The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 04, 1840, Image 3

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THE MIRROR Saturday, Jan. 4, l£4Q. For President. GEORGE M. TROUP. State Rights Ticket FOR SHERIFF NATHAN CLIFTON. CLERK SUPERIOR COL’RT MARM-ADUKE GRESHAM. CLERK INFERIOR COURT H. DENNARD. TAX COLLECTOR LEWIS WILLIAMS. RECEIVER TAX RETURNS WM. A. BELL. CORONER .Tamils jones. We arc indebied to our worthy Represen jntives. the Hun. Mark A. Cooper and the lion. Lott Warren, each, lor a copy of the President's Message- THE MESSAGE !! ! - This long looked for document has at length been received ; too late, however, lor insertion irt this week’s paper. Next week «>ur readers shall have it. good or bad, or as much as we c:tu rind room for. The House of Representatives has refus ed, by a vote of 110 to 112, to swear the New Jersey delegation, holding the certifi cate of the Governor, as members of the 20 th Congress. Thus have the Van Burett patty given anot!t'*r evidence of their reck less disregard of the Constitution and the law;s. •« The Columbus papers state that a rumor is afloat in that city, that the stock of the Ilawkin.iville 15 ink has been purchased by a company in Alabama. John It. Bays, convicted of the murder of his wife at the last Superior Court in Troup comity, has been pardoned by the Legisla ture. The river having risen considetably du ring the past week, sevral steamboats have been enabled to reach our wharves, laden with goods for onr merchants. The market is now supplied and those dtsirous of pur chasing can hove an opportunity by coming to town. Tile river, we learn, is again on the'tlecline. S vile calumniating driveller has made his no tearance in the columns of the Fed i". and Union, in an attempt to ridicule the pio pnsition to e’ose ihe Florida War. publish ed in onr paper a few weeks ago. So far as his remarks in relation to the size of the Mirror, are concerned, we care nothing, hav ing no other feeling than that of other con tempt for the insignificant and pitiful effort at slanderous wit. The innendoes, however pat forth in relition to the brave and meri torious odicar whoso name was coupled with th it proposition, jjro as shamefully false as they are hast and ungenerous ; and we would infer n their author that it would be an un healthy undertaking for him to exhibit his person in this commit! ity, where Coh J’s vr'uabl ■ services are known and appreciated, and hold the same language he anonymous ly uses through the Federal Union. We would be mistaken if he did not receive for 11 is pains a feathery coat, and give our citi ~ zenslhc smrisfaetinn of seeing a Rail Retie hi successful operation through Centrestreet. Our'ln-t Legislature is said to have com bined more wisdom, talent, and integrity' than any other Legislative body that ever met in Georgia, The splendid abilities of Col. Stephen D. CkaSk, of Lumpkin, shone eon-pit nous amid the blaze of intel lect elicited by the several highly exciting topics of legislation, and placed him in the eminent position of leader of the majority. Ilcand old Billy Springer, sometimes call ed the “Great Western,” are undoubtedly the two biggest men in Georgia. The one remarkable for his transcendency of mind, the other for his symmetry of person. Well may the Van B men parly in this State be proud of such leaders. The sensual por tionof them, and those who look upon per sonal grace and a winning address as the ne plus ultra of human greatness, may find am ple reasons for enlisting under Mr. Sprin ger’s banner; while those who bow at the shrine of genius, and acknowledge its influ ence over their souls, may attach themselves to the train of Col. S. Douelass Crane. No wonder the State Rights flag is not al" ways triumphant, when it is opposed by so powerful a union of mind and matter as these two popular leaders exhibit. ' TAXES, The taxable property of the Sta*e o( Georgia is estimated at two hundred and twenty-five mitlions of dollars. '1 he sys tem of taxation now in vogue, bears very un equally upon the holders of property, some paying at least, four times as much as oth ers, for the same descrintion of propertv In Kentucky, the taxable property of the State is valued at two hundred and seventy millions of dollars. The rate of tax is equa ble. being ten cents upon every hundred dol lars. In Indiana the rate of tax is thirty cents Upon the hundred, and in Ohio it is fifty Vepts ujiqu every hundred dollars,’ GEN. HARRISON *s, MARTIN VAN BURES. These two distinguished individuals are the opposing candidates for the Presidency. The former is the nominee of the Federal Whigs, the latter the appointed ruler of the Federal Collar men. We say distinguished, and it may not be amiss to show how each deserves the appellation. Gen. Harrison then is distinguished on account of his bravery and military skill a 1 the Thames, and other battle fields, when he was fighting for the ho-:or of the American flag, and in defence of American liberty.