The temperance banner. (Penfield, Ga.) 18??-1856, February 21, 1852, Image 4

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wss tj-c: 4 -n a 3 l'*r the J' Danner. Tlx l uad l’iu bear. Hr 1\ 11.'sTKß. lV'liPii frjrn r. (lo^'vrj, Up tn a .Itvary ni^lit, A driink'ird m*! .1 frizz!■; !:• .*,i, And dared him for u fight. “1 ii lirniai* that f ire o'yourn, \ ju oiiixcd son o’ rui *, ’ Tnttn r-p.ik<• tin* drunkard to the hoar, \\ iiain * you know wtu bruin. Bnt hruiu di i not nay a word, \ ct gri.icd moat horribly, And grrtpod the drunkard round the neck, And liftggctlhim lovingly. The drunkard Rtrnfgled to he free, Ami ciirted And bent hit foe , 13ut hrui i bi n!, Nor would ho lot him go. llut presently the drunkard ,!gln*J, And iir.ii i smelt hi i bre.ith,” .mi all at once lie let him loose, And rm hi m If to death ! Satalloe, G.u, l’eb. 7tli, 18oJ. TEjt;Ti!!ti;n;racc £'2f*p. Fling oil*.! oh. tii.ig that h oil'r oa.! And let i, ki t tile b.'ei Z", Its folds iiiiialswo’ p o'er all the 1 .1) !, Rncoinjints all ilie teas— Till all len>*nth its Htandard proud, ‘N i,h hived (loviiiiou bow, And firmly swear foro’er to keep Our fondly elierislied vow. Fling out! oil. lb jt (h il li m:ier out! lie inirva must onward he, Until it re. c.i :ne farth tl mime, And *et tin* dru'il.- r! free. ‘r ‘’ ill 11 I*h wi.a (Jot ‘lull s !igi;t afar No meieor ray i* there— I. s li ‘.ivcnly r. yt tli ill tuon di -pel All sorrow,, and mire. Fling oat 1 oh, ilium ih it banner out 1 Tnat 11 ig iiin.t i , ’i r lie hirlvd; Its .1 cstiuy i-i not Inlfihhal, ii swoeps Hu* world; Until each poor degraded one, Who era! lias kitted the, Hilall burst 111 pi loll', hi fast, And tvoishiji only (jihl. Uompviia rtvij I’otVKa ok Nations ’1 ill) power ot llatinll.S IIIIIV lie ilivnh il into tlirru liin.J>; 1 (rrogriiphiru); *2. Physical; uml 1. .Mena!. In oeo gritpliitml power, Russia or the Cm sack Stands fun most in Hit* rank ol oa t niis, liiiving territory of (bur millions ol square tin es; ami it her iuoi.,l mul physicul oil rgies wore in proportion, she would annihilate all rulier pi epic. Great llriiain, with only thirty four thousand square null 8, be sai l to give the law to all Hurope, owing to bet *n. perior physical and moral power. Ti.e whole Austrian domain, including Hungary nn.J Italy, is only :l,)u,tKltt •quart) mile*, with mi interior moral an 1 physical pow er to that ot France The United Stall s now possess three anil n quarter tiiilliniisofsquarc milt'*-, little less limn that el Russia—wi:h in finitely more moral, mul scarin'!v less physical power. Wttii so small a gun. graphical power, it appenisn niitaelc tliut Groat Hiituin should clu ck all the oulosa.d cuipiies of Hu rope by moial and physii id power. Geographical power allioinils to nothing jn its sell', being only a basis for tin* development of the two other kinds of power, as j>, reii in France, w hose 1117 4U> square miles enabled her, under ’-the l.mle Corpoiul,,’ to not only hold all the U t ropoan Continent in cluck, by ber mor al and physical dwi 1 quia nt.-. on that •mall gi'ogrnphictd mgaiiizcion, but oven to menace with miniliilution, at the gates of St. I’ installg, ihn whole Cos •aek Fmpire id lour millions of •■quart* miles, which doom was only averted by such a w inter as sildom how Is ei to in Russia. H here is the power of France row/ Absorbed by a vicious c ipilal, and that capital I'.iris, nbsoibed by a •landing army under an absolute master. W hat a lesson to man. kind! A Curious Wagrk.—The London’ Morning Rost thus dt sciiiihes the ac* i coinplisiioient cf un e\tra>iulin u v fm • *’ I will bet any man one hundred j pounds that lie cann.d make ri million of strokes with u pen and ink not scratch’ is, but lair down strobes, such us form the child*’ hist It ssoti m w riling, A gentleman neci ped the challenge. Tho month allowed was the lunar j month, f only twenty.eight da\ s; si, that, lor the i entile!i. a , t the underta king an average of I'tiny-sW tlioiMtml studies jir ttii in w..s nquired.