The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 04, 1840, Image 4

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Stewart %/»< nii sales. ILL b. sold oi> the first Tuesday in JANUAKI next, before the Court iijn .-door io Hie Powu of Lumpkin, be t«v «,■ ,ie legal hours of Sale the following propert \ r.z: Lots Nos* '■ and 5. in letter G. in the tow;, n Li n >km, on tile Square, excepting t e S'me H • itßxceiipie I li) McCullar <.V Per ly I viog between said House and the. Jv-if <i copied by M. M. Fleming, sold as the property of Freeland Buckner, to s.ili-lv a li fa ftn'n Stewart S>’pcri >r Conn in (ot,.r ■t) ‘ .lelFerson J. La -ior. I’ll-interest of Thomas -7. Krsterson, ii Lois Nos. ill a id 95. in roe 22d district ot of Ste*art Comity, levied upon ;isme prop erly oi slid Kest<“sen. to s itislv a ii ia from Stew ot Superior Court in favor of Laurence ■tc ternican, surviving copartners &c. and others. N irtn i di of Lot No 63, in the 22d. (list of Stewart couoty. also House and Lot wli-reon Win F. i*liilij»s now resides, ad j, limn. ii- ilor-m e. number not known, I vied on is me projicrty of sold I’lll lips, to satisfy a ft from 8r« wart Superior Court in favor of Hightower & Reid. Property pointed out In' defendant. Lot of Loud No. 9. in the 2Jd district of Srm art comitv as the property of Rowland W’ldi inis, to satisfy a Ii fa from Stewait Su perior f'ourt in favor of Harrison do lies, against said Williams aid MariiMilnke (fresh mi. Property pointed out by Gus tovtts l)d,i!i:i iv. Lus Nos. 118 arid 139, in the 23d dial, of Si "wort conidy, as the property of Free land Buckner, to satisfy a ii from Stewart Superior Court in (nvor ot K iward W. (Jin j h in and others. Lot of Land No. 15, in the 23th dial, of Stewart county, as the property of Eli jah Waters, to satisfy sundry li las from a Justice Court of said county inlavorofW. Ac H. Boyntou. Levy made and returned hv a cons able. "( >:ie If i,use and Lot in the Town ofFlor cnee, Stewart county, known as number 147, in letter K. as the properly of John R. Spann, to satisfy sundry fi las from a Justice Court of Stewarl county, in favor of Moses Pettiee. Property pointed out by defeu Lrd of Land upon which Jesse P. liar rell now lives. No. nut known, as the prop erty id" said Harrell, to satisly a ft fa from Stewart Inferior Court in favor of Gustavos .DeLauuay. Lots of L nd Nos. 112 and 132, in the 22d district of Stewart county, levied on as the property of Win. C. Hay, to satisfy a fi fa from Stewart Superioi Court, in favor of IL W. Jernig .ii, ami others. Also, 10,0 )0 ios. S e.l Cotton, taken ns the properly of John Lantern, to satisfy a fi fa from S; wait Superior Court, in favor of Sampson B. Strickland. Lot of Land No. 302, in the 22d district of Stewart county, as the property of .Too. R. Pims, to satisfy sundry (i fas from a Jus lice Court from Muscogee county in favor of J. Cu pepper vs. W. B - Williams and Jno. D Bills, security. Li vy made and returned by a constable. Also, the undivided half of No. 131, in the 24th district, of Stewart county, taken as the property of Joseph Benncti tositialy one li fa issued out of Bibb Superior Court in favor of Joseph Tayler. Also, lot of Laud No. 107. in the 24th district of Stewart county, and two negroes, Jim 20, and Dt n 40 years old, as the prop envoi W'U. Wvmi, to satisfy a li fa from Stewart Inferior Court, m of Michael J. Laurence, ot. aI. Property pointed out by James Clark. Also, Lot of Land No 114, in the 22d district of Stewart county, levied on as the property of Thomas J. Keslerson, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justices Court of said county in favor of Win. C. llay, and others vs. said Kcsietson. Also, lot of Land, No. 36, in the 18th dis tric of Stewari county, levied on as the pro perty of Hir.un Atkinson, to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from flic Superior court of Baker county, vs. said Atkinson, principal and M. -Chastain, security. M. M. FLEMING, Slieruf. December 4 1839. MORTGAGE SALES. Will be sold it til si me. place >w the. first 2V s tail in February Nos. 41 ami 42. in the 'lui district rtf Stewart county, as file property of .las. U. Harrell, to satisfy a Mortgage li fa from Stewari Superior Court, in favor of Henry Solomon. Property pointed out instil ii fa Lucy a woman ‘26 years old, Arthur a nvan 2llyeats old, Sampson a man, 35 years old, Dianna, a woman 22 years old, ami her two children. Tener, a woman 30 years old, Amy 12, Jack U, Alfred 13 years, George a boy 13 years old, Ros> a woman 19 years old, Nathan a boy 2 years