The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 02, 1839, Image 4

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SUttwri fUterili' safes. WILL ues lii tjcfore tire Court llou*e door in tire town of Lumpkin, Stcw liituy, on tire l*t Tuesday :n NO- Vt M JKR. next, uetween tile usual hours ot aa‘e, the follovviir..' property, to w *: tames Smith's interest in No. 43, in the ‘>H,i district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Jntucs Smith, it being Ins in t errs tin said lot of land, to satisfy a Fi Fa i.s lei out of a justice’s court of Franklin countv. in favor of William \V. Mitchell, vs said Smith. .... , .. \lso. No. 111, in the 19m tnslnct of said conn >’ taken as *he property of Blount Troutman, to satisfy sundry Ft Fas issued out of a justice's court of Stewart county in favor of Miller, Ripley & Cos. vs said 'lho itinan. , . _ vho- No. 1-7, in the 21th distJiot of Stew art county. taken as the property of James M Milner, to satisfy sundry hi Fas issued nut of a justice's court of Stewart county in favor of William C. Spear vs said Milner. A.!so, a uegro girl by the name of Ann. ten years old, taken a.s 'the property of Tai nt in C. Pickett, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. issued out of a justice's court of Stewart countyin favor of Oswell Hailcry aud oth ers, vssaid Pickett^ a mu'atto h< , 13 years old, taken as the property of 11. M. Jinkios to study sundrv ’i Fas issued out ol a justice's court'of Stewart county, in favor of Calvin L May and others, v- ■ud Jiukius. Also. 300 bushels of corn, more nr less, taken as tip; property ol Bryan Pace, to satisfy a distteSs warrant in favor of Tho mas Haled ty vssai I Pace. Aiso, N*. 225 in the 05th dislrict of Stewart’county, taken as the property of .Teuton Picket", to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of *tl»6 Superior court of Stewart county, in favor of Joseph Scott vs said Pickett. Also, No. 121, in the .'lst distriot of dew art county, taken as the property of William Pickard, to satisfy a Ft Fa issued out ol Oa . ford Superior court, in favor of The o Irick. Manp'ord vs st: l Pikard. Oct 1 M. M FLEMING, Sheriff. POSTPONED SALE. A( the sit'lie tie anil place. One eighth part of lot of land No 143, in fie 19th district of Stewart county, taken •H till property of Darrell I). Bridges, to satisfy a ft fi issued out of the Superior Co.k, of Oglethorpe county in lavor ol John Woo I, it being the undivided intere i of the Deft. , Also, No. 242, in the 24tli district of Stewart county, taken as the property of Stephen Glover, to satisfy sunihy It las issued out of a_Justices Court of Stewart county, in favor of Jesse W right aud otluts. jyj FLEMTN 1, Sit riil’. Sun ter sheriff sales. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before the court house door in the town of Americus, Suniter county, within the usual hours ol sale, the following property, to wit: The remaining Stock of Goods new on haul consisting of Dry Goods, Hard \\ ares, Crockery wares and otherarticles two tedious to mention, al! levied on as the property ol Douglass 11. Brown, to satisfy one Mort gaged fa from Sumt»r Inferior Court, in fa vor of John C. SliuflSeld anil William F. Bond, vs. Doug'ass 11. Brown, property pointed out in said ft fa. GREEN M. WHEELER, D.Sh’if. August 17, 1839. fsce Sheriff Sales. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, at the court house door in the town of Starksville, with in th*' usual hours of sate, the following pro perty, to wit t Lot of Land, No. 36. in the 16th district of Lee county, levied on as the property of Jesse -Scarborough to satisfy a Ft Fa issued from the Superior court ol Lee county, in favor of Campbell, McDouguld be Harris, Vs said Scarborough. Also, Thomas O. Loyd’s interest in Lot of Land No. 240, in the I2ih district of Lee county, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a jus tice’s court of Clark county, in favor of William Murray; property pointed out by plaintiff; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Paschael .1. Whatley’s interest in said lot No. 240, In the 12th district of Lee county, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from a jus tice’s court of Clark county, in favor of William Murray vssaid Whatley; proper ty pointed out by the plaintiff; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lo’ of Land, No. 43, in the second district of Lee county, levied on as the pro