The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, December 28, 1839, Image 4

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Stcvcart Sheriff"sales. -z'MTIL.L be sold on the first Tuecday in \f JANUARY next, before the Court House door in the Town of Lumpkin, be tween the legal hours ol Sale lue tidiowiog proiterty via: . Lot ; Nos. 4 and 5, in letter G. in the town of Li n, ou the Square. ex > ,l,e I 5 ore ilo iseoccupied by .McCuliar .‘C Per j r*. lyiug between said House ao illie Stine , occupied by M. M. Fie <mig, sold a> It" j property of Freeland tlucKoer, lo sati-ly a . (i la iroui Sie.vart Superior Court iu lavor j of Jefferson J. Lamar. The interest of Thomas J. Kertoi*on, in j Lots Nos. 91 an I 95. in -he 22d district of of Stewart county, levied upon as the prop erty of said Ivestersen, to study :• ti la troui Stewart Superior C »nrt tit I ivor ol i j.iurouce 6 Jeruigttii, surviving copartners xx>'. fi--. , and others. ! North h tl: of Lot No 63, in the 22d.di*t. of Stewart county, also 11 mse and Lot whereon Win. 1' • Philips now resides, ad j,unhung Florence. no liber not known, levied on as the property ol said Philips, to satisfy a ti truui Stewart Superior Court in I,v .r of Hightower X Reid. Property pointed out by defendant. Lm of Land No. 9 in the 22d district of St • vart county as the property ot Rowlan I Willi tins, to satisfy a li fa frotn Stewart Su perior Court in favor of Harrison Jones, a -Must said William's ai l .Manna lube Creshrn. Property pointed out by Gus tavus DoLauttay. Lots Nos. 113 and 139, in the 23 1 (list, of Stewart county, as the properly ol 1 ree land Buckner, to satisfy a fi from Stewart Superior Court iu favor ot Edward W. Chap nan and others. Lot of Land No 15, iu the 25th (list, of Slewarl county, as the property ot Eli jah Waters, to satisfy sundry li fas from a Justice Court of said county in favor ol W. «Vc II Boynton. Levy made ttud returned by a constable. One House and Lot in the Town of Flor ence, Stewart county, known as number If 7, in letter K. as the properly of John R. Spann, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice Court of Stewart county, in favor ol Moses Pcttice. Property pointed out by defen., dant. Lot of Land upon which Jesse P. Har rell now lives, No. not known, as the prop erty o f said Harrell, to satisfy a fi fa from Stewart Inferior Court in favor of Gustavos DeLaunay. Lots of Land Nos. 112 and 132. in the 22d district of Stewart county, levied on as the property of Win. C. Hav, to satisfy a li la from Stewart Superior Court, in lavor ol H. W. Jcrnigi.n, and others. Also, 10,000 lbs. Seed Cotton, taken as the property of John Lantern, to satisfy a ti fa from Stewart Superior Court, in favor of Simpson 11. Strickland. Lot of Land No. 302, in the 02d district of Stewart county, as the property of Jno. I). Puts, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Jus lice Court from Muscogee county in favor of J. Culpepper vs. W. IT Williams and Jno. D. Pitts, security. Levy made and returned by a constable. Also, the undivided half of No. 131, in the 2ith district, of Stewart county, taken as the property >f Joseph Benncti to satisfy one li fa issued out of Bibb Superior Court in favor of Joseph Tayler. Also, lot of Land No. 107, in the 24th district of Stewart county, ami two negroes, Js n 20. and Dina 40 years o I, as the prop erty >t W n. Wynn, to satisfy a li fa from Stewart-lufarior Court, in favor ol Michael J. Laurence, et. al. Properly pointed out by James Clark. Also, Lot of Land No. 114, in the 22d district of Stewart county, levied on as the propertv of Thomas .1. Keetcrsoii, tu satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a l ustices Court ol said county in favor of Win. C. Hay, and others vs. said Kestetson. Also, lot of Land, No. 36, in the 18th dis trict of Stewart county, levied on iitiie pro perty of Hiram Atkinson, to satisfy a K : Fa issued from the Superior ceurt of Baker county, vs. said Atkinson, principal and M. Chastain, security, M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. December 4 1839. MORTGAGE SALES. I Vill be sold at the same place on the first Tuesday in Feburary Nos. 41 and 42, in the 94th district of St‘.wart county, as the properly of Jas. H. Harrell, to satisfy a Mortgage li fa from Stewart Superior Court, iu favor of Henry Solomou. Propertv pointed out in said li fa- Lucy a woman 26 years old, Arthur a man 20yeats old, Sampson a man, 35 years old, .Dianna, a woman 22 years old, and her two children. Tener, a woman 30 years old, Amy 12, Jack 15, Alfred 13 years, George a boy 13 years old, Rose a woman 19 years old, Nathan a boy 2 years