oil, Calvin 5 years old, !1 vster 3 years old, Daniel 7 years old, Dave 1 year old, all taken as the prop erty of Robert Hatcher, to satisfy three .Mortgage li fa- issued out of Stewart hifer;- ■ r Court, in lavor of Williard Boynton L >v ctd Bryan,j Tomlinson Fort and Elijah E. Crocker, Executors of Samuel Williams, deceased, vs. Robert Hatcher. Also, one boy bv the name of Toney, about 21 years of age, one girl, by tli name of Silva about 16 years of age. all levied on as the property of Robert Hateue.rto satisfy it Mortgage W fa. issued out of Stewart In -I’mior Court in favor of Turner Coley vs. Robert Hatcher. M. iU. FLEMING. Sheriff. December, 4th. idee S’» t-.ritJ Safes. be sold, on the iir»t Tuesday in Vv JANUARY next, at the court house door in ilia town of Starksville, with in me usual hours of sale,the followiug pro perty, to wit: Two Lots Nos. not known, in the Town ofStarskville, and the S ore House now oc cupied by M i ind At Philips, levie.' on as toe,property of George W. Huckaby to sat idy a fi fa issued from the Inferior Court ■of Lee county in favor of Murderai Al.:x --•ind-r vs. George W. Huckaby and Peter 11. McCaskill, property pointed out by the plaintiff. Aiso, Lot of Land No. 268, in the sc* rood district u! L.e county, levied on as the property of Joshua Mercer, to satisfy suu fry li Ids issued from the Superior Court of Lt e countv in favor of 11. Jones. Adm’r. «f Lewis Bond, deceas and, and others, prop erty pointed by plaintiff- Vtorney. Also, Lot of Laud No. not known, the p! iro whereon Jo an Cum now lives, in the Ist tlist. of L*-e county, levied on as the property of John Cain io satisfy jone alias fa issued from the Superior Court of Houston county, in favor of Richard V. < . Ruffin vs said John Cain. Lot- of Land No. 2'2, and 215, ami an hundred acres Lot No. not known in tire l*f district ol‘ Lee county, levied oil as the property of Mark M. Brown, to sat; sun dry li fas issued from the Superior and In ferior Court of S inner county in favor of Greswold Ac Pone and others, vs. s lid Browu, property point'<l out by defendant. A. DYSON, Sheriff. November, 29. 1830. er KheritfT Kale's. \Y ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in v v J ANUARY next, before the Court Ho u«o door in the Town of Amer cus Sum ter county, within the usual hours of sale the I,mowing property To wit. Two lots of land. Nos. 92. in ne 27th -Ji.-t. and 167, mtheWOtn disl. all of toroier- Iv Lee now Sumter county vied ou as the property of J-mes Harrison to .-atony one it la Itmi Sumter luierior Court, in favor of Sii.trkidlolai, B.i ig A ‘Jo. s id U.i.n son» Also. L<*t of Land No. 70. in the 271 h list, of forme, iy Lee now S . o er en.imy, levied on as tin* properly I .loti li. Weav er, to sa ii-l, one ii fa filial Sipim.r ii a,or (Jour*, in fr-Vor ol G.or.e Walker, vs. J6l:u 11. Weaver and John T. Jit l i.iry, security -m the sta > . - Also, one Town Lot. No. not known, whereon Janie- Lvnes no.v fives, in ti e Town of Attierici.s, and lii.r i iiprovcnient, thereon, levied on a- the properly of llie S.aid James Lines Io -uioiv one li la from Nurn:< r Inferior (mint, in lavor of George Walker, ad otln rfi rasa ■?. said Lynes. Also, Lot o! Land No. not known, in (lie 27tn di t. ot formerly Lee now Sumter, county, whereon Stephen Herring now lives, levied o i as the properly ol’ said Her ring, to salisfy one fi la from Sumter Su perior Court, in favor of John G. Echols, vs. .Stephen Herring principal, and John J. Britt, security on appeal, and Hemps y J. J ustice, security on the «rav of Execution. Also, Lot of Land No. 145. in the 27tli 'list, id formerly Lee now Sumter county, ieiied ou as the property ol John J. Britt, to satisfy one fi fa from Siimt-r Inferior Court, in f.tvur of Edward Montgomery vs. John J. Britt- AI~o, one Lot of Land No. not known, iu the 30th Dist ol form rly Lee now Sumter county, whereon Jesse Edwards now lives levied on as th» property ol the ssi I Jesse Edwatds. to s,ti-fy one fi fa from Sumter Superior C nut i» f’nor of K.mdaii Mastiu, vs. said Edwards. Al.