The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, November 23, 1839, Image 4

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Stftct )•/ Skt rUT stilt h. "\T7"ILI, >e » ' I iK-lare ihe « oun ilau*e W lour ■ i W»» •»* ,of Lumpkin, St* w. ot me l*t 1 uesday :n DE- Ci, 1 i'.R .ie\t, u*i*cen lli« usu»' huur* o' sn. )■ »• i >lt« v.n: property, to *• : One ' *rr.-l nurse a.ui one iwo hor*c wi*- on, u»en 4* me ptopeny ol Simeon B. Letter. tusa'isly one Fi Fa. issu-<i out ot S?i- * hi SiiiM-rior Court, i.i favor of Edward Smith, vo. George D. Letter and Simeon R* Letter. Aish. Lot of Land No. Kid, in the 04’h district of Stewart county, taken as the pro perty of .1 iHte’, .VI. '1 line;. tosatisfy sundry Fi ras iss u'd o it to t justice's court of Stew irl county, : ii torn «t Henry W. Spears an I others, v- sai i X*:. icr. Also. No. i-ii, in it; Jim hs i.r of''tow art county, taken as < i" pr mertv r»t H. Tv-i --ley, to satl'tv s ,t try Ft Fas isvi" 1 out ot a justice's court oi Sa' v.n county, iti fa.’or of D. <}. II idgers a.i 1 others, vs *«id Kell v. Also, Nos. 87, -J4». <3. 1-9. « 13. h district, No 'll in tic 2M district. N > 161, in the 24th district, and .Nos. 32 an 1 116 in the 33 I district of Stewart conn tv, all taken as the property of P. .1. Mur ray, to satisfy a Ft Fa- issued out of the Superior Court of Hall county, tn favor ot Henry H. Field, vs said Murray. Viso, one ro i I wago .one feather He I and furniture, seven chairs, one lot of croc.-ry ware, one looking ;! <ss, thr** pair of stirrup irons, one lot of sch i >1 books, on*’ lot ot tne lie i! nooks, t vo pine tables, on ■ trot, on® oven an I one frying pm, one lot ot knives and forks, one cow owl calf, 110 bushel* ol corn, m ire or l*s*. ole brick kil l, one sad dle, oie lo* of n • I mines, five or six acres of s ii I i* torn, thr us sticks of so lder, one r > i.i firs’, and on® ne;ro woma i nanr® 1 TdJy, 1> >rV) vsirs oil, all taken as the property of <}a >r;e D. L"ster, t<* sati-fy a Ft F i :ss i■ I ii of 3re * rrt Superior Court in thvor f Miller, Ripley A: Cos andothers, vssaid Lester. M. \I. FLEMING, Sheriff. O 1.11, 1819. Pice \> c r * r't v. "TT7" ,L >e sol I. oil the list Tuesday in vs DECEMBER n*xr, at the court ho i,s In or tn h® to ®n of Sttrksville, wttti iu i- 11 ill li t jr> of sale, tue following pro perty, to vit: L i if Land, No. 202 it flic 11 h district of Lee on nr. lev, lon ts the property of L win Argoe, to sitislv an attachment Fi. Ft. issu id fro n the superior court of Lee co tnty, in favor of dines 1 liy, vs. said Le vi i Vrgoe, property pointed out in said Fi. Ft. O ip nay* hoy timed Washington. about ten or twelve ye irs ol I, levied on a* the pro perty j|f lurk M. Bro-vu. tn satisfy a Fi Fa issu ’d <ro*fltile Sooemr court of 3 it» cr cu irt'v. in fav tr if Ricliari L. Suiter, vs, Mic'hiul It! I't md lari M. B n»n tiro p ■■■./ p tin ’ I mil by Ja ncs M. U *lly, pi lin lilf's attorney. Also, Lot of L i id, N >. '262. in the ’2d dis trict of L ’0 co \ uv, levied on as the no ptrty of .1 is ri i R iberts. to satisfy a Fi Fa issuod from the .3u terior court of J tek- > co i it y, n favor of < Jr-» n Dike, vs Ed* wir I Vll ns. |r. I tshuu ff ib rts \ I L. \V. Shacklefoi-I sec .uy vi optical. Popertv point ul ou by pl im’ilf in execution. X Ill’s >N, Sheriff, At the n ’i* fi »' /•> / pi ie. Lot of Lur*. s * 3). in the 1 h district of L *’couutv, lewd tn is the property <>l Joii i!1 1 tru, to satisfy aFi F'l. issue I frrn 13 court of con non pleas of the city of v i rust i, in fiver of \ r iilin n Shaunoi vs si. i lo n 11. ‘I tro, property pointed out by phintilf’s attorney. Mso, tlir - c negroes. Silvey. a votnin, a id her two ch i Iren, Eliza and Edney.six 'tea I of horses an I fifteen hundred busuels of cor , levied on is the projieity o' Z •ms i’a - k»r, >o satisfy i Fi Fa issued tro n the Mi* p*rior court of Leo county, iu favor of Tulin (Ii vl» itnl Henry V. Kinsr, vs. said Barker, pr perty pointed out hv lei'e 11 tut. D. GOFF, D‘p ShlT. Oct. 33 1319. FAivJU rOiiiS’ S\ LE ’l'U' U • ' sold, on tue first i'uesdav in v V JANU VllV next, at the court house <l)Oi in the town of Cutiibert, llandol, .. county, pursuant to the li st will ofCletncnt B van, lec’d, four N viz. \bra;n, an o I nan, about sixty years! ni l, l ie, > man about tifty years dd. !j i y a w -Miun. about fifty years old, and Daniel, a in.m about thir ty live years old Sold for'lie benefit o n,<. h ur* of deceased. Terms made known tn the dav, bv the EXECU TORS. Oct. 39, 13:19. 