perty of John JR. Cain, deceased, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. issued from a justice's court of Lee county, in favor of Joseph Jordan vs John Sherrard, administrator of John R. Cain deceased, and William W. Harvard, security ; property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney; levy made and jeturned to me by a constable. Also, Lot of Land, No. 206. in tire 15th district of originally Dooly now Lee coun ty, levied on as the property of James Dun tnan, to satisfy three Fi Fas from a ju--tine’s court of Crawford county, in favor of Dow el Wills vssaid Duuman; lavy made and re turned to me by a constable. Also, T ot of Land, No. 13, in ilie 12th district of Lee county, levied on as the p:o --porty of Mieajali Posey, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the Inferior of Pulaski county, in favor of Alfred J. Lester, vs said Posey ; property pointed out by plaintiff. Also, one bay in ire, about 10 or 12 years oil, levied oil a, the properly of Michael O. Snel grove, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from the inferior court of Lee county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, in favor of. the offi eers o( coutt, vs said Michael O. Snelgrove, Adtri’r. of Robert D Respess, deceased, and Is,me Ttsoti and Robert 4s--Ford, secu rities; property pain ed out by Isaac Tisou. Sept 23 ..23 A DYSON, Sheriff’. amus\ 'T i v roiFS sale". AGREEABLY to an order of the hon orable the Inferior Court of Stewart county, when Pting for ordinary purposes, will Ir-sold, on the first Tuesday ill NO VEMBER ono, within the usual hours of salt, at the eon t * , is ; door of sai I county, tiie PL VNT.VTION belonging in the estate of A. 11. Shepherd, dect o *!. rituated in sai l county, near the town of Florence, con taining ,399 acres of fraction land on the riv er and ltVJa. res a.ljoiuiug'above. and four lots pine land, quality, lying broadside. Sold for the boiiofi of the heirs and credit ors of said estate. JAMES M. SMYTIIE, Adm’r. ANN E. SHEPHERD, Adm’rx. August 12, 1839. 19 CAUTION. A LL persons are hereby cautioned' a- A gain-.; trespassing on lot of land No. 223, in the 21 si district of Stewart county ; •also, on lot No. 140, in the 27th district of Sumter couutv. as the law will be rigidly en forced upon ah who may be Uuown to have hutruded upon either. L. C. MATTHEWS, k Jefferson co.Ga, Oct. 5 25 2t V DREE ABLE to au order of the Hon orable Inferior Court of Sumter Coun ty when setting as a Court of ordinary, will be sold on tire first Tuesday in November 1 next before tue Court House door in Amer ic ire. Lot No. 193, in the 17th district of Stew art county. Also Lot No, 243, in the sth district of Early county, on the first Tues day in December next, at the Court house door of that county. Sold for the benelit of the heirs aud creditors of Uriah Fuller deceased. WALTON W. FULLER. A-lm’r Septembers, 1839. 23 VGREEABLE to an order of the honor able the Inferior court of the county of Sumter, when sitting for ordinary pnr poses. will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the court house door in 1 the county of Randolph, Lot of Land No., 7. in the tenth district of formerly Lee now Randolph county, for the benefit of Alexan der Carretheis, a minor. ELIZABETH BUCK, . (foimerly Elizabeth Joiner,) Sumter co. Oct. 22. Guardian. \GREEABLE to an order of the lion . nrablc the Inferior Court of Sumter comity, when sitting as a Court of ordinary, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN'U VRY next, before the court house door in Americus, Smnter county, lot of land. No. 189, in the 17th district of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, f« he sold tor the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of Uriah Ful ler, deceased. WALTON W. FULLER, Oct. 22 29 Adm’r. GFiOiIGIA —Lee Count;/. W'IIERE VS, Ann Mercer applies Io me lor letters of Administration on the estate of Siios Mercer, late of said county, decease 1. Tip is, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of ee, within the tint* prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office, this 4th September, l '.'l9. SAM E C. WYCIIE, c. e. o. GE ORG I A— Lee Count yT fTT, lERE VS, Garey G. Ford applies to T me for letters of .ydministra ion on the estate of John J. Ford, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any why said letters should uot he granted. Given tinder my hand at office, this 28th September, 1839.