-o, two Town Lots No. 3 A: 4, under letter 11. in the Town of Americus. and also, 12 acres of Land more or less adjoin ing said Town Lots South, it being part of Lot No. 115, in the 27th dist. of formerly Le now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Richmond B. Goar, to satisfy three fi fas from Sumter lnferionr Court, one in favor of Je'emiali Lampkin, and one iu favor of George Walker, and oue in fa vor of Davis Smith, all vs. said Goar, and one ft fa from Sumter Superior Court, in favor of David M. Scarborough, vs. Richmond B. Goar. JOHN TIN EE, D. Sh’ff. Nov. 30, 1839. Also, will be sold as above. Lot of Land No. 197, in the 29th di«t. of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as tlie property of Richard Pickett, to sat isfy two fi fas from Sumter Inferior Court, one in favor of Rigley A Hart, vs. Richard Pickett, maker, and Edmond Pearce, en dorser, and one in favor of John Martin vs. Patrick Brady and Richard Pickett, se curity. Al-o, Lot of Land No. 252, in the 29'h dist. of lorineily Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Joseph Mims, t > satisfy sundry ii las from Sumter Superior Court, one it, favor of Harrison Jones and Joseph Bond. Administrators ol’ Leu is Bond and against Joseph Mims, and Richard Pickett, and other li las in favoi of others against Joseph Mims and others. Also, two Lots of Land Nos. 148 and 141, in the 27th (list, of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied oil as the prop rty oi Reuben B. Pickett, to s..tisfv one fi fa from Soitilcr Inferior Court, in favor of Edwin F. Birdsong, vs. said Pickett, pro perty pointed out by the defendant. One Lot No. 249, in the 29th (list. No. 160, in the 30tli disr No. 208, in the 17th dist. No. 124. ill the 29th dist No. 131, in the 30111 nist. No. 207. in the 17t!i dist. No ?7, in the 28tli dist. orginally Lee but now Sumter county, all levied ou as (lie proper ty ol P. .1. Murry, to satisfy one fi fa issued out of the Superior Court of Il.dl county iu favor of Joel Thayer and Hollis Thayer, against the said Murry, property pointed out by Id iv id Whebdiel. Lot of Land No. 109, iuthe *26th district of originally Lee now Slimier county, levied on as the property of William Green, Jnn. to satisfy au execution issued from a Justice Court, 58.)th distrist G. M. in Upson coun ty, in favor of Samuel Calhoun, vs. William Green, Jnn. levy made and returned to me by a constable. Property pointed out by the defendant. Also, L»t 0 f i, ;i ml No. 105, in the 29th district of originally Lee now Sumter coun ty, levied oil as the property of Jesse Bowers to satisfy a fi la from Macon Superior Court in favor of Gridin A Purs n vs. said Bowers JOHN IvIMMEY, She rill. Nov. 30, 1839. Al o, Will be sold as above. T,of of Land No. 227, in the 27th dist. of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied on as the property of Marshall Covington, to satisfy sundry li fas from a Justices Court of Marion county, in favor of Loved B. Smith, vs. Marshall Covington property pointed out by Edwin R Brown, levy and returned to me by a (J instable. Also, Lot ol Land No. 52, in the 271 h list, of formerly Lee now Sumter county, levied ou as the properly of Adam Hardin, to satisfy sundry fi las issued from a Jus tices Court of’ Sumter county, against said Hardin, property pointed out by Arthur A. Morgan, levy made anti returned to ine by a Constable. GREEN M. WHEELER, D. Sh'ir Nov. 30. 1839. EXECUTORS’ SALE ~ IYT ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in » v JA.NU VRY next, at the court house door ia the town of Cuthbert, Randolph county, pursuant to the fi st u ill of Clement Bryan, Jec’d, four Negroes, viz. Abram an old man about sixty years old, Joe, a man about fifty years old Lucy a woman, a bout fifty years old, and Daniel, a man about thir ty-five years old. Sold for the benefit oft he heir ;of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav, bv tlie EXECUTORS. Oct. 29. 1 >39. 3' OL/ 5 * The Columbus Enquirer will insert the above till the day. L. BRYAN. A1) MIN IST R A TORS SALF? VGREEABLE to an order of the In ferior Court of Stewart county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on ttie first Tuesday in January next at the Court House door ,in the town of C larks rille, Habersham county, one half lot o Land No. 50, in the 6th Dist. of said conn ty. it being apart of the real estate of James Gillespie deseused, of Mississippi. Terms cash. RICHARD KIDD, Adm’r. Nov. 1,1839. 1 hereby constitute and appoint Merrt wethor Clements, my Agent and Attorney, sell and make titles to said land. RICHARD KIDD, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. AGKEEABLi to an order of the lnte rior Court ol Lee county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, betore tlie Couit House door in Starksviile: All '.lie Negroes and other perishable pro pi rty, belonging to the estate ol Robert D. Kc-pcs, late ol said county, deceased.— tSolu lor the benefit of the heirs and credit ors, ol said lie, ea-ed. DUDLEY SNEED, Adni’r. Nov. 6. 