The mirror. (Florence, Ga.) 1839-1840, January 25, 1840, Image 4

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Stewart SiierUT sates. \\7 ILL be soil Pii 111*? first '] u - I iy in ▼ t FEBRUARY next, before t*« Court H use ( oor in the Town of Lump ►in, between the legal hours of Si! ■ t ie following properly viz: dank Hare, grey in ire «• >!t me •iitem icv:»r ntch. oneyoke oxen . < M-ie no e«i A. Wi kins for $ it) 7 ■ •■•*>!■ 0:1 It. YVetll<*r#by for S2B 62) ; ; tree m> 0:1 Mien ie! K. Vi.ieer for 76 lie' . one ii.ite o i D i*i I Ter-v »'-*r 2.) 00; one n,»:e :i \V. if. Shaw to- 2-1 >■ oil,' in eon I J .Sfoil for 12 J-J ; o-r* ••-•T • ■ if !> 'i'le tor i.liittt one il.lte oil ii No • .•.>•! >r -7 one note on Code i t >!> u: i1 o 3 ( )t ; r.i *i ite o i Ciixr ick N or »-r. v Ilis ; on ■ •!•■><* o- 1’ \V I >.re f.. V* Oi. o i.: u•> » , "'j > o s :V i. • - ' ; 7! ; "tie time *i i Wdthi n I • n.-i ■ .> : • i i •’ no'i? .ill • { 'i»| Mil.- i ‘II t"»i- iii)): three <> . Hu imi M.:C. .u: iii J CiM-.y i . 7*5 0) ; one oil G v .iii tor 7 7), mi" " i i, "U.| (Inland for 17 71; one on Y\ iff,J r>..i tin 41 40; two on Pit in n L GuimeN fin M 00; one on V L Evans: for 24 3•, five on J T i'enly for ill 00; four on J .is. Clark for 02 33; one on .lamb Craw lor IS 82; olie on Johnson I. It itiiiolfis lor 3!) 00; one on MeC i.gv Darby for 17 oi; one on N Ison Fleuio.iug* for 24 0«*; one oil YVilti nil C for 12 ti - : all taken a-- t e |iro|>erty ol Nit urn Chiton, to sati.xfx sundry ti fas issue. l out of the .Superior an I Inferior courts o! Stewart county, in fi vor of John L Dell ami William M.irtinam! others. Also, 15.00(1 lbs. seed cotton. nn,i 200 bushels of corn, more or I .token ns the property ol Patrick M. N ■vm hi. to satisfy <i distress Warrant, in favor of Blount Trot jntin. vs. »ni t Newman. Also, the rn>l' and settlement of Ixndlyiug in the 24th D ••♦rict ofSuvv nt comity, taken in the ;na>|i'r'y of Robert Hafeher. to • ttisty u fi fa in favor of Wf ham E. Collier and others, vs R Hatchet an I Charles Dunning. Alsu, the lot of land, whereon Charles Dunning, now lives. No. not recollected, taken as tiro prone ty of Charles Dunning, to satisfy one ii fi issued out of .Stewart su perior court, in favor n W. E. Collier vs Rot err Hatcher anil Charles Dunning. Oriny, a negro hoy about eleven years old. liken us the property of Jcpflia Pick ett, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. issued out o the superior court of Stewart county. in fa vor es David M. Scarborough, and others vs sail Pickett. Also, Nos. 110 mid 111, in the 25th dis trict of formerly Lee hut now Stewart coun ty, taken as tile property of John S, Rice, to satisfy f.vo Fi. Fas issued ons of Stew ftirt superior court, in favor of Henry Mar tin vs. sai l R ce. Also, Nits. 117 and 140 in in the 25th district of loitnerly Lee, but now Stewart county, taken as the property of Abram Prim, to satisfy t iree Fi Fas issued out of the superior court of said "county, in favor of -1. W. A; R. L vrelt, and .others, vs said Prim. A iso, cue mule colt, taken ns the proper ty of Joseph B. Allen,.to satisfy aFi Fa issued out of Slew,,it superior court, in fii vorof Cavin Nortiiun. vs. said Allen. Also, N is. 74 and 55, in the 18th district of formerly Lee now Stewart county, tire plantation where Robert llatchcr now lives, taken to satisfy sundry Fi Fas, issued out of Stewart superior court, in favor of Adam Clay and others, vs said Hu'chcr. Also, No. 154, in the 24th district of for merly Lee, but now Stewart county, levied on as the proper,y of Toltnau C. Pickett, to satisfy a Fi Fa out of Stewart supe rior court iu favor of Thomas YV. Pierce vs said Pickett. Property pointed out by de fendant. Also L, YV. Iliii's interest in No. 158, in the 24th district of formerly Lee now Stewart comity, to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. i .sued out ot ajustice's court of said coun tv in favor of it. Wiuu, and others vs said Hill. Also, No. 147, in the 18'h district of for meVlv Lee, but now Stewart, as tlie pro party of Anderson Holt, to satisfy sundry Fi Fes. in favor of James Thorinton, vs. rai l Holt. Levy made and relumed tome by a constable. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Jan 4,1840. POSTPONED SALE. Also, trill he s>lil as abort:. The interest of Ttimnas J. Kesti’ison, in Lots Nos. 94 and 95, in ihe 22il district ol of Stewart county, levied upon as tlie proji erty of said Kestersen, to satisfy a fi fa from Stewart Superior Court in favor of Laurence A Jcruigan, surviving copartners Ac. Ac. and others. North half of Lot No 01. in the 22d.dist. nfStcwart county, also House and Lot whereon YVm. F. Philips now resides, ad joining Florence number not known, levied on as the property of said Philips, to satisfy a fi from Stewart Superior Court in favor of Hightower A ileid. Property pointed out by defendant. Lot of Land No. 9. in the 22d district of Sre vtnt county as tiie properly of Rowland Williams, to .satisfy a fi fa from Stewart Su perior Court in favor of Ham sarn. ones, against said YVilliams and Marmaduke Gresham. pointed out bv Gus tavus DeLaunay. Lots off, Hid N is. 112 and 132, in the 22d district of Ste-.vart county, levied on as the property ofWm. C. Hay, to satisfy a fi fa from Stewart Superior Court, iu favor of H. YV Jernigon, and others. Also, Lot of Land No 114, in the 22d district of Stewart count I .