— He is distinguished for his ardent attach ment to the Anti-slavery cause ; for liis Fed eral principles, and his consistent advocacy of them; for his uniform opposition to the “powers that be;” and for the unexpected encouragement lie met with at the last Pre sidential election to run a second time. Martin Vanßurenlias more distinguish ing traits than liis opponent. lie lias been more upon the public boards; and his skill innecromancy mnde'him the “observed of all observers.” He is distin guished for the accuracy with which he “treads in the footsteps of his iilustriou* predecessor,” in walking over the’ruins of broken Constitution, lie is distinguished as a political weathercock, veering with eve. ry breeze of popular favor, and consistently pointing towards that quarter of th*' compass whence blows the strongest current. IJe is distinguished for bis opposition to Mr. Mad ison and the list war with England ; for bis opposition to the reception of Missouri into the-Unipn on account of her being a slave State; for having declaied that Congress possesses the constitutional power to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia; for keeping up the war which Hen. Jackson commenced against the credit of the coun. try. In short, he is distinguished, like his competitor, for his Federal principles and his advocacy of a thousand pernicious doc trines, either one of which ought to destroy his prospects of success, and drive every true hearted Southerner from his support. To neither of these distinguished candi dates therefore, can we lend our aid ; so long as wc entertain a principle of our own, we mean to struggle for its success, and nev er will be found deserting the standard which bears for its motto the words of the immor tal Jefferson, “that each State has a right to judge for itself, as w ell of the mode as if the measure of redress*” We know no dif ference between Harrison and Van Huron. They are both enemies to the rights of the States, one being as dangerous a foe to the South as the other; how then, can w» choose between them ? We are sick of the talk a bout a “choice of evils;'’ We will not do a certain evil for the sake of an uncertain good; we will not he compelled to do that which nur souls abhor. because wc cannot be exactly suited to our mind. Thank God we have enough of independence est to say we will not sup port an enemy of our faith, for the high and responsible office of President. We are not content to be “hewers of wood am! drawers of water,” for our Northern hicth ren; wefeel that we have equal rights, and that those rights demand our care and at tention. When shall our vassalage he bro ken up? Not until we shall have fought the battles of the Constitution, and woo lor ourselves the in lependence to vote for a President who will protect the sovereignty of the S ates. To this end we shall keep the flag of our beloved Troup koisted at our mast head, nor shall it be struck to any other which floats hi a different cause, In supporting him our conscience is “void of offence,” for it is with a consciousness that we are sub serving the best interests of our conntiy,— And if the Union is to be ru'edby a Federal ist and an Abolitionist, as we believe both the present candidates to be, we intend tha t our skirts shall be. clear of the sin of helping to throw lire countiv into such hands. So, |e t others do as they may, we shall still cleavo to the ’doctrines of the Constitution, and (support GEORGE M. TROUP as the practical friend of those doctrines. William J. Davis, Marshal of the District of Georgia, has appointed Matthew Wright Esq. to take the census of this county. James L. Ross for Randolph; IlughM D King for Sumter; Benjamin F Cook fo r Lee; and Hudson B Tabor for Baker. During the distribution of the Northern mail at this place on Tuesday last, w e caught a glimpse at a little paper bearing tlie cog nomon of “Fool