“ 07 S. C. WYCHE, c. c.o. OU R months after date, application will be made to thr honorable Inferior court of Burke county, when sitting'for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Francis, and her two children, Bill and sMariali, belonging to the estate of 11. C. Maund, deceased, for the benefit of’tlie creditors solely. WILLI AM AV. MAUND, June 20,1639 15 Adm’r.' ALABAMA LANDS FOR SALE. Entire 7 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 S. half 4 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 29 S. half 34 19 28 W. half 29 16 26 S. half 23 18 28 K. half 21 22 26 •S. half 32 18 28 N. half 33 20 26 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 N. half 9 14 30 E. half 2 18 25 Entiio 33 15 25 Any of the Lands will lie sold on terms to suit purchasers, by application to John l>. Pitts, Esq. Florence, Ga. or to the subscriber, at Macon. Sept 14 23 J. COWLES. LAND FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale two set tlements of La id. One containing 966 acres principally oak and hickory and hammock, with 130 acres open and under cultivation; one Grist Mill, Gin aud Cot ton crew on the same. The other consists o! 610 acres, oak and hickory with 150 acres under cultivation. Theabove lands lie on the Hatchachubbce Creek, about 16 miles west of Florence, in Russell County, Alabama. Persons wish ing to purchase will do well to call and view the premises. Terms to suit purchasers. JOHN TARVER. October 1,1839. tID LAND FOR SALE. THE undersigned will sell on liberal and accommodating terms, 202i acres good pine land, in the 23d district of Stewart county, situate about 2 miles West of Lumpkin, with 18 or 20 acres cleared and under cultivation. Any person wishing to purchase would do well to call and examine tho same. RANDOLPH PIERSON. Oct. 1,1839 2in FLORENCE ACADEMY, r-pilE exorcises of the Male De| irtment A of the Florence Academy, will com mence on Monday next, 7th inst. under the superintendence of Mr. Gf.okoe J. Mc- CuKsKr.r, who comes well recommended ns an instructor of youth. The following will be the rates of tuition, por quarter: Orthography, Reading ami Writing $4 0( do do do with Arithmetic, 500 English Grammar and Geography, 6 V r Higher English Branches, 8 0C Languages,- 10 0 The Fi .tale Department will commenc-* on the same day, under the direction ot Mv; *,AttKT I lauvkv. Os Miss Har vey’i qnultiic itioiis the Trustees deem it 'un* neci-ssaiy to speak, as they are toy wo! known to require any reconiineudatijn froc them. The terms of tuition, will b3 th‘. same as stale above, atiij fur Drawing and Painting, 12 0' Nee Rework an extra charge of 3 Os Birurd can be had, for Males and fema in the must respectable houses, at reasxy.a ble prices. Jan. 5 39 BY THE TRUSTEE 2. Settle V»«tr lecountx. VL I. those indebted to the late firm of HARVEY & CHASTAIN or JOHN P.HARVEY, are requested to come for ward and settle immediately, as I am anxious to close the'bugiuess* I can be found at the back room of the old store of Smith A Win frey. JOHN P. lIA RVF.Y. Oct 17 J2B GEORGIA —Lee County. A’ule Ami, to foreclose a Mortgage, in Cte Superior C- urt. James L. Ross, ) I T appearing to the VS. J. Coutt. oil thepe- Tiiomas Butler. tiiion ol James L. Ross, of tile in this Coutt, that T iiomas ltutier, then and still of the county of Bald win, in said Slate, on the tilth day of Janu ary, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hun dred and thirty-seven, in the said county of Lee, made and sealed, and then and there delivered to the said James L, Ross, his cer tain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, tlieieby mortgaging to the said James L. Ross, the two lots or tracts of land, known as the lots numbered two hun dred ami sixty-one and two hundred and se venty, iu the fourteenth districtof the coun ty of Lee ; (the woril fourteenth, in said mortgage, abbreviated and written fourth, but iutended fourteenth;) and both of said, lots together, containing four hundred and live acres of land, more or less, the better to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, bearing dale the same day and year aforesaid, which the said Thomas Butler had then aud there made and delivered to the said James L. Ross, whereby, by the first day of February, eighteen hundred and thir ty-eight, the said Thomas Butler promised to pay the said James L. Ross, or order, the sum of two thousand dollars, with interest from the