The temperance banner. (Penfield, Ga.) 18??-1856, February 28, 1852, Image 4

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v ~<t: -■ ai n -5 i.’ oi a..-: ..i j. BV yt.\St i‘i i) (i \t, I love ;i” I) in. i h uumer i in - . rill; ■!’ t l u• | ‘ ■, T ! t” iti.i i x hi’ ill.’ bi-> -I w, The cr.-olii .: of the cr itic; The ri i,'iox i'i the I, Tue ‘ ‘ nf l ie di i Til” el ut'"i *nf tli • In’ Tin* eg os tiv* The. biu/.i if ti spii.ll! ■, j ne r.iii .I.* of the, Tiie |illrti:ix us iiie, A:: i the t.iii’u eonli i|nl In in n; Til” dipt ii rof the t ..iloi ‘.s sheafs, Tiie ilniing nf the awl. Ti.e nt hiny labor— I love, I Invw thcui nil. • * * • * * * * Fir they tell my Ion; lax spirit Os ihe i* irm'stni'Hs ot lif** 11<>■■ v mueli of all i's li i|'|iini'H, Comm out of :oil aii'l Hiiif., Not that toil .inJ f i.iteth, An 1 ninr ,i ir ‘a mi l ie w.iy Not tl. *: toil .in I strife that gromctli Ijenenth ll.e lyi C.\ svVay; Bat that toil ami -iijfo t t ;ri;i"c!li IV.mi a Irvc uni tiilii ;g liear.— A “ait ■ ‘. i r,. i hr; a , ‘i’o the *Dii r ..It hi, , at. V/zit o.i ifourjulvds* A corre.spoii|ifiit ofilio Now York 1 lihllllC 1111 till ll I a In liel inC'-SMint r'n:| plaints of the titfiunlty of’ |.r<,.r;u; in;/ go:**! servants, gives the follow in . hi,.:, of those who on- iiill. ml m tins wav : I’ irst, itu'ii: Dul you <>ir try loir j. ymirsiiK l It s.> |am nir ■ \m;i nvi i (oum) yourselfus dferfullv wuitcil on, tier OV, r ii;ii] your work so fiiiM'oJh j done by nuy ouo ivlio served you ILn W"IS. I hold it fm n good, if not carried t . | oxitcines, Ilia: no man or wnittm .-dioii and cal I upon HN ‘I her to iin lint w hit'll In or l “ho (.'rill just us well (In ail I . just ;e. much time to dii, in uny oih> r per m t cndl ss source of I'n ltiuo aml ■col'ling, ofeross looks and cr s word-, ofVrj nubbles in the l.ilelicn, mid of fault, fiinlmg ut lint dinner table, of domeslie stri/u every depart merit of many a house hoM, would the adoption of tins simple rule remole! If you, my worthy Sir, had started for your counting loom a H\v minutes ! Viouer the citin’ r morning, intend 1 !retelling your:, I f l,( lore me lire, witliji your newspaper and vgar, U i,.il tin last minute, you would lunc had time: 1 to go lou ad a few at] mi res, and choose for yourself a tender, instead of the old patriarch of the flock which your wrv nut bought far you that day. You! would not then have had such u! tedious time of cnrving, wearing out your patience until you came near cur ling aloud at tanner,, 1 servant, cook, and house.keeper, and that before your young children, be- i aides splashing the gravy on oven thing around. And you, my good lady, when you had those grand folks at dmi>er the he., neck, and had been telling th o ladie a beautiful new-fashioned pud ding the uJok had promised tin m, Would have been obliged lo lilu-'t |,„ n basket-lull of