Killer,” making its way to Irwinton to execute its fell purpose upon our neighbor the “Nepenthes.” Judging from its title we think our friend at Irwinton in rather a shy way. One thousand aud eight hogs were driven to this marker during the present season, by a Pig\_g~\ ! Only think of that. Poor & Proud is the name of a commer cial house in one of the Atlantic cities. Ra ther an unfortunate connection, we should think, considering that pride aud poverty are the two worst bestowments a poor wight can be afflicted with. Catchem AcCheatem. the name of a firm iu Portland. Me. will be more apt to succeed in business. On Saturday 21st. the House of Repre sentatives made, choice of Hugh A. Gar land to be Clerk of the House, anil of Rod erick Dorsey to be "Sergeant-at-Arms. ft has been more than once stated in the Globe that the New Jersey Members, whose seats have been refused to them by the House of Representatives, are abolitionists. We are requested by a citizen of New Jersey, who is now in this city, to state, that this in timation is false, and must be koowu to be so by those who make it inasmuch as the Journals of the last Cengress snow rlia. these.gentlemen voted against what Is Called abolitionism, on all occasions, io all its va-, forms.— Nat- STATE RIGHTS MEETING. Milledgeville, Dec. I7tb, 1839. , Agreeanly to previous notice, a numerous meeting of the STATE RIGHTS PAK- I \ was held at the Hotel of Beecher it Brown ; the meeting was organized by cal ling General J. N. Williamson of Newton county, to take the Chair, and appointing Mr. Spencer of Liberty, Secretary. On motion. Resol red. That the State Rights Patty ot the several counties inthisState, he request ed to send troni each county, as many del as such county is entitled to mem bers in both branches of the General Asseui bly, to a Convention to be held in Milledgt ville, on the first Monday in June next, 1,. nominate candidates for Congress ; a can iidatefor President anti Vice President of • be I nited States, and an Electoral College to vote for the latter. On motion. 1 Resolved, unanimously, as the deliberate, opinion of this meeting that neither Wil liam Henry Harrison, nor Martin Van Bn ren is entitled to the votes of the State Rights patty of Georgia. On motion. Resolved, That Editors of State Rights papers in Georgia, be requested to publish the proceeding of this meeting. *hi motion, The meeting was adjourned. J- N. WILLI AMSON, Chairman. J. Sfexcer, Secretary. The Legislature of South Carolina ad journed on the l(Jth after passing 32 Acts and a few t r('Soluiions. Trilytiiis is a spe cimen ol legislation worthy of imitation Georgia has an annual Legislature at .i ro t ol »30,000, and the annoyance of inuunie b!e senseless atateutes. South Carolina lias biennial sessions of from th ee to six weeks in extent, atui its deliberations are marked by wisdom and moderation.— Col. K iq. NOTICE. A kk I** tons are hereby notified tint ~, !lC la,e firm °> ’STREET (A l HOI ~ON, ” was dissolved by mutual consent os the '7rh ay of May' last, and that since then a receiver has been appoint ed by die Court ol Chancery for this county to collect all debts due said late lirn, and I aisti Street, has been restrained by de crc.i ol said court Irotn so doing. All per sons are hereby required to come farward and settle with the receiver, whose receipt will be valid and no other will. R. J. MOSES, Receiver. St. Josephs, Dec “4, 1879 4t 39 Stewart Sheriff sales. be sold on the first Tuesday in ? v FEBRUARY next, before the Court House door in the Town of Lump kin, between the legal hours of Sale the following property viz : One ulaek Mare, one grey mare colt, one patent lever watch, oueyoke. oxen and cart, one noie on A. Wilkins forslo 75; on-note on R. Wetliersby for U2B 62£ ; three notes on Michael K. Vineer for 76 (18 ; one note on David Terry for 20 00 ; one note on W. B. Shaw for 24 75; one note on T J Shell for 12 00 ; one note on G D Sims for 106 00; one note on J A Shearnioo for 27 66; oue nu’e on Cullen Roberts for 30 00 ; oue note on Charnick Newberry for J3 43 ; one note on T W Moore for 35 06; one note on Thomas A Lancaster ; for 11 31 ; one note on William Mainer for 32 25; one note on Benjamin Mitchell for 15 00; three on Roucrt McCloud and James Cravy for 75 00; one on G A Hill for 7 75; one on E aian I Inland for 17 71; one on Wilis Jeroul for 41 40; two on Pitin >n L Gunnels for .50 00; one on A L Evans: for 24 