first day of February then next, for value received, and which said mortgage deed and promissory note, are now here pro duced in Court; aud, it further appearing to the Court that the sum of eleven hundred and eighty-three Dollars and fifty-nine cents principal, besides interest thereon, from the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, is still <1 ire on said note and un paid, and tiie said James L, Ross having prayed the foreclosure ol the said mortgage in terms of the statute iu such cases provi ded; and whereas, the said James L. Ross is about to file his bill for the purpose of re forming said mortgage deed, It Ts, on motion of Janies M. Kelly, attor ney for said petitioner, ordered, thatthesaul Thomas Butler do pay into court, within six months from this date, the principal, inter est and cost due on said mortgage, or show cause to the contrary, and that on his failing so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises shall be henceforth, forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered by the Court, that the said Thomas Butler be served with a copy of this rule three months previous to the next term of this Court, or that ser vice of the same be perfected by a publica tion of this rule once a month for 4 months, in some pu *lic gazette in this Stare, previ ous lo said term. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, this 4th September, 1839. SAM’L C. WYCllE,Cl’k S.C. m4rn 24 ms OF FAT’S Vegetable Life -L’-*- s’ilSsi 3i;d fi*kcrnf\ Skitters. The universal estimation in which the celebra ted Life Pills and PhoeSix Bitters are held, is satisfactorily demonstrated by the increasing demand tor them in every state and section of the Union, and by the volun tary testimonials to their remarkable efficacy which are every where offered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that they are the means of extensive and in estimable good among his afflicted (ellow creatures than from interested considera tions, and the proprietor of these pre eminently successful medicines is desirous of keeping them constantly before the pub lic eye.—The saleo r every addinttional box and bottle is a guarantee that some person will be relieved from a greater or less degree of suffering, and be improved in general health ; for in no case of suffering from disease can they be taken in vain. The proprietor has never known or been in- formed of an instance in which they have (ailed to do good. In iKe most obstinate cases of chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and billions head ache, costiveness, piles, general debility, sctofulous swelling and ulcers, scurvy, salt rheum and all other chronic affections of the organs aud membranes, they effect cures with a rapidity and permanency which few persons would theoretically be lieve, but to which thousands have testified from happy experience. In colds and coughs, which, if neglected, superinduce the most latal disease of the lungs, and indeed tire vicera in general, these medicines, if taken but for three or four days, never fail. Taken at night, they so promote the insensible perspira ion, and so relieve the system of febrile action and feculent ob structions, as to produce a most delightful sense of convalescence in the morning; and though the usual symptoms of a cold should partially return during the day, the repetition of a suitable dose at the next hour of bed tune will almost invariably effect permanent reiiefwithout further aid. Their effect upon fevers of a more acute and more violent kind is not less sure aud speedy il taken in proportionable quantity; and persons retiring lo bed with inffamatory systoins of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that the’fierce enemy has been overthrown, and can easily be subdued. In the same way, viceral furgesence, though long estab lished, and viceral inflamations however critical, will yield—the former to small and the, latter to large doses of tho Life 'Pills; and so also hysterical affections, hypocou driocism, restlessness, anil very many other varieties of the Neurorical c lass of diseases, yield to the efficacy of the Phrccnix Billers. Full directions for the use of these medi ci es, and showing their distinctive applica bility to different complaints, accompany them ; and they can he obtained, wholesale and retail at 375 Broadway, where numer ous certificates of their utiparrailed suc cess are always open to