32 de boms nun. GRKKABLE to an order of the hon « 4. orahle tne Inferior Court of Sumter county, when sitting as a Court of ordinary, win i»e sold, oil the first Tuesday in JANU ARY next, b fore the court house door iu Suierems, Sunder county, lot ol land. No. 183, ii the 17m and strict of formerly Lee, low Stini'er co uty, tn lie sold for the ben e!it ot the heirs creditors of Uriah Ful ler, deceased. WALTON W. FULLER, Oct. 22 JJ Adm’r. _ VG RE E\B I, E io an order of the honor able tl.e Inferior court of the county oi Snuiter, wU»;, sfitinj tor ordinary pur poses. will lie so and. on tne first Tuesday in J \NU.\R Y ii"xr. at the court housedoorin the county ot' Ra , l.ilph. Foil ol’ Eand No. 7, in the tetit'r district ol’ formerly Lee now Randolph county, forth" benefit of Alexan der Carrel hers, a minor. ELIZABE TH BUCK, (formerly Elizabeth Joiner,) Sumter co. Oct. 22. Guardian. \STILL BE SOLD, before tLe door if of the Court house, in Montgomery county, on the (ir-t 'Tuesday in February ie\t, between the u ntil hours of sale, and persuant to the last will of Clement Bryan, I ue of Randolph county, deceased, between 3 and .5 thousand acres of land, consis'mg if Swamp. Hammock and Pine lands, and Iving on each side of the Orouee river Persons engaged in the business offuruisii uig the Darien Steam Saw Mills with tiin iier, by rafting down the river, would do well to attend, as the pine lands afford a large quantity of v duable timber suitable for Re purpose. The lands w ill be put up in such quantities as will suit purchasers, and the terms will be twelve months credit, with two good securities. L. BRYAN. 1., D.C. BRYAN. \ KxecuhJ,s - November 25, 1839. 27—tils. NOTICE. ,4 LL persons indebted to the estate of A Gallia Mathews, late of Stewart conn ty, deceased, are hereby notified that pay ment will b 1 required as speedily as possible; and those holding demands against said es tate are required to hand them in according to law. JOHN M. W. PEEL, , ANDERSON C. MATHEWS. S m rS ’ JANE MATHEWS, Adm’rx. Nov. i5 32 tit , G E ORGIA —Lee County. WHEREAS, John Mclnnis applies to me for Inters of Administration on the estate of Archibald Mclnnis, deceased, This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to Ijc and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under »y hand, at office, this 6th November, 1839. GEORGIA —Lee County. WHEREAS Robert G. Ford applies to me for letiers of Administration on the estate of Joseph Merchant, deceased, This R, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 6th November. 1839. 32 SA M’L C. WYCIIE, c. c. o. GEORG lA—Lee comity. W HEREAS Felix G. (Jarington ap plies to me for fitters of Admjnis tration on the estate of Daniel 4. Caring ton Hercased. Th 'se are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and cieditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within llie time prescribed by law to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my at office this 30th November, 1839 NAM L. C. WYCIIE, c. r. o. STUM' R monills after date, application will be mad ■ vo the honorable the in ferior court of Lee county, when sitting as a court of ordin irv, Ibr leave to sell the tea estate of Silas Mercer, late of said countv, deceased. ANN MERCER. Adin’rx/ NO7 I. 1839. 92 NOTICE. “ LOST on the main Stage road lending from Columbus to (Jreenesboro some time in September last one travelling trunk, with the subsfiber's name ami place of res idence marked ou it. Also lost with the trunk the following promissory notes, one on Machness Goode lor 123 dollars made payable *o George W. Bivins, given on the Ist January 1836, and due 25th Dec. 1836, one note on Patrick Garland, tor 50 dollars, one on Eliza Miller for fifteen dollars, two small notes on Drury M. Lesuenr, one for fifteen dollars, tlie precise amount of the other not recollected, all jnade payable to the subscrib r. The contractors of said notes are forwarned rot to liquidate or set tle them with any pe son except the subcri ber. ten dollars w ill lie paid for the delivery of the trunk to me at Merry Oaks, or a pro portionate remuneration for any correct in formation respecting if. W. E. WIMBERLY. Dec. 19. 1839 37 3t ALAIJAMA LANI Js" FOll SALE. Entire 7 14 30 N. half 8 14 30 S. half 4 14 30 S. half 6 14 30 S. half 11 14 09 S. half 34 19 28 W. half 29 16 0(5 S. half 20 18 28 E. half 2l 22 26 S. half 32 18 28 N. half 33 20 26 W. half 26 15 24 S. half 29 16 25 N half 9 14 30 E. half o 25 Entiie 33 15 25 Any of the above Lands will he sold on ernutotuit purchasers, by application to John D. I itts, Ksq. Florence, Ga, or to the subscriber, at Macon. e P tH 3 J COWLES Sumter TV x Collectors Sale. ILL be sold at t v e Court House IT door in Ameiicus on the first 'lues day in February next, the following prop erty or so much thereof as will satisfy the Taxes and cu&t ot the several iudivduais named ; it being due and unpaid lor the year 1838. William Peggs Land, 202 J acres 27th district N<». 