35; five on .1 T Feuly for 111 00; four on Jas. Clark for 92 38; one on Jacob Cravy for 16 B.’; one on Johnson L Runnolds for 30 00; one oh McCagy Darby for 17 68; one on Nelson Flemmings for 24 00; one on William C Dwight for 12 68 ; all taken as the property of Nathan Clifton, to satisfy sundry ft fas issued out of the .Superior and Inferior courts of Stewart county, in fa vor of John L Bell and William Mania and OtliC is. Also, 15.000 lbs. seed cotton, and 200 bushels of corn, more or less, taken as. the property of Patrick M. Newman, to satisfy a distress Warrant, in favor of Blount Trot man, vs. said Newman. Also, the mill and settlement of land lying in the 24th District of Stewart county taken as the properly of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of William E. Collier and others, vs R llatchet and Charles Dunning. Also, tiie lot of land, whereon Charles Dunning, now lives. No. not recollected, taken as the property of Charles Dunning, to satisfy one fi fa issued out of Stewart su perior court, in favor of W. E. Collier vs Robert Hatcher and Charles Dubbing. Oring, a negro boy about eleven years old, t ikon as the property of Jeptha Pick ett, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. issued out of the superior court of Stewart county, in fa vor es David M. Scarborough, and others, vs said Pickett. Also, Nos. 110 and 111, in the 25th dis trict of formerly Lee but now Stewartenun ty, taken as the property of John S. Rice, li satisfy two Fi. Fas issued out of Slew art superior court, iu favor of Henry Mar tin vs. said Rice. Also, Nos. 117 and 140 in in the 25th district of foinierly Lee, but now Stewart county, taken as the property of Abram Prim, to satisfy three Fi Fas issued out of the superior court of said county, in favor of J. W. isc R. Levrett, aud others, vs said Prim. A iso, one mule colt, taken as the proper ty of Joseph B Allen, to satisfy 3 Fi F* issued out of Siewart superior court, in fa vor of Cavin Nortbup. vs.said Allen. Also, N“S- and 55, in the 18th district of formerly Lee now Stewart ceuoty, the plantation where Robert Hatcher now lives, taken to satisfy sundry Fi Fas, issued out of Stewart superior court, in favor of Adam Clay anti others, vs said Hatcher. Also, No. 152, in the 2411i district of for meilv Lee, but now Stewart pounty, levied on as tic property of Tolman C. Pickett, to satisly a Fi Fa issued out of Stewart supe rior court in favor of Thomas W. Pierce vs said Pickett. Property poiuted out by de fendant. Also L, W. Hill's interest in No. 158, in the 24tb district of formerly Lee now Stewart county, to satisfy sundry Fi Fa«. issued out of a justice’s court of said coun ty in lavor of R. Winn, and others vs said Hill. Also, No. 147, in the 18*h district of for. mcly Lee, but now Stewart, as the pro perty of Anderson Holt, to satisl'v sundry Fi Fas. in favor of James Thorinton, vs. said Holt. Levy made aud returned to me by a constable. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Jan 4,1840. WANTED to hire a negro gftl who can cook. A libenl pViea will hv gj van. at vbis . ' Jkm. 4 th. IfMfl ©roceriea, Groceries! FAc E. BEALL, have just received their large stock of Groceries, Ssc. md will herealter keep constantly on hand a full supply of Cotton Bagging aud Rope, Sugar, Cnlfee, and Molasses,- Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, Nails, (assorted ) Iron. Acc. Ate. I heir triends and the public, generally, are respectfully requested to give ihetu a call. Jan. 4. 1840 39 NOTICE. A LL persons are cautioned from tra xlLding for two certain promissory notes gi ven by myself to James Harbour for twenty do’lars each, and «ted 6n lost, and due the first day of Jaun t y 1811. As the consi deration o r said notes nave failed, 1 am de termined not to pay the same unless com pelled by law. R. H. SASSER. Dec. 2 ’ud 1839. It 9 7 NOTICE. fPHE Su bscribrr found a Pocket Book A on the 4th iust. between Hamburg, Macon Connty and l’ondtowu Sumter couii ty. con anting of money and papers, which the owner ran find near Richland Post of fica, Stewart county. LEONIDAS W. HILL. Dec. 3X It 39 STRAYED. ROM my premises about the 28th or 3_ 2dth day of November last, a small bay linrseeolt, Bor 9 montlw old. It is suppo sed that he may nave followed other horses off, as he was seen near Lumpkin a short time ago. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received. JAMES P. MATHEWS. Jan 4th, 1840 3t 39 fjee Sheri ff Sales. WILL he sold on the fir-t Tuesday in FEBRUABY next at the Court house door in the town of Starksville, within the usual hours of sale, the lb lowing prop erty, to wit: Lot of land. No. 182, in the 12th Dis trict of Lee county, and the undivided half of lot No. 14. in the 2nd District of Lee coun ty, levied on as the property of Wiley S. Whitehead, to satisfy three li las’issued from a Justice’s court of Stewart county, in favour of William J. Parker, vs. said Whitehead. Property pointed out by the plaintiff. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. Three negroes, George a bov about 15 or 16 years old, Gteen a b ly about 14 years o'd. and Malinda a girl about IS years old. levied on as the property of George S. Oglesbv, to srtisfy a li fa issued from the SuperiorCoiirt of Lee county, in favor ol Harrison Jones, vs. William .rones George S. Oglesby, Zadock Jackson, principals, ami Edward Jones and Bennett W. Eiey. securities on the stay of execution. Lot No. 88 in tlie 13rh Disiriet of Lee county, levied on as the property ot Lewis Bryant, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior court of Lee county, in favor of John J. Sessions, vs. William .Spence aui Lewis Bryant. Lot No. 222 in the 14t It District of Lee county, levied on as the property of Henry Gisseudiner, to satisfy a fi fa Issued from the Superior court ol Lee county in favor of Alexander Daniel, vs. said Gissendiner. Also, lot 213 in the 12th District—No, 246 in the 13th, and 51 acres of lot No. 33 in the 17th District of Lee county, levied or. as the property of Daniel Lawhou, to srtisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior cot-ft of Lee county in favor of John Rawls and Henry V. King, vs. Daniel Law hon, principal and John Lawhon, securi- Also, three lots of land Nos. not known, in the 13th District of Lee county, the place whereon Thornes Rogers, A. Webb, and Thomas P. Webb now lives, levied on as the property of Thomas Rogers, to satis fy two fi fas issued from the v ulterior court of Lee. county, one in favor ol'Robert G Ford, vs. said Thomas Rogers, principal, William Spence and Nathan Lester, secu rity on stay—and one in favor of Lott Warren and William II Crawford, vs, Thomas Rogers, Joseph Rogers and Will iam J Rogers, principal and William Spence and Nathan Lester, security on the sty. Vlso, lot of land No. 36in the 13th Dis tricr of Lee county, levied on as the proper ty of Joseph Scarborough, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Lee county in favor of Davis Smith, vs. said Scarborough- Lot No. 59 in the 13th District of Lee county, levied on as the property of Gale!) Faircloth, deceased, to satisfy a fi fa issued from a Justice’s court of Dooly county, in favour of Griffin Smith, vs. Jane Faircloth. L’-Vv made and returned to me by a Cou stabl'e. A. DYSON. Sliff. Dec. 03. 1839. Also, will be sold as above, three hun dred bushels of earn, more or less, levied on as the property of George Jeffries to sn'isfy iwo fi fas, issued from the Inferior court of Lee county, in favour of John Dcwb rry, vs. said Jeffries. Also, the lot of land whereon William W. Tisotr now lives, No. not known io satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Lee county, in favour of Henry Good man, Lot No. 231 in the 14th District of Lee county levied on as the property of Will iam .Smith to satisfy a ft fa issued from a Justice’s court of Madison comity. Levy made aud returned to me hv a Constable. Lot 223 in the 13th Ds'riet of Lee county, levied on as the property of Isaac Tison, to sitisty a fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Lee county, in favour of Gridin Smith, vs. said Tison. D. GOFF, Depl. Stiff. Pec. 23. 1839. S feirart Coroners tune WILL be sold before the court house door, in the town of Lumpkin, Siewart county, on the first uesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale L >t of land No 219, in the 19th District of Stewart county, levied on as the properly of M M. Fleming, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of seiil county, in favor of George M. Lavender, vs. said Fleming. JAMES JONES, Coroner. Janr 2 1840. WlLLbesoh! on the 16th of January next, at the la<e residence if Cl - tnont Bryan,deceased, in Randolph county, between 75 and 1 0 bags of cotton, a quan tity of corn and fodder, pork and stock hogs atid some other articles not enumerated.