inspection. For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moffat’s “good Samaritan,” a copy ofwhich accompanies the medicine ; a copy can always be obtained of the different Agents who have the medicine for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can lie obtained ou application at the office, 375 Broad wav. All post paid letters will receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, New York A liberal deduction made to those who pur chase to sell again. Agents-— The Life Medicines may also be had of any of the principle Druggists in every town throughout the United States and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters; and be sure that a simile of John Moffat’s signature is upon the label of each bottle of Bitters or box of Pills. Prepared nnd sold by AV. B. MOFFAT, 367 Broadway New York. The loove medicine for sale by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Sept. 14 23 *?«:»'»!* !*«*e L. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. UNEXAMPIED MAMMOTH SFiiIJME. t JTHL following details of a Sell* me of a JL Lottery, to be diawn iu December next warrants us in declaring ii to be U N PA RA L LELLD in the history of Lotteries. PRI ZES, to the amount have rtrrer before been offered to the public. It is true, there are many btanks, but on the other hand, tiie ex tremely tow charge of 820 per Ticket—the value and number of the capitals, and the re vivalof the good old custom of WARRAN T’NGTHAT EVERY PRIZE SHALL BE DRAWN AND SOLD, will, we are sure, give universal satisfaction, aud espe cially to the Six Hundred Prize Holders. To those disposed to adventure, we re commend early application being made lo usfor tickets—when the Prizes are all sold .blanks only remain—-the first buyers have the best chance. We therefore, emphati cally say-—DELAY NOT! but at once re mit and transmit to us your orders, which shall always receive out immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, and aptdiealions made to SYLVESTER tc Cos. 156, Broadway, New York* Observe the No. 150. $»5,«00!! SIX PRIZES OF $20,000!! TWO PRIZES OF $15,000! THREE PRIZES OF 10,000. GRAND REAL ESTATE AND BANK STOCK LOTTERY OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN N. ORLEANS. Tlic Richest and most magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public in this or any other country. TMt! Kit TS OAXr $202 Authorized by an act of the Leg islative Assembly of Honda , and under the direction of the Commissioners acting under the same. TORE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, DEC. 1,1839. SCHMIDT Jy HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTE R & Cos. 156. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. SOLE AGENTS. NO COMBINATION NUMBERS !! The deeds of the Property, and the Stock transferred in trust to the Commissioners appointed by the said Act of he Legisla ture of Florida, for the security of the Prize-Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME! 1 Prize. THE ARC\DE, 283 feet 5 inches, 4 lines, ou Magazine street; 101 feet, 11 inches, on Natchez street; 106 feet, Cinches on Gravier.street. Rented at a bout $37,000 per annum. Val ued at $700,000 1 Prize. CITY HOTEL, 102 feet ou Common street; 146 feet 6in cites, on Camp street. Rented at $25,000. Valued at 500,000 1 Prize. DWELLING HOUSE, (adjoining the Arcade,) No. 16, 24 feet 7 inches, front on Natch ez street. Rented at 1200. Val- tied at g'ffO oo 1 Prize do. Ad joining the Arcade, No. IS, 23 feet front, on Natch ez street. Rented at $l2OO. Valued at 20,000 1 Prize do. Adjoining the Arcade, No. 20,23 feet front, on Natchez street. Rented SI2OO. Val ued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 23, North-cast orner of Basin and Custom house street, 40 feet front on Ba sin, and 40 feet on Franklin st. by 127 feet deep in Custom house street. Ranted at SISOO. Val ued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 24, South-west corner of Basin and Custom house st; 32 feet 7 in. ou Basin, 32 feet 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet 104 inches deep, in front of Custom-house street. Rented at SISOO Valued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 339, 21 feet, R in dies on Royal street, by 127 feet 13 inches deep. Rented at SIOOO. Valued at 15,000 1 Prize, 250 shares, Canalßnnk stock 100 each, 25,000 1 Prize do. 200 do. Cos nmercial do. SIOO each, 20,000 1 Prize do. 150 do. Mechanics’* ifc Traders'sloo