— This, r.t sixty p r mii.u e, or three thousand six iminii'iil per hour—and neither llio iiunmn iulellecl nor the human lintel can he i \peeled to do more—w ould call for ten hours’ lahoi in every lour and twenty•. U itli a pro per feeimg ol ri'pect due to the oh. •■-“rvaiice ol tin* fc*ubha:h, la* det<*r luineii to übsiHlfl fiOm Ills Wink oil the Sunday mid by this ueti nnin ii >:i he diminished by tour tints ll.n period al * lowed him; -it the suine time, t>v so and . ing, la* increased the daily average of his stiokes to uuwnuld es foitv one thousand. On tin- first day lie i\. cu ted ..bent lif.y thousutt i sin ki s, on 11,* second nearly oa malty. But at ling'll, alter many days, tlieii.oi.t became still and weary, tin* wri't swollen, and it re quirt'd the almost constant ultendji ee of soma assidtou* relation or frn-nd to besprinkle it, without iu'cnuptiug i's prog re mi ovi r tin* paper, wi'li a lotion calculated to relieve and invigorate it On lliu tventy-thinl day, the uu'.li m, Oiceciio'l bv s me lew thou sands, “to in k ■ assurance dmi'. i auto,” v.i ie i uoMtjdis'.eo; and tii pile* of paper lltul i \hd>.t them test. . mat, t ti.v i ‘i.r geo us hemt, t. w.i- OF IUK PONS OF TEMPERANCE AND STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION (ling hand, and the energetic mini!, , nothiiig is iinp.iss-ilih*. Tin so interns ■ ting papers nro not placed in ihe nr. jcldv’igoi l ie R iS'ci’ iv, of w hich j tln ir author was n fellow, but were | claimed hii>l received by the person j “ ho paid the wager. \ artogs Significations of “Po *nl *’ —"Pooh! ’ said Lady D dmour, torn ing away tier head. Now, that pooh is i very signift .ant wont. Oii ih • Ims | “fa man of hnsine*s, it denotes con : tempt (hr rom nice; on the lips of a p ‘lticiun, it rebukes a theory. With dial monosyllable, n philosopher ere* u fallacy; |>v tlmm four letters, a j rich iiiiin gets iid of a beggar. But in jibe rosy mouth of u woman, the liars!', j ness vanishes, the di-d >m becomes en. I emtrngemelit. “P idi !” says the la. d.V. “hen you tell h*f she is h.iudso'ie ; bill she smiles W'h n she sus it. Wiili the s mte li'ply she r c ivi s yotii pr. . t’ station of love, anil hloshi s as she r<. c< ives. With men it is the st rues', with “oinati the softest exclamation in 1 language.— llu'u'fr. A Faiu Offf.h. —L) icteir Fr n li , it ! is Sii I, once in ide tin* I'.dbiWom eif r i.. Voting Ilian: —**M ike a full estioial* (■fall you owe and that is owing to von. j As fast as you collect, pa v ovei to those you owe. If you cannot, renew your note every year, nod gi t the la st set iit v vouch; go to laisim ss dtligenilv j and lie indiisli ions; waste no idle mi. j men!; It veiy con nnical m all thiols: li-card all pride; bes. iihful in youi duty to G al; be regular and lieariy in i in imiig and uigiit; nit* ml church and meeting regular every .S in lay, and do unto all men as von would tin y should do unto son. If von are 100 needy in ciicumstances to “ive to the poor, do whatever else is in your power lor tnoiu cheerfullv. Pur. sin* diligently an I sincerely lor seven y ears, and iTyou are ii >t hap py. emiiloilaid and in It*pendent in your ei'ctiiiistaitces, como m on* an t I will pay your debts.” Noting peu, b* try ii ! Better to he n,r141 >t with poverty 1 diau depraved with uu al midaitce. 11 | W liihO virtue exo *cds Ids I dents, is tuc good man, lie w ho,-e l.denis 1 xc oils Ids virtue, is the mean*. Go al A'hi.e. — In marriage prefei tin* pel's an bchii'o weiillli, viriuc In fori beauty, anil the mind htdiiic the face, then you have a friend and companion. A member of a I. zv society, (celinc ft fly aliolit on his jnty nd nose, in stead of blushing i: uli‘. peiiiimiod (J jn gress to have the insect removed. CAUTION!! j pt;!!ie an* ( nutiotird nij niist trading j for two**>ry dated on >i nboul ltli Novnii!>cr I Ml. giv#* i Ity hit* to J(lt**lli* XV ItldUM ol il inuiH'k, (tit erbenrer. One for iwpiity fiv* hiiudrt*d dol I irs, pnyiil I * twenty tiTcti D* a ld - Hu* , otlu r k r eikl'i hundr* and nnd out- 5U MM) dol- j li*. payable i unity lihl Dec* min n xi, Lot Ii | **( wbidi are now m tin* liiiii Ih ot ’I Ii * X\ . j Turner td Spuitii, (*i tnd 1 lioid tln*o!>l'g i fioi ol Haiti ‘Turner to deliver h.iiJ not* *to m< lo l>* csiicrled, and sli.-tll lion fore not pay ihem unit ss compelled ho in do by law. NlCilOi* VS TKRKIN'S Feb. Cih, 1852. 7--(>f. PIANO FORTES J.MnOM th* eebbrnied factory of JONAS l UK KERIN (4, Bom on. Mr Nathan H. Clnpp (l v f Music) in the Grceiirsburo I*einule (tlig*, ie*p>ut ; fully iinnminccH to hi* bunds and the public, id tlii* vicinity, flat be i* now prepared to furnish Piano For**s ol v ry description aim price fiom the above well known establi*!i nu'iit, nt bhoit notice, and ihe lowest cash price. These instruments have beeni too long before the public, nnd their merit* nriil superiority are too well known to need comment. lie al*o. di-Mies io intioduv’c to the notic e ol the musical public the U’rvftittuni Miiiitli (OR “REED ORGANS/* 117/A Stops, Pedal liitsr, Swell , A Silver Medal Waft AWit i if ihe*’ M>tr|. tueiits nl (he late Fu.r ol die Ameikm:i losti tute. ‘They are the best mVtitute for expensive Uhurth (bu'in* )*t invented |‘or * null Guun lo**. X*t nit i* * l.ettuie Ronuis.vVc ‘They hve iim tpi 1. Ilay me made tiy Air. (.t Nn loos o, l>o.