— The sale will be from day to day till all are sold. Terms credit, but more fully known on the day of sale, All sold for the benefit a/ the heirs of said deceased. L. BRYAN. /-- , p.C.BRVAN.i I'* 1 '* r * Di*. 27. 18??) i?t ft Sumter Sheriff Sale’s. WILL-be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBUARY next, before the Court House door in the Town of Amer cus Sum ter couu ty, within the usual hour* of sale, the following property to wit. One lot of land No. 105 in the 29th District of lor tiilly Lee now Sumter county levied on as the property nf Jew Bower*, to satisfy one fi fa irom Macon county In ferior court, in favour of Griffin Ac Purse, vs. said Bowers. Property pointed out by G. T. Yelverton. Also, seven lo<s of land, Nos. 208, and 207 in the 17th District—No. 77 in the 28th District—Nos. 124 and 146, in the 29th|District— N•«. 131 and 160, in tile 3Cili District; all formerly of Lee, now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Patrick J. Murray, to satisfy one li la from tire Su perior court of Hall county, in favour of, Joe, Thayer & Hollis Thayer, vs Patrick * J. Murray and John Wbelchel his securi ty. Property pointed out by Dav.s Wliet cbei. Also, lot of land No. 112, in the 27rh Dt >t'iet of Sumter comity, levied on as ilie property of Alexander Ramsey, to saii-ly one fi fa from Sumter Superior court, iu favour of Sidney M. Pegg, vs. Alexander Ramsey principal and William M. Hard - wick endorser. Property pointed out by said Hardwick Also, lot of land No. 313, in the 15th District of Suinter county, levied on as ilie properly of John Cox, toCiu-Ov on!’ li fa from Sumter Inferior court, in i.ivour of Gt orge Huntington, Ac Cos. vs. John Cox and Josiah Ogden A: Isaac Ogden endorsers. Also, lot of land No. 45. in th« 28th District of Suinter county, levied on as the property of Wilie Joiner, to satisfy one ti fa Irom Sumter Superior cou>t, in favour of Josiah W. Ogden Ac Isaac E. Ogdsn, vs. Burwell.loinee Ac Wilie Joiner. Also, lot of laud, No. 123, and the bal ance of his possession whereon he lives, Nos. not known, all in ihe 28.1i Disirid of Suinter county levied on as the properly of James Me B. Wetherspoon, to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Superior court, in favour of William P. King, endorser, vs. said Wetherspoon. Also. James M. Kelly's interest in lot of kind. No. 110 in ihe 27th District of formerly Lee, n >w Suinter county, le*ied on as tlie property of .lames M. Kelly, to satisfy one fi la from Suinter Superior court, iu favour of (he officers of court, vs. Daniel Luther plaintiff Ace. and James M. kelly liis attorney at law. Also, two negroes, Moses a man about 24 years old, and Atm a woman about 25 years old -one Road Wagon an I four Mules—-two lots of land, No. 11l in the 26th District, and No. 175 in the 27th Dis trict, both in Suinter county, all levied on as the property of Richmond U. Goar is s.uis fy two fi fas from Suinter Superior court, one in favour of Henry \V. Jernigan, vs- Michael Madden and Richmond B. Goar, the other, in favour of Joseph Williams, vs. Michael Madden, maker, and Richmond B. Goar, endorser. Properly pointed out by said Guar. Also, lot of land, No 65 in the 16ih Dis i.ict of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, K vied on as the property of Richard Salter, to satisfy iwo fi fas, one from Sumter Inferi or court in favour of Samuel G. Pegg, vs. Richard Salterand Lemon C. Morgan, the other from Sumtei Superior mint, in favour of Josiah \V. Ogden and IsaacE. Ogden,vs Richard Salter. Property poiuteii out by Eason Smith. Also, lot of land, No. 320, in the 15th District of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Jared Tomlinson, to satisfy two ti fas from Sumter Superior court, one in favour ol Lemon C Morgan, for the use of Isaac Brookins, vs. Jared Tomlinson, the other in favour of Jo'm \V. Cowart as ail - ministrator on the estate of John J. Sims, vs. Jared Tomlinson. Also, two lots of land Nos. 6G and 67, in the 28th District of Suinter county, levied on as ilit- property of Richard McGoldrick, to satisfy one fi fa from Bibb county Inferi or court, in favour of Baxter, Fort Ac Wiley vs. Richard McGoldrick Also, one bay mare levied on ns the pro perty of George Dykes, to satisfy one fi fa Iron Sumter superior court, in favor of Isaac \V. Fuller, vs. said Dykes. Property pointed out by said Fuller. Also, one bay inare and saddle, levied on as the property of Lewis J. Ramsey, to sat isfy two li las from Snmte.r