58, Sumter county. Tax &4 62c John W. Cowarts Land. 3b02 acres, Lull district Suiotir county. Tax a>63,49c. John Furts Land, 160 acres lxtli district No. 250, Cherokee. Tax f<2,9oc. James Lynes’ Land, 2024 acies, 17th district No. 149, .Sumter county. Tax 513,42 c. sm. Isaac McCrary agent for John Cunuig ham« childrens Land, 2024 acres, No. and district not known. Tax 75c. Isaac McCrarys Laud, 2024 acres, 27tfi district No. 150, Sumter county: Tax Sll 17c. Wade H. Halls Land 2024 acres, 29th dist. N>-. 127. Sumter county : Tax #2.110. Edmund Per • .and 2024 acres, 27th district No. 65, Suintei county : Tax 8488 c. David J. Tarvins Land 40 acres, lltli dstrict No. 352. Chciokee: Tax 8805 c. Calvin Johnsons Eand 40 acres. No. 11.70, district not known, Cherokee: Tax #2c. sm. Wiuey Jones, guardian for Edwin Jones Land, 2024 acres, 17th district No. not know n Slant'r county: 'lax 75c. Isaac Drivers Land/1014 acres, 30th district No. 160, Sumter county: Tax 58c. Eason Smith, agent for Davis Smiths House and Lot iu Americus Sumter county: Tax $903e.. Mark M. Browns I,arid, 100 acres, 271 h district No. 14G, Sumter county: 'lax $26,38c. James J. Hands Land 10l.| acres, N. and district not known, Sumter couin : Tax 58c. Allred Ilerseys Land, 2024 acres, 16th district No 44, Sumter comity : Tax 62c. 5 m. Smith 11 ai mans Land, 2924 acres, 27th district No. 211, Sumter county: Tax 62c. sm. Robert A. Hardwicks Land, 250 acres, 11th district No. 201. Early county, 2024 acres loth district No. 301, Sumter county : Tax sl3, 27c. Archibald Marlins Land, 160 acres. No. and district not known, Cherokee: Tax $9,43c. John 11. S. Lingo; Land, 2024 acres 26th district No. 69, Sumter county: Tax $2,73c. James Busseys House and Lot in Amer icas Sumter county : Tax $2,80c. sm. Jesse Boons Land, 2024 cres, No. 59, district not ktiown Sumter c ounty : Tax f1,22c. YV in. M. Hardwicks Land, 2024 acres, 26tli district N». 168, Sumter: Tax $9,85c. William Hughs Jun. Laud, 40 acres, 4: Ii district No. is*7, Cherokee: Tax 61c. Richard Goodwins La id, 16 acres, 26th district No. 262, Murray county: Tax - 74e. William Quicks Land, 10! | acres, 29th district, No. tOO, Sumter: Tax 58c. William B. Manus Laud, 2024 acres. 28th district, No. 68, Sumter: Tax $23,- 49c. Gabriel* Parker Land, 2024 nctes, 2?ih district, No. 7s, Sumter: Tax 86c. Jesse Rouses Laud, 2024 acres, district and No. not known Sumter: Tax sl,l,Sc. William C. Hal stcMis L;uhl, acres, 2d district No. 00, Dooly eouniv : Tax 70c. Richard McGoldricks Land*, 403 acres, 28tli district, No not known Sumter: Tax J 12,27 c. Jacob Calsons Land, 80 acres, 4th section 2d district No 3c9,: Tax 50c. Michael Maddens Land, 2024 acres, sth district No 296, Randolph: Tax $24,08c ‘-ideouß. Thomas’ Land 2024 acres, Ist district, No 81, Dooly county : Tax $2,07c. Jesse Couiers Land, 2024 acres, 30th district, No 230, Sumter: Tn~x 71c. E. I . fi a l iners Land, 2024 acres, 271 h district. No 197, Sumter: Tax $14,39c. Adam Hardens Land, 2024 acre-. 27ih district. No 52, Sumter: Tax s3,'t7c. Washington Butlers Laud, 160 acres, 18th district, Ist section, No 315, Cherokee : Tax 76c. James Grays Land, 40 acres, 18th district 2d section, No 456, Cherokee: Tax Clc. Jackson Tinets Land, 2024 acres, 29th district, No 230, Sumter: Tax f 1,46 c. Thomas C. Sullivans Land, 2024 acres, 6th district, No. 333, Carrol county: Tax $9,69c. Millington Johnsons Land, 160 acres, district not known, No 20, Cherokee : Tax $12,2c. James Math Eons Land, 2024 acre?, 3d district, No 236, Lee county : Tax $1,22c. N. A. PURI KOI', t. c. December 18, 1839 37 c van ox. A LL persons are cautioned against tra -2 w. ding (or the following Promisory notes: viz: four thirty dollar notes made payable on the twenty filth of December next to Win. M. McGehee against Jesse Lumlev with a credit of Seventeen dollars entered on one about the first of June last, and another for fifty dollars against Jiwnes Biggs made payable to the same, and clue the twenty fifth December, 1840. WM. 11. McGEIIEE December 17, 1839. 37 3t CAUTION. r HEREBY caution all persons from fra ing for a promisory note given by the subscriber to \Vm. H Dawkins, for eighty dollars, dated, as well as l recollect, the 15th of January last and due the first of March thereafter. Said note lam determined not to pay, as it has been paid otf. IOHN H. HENDERSON. Dee. 20th, 1839.3 t 38 Flor cure Female .