each. " 15,000 1 Prize do. 100 do. City Bank, SIOO each, " 10,000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10,009 1 Prize 50 do Exclnnge Bank, SIOO each, 5,000 1 Prize 50 do do do SIOO each, 5,000 1 Prize 25 do Gas Light Bank, SIOO ear h, 2,500 1 Prize 25 do do do do do 2,500 1 Prize 15 do Mechanics’& Traders SIOO each, 1,500 1 Prize 15 do do do do 1,500 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Lou isiana State Bank, SIOO each, each SIOOO, 20,000 10 Prizes, each 2 shares, of SIOO each, each Prize S2OO of the Gas Light Bank, 2,000 200 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Bank of Louisiana, 120,000 200 Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the New Orleans Bank, 20,000 150 Prizes, each 1 share of s•'! 00, of the Union Bank of Florida 15,000 600 $1,500,000 TICKETS S2O—NO SHARES. The whole of the Tickets, with their Numbers, as also, those containing the Pri zes, will be examined and sealed by the Commissioners appointed under the Act, previously to their being put into the wheels. One wheel will contain the Six Hundred Prizes, and the first 600 Numbers that shall he drawn out, will be entitled to such Priz as may be drawn to its numbers, and the for tunatc holders of such prizes will have such property transferred to them immediately after the drawing, unencumbered and without am, deduction ! June 18 II tID IVERSONS having any Books in their " possession belonging to th» subscriber will please return them to the Mirror Office July 27 16 11. H. HARROW The article published below, concerning tits new aud popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke, of Germany, cannot lail of exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our couutry. llatcliles* *anafivo. FOR CONSUMPTION. 9 3 «? . 9 «? [ Translated from the German .] LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, OF OKRMA.M THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizen* of North an / South America, fjMO Louis Off jk Gof.lickk, M. D. of .I Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding a nku and fkkglous doctiu.n tof the Science of Medicine-—a oetrine which, though vehemently opposed 'by many of the faculty, [of which lie is a valuable member,] he proves to be well founded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity of which are suspended the lives of million- of our race, and which he boldly challenges his op posers to refute, viz : Cunsumjition is a dis ease always occaiioned by a ehsordered state of Vis Vita (or Life Principle) of the human body, try* often secretly lurking iu the sys tem for years before there is the least complaint of the L —and which may be as cer tainly, though not so tjuickly cured, as a com monrold or a simple headache. An invalua bly precious dectrine this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, teachin g them that this insid ious foe may be an,unobserved inmate of their “clayey houses ’ even while they itna gine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that THE GREAT SE CRET IN THE ART OF PRESE R VINU HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHIL E in THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustriousocnefactor of man is also entitled toour unfeigned gratitude, and tlie gratitude of a world, for the invention of his MATCHLESS SANATIVE,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it hasso signally triumphed over our great common enemy TION, both it) the first and last stages,-—a medicine which has throughly filled the va cuum in tlie Materia Medica, and thereby proved itself the of Pitvst ciaivs^/^Q —a medicine, for which all man kind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence. —a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed wen by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often be come the happy instrument3mfchanging de spondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends into joyfulness. q *3 GOELICKE’S is a medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united reasures of our ‘globe,—a medicine, which is oh. lined equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,— a medicine, which thougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess ed of a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the I .man system,—a medicie**, which begines to be valued by Physicans ; wl j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the gtaspol the