3 file tloluinbus Enquirer will insert the above till t lie day. L. HRY VN. A ...EE i lii i loll!-* iwj tir iHsijs oi the *i,i and lesUincut of ihe late John Guilford, of Rawloluli county, dec'd. we will expose to public sale, on the lust Saiur <1 tv in D .CEVIBE:?, at the residence of C ilsou Guilford, six negroes —a woman and five children. Terms of sale made known ou the <lay. JOHN GUILFORD, ) n COLSON GUILFOidD. \ rs ' Georgetown, Nov. 1,1839. 31 \ GiIEE \BLE to an order of the tl >0 nrab’le Inferior Court of Sumt«-r Conti* tjr viie.i settioi; as a Court of or hoary, will be sold on the first Buesday in Drcemlmr next before til ■ Court 11 >use door 111 A tier inns, 3u uter county, lot No. 24 t m the o h distric* of Early county, 011 the ti st Bu ■» duyi i Oe -e nber next, ,t the Court house door of th at co jnty. Sold for ihe b - iedt 01 t ie heirs aiid creditors of Uriah Fuller and ceased, WALTON W. FULLER, A !«’r September 3,1839. 23 V> RE E K!2 L E to an o,d r of the honor* able the Inferior con t of die county of S 1 iter, when silting |or ordi lary pu.- pose*. will oe sold, 011 ihe first Tuesday iu •1 V \ ' i.vf text, at the court to is door ii! • '» *'» v of !la id doh. Lot o'' Land No. /.mi e 'en'li Is. riel o: 1 >r uerly Lee now j\ 1 10-011 •in uy, ortho ae iefit 01 Alexan der Garret iters, a ■ m a-. Ef/I/i ktJETII RUv.'K, (l >■ uer v Ehzwbeth Jo n r,) Saner c 'Ct. I- liosr lian. AO I! N’lS I'it \T>)Sts SILE \ • ■ “» ■ odcr .' ii, ; 2X •••*».• C i.irt 01 S w irt county »y.,eu « t ;1 > oritaary ptr • .ses, *iti he b , J:l ‘, ,s ' *<■ f’o’sdiv n January n x al ~1 0 C . 1 r Ho ise do ir ,iu tfi ; to'-n of yJiar vida, In-r mi con ily, one half lot o L oi I \ ». 50, 1.1 t .e Gin Disi. of k:o 1 tv it tv:i 1; 1 p rrt of thereat e,tate. of .1 ones ('.files na tiesea.e !, of Mississippi. q> r lls , RICHARD KiDD, Ad,nhu N ,v. 1, 1830 l h reby c ms.itore and appoint Merrj. w-t ,;*r Cle n Hits my 311 ,| Attorney, sell and inaxe )irle S to saj | J ixIDl), Ailin'r. \GKEEABLE to an order of th* boo orabie tue Inferior l ourt of Funitvt county, when siltiog as a Corn ot ordinaiy, wtti he sold, on the first Tueorlay tu JAN U AR\ e- X , before the court house door iu K uisri us. Sumter comity, lot ol toed. No. IS.®. 1. th# 17th district of funi-Srly now Sttwer couttry, ts be sold for th* ten •fit ot ihe heirs a-id creditors sf Uriah f sl ier, deceased. WALTON W. fULLf-R, Oet.fl 89 a m't. Ifi OUR month* slier iLte. sppiteattoti «'TI ■- be made to th® honorable inferior court ot' Burke county, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, for tease to Sell Francis, and her t*o children, Bill and Mariah. helonjin* to the estate of H. (R 'laurd. deceased, lot the benefit of the creditors solelv. WILLIAM WL MAUND, June 26,183$ 15 Adm'r. GEOiUill —Lot County. % IT HF, SEAS. (4;»rev G. Ford applies tw f in® for letters of A Itwintstr* ios on the estate of John J. Ford, deceased. This i« therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred anil creditor* • said deceased, to be and app*sr s *wy o*kc«*, within the time prescribed by I ■•, to anew cause, if any why said lettars sh'.ild not be giantm! (riven under mv ham} at office, this tlßth September, 1839. 37 S. C. WVCHE, c. c.o. GE ) }C,I \—Le* Conroy. \ \7 TERR \B. Am Mercer implies to me. ’ * for letter# of Vdinitif# rit ion on the ' state til Silas Mercer, late of said county, decease 1. This is. therefore, to cue and admonish all arid singular, the kindred and 1 r**<liTo;s u said decea -ed. to b* a id aopevrat inv of icp, wit*iin the time prescribed by law, to shew cans*, if ;;*>> t ev hav \ why s.tifi let ters should ,#t he grautetl. Given under my hand a! office, this 4th Sep;-(Tiber. 