o’d, Calvin 5 years old, Hester 3 years old, Daniel 7 years old, Dave 1 year old, all taken as the prop erty of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy three Mortgage fi fai issued out of Stewart uifer:- * r Court, in favor of Williard Boynton Lnv erd Bryan,| Tomlinson Fort and Elijah E. Crocker, Executors of Samuel Williams, deceased, vs. Robert Hatcher. . Also, one boy by the name of Toney, about 21 years of age, one girl, by the name of Silva about 16 years of age. all levied on us the property of Robert Hatcher to satisfy a Mortgage li fa. issued out ol Stewart Jo ferior Court in favor of Turner Coley vs. Robert Hatcher. M. M. FLEMING. Sheriff. December, 4th. face Sheriff Sales. WILL lie sold, ou Ihe first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at (lie court house door in the town of Starksville. with in the usual hours of sale,the following pro perty, to wit: Two Lots Nos. not known, in the Town ofStarsUville, and Ihe Sioie House now oc copied by Mnund fi Philips, levied on as the prop'wtyof George W. Huckaby to sat isfy a(i fa -ssned from the Inferior Court of Lee county in lavor of Mordecai Alex id-r vs. George W. Huckaby and Peter 11. MeC'iskill, property pointed out by t -e plaintiff. Also, Lot of Land No. 263, in . the se en.,.l district ol L**e county, levied on as the properly of Joshua to satisfy sundry li ft* issued from the Superior Court of Lee county in favor of il. Jo'tiesf Adin’r. of Lewis Bond, deceased, and others, prop erty pointed by plaintiffs Attorney." Also, Lot of Laud No. not known, the place whereon John Cain now lives, in the Ist (list. of Lee county, levied on as the property of John Cain to satisfy one alias fa issued from the Superior Court of Houston county, in favor of Richard V. < . Ruffin vs said John Cain. Lots of Land No. 212, and 215, and an hundred .acres Lot No. not known in the Ist district of Lee countv, levied on as the property yf Mark M. Brown, to satisfy sun dry (i fas issued from the Superior and ln fer or Court of Sumter county in favor of Wreswoid fi Pope and others, vs. said tirowa, property pointed out by defendant. A. DYSON. Sheriff. November, 29. 1839. Suraier Sheriff Sale’s. WILL be sold on me first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House door in the Town of Amer.cus Sum ter county, Milniu the usual hours ot sals the following property to wit. jf,i lot. of land. Nos. 92. in ne 27th j -list, and 167. in ih-‘J6iii dist. all of :orm«r --\ l.ei now Suinier cnimly. - .eU ou as the * » ■ > J ‘flies 11 in-on •- satisfy one 'i fa iV.i ;i ■'uiniei lineito.- Court, in tavor ol | Si *<•;.• t:«rd, Haag mi Cos. vs. sah llui|'i- Ia S». L->l of L uni N <O, in the 27tli ! d-st 111 i ntn-.i ty L«*e now Sum t-r county, I |eva*d --li -s itic jin ver y I -i > • H- Yv cuv -1 er. In salli-fv one li i* lion Sumter lliiciior - Court. it» favor <d George ‘.Vaiker, vs. Jnliu j H. Weave, an J J nun T. McCrary, security 1 on the stay. ! Also, one Town Lot, No. not known, ’ wiy-rcou Jamas L>ue* now lives, in n e | TAwn of Aaiericus, an l un i.oprovoincuts | >ifiereon, levied on as the property ol the said James Lvues to salistv one fi fa from Sumter inferior Court, in tuvm ol c*. “rge Walker, and oilier li las against said Lvues. Also, Lot of L tud No. nut k -own, in tiic •27;h dist. of formerly Lee u<w Sumter, 1 county, whereon Stephen Herring now j lives, "levied o i as the properly of said Her- I ring, to satisfy one li lit It *ui feunitri Su p.-r Tor Court," in favor of John G. Echols, 1 vs. Stephen Herring prineipal, and John J. Britt, security on appeal, and Dumps-y J. Jusiice, security on liie stay <>i Execution. \lso, Lot of L ind No. 145, in liie 27th dist. of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of John J - Brut, Io satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Inletior Court, in favor of Edward Montgomery vs. John J. Britt. Also, on ■ Lot of Lan I No. not known, in the 30th Dist of former,) Lee now Sumter county, whereon Jesse IvLv trds now lives levied on ‘as th“ property o. me sai I Jesse Edwaids. to satisfy one li la irom Sumter Superior Court i" favor of Ran lall Mastin, vs. said EdvV -rilr. Also, two Town Lots No. •> & 4. tinder letter 11. in the Town of Ainericus. and also, 12 acres of Land more or less adjoin ing said Town Lots South, it being part of Lot No. 115, iu the 27ili dist. of formerly Le now Sumter county, levied ou as the property of Richmond B. Goar, to satisfy three li fas from Sumter Inferiour Court, one in favorol Je*einiali Lampkiu, and one iu favor ot George Walker, and one in fa vor of Davis Smith, all vs. said Goar, and one fi fa from Sumter Superior Court, in