The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 16, 1839, Image 3

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cents to be applied to the education of each child. When, therefore, from this sum of fifty cents for each scholar, or sixteen dol lars for each schools, >s deducted, what may be necessary to supply the poor children with books and stationary, what may remaiu undrawn irotu the Treasury, and that which may be misapplied or not applied at all by agents, it will scarcel wbe necessary to estimate the sum which niH remain of the sixty thousand dollars, to show its entire in adequacy to pay teachers for all the school districts, and to educate all the childreu in the State. It is true that the law provides that iu aid ol the funds which have been ap propriated. the tr ustees of the school districts may raise money by voluntary subscriptions, and that the Interior Courts of the counties may levy a tax. But that sy«te nis no sys tem at all which depends upon voluntary assistance to sustain it. ftsoperat'ous must be too uuceriain and variable to be relied upon foranv valuab'epurpose whatever. In audition to these defects of the system, it may be added, that the expenditure of the school funds as directed by it w ill be very unequal. In all the populous and wealthy districts, and cauuties, where school houses will be erected, teachers employed, and children taught whet ter any aid is received from the public funds or not, the proportion of the school fund to which such counties and dis tricts in ty he entitled, will be received and expe de l, wnilst the sparsely populated and and po »rdi .trictsaiid counties where schools are not supported at present, will receive nothing, because their proportion of the schf ol fund will he too small to enable them to employ teachers or uamtaio schools.— Entertaining these opinions of tile metfici ency and inequality ol the general system of education by common schools, I consider it my duty to recommend to the Legislature, either to amen I it so as to in ike it what it purports to be, or to abandon it altogether. The two iiouaes will nod in the accompa nying papers, several acts and resolutions, passed at the last session of the Legis'atnre, witii the reasons w they were not signed or returned to the Houses in widen they originated. I regret to inform you that the Legisla ture of the State of Maine has declined ta king any measures to give satisfaction to this State, for the violation of its constitutional rights, by the refusal of Governor Dunlap and (t ivernor Ken' lo deliver up *.o its author ities upon their demand the fugitives from its justice, Philbrook, and kelleran.— You will p Tceive from the proceedings of the Legislature of .Maine, at its last session, that upon reference to it of all the docu ments in relation to Philbrook and Kelleran it contented i t self by resolving that the whole of that subject was exclusively within the province of the Executive Department, and that it was inexpedient for the Legislature to take an/ order in relation thereto, not withstanding fllat the Legislature had pas sed a law at its previous sesssion, defining the power of tliePCxecufive Department in arresting and delivering up fugitives from justice, from other Slates, and evidently wi'h the view of justifying Gov. Dunlap in hi-, previous refusal lo deliver up Philbrook an l K -llerun to the authorities of this State. This conduct of the Legislature ol Maine and tlie previous conduct of Governor Dun lap an I G ivernor Kent, prove conclusively tint the oppisitiou t> the institution of id ivory is so great among the people of that State, that their public authorities are pre vented from obeying the injunctions of the Constitution of the United States, when -,e qaired to deliver ua fugitives from justice til irged with the crime of violating the lights of property in slaves. This State must there fore protect by its own authority, the tights of its citizens in slave property against this disposition of Maine, to violate them. For this purpose, you will be justified in declar in' by law, that all citiz uis of Maine who may come within tile jurisdiction of this State, on hoard of any vessel as owners, of j: cis. or mariners, shall be considered as doing so with the intent to commit the crime of seducing negro slave* Irom their owners, and be dealt with accordingly by the officers of justice. 