*, levied on as the jiropertvof Thomas J. Kcsterson, to satisfy sundry fi fas issued from i Justices Court of said county iu favor of YV5n. C. Ilav, and others vs. said Kesteison. Also, lot of Land, No. 5(7, in the 18th dis trict of Stewart county, levied on as the pro- T'c.rty of I Brain Atkinson, to satisfy a Fi Fa i'-r.iied from th- Superior ceurt of B iker • r.-uuy, v«- said Atkinson, principal and M. Chastain, sectiriiy. M. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. .T.tmjarv ( 18'id. M )R i’GAGE SALKS. TT'ti't h-' Si! / al //*<* vHM p('lt.i) Oil (fig first 'l'il s /'in in February vrx'. Nos. 41 .n! t 2. in the itn district of Stewart comity, as r!i t property of Jas. 11. ll irrell, to sridV a Mnrtg igo li fa Irotn Stewart uperior Court, ii fkvor of Henry •Salouiia. Proportv *i iel ..jt in sui ii ft Lucy a wotnatt 3 > •’ il.l, Arthur a lu in '2l y '.us I ■titi.i i , mi in, 35 years </■.(, D niaa,-a , ~:-i , -lold. mil her I children. I‘.'•ve'k iw•nm >0 years old, Afriy 12. J ie. I , -k:iVe>l 7 ; enm, tjeorge ;i boy 1 t vear* o' . R .s. a iv-.i n • | ) v- n-. *i Nit nan an 2 yens and, C I Via 4 years i!d, 1 >,-u;v ,- v ~ ,| >ii. , 7 al l. Dive Iye ir I, i , l,t ia . .>•■ •)- ' rtv of 111 j.tti Hatcher, to •; ii , , i . ii or*, gage fi fa issued out of •':<•!» rt - Coon in i/jrof Willi., i ii >y tin e I 3ryao l'm-itinsuii Fort and Kitjtti K. y>, 1 - or. sea iiors of Stmue! YViitia.ns, - a-i- i«e 1, vs. tl ,aert Hatcher. mac oo j ny the h uft:; of Toney, about 21 years of age, one girl, by the name ol Silva about 16 years of age. all levied on is the property of Robert Hatcher to satisly a Mortgage fi fa. issued out ol Stewart In ferior Court in favor of Turner Coley vs. Robert Hatcher. >l. >l. FLEMING. Sheriff. December. 4th. si>im e\* Sheriff Niilcs, ■* *i .f iljL fie sold mi tlie first Tuesday iu Tt 1 FEBItFAK'f next, before the Court il >os-' duoriti the Town of Amcr.cus Slim ier couii'y, sv it iii ii the : iso and lirnirs of s;ile, iup r*>|jo*sinj pr;>»>erlv wit. t• ie i»t of land No. 105 in the 2Dtli i;.-:, oi tor tiilly Lee o i.v S iint<*r counts o's. and on as the property of Jesse Bowel' •<i s itiuv one !: t'.i rom ’-laeon county In scri'ir court, iu favour of liiillin A Purs *, - id Bowers, l’ropeity pointed out by l : . T. Y elvertoi-. Ais'i, seven B>*s of land, Nos. 208, anil 207 ii til" 17th District—No. 77 in the 2d :i Dis rict—Nos. 124 and 146, in the 2:)tii!District —N is. 131 and 160, in the 30th District ; all formerly of Lee, now Sumter coiiiitv, b vini on ;;s the priTjicrty ofPatrick J. satisfy one fi fa from the Su perior court of Hall county, in favour ot Joe Thayer A 11 dlis Thayer, vs Patrick J. Murray and John YY’lielciicl his securi ty. Property p linted out by Davis YY iicl ciiel. Also, lor of land No. 112, in the 27th Disten t of Slimier county, levied on as the piop"i!v ot Alexander Ramsey, to satisfy one fi fa trom Sumter Stipt rioi court, iu favour of Sidney M. Pegg, vs. Alexander liainsey principal and William M. Hard wick endorser. Property pointed out by said Hardwick Also, lot of land No, 313, in the l-sth Din rict of Sumter county, levied on as iin* properly of .ionn t ux, to sutisi'v one fi in from Sumter Inferior coifrt. in favour u< George Huntington, ti Cos. vs. John Cox maker, and Josiaii Ogden A Isaac Ogden endorsers. Also, loi of land No. 45, in the 2rth District of Suni'er county, levied on as the property of YYhtie Joiner, to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Superior couit, in favour of Josiaii \V. Ogden A Isaac E. Ogden, vs. Gurwell.loinc* A YVi!We Joiner. Also, lot of land, No. 125, and the bal ance of hia possession whbveoii he lives, Nos. not known, all in the 2* ii District of Sumter county levied on as the property ol' James Me 15. YVethcrspotm, to satisfy one ft fa from Sumter Superior court, in favour of William P. King, endorser, vs. slid \Y c.hcrspooti. Also. James M. Kelly's interest in lot of land. No. 110 iu the 27th District of -mnerly Lee, mit Sumter county, le«ied on as the property of James M. Kelly, to satisfy one fifafrom Sumter Superior court, iu favour of the officers of court, rs. Daniel Luther plaintiff Ac. and James M. Kelly his attorney ,*.t law. Also, two negroes, Moses a man about 24 years old, and Aim a woman about 25 years old--one