lavor of David M. Scarborough, vs. Richmond B. Goar. JOHN TINER, D. SU’ff. Nov. 30, 1839. Also, iwll be sold as above. Lot of Land No. 197, in the 29th dist. of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Richard Pickett, to sat isfy two li fas from Cuniter Inferior Court, one in lavor of Kigley fi Hart, vs. Richard Pickett, maker, and’ Edmond Pearce, en dorser, and one in favor ot John Martin, vs. Patrick Brady and Richard Pickett, se curity. Also, Lot of Land No. 252, in the 29'h dist. of forineily Lee now Sumter county, levied on as tho property ot Joseph Mims, to satisfy sundry li fas from Sumter Superior Court, one n. favor of Harrison Jones and Joseph Bund Administrator* of Lewis Bond and against Joseph Mims, and Richard Picket?, and other ti fas in favoi ot others against Joseph Mims and others. Also, two Lots of Land Nos. 148 and 141, in the 27th (list, of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property or Reuben B. Pickett, to satisfy one fi la from Sumter Inferior Court, in lavor of Edwin F. Birdsong, vs. said Pickett, pro perty pointed out by the defendant. One Lot No. 249, in the 29th (list. No. 16(1, in the 3*)th dist No. 203, in the 17ili dist. No. 124, in the 29th-list . No. 131, in the 30th nisi. No. 207, in the 17th dist. No 77. in the 28th dist. originally Lee but now Slimier county, all levied on as the proper ty of P. J. Murry, to satisfy one li fa issued out of the Superior Court ot Hall county iu favor of Joel Thayer and Hollis Thayer, against the said Murry, property pointed out by David Whelchel. Lot of Land No. 199, in the 26th district of originally Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of William Green, .Tun. to satisfy an execution issued from a Justice Court, 589th distrust G. M. in Upson coun ty, in favor of Samuel Calhoun, vs. William Green, Jun. levy made and returned to me by a constable. Property pointed out by the defend ant. Also, Lot of i-aud No. 105. in the 29th district of originally Lee now Sumter coun ty, levied ori as the property of Jesse Bowers to satisfy a li fa from Macon Superior Court iu lavor of Griffin <t Purse, vs. said Bowers JOHN KIMMEY, Sheriff’. Nov. 30. 1839. Also, will be sold as above. Lot of Land No. 227, in the 27th dist. of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Marshall Covington, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justices Court of Marion l county, in favor ot Loved 15. Smith, vs. Marshall Covington property pointed out bv Edwin R Brown, levy and returned to me by a Constable. Also, Lot of Land No. 52, in the 27th -list, of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Adam tlardin, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Jus tices Court of Sumter county, against said Hardin, property pointed out by Arthur A. Morgan, levy made and returned to me by a Constable. GREEN M. WHEELER, D. SlTff Nov. 30, 1339. EXECUTORS’ SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the court house door in the town of Cutbbert, Randolph county, pursuant to the li st will of Clement Bryan, tlec’tl, four Negroes, viz. Abram, an old man. about sixty years old, Joe, a man about jiffy years old, Lucy a woman, about fiiiy years old, and Daniel, a man about thir ty-live years old. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day, by the EXECUTORS. Oct. 29, 1839. 31 Oj 1 ’ The Columbus Enquirer will insert the above till the day. L. ‘BRYAN. ADMINISTttATORS SALE. \ GREEABLE to an order of the In x V ferior Court of Stewart county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next at the Court House door ,in the town of Clarks ville, Habersham county, one half lot of Land No. 50, in the 6th Dist. of said conn ly, it being a part of the real estate of Jume- Uillespie deseased, of Mississippi. Terms cash. RICHARD KIDD, Adin’r. Nov. 1,1839. 1 hereby c institute and appoint Merri weiher Clements, my Agent and Attorney, sell and make titles to said land. RICHARD KIDD, Adtn’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. AGREEABLY manordet of the lule nort.'ourt of Lee county, when sitting as a court ol ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House door in Surksville: Ass '.ne Negroes slid other perishable pro peny, belonging to the estate ol Robert D. Respe-s, late ol ssid county, deceased.— Sold tor liie benefit of the heirs and credit or*, of said deceased. DUDLEY SNEED, Adin’r. Nov. 6. 32 de bonis non. V GREEABLE to an order of the hon or# .o luo inferior Court of Sunrter co • hiy, wh*ii silling as aCourt of ordinary, i.i bo s.ii ~ .-a mu first Tuesday in JANU ARY iiw'x:, h in die court house door in Aiiieri- ii.