Superior court, one in favour of Benjamin .McCullers, vs. Lewis .1. Ramsey and Henrv L. Bryant, the other in favour of of Silas MeGrady, vs. Lewis J. Ramsey and Henry L. Bryant. Property pointed out by said Bryant. Also, one lot of land, No I'M, in the 30tli district of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Elie Walker, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Sumter superior court, in favorof Horatio Miller, Samuel Ripley, George N. Miller, Henry C. Bissell. ..pliraim Miller, Ac Charles V. Chamberlain, vs Eli F. Wal ker and William Harrison Pegg. Levied by John Kimmey sheriff, while iu life. Also, lot of land No 77, in the 27tlt dis trict of Sumter county, levied onastlie pro perty of Benjamin Jenkins, te satisfy ohe Fi Fa from the superior court of said coun ty, in favor of Thomas Hall, vs. Benjamin Jenkins principal, and Mordacai Jenkins se curity on appeal, Levied by John Kimmey sheriff, while in life. Also, the half of undivided town lot, No. 2. under letter D. in ’’e town of Americus, levied on as ihe property of William M. Hardwick, tosatisty one Fi Fa. from Sum ter superior court, in favor of Davis Smith, vs said Hardwick. Levied by John Kim mey sheriff, while in life. Also, lot of land No 144, in the 27th dis trict of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Jacob W Cobb, to satisfy two Fi Fas from Sumter superior court, one in favor of Davis Smith vs said Cobb, and one in favor of the trustees ol'the Sumter conn ty Academy vs said Cobb. Levied by John Kimmey sheriff while in life. Also one lot. containing one acre, where on the delendaut now lives, it being a part of lor 155 in the 27th District of somter county, levied on as the property of James Bussey, to satisfy one fi fa from siimter su perior enurr, in favour of J. & 1 Ogden, vs. said Bussey, levied by John Kimmey, sher iff while in life. Also, one hundred acres of land, more or less, being *he east part of lot No. 146 in the 27th District of Mimter county, levied on as the property of Mark M. Blown, to satisfy two fi fas. one from sumter inferior court, in favor of Henry Morgan, vs. Mark M. Brown, the other from Sumter superior court, in favor of Elijah E Croker, vs. Mark M. Brown, both fi fas, levied by James Glass, Sherilf whilst in office. Propeity pointed out by the defendant. Also, two lots v»f land Nos. 205 and JB3 in the 27th District of Sumter county levied on as the property of Lemon C. Morgan, to satisfy three fi fas from Sumter superior court,«one in favor of Samuel Griswold. Vs. 1 Kinchen N. Morgan and Lemon C. Mor gan. Vie in fcivor of Owen SorUerliiv TofelaswiMms, wdd BdtrtciiiJC. eurity. ihe other in favor of Thom** Clark vs. Leinou C. Morgan. All ievito by James Gla.-s Sheriff whilst in office. Poin , ted on by plaint iiT.s attorney. Also. 60 iee» square, from „f the east pari o! i halt acre lot. No. 4 in the town of Danville, San.ter county, levied on as me property of Edward J Brow n, in satisfy one ti fa from Snrnt r«nperior court, in favor of Amos At Montgomery, vs. swnl Brown.— Property il out try pi limit. , iUotii<-J. Levied on by Janies Glass, slier'lf. whilst A office. GREEN M. WHEELER. Dee. 30, 1839. jiljff. dt th * same tune and jAdet will be sold , lot of land. No. not known, in th* !< ili. District nt formerly Lee now Sum ter County, levi and on as the property of Josi ili Sanfoid, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Su inter 1 III. ; i If Court, in favor of Alexan der Russell Executor i,f John L. Shelby, deceased vs. J siah Sanford. Also lot No. 107 in the 26 h District of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Jatiies G’.ix, to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter inferior court, in fitvor of the administrators id Lewis B md. vs. James Cnx, principal and Joint Pennington, security on the May. Also, lot of laud No. 10 *n the 26th Dis li ici o’ Slimier county, levied on the proper ty id J.din Ciiiioinghaiu. to satisfy one fi fa Irom suinter superior court, iu favor of Edwin B. Weed, vs. said Cunningham. ALo. one lot of I ind No. not known, in the -('•‘i District id slimier, levied ou as tli” property ol James C. Pickett, whereon said Pickett now lives, to satisfy one fi In from ,•> imier inferior court, in favor of Har rison Jones ~ii Liiti’ph Bond, vs. James C. I’ickouaiid Hac'-.atinh Mc.Maih Also. Wilie Gilmore's luieicst in lot of land Nit 69 hi the 27th District of Sumter county, levied on to sa'istv oue fi fa from S under au| t iior i oi.ri, in favor of the offi cers of court, vs sai 1 Gilmore Also, one negro man named Fhnder, levied on as the property of Manasah M. G ticrry. to satis’y one fi fa from suinter in erior court, in favor of Henry Morgan, vs (said Guerry i Also, lot of land No 229 in the 30tli District ol Sumter (county, levied on ns the property of Lov.