bools, when vou found too late, (for it had been sim to everv one at lho table,) that the Sauc ■ had ; been sweetened uiiosault, i , ‘ loaf.sugar. \on need not 1,.,\ bin b f‘l <>* I say, if you bad spout an hour in the kitchen in place of vanning m era stupid inn t! t,. v, < !t 4ooii coniplaiiiing cfi'iinui, and half lir. and ~f lild fin- tin? want of som< thing to do. “Mut what have I to do with cmkiu■■ dinner/ you answer belli in bi\ aili It is a pin, n, from tile little duun s;ic in cidenls just ulltided to, that you ha\! a ] great deul to tin ii uli such tnatters. Ilm j i I see where tho troubh is. Vou arc a 1 little above giving your personal ntten tioo to such small matters, lint look ‘ you friend, Unit is atmply tiaiculmis Above nUeiitiing to y.u.t mu, lu-u 1 in, 1 comfort nod I ap, iat-ss / Awav with •ueh absurdity. firim: tluit these are small matters, |” yet tiny make up liuniun lite. A? h . ocenil la foimed ot dlups, Ulld as tin i mountains arc but prams oi .id pued up in ntnsvs, so do these small and tv. cry day mutiers make up the sum t dal 1 ot our hi rani to", Unit vou have plenty ei money to lure others to do tiwin; ut who will do iimtl.ei's work ns Well as his own/ Few in uone, at least, not for hire. i low in,any a pule ihi'ik woult! :Joii with health; Inw many a e a:t-111ui,>11. euerviltcil if not I'umud h v idlen ss ntul dissipation, w ould in’ re.inv moi a1e.1,. could tin's, i kaiii •of igi ■ sloth urn! contemptible, ilospicablo juidu he Dio kca Jioni the finilis olihe childrt ii id wea.cii and * use’ i'lien, to.?, tuiglit tin ospiesMid and mai-woi!;. I sous and daughters of 101 l find a little respite from their uices ant labors; a littl. time for s c al enjoyment and scif-im prosement; and tiius becomii g i on actous ot the tights und tla 1 dignity ol { ot human nature, he tho botu r 4 iali-’ tii?d Ulld lit It'll to act Well their part iu whatever attttiou they at luted. “ ism,” said one littli t.u hit) to an other, “does your school tuns'i r t vet give you a reward ol tnerit ?” “1 potse lie does,’’ was tiie r> joindt i: -‘lie gives in** a iickcu every day, and s.n> 1 merit two.” An old hidv sa i her tts'iimi ■ Tory I : . of pi tic*, s. er- w t. m-’ ontv iu.i't. *l'atilt iiUu.m! s .id one, ian you call that .In,’ “, ?. 1. m there nre dili'crt at way > ofiatiag them My hushaad ink’s tlu-m in the form of brandy.’ OF THIS SONS OK TKMPKit AiXC EAX O STATE TEMi *MR ANC| COX JKN [ fVihr Town Female School. J. .'i. U ()()[), Principal. D M H,N [,,{, | , ’rf*nr*h other luanche* ■ J* ■ *-• 1 1 Kfujii h lirsuuhr.*. j ! 'nf- J- D. FV.\ Ls, I’ .so, Guitar, liar I’l ut. o riff V ic.ii. , j 1 *■. <.