The temperance banner. (Penfield, Ga.) 18??-1856, August 11, 1849, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO TEIIPERANCE, MORALITY, EDUCATION, AGRIC ‘TORE, RURAL ECONOMY, AND THE USEFUL ARTS. YOU. 15 THB TEM?ERAMO2 3AEL’iER ; IS TITS Organ of the Sons of Temperance A N't) OF THE State Convention of., ( e orgia: FHBLtsnEO WEEKLY. BY B33JTAWS^ 13“ Terms —One Dollar, per riably iti advance, JT All convi.unicatifms paid,) will receive immedinte and strict attention, ii ad dressed to tile Publishev.|? For the Temp-i-aiice Manlier. .Mew'ell, Ga., July Gilt, IS4p v , j lira. Brunt/y, —in .acpbrdan'ee’ ivit.Ji previ ms tmiang- in ‘tils, the Jin of July - tests culebAceTat Merrcti by Urn How ell l)ivitrionVs. of Tt, hiidtlyj ‘‘•dSlean-- ;,h|r Div.sioim tip guests. ft Wasfs truly tt- grand -atfay; thearly dem xMtnmtig.. i t > ***+>’ : iffrrryprtm i |tfo[HP'P ‘"viHlsSih-. was one of groat interest. thronghoiM, [ which, by universal onus nt, reflect* credit upon all concerned, j anew impetus to our'eause, atretroy s6! triumphant in Morrell’. j Eai'ly in the morning, otn'’ beaut ifill i village was alive with visitors impatient j to see the invincible .Simvin, procession. ! At Sf o’elookVA. MV, the HnWel'l Divi-j siotr met in their roam, and .alter traps- j acting sonic preliminary,business, re--j. eeived the Oleander Divisfun irt fftPhisrAjv ’ they being drawn up in bettutifuCarruy.’ by the, invincible Larnd’r. “ Thrice welcome brother” was sting a'dmtrablb style by the Merrell Glee Club- The , two Divisions united, were then formed in order by brother .1. V. lilbekly, Mar shal, and brother I’. Bell, Assistant} Marshal, and marched to the dwelling of j brother B. 1\ Lockwood, P. AV. P.,[ where, after forming in suitable older, and the singing of an ode, proper to the’ occasion, Miss Mary Janfe Lockwood, in behalf-of the ladies .-of Mourell, ad- , vanced, and presented tile Howell Divi sion with a beautiful Bible. The pre sentation was alike,.happy and appro priate ; tlie maimer aiid address receiv ing the illiquid ifred approbation of all who saw and heard it. Brother F. 11. Winston received the gift in behalf of the Division, and respuued in a style ere litablo to himself, us wfcll as tiie or der which lie so ably represented. After appropriate remarks by, 6ur Chaplain, Rev. W. 11. Blythe, the Sons re-formed into procession, and matched i to a pleasant grove-in tho suburbs of j our village, the place appointed to hear the oration. After prayer and singing, the declaration of Independence was read by brother R. F. Griiiin, Esq. I The orator of the day, brother R. 11. | Whitely, then arose and addressed the j PEXFIELD. GA.. SATURIj U\ AUGUST 11, 1819. I assembly at length upon the day mid tiu “ ad vantages of the order of tho Sons of Temperance.” It would be superfluous for us to say olio .word in cormnc mfution of this pro duction ; suffice it to say, that he came fully up tb the expectations, of his friend-;, and has proven to tiic satisfac tion of all who heard him, that we are lidt dependant upon the (so called) learn ed professions for vigorous thought and true oratory. • And although somewhat’ see! tided, and we think neglected, yet wc have the material among us, which only .needs the proper occasions to prove ■ that ice are not behind the spirif of the age. Attl\e qlaseofthdttddVesi? several diverting songs were sting Ivy tlie Glee Club, a.;u we should fail in duty, did We j neglect to fsay, that their performances, avert,! ’indeed excellent, adding much to tlie, jd nsures of the titty. At 1 o’clock” boa t*• r,;\r* -_>f.- of a Infest cXdellentf L:.* . A ;f V . V i iiti.’TnliveiKttl iff da^S'tffiffsbnrftn |ju keepiiig \\ i;h thp day. i ’ The iYjiitcipg was general, and lag), i though not least,..was the supper prepar- ! | <’tl'.b.v the If the’ dinner was ex- j 1 fellent, tier supper was Ir.uisccndtiiftly', j Toj tlie ladies of Merrell atrl,'tbo.sur- I rountling country, arc we inuq.t inJcbt |.cd dor contributing so |p the jplea | stiics of the day..’ Their presence with ius is ‘conclusive evidence’ of tho ffgirtdouVtH'ss ofour cause. , With their a[q)i , obatioh, Succcs.s is certain. Thus closed the day—a day long to ! be lejuainberecl—and oVfp-* that lias im parted new zeal to the friends of Term peranyj.e,.arid struck terror to the vota j i ics of Bacchus. All returned to their homo’s .satisfied,—not’ an occurrence [ happening to mar the pleasures of any one. ... On Merrell higlits oitr banner waves, Tiiuniphani in the breeze. The Committee. ,< ‘ -a.,*.,'.