1-39. SAM L C. WYOIIE. e. c. o. ~LTND FOit sale: ~ HE Sut>scr»b«r uff ts for sale two set- I- tlements of I.i 11. One containing and >lj acres princtnally oak and hickorv an I ll.i n tiock, with 110 acre* open and tinder cultivation; one Grist Mfil, Gin and Cot ton crew on the same. The other consist# of 610 acres, oak and hickory with 150 acr* * nod r cultivation. The .i 1 ,ve lands lie on the Ha'rhae.hnhbee Creek, about 1C miles west of Florence, in Ruso'll county, A'abama. Persons wish iii 2 to purchas ’ will do well to call and view tlie premises. Terms to suit purchasers. John Tarver. October 1, 1819. tID ST. JOSEPH AND lOLA RAIL 90AD. | HIE undersigned announces to the pub * lie that the St. Joseph and lola Kail Read is now completed and open lor purpo ses of transportation. C rs. a nt,able for the transportation of all kinds of merchandize, budding materials eel live stock, are provided. A wharf and ware house are erected at he Uhipola Depot, where goods and pro duce to and from the interim, will be receiv ed or delivered. Bile houses and cotton a*' Jed to die Rail Road at lola and St. Jn* v .1, are I trge md commodious, and cotton and other n 'l'ehsn lije, jf so directed, will be placed it either point, under cover. 'Bhe despatch, economy and safety with which ue rohandize and produce may he transported by the new route, through the c.i y of St Joseph, when practically tested, will be fully appreciated by a discerning public, and all the undersigned now asks, is. tli it the Planters, Cotton buyers and Mer chants f the interior, will in ike the expon ent, confident that it *v 111 result to toair profit and satisfaction. R ifpx vs ( 7/i// g .s’ established on the Sf. Joseph Sf 101 l Railroad, Tll VN T SPOiTtATION. Passengers 00 each, Children, under 12 years,.... 50 ~ MERCHANDIZE. On each hale of Cotton, 15cts prbale On Uiids Barrels, half and <| r. Casks, Tierces, Boxes Bales, or packages of Mer chandize, at the rate of. ...10 ~ bb!. On each b ig of Salt, Coffee, Pepper A. Pimento, Corn, Oats or grain of anv kind, not measuring over 5 ft:... ,10 „ bag. On all Iron castings, kegs of shot, lead, or nails, grind ■ stories, mill stones, and all heavy articles, at the late of 5 „ lOOib. LUMBER, &'•. Lumber, A • a 50 r rlOfil ft. Bricks 3 00 „ luOO .Shingles, p .up iu iiutidles, 50 ~ ~ ~ in bulk 1 00 ~ Staves 2 0(5 ~ „ Ho ’p poles 50 „ Wood, 2 00 ~ cord. Pine nr oak logs, hewn or rough, 3 ~ cubit ft. Cedar logs * , leuie!. : rigs and Cart* 1 00 each. Four wheel Ctv ,< cs, 200 ~ L l V E s roc \. Her#*s and Ox n 300 per h ad. Cows and C.'.ives, 2 00 ~ ~ Sheep and H ogs 25 ~ ~ Pouhty X 00 ~ hun’d W IARFAGE. On eaeli bale of Cot on. 3 cts per bale. <*n each bill of tier 1 i iodize 3 ~ hid. (hn all other heavy goods, 10 ~ 1000 STORAGE. 7”e fbUoiving rates w, ; ll be charged for all Goods, (.‘ye. stored in the Company's IVure- Housts : Oneac i bale of cotton, not exc.-e hag 60 daw 15 cts. pr bale. On each barrel of M*’rchan do 10 „ hid. ‘On all ineasnrrtneut (rood , 2 ~ lout. Iron ci* lags and ;fi| heavy ;niseles ! 5 „ 1001 b. JOHN l». GiIAV. Agent. Sf. Joseph. Oct. 28, 1839. 31 3,< i nt* llinhud, H NO 1 ES to t ie subscriber *- by 1 hi® Howard, and endorsed hv Join A. Sidling, for twenty-nine dollars ei -ti, dated some time tii first of tic year, I s 57, due th-t 25th December following. , All persons are camiaued against trading J'or said notes, and tlie makers not to pay them to a.ny person but the subscriber. JOHN R. BARTEE. Oct 20 31 3t >ER.3<iNS having any Books in their ’ I* 'sse->ioti belong ng tn the sub-criber «||| fiease return them to the Mir-or OtTi, ~ July 27 ta a. 11. BARROW, GEORGIA— T ec County. h‘u\r, Nui, to foreclose < Mortgage, in Lee SujienenfCcait. JAMts L. Ross. /} B appearing to the rs. I Couit. on Ihe pe- Thomab Bitli r. ntion oJ James L. Robb, ol liie in this Court, that i houias Butier, then and still of the county ol Bald win, tu said State, ou th« fifth day ol Janu ary, m the year of our eighteen hun dred und tinny -seven, in ilts said county ol Eee, made azd s* ?l<rl, and then and there delivered to the said JamesL, Ross, his cer tain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, thereby mortgaging to the said Janice L. Ross, tne two lots or tracts ot land, known at the lots numbered two hun dred andeixry-one aud two huinticd and se venty, in the fourteen'b district of the conn ty oi L*e; (the word fourteenth, in said mortgage, abbreviatrd and written fomth, but intended lourtewth;) and both <>l said lots together, containing four hundred aid \ five acres of land, nore or less, the better io secure the pavmeit ol a certain promissory note. lieaMug da'; the same day ■•uni year aforesaid, which tue said Thomas Butier trad then and there ma !e and delivered to the Hi and James L. Ju>ss, whereby, by the first day 01 February, eighteen hundred anti tlur ty-eight, the sa.d Thomas Butler promised to pay the said lames L. Ro.