# atlemf . rpHE school will commence on the first Jl Monday in January under the care of Miss Margaret J. Harvey and Mrs. Taylor. Dec. 28th 1839. We are authorised to au ru®: nounce WILLIAM FITZPAT KH K as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returiig at the election in January next. December 21, 1839. 37 2t FOR SALE. A PRIY A I’E Lot in the Town of Flor -2 cnee, cle ired, b' t unimproved, well situated for a family residence, on low and accommodating terms. For futlier partic ulars enquire at this office. Nov 30, 1839. 34 NOTICE. OERSONS having any Bodks in their ■ possession belonging to the subscriber will please return item to the Mirror Office July 27 16 H. H. BARROW GEORGIA —Lee County. i Rule Am, to foreclose a Mortgage, in Lee Superior Court. Jamks L. Ross, i I T appearing to the vs. )1 Couit. on the jie- Thomas Butler. ) liuon of James L. Ross, of file in this Court, that Thomas Butler, then aud still ol the comity of Bald win, in said State, ou the fifth day of Janu ary, in theyear of our Lord, eighteen hun dred and thirty-seven, in the said county of Lee, made and sealed, and then and mere delivered to the said James L, Ross, liis cer tain mortgage deed, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, theieby mortgaging to the said James L. Ross, the two lotsor tracts of land, known as the lots numbered two hun dred and sixty-one and two hundred and se venty, in the fourteenth districtof the coun ty of L"e ; (the word fourteenth, in said mortgage, abbreviated and written fourth, but intended fourteenth;) and both of said lots together, containing four huudred and five acres of land, more or less, the better to secure the payment of a certain promissory note, bearing date tbe same day and year aforesaid, which the said Thomas Butler had then and there made and delivered to the said James L. Ross, whereby, by the first day of February, eighteen hundred and thir ty-eight, the said Thomas Butler promised to pay the said James L. Ross, or order, the sum of two thousand dollars, with interest from tlie first day of February then next, for value received, aud which said mortgage deed and promissory note, are now here pro duced in Court; and, it further appearing to the Court that the sum of elfeveu hundred and eighty-three Dollars and fifty-nine cents principal, besides interest thereon, from llie ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, is still due on said note and un paid, and the said James L, Ross having prayed the foreclosure of tiie said mortgage in terms of the statute in such cases provi ded; and whereas, the said James L. Ross is about to file his bill for the purpose of te forniing said mortgage deed, It Vs, on motion of James M. Kelly, aitor n"y for said petitioner, ordered, that the sail) Thomas Butler do pay into court, within six months from this date, the principal, inter est and, cost due on said mortgage, or show cause to the contrary, and that on his failing so to do, the equity of redemption in ami to said mortgage premises shall be henceforth, forever barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered by the Court, that the said Thomas Butler be served with a copy of this rule three months previous to the next term of this Court, or that ser vice of the same be perfected by a publica tion of this rule once a mouth for 4 months, in sonic public gazette in this State, previ ous to said term. A true extract from the minutes of tfip Superior Court, this 4th September, 1839. SAM’L C. WY’CHE,CI’k S.C. m4m 24 j|f OPPAT’S Vegetable ami The universal estimation in which the celebra ted Like Piles and Puokxix Bitters are held, is satisfactorily demonstrated by the increasing demand for them in every slate and section of the Union, and by tbe volun tary testimonials to their remarkable efficacy which are every where oli'ered. It is not less from a deeply gratifying confidence that they are the means of extensive and in estimable good among his afflicted lellow creatures than from interested considera tions, and riie proprietor of these pre eminently successful medicines is desirous of keeping them constantly before the inilj lic eye.