Road YVagon an! four .Moles-—two lots of land, No. 11l in the 2oth District, and No. 174 in the 27th Dis trict, both in Sumter county, all levied on as the properly of Richmond B. Guar to satis fy two fi fas from Sumter Superior court, one in favour of Henry W. Jeruigan, vs* Michael Madden and Richmond B. Goar, the other in favour of Joseph Williams, vs. Michael Madden, maker, and Richmond B. Goar, endorser. Property pointed out by said Goar. Also, lot of land, No G 5 in the IRth Dis trict of formerly Lee, now Sumter county, levied on as tlie property of Richard Salter, to satisfy two fi fas, one from Sumter Inferi or court in favour of Samuel G. Pegg, vs. Richard Salter and Lemon -C. Morgan, the other from Sumtet Superior coutt, in favour of Josiah YV. Ogden and Isaac E. Ogden, vs Richard Salter. Property pointed out by- Eason Smith. Also, lot of land, No. 520, hi the 15th District of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Jared Tomlinson, to satisfy two Ii ids from Sumter Superior court, one in favour of Lemon C Morgan, for the use of Isaac Brookins, vs. Jared Tomlinson, the other in favour of.loon YV. Cowart as ad ministrator on the estate of John J. Sims, vs. Jared Tomlinscn. Also, two lots of land Nos. fiG and G 7, in the 28th District of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Richard McGoldtick, to satisfy one fi (i from Bibb county Inferi or court, in favour of Baxter, Fort & Wiley is. Richard McGoldrick Also, one hay mare levied on as the pro perty of George Dykes, to satisfy one fi fa Iron Sumter superior court, in favor of Isaac YV. Fuller, vs said Dykes. Property pointed out by said Fuller. Also, one bay wiare and saddle, levied on as the propei iy of Lewis .T. Ramsey, to sat isfy two fi Ids from Sinner Superior court, one in favour of Benjamin McCullcrs, vs. Lewis J. Ramsey and Henry L. Bryant, (lie other >n favour of of Silas McGrady, vs. Lewis J. Ramsey and Henry L. Bryant. Property pointed out by said Bryant. Also, one lot cf land, No 131, in the 30th district of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Elie Walker, to satisfy one Fi Fa from S tinier superior court, in favorof Horatio Miller, Samuel Ripley, George N. Miller, Henry C. Bissell. ..phraini Miller, & Charlies V. Chamberlain, vs Eli F. Wal ker mid YVNliiam Harrison Pegg. Levied by John Kitnmey sheriff, while in life. Also, lot of land No 77, in the 27th dis trict of Sumter county, levied on as the pro perty of Benjamin Jenkins, t« satisfy one Fi Fa from the superior court of said coun ty, in favor of Thomas Hall, vs. Benjamin Jenkins principal, and Morducai Jenkins se curity on appeal. Levied by John Kimmey sheriff, while in life. A'so. the half ol" undivided town lot, No. 2, under letter D. in the town of Americus, levied on as the property of William M. Hardwick, to satisfy one Fi Fa. from Sum ter .superior court, in favor of Davis Smith, vs aid Hardwick. Levied by John Kim mey sheriff, while in life. Abo, In' ol kind No 144, in the 27th dis trict ol ;■ uniter county, levied on ns the properly ol Jacob YY Cobb, to satisfy two I' i I as irom Sninti r superior court, one in favor of Davis Smith vs said Cobb, and one in favor of ihn trustees of the Sumter conn ty Academy vs said Cobb. Levied by John Kimmey sheriff while in life. Also one lot, containing one acre, where on the defendant now lives, it being a part ot lot 155 in the 27th District of smntcr county; levied on as the property of James IVtsxcy, to satisfy one fi fa,from sumter su perior court, in favour of J. A1 Ogden, vs r* if , -■•■' !*. ievjed by John Kimmey,.slicr *jl while injhfe. Y -o one hundred acres of hind, more or mg the r est part of lot No. 146 in •ae 27 Bv District ot' sumter county, levied o .< the property of Mark M. Blown, to -a'l-fy two fi fas. one from sumter inferior court, in favor of Henry Morgan, vs. Mark Bn.-vn. the other from .Sumter superior '■'.mrt in favor of Elijah E Choker, vs. M wow:i, fast levied by Mark Glass, Sheriff whilst in office. Property pointed out by tbe defendant. Also, two lots of land Nos. 205 and 138 in tbe 27th District of Sumter county levied on a« tlie property of Lemon C. Morgan, to satisfy three fi fas from Sumter superior court, one in favor of Samuel Griswold, vs. kiociicu N. Morgan ami Lnnon C. Mor gan, one in favor of Owen Soineilin, vs. Tobias Adams, ami Lemon C. .Morgan se cuiity . i lie other in favor ot Thomas Clark vs. Lemon C. Morgan. All levied by James Glass, Sliei iii n hilst in office. Poiti ted mi by plaint ill' s attorney. Also. (R> feet square, front of the east nail of a half acre lot, No. 4 in the town of Danville, Sumter county, levied on as the property »i Eißvard J Brown, to satisfy <■*• e . >h from Sumter superior court, iu favor of Yiiios A Montgomery, vs.-said Broivu.