1 have uot called a convention oft! e peo ple of the State to take into consideration thp course, they ought to pursue in main taining their rights, iii consequence ol the refusal of Maine to do them justice, as direc ted by the resolutions ol the Legislature, passed at its session of 1837, for the reason, that the Legislature failed to provide for the expenses of such a Convention, and because a Convention for another object had already been called by the Legislature, and its proceedings sub nitled to the people for ratification. Your attention is calleil to a law which has been passed by the Legislature ot'the State of New-York, to authorize the arrest and detention of fugitive* fiotn justice from other States, and the Territories of the Un ited States, a copy ofwhich the Legislature of New-York has caused to be transmitted to the Governors of each of the States, in order that similar laws may be passed by each. The copy received at this Depart ment accompanies this message. I also lay before you -copies ol very interesting pro ceedings of the Legist ituro of the State ol South Carolina ami the State ol New Jer sey, in relation to the controversy between this State and the State ol Maine. The amendments to the Constitution, which were proposed to the people for ratifi cation, by the late Convention, have been rejected by the most decided expression of public opinion. This is the second time that the people have refused to sanction the proceedings of Conventions, held to reform the Constitution; and in both instances have probably b om induced to the course pursu ed, by the beliefthat the amendments offered for their approval, were intended lor section al temporary party purposes. That the proceedings of these Conventions, should have been liable to such dccisvie objections, is very much to be tegretted, since the a meudmeuts to the Constitution, which they were called to make, are indispensable to the good government of the State. The present number of the membeis of the Legislature must be reduced, and the representation ol the people equalized, to secure to the coun try a wise, economical, and just system ol public policy. From whatever causes the failures to amend the Constitution may have proceeded, it continues to lie an object ()l the highest importance to: he people oft he State, that it should be amended According to the Constitution, the power of amending its defects belongs exclusively to the Legisla ture ; and to that body I would therefore respectfully refer tha consideration ol the subject. The necessity of establishing a supreme appellate juri diction, in order to give secu rity to private rights, by correcting the er rors, rendering uniform and certain, and malting public the dccisi« us of our Superi or Courts, has been frequently brought to the attention of the Legislature, in previous «onimuo ; .,cdtrons. The continued, indeed, i*jcreas.iog importance sis such a tibu 1 * and, arising "Ut ot lile increasing wealth and pop ulation of His Slate, and the enlarged value and diversity of the interests, which tnu«r of consequence be adjudicated by our Courts, make my justification for again recommen ding iii i),e Legislature the organization of a Supreme Court for the correction of er rors. Long continued ill health must be my a pology tor the imperfect manner in w hich these views are presented to the Legislature. 1 have been prevented by the same cause from giving an exposition of the present state of the public finances, and attempting ioshow how the millions of money which have been received for public lands and from other sources of revenue, have been continually wasted either by mistaken appropriation or improvident management until the Treasury is not only so exhausted that it is without the funds for carrying on the first great work which has been uuderta ken by the State, but a public debt has been contracted of more than a million of dollars. I must content myself with reminding the Legislature, that whilst for several years its appropriations have beeu greater than the Treasury could pay, the general animal tax es which belong properly to the treasury, have been given away to the counties, and ol what is, perhaps, still more important to he remembered, that the credit of the State has been sacrificed, and its character disgra ced, by the protest, in another State, of a debt of three hundred thousand dollars, con tracted by the Centrai Bank, under the au thority of the Legislature, and which the Legislature has