Insaiiable Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for in ants, a qnarterdrop ; the directions explain ing the manner of taking a lialfor a quarter drop. V A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION iu Germany, in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners of me dicine in Germany are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the I'arul ry, but not of its benevo lent members, who are uninfluenced bf sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain from ati expression of cur opinion, either ol the soundness or unsonndness of Dr. Goclicke’s new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known-—for what our eyes behold and opr ears hear, wo must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offoti Goelicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held lfiin in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be abase impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much jaiil about the Sanative, against if and for it, we were induced, from motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; andrive npw deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our sell'inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consumption, but other fear ful maladies, which we have heretofore be lieved to be incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine Was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as amends for our abuse of him, we do frankly confess lo the world, that we believe him a philan thropist who does honor to the profession, and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of Inis medicine into some of our European hospitals is a suffi ent guarantythat it perforins all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used ’> is its own best witness. HERMAN ETMULLF. K, xM. D. WALTER VAN GAULT, M. J). ADOLPHUS WERNER, M D. Germany, December 10,1838. b b 'fc b Sb b Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con. July 20, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately been effected, through the virtues of Dr. Go click’s Sanative, t n the case of an elderly gentleman, who was fargsne and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY BY HIS FAMILY PHYSICAN. He is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myselfa few days since, in company with'his wife starting ou a journey to the western part of this State. He ascribes his escape (rom the very jaws of death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. He is a tnan possessing a snug property, but, savs he. “I WOULD WILLINGLY PAY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF IT, IF I COULD NOT PURCHASE IT FOR A LESS PR ICE. To hiinthe Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODE LL, P. M. The above Medicine forsale, by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Florence, Jan 26 The Cause of Bilious Com plaint ami a . Ho tit of ( ur[ \ W LLL regulated aud proportional -cm- quantity ol bile upon thestomacli i$ a. ways requsiie for the promotion of' soun.i health—it stimulates digestion, aud keen* the intestinal canal free trotn all obstruction* Ou the interior surface of the liver is a ne cular bladder, in which the bile is fi lst . ' served, being lorn.ed by the l.ver from the* blood. 1 hence it , imo the SIo , ' f and intestines, and regulates the iudh'J tiou. 1 lies wesee when tlieie is a ilh*. ° c, o: bile, ih, l „,l, i, co , p„ the „,i,„ i„,j, bile causes Irequeut nausea in the stomach mil often pri motes very severe attacks of d'seasc, which sometimes end in death ‘ Levers are always preceded bv BV L',„„ ol a disordered stomach; as * are T* scorfulous dtsordeis, and all svm ,a,i “° «re>«ie or L rom the same cause, the natural and | thy action ot the heart, and the whole » " cular system is impaired and reduced below its natural standard, as exhibited i„ ? pitalions, languid pulse, torpors ol the i;„ i * syncope, and eve., death itself. i„ c quence of an overabundance m a offensive substance to the . ar organs. d,^stiv e The approach ofbilious diseases is „ times attended by decided symptoms ot „ existing diseased state of the stomach and bowels; ..... with those signs which are known to point out their contents to be at morbid, irritating nature ; but whenever the alimentary canal happens to be loaded i h matter, some derangement of, e healthy operation, cither of the ce „' , system, or ,and some particular o.gan o f.he body ls the cerium result; anil when , state happens to be united with any „ 'lisense. its .effects are alwan thereby much aggravated The pr„ m * of organic obstruction is often so -;ii>i,| scarcely to admit of time for the applhV. • ton ol such aid as is to be offered Lv • yet, in general th. premonitory symptoms ol gastric load are perceptible for a day nr two prcvii us to the feverish paroxism l period, when the most efficacious assiala.