‘tni and are warranted. They are it I h ans tiul instrument and plea ring onianiem f r die parlor. Price,according in s'yie wf care, from §154 npw a rds. Mr C lapp, can also, furnish Mclodeon* of inui It Sliinlm r * /< ami b **s n *i,lt u the lirst in tnu ictone* in the c*>u nry The tmretv aim Irauiy ol tone which all of these instru ments possess umlci* them dtseiVedly popu : lar. Having unusunl f.irilito* for s ieetius nnd fuMG*hiiiK tin* ah>ve nistrum ni* he uuamntots tint ihe\ sl itII give p- rfect st .ction l o putieot.iip or applie.itio s, apply to Mr. Clapp at th* Gr* enesboi o'Female Coll* i*e. I LAND FOU SALE. 1 Ol i i iv lor sale the following Lots cl Land, I to w it: l i t No *J , 13 dist , Exily ; No. 3M7, 13 d>f Early ; .\>> 317, 13 hist , Early , Lot 3lr* !. I I ie-1 , K.uly, No 14. Id dist , llabeivhtini; No TO. I I 1 1st , Habersham; Lot No 3ti, 14 dist., Htil* rshaiu. All ol wi)K*h will be deposed ot on reasonable trims, ii t ari) spplnalion is made. Audit es A T SCOTT, GreeuesLuo’, l it o. Aug. 15, 185!. trimly 33 if i\ otico. A CODD ru; | i ul, II irncMi K ;t .Hid * X l>tugn LE N llf r.K, nil iinuJ 1111,1 |i,t g.i .e t t t..*i ju in e —nil (..'t.rg.11Ixuuijoiure, t't.i.** limit tt ix. euteii with ,!i,,,„uh. j tu ! II I- .W’WIIORTEK. | 1 rim* .’u t (Jn t Nov. )3 On!ii);t]-y'.s Blanks. r 11 f) i*ll> I> can l>e luni at ih - Hnn n*f (>inc**: Mwrl i|j’ korti e*. lehr of Gunrd'a ,, *litp. A4m u t Mor lon h ) vr- Tm*u n t>. I f irri fA!mtn tm i<>a. W..r.;tn',* o. \; ;n Viocot. Trnp 1, 1 r*o’ *iltti'n. ()r •r • f • *ivt m fem, I'.nl f Adiiu. I*tit*r Diun.ory. Ui •.•I nn Hon 1 . Cheap Cash Slort;. \(• uml aß’ori if if-itt o( Suif'irs. Ci.fT ‘*, 11. , Nrilh, |hwd r. Sint, l.f’ll*, ToliMCrn. CinarH. I riffll I'oW tm**, |{r’tilled ('iil*r V'iii* L'nr, Cl.u* h", j ; Sol*rMtiiF, S<<! 1, Sod 1 Crni’k**r.-, (I’ p- j [ prr, Spi *p, Ciumriion, Nutm-y, .Mar-u.Cmi | j il- *, ( AdinnJiiitiiiH, Trllow t jf >’p*rm,) IJaiFiit*. j j Almoodn, Ft 15*. Fim* Syrup*, Fam y C’nndn* - , j Frrnli f’lukluil Oy*lriH Al*<%*nt M*di* ciiN* of oil kinds, for Sale \Vliol j j!tf anJ K<* tail by coLCLounn vt n \NKr\ T soN. We *liall al*o have n *upply of fr t*ll Siiad I every other day n* lo nf as they can be had. Pfilfidd. Feb I\, 1-52. 7tf FOR SALE. I7MFTY m.t# id'hind, vioi milfn from At-j lama, on the N* wuan Rond, well impro ved, g *oJ dwt llinj, fimoke home, kitchen, j 1 corn crib ami atabb * For Imt u r pauicularF , appy to Dr. A- N. Clardy, who live* on thf j j premise a, half wiiie from Point, la. T. W. C'JNNAI LY. Fel> 1 I, 1852. 7—4i 1,000 ACSKNTS UMSir;!). Headley’s Lift; of Kossuth. just runf.isiiKi), TIS3S I,BJTI ff*’ tiOS. fUT2i. ta/r/iiiiHOK os’ !S i.'.%is tat. Wi’Hf notice* of the ili.'ti n^'iished men. an I Strut *o the lln lycirian Revolu tion. To who'll in add and an appendix, con I'linibL l ICos.sutil's Adtlree* Hi tile People of the United Stales; and the most important ol tlie aildre§seg, lei le-r* and speech’s ol the tireat Me over Chief. |{y P C. Ucatlley, author of •Life ot the Ivnpress Josephine,” “L fe of L* f iyette,” * tc. with an iiitrodu tiou l*y Horace (re**l**y In one • ley nit >2 mo. volume ol 41!I I'us with an accurate steel Portrait. Price §1.2.-.. N. II —A Kent* wanted in every country in the United St it s, (not already occnpieil ) to h- II the above pop'll .r work I’ is believed that almost ev ry muling tamil) will l>e tfl t.| of | tne oppoflunify ol posses-onir the Kite and >peee|n sol the noble liiinirai'ian. Snell is llie pres ni indication from the imp irrullelled sale of tho Work. *\ddrs DH (HY -C M.LLKR. Auburn, N Y. A single copy 8-nt fy mail, free of postage on the receipt of the price, port paid. Feb 14, H.V2. 7 DR. I P. GAKyiN n ANTING p'lreliKfed the entire interest of |)|{ 111; NUY li \Ct N, m ibe firm ol I) l Pl.lMlß 0‘ • , til'* U'ldeis ried Will continue llie Uruir Humnefl* at file same old stand, and under the same firm name. Tlie\ have now on hand a complete assortment of IVvfcli :iml inclinin';’ and .tflcHtci nc*, < ia n*i<:>tl'. fiCiinti, \\ it<lo\v Musi cal fl &t rnmiMp, and eveiy oilier article in tln ir line, which they are prepared t<> sell at the I ov-sf market price* Orders shad be pro'iipfly atiended to. and they pledge ihems bes that article* for warded. shall be un iilliterate I, anJ of tli * la st ipmli'y. I) li P. .V Cos nr** A Kent* f**r one of the largest Seed grow ing Fstahlislimeiitß in the (Mutiny, and cm warrant tli-ir G \ 14UKN AND FIKLI) SF.RDS lo be fresh an I perfectly r* li c le. j A (n'l supply of .bmes an I White's relebra ]lf I I\CO (Kl'P riliKK rKKIhI. (mill and fill Foil, 4*u., kept const mill’ mi Icnul DW1..1. li PLUMB. !