-s, or order, the sum of two thousand dollars, with interest from the first day of February then next, for value received, and which said mortgage deed and promissory note, are now here pro duced in Court; and, it further appearing to the Court that the sum of eleven hundred and eighty-three Dollars and fifty-nine cents principal, besides interoi thereon, from the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, is still due on said note and un paid, and the idlid James L, Rnss having prayed the foreclosure of tin* *ai I mortgage iu terms of the statute in such oases provi ded; and whereas, the saiti James L. is about to file his bill for the purpose of te fortning said mortgage deed, It is, on motion of James M. Kelly, attor ney for said petitioner, ordered, that the said Thomas Butler do pay into court, within six months from this date, tlie principal, inter est and cost due on said mortgage, or show cause to the tontrarv, and that on his failing so to (10, the equity of redemption in an t to said mortgage premises shall be henceforth, forever barred and foreclosed. \nd it is further orfisred by the Court, that the said Thomas Butler lie served » irh 'a copy of this rule three months previous to (lie next term of ‘bis Court, or that ■•er vice of the same be perfected by a publica tion of this rule once a month for 4 mouths, ill some p 1 lie gazette in this Slate, previ ous to said term. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, this 4th September, 1839. NAd’L C. WYCIIE,CI’k S.C. mini 24 JM’OfMFAT’S Vegetable Jaife I ' a -ar,». I SIUUtn. Tlie unireisill, estimation in which the celebra ted Like and PuoeSix Bitters are held, i.- satisfactorily demonstrated by the increasing demand tor them in every state and section of the Union, and hv the volun tary testimonials to their remarkable efficacy which are every where offered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that they are the means of extensive and in estimable good among his attlieted tellow creatures than from interested considera tions. aud the proprietor of these pre eminently successful medicines is desirous ofkeepimr them constantly before tlie pub lic eye.—The sale o r every addinttional box and bottle is a guarantee that some person will lie relieved from a greater or less degre • oi suffering, and be improved in general health ; for in no case of suffering from disease can they be taken in vain. The proprietor has never known or been in formed of an instance in which they have lailfiU, to do good. In the most obstinate cases of chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and billions head ache,costiveness, piles, general debility, sciofulous swelling and ulcers, scurvv, salt rheum and all oilier chronic affections of the organs and membranes, they effect cures with a vapidity and permanency which few persons would theoretically be lieve, Inn to which thousands have testified from happy experience. In cohls ami coughs, which, if neglected, sup 1 induce the most latal disease of the lungs, and indeed the vicera tn general, these medicines, if taken but for three or four days, never fail. Taken at night, they so promote the insensible perspiration, and so relieve the system of febrile action and feculent ob structious, as to produce a most delightful sense of convalescence in the morning; and though the usual symptoms of a cold should partially return during the day, the repetition of a suitable dose nt tlie next hour of bed lime will almost invariably effect perjßiTuien', reliefkvb bout further aid. Their effect upon fevers of.a more acme and more violent kind is not less sure and speedy t tsken in proportionable quantity ; and persons retiring to bed with intlaniatorv systems of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that the fierce e'emy has been overthrown, and can easily b.j subdued. In the same way, vicera! furgesenee, though long estab lislied, andivieeral iuflamations however critical, will yield—the former lo small and the latter to large doses of the Life Pills: and so also hysterical affections, hypocon driocism, restlessness, and very many other varieties of tlie Ncuro'iea! cla*s of diseases, yield to lie efficacy of the P-'ueenix Bitters. Full directions for the use of these medi ci es. and showing their distinctive api>lica bility to different