-i. ;,u i ; r -i iiiitv, lot ol land. No. -88, ii the 17 •• ii l stmr! of formerly Lee, now Sun- er -: iy, :*> bn sold for the ben efit of Eie ui ir.-,1,-d ure-litori of Uriah Ful ler, deceased. WALTON \Y. FULLER, Oct. 22 -f m’r. VGRE E Alli,E >o an order ol the lionor ab'u tiie Inferior court of the county ol Sumter, when si.ting for ordinary pur poses. will be so.-I, on tin- first Tuesday iu JANUARY next, at the court house door in the county i Randolph, Lot of Land No. 7. in the ten;'i district of formerly Lee now Randolph county, (ortho benefit of Alexan der Carrethers. a minor, ELIZABETH BUCK, (formerly Elizabeth Joiner,) Sumter co. Oct. 22. Guardian. VGREEABLY to the requirements of the will and testament of the late John' Guilford, of Randolph county, dec’d. we will expose topuldic sale, on the last Satur day in DECEMBER, at the residence of Colson Guilford, six negroes—a woman and live children. Terms of sale made known on the day. JOHN GUILFORD, COLSON GUILFORD, S Georgetown, Nov, 1,1639. 31 ON Tuesday the last day of December next, will he sold at the plantation of Albert H. She-diar-l, deceased, in Stewart county all the perishable property of said deceased consisting ot Horses, Hogs, Cat tle, Corn, Fodder, Oats, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen •'"uruiture, and suff diy other articles two tedious to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES M. SMYTUE, Adm’r. ANNE E. SHEPPERD, Adm’rx. Nov. 23, 1639 33 « 4% r iL L RESOLD, before the door IT of the Court house, in Montgomery county, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, and persuant to the last will of Clement Bryan,, late of Randolph county, deceased, between 3 arid 5 thousand acres of land, consisting of Swamp. Hammock and Pine lands, and lying oil each side of the Osonee river. Persons engaged in the business offurnish uig the Darien Steam Saw Mills with tim ber, by rafting down t lie river, would do well to attend, as the pine lands afford a large quantity of valuable timber suitable for the purpose. The lands will be put up in such quantities as will suit purchasers, and the terms will be twelve months credit, with two good securities. ]). C. BR YA N, \ LxecUlors ’ November 25, 4839. 27—tds. NOTICE A LI, persons indebted to the estate of \. G.tlba Mathews, late of Stewart coun ty, deceased, are hereby notified that pay ment will b ‘ required as speedily as possible ; and those holding demands against said es tate are required to hand them in according to law. JOHN M. W. PEEL. I ~ , ANDERSON C M ATHEWS. S JANE MATHEWS, Adm’rx. Nov. 15 32 6t GEORGIA — Lee. Courtly. WHEREAS, John Mclimis applies to me for letters of Administration ou the estate of Archibald Mclimis, deceased, This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said dec eased, to be and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under ny hand, at office, this 6tb November, 1839. 32 SAM’L C.WYCIIE, c■ c.o. GEOIIGI \ —Lee County. WHEREAS Robert G. Ford applies to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Merchant, deceased, This i-, therefore, to cite and admonish, all anil singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 6th November. 1839. 32 SAM’L C. WYCHE, c. c. o. CEORGIA— Lee county. W r HE RE AS Felix G. Carington ap plies to tne for letters of Adtninis (ration on the estate of Daniel A. Caring ton deceased. These are therefore to cite and admsnish all and singular the kindred and ceditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 30th NoveflJSfer, 1839." SAML. C. WYCHE, c. c. o. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable the in ferior court of Lee county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave to sell the tea estate of Silas Mercer, late of said county, deceased. ANN MERCER. Aflm’rx. No 7 1, 1639. 32 NOTICE. IOST on ihe main Stage road leading' -J from Columbus to Greenesboro some time in September last one travelling trunk, with the subsiiber’s name and place of res idence marked on it. Also lost w ith the trunk the following promissory notes, one on Machness Goode lor 123 dollars ,n;ide payable ’o George W. Bivins, given on the Ist January 1836, and due 25th Dec. 188 >, one note on Patrick Garland, lor 50 dollars, one on Eliza Miller for fifteen dollars, two small uotes on Drury M. Lesuenr, sue for fifteen dollars, the precise amount of the ot her not recollected, all made payable to the subscriber. Tha contractors 'of said notes are forwarned not to liquidate or set tle them with any person except the subert ber. ten dollars will be paid for the delivery of the trunk to me at Merry Oaks, or a pro portionate remuneration for any correct in formation respecting