— Property pointed out by plaintiff s iilm uey. Levied on by James Glass, sheriff, whiistau o ‘hee. GREEN M. WHEELER. Dec. 30, 1839. Siiff. At th• same tune and p\are will he sold, < iue lot of laud. No. no; known, iu the 17 th. District of fermerly Lee now .Sum ler County, levied on as the property of Josiah Saufotd, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Sumter loleii >r Court, in favor of Alexan der Russell Executor of John L. Shelby, deceased vs. j siah Sanford. Also, lot No. H)7 iri the 26th District of Sumter county, levied on as the property of James Cox, to satisfy one fi la from Sumter inferior court, in favor of the administrators nt Lewis Bond, vs. James Cox, principal and John Pennington, security on the stay. Also, lot of land No. 10 in the 26th Dis trict of Sumter county, levied on the proper ly of J aim Cunningham, to satisfy one li la • rom sumter superior court, in favor of Edwin B. Weed, vs. said Cunningham Al.-n. out: lot ot land No. not known, in the -full District ol sumter county, levied ou as the property of Jarne*. C. Pickett, whereon -aid Pickett now lives, to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter inferior court, in lavor of Har rison Jonesiind Joseph Bond. vs. James C. Pickottand Hachaliah McMath Also. YVrtie Gilmore’s iulerest in lot of land No 69 in the 27th District of Sutnter county, levied on to satisfy one li fa from S t niter superior court, in*favor of the offi cers of court, vs sui I Gilmore Also, one negro man named Flander, levied on as the property of Matiasah M. Lucrry, to satisfy one fi fa from sumter in * rior court, in favor of Hoary Morgan, vs fsaid Guerry Also, lot of land No 229 in the 30th District of Sumter county, levied on as the property of Lovett U. Smith, to satisfy one 11 la from Sumter Superior court, in favor of Samuel T. Buily, vs. Levi Spencer, princi pal and Love t li. Smith, security. Proper ty pointed ot by Lovett B. Smith. Also, one lot of land. No not known, in the 29th district of Sumter county, lavied on the property of Edmund Pearce, to soti.sly three fi fas, Irorri Sumter inferior court, one in favor Os Burned Spalding and Edward Gaither for the use of Weight Brady vs Lamb Parker, and Edmund Pearce, one in favor of George YValker and R . K. Hunt, vs. David J. Tarvin principal, and Major L. Arnett and Edmund Pearce securities; and one in favorof Davis Smith vs. David J. Tarvin principal, and Major L. Arnett, and Edmund Pearce securities; property pointed out by Wright Brady. JOHN TINER, Dep. Shff. December 30, 1839. POSTPONED SALE. As tie same time and place will be sold. Lot ot land No. 276 in the 28 fit District of Sumter County, levied on as ihe proper ty of Lawdcr Mims to satisfy one fi fa from Sumter Inferior Court iu favor of Davis Smith vs. Lawler Mims, property pointed out by said Mims. Also one bay horse levied on as the prop erty of YVilit; Gilmore to satisfy one fi fa, from Sumter Inferior Court in favor of Griswold A Popes vs. said Gilmore ; prop erty pointed out by Lmt Warren. GREEN M. YV HEELER, December 30, 1839. Siiff. he a Sheriff Sales. f j\T/ r ILL bo sold on tlie iu Tuesday in V T J EBRUABI next »? the court house door in ihe town ofStarksville, within the uuial hours of sale, the so lowing prop erty, to xvit: Lot of land, No. 132, in the 12th Dis trict of Lee county, and the undivided half of lot No. 14, in the 2nd District of Lee coun ty, levied on as the property of YViley S. YVilit head, to satisfy three fi fas‘issued from a Justice’s court of Stewart c'ountv, in favour of William J. Parker, vs. said Whitehead. Property pointed out by the plaintiff Levy made and returned to me by a Constable; Three negroes, George a bev about 15 nr 16 years old, Gteen a boy about 14 years obi. and Malinda a girl about 18 years old. levied on as the property of George S. Oglesby, to srtisfy a fi fa issued from the SuporiorCourt of Lee county, in favorof Harrison Jones, vs. William Janes George S.Oglesby, Zadock Jackson, principals, and Edward Janes and Bennett H. Eiey, securities on the stay of execution. Lot No. 88 in the 13r!s District of Lee county, levied on as the property of Lewis Bryant, to satisfy a fi fir issued from the Superior court of Lee county, in favor of John J. Sessions, vs. YVilliam Spence an I L cvvis Bryant. Lot No. 222 in the 14rh District of Lee county, levied on as the property of Henry Gissendincr, to satisfy a fi fii issued from the Superior court of Lee comity in favor of Alexander Daniel, vs. said Gissendincr. Also, lot ?!3 in the 12th District—No. 246 in the 13!h, and 51 acres of lot No. 33 in the 17»h District of Lee county, levied on as the property of Dauiel Lawhon, to srtisfy a fi fi issued from the Superior court of" Li*e county in favor of John Rawls an I li my YV King, vs. Daniel Law hon, principal and John Lawhon, securi- i ty. Also, three lots of land Nos. not known, in the 13th District ol Lee county, the