complaints, e iitiv them; and they can be obtain' whv' sale and retail at 375 Broadway, w ie a er ous certificates of their iiiijuu, , jij uO . cess are always open to inspect imt. For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Mad'it's “good .Samaritan," h copy ofwhich accompanies the medicine : a copy can always be obtained of the different Agents who have the medieiue for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can he obtained on application at the office, 375 Broad wav. AB post paid letters will receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM I>. MOF b AT, 375 Broadway, New York A Itbeial d"duction mad« to those who pur chase to sell again. A Tents--- The Life Medicines may also be had of any of ihe prise,pie Druggists in every town throughout the United Stves and the Ginadngj \»k for Moffat's Life Pills and Phieuix Bitter*; and be sure that a simile of .loon Moffat’s signature is upon the label of each battle of Bitters or box of Pills. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFF XT, 367 Broadway New York. i he to )\o medicine for tale bv THOM XS GARDNER. A-renf. !•:!*, ’ tUR SALE AT TUIS OFFICE. UNEXAMPIEO MAMMOTH SUIiEME. HMHE following details ol a Sch> tne of a -l. Lottery, to be draw uin Lleceinber next warrants us tu declaring it tobe UNPARAL LELED in the history ot Lotteries. PRI ZEiS, to the amount have never before been offeitd lo the public. It is true, there are many l.iwrAs. but on the other hand, the ex tremely tww chaige of S2O per Ticket—the value and number of the cu/iitub, and the re vival of the good old custom of W AKKAN T’NGTHAT EVERY PRIZE- SHALL BE DRAWN 'ND SuLD, will, vie are sure, give universal satisfaction, and espe cially to the .Six Hundred Prize Holders. 'Bo those disposed 10 adventure, we re commend early application being made to us for tickets—when liiS Prizes are all sold , blani s only remain—-the first buyers have the best cliance. We therefore, emphati cally say-—DELAY NOT! hut at ouce re mit and transmit to us your orders, which | shall always receive out immediate attention. Letters to be addressed, aud applications made to SYLVESTER & Cos. 156, Broadway, New York* Observe the No. 156. $7oajooo! $500,000!! FIX PRIZES OF $20,000!! TWO PRIZES OF ] $13,000! THR Ek’ PRIZES OF 1 GRAND REAL ESTATE AND RANK STOCK LOTTERY'OF PROPERTY SITUATED IN N. ORLEANS. The Richest and most, magnificent Scheme ever presented to the public in this or ,ini/ other country. TXC*I « TS OrYls V s’2o Authorized hi/ an act of the Lear, islative Assembly of Florida, and under the direction of the Commissioners acting undi r the same. to be drawn \T Jacksonville, FLORIDA, DEC. 1,1839. SCHMIDT -V HAMILTON, Monasters . SYLVESTER & 1 ’o. 156. BROADWAY NEW YORK, SOLE AGENTS. NO Tlie and eds of the Property, and the Stock transferred in trust to the Com uissioners ill-pointed by the said Act of he Legisla ture of Florida, for the security of the Prize-Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME! 1 Piize. TUE ARCADE, 336 feet 5 inches, 4 lines, on Magazine street; 101 (eet, 11 inches, on Natchez street; 106 feet, 6 inches on Gr vier street. Rented at a bc.nt $37,000 per annum. Val ued at $700,000 1 Prize. CITY HOTEL, 102 feet on Common street; 146 feet 6in dies, on Camp street. Rented at $25,000. Valued at 500,000 1 Prize. DWELLING HOUSE, (adjoining the Arcade,) No. 16, 24 feet 7 inches, front on Natch ez street. Rented at 1200. Val ued at £20,000 l Prize do. Adjoining the Arcade, No. 18, 23 feet front, on Natch ez street. Rent'd at $1200.- Valued at 20,000 1 Piize do. Adjoining t' e Arcade, No. 20, 23 f-et front, on Natchez street. Rented SI2OO. Val ued at 20.000 1 Prize do. No. 23, North-east orner of Basin and Custom house street, 40 feet front on Ba sin, and 40 feet on I VanUm #t. by 127 feet deepin Custom house street. Re ited at SISOO. Val ued at 20,000 1 Prize do. No. 24, South-west corner of Basin and Custom house st; 32 feet 7 in. on Basin, 32 feet 7 indies on Franklin, 127 feet 10i indies deep, in front of Custom house street. Rented at SISOO Valued at 20,600 1 Prize do. No. 339, 21 feet, R in ches on Royal street, by 127 feet 11 inches deep. Rented at SIOOO. Valued at 15,000 1 Prize, 250shares,CnnalBankstock 100 each, • 25,000 1 1 Prize do. 200 do. Cos umcrcial do. SIOO each, 20,000 1 Prize do. 150 do. Mechanics’ & Traders' SIOO each. 15,000 1 Prize do. 100 do. City Bank, SIOO each, ' 10.000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10 000 1 Prize 100 do do do do do 10,000 1 Prize 50 do Exchinge Bank, SIOO each, 5.000 1 Prize 50 <!