(!N \ I IIJ.S P. G \RVIN. Aucnsta, Feb. Mb iFfri. 7 ON ‘l'll K WAV, r |N 0 be d-livered nt P idield or any Rail I Road Station to*nit the pureli er, OF SIiVT.N DIIFKRI.NI’ STYI.ES. Sn.ML WITH TUB Ai’o’iiin Attachment, {Gilbert, .rPotent ) All.o* the most approved ton**, n| wirranted ns durable as any made in tip* Unit *d States Apply ealy to P S Will I’M \N Peoli Id, (in. Jan 12, I w .i3. 3 (In Pcnfield Daily Hack. r Su’iseriber will have a Hack to ?uo ■ ft Oil) Pel'll I I I l (Jreellrs'ioro’ | CO Hl* ol wiili Ptisscnger Tiain of (’ars The Hack will leave (•reeilesboro* eyery J v (Sno djiv* excepted) immediately after the arrival of llie Cars. J AMISS LANGFORD Jan 31. 1-52 5-3 m Aluiiiii*>f rator’a state. Vtni.L h* so and the C-nnrt II US’* donr in Earlv e.ointv. on t'o* li st I'uesduv in M•v next, witlim ihe la whil Ii ui * ol s?il *. a Pro t r parcel of L ind, containing two hun dred and 11 tv acre*, known as lot number one I hundred thirty ‘ the twenty • iylith dis traint” Early enmity,To b- sold in p'ir*iinnep of nu ord- r from tli** If.morihle the Inferior Court ol Tn 1 : tn eonnry wli*u siniiiK dp Court of i > v f>r ilistri! hi lion f Done ihe !• ji-if. *•* f >oluiiioii B’own, and eras and. T**r us ot sale t be made kiiovv.i on fl e and it* n’ sib. MOSES HKUXYN. Ad’r, | Jan. Cth,, ISO 2 (i —td .m’s s> - Et s*. z a <: a rp\Vt) months :i' t< r date nppliratioii will be X mad • to the II morable Court t'lOrdinary ot Gr-ene (’ounty, for leave to s || the Real K-tat** ot James XI app. Int** of oiid (’mi ccas.’J. M \RY XI \PP, Xdn ‘a. UK KEN XIOO.vE. f . .. WL. ,N1 Al’,’. N VI,S ’ ! Feh. “th, 1852. 7 --2 m si ’ a : r TA\VO nnmnia ait-T date application will be 1 made to the linuorabl-Court of Ordinart el (ireene Count,'. for le.iw in fell the I.state nl Daniel DnneaN, late of sai I county, i deceased. I'llOd 1, S.WUErtS A l*r IVh. 14. IS.Vi. ; . o,„ <■l Olttiil t, ( Oieei.e C.mnly \ C.iurt nj Ordinary. JOHN COI’EIiA.V nn.l N tinni.-l ll,lees ‘* apfi'ief in me far l.rit if ~| Adi istintiou nil the Estate nl Hubert C liridg. s, bile of said : county, deceas-d; .. | faft- me therefore lo cite all persons line rested to ,t p|H :ir ai my iHi e witiiiii the time prescribed by Liw, mid shew muse Han t. lime, why l, tier* of Ad „jn. - r ilitm flmul i nut be grunted i.i J applicants ‘ in terms ot tn J, nv J VS. W. OODiv iX, Or dinar a. * F“b U.lejei 1--5 t I (a:i)RLN. i G> erne Cmohj { Court nf Ordinary. 1 \\ r U I.R ii. AS. .1 .and nT. Brouehtoii applies to ** me h*r Ei iters of Ginrdiaiislnp fr Le* i.ia, John B, and Margart Hroui/hfoii, mi nor*. under ibe nge offointpen years, orphans fKJwnrd Hr* ugbton, d* ceased, and residents of this countv; All persons infer**fed will appear and phew ! enure, if any they have, at April Tent of this Court, why letter* should not be granted paid applieai tin tern sos tin* |aw J XS \V. GuDKfN, Ordinary. Fel. 14fh. D5). GPORbJL / C Gcenc County jl Court of Ordinary. JOHN W. SWAN applies to me for Letters of Administration on the L*tate of Jehu R J t'-r, late of'paid inunly. decensul: —These ire fler• tore focife and fiduionisli all persons i iuterePted to appear at luy office, and shew [ <au*e, if any they ha ve, why said Letters should j not be granted in terms • f the Law*. J AS. VV.GODKIN, Ordinary. Ft b I 4th, I -52. 7—st GiiORfHI, / | Gi f cne County Court of Ordinary. U/'ILLIXVI \V. BROOKS, Guardian of (•eorge G. Ulldeiwood, applw *to till* iGomt f r letter* of di*mi**ioi*: —These are j therefore, to cite all persons interested to p ---| pear and shew cans**, if any they have, why letter* of dismission should not be granted Mid applicant in term* •*f tin’ Law. J XS. XV GUDKIN, Ordinary . Feb 1-lih, ISSJ 7 —7i Greene Canity S Court of Ordinary. UJ HkR K \S, Walker L-wis, Administra tor of Cephas Wright, deceased, up pli> 9to me lor letter* of dismission:-—I hear are therefore to cite and admonish ad p* r>otis inteti ned lo he and a| p* ar at iny *Hi e w ithin die lime prescribed by law. to shew can* * i. .my fie\ have, or I* tiers of dismission vvi I la granted said applicant on the Ist .Monday in September next J,vS. W. (iODKIN, Ordinary. F*b 14th, l 7- bn. GKoICLI l, f Greene County \ Court of Ordinary. JOHN sTKI’IIgNS applies to me tor Ii t ter*of (Ii irdianship tor John il and M**r ilia K Stephens, minors, under the ?