prevented the Bank from paying when due, by requiring that its means should be applied lo other purposes. The present state of the finances .mi the system of public revenue and expenditure hereafter, to be adopted, are subjects of the highest importance, and demand, as 1 trust they will receive, the prompt and earnest at tention ot the Legislature. About to retire fir mi the Executive de partment, | must avail myself of the present opportunity of expressing to you, and through you to the people, my deep sense ■ f gratitude for the kindness aud confidence which 1 have received from tlic conr.iry, during my now extended public life, and the strong desire which I must continue to feel that the Government may be so ceu ucted as best to secure the honor of the State, and the prosperity of the people. # GEORGE R. GILMER. INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF GOV. Charles i. McDonald. Fellow Citizens Regarding toe of fice to which I ha/e been called by the people, as a trust reposed in me for their benefit, 1 promise you that it shall fie dis charged in such a manner as shall, in my judgment, best effectuate its object. The present is, in many respects, an auspicious time for calm and wise deliber ation The measures adopted by you for the ac quisition of our territorial rights, carried out by the energy of your own Execu tive, sustained by the prompt and zealous co-oper.ition of the federal authorities, h ive happily terminated a subject which has long been one of angry and embarrassing controversy with the General Government. The abandonment of the objectionable ooliey of a high, unnecessary, protective tariff; aud of the exercise of questionable and doubtful powers by the National Gov vermnent, has been followed by a state of quiet and harmony in the Southern section of the Union, which is without a prece dent in the history of the Republic. The spirit of fanaticism, too, which, for a time, wore an alarming aspect, and seem - ed threaten danger to the confederacy itself, ha* been met and subdued by the sober reflections of the people, clearly demonstra ting how safely "error ol opinion may be tol erated. when reason is left free to combat it.' While this state of thing augurs well for the permanency of our political institutions it enables the State Governments to devote all their faculties and energies to the im provement of the in rral and intellectual con dition of the people, and to such subjects as shall promote their prosperity and hap piness. Whatever you undertake for the accom plishment of these cardinal objects, and which promises to the people equivalent ben efits for burdens endured, shall have my support. The power vested tn the Executive arm by the Constitution and statutes passed in pursuance of it for the enforcement of the laws, shall be faithfully and impartially ex erted for this purpose; but in the perform ance of this duty, 1 look with confidence to he aid which your wisdom and patriot ism sli'll give me- to the support which I shall have in the scrupulous observance of the laws by all good citizens--and. to their ri gid administration by all public functiona ries. Undue excitement is at all times, inimical to rational action. Let us then, while en gaged in thwpublic service, (orget all those unkind feelings and animosities which some times grow out ol an animated political con test; let a nobler rivalry for the general good assume their place, and wi*h the blessing of Him, in whose hands ate the destinies o nations, we may hope that our labors will be signalized by “wisdom, moderation and justice,” and result in the increased happi ness of an approving people. NE WS B Y THE G REAT WESTERN. We select the following most interesting items of Foreign news by the Great Western. (treat Western, HarborofN. Y. ) Saturday Evening. Nov. 2d. 183!). \ Messrs. Editors.—We left Bristol on the evening of Saturday, 19tli Oct and arrived in this harbor this evening, having perform ed the voyage in fourteen days and a few hours. \ r ou will see by the papers which I send you, that there was no political news in Europe at the time of our departure.