-ce may be given, by unloading the stomach aud alimentary canal of its irritating tents, ami tints reducing the,susceptibdi ty ol disease* , MOFFAT’S LIFE MEDIC I NFS shod hi always he taken in the early ’ ot bilious complaints; and if persevered in strictly according to the directions «if| positively ejicct a corf. r l he mineral medicines often m these diseases, although they may o** ctt a temporary cure at the same litre crime an unhealthy state of the blood, and consequently tend to promote a return of the very disease which they are employed to cute. It is then by the use of purgatives exclusively formed of vegetable eompoun.ii winch, possessing within themselves no deleterious agencies, which decomposition, combination or alteration can dtveliqe or bring info action, and therefore capable of producing no eff ect, save that which is de.rii eff—that a sale remedy i* found. The LIFE FILLS & PLKENIX ISIT- have proved to be the most hap y in their effects in cases of bilious diseases, of any purely vegetable preparation ever offer e'd to the public, it the stomach is too', they cleanse it by exciting it to throw offus contents ; ii not, they puss to the duodenum wi lioul exciting vomiting or nausea in th* stomach ; sti tun hit ing t lie neighboring vie era, as the liver and pancrus, so as tv produte a more copjous flow* ol tin ir secretions into tho intestines; stimulating the oxalent capillaries, terminating iu the inner coat, which an itu reascii flow of the useless panicles ol the hotly, foreign tnatUrs, in retained secretions, are completely dischar ged. For further particulars of the above meili. itie see MOFFAT'S GOOD SA MAR] I AN, a copy of which accompanies the medicine. A Copy may also be obtained of the different Agent's who have the modi cines for sale O/ 5 ” French, German, and Spanish di rections can be obtained un application t the office, 375 Broadway. All post paul letters will receive immediate attention. Sold w] id Jest i!e and retail by WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, N. V. A liberal deduction made to those who pur chase lo sell again. Agents. — r l he Life Medicines nay a'm be had ol the principal druggists in everv town throughout the United States anti the Canadas. Ask for Moffat's Life Fills and Pin ■nix Bitters; and be sure that a fan simile ol John Moffat's signature is upon the label of each bottle of bitters, or box of pills. 1 lie above medicine for sale bv THOMAS GARDNER. Agent. September 14. 1839. 23 ' J. li'. "ii.'liAcoiv, ATTORNEY AT LAW, STARKSVILLE. LEE COUNTY. GEORGIA. . "YM7TLL attend the Courts of the CHAT TY TAUOOCTIEE CIRCUIT. Nov, 25 35 ly WILLIAM U MAY Attorney at Law, Starksville, Lee county,'Ga. win practice in all the counties of the Chat. tahooebee circuit. March 10 43 “ly . ' l>r. YVsn. YJ. iiardwTJfc; LUMPKIN, GA. (1 AN, at all times be found try tliore wish* 2 ing his services, at his office, or i « house of M. McCullar, Esq. when not pro engaged. J in 26 42 WORDS M U LTI CAULUS' f|UIE subscriber has lor sale l\><’ # THOUSAND very fine MORI'S MULTIC AULIS TREES, that will aver age over one hundred buds to the tree. W. W. EILANDS, Florence. Oct 18 28 TffA UK Subscriber will attend to the oolite. I. tion of all debts du; the late firm of Gardner & Barrow, up to April, 1839. Persons indebted to said firm will please make payment immediately. Anvil 30 11 H BARTiPTV NOTICE npUE public are hereby cautioned -I. trading for a promissory note given by me to Raymond & Allison, of Apalachicola, for Three hundred and forty-tour dollat* and ninety-two cents, dated on or about lot" day of May 1838, unless the executor, ad ministrator or assigns of said Raymond, al lows tnc for a quantity of bagging suffered to be injured by him while in his safe keep ing, it will not be paid unless compelled by law. H. W. WOODWARD. Florence, Sept. 30 3t 26 rTENRY A. GARRETT is the author 5 1 iscd agent to take notes, receive cash •ml give receipts for any demands due tho Male and F cuiule Academies at F Lie me. May 6 TIIE TRUSTEES