- ‘ ”CT*. Migs M. J. Loeß\vodu’;s Address: Worthy Patriarch and Prent/cnten of the Howell Division, S. of ,T. —l appear before you on this, the anniversary oi otir country’s Independence, to present, to you, in the name and behalf of the la dies of Merrell, a Bible, as a token of our esteem for, tlie order to which you belong The maxims it . inculcates are in unison with the principles by which you are governed, and the benefits de- I rived from an observance of those prin-! | ciples second only to those derived from jan observance of its precepts. The ob- Ijeet which your order has in view is philanthropic in practice, as well as in theory. You propose to reclaim the drunkard, to raise him from the.lowest point of degradation to the high position | whiuh man was intended to occupy. | You-] roposo to oltect this by moral, in- j steiqf’ f physical force — instead of siiun- j nirisK.';ie miserable inebriate, you seek i hut®: tie and point to him the advan- j tag® of a temperate life. You portray to li'ii in glowing colors the evils of in- [ teuf, tuiee, and the misery that the [ di ttjkiird atid his family endures, anti 1 pq)®, out to him tlie land of promise, j wlieu; sorrow and want are never known,: an®; ace and harmony dwell forever. W'4 rt)oice to cheer you on in your no '•blefjvurk, and tire poud to witness daily so\J:.tpy evidences of your success. ldrwaitl with confidence, be-! If % \ that the day is not far distant vVMi by your exertions the demon of: inf© iciande shall cease to prowl , til* ihouuhe land. When the family [ pj® |inebriate', instead of pining in i ltd* : : and want, slitill enjoy peace and 1 jfie. and instead of shunning a. bus- J ‘ JII A ’ ll tec,i--ei ’jSvteihVd axilJtTOnr'joynaa^^ftietiiigs.j j VTl 4 nee 1 upt urge you to press .forSvafdj \diifi'yijjjioi-"Fcjr the enthusiasm you this j day nuirtil’est, is su'llicient evidence of [your unconquerable spirit. 1 now present to you this Bible, and j. without fear, entrust it to your keeping. I May you ever cherish its precepts, and | ever be guided by them, and may your cause, which is .on'e of humanity, over-1 coiiieiaH oppositifin, anti finally rest on j .the’ eternal, rock. of ages. Mr. Winston’s Reply. Fair Donors,' —I have been appointed, .and with groat respect to tlie judgment and difscriminatioftol'the committee who . selected m<Vuliow me to say, very Hit puitably appointed, in behalf of the Howell Di vision, S. of ’l\, to receive | this truly estimable gift, which you, ■tnrough your lair representative, have just so felicitously presented to uq.— ilrepeculinr appwijiriutoness of the time and ’ occasion, combined with the great respectability of the Uudit'iioe, and tlie very eloquent and impressive manner with which she, oil your behalf, has presented to us this Book of Books, con spire to embarrass the recipient, and to piaeo- in more glaring colors his ac knowledged feeble abilities, and incom. petency to do justice, Cither to the oc-: casion or to you, fair ladies, of Merrily to whom wo desire to render our heart fall thunks for this most encouraging j mark of your approbation of our cause, and. esteem for our order, —animated, doubtless,-in some degree by the same patriotic spirit- wjiirtli inspired the l’oet ofHcotland, when ho wrote : > , “ A Wish, I mind its power, A wish that to my latest hour, Shall ever haunt my breast, That 1 for my dear country's sake, ’ Some useful plan or book could make, Or sitiß a song at least.'’ | You have come forward oil this national | day, to aid and encourage us in this j truly national enter prize. The day is ’ indeed mi appropriate one. It was. on ’ this day, seventy-three years ago, that j our forefathers, gulled by the iron ty- I runny of the Monarch of England, anti j.iinirnatetj by a spirit of liberty, commen ced’ the Revolution, by making a De claration of Independence. The smiles of approval and words of encouragement . which they received from the fearless and patriotic Whig Ladies of those days, I served “to nerve their hearts mid steel ! their swords, in the darkest hour of the | struggle and to urge them on to glory land tb victory.” We tiro engaged in a contest of great [tid'd vital importance. We wage an [ exterminating warfare against a tyrant | hitherto unconquerable; asiidnst ; one A ... ■ ■ ***? *|l > w.<; v<♦ | Maine to ETtnWrt, ft ;,. , ihc ju ; tlie Paeiiii', the blighting curse of whise presence has been seen—aye, and felt, too, irt every nook und corner of our otherwise properous and happy country; [one wiio-is in truth tho Dev ills'vicege-’ I rent arid- Lieutenant General, a king on j a smaller scale, Alcohol. Galled by his, ! yoke which is too gre\ ions to be borne, j and. inspired with u love for our fellow [ tiion, with Hands and’ hearts, we have i.ehferfed into ilic,work. The campaign Im's ‘Commertcod. Out” glorioits army has already gained many pitched battles, ami has planted its victorious standard upon many of the Cherny’s strong holds’ and fortresses, heretofore impregnable. But much feinaips to be done.. 11l our progress’ throughout tfe coun try, wo have every whore'received tes timonials like jfiis, our highest rewards and gretttbst eiieouragemoht. The enthusiasm which you this day see manifest in us, receiving aid ’ and comfort from your sox, lqdjes, is indeed unconquerable, and will certainly prove ultimately triumphant. Finally, latljes pis Merrell, in receiv ing tltis Book, the foundation o(oar faith and youp bopi, from which we de.rive our three gretjt principles, and without’ which your,social positionssml rdlat-ioiis would he analogous with the, hr.Utes, Let me, .agaiu tliank you, sincerely thank you in behalf of our Division ior it,-and 1 will nqiv commit itsconstif tutiornil keeper) Take ithrotherCliup. lain, arid if ere. wo fall iq.emW path, admonish us, to clterish its preempts, the observance” of whicji will purely tend to hpnoranu eternal felicity. And may the Worthy. Patriach tdiove, at hist unite you, Imlies, and uil of us, in one Grand Division beyond the skies, where NO. 17.