— The same uncertainty which has existed for some months past, in regard to the af fairs of the East, still continued. The civil warin Spain was still protracted by Cabrera, who holds out. notwithstanding the flight of his master, Don Carlos. But the subject which most engrossed the London press, for the last three weeks, has been the Batik of the United States, and its agent. Mr. Jaudon—a short time before our sailing, however, the prompt and en ergetic measures of that gentleman had placed the affairs of the institution on so favorable a footing, as to relieve the public mind from all anxiety in regard to it. At the time of our departure, the Bank ol England was in a very embarrassed situation and the suspension of specie payments, or what was considered as tantamount to it. the issue ol small notes, was confidently looked for. At a meeting of the Directors, the day before we started, the subject of raising the rate of interest to the unprecedented extent of seven per cent., was under discussion—it is now at six per cent. The Cotton market at Liverpool continu es in a very deprassed state, with little pros pect of improvement; indeed tears appea.ed to be entertained by many largely interes ted in that staple, that a still further de dine in prices might take place, should the mills be put upon half work, as was expect ed to Lie the case, early in the present month. THE MIRROR XHMPmiBgOTa salurdn y, Hoy. 10, | 8»9. For ft* resist eiif. GEORGE M. TROUP. The official majority of Governor Mc- Donald over Judge Dougherty, is 1,827. THE LEGISLATURE. Nothing, asyct of much interest, has been brought forward in cither branch of the Legislature. In glancing over the proceed ings, published in the last .Milledgeville pa" pers, all we find of any interest to the ma jority of our readers, is. a bill, introduced and read the first time, in the Senate, on the rthinst. by Mr. Kelley, for the pardon of Janies Templetou; and another in the House, on the same day, by Mr Stell, to es tablish two additional precincts in Stewart!! A bill was introduced in the House on the same day, by Mr. Flournoy, to repeal capi tal punishment, so far as free white persons are concerned, except lor the crime of treason, and to institute in its stvad solitary confinement; also, on the same day, bv NTr. Parker, to repeal the law establishing a gen eral system of education. The following are the pioceedings had iu the House, on the contested election from Sumter oetween Messrs. l»ick«-ti and Pearce, by which it will be seen that the Van Buren members, with a few honorable exceptions, shrunk Irom an investigation into the frauds and corruptions that were charged upon th ir party in Sumter, whereby the guilty offenders ot the law have been screened from merited punishment and infamy, aud the whole matter sent back to the people. ’Tuesday November 5. Air. Toombs oflered the following resol ution ; Resolved , That .lamps E. Pickett, a mem ber elect from the county of Suinter, as ap pears from the official returns in the Execu tive Office, be qualified and permitted tn take his seat as a member of the General Assembly ; which being read, and some dis cession being had thereon, was, on motion of Mr Glascock, laid upon the table. November 7. M \ Glascock offered a resolution as a substitute for Mr. Toombs’, that the whole matter of controversy between Messrs. Pick est anp Pierce, he referred to a select com mittee, which was agreed to. Messrs. Glas cock, 1 oombs, McDougald, Seward, and farcer, were appointed that committee. Friday. November 8. Air. Toombs offered the following resolu tion : Resolved, That the select committee, to whom was referred the whole matter in con troversy between Messrs. Pickett and Pearce now claiming their seats as Representatives biom Sumter county, be and they are here by authorized <o send for persons and pa lters, and examine such persons as maybe brought before them under oath. (This resolution was strenuously OP POSED by Gen. Glascock and others—and supported by Messrs. Toombs, Jenkins, Chappell, Stevens and Kenan. After this diecussion had proceeded for sometime, Mr. Seward offered the following.) Alr.Bew.nd offered tils so Rowing as a sub stitute for the same Rcsohcd, That there is no mode under the existing laws of this State, of determin ing the nutter in controversy between Messrs Pearce & Pickett, as contending fora seat in the House of Representatives, of Sumter county, and that the seat of such Represen tative, be declared vacated, and the matter referred to the voters of Sumter county. After further discussior, the resolution and substitute were, on motion of Gen. Glascock, laid upon the tab e forthe present. (All the Union party voted to lay the re solution on the table, except Messrs. Kenan, Cone, Ghent