—The sale o f every uddiutlinnal box and bottle is a guarantee that some person will be relieved from a greater or less degree of suffering, and be improved in general health ; for in no case of suffering from disease can they be taken in vain. The proprietor has never known or been in formed of an instance in which they have failed to do good. In the most obstinate cases of chronic dyspepsia, torpid liver, rheumatism, asthma, nervous and billions head ache,costiveness, piles, general debility,' sctofulous swelling and ulcers, scurvy, sal rheum and all other chronic affections ol the orga ■ 1 and membranes, they effect cures with a rapidity and permanency which few persons would theoretically lie lieve, but so which thousands have testified from happy experience. In colds and coughs, which, if neglected, superinduce the most latal disease of the lungs, and indeed tlie vicera m general, these medicines, if taken blit for three or four days, never fail. Taken at night, they so promote the insensible perspiration, and so relieve tile system of febrile action and feculent ob structions* as to produce a most delightful sense of convalescence in the morning; and though the usual symptoms of a cold should pari’:,illy return during the day, the repetition of a suitable dose at the next hour of bed time will almost invariably effect permanent reliefw itliout further aid. Th ir eflfect upon fevers of a more acute and mur violent kind is not fi ss sure and speedy I taken in proportion.ihle quantity ; aud persons retiring to-bed with iutlamatorv systems of the most alarming kind, will awake with the gratifying consciousness that tlie fierce euemy has been overthrown, and can easily be subdued. In the sain*- way, viceral furgesence, though long estab lished, and viceral iiidamations howo.ver critical, will yield—the former k> small ami the latter to large doses of the Life Fills ; and so also hysterical affections, hvpocou driocisni, restlessness, and very many other varieties of the Neurotica! class of diseases, yield to the efficacy of the Phatenix Bitters. Full directions for the use of these medi cines, and showing their distinctive applica bility to dilferent complaints, am ompanv tliefti; and they can be obtained, wholesale and retail at 375 Broadway, who e n uner ous certificates of their unparrailed suc cess are always open to inspection. For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moif>t‘s “good Samaritan,” a copy ofwhicb accompanies the medicine ; a copy can always be obtained of the different Agents who have the medicine for sale. French, German, and Spanish directions can be obtained on application at the office, 375 Broad way. All |iost paid letters will receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B MOFFAT, 375 Broadway, New York- A libetnl deduction made to those who pur chase to sell again. A gents-— The Life Medicines may also be bail of any of the principle Druggists in every town throughout the United States and the Canadas. Ask for Moliat’s LilePillsand Phoenix Bitters; and be sure that a simile of John Motfat’s signature is upon the label of each bottle of Bitters or box of Pills, Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT 367 Broadway New York. The shove medicine for sale by THOMAS GARDNER, Agent. Sept. 14 23 ■ JOB PRINTING JtEATLV SXEOI’TEr. AT TUtS OVVICF. The article published below, concernnig ths new aud popular doctrine advanced bv the illustrious Goelicke, of Germany, cannot tail ol exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our country. Jlati’kicss Sanative. k OK CONSUMPTION. s fj q q q [ 1 ranslated from the German.l LOUIS OFF ON GOELICKE, Or GERMANV THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizens of Aor th and South America, fpO Louis OrroN Goelicke, M. D. of J Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor of adding a hew aud precious 1 doctrine of the Science of Medicine— a octrine which, though vehemently opposed by many of the faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to be wel founded in truth as any doctrine of Holv \\ l it—a doctrine, upon tbe verity of which are suspended the lives of millions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his op posers to refute, viz : Consumption is a dis ease always occasioned by a disordered state oj Vis Vita (or Life Principle) of the human body.: (U* often secretly lurking iu the sys tem for years before there, is the leust complaint oj the Lon n.v nd whirl) mail be us cer tainly, though noi so quickly cured, as a com mon raid or u simple headache. Ati invalua bly precious doctrine this as it imparts an important lesson to the apparently healthy ol both sexes, tcachin g them that this insid ious too may be an,unobserved inmate of their “clayey houses ’ even while they iinaj gine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that THE GREAT SE CKE'I IN THE A RT OF PR ESKRVING HEALTH IS To PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. I bis illusiriousoencfactor of man is also entitled toour unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude ol a world, for tile invention of his MATCHLESS SANATIVE.