■ - ’s* <• ’i fil t)r Srlirio! will pom* ■ Wrl'cr t In- ‘J | Mnli'lfiv 111 .IhMTirV. ‘i’ll*- I Ff iii Ii ■ * (•, ■ i<*mly tn.!t iu t* e ii.u, uh \Vf*IJ oh al j iie util'll IxfaiicJit'a of n ronrg*-. /Vr Annum. I'nr l. \Vihiujf, anti Tmtio i, ,§l2‘ j i*‘>pi*s boarding ut olht r place*.4th C!m, 2 * •• ~ 301. Clasi, 31 i luiiior and Senior Claws, 40 ’ M UMIC nnd of luttruments, 4. f J ni. .3, ldT)2. J Qm GiMMCOI 4, / (inrnt ('maty Court rs Orflinnrij. WUKRK AS..I 11 T Hrou-1 tui •. jp| #>g it. ** me fr Belter* nf Imr liftotd 1 fr !.*■ 1 ?itii f John 11. mid A* B r ou/'lfou, mi* ; iifttM. llic !/'* l foiir!*cu y* an. orplt’iiif- I ..t I ,-I ward Hr* Ugjluon, ;-reaHnl t and reai iriifp ol tliih fountv; AM i.crsoni ihtercßtcd will and hli^v. I fiHiM*, if any tiwy havr*, t April TANARUS rni of tliiv | hniMt, wliy h'ftrr* fdiouM not he grantril said i njijjhca. t in tin* Inw. .1 \H \V . GOUKIX, On!innr j. IVI). 14th, 1h52. ‘ 7—n <-i:7>on,3\, / (jictnfi County S Court nf Ordinary. \V. SWAN npfdio.sto mp for B.'ifcr.*- ol /’ ‘lmiiii 1 *roti 1m on the l>fntc of J. lm h’ ! J t- r, Ini#* of *iid county, *J.• -itfi.-d—Those ! j up’ tlifOolorc fociio hid! ndinoMisli nil ! iuioropfod to n|tji(*;ir at my ollioo, and hl.ou | • aim-, if any fh* y have, whysaitl Letter* ahould I j not ho grant**l in torni*’ f ftio Law .IAS. \V . CiODKIN, Ordinary. Fl) Itch, lS') .* 7—ft GCOHO I, Crrenf County Court nf Ordinary. Uz r l LIA V M w. BRnOKS, Guardi -.u ol (.oorkjo (). f Ind. rv\, a|i|)lo n to this (ionrt h r h’tfcrs <>f (liamiM-dor:—'l’Mono nro j tliorof.iro, to oito all interested to ap pear and show ran-, if any they have, why It'fP fRo/ d.H ahou'd not he granted said applicant in terms of lie f,n w ■I \S. \V r . GO UK IN, Ordinary % I’*!> I Ith, ISj i 7- 7t t, t O ircnc. C unity \ Court nf Or dim ry. \I/IIKK i; \S, Wnlker I. \vts. Adminihtrn ’ * tor >l ( • j>’ ns Wnpht, d’ censed, np plie* to Du* lor l tiers ot ilisiuissiou:—Those are therefore to cite and admonish all persons inteietfed to be and npp*nrm my olli e within the time prescribed hy law. t sliew cause, i’ any they have, or h it* is of dismission will hr trunit and said applicant on the Ist Monday in j f jeptemher next. .1 \S W. GODKIN, Ordinary. IM) 14th, 1"< 2. 7- tim (aouiiM, ~T~ (heeae County S Court of Ordinary. John S TIMriIInNS nppli*a to me tor L t tors ol (Inn nli;i ns’itip lor Jolm II and Mar ha K Stephens, minors, under tin* nge ol j hniiteen yems,and orphans ofjefse W. St*- ph< ns, deceased;--Al 1 peisniis interested will appear at my cilice to sle w cause, it any the) have, why sml letteis ol Guardianship should noth’ granted said applicant in terms of the Law. .1 AS. W GODKIN, 0 dinary. Feb. 14th, 1*52. 7—st OHiiiJKf l (•Irene County \ Court of Ordinary. Jt'tilX \V ST I PHI*: N S nppl*a to me foi • Letiets ol Administration on the Lstan of C lmrlolle Mephens, det eased:—These are j ili*m lore lo rite am) admonish fill persons m* ten st* tl to appear at my oHire, and shew <-ixh**, it any Uny have,why I*l lets should mt hr granted s1 nl applleant in terms of tlie I,a w .IAS \V. GODKIN, Ordinary. Feb llth, 1852. 