and Hardage.) ELECTIONS BY THE LEGISLA TURE. On Monday last the Legislature went info the election of two Solicitor Generals, one for this Circuit, to supply the vacancy of li. L. Benning resigned, and the other for Coweta Circuit, and a Brigadier General, occasioned, by the removal from the State of Geo. Z, White When John 11. Wat son, Esq. was elected Solictor for this Cir" cuit, and J. B. Knight, Solicitor of tlie Coweta Circuit-—Col. Thomas J. Holmes, of Baker was elected Brigadier General, on the 2d ballo tting. All, as a matter of course, first rate Van Buren gentlemen. FEDERAL REFORM. Under this head we suppose may be placed the vast increase of Executive pat ronage and the multiplication of public officers appointe i by and amenable to the President, that have tnken place since the Ydiniuistration of John Quincy Adams. L'lie annual expellees of the Government under Adams, amounted to something like thirteen millions of dollars, which was con sidered extravagant and called loudly for"re fortn ;” and Geu. Jackson was placed id of fice purposely to carry out that salutary measure. Twelve years have nearly elap sed, during which, ample, time has been .dforded for accomplishing the much de sired object. And what is the result ? The expcnces of the government are now Forty Millions instead of thirteen, and the Pres idents power vastly encreased Ujthe undis turbed control of the public Treasury. The number of the officers of government has been treb'ed, and the conduct of those dis posed to act dishonestly, pa-ses wholly without supervision, whilst the honest and upright are constantly removed for refusing to acquiesce in the du'.iooastyof their fel lows. Oh democracy! What rile usage# will not be sanctioned under thy revered name. OPIUM AN L>* TEA. The determ.n ition on the part of the Cl • nese lioiti nment, to prohibit the introduction of Opium into the Celestial Empire,is likely to effect serious consequences to the com mercial operations of both Europe and America. It is the principal export of the British East Indies, and having heretofore found a ready and convenient market in China, which is now entirely closed, the de trend for it will measurably ceast, and thus one of the chief ar-icles of Eastern com merce, must either find a consumption in Some other quarter of the globe, or, losing its importance as a commodity of trade must cease to be manufactured as a national export, and the labor heretofore expended in its production, be directed to some other ariicle. The vast quantities of Opium consumed in the Chinese dominions, gave rise to an extensive trade iu that article, in which all (’hryrstendnin participated, by whom io turn a commerce was carried on with China in exchange for Tea and Silk. This trade being now brought to a close, ami the govern merit of China having de creed that nothing shall hereafter be re ceived in payment for Tea, but gold and sil ver, it follows as a matter of course, that a stop must be put to the coos'iinp'ion oi Tea, or the commercial and monetary af fairs of the whole world will undergo a de rangement. We have no statistics at hand to ascertain the amount Os Tc.i annually consumed,in the several civilized nations, but we apprehend that under the existing »iut o of things, it would be impossible for them to advance in specie, oue tenth part of their annual consumption. The circulating medium of the whole world would, scarcelv be sufficient to furnish to Tea Drinkers a supply of their favourite beverage for five years. It is therefore manifest that the use of this exhilarating herb must be greatly diminished, or three fourths of the metallic currency of the world will find its way to Chiba, or else, the aiticle most he paid for io some other commodity more abunda't than gold and silver coin. Jo fact the im mense drain which had already been com menced upon the Banks for specie to carry on the trade, is assigned, and no doubt cor rectly, as one of the principal causes of the Suspension. A Whopper. —The Aliddlebttry (Vt.) Peoples Press, boasts about a squash raised in that neighbourhood, weighing 524 po'inds, and measuring 51 inches in cir eumferenee. The Buffalo Patriot brags out of sight of this, aod speaks of oue which may be seen at a grocery store io that city, weighing one hundred and ten pounds, and measuring six feet In circum ference. The latter is of the common English kind and raised at Sandusky, Ohio. Wonder how much the proprietor would ask for a seed ? THE NEXT CONGRESS. It will be seen from the following table that the Whigs aud Conservatives by uni ting their forces, will have a small majority in the House of Representatives. The re sult of the election in Mississippi has not yet been ascertained, but it is highly pro bao'e that two Van Buren members have been returned. There are Seven contested seats, five of which are from New Jersey," and two or three vacancies occasioned by death and resignation. The general result however, will scarcely be effected by these. MAINE. Whigs. Randall, Evans. Van Buren. Clifford, Smith, Parris, An derson, Lowell, Dance. