-d, 953 3d, 354 3d, 311 1 irh, 542 14th, 347 4th. 34 sth 45 ’ 296 4fh, 260 sth, 309 ith. 299 lib, j;,j q,j,! 27') sth, 196 till 16? 4th. 179 Th. 5 ), ■' 6 sth. 150 5.1-.2(■■) Itii. 2.7 4th, 35 4ii ‘>l l.h. 92 4th, :iost!i, 178 23d, 93 4th. 249 Eh ! * " Eh, 27 *; 5111, 40# 12th, I.S 22d. 114 sth, 115 sth, 138 stli, 167 4th. 9 : h 27 ? 4th, 237 sth, 2 6 *, }:, 3' 0 4th. 28 -5 h, 207 k 1 -II s'h, 1825th, ;•) stii, 159 3d. 159 256, 26 23d. 1 Lot. No. not known, sth. neres ; 1 lot in the town ol Irwinfon. 7 acr«"; A lot in AA’ilkirson, No. not known. Ini } a- C-.vs; 1 lot N*.3 i, ',a( i ’ioo, s<l. Cf.’lJ ;<•••. y ;i put of lot No <);). in the 4th, 20 acres . ,1 parcel of !.m I 15-: 4rV mur.-Mphi l ??• - r e ■ part of !G9, in -ith. cnaiaining 70 ;n r s ; pmt ot 2OIJ. in st.i. co.-ta-ng 50*1 acres - all the above lots of* land Gg in the districts an nexed to each number. The said several sale** of !-.• ! te cor.fume from day to day until the whole is sold.-- Ter ms of sale, one third the tt»-ei-i>. ,< , v of Dcember next, tin balance ia two ecu.:! annual instalment*. I; Jf.NhS JUS El’ll BUND. AcVihr 1 Lew is I'., id,d- * <!.'t 23, if 3J 51 cowff | Saturday the 4th day of Mav r,.y, Kfl Will be sold-.'t the kite tonh iKe ,-t .Mimuel \A i’lims and c’d. belwicn i| irly f\r imt lorty head of Ca*tlo. one \n ~| * ~,, a quantity of L ;txl -md sou C r , al ,*j P'r-,.q - otii'-i art If. A!.-*, v.ii l f on the first i uestiay in June next befoie the (Joint House floor in Lumpkin, one N< eio 1 * , by the nni.u o; .A) rilic,:a i-oi f J jffei o J f ‘ r ’* ullage, till ,-f.; ;;s tl.e |lO|tr.v of "■ : ■’ v d< <■ and. ngv< !-. t th,* ia. t nl and te -iatin ot o, smd dict a-vd. E E. CRGCKLE. / LOA EiiJ) BRYAN, i ~ 'JOMI-INMiN EOKT, ( AA’J L L ARD BOA NTuN, \ Alareh 39, ] 659 4 9 ."TiiAA A E'i* 8. TK K T ;f: U’l |;f i B. i< i. .-i ie33, (Jain, Ac Tope At j Mark M. 1- Dming, A | Ned liobci iaoti, j lid! fee 1 -..-ore j ; bho ( n’.H. ml j Arthur A. Morgan. } | T appearing to this, otu; flj-.i .T-. J : { 1- one oi the delenilaots to ihe sam Lii. of ( opij Gnu, ri .- uHs ci.t ol the hunts 01 this ,*s; ite. OnitiOtior, oi the Solicitgri |, on : lait t, "• (.'ciet , dull sen :ti : |),nuuix,, t.y ( I : atiou ot,ci a u.otith lot fi ur tliiitjtiis, jrj "I the public gasu-tlcs of lb:s fc late. A tsar extract hem the minutes 01 m» iv* •vt Sej eiiOi euiut, h ebruaiy inn,, ELIJAH l‘F AIK L, f ».'a April 1. 1839. £ l. 11 ■’ • stiinw-i j «m, ir.fife—iritenoi Court, sitting ler» | ' ; 1 uses, in saiu county : li a; (e.iimg to tin Court, i,n ti.c petition ot Stephen Bivins, by his attorney. Etiv, u K l >■: w 11, U tit I-i.ani V. let, tat, ot salt; cot.n t\, deceased, while m Jue, n ;•( <• an ,| execu te, to said Stet lieu Bivii Ids In Id, it, tl i.‘ "‘‘v ol six tiiousaniJ two liuntired at,d hity dollars, uudci the hand and seal cl -rid Isliani West, deceased, dated the thirn c. .s and y of Decembtr, in timyear 01 utn Laid eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, (a cot y ol whit li is filed in the (U 1 sis efi C t ,) cot : - ditioned to make good and lawful titles to said Bivins, to three several lots til land, to wit: three hundred .ml two, and two hun died and seventy-eight, and two hundred .Hid sixty-two, in the fifteenth district of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, when the last payment, (being tine the twci ty filth day of December, in tne year ol our Lord eighteen hundred arid thirly-eight.) should be made ; and said \\ ist having de parted this life, without eomplyiu” tv Ith fit® conditions ot this Fond ; It is then litre or dered, that Samuel Bivins and r j humus Mann Administrators ol said West deceased, and «dl other persons interested in said estate, do show cause, (if any they have,) at th# next term of this Court, after this applica tion has been ptibli lied three months, in one of the public Gazettes, and in the pub lic places in the county, why said Samuel Bivins and said Thomas Mann, as admin istiators as aforesaid, should n< t be direct ed to make titles to said three lots of land, to said Stephen Bivins according to the ten or and conditions of said bond, else, said Samuel Bivins and said Thomas Matin, ad niini-trators as aloresatd will be direct#,! so to do, on said Stephen Bivins making it api ear that said la-f payment above speci fied, lias been duly made. True extract from the minutes. E. NUNN, c. e. o. March 19, 1839. 52 mom For Sale, ”** VFINE four whral CARRIAGE, 00 accommodating; t-jms. Apylyto _ j. In pt T Lfc. FfbMMfr, A pti* 32 3! 9