it. W. E. WIMBERLY'. Dec. 49, 1839 37 3» GEORGIA —Lee Count*, 1 Rule Nisi, to foreclose a Mortgage, id Superior Court. James L. Ross, j I T appearing to the vs. \ JL Coutt, ou the pe- Tbomas Butxkr. y tition of James L. Ross, of tile in this Court, that Thomas Butler, then and stiff of the county of Bald win, in said State, on tiie fifth day" of Janu ary, iu the year of our Lord, eighteen hun dred and thirty-seven, in the said county of Lee, made and sealed, and then and there delivered to the said Janies L, Ross, his cer tain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, theieby mortgaging to the said James L. Ross, the two lotsor tracts of laud, known as the iots numbered two hun dred and sixty-one and two hundred and se venty, in tlie fourteenth district of the coun ty of Lee ; (the word fourteenth, in said mortgage, abbreviated and written fourth, but intended fourteenth;) and both of said lots together, containing four hundred and 1 five acres of laud, more or less, the better to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, beaming date the same day and year aforesaid, wi.icli the said Thomas Butter had then and there made and delivered to the said James L. Russ, whereby, by the first day ol February, eighteen hundred and thir ty-eight, the sai I Thomas Butler promised to pay the said James L. Ross, or order, the sum of two thousand dollars, with interest from the first day of February then next, for value received, and which said mortgage deed and promissory note, are now here pro duced in Court; aud, it further appearing to the Court that the stun of eleven hundred and eighty-three Dollars and fifty-nine cents principal, besides interest thereon, from ihe ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, is siill tine on said note and un paid, and the said James L, Ross having prayed the foreclosure of the sai I mortgage in terms of tl*e statute in such cases provi ded ; and whereas, the said James L- Ross is about to file his bill for the purpose of te formiug said mortgage deed, It Is, ou motion of James M. Kelly, attor ney for said petitioner, ordered, that the said Thomas Butler do pay into court, within six months from this date, the principal, inter est and cost due ou said mortgage, or show cause to the contrary, and that ou his failing so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises shall be henceforth, forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered by the Court, that the said Thomas Butler be served with a copy of this rule three months previous to the next term of this Court, or that ser vice of the same be perfected by a publica tion of this rul ‘ once a month for 4 months, in some punlic gazette iu this State, previ ous to said term. A true extract from the minutes of the Superior Court, this 4th September, 1639. SAM’L C. WYCHE, Cl’k S. C. mini 2-1 MOFFAT’S Vegetable ;i ni ; Piupnii iSittcrs. d'lie uni vasal estimation in which the celebra ted Like Pills and PhoeSix Bitters are held, is satisfactorily demonstrated by the increasing demand lor them in every state and section of the Union, and by the volun tary testimonials to ilieir remarkable efficacy which are every where offered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that they are the means of extensive and in estimable good among his afflicted fellow creatures than from interested considera tions, and the proprietor of these pre eminently successful medicines is desirous of keeping them constantly before the pub lic eye.—The sale o‘‘ every addinttioual box and bottle is a guarantee that some person w ill be relieved from a greater or less degre of suffering, and be improved in general health ; for in no case of suffering from disease can they be taken in vain. Tiie proprietor has never known or been in formed of an instance in which they have failed to do good. Iu the most obstinate cases of chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and billion head ache,costiveuess, piles, general debility, sciofulous swelling and. ulcers, scurvy, sail rheuin and all other chronic affections of the. organs and membranes, they effect cures with, a rapidity and permanency which few persons would theoretically be lieve, but to which thousands have testified from happy experience. In colds and coughs, which, if neglected, superinduce the most fatal disease of the lungs, and indeed the vicera in general, these medicines, if taken but for three or four days, never fail. Taken at night, ihey so promote the insensible perspiration, and so relieve the system of febrile action and feculent ob structions, as to produce a most delightful sense of convalescence in the morning; and