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Van Buren. Shaw, Eastman, Atherton, Burke, Williams. VERMOFT. Whigs. Hall, S(ade, Everett. V. B. Smith, Fletcher. MASSACHUSETTS. Whips. •Fletcher, Saltonstall, Cushing, Lincoln, fAlvord, Calhoun, Briggs, Hastings, Reed, Adams. V. B. Parmentei, Williams. •This gentlemen has resigned but his place will be filled with a Wuig. fDcad. RHODE ISLAND. Whigs. CONNECTICUT. W‘igs. Trumbull, Storr*. Williams, Os borne, Smith, Brockway. NEW YORK. Whips and Conservatives. Hoffman, Cur tis. Grinell, Monroe, Johnson, Palen, Hunt, Barnard, Brown. Russell, Waggoner. Crit tenden, Clark, Morgan, Granger Kemp, shall, Gates, Peck, Marvin, Fillmore, Mitchell. V- B. Jackson, Mootangue, Kemblo Jones, Vanderpool, Hand, Fine, Doig, Floyd, Brewster. Prentiss, Alien. Leonard, Earl, Dana, Rodgers, Strong, Mal'ory. NFAV JERSEY. Whigs. Ayerigg, Maxwell, Halsted, Ran dolph, Stratton, Yorke. PENNSYLVANIA. Whips. Sergeant. Toland, Davis, James, Edwards, Simontun, Cooper, Ogle, Biddle, Henry, Naylor. V. B. Paynter. Furnace, Davis, Wagen er, Newliard, Keine, Cerry, Ramsey, Potter. Petriken, Hammond, Morris, M archiand, Hook, Lcet, Beatty Gil braith. DELEWARE. V. B‘ Robinson. VIRGINIA. Whips an l Conservatives. Wise, Bolts, limiter, TaliaferiOi Mercer, Hill, Gar land, Goggiu, Hopkins. V. B. Ilollcman, Rives, Banks, Drom goole, Jones, Coles, Lucas, Samuels, Craig. Beirue, Johnson, Steiurod. MARYLAND. Whies. Dennis, Johnson, Jenifer. V. B P F. Thomas, Worthington, Carroll, Hillen, F. Thomas. NORTH CAROLINA. Whigs. Rayner, Stanley, Deberry, Gra ham, Williams. V. B. Bynum, Shepard, McKay, Haw kina, Montgomery, Hill. Fisher, Con J er- SOUTH CAROLINA. Whig. Waddy Thompson. V . B. Holmes, Pickens, Campbell. Ro gers, Rhett, Elmore, Richardson, Giif ffin. GEORGIA. State Rrghts. Alford, Black, Colquitt, Cooper, Dawson, Habersham, King Nisbet, Warren. ALABAMA. Whigs. Crsbb. Dillet. V. B Chapmau. Hubbard, Lewis, LOUSIANN’A. W. White, Chinn, Garland.* •Mr. Gatlnnd has resigned, and it is doubtful which will succeed in filling the vacancy. I MICHIGAN. V: B. Isaac E. Crary. INDIANA. IVhrgs. Proffit, Rariden. Howard. V. B. Davis, Carr, Smith, Wick. iLLINOIS. Wihiss. John T. Stuart. V. B. Reynolds, Casey; MISSOURI. V. B. Miller, Harrison.—(Dead) ARKANSAS. V. B. Edward Cro s. TENNESSEE. Whims. Carter, J. L. Williams, Campbell, Bell, Gentry, Crockatt, C. 11. Williams V. B. McClellan, Blackwell, Tu r uey, Brown, Johnson, VVatefson. KENTUCKY. Whips. Triplett, Underwood, Williams. Anderson, Green, Pope, Graves, White. Hawes Andrews, Davis. F. B Boyd, Butler. Recapitulation. nn.t 115 Van Buren 112 MORE SWARTWOtTTING. Mr Fritz, who took such an active part in the mob at Harrisburg. and was rewarded ibr his zea!, being appointed Collector of the tolls at Philadelphia, has Swartvouttd with 5 0,01)0 dollars of the money of the State; The Collector at Columbia is also a de faulter io the amount of Sixteen or Eigh teen Thousand Dollars. Harrisburg Chronicle. Go IT YF. CRIPPLES. ! ! ! !*>R THE MIRROR. The Album. IVo. 3i "What has become of our American Po ets,” is a question that lias been H thousand times Hsked, and yet the liOllnw voice of e cho has aloub been heard to answer. Whjr have the harps, whose noble and eloquent tones, seemed, but a few years ago lo give evidence that anew and brilliant era was dawning in the history of American Litera ture, become so suddenly silent? Have the muses withdrawn theii patronage, in indig nation at the negligence and lukewarmness displayed by their votaries or have the wor shippers themselves, grown tired of bending at the altar, whence alone, poetic inspiration can be drawn ? Jt is a fact, that many of our best poets have withdrawn themselves from those flowery fields where they were begin ning to pluck urifaJii.g garlands to be