*_e ol f ni’ t**en y**ii is. and orphans ot Jesse XV. £>t*’ phens. iieeeasetl:—-Al I peiS'tiis interested will jipp-ar at my i fFi *e to sh* w cause, it any the) have, why *ml letters of tii i r liansliip phoiilo noth granted * iid applicant in terms of the Law. J.\S. XV GODKIN, Ot dinary. Feb 14tli, 1f52. 7—st iiCOIUiIM, / Greene (Jaunty i Court of Ordinary. JOHN XV. STkPHKNS apple* to me for Letteis of Adminiitr I’ion on the Kstaf* of Charlotte Stephens, dei eased:—-These are ih -f fore to rite and admonish all peisons in teßi**d t appear at my ofli<*e, and shew e.iu*-, i any tiny have,why 1 -nets should not be granted s ml app ieanf m term* *d the Law. JA 4 XV. GODKIN, Ordi un nt. Feb 14th it*s2. 7—st NEWTON HOUSE. Corner of Broad St. iV College.‘A venue. A TLI SIX'S, HA. r pilß undersiKned. liavinn tak*n the above ■ pop'd ir and well known Hotel, is pre pire c I to cc-n i modal* the ita veil in# public niid periii’ineiit Boirders, in n style cannot ’ t ni to give entire satisfaction. B KING. Formerly of Forsyth Atl’ens, J ir. 12. |RS2. ALDRICH & ROYAL. D\ i.cus in MOOTS AND SllOi’lS, at Metcalfs new ■ ‘ lion Fiout St*ie, i ppoiite the Masonic | Hall A,Si Khive mi iia nd, ami vvll cmitin* 1 ue to receive, per weekly stemiei* ir in New Y"ik amt I’hilad Ipliiit, a large and well S'dec led Moi-k ot t!ie ! till shed LxDIkS, .XllSSi’iS, GKNT’S, j YOU ms and Gil ILDRLN’S BOOTS AN I) Slldp.S. all of winch they invite the public to j • x ‘indue, an 1 compare pries and (piaiiiy be* I fire purchasing. N. R. —Be eure to cull nt our Iron Front ! Sli ‘ rH - Ainjustn, Jun 31,1852. sly Fancy &. Staple Dry Goods.! sno\vl).*;n & SIIKAR. n \VK now on ban I, a very large supply of j FANCY and STABLE DRY U.uOOS.i among w hit b are: Rich printed DtlaithS, of beautiful styles, and at low prici * Kugluh and French .Merinos, and plain color etl D lames. Rich nlaid and fancy Silks, for ladies’ 1 (Irenes i Kxtru rich blink Brocade Silks, and Silk | T nt in*. Frendi Flints, of new and elegant styles. Superior 4 4 black and colored Silk Velvets. Ladle*’ French XVnrked Chimasettes, with ! v *l ars. and U ulersleevcs. Lull* s French worked Linen Cambric fld'kfs 1 I Ladies*’ French Lawn mid Linen Cambric llil’kte .ul very Imv iirtues Swtes in J t ,\f ustiiit EJgiii.js ri ii li ittser imgs. Sitji. rior 12 4 Linen Shettings and Pillow Uttar I.i ttr ns. Su|icrinr4 4 ltisli I.inensatid long Lawns, Sujierior 8-4 nil I ltl-4 Ttible and Damask Di a j.'t s v .jt-rii.r i4.4, li -4 12 4, tti 4 and 18-4 U - ai tk I’alilr Ulottts Heavy Hu k.liaik and Sc-tch Diapers, for Towelling. Superior 7 8 and 4 4 Furniture Dimities. Avery largeas.-ottnieut ot Uotton Fringes. BlneK Bu.nb isim s, Chilly and Alpiooas, ofex tra ijn ility. La,lie's Ni Ik an I Velvet Cotks and Mantillas Avery large supply of English aud German 110 sery imp nor Marseilles Q uilts, of extra size and j j q tat ty. A large assortment of Crib and Whitney Blankets. Lave and Muslin Curtains, and Curtain Ma- 1 | terials. finpeitor Ingrain,Three Ply and Venetian Car pels. Ru n Tapestry. Velvet Tapestry, Brussels, and Bl us-els Carp* Is. Printed Floor Cl* th-, in patterns, and Floor B 117.” s NN nh a gr* ai variaty of other arlielea.nml to j nil of ivlii It tn y respectfully iuvite the atten-; lion ul the public. Augusta, Jan. 31,1852. 5 ll iuim u k A COOKE, FACTORS AN L) COMMISSION MKIiCIIANTS. IIAY STIIIiKT, K. S. IIAKO-VV ICK. J . Ik. GvKfK. New 9tb, IS?*’ 4A—tf. Rcho!)Othville Academy. HE ‘Trustees of this Institution take plea- JL sure m announcing to the former paironf and the public generally. Mint we have enga ged the services of Mr. .1. J XV allace lor tie Sohnliftii; y>->ir. Our Acmlrmy > hr '' n j tinder tin* ri*ctiirnlii|) of Mr. Wiillhci* durma iiik i ’ jircßHiit y.'iir, anil wi* cm contiilrntly rec-om- J iiit'ixf his n ii ji>*mleiimii ot irri-pronclnble mor- . ni clinriictcr, fine clniwicul iiitnin arms, amt] | ,-v.-ry wayw. li q'lalitir-il to iliacimrae tl” llu ‘ ti. a ..t ill.- aliitiou lia haa com-ciit-'il lo till. Tin* Accailnoic year will be divid.-d into two S.