though the usual symptoms of a cold should partially return during the day, the repetition of a suitable (lose at the next hour of bed time will almost invariably effect permanent reliefwithout further aid. Their effect upon fevers of a more acute and more violent kind is not less sure and speedy t taken in proportionable quantity; and persons retiring to bed with inflamatory systems of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that the fierce enemy has been overthrown, and can easily be subdued. In the same way, viceral furgesence, though long estab lished, and viceral inflamations however critical, will yield—the former to small and the latter to large doses of the Life Fills', and so also hysterical:affections, hypocou driocism, restlessness, and very many either varieties of the Neuroffeal class of diseases, yield to the efficacy of the Phaenix Bitters. Full direclions for the use of these medi cines. and showing their distinctive applica bility to different complaints, no n -i-uny them ; and they can be obtain' wba ale and retail at 375 Broadway, w , ie n i uer ous certificates of their impart died suc cess are always open to inspection. For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moffat’s “good Samaritan,” a copy ofwhich accompanies the medicine : a copy can always be obtained of the different Agents who have the medicine for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can be obtained ou application at the office, 375 Broad wav. All post paid letters will receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, New \ r ork- A libeial deduction made to those who pur chase to sell again. Ttgenfs-—The Life Medicines may also be had of any of the principle Druggists in every town throughout the United States and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat’s Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters; and be sure that a simile of John Moffat’s signature is upon the label of each bottle of Bitters or box of Pills. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT 367 Broadway New York. The above medicine for sale by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Sept. 14 23 Blnali Deeds, FOR SALE AT THIS OFPICE. The article published below, concerning tbs ut* aud popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke, ol Germany, cannot fait of exciting a deep and thrilling interest thron our co““,rJ -3 <9 3«? J3 N [ Translated from the c.. 1 " ian '] LOUIS OFt-ON GOELICKE, or GERMANV THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizens of Nqrth an and South America, ri"TO Louts Oefon Goelicke, M. D. of .1 Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding anew and precious doctrine of the Science of Medicine—a octrine which, though vehemently opposed by many of the faculty, [ofwhich he is a valuable member,] lie proves to be wel founded iu truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity ol which are suspended the lives of minions ot our race, and which he boldly challenges his op posers to refute, viz : Consumption is a dis ease always occasioned by a disordered slate of Vis Vila, (or Life Principle) of the human body : (ff* often secretly lurking iu the sys tem for years before there is the least complaint of the which me:y be as cer tainly, though not so quickly cured, as a com mon cold or a simple headache. An invalua bly precious dectriue this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently heaitl,y of both sexes, teachin g them that this insid ious foe nay be an,unobserved inmate ot their “clayey houses ’ even while they ima gine themselves secure fro.:; its attacks, teaching them that THE GREAT SE CR ET IN THE ARTOF PR ESERVING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This illustriousoenefactor of man is also entitled toour unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, for the invention of his MATCHLESS SANATIVE,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it hasso signally triumphed over our great common enemy TION, both in the first and last stages,-—a medicine which has throughly filled the va cuum in the Materia Mcdica, and thereby proved itself the op Phvsi ctANSejfJ)—a medicine, for which all man kind will have abundant cause to" bless the beneficent hand of a kind Providence,—a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, iu their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often be come the happy instrumentsot’changing de spondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends into joyfulness. q" *3 >5 GOELICKE’S is a medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austria, or even the united reasures of our globe,—a medicine, which is ob, lined equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,— a medicine, which thougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess ed of a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the 1 (.man system,—a medicine, which begiries to be valued by Pltysicgns ; wl j are daily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the giaspot the Insa i iablk Grave. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a hall drop; and for in ants, a qnarterdrop ; the directions explain ing the manner of taking a halfor a quarter drop. «3 «3 *3. <3 <3 fc A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. AVe, theund ersigned, practitioners of ine dici .t in Ger ny are well aware that, by our course, •> nay forfeit the friendship of some of the ul ty, but not of its benevo lent member? vho are uninfluenced by sel fish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expressio of our opinion, either of the soundness c (insoundness of Dr. Goelicke’* new doctrin, > we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known—for what our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offon Goelicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be abase impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now derm it our houitden duty (even at the expense of our self'inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consumption, but other fear ful maladies, which we have heretofore be lieved to be incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment lit these unexpected results; and, as amends for our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to the world, that we believe him a philan thropist, who does honor to die profession, and to ottr country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of tais medicine into some of our European hospitals is a suffi ent guarantythat it performs all its promises. Tt needed not our testimony for whe r it is used it is its own best witness. HERMAN KTMULLF.K, 3. WALTER VAN GAULT, D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, D. Germany, December 10 1 bbt b b Post Office Chaplin, WintXiam, Cos, Con. July 20, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure has lately heeneltected, through the virtues of Dr. Go click’s Sanative, in tiie case of an elderly gentleman, who was fargsne and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY PY HIS FAMILY PHYSIGAN. He is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. I saw him myself a few days since, in company withlhis wife starting on a journey to the western part of this State,, lie ascribes his escape from the very jaws of death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of the Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a snug property, but, says he. “I WOULD WILLINGLY PAY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF IT, IF I COULD NOT PURCHASE IT FOR A LESS PRICE. To himthe Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODELL, P. M. The above Medicine for sale, by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Florence,Jan 26 The Cause of Bilious Can plaint and a .fiotle of Cure. A WELL regulated aud proportionate quantity of bile upon the stomach is al ways requisite for the promotion of souid health—it stimulates digestion, aud keep* the intestinal caual free from allobstructions On the interior surface of the liver ape-. bladder, iu which the bile is first pie served, ,IVe . r . blood. Thence it passes into tue . ’ and intestines, and regulates the Vndh‘ BS " t,J- n ’ { when there is a delicTen-' cyofbi.v, ,he Lod J constantly costive. On the other . au( , an overabundance of bile causes frequent nnu„ sca in the stomach aud often promotes very attacks of disease, which sometimes end in deatn. * Fevers are always preceded by symtomS of a disordered stomach; as are also scorfulous disorders, and all sympathetic functional, organic or febrile diseases From the same cause, the natural and heal thy action of the heart, and the whole vas cular system is impaired aud reduced below its natural standard, as exhibited in pal pitations, languid pulse, torpors of the limbs syncope, and even death itself, in conse quence of an overabundance of a peculiar offensive substauce to the digestive organs. The appre ach of bilious diseases is at all times attended by decided symptoms of an existing diseased state of the stomach and bowels; i.e. wall those signs which arc known to point out ilieir contents to be ol a morbid, irritating nature ; but whenever the alimentary canal happens to be loaded with irritating matter, some derangement of the healthy opeiation, either ot