place whereon Thornes Rogers, A. Webb, and Thomas P. Webb now lives, levied on a-, the property ot Thomas Rogers, to satis fy two fi fas issued from the v uperior court of Lee county, one in favor ofßobert G. Ford, vs. said Thomas Rogers, principal, William Spence and Nathan Lester, secu rity on stay —and one in favor of Lott YVarren and William II Crawford, vs, Thomas Rogers, Joseph Rogers and YVill nun J Regers, principal and YVilliam Spence and Nathan Lester, security on the Ylso, lot of land No. 36 in the 13tli Dis tricr of Lee county, levied on as the proper ty of /oseph Scarborough, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Lee county in favor of Davis Smith, vs. said Scarborough. Lot No. 50 in the 13tli District of Le P county, levied on as the property of Caleb Faircloth, deceased, i„ satisfy a "fi fa issued Irmn a Justice’s court of Dooly county, i n favour of Gritfin Smith, vs. Jane Fai.-cloth. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable- A. DYSUN. Shff. Dec: 23. 1839. Also, will be sold as above, three hun dred bushels of corn, more or less, levied on as the property of George Jeffries to satisfy two fi fas, issued from the inferior court ol Lee county, in lavour of John Dewberry, vs. said Jeffries. Also, the lot of land whereon William W. T ison now lives, No. not known co satisfy a fi fa issued from tlie Inferior court of Lee county, iu favour of Henry Good man. Lot No. 231 in the 14th District of Le< county, levied on as the property of YVilt ium smitli to satisfy a fi fa issued from Justice's court ot .Madison county. Lev made and returned to me bv a Constable. Lot 223 in the 13th JJ strict of Le county, levied ou as the property of Isaac Tison, to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior court of Lee county, in favour ot Grifiin .Smith, vs. said Tison. D. GOFF, Dept. Shff. Dec. 23. 1939. Stewart Coroners sate WIL L be sold belore the court house door, in the town ,of Lumpkin, Stewart county, on tlie first . ti**s lav iu February next, between the usttui houiso! sale Lot of land No 119, in the 13;l, District ol Stewart county, levied on as the property of M. M. Fleming, to satisfy a fi ( .i issued from the Superior Court of stfid countv, iti favor of George M. Lavender, ra. said Fleming. JAMES JONES, Coroner. Janr 2 1840. Sautter Tt .r iollectors rate. WILL be soiil at ihe Court House door in A morions on the first Tues day in February next, the following prop erty or so much thereof as will satisfy tlie Taxes and cost of tiie several individuals named: it being due and unpaid for the year 1838. William Peggs land. 20C.J acres 27tli district No 58, Sumter county. Tax $4 02c John YY r . Cowarts land. 3602 acres, I.sth district Sumter county. Tax 563,4!*c. John Forts Land, 160 acres 14tii district No. 250, Cherokee. Tax $2,90c. James Lvties’ Land, 2021 2 acre 17th district. No. 149, Sumter cou ~ Tax $13,42c. sm. isac McCrary agent for John Cunmg hams childrens Land, 302£ acres, No. and district not known. Tax 75c. "’qDaac McCrarys Land, acres, 27'h district No. 15* , Sumter county : T..x sll 17c. YVaJe H. Halls Land °O2 1-2 acres, 29th •list. No. 127. Sumter county : Tax §2,' lc. Edmund Pearces Land 202 1 2 acres, 27th district No. 65, Sumter county ; Tax 8488 c. David J. Tarvinß Laud 40 acres, 1 Hi, district No. 332. Cherokee ; Tax S a osc. Calvin Johnsons Land 40 acres, No. 11,70, district not known, Cherokee. Tax 02c. sin. Winey .Tones, guardian for Edwin Jones Land, 2 2 1-2 acres, 17th district No. u< t known Sumter comity : Tax 7 >c. Isaac Drivers Land, 101i acres, 3(Jih district No. ICO, Sutnter county: Tax 58c. Eason Smith, agent for Davis Smiths House and Lot in Americus Sumter county : Tax s9o3c. Mark M. Browns Land, 100 acres, Q7th district No. 146, Sumter county; Tax $26,38c. James J. Hands Land 101 i acres,' No. and district not known, Sumter county* Tax 58c. Alfred Ilerscy* Land, 202£ acres. 16th district No 44, Sumter county : Tax 62c. sm. Smith Hannans Land, 292i acres, 27th district No. 211, Sumter county; Tax 62c. sm. Robert A. Hardwicks Land, 250 acres, 11 tii district No. 201, Early countv, 2024 acres 15th district No. 301, Sutnter county • Tax sl3, 27c. Archibald Martins Land, 160 acres, No. and district not known, Cherokee: Tax $9,43c. John R. S. Lingos Land, 202£ acres *26th district No. 69, Sumter county : Tax $2,73c. James Busseys House and Lot in Amer icus Sumter’county: Tax $2,80c. sm. Jesse Boons Land, 2024 ores, No. 59, district not known Sumter county : Tax Si.22c. Wm. M. Hardwicks Land, 202 J acres, *26th (lEnact No. 168, Sumter: Tax $9,85c. YVilliam Hughs Jim. Land, 40 acres, 4ih district No. 887, Cherokee: Tax file'. Richard Goodwins La id, lfi acres, 26th district No. 262, Murray county; Tax $2,- 1 4c. YVilliam Quicks Land, 101] acres. 28th district, No. IGO, Sumter : Tax 58c. William B. Manns Land, 2024 acres. 