•> do do SIOO each. 5,000 1 Prize 25 do Gas Light Bank, SIOO eat h, 2,500 1 Prize 25 do do do do do 2,500 1 Prize 15 do .Mechanics’ & Traders SIOO each, 1.500 t Prize 15 do do t’o do 1,500 20 Prizes each 10 shares of the Lou isiana State B ink, SIOO each, each SIOOO, 20,000 10 Prizes, each 2 shares, of SIOO each, each Prize S2OO of the Gas Light Bank, 2,000 20!) Prizes, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Ba; k of Louisiana, 20,000 200 Prizes, cadi 1 share of SIOO, of the New Orleans Bank, 20,000 150 Priz°s, each 1 share of SIOO, of the Union Bank of Florida 15,000 GOO $1,500,000 TICKETS S2O—NO SHARES. The whole of the Tickets, with their Numbers, as also, those containing the Pri zes, will tie examined and sealed by the Commissioners appointed under the Act, previously to their beui:; put into the wheels. ()pe wlic'd will roi . mi r!i • Six Hundred Prizes, and the firs: 000 Numbers that shall be drawn out. will bn ent iled to sneli Prii,. as may be drawn to ils nu mbers, and the' for tunate holders of sueh ttnzes will have such properly transferred to them im Mediately alter the drawing, until- hired a l without ar>% dcf/'irt.inr ! June I? 11 nT) A Ol t 'TAN. '' l l :;>ve or fJlit'S V tiona -u <- mts a situation as ov so v ‘tip. Apply at the st ivc ol MeCu’-i oAp ,i Lumpkin, Git. Oct. 22 *> <K * The article published below, concerning tbs new aud popular doctrine advanced ky the illustrious Goelicke, of Germany, cannot lan oi exciting a deep aud limiting interest throughout our country. MatciiU’** Sanative. FOR UON.SUAIPT ION. Si ! [ Translated from the German.] LOUIS CrfON GOELICKE, Or GERMANV THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizen s of ISorlh and South America, Louis Orrow Goeuickk, M. D. of f Germany, able honor of adding a sew and precious doctrine of the Science of Medicine—a octrine which, though vehemently opposed by many of the faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] lie proves to be well founded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ-—a doctrine, uuou the verity of which are suspended tlie lives of millions ol our race, and which lie boldly challenges his op posers to relute, viz : Consumption is a dis ease always occasioned by a disordered stale of Vis Vita (or Life Principle) of the human body: iff* often secretly lurking iu the sys tem for years before there is the least complaint of tne which men be as cer tainly, though not so quit kly cured, us a com mon cold or a simple headache, A a invalua bly precious dectrine this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy of both sexes, leachin g them that this insid ious foe may be an,unobserved inmate of their “clayey houses ’ even while they ima gine themselves secure fro its attacks, t'’aching them that THE GREAT SE CRET IN THE ART OF PRESERVING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustriousoenefactor of man is also entitled to our unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for tlie invention of his MATCH LESS SANA PI VK,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such n title, since it basso signally triumphed over our great common enemy if/* (‘ONSUM P TION, both ir the first an 1 last stages,—-a medicine which lias throughly ftlied the rrt cniun in tlie Materia Mediea, and then-by proved itself the (fjr“Cosqt'Eßoß or (■tAiNS^'T) —a medicine, for which all man kind will havo abundant cause to bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence.—a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by soon clergy, in their pastoral visits to tlie sick chamber; by which means they often b?