the genual system, or of some particular organ of the body is the certain result; and when tins slate happens to be united with any other symptoms of disease, its.effrr ts are alnvj thereby much agg>av.Ued The progress of organic obstruction is often so rapid rg scarcely to admit of time for t! ;c applic*.. lion ot such aid ;,s is to be offered by an, yet, iu general, the premonitory symptoms ol gastric load are perceptible fir;. o; \or two previcus to the feverish pan.x.sK t P rim), when liie most efficacious ik-sim i C e may be given, by unloading the stun a, h and alimentary canal of its in it;,tin,. , tents, and thus reducing the suscepubdt ty ol disease* MOFFAT’S LIFE MEDICINES should always be taken in the early pj;u c* of bilious complaints; audit per.M-veie'ifm strictly according to the dhcciioi,*, will positively efl'et; a cure. The mineral medicines often prescribed in these diseases, although they may effect a temporary cure at the same tone ere. 4; ■ an unhealthy state of the blood, and consequently tend to promote a return of the very disease w hit h they :re employed to cure. It istlien by the Use cf put natives exclusively formed- ol vegetable emu onmls which, possessing within themselves t,'„ deleterious agenens, which decomposition, combination or alteration can dew h j e bting into action, and tlierc-iore capable of producing no effect, save that which i* dt.-tr ad— that a safe remedy is found. The LIFE TILLS &• PIICEMX fi! ]’- 9'EKS have proved lobe the most Inq *v in their effects in cases of l ilions dis, as es, of any purely vegetable preparation ever oiler ed to the public, if the stomach is they cleanse it by exciting it to tinea ,q;. ! contents; if not, they pass to the duodenum without exciting vomiting or masia in the stomach; stimulating the neighbour,;: » icvt-i. as the liver and pancras, so as |uodi:i a more copious flow of their staretiiH* into the intestines; stimulating il ; c exaiert capillaries, terminating in the ii nsr co: , which an increased flow of (be nsth-' particles ol tl,n body, foreign matteis er retained secretions, are completely disch::t geth For further particulars of the abc.v medicine see MOFFAT’S GO()J.) SA MARITAN, a copy ofwhich areen.panics the medicine. A < opy may also la obtained of the different Agents (who have the meili cincs for sale. Cf* French, German, at and Spanish di rections can be obtained ou application t the office, 375 Broadway. All post paid letters will receive ini mediate attention. Sold wholesale and retail by WILLIAM B. M* I' I'AT, 375 Broadway, N. Y. A liberal deduction made to those who pur chase to sell again. Agents.— I be Life 'Medicines may ahn be had of the principal druggists in every town throughout the United Stans ainl the Canadas. Ask tor Moffat's Life Fills and l’lft'tx Bitters; and ly sme that a fin: simile ot John Moffat s signature is upon tiie label of each bottle of bitters, or box of pills. The above medicine for safe bv THOMAS GARDNER. Agent. September 14. 1839. 23 YV 1 L LJA.MIT MA Y ~ Allorih'j a I Law, kJ’ practice in ali the counties of the Chat. tahooclice circuit. March 10 4*< ly Ui’. VI Eta. iTi. Ka I‘dwi j.Y } LUMPKIN, GA. ('I AN, at all times be found by tli'ovs wish- J in" his services, at his office, nr t e house ol M. ftlcC'uilar, Esq. when not pro essiov Jiy engaged. J in 26 42 ” meTjical. ns*. A. IRIINTHOYfi, DEFENDERS his professional services to A the inhabitants of Florence and vi cinity. He will be in attendance by the first ot January, and all calls iu his line will be punctually attended to. lie has been in practice some 6 or Byears in S. C and JCa. Being educated in the most respectable Schools of this Country ami Europe, and by slriet attention to his profession and to that alone, he is it) holies he will merit a liberal share of patronage. Florence. December 12, 1839 36 • CAtTION. A RE persons are cautioned aeainst tra -7 v ding for the following Promisory notes: viz: four thirty dollar notes made payable on the twenty Afth of December next to Win. 11. McGehee against Jesse Lutnley with a credit of Seventeen dollars entered on one about the first of June Jast. and another for fifty dollars against James Biggs made payable to the same, and due tho twenty fifth December. 1840. WM. H. McGEHEE December 17, 1839. 37 3t NOTICE. IOST or Mislaid some ten or fifteen A days since, a note of hand for On e Hundred dollar* dated 2d April 18 1 6. ruade by Rood fi. Seymour, payable 1° ®. T. Shepherd or bearer, due Twel 40 Months after date. We hereby urwarti w'l persons from buying or trading for t 1® same, without our knowledge and rouse tfi A. P. ROOD fi Cos . December 13,1839 3t — — m