—whose healing fiat may jusrlv claim for it such a title, since it liasso -.ignniiy triumphed over cur great common enemy (t/*UONSUMP TION. both in tin' first and lasi stages,---a medicine wliit li lias throughly filled the va cuum in the Materia Medica, and there! v proved itself the f'7 a ’(’o*qi:Kßn»: ot; l’in>;- ciA;'i.s c= jrjj—a medicine, for which all inn:- kind will have abundant cause to bless tbe beneficent hand of a kind Providence, — a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been' so glowingly portrayed even bv some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often be come the happy instruments ol’changins de spondency into hope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends info joy fulness. 9 ... .*? ? ( i ? GOELICKE \S -sa medicine n] more value to man 'lum the vo-t mines of AnMria. el even the u.iii'e.l rensures ol our globe,--a medicine, which is ob, lined ujually from the vegetab:,-, auiin.'L'ud minrr;i l kingdom*, and thus possess; s a •: prr.t'-rof.n power.— a medicine, whieft tliongn designed rs a remedy for enm nuMdion si! i Iv, is posses-- ed of a mysterious influence < v< r many dis eases of the F iniiui system,—a mediei' •>, which begino.s to he valued by Pkysicavs : wl a are daily wit:, s.-.frig its asionidiiugcutes of many whom they had resigned to tiie g' asp of the Ixsv 11 •*.m.E Grax e- DOSE of the Sanative, for adti'ls, or.e drop; for children, a halfdrop; am!for in ants, a quarterdtiij); the directions explain * ing the manner of taking a bail or a quarter drop. Si f t {■■• v i hr A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We, theund er igned. practitioners of me dicine in Gen ny are well aware that, Iv our course, v nay forfeit (he iV'endsbip id* some of the ul ty, but not til its benevi - lent member' ti n are nniiif tteneed by sel fish motives. [’hough we shall refrain from an expressic of oyr opinion, either id the soundness c utisoundness of Dr. Goclieke’s new doctrir., we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally know ft—for what our eyes In', 'll and our cars hear, we must believe. Wc hereby ‘fate, that v.-hen Dr. Louis Goon Goelicke first came hcicre the German public, as the pretended discoverer ofn t;ew doctrine and a nnv medic ne, vie held him hi 'the highest contempt iv ioving. ami opemy pronouncing him to lie a base iirpoior aid the prince of r,uai'.!. . But, on herring so much said about the Sanative, against if ntal for it, we were induced, from mu!; " -of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a nuinbcrol our most honch -.s patients; and wc now deem it our bnumleu duty (even at the expense ©four sell inter est) publicly to acknowledge its efficacy in curing not only consttiiititioii, but of her f< rr ful ma'adics, which we have heretofore be lieved to he incurable. Our for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as a trends for our abuse of him, wc do frankly confess Io the world, that we believe him a philan thropist. who does honor to the profession, and to our country, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of Inis medicine into some of our European hospitals is a sufli ent guarantythat it performs all its promises, ft needed not our testimony for whe rit is used it. is its own best witness. HERMAN ETMULLER, M ). WALTER VAN GAULT, D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, D. Germany, December 10 1 ’ h&t b t Post Office Chaplin, Windham, Cos, Con. July 20, 1838. Sir—A most wonderful cure Ins lately been effected, through llie virtues of Dr. Go click’s Sanative,’i n the case of an elderly gentleman, who was fargene and wasted away in CONSUMPTION, and considered PAST RECOVERY BY IIIS FAMILY PHYSICAN. He is now comparatively speaking, a WELL MAN. 'I saw him myselfa few days since, in company wilhjhis wife starring on a journey to tlie western part of this State. He ascribes his escape from tlie very jaws of death, and his recov ery to health solely to the astonishing vir tues of tlie Matchless Sanative. He is a man possessing a snug property, but, says “I WOULD WILLINGLY PAY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR A SINGLE BOTTLE OF !T„JF I COULD NOT PURCHASE IT FOR A LESS PR ICE. To him'he Sanative is above all value. WATER GOODE LL, P- M- The above Medicine for sale, by THOMAS GARDNER. Agent- Florence. Jan 26