- comethe happy instruments of changing de spondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends into joyfulness. bOL LICK F-’S is n medicine of more value to man *hnn the vast mines of \ustria, or even the united reasures of our globe,—a medicine, which is ob lined emolly from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a thrkk-ioid power,— a medicine, which tbougn designed ns a remedy for consumption solelv, is possess ed of a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the f mian system,—a which begines tobe valued by Physieans ; w'. j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the g? asp ot the Insaiiabee Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a half drop; and for in ants, a quarter drop; the directions explain ing the manner of taking a hall or u quarter drop. $ *3 *3 b A certificate from three members of the ME DIG A L PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We, the undersigned, practitioners of me dicine in Germany ary well aware that, by otir course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the faculty, but not of its benevo lent members, who are uninfluenced by sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either o! tlie soundness or tinvoundness of Dr. Gorlieke's new doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to he generally known—for what our eves behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offon Goelicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be abase impostor and the prince of quacks. But, ou hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self inter est) publicly ro acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only corisumnlion, but other fear ful maladies, which we have heretofore be lieved to he incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at .'iiee swaliowetl up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as atreod* far or.r abuse of him, we do frankly confess to tlie world, that we believe him a philan thropist. who does honor to the profession, and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tnis medicine into some of our European hospitals is a suffi ent guaranty that it perforins all its promises. It needed not our testimony for wherever it is used ( I* it* own witness. HERMAN ET.MULLF K, M..D WALTER X XN GAULT, M. D ADOLPHUS WERNER, M D. Germany, December 10, 1838. b b Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con. July 20. 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has -lately been effected, through the virtues of Dr. G’o elick’s Sanative, in the case of an elderly gentleman, who was far g* tie and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY FAMILY PtiX’SICAN. He is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him mvselfa since, in company with'his wife starting oil a journey to the w estern part of this Slate, He ascribes hi* escape iroin the very jausol death, and his recov et \ to health solely to tlie astonishing vir tues of the. Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a snug property, but, savs tie. “I WOULD WILLINGLY Pay ONETIIorSXND DOLLARS FOR A ’INGLE BOTTLE OF FJ . IF I COI I U NOT PURCHASE IT FnR A LESS PRICE. To 11■;ii be Sanative is aboK all value. WATER GOODELL. P. .M. The above Medicine for sale, by THOM XS GARDNER, Agent. Florence, Jan 26 The t ause or Bilious tan. plllllit lemt II mtAotie or title AV* tLL atm pronoiu. * quaintly o( b.le upon ti e LCkT w..ys requisite lor tLe pion.otion ol . 0l *.* he,, th—it stimulate!, digestion, and l th. canal free Iron, ail „b stri r , Ce F* On me ii.krtor .unace of the live, culm blander, in whiel, the t„e , 8 f' * '** served, being formed by the liver l f Mood. Ihecce ,i passe# imo Uie sto ' ' lj ® and intestines, and regular , he in °“ ach tion. llius we see whet, thete cy o, bile, the body JS coi h.' dcl,c, .en- Gn the other hand, an overal m ll Co,ilive ' bile causes frequent nansea in ,i U<Jai)ce «f and otten promotes very *# w.' C s,ou ! <cli, disease, which sometime# end Fevers are always preceded bv «, ’ ol a disordered stomach; as* • i scortulous disorders, and ail . ' fufciional, organic or lebriie , "lF a,h,r,ic From tne same cause, the i at, lr .. thy action of tlie heart, and the uh'f t,eal eular symem is impaired and reduce it us natural standard, as exliil,i, e(l be ' u,v pitaiious, languid pulse, torpors p f syncope, aud even death iiself in " nbs ’ quenee of an overabundance of* a “ CoCße olleusive substance to tl, e pecu| iar organs. “'fifstive The approach ofbilious diseases ;« limes atteiideii by decided sy...p,o ns m ' existing diseased state of the st. „ i an bowels; i.e. with those signs whK ! an<J knowu to point oil! (heir contents t 0 t l a , re umrbtu, irritating nature; but whenevert * alimentary canal liappens to he loaded u T irritating matter, seme derangement i, ' healthy operation, e,t|„r of ;J le r i,e system, or ol some particular organ .7!" 