28th district, No. 68, Sumter: Tax $23- 49c. Gabriel Parker Land, 202 J nctes, 27th district, No. 78, Sumter: Tax Bfic. Jesse Rouses Land, 2024 acres, district and No. not known Sumter : Tax $LlBc. William C. llalsteds Land, 2024 acres, 2d district No. 60, Dooly county : Tax 70c. Richard McGoldricks Land, 403 acres, 28th district, No not known Sumter: Tax $ 12,27 c. Jacob Cnlsons Land, 80 acres, 4th section 2d district No 389,: Tax 30c. Michael Maddens Laud, 2024 acres. sth district No 296, Randolph: Tax 8 21,03 c '-ideori B. Thomas’ Land 2024 acres, Ist district, No 81, Dooly county : Tax $2,67c. Jesse Cnnicrs Land, 2024 aeres, 30th district, No 230, Sumter: Tax 71c. U.T. Fanners Land, 2024 acres, 27th district. No 197, Sumter: Tax $14,39c. Adam Hardens Land, 2024 acres. 27th district, No 52, Sumter: Tax s3,i7c. Washington Butlers Land, 160 acres, 18th district, Ist section, No 315, Cherokee : Tax 76c. James Grays Land, 40 arres, 18111 district 2d section, No 456, Cherokee: Tax 61c. Jackson Tinets Land, 2024 acres, 29th district, No 230. Sumter: Tax $4,4Ge. Tlmmas C. Sullivans Land, 2024 acres, 6th district, No. 333, Carrol county: Tax $9.69c. Millington Johnsons Land, 160 acres, district not known, No 20, Cherokee : Tax’ $12,2c. James Mathisons Land, 2024 acres, 3d district, No 236, Lee county: Tax $1,22c. N . A . PUKI FO Y, t. c. December 18, 1839 37 STRAYED. ROM the Subscriber the last of Nov. 1839. one Bay MARK Colt, no marks recollected. When I last heard of her she was in the neghbonrhond ot Bal lard’s Store, n liberal reward will be given, or any information respecting her will be thankfully received. JAS. P. MATHEWS. Jan. 4, 1840 40 .& Who*, wants better evi-, DENCET—I would refer the read ing public to the numerous voluntary letters published recently m this paper and in the Good Samaritan relative to ibe happy and beneficial effects of the administration of MOFFIT’S LIFE PILLS AND PiIE NIX BITTERS. Those who have perused the letters above referred to w ill observe that in almost every case they attest the tact, that no inconven ience 01 any sort attends the taking of these medicines, in ordinary cases, but that the patient, without feeling their operation, is universally left in a stronger and bettar state ••I health than was experienced previous to leiugafflicted with disease, and in ail cases l acute suffering, great relief is obtained .u a few hours, and a cure is generally el ected iu two or three days. In cases of FEVER of every description, mil all bilious affections, it is unnecessary lor me to say aught, as I believe the LIFE ME DIQIN ES are now universally admitted to be the most speedy and eff'etual core ex tant in all diseases of that class. The LIFE MEDICINES arc a!«o a most excellent relief iu affections of the Li ver and Bowels, as iias been proved in hun dreds of cases where patients have came forward and reqnosted their experience in taking them might be published for the ben efit oi others. 111 tueii operation in such cases, they restore tiie tone of the .Stomach, rt engtheu tlu digestive organs, ami invigo rate the general f unctions of the whole body arid t'm become to both sexes (for they are perfect !y :*fyipled to each) an inv duable means of peveiiiing disease and restoring health. In affections of the head, whether ac companied with pain and giddiness, or mar ked by ihe grievous calamity of impaired mental energy; in palpitations of the heart, tiatulence, loss of appetite, and strength, and he multiplied synitoms of disordered di gestion. THE LIFE MEDICINES will be lotinil lo possess the most salutary ellica cy. Constitutions relaxed, w ak, or decayed, in men or women, are under the immediate influence of THE LIFE MEDICINES.— Old coughs, asthmas and consumptive .ha bits are soon relieved and Speedily cured.—■ Poverty of blood, and emaciated limbs will' ere long meet the happiest change; tiia chill waterv fluid will become rich and bal samic, and the limbs covered with flesh, firm and healthy. Nervous disorders of every kind, and from whatever cause arising, fly befure'tlie »*f f cis of THE LIFE MEDICINES, and ail that train of sinkings, anxieties, and tre mours wh'ch ro dreadfully affect the weak, the sedcnlitfy, and the delicate, will iii a short time ire succeeded hy cheerfulness, •and every presage of health For weakness, deficiency of natural strength, and relaxation of ihe vessels, by too irequent indulgence of the passions, this medicine is a safe, certain, and invaluable remedy. Those who have long resided in hot cli mates, an l are languid and relaxed in their whole system, may take THE LIFE ME DICINES with ihe happiest eflics; and persons removing to the, Southern States or. West Indies can not store a more important ;r ic!