woven around their brows, aid are now treading in the rugged steps of mammon, ambition and politics. Ilalleck. the inimitable author of Fanny, Bozzaris and Alnwick Castle, has broken the strings ofhis lyre, and falling into the utilitarian spirt of ihe age* has ensconced himself behind a banker's desk, where he may be found plying his daily nvocatidn of hook keeper, at so riiucli prf annum. He lias sung too sweetly ever to suffer his noies to expire, though doubtless, he thinks notes payable in specie, are far preferable to those littered by Apollo. Can I e be forgiven for his silenco so long as he is able to breathe such harmony as is contained iu the follow ing lines ; When the tree of love is budding first. Ere yet its leaves are green, Ere yet by shower and sunbeam nurs'd Its infant life hath been; The wild bee's slightest touch might wring The buds from off the tree, As the gentle dip of tlie swallow's wing Breaks the bubble On the sea; But when its open leaves have found A home in the free air, Pluck them, rind there remains a wound That ever rankles there. The blight of hope and happiness Is felt when fond ones part ; And the hitter tear that follows, is The life blood of the heart. Then crush, even in the hour of birth, The infant buds of love, And tread its growing fire to earth Ere’tis dark in clouds above. Cherish no more a cypress tree To shade thy future years, Nor nurse a heart-flame that may Be Quenched only withtliy tears. Bry ant has become a political gladiator, a demagogue, and the patronized editor of a Government newspaper. What a pcrveision of talent aud of genius! The author of ThanatopMs and (lie Aces, ought not to be looked for among the hungry scribblers who are employed in pandering to the denraved appetites of office holders, and those who batten on the public purse. To the name of Bryant, h'dongs the first place on the roll of American poets, and the brightness of ioai nign Honor siiouiu u.,i ue uirmned by a connection with the wiles and artifices of political competition. Thetwo departments of polities and poetry should never be blen ded in one vocation. In his own natural el ement, Bryant is indeed a poet worthy of the calling; he has “worshipped at the t' mple's inner sh'ioe ;” he has oflered up his sacrifi ces in the "holy of holies,” Perhaps the most bet utiful of all his po ems. is the “Hymn of the city,” which crit ics have ranked with Coleridge's celebrated Hymn.iu the Vale of Chainouni, and|some of Woodsworth's most excellent sonnets. Yes what can be more beautiful than the follow mg: Oh, fairest of thfe rural maids, Thy birth was In the forest shades; Green boughs and glimpses eff thft sky Were all that met thy infant eye. Thy sports, thy wanderings when a child Were ever in the sy l*ar: Wild, And all the beauty of the placs Is in thy heart and on thy face. The twilight of the trees and rocks Is iu the light shade of thy locks; Thy step is on the wind that weaves Its playful way among the leaves. Thy eyes are springs, in whose serene And silent waters, heaven is seen; Tiieir lashes are the herbs that look Oo their young figures jo the bruofc, The forest depths, by foot unpreaaed. Are not more sinless than tby breast; The holy peace that fill the air Os those calm solitudes, is there. Perrival, another one W our sweetest warblers, is coo tent with so occasional lay, which breaks forth from his neglected harp; as if almost untouched. He has become a student of the exact sciences, weighing and pondering facts and causes, with their re sults. His power in the realm of song will toon be gone, passed away, in exchange for en acquaintance with geological bomtnna •ions and historical details. He ia a true poet, and it is a pity that he citnnot be induced to teinainiu bis legitimate sphere; honor and fame had already begun to weave their gar lands round his brow. What American bo som has not been thrilled by his splendid S postrophe to the eagle, commencing, ‘Bird of the broad and sweeping wing.* There is a smoothness and sv/eetness in the even flow rtf his verse, which is like the me lody of a well tuned instrument. The ver sification of the following is ekquisite: THE LILY OF THE VALLEY. I had found out a sweet green spor. Where a lily was blooming fair; The din of the city disturbed it not. But the spirit that shades thp quiet cot. With its wiogs of love was there. I found that lily's bloom. When the day was dark and chill; It smiled like asitrio a misty gloom; And it sent abroad a soft perfume. Which is floating arouud me still. T sat by the lily’s bell. And watched it many a day; The leaves, that rose in a glowing swell Grew taint and dim, then dropped and fell; And the flower had flown away. I looked where the leaves were laid Iu «iik«ti.