-tt B. Smith, to satisfy one sis« from Sumter Superior court, in favor of Samuel 'l’. Baily, vs. Levi Spencer, princi pal and Love t B. Smith, security. Proper ty pointed ot by Lovett B. Smifli. Also, one lot of land, No not known, iu the 29ih district of Sumter county, lavied on the property of Edmund Pearce, to satisfy tlire* h fas, irotn Sumter inferior court, oua in favor of Burwe'l Spalding and Edward Gaither fur the use of Wright Brady vs. Lamb Parker, and Edmund Pearce, one in favor of George Walker and R. Iv. Hunt, vs. David J T.trnn principal, and Major L. Arnett and Edmund Pearce securities ; and one in favor of Davis Smith vs. David J. Tarvin principal, and Major L. Arnett, ami Edmund Pearce securities; properly pointed out I y Wright Brady. JOHN TINER, Dep. Stiff. 1 December 30, 1839. POSTPONED SALE. As t\e same time and place will be sold, Lot of land No. 276 in the 28 th District of Suinter County, levied on as the proper ty of Lawder Mims to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Inferior Court in favor of Davis Smith vs. Lawder Alims, property |H>inted out by said Mims. Also one bay horse levied on as the pron erty ol Wilie Gilmore to satisfy one fi fa, from Sumter Inferior Court in favor of Griswold & Popes vs. said Gilmore; prop erty pointed out by Lull Warren. GREEN Al. W HEELER, December 30, 1839. Shff. FARMEI{S’ ACADEMY 1 1 HIE 1 RUSTEES of this Academy be -i i"g desirous in establishing a perma nent literary institution of the first charac ter, have procured the services of the Rev. GKOKDE DUNHA,M and his LaOy. who will take charge of the Male and Female Departments the ensuing year. From the high recommendations, long experience arid superior literary acquirements of Mr. and Mrs. D the Trustees feel the highest confi dence in recommending the institution to the cordial support of all the friends of a solid and useful education. instruction will be given iu all the branch es taught in the best literary Institutio<>s iu flic country. Particular attention will be paid to the manners and morals of the pti. pilsl. The Male and Female Department* will be taught in separate buildings. Farmers' Academy is situated in Stewart county, near Summerfield Post Office.— The location is decidedly healthy and re mote from the numerous tendencfes to e>- travagance aud dissipation incident to cities and villages. Young ladies from a distance can board with Ihe teachers in the family of Air. P. Scoit. where they will be under the constant superintendence of Mrs. D. and treated with parental care aud kindness. Kates of Board for young ladies, exclu sive of bedding and washing —s 650 per month. Including every thing, $8 25. Board ran a',so, be obtained for young men iu respectable families on very reason able terra. The scholastic year will be divided into two sessioes of five months each; the first session to commence the first Monday of January. No student admitted for a less term than a session. Kat«s or TcitioM per quarter, as fol lows" For Rending and Writing, together wit|i 'be elemeuts of Geography and Arithmetic. $ 4 59- English Grammar, Geography and Arithmetic, e Higher English Studies, g oq Latin and Greek Languages, lo *0 Extra branches in the Female Department. Needle Work. §3 Drawing and Painting, 12 00 French and L itin Language*, 5 00 J. W. F. LOWRY, Sec’y Board of Trustee*. Dec. 30 I#.l§ eow3t References relative to the character andK literary qualifications of the Teachers maw be made to tlie Rev. Dr. Gouldin* a air Judge Thomas. *f Columbus, James Clark. Esq. of Lumpkin, and Rev Dr Brow A, of Fort Gaines .1 Teaclur IfSmifW. " v ONE who can come well recommon<)t*fr as a good English Teacher, *f Aider, and industrious habits can meet with em ployment. and liberal wages, by applying tf> . dither of the subscriber* on UitmahatehiA. Stetva.itcounty, above. Florence. JAMES PACK. WM. HILLUkU, FIELDING SHARP; JNO. f HffQERA&ft. Jan. 7.5»40. Ht 9* Florence rtIHE school will xowmcirr flrt, J. Monday In Jarfoavy uhdet the-care hf AlUi Jtfargar’Jt'J. kJhni '. and iNJ**- v f>ASi 2StH faftji