>* of health and life. The following cases arc among the most recent cures ettected, and gratefully ac knowledged by the persons benefited : Case of Jacob C. Hunt, New YVindsor, Or.any county, N Y—A dreadful tumor destroyed nearly ibe whole of his face, nose and jaw. Experienced quick relief from the use of the Life Medicines, and m less titan three months was entirely cured. (Case reported, with a wood engraving in anew pamphlet now in press.) Case of Thosmas Pursell, sen’r 84 years of age—was afflicted 18 years with a swatt ing in his legs—was entirely cured by tak ing 42 pills in three weeks. Cesc of John Daulton. Aberdeen, Ohio; rheumatism five years—-is entirely cured--- has used the LIFE MEDICINES for worms in children and found them a sove reign remedy. Case of Lewis Austin. r»f'tiodic >1 sick headache, always relieved by a small dose, now entirely free from it. Case of Adon Ames; cured of a inest in veterate ami obstinate dyspepsia, and truer al debility. • Case of Adah Adams. Windsor, Ohio ; riinematisin, gravel, liver affection*, and gen eral nervous debility, had Ireeucoriiioed se veil years; was raised from Iter bed by tak ing one box of pill* a ini a bottle of bitters ; i most extraordinary cure; sire is now a very healthy and robust woman ; attested by Iter htißoaml Shubel Adams. Case of .Mr«. Badger, wife of Joseph B,i l eer, nearly simeiar to the above, result the same. Case of Ooodarant, a young unmarried woman, subject to ill health several-.years; a small course olthc Lile Medicines entire ly restored her; is now bale and lieshhv. Case ol Miss Thomas, daughter of Kli Thomas; cough and symtonis ol cc»n --su,11(111111', cured i» lour weeks Her sis ter cured of a severe attack of inflamatory ihenmatism in one teeek ! Case of S. Colvin ; cured of a severe at tack ol the scarlet fever in a fesv days by the Life Medicines. Case of Harriet Twogood, Salina, N. Y. was in avery low state of health a year and a half; did uot expect to recover. Miss T. is non ble te walk about and is rapidly re covering both health and strength. Case ut Benjamin J. Tucker; severe case of fever and ague; cured in avery lioit space of time. Direction followed strictly. Case of Amos Davis; Affection <>fthc Li ver; after trying doctor’s remedies in vain for a long time, was cured by the Life Me dicines without trouble. Extraordinary case of Lyman Pratt, who was afflicted with Phthisic ‘JO vears; effect ed a perfect cure in J 4 hours’ by the use of the Life Medicines. Thousands of persons afflicted in like manner, have by a judicious use of MOF- K'T’S LITE PILLS and PIIENIX BITTERS, been restor and to the enjoyment of all the comforts of life. The Bitters are pleasant to the taste and smell, gently as rringe the fibres of the stomaeli, ami give that proper tensity which a good digestion requir s. As nothing can be better adapted to help and nourish the constitution, so there is nothing more generally acknowled ged to be peculiarly efficacious in a I m " '0(1 wastings, loss of appetite, indigestion, depression ol spirits, trembling or shaking of the hands and limbs, obstinate coughs, shortness of b.-eath, or consumptive habits! The Life Medicines possess wonderful efficacy in all neivous disorders weakness, heaviness an 1 lowness of spirits, dim ess oi sight, confused thoughts, wandering of the mind, vapour and melancholy, and all kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually remov ed by tlieii use. In sickness of the stomach, flatulences, or obstructions, they are safe and powerful, and as a purifier ofthe blood they have uot their equal in the world. For additional particulars of the above medicines, see Moffat’s "Good Samaritan ” a copy of which accompanies tbe medicine; a copy can always be obtained of tl • mffer ent Agents who have the medicine 10, .ale * rench, German, and Spanish d.rectiun, can be obtimcd 0 u application at the office 3/o Broadway. All postpaid letters wiil receive immedi ate attention. Prepared and sold by WILLIAM B MsJc tA 1\ 375 Broadway, N. Y. A libe' rdl Ruction made to those who purchase to sell again. AGEN i S— 1 h eLife Medicines mav also he had ol any ot the principal Druggists in every town throughout the United States anil tlie Canadas. Ask for Moffat’s Life Pills and Phenix Bitters ; and be sure that a lac similie of John Moffat’s sige Hrure 1# upon tlie label of each buttle of'Bitters or box of Pills* l hese valuable Medicines are for sale by Mr. Thomas Gardner, Florence, Ga. Jnu. 16. 1640 t s 41 Ine article pulislied below, concerning ills new and popular doctrine advanced bv tbe illustrious Goelicke, of Germany, cannot fail of exciting a deep and thrilling interest throughout our country. itiait’&ileKs Mnnntirr, FOR CONSUMPTION. '1 $ ‘1 q q [ r J runs! 'lea from the German, j L-UD OFFON GOELICKt, * C! O i.KMA.X V THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. r Ci/izens of AY(*/.’.