1 Duly is the ecilain result; and when il '* state happens to he united with , symptoms ol disease, i's rite, Is ar / 9 ?J 1,,r .hereby much agg-aVated Tlie ol organic obsirueiion is often so scarcely to admit of time for the 'a,Vi- ** (ton ol such aid as is to Le oileied >et, m general, the premonitory symif,.*'*’ ol gastric load are perceptible','o/a , * two prevuns to the feverish period, when the most efficacious hssoZ’J u, 7 b . c ClW; '' b - v ""loading the smS ("O alimentary canal of i, s i. > i, lltl!l ' tent-, ami inns reducing the sus.e.i k. ty of disease- susceptibfij. , Vl "8 LIFE MEDICInp, should always ho taken in the eniv .. ' ol liiliotts complaints; audit perrcm/Ir * strictly aerording to . dt.ecioos *ls positively rheet - 'J he m- n ediclnes often prercribe.l in t .. diseases, although they m a , f « e ,. a ttinpot ary cure at the sane an unhealthy state of the .“'J :v*r i (O erne. It is then bv the use ol Mdusiveiyforntsd ol vegetable oS w htcli,. posse.> mg ttl.iu, sehes „„ deleterious agencies, which ft cr ~ Sltl * combination or i, teration can „ b’uig into acticn, «n.I ll.eufoie ca|, I!, 0 p producing rcefiV'cr, saw thai which i. id—tlml a safe ivmcdv is feurd. The LIFE TILLS A FIHFMy pi"- ~a. v p •«. i,e .ini!‘ m their e lects m cases of biii, ns ,I.m ' V,f •mv purely vegetabie etc, oDr ed to the public. |, ihe Mi n,aei. is ~ „i, they cleanse ,t by exciting i, to th,, „ ~, contents ; K not, they pass to li e ilnod,, wrlmut exciting vomit,, g or nam, a i„ ,U stomach jstmmliumg the neigl.l,,,,mg »i, as th. liver and,s, so as u ,-re ( „,e a more copious flow of,heir (Ultii , lif ir;to the intestine*; stimulating ,). c , xitil|l , cspi’lanes, let nun;,ting in ,j. ( . ff( , which an increased flow of rs ,, ’ particles of tlw hrt.'y, foreign matte,s. or ictamed secrcnous, are conq letch d.M-hur gcd; J For further particulars of the ?i fV e infill me see MOFFAT *S (.( t 1) m. MARI IAN, a copy of which accoicpanie# the till dicu e. A Oopy nay also be obtained ol the different Agents who have the midi cities (or sale French, German, and Spanish di re*nons can he obtained on aj | i,canon t the office, 375 Broadway. . P°' :l J- : d letters will receive Itinnediate attention. Sold wholesale and retail by WILLIAM 1 r»A I , .>75 i> i'o’tici\\ hv, y A liberal dpilnction made to those who pur chase to sell again. Agerifs.-Tlie Life Medicines mav also be had nl the principal .hoggets j n evi . rv town thronglmm the United Stales „nd the (’• Ask for /Moffat's Lift This !IM d l itemx Litters; and he sure that a lac siuiiie ol Job" Aiofiat'* signature is upon the label of each buttie ol kilters, or box of pills. The above medicine for sale by Re S , <;AKD - N, ' ; ' ;; Agenl. September 14. 1,839. 2.1 J. a. IKHXcotfT 7 ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, *-wfA J l¥ SVILLE ; lEE COUNTY. GFO.rM. %%./ 'LL attend the ( bnirts oft! e CHAT v f i’AIJOOUHEE CIRCUI'I Nov. 25 35 iv WiLLJAM Ii MAY AJiot’iiry W ' AJ\KS\ iLLE, Lee countv, Ga. will t ’ practice in all the counties of the Chat. tanoochce circuit. March 10 48 ]y W 111* iff. Ha I'd fr I. L! MPKiN, GA. AN, at all limes lie found by those wisli- Vv itig his services, at Itis office, ar i e house ol M. McUullar, Esq. when not' r® engaged. J in 2f 42 morfs mtbtl CTUIDTi rglliE subscriber has for sale TWO I THOUSAND very fine MOLL'S MULTICAULIS TREES, that will aver age overoue hundred buds to tlie tree. W. \V. E/LANDS. Florence. Oct 18 28 np I I I . >'ibs« riber will Mtend to the > olicc B tiun ol all debts dui the late firm of Gardner Barrow, up t 0 April, 1839. Persons indebted to said firm will please make payment immediately. H Fi BARROW notice: rjl HE public are heieby caulioi ed sgainst trading for a promissory note given by me to Raymond ,Y * lhson, ol Apalacl icola, for Three hundred and forty-four dollars and ninety two cents, dated on or about 15tll and v of May 1838. unless the execnior, ad niinistrator or assigns of said Tsvn.o and, al lows me for a quantity of bagging suffered to b* injured by him wl.i c in his safe keep ing, i* will not lie paid unbss con pelle*! by law. 11. W. WOODWARD. Florence, Sept. 30 3t 26 Tl KN R V A. GA BRETT is the author B ised agent to take notes, receive cash i and give receipts for any demands due ihe/ Male and Female Academics at Florence. / May 6 TUE TRUSTEES /