*mmul'B. The ftrat ooiiimeiii'.Migoii tor Second Monday of lamiary.and ending on die Second Wednesday of July. The Second | coiiiiiieiicina oil the First Monday ol Auguat, and ending on the laat Friday ot November. HAYES OF TL’ITION BV THE YEAR. First Class —Oithography, Heading, Writing and Arithmetic, sl4 UO Second Class-’Hie above continued, Wf.ti Fn gliali Grammar, and tjeoßr.ipliy. S'-d till Third Class —Tiie Anneiii Lmymiges. Math emaiies, and oilier higher branches, !§4O Uh Noabaiemetit will be made for absence, ex cept in ca***t ol protracted illue**. Kehobothvilie i* located in a healthy Sec tion of the country, about midway between Athens and Madison There are two church es m the Academy grove, Baptist and Metho dist. Board can he had in good families, conve nient to tiie Academy at troin seven lo right lobar*. L ROST WICK, 1 J .1 lOUDLRMILK, | U. SMITH, )• Trutteet E. XV. | IIKASHER, | T G LAUN i US. J Morgan Cos (Jet. 25. I•*■sl. 43 —4m Triumphant Success t'F Pa in Erarf iCotUL spills excellent preparation has bent tested JL since the lirst of laet January in upward? ol Three Timusand Gases, ‘i’tie pioprietot? nave every a.'Sur.iiice in urging tm* piep ira i m upon the atteniion ol the adiicted. 1 haset* pecial cianiiS on Soutliern people, as it is a purely Southern pic paration. The Unrest and most red to iiiy person purchasing the article iLi'Slnmid no iienetit tie* derived Irom it alter a lairm I, accotding to direclnuis.o T/ie money will ie refunded by the Agent. It you are iroumeil with any of the diseases ivhnlt Nlarshall’s Eradicnlor vvll cute, go tiltd get a hox at once, it will cost only 5 ‘ cents, ion will lie sure to get F.hy Dollars worth ot iienetit. ‘Pile dtse.ts. s wtiicti ,M t rsltall’s Erail; cator will cure, are Rheumatism. Lu uhago, paintul Netves. Sctaitnla, tSp.inil alleetiui.s, Distoealions,tiprams, Bruises, Strains, NVeah link, Weak Joints, lleailaei e, Gout, Tooth ache, Asthma. Stricture ot the chest, vtc. iV.e. with many other u inor uff-ctions. tt has proved very effective iii cases ul liitlamina'ton j ol tue Sto.u.iea, Bawels, Kidoeys, ij-i 1 ., iCe. In a word, it you are troubled in any way, tn tli.s ointment, it is lo he had at T. S. tIAN Kl.\t*ON’S, Agent. None genuine’ unless having tin* written signatute of J. E. Marshall on each box. Get. 4. 17 AFPI.IiTLD s:s;AD! Medical House, Established 1” if teen years ago, by DR. IvINK UI.IN, N. \Y. Corner ufThinl &, U .ion titreets. be tween Spruce and fine rftreets, PillL N DELPHIA. Youth and Manhood, A Vigorous Life oi a premature- death. KINKELIN on Self Preservation. Only 25 Cents. Y i bn >k ju t pu’ li lied i- titled wi Ii u es 1 mforffat'on, oi Uiu-iiiiiui). iv*. a.*u -ii tit-Y 1 . ••I'c.te Ge-ertmeU g:iu . 1. a ul.e - bcbileli .u Youth. M iiihooii .iad Did uu • fehuu.d u rad “> jll. Tue val ale advice and improi ive warning it give*, will pre- NCiiiyeac oi m aery and lalcving und sevv Ktt,.u..l!y Toou suitd oi ive . Hii.eiu - l.y rea Hog it wi.l learu how to prevent the dc tr.ic t on ot : e - eiu tire i A t in. iaee oi cents, e iclo ed in si letter addre rl to DU KI.NKGisIN. .N. W lo.ueroi tlnoi aid In.on a rcevS be.wieit Np.uce an i Fine, i'iiiladclpli.a, vult eu took, nude, eitvei o|ic jcr e urn uia I. i’tr *.ns at udisuince miy addicts Dr K. by leUer, po-t paid and be cute nt ii<>iue. l’ldhogc ol Medic nu . Direc i*n . &c. forNvard* and, l y ending a re oil aiice, aim put up • from Duiitugj or v ui io.ity. ll.ruk- *-iL-r , .now Agcn >, I e>iia;b, (.!. u\s vr . all oth er-, luppbttd wi.n th. above wora at very low ra.e. | Nov. 8,1*51, i.j-1 y GEORGIA SAKSA VAR ILL A . F” R j Jaundice , Sick Head ache , Dizziness, Lust of Appetite, Const i pit .on of the Dowels, I I'iles, caused by Costneness. Dam in tin Jj.ncels,or ll he uniat ism, caused by the use of Mercury, Syphilis, Scrofula, Doits, Ul cers, Slc. cj-c. r |MJIS PREPARATION i? uincfe ns pure ns 1 X possible. Itshiiler taste,and beHclicial cf-[ : (cuts in disease* of the Liver, and diseases j ‘ansing from an impure state of the Blood, ! prove it to be the purest and .post useful prepar * ation of Sarsap irill.i that is made ‘Those who have used the various prepara j (ions of Sarsaparilla will lind, by the taste jmd * iKct, (liar tiieie is mote Sarsaparilla in out I bottle of Or. |)’s preparation, tiinn in hall a dozen bottle*as it is generally made. That it might be more particularly adapted to professional use, nothing hut the pure Sarsti* partlla has been used, that for different disea ses, physicians might combine or prescribe with it, such articles as they might consider most I appropriate i” cases under their treatment. Its alterative amt mildly purgative eßeci | upon tut how* !