■ an l South Atncri-tt, Louis Govtichs:, At. D. of .1. Germany, Europe belongs the imperish able honor ol adding a n y.\\ ami 1 t.vicious doctrisi: of the Science of Medicine—a octrine which, though veliementlv opposed by many of li.c faculty, [of which he is a valuable member,] he proves to l,e well founded in truth as any do« trice of IJolv Writ-—a doctrine, upon the vcnt\ of whuff are suspended the lives of million., of our race, and which he boldly challenge- Lis op posers !t> refute, viz : Consumption is a dis ease ahniys occasioned by n disonlr cd stole "j f is 1 u'tt (or Life Principle) 'j the tune on body : (LT 5 * often secretly lorhins iu the sys tem for year she fort there is the hast coinpluii.t of the. Liin :r s r s )J"-und which may he as cer tainly. Ihauph rut so ejuirkty cured, as a rom monro'.J or asinj le hcae/eiehe. An invalua bly precietts dt'ctrine this as it imparts an important lessdi, to the apparently healthy ot both sexes, teachin g them that this insid ious foe 1; ;:\ fie ;tn,unobserved inmate of their ••clayey houses ’ even while th’ey imn gine themselves secure fro..; its attacks, teaching t! cm that THE GREAT SE CRET J N THE MIT OF PRESERVING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE WHILE in THE BLADE, AND NOT YY'AtT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. This iilosiriuw.soencfactor of man -is nl«© unfilled to our unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of a world, ior the invention of his MATCH LESS SANATIVE.—whose healing fini may justly claim for it such a title*, since it signally triumphed over our great ci-mruou enemy I JON, both it the first an.i last stages,---a medicine w i*'u l> lias throughly filled the mi en mn in the Materia Medict), and 1 horrify proved itself the or Bhvsi cians«_/J, — a medicine, for which all tnar.- kind will have abundant cause to biers the beneficent hand of a kind Providence,— a medicine whose wondrous virtues have fiem so glowingly portrayed even by somcofonr clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often be come the happy instruments ofchaegiug de spondency mm hope, sickness into health, and sadin ss of friends into joy fulness. ?. ..5. *? n f«OEL i ( E !', S is a medicine of mere value to man '.linn the vast mines of Austria, or even the united reasttres of our globe,—-a medicine, which is’ ob, lined equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a TUiiKK-J-'oi.n power,— a medicine, which thougn designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possess eO ol a mysterious influence over many dis eases of the I .man svstem, —a medici' which begin. «, to be valued bv Phy/ran* ; w! j arc daily witnessing its asionishingcures of many whom they had resigned to the g’ asp of the I nsa i iadi.k Gray*. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for children, a hall drop; and for in ants, a q»:ai to drop ; the direr l ions ev plains mg the manner of taking a hall or a quarter drop. . q q it A ccmfcnir from three members of the MEDICAL PROF EES ION in Germany, in Europe. We, die undersigned, practitioners of me dicine in (ien i j are well aware that, bv otir course, v nay forfeit the friendship (if some of the til ry. hut not of its benevo lent membort ilto trre uninfluenced hy sel fish motives. Chough we shall refrain from an exprrssio of our opinion, either ol the soundness c ~nsonndricss of Dr. Uoelicke’s n cic i/urtriT. He are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to be generally known-—for whst our eyes behold and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis OfTori Guclicke first came before the German public, as the pretended discoverer of anew doctrine and anew medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believing, and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of cu riosity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our bounder duty (even at the expense of our self inter est) publicly to acknowledge its etfiraey in curing not only consumption, but other fear ful maladies,; which we have heretofore be lieved to be incurable. Our contempt for the discoverer of this medicine was at once swallowed up in our utter astonishment at these unexpected results; and, as amend? for our abuse of him, we do frankly confesi to the world, that we believe him a philan thropist. who does honor to the profession, and to ourcountiy, which gave him birth. The recent adoption of Inis medicine into I some of our European hospitals is a suffi- I ent guaranty that it performs all its promise?- I It needed not our testimony for whf rtf I is used h is its own best witness. I HERMAN ETMULLER, '' 3- I WALTER VAN GAULT, D . I ADOLPHUS WERNER, D- I Germany, December 10 1 ““ I WANTED to hire a negro gitl who coo ■ cook. A liberal price will be givoti. ■ Apply at rhis office. I •lan 4th. I S 4(> "JOB TrintincP I .VK4TLV K.tEOPTKO At THIS Offfft j^j