| fslcaess. br And, as gloomy thoughts stole on me, said; Tticre Is many a sweet and blooming maid Who will soon as dimly die; LAURIE. .Harried; At Merry Oaks, by the Rev. Frederick Davis Wimberly, on Wednesdoy. the 6tk inst. James M. AIiTCHr.Lt. Esq. of Lump kin, to Miss Martha A. eldest daughter of Drury M. Lesfcuer. all of Stewart county. How pleasant the hours of those who are joined By the bonds of affection and conjugal love. Their moments pass swiftly and »wei tly away While in pleasure they sail o’er the unruf fled waves; STRAYED, vgft >M the Stable of John XT Merchant, in this place, 'frit ou the night of the lOih inst. chestnut SORREL HORSE flax mane and fail, three white lees, shod all round, blaze face, 6or 7 years old. Any in • f rmation respecting said hoase will be thankliilly received ; or any person delivering him to Julius Echols, iti Lump,kin, or the suhsciiber in Florence, shall be liberally re warded. WAI. L. SOUTHALL. Nov. 15 32 *f A DMINIjSTRA TOR S’ SALE WILL be sold on Friday, the 20ih of DECEMBER next, between the u* sual hours of sale, at the late residence of •Silas Mercer, the perishable property of Si las Mercer, late of Lee county, deceased, consisting of horses, lings, cattle, two horse wagon and harness, household and kitchen furniture. Also, ai the Same time aud place will be hired, t»o likely negfoes, and the plantation rented. Terms made known on the .lav. ANN MERCER. Adnr’rx. Nov. I 32 U RET. AB L Y to an order of the lose- A rior Court of Lee county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, w ill be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House door in Starksville: All '.life Negroes and other perishable pro perty, belonging to the estate of Robert D; Respess, late of said county, deceased.— Sold for the benefit of the hfcirs aud credit ors, of said deceased. DUDLEY SNEED, Adm’r. Nov. 6. 32 de boms non. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. WILL be sold, at the late residence of Galbs Mathews, dec’d. in Stewart county, on Friday, the 27th DECEMBER next, all the Perishable Property of said deceased; consisting ol five head of Horses, two Mules, two yoke of Oxen, one Cart, stock of cattle, cousistiog of about seventy head ; hogs, goats, one double Barbuch and Harness, a quantity of Corn, Fodder, Pota toes, Colton iu the seed, one Cotton Gin, Farming tools, household and kitchen Fur niture, besides many other articles. Sale to continue from day lo day until ail are sold. Terms of sale made knowu on the day.—; Also. Land to rent aod Negroes to hire. JOHN M. W. PEEL, > . , ANDERSON C. MATHEWS l Adm **• JANE MATHEWS, Adm’r*. Nov. 15, 1839. td notice: ALL persons indebted to the estate of Galba Ma.hews, late of Stewart coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified that pay* ment will b i required as speedily as possible; and those holding demands against said es tate are required to hand them ia according to law. JOHN M. W. PEEL, ) . . . ANDERSON C. MATHEWS. ( Adtn re " JAN E MATHE Wt\ Adm'rx. GEORGIA —Lee County. W HEREAS, John Melunis applies to me lor letters of Administration on the estate of Archibald MclutiM, deceased, This is therefore td cite and admonish all ami singular, the kiudred aud creditors of said deceased, lo be and appear at my office. Within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under n»y baud, at office, this Bth November, 1839. 32 SAM’L C.WYCHE.c. c.o. GEORGIA —Lee County. W HEREAS Robert G. Ford applies f6 me for letters of Administration on Ihe estate of Joseph Merchant, deceased. This i% therefore. Id cite find admonish, all and singular the kindred find creditors of said deceased, to be add appear at my office. Within the time prescribed by law, (w su£« cause, if any they have. Why said letters should not be granted. •Given Under my hand at office, this 6tl» November, 1839. 32 SAM’LC. WYCHB,». «. d, O C'OUR months after date, application XT will be toads to ibe honorable tbs in ferior coart of Lee coteity, when sitting «r a court of ordinary, for lsav« to sell tbs reak estate df 3iLs| (fit# «f ssfiif deq<vtieJ« * *** " -, • -4* ** .ANN M SRC Si!. Adto’f ». Hm. 1, 1533, „