*, muhe it not only a good sub ( stllute for Mercury, but useful hi removing al. ; I diseases arisn g bom the imprudent use ot j ! Mercury. Prepared only by DENNIS, M. D., Au j j gust i. Georgia Sold in Augusta by W. II Tutt, I’ A. Mo- j ise, D H Plumb &Cos , \V II it J. Turpin, liavilainl, Rislej, it Cos , \V. K Kitchen, and | Barrett, Cutter it Cos. In l’eiilirld by D. litr j run, M. 1). j I’rice —§l |ier boltle; (i bottles for 1$ b. |{emeniber In ask lor DENNIS’ GEOUGIA I SAIiSAI'AKIEEA. 1 Augusra, July 5, IHSI. 27—ly i Fall iV Winter Clothing iV Thus, j Ai\(JAUB BUILDING, No. 7, Cat tun Actinic, Macon , Geo. D. lIeTi)T& Cos. Have just opened a Large and Fashion j able St< ck of Itcadyinade llotliing, IlaU, TrtiiiK*, llni Orel las, &*., To which they solicit the pationage of the citizens of Macon and surrounding country. [ They arc fully pr< pared to ofter such in-1 dunements, in pries and styles, ns will insure | satisfaction to all who favor them with their, patronage j They offer their stock, at wholesale and re-- i tail, a; New York prises. Nttv (fa 1861 16— ly Dr lto;cr3’ ant! T ar. v Sa FK anJ oertoin cure for Coughs, Cold*, !j\ Asthma. Conaumptirtn of ih, L , UimA Uiul.ul.ilis. Ui.| iv t Cmh. m. 4 all l'U.iUoli..l J’ Ai&i. I vli* A lovrJy yoiiwß Sr.ndy cure*) of touNHl[ttOii ! ! ) 4Ti,- f How'iik i-fr, in tli.' |>n B- U'ri-on., E-q ’ |,*T i„g.i 1..-.1 ai ■ i 4.r * -S Miluarv n.u Atpu ! Vu.k, Jaiili-.rj -A>, 18.0. Wl.l•.!. U l.w> “•■i'u , : , u.n if,-1 unit our rive* tno.ciipv a fl iace iatiicn I c ,,i ~ ~ ii. in i-o’ n> ar tele n .hepaUui md.eiM vi - lull vt Ii it v *ctf 4c *4 •’ tc.l'W-'diS •re >avv\l bjr tl** ! „ e ,’i .mv t.te ti'M.c wii.t.* ver, MScmutiUiM ii ..i *ur right, il'uafc imi liiitvLu zi *e .i uapie *-* mi*ul ol sac t*, that oiin-rti xu*j, in liki tn inn i* v I encii i etl. Ihe ca xu.hiili h*s u, i„ lcM i.f, id lcwao haof a >oui g iudy of uur iuxiuamufcue*. wh b* 11 picut •*!>* ore ;o t;,o t.igiu air, oom-raeu-U • coid M l, eh* ct I clou the Lung- Uxoteit- iavgf •cculd L sfciyful. (Tliis ocicurwd two year Utfotha wiiuer ) X.triou- ivok-ujm were u.h tviJi Very little ctfect -r bo: sut. llie t oUgl* gnv w „r-o, vri lo>i|it >u es|ni! or tuou. aud the unkeu eye, Miidjialo hotl.i\s duck, tol lida ly iltAi tulniusr> di itt ana doinji it st’ * ret on her del tea it- ii n.tue. ‘I he him iy I’hys cau whs iuu ui ted. *nd nlthoiiitj i.e nv. ulu not auant to heyoung lady that jJio ru.illy hid the Con Uiiiyiion, so I.e wouiu gve i.o wteuurai'e nio 111 a to* emu At i.i cr. L-* tier ..©tint’ was l> r-.u..ded to make u*a m a l> * ilj *f I> . (Jotnpiuud ei L ser v• >r. ad 1 ar. and see are liiipp. to tuat ue w* |'eri ctly cu e t in 1 - >th <n h*vmn.iUi by this uu dieme alone am •'* |.ui>e ss a do rosed, it i u tlo.- toe UiXUe-ut • u .-Uvh aeso * tin .tor the i:iilo truth will .vacli * litre p"l led lictiou uevtr ran. ir.uiydoub* tiie aiith n.ic.ty s) t. i tat me t. let them tii oiiiee U. S .Gtlu.iry uttd Savut Argun, a>o* C h tlh until nt, Is. 1. Tcsmiioiiit** oi’ t!n* X. 5. I‘rc**. Kmni tin New York Couritr. Ann. 13,'M1. ~, nil. Room s’ • r i.n* w Mv* he id ot’ imuortunt cur roc mly etl cfd by ihuex el med final prcturatii n. aid m"i t that e.aue uuoer eur ob.crsat.o.i.NNc nan cuart eiit.y. Uue otmir euiploysr*, ns'li** had iutlured iioiua ta ding cold timing the laat week commenced the u -vol this medicine, aua his Cold huseutirety di appeared From the New York Mirror, Fep*. 2. WA , I,tv rnwui.T AVI) ‘i Alt -I I tl.e r.r lie*, of Pr. hogers Coiigh Mo t e in. prep ie i f.oui the wb nc a; .ele .it is ue ules n -w e* peak: itsehica yin -|‘C- .ly * t.r ir: (_••> Colds, and ether inn c •mplaint , wi:i it oofivq cu ly . li wy ceted. iesuK in Cn umpton, i 100 vslll j la. voutiueSce ivneed eu ll,l° “ 011 Vr m the New Yrk lHr.-pa ch. A g ‘. r th. IS5'. WVhiiNeliorvlod-rct tkein.e a um ogi\* our twtiuiooy i r*- vo.-of .he u at v- e .and: Pr. Hog r * t o . |tund \vrup es |. it t ami lui.aiid wo. Id It. r. r | eat -l.radsne *1 acy g.v ----c„ r*r all p r-on- altlftcd wi h lon i mptu u or uhj of he pre.i.ouit ry syiuptomss to make a tr;aloi P.. K*%er&‘ pr*p irW*i'hegoi.M’ne i-signed Am ukw lUcKni’ oa the ste pi itc o i .r.iNtii ss iapi>ci around each Uutlc. aud i? i®ui a i wlcaa .v alt ty BCOVII. ti MT AD, 113 (’hartreg -t.. New Jrljas*, Sole Go cr-sl \eenf- for the >*>ulit. i. -* it t” sshom a.l er .Je; > ami p;*lic*t ions for agetv ie muit I e ddi#-M,d. Sold yl’ U inkitiMtii. I’cir.eld. Ga. I’.i.n & Ni-yacU, Macon. G*. „ Ha.ley XHr , Home. „ | i.i>iiorii* A Coltiiubn:*. C. „ i)ill Si Mar. lia.l. For’ Cau.ti, C*. „ V (>. Wei li. Ml any Ga So.dat Wholesale *.y llav.bmi.\- Hi ♦•ley, Augtwt*. lliiViland.Harrail & Cos. aud I'. M* CoCm Charlcstor. S C. Get. IS, l.s&l. t’a 4m. For tin* Cure- of COIGIIS, COLDS, HOAR SEX ESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOIMNG-COIGU, CROUP, ASTIPIt. AND CONSUMPTION* Tliia remedy is utll-rnt to the community with t tic ciMitiileiicc wt* It'd in an ariiele which, scl.limi lulls io renliz>’ the Imjipi, si < fli-cts lliahK jail be il sin il. NV hen once tried, its superior ly over every other liudiciue ot ihe kind, i* 100 apparent to escape observation and where nsviriurs are known, the public no longer hes itate w hat antitole to eu ploy tor ibe disires -aiitt and eaiic rons atf. Hums ol the pi 1 nona ry organs, which are incident lo our climate. And not only in the formidable aitacks upon tne lunge, but i’nrihe milder vamtiis ofColda, Coughs, floaisenrss, <J-c , amt tor Childien it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can ue obtained. No tamilv should be without il wiivi those who have used it, never will. fJitHr 6£a ti'attcul. Dr. J. C Ayer, Lowell, — Dear tiir: Feeling under ot iigatioi.s to you for tue restoration of my health. 1 gem! you an poll of ley case, which 50U are at liberty to puuiteh tor Ihe belt til o! toilets. Last aulmnii 1 took a bad cold, l accompamed tn a sev, ie cough, and made are •and many medicines without obtai ui.g relief 1 ■ was nh iged to give up iiuMtii ss, In qtienlly .tiised Mood, and coultt gel no sleep at night. V friend g ive me a bottle of lour Chert) T. e total, tile use 01 vvi,leli 1 immediately eotmoen eed according to directions I tin ve just pur • hitseil the tit!it buttle, and am neatly reioveieif.* ! now sleep well, my coiirli in.s ceased,and ail iiy tiie use ot your vuluabte medicine. H STi ).\ t',, a M., rrineija! .Mi. Hope iieiiiimiiy, liANuvt.n, Oitiu, Aprils, lean. Dear Sir:—l w tsit i could lei I ail tiial suffer with a cough, what your C'hetry I'ecttiriil lias done for me. It does seem they mtnht be ben . tilted tiy the inioriiiaimii. i had a iung fever which leit my lungs weak and inflamed. lie rng very le, hie aid uni.hie to gain strength at alt, my friends thought J must soon sink in con sumption. 1 had 1.0 appetite, and a dleadful cough was fast weatingme away. 1 began to take your beautiful medicine, by the advice ofW a eleigyman, wlm i ad seen it*elicits btfore. It eased iny cough at lirst, anil gave me rest at lltglit in 1. s tdm a fortnight i could eat well, and my cough :, .and ceased to he tioul,lt some, t my appetite leturueil. and toy food nourished me, winch soon r. stored my strength. Now, after live weeks, lam well and strong, with no other help than your Cherry I’ecunul. Vouts, w ait n sped, JU.JA DFAN. PREPARF.D AND SOLD 11Y J A MLS C. AYLR, Practnal Chemist, Lowell, .Nitifs. Sold in I'entietd, by T. S. Hankinsox ; in Attiens, liy IJII.I, it Stitrfn ; in Macon, by J. H. NV, tj.; in Augusta, by iixvti.jtEiD, tiISi.KY& Cos ; lit t ireeneebtiro’, l.y .1 Cunning ham & Cos., and by all Druggists throughout tin* State anti country. March In, ItinJ. ly Aiiltltiriiiv.-.iok's I>e sold in Covington l>a. on the fiitt ‘J u sdav in Match, the Dower of ] Vlary lial.ard, deceased, relit t of Philip Bal ! lard, it lieing lot No 3,44, ill the first district of originally NValton now Newton, Cos, OIIEEN B. OOBOtiN. Ad'r. Jan 3 1 M.">2. ’ I—2m JSSd C£ja’fSl' , JS.®Z: J5L±2 \T7iLL be sold ill (.sreeilesboro’ Grceno* V County, on tilt* fi st Tuesday in March next, the hoy Tom, belonging to tiie Estate of llemy tinnlord, deceased, lor the benefit of th* creditors. TetmsCash. SUSAN A. SANFORD, Adm’x. JOHN SMITH, Ad’r. Jan 3. IH:'i2. I—2m A<ti!iiiii*H*alr’s fettle*. | XT7ILL fie soltl to the hightst bidder before I “ the Cotnt Hitu-e door in NN r alker county, ‘ ; within tiie luivtul hours ot sale,on the first Tues \ day in April next, in pursuance of an Older ! from the Honorable tlit* Interior Court of Tu liafero county, when sitting as a Court of Or- I dinary. the following property, to wit: On* I Tract or lot ol Land, lying and being in lh* ! 2('th distrii-t of said county of Walker, known as lot number 3il(i, containing one i undred and si xtv acres, agreeable to a plat of the same. To ] he gold tor distribution among the legatees of i Solomon Brown, deceased, i Terms ot sale will tie made known on the j day ol gal*. MOSEs BROWN, AdT* Jan &, 1852 _td.