7-- fit \ . > Ci erne County \ A | \ I 11 L W \)C \S . Ailinii.istratii r f Fred ernli I Van, dot eas< and, applies to me lot iett* is td dismis-imi troin the Admimstratio 1 o! Slid estate ; These are llnremre lo cite and j admoii'sli all and singular tin- kindred and cred-1 itms <d said th tee tsed, to appear at my ollice ■ “ii Inn the time prescribed by Inw, to siiow 1 cans-. t any tiny have, why letters of damns I non should not he granted said applicant hy j lli i'i cmnt on tie Inst Monday 111 Septemhci ! next, m terms ol tin I w*. Givmi nm! r m\ hand (diicial'y this 2!st dnj 1 of February, D52 h.-dhn JAS W GODKIN, Ordinary, j Cm I OKiil I, t C 1 rear County S Court of Ordinary. j | Oil N FOl*F.ll V N and N itirtniel Budges ■” applies n> me t.r lo it is ot Adminisir tiion oil tli**'ite ol Uobert (’ Bndif'-s, late of said county, deceased; --Tinware tin ml. re to cite all person* interested to appear nt mv uflice within the time pmscriheil hv Liw, and shew his. 11 anv t'>< \ have, win I. tmisof Admin istriktit n should not be granted said applicants iu terms ot the L w J \S \\\ GODK• N, Ordinary. Fch 14. 1-52 7 5t in t* i v eoinity, on the li. st lu, >iln y in’ May next, within the lawful bmps ot sale, a Fi l* t r p irv** lof Lmnl. conianm £ two hue- 1 ili’d an?i ti tv ru les, known ns l(i number our hundred thirty fiiiiit. iu the twenty <iglultdis tin lot L ally count) .To behold in pursuance ot on ('Tvlei from the Honorable the Inferior Court ot I’aliat* ho county when sniing as a Court ol t kdiuarv for diMrihution among it e legatees id • . v wionnoi Bfi\\ ii, dc< eiiscil. Terms ot sale to he made known on il e and • of sale. MOSKS BLOWN, Ad'r, j Li'Dc : a r PNVO months nf:r date application will be ( made to tiie Uoooi.itde Court of (>riinary ,el Gueue Couuiy, tor leave to sell tue Ueal ■ I .-inic oi Jatm s Alnpp, late ot snd County, de Ct usi and. MAK \ M ALI’. Adm'x. GKi.CN MOO UK. t . ~ U L MUT V A “ is - 1 Fib. 14th, 1850. T ~3„, a a'Bci 23E3 r p\Vl)iiU'lllh*.Hlt*r lisle n|>pli,Mtii.n will be * ii.dilr la ilh? Uiwiainl'i” C’i'Uit al Ordinary “I Cirrmti CiMillly, for l"avr lo s, || the renj ; K.-iiiie ot Uuiii-! Duncan, late ol’ sanl 1 THOS L SAM)CiiS. A'i'r. l'Vb. 14, USX. 7.. go, <lrdiitarv's Blanks. r P H C mg B.utiks can be had at the Bun * f’i v . ■ : ■ ! f l,i’ ‘. .r ..i A?iu: tti U...<u . ’\?i) 1 . * tr liAUMSUftt>. !’ ‘ ‘ ? :k r*ic . 1 > r-'t Auut tL Or?i* rof Dm .oa < 1 ‘t liH-mw-xy -r - - -.- *4 assgt%.wfc - , I .-T f * 1* . J M ,j- V .ulaoTEi.. .A •lffli't!' 1 • 7 I- ■ . ■■ . ■ Atf-Jt J; j tsZ-u.> . . !-i-? a , : v ,| r-TT'. V>/ : ■ ,-T r ‘ . V RES J ‘ r-C'‘‘t’ r -T, ,; ■■: n “ 1 -■• - • •’ \ ■■ii • -. : . . - ‘k /• i - V. v -- - - ‘'-yi.-r “-r • - - _ J. VL £3:2 5, I 0. I Wholesale nnrl Tlrlnil Dc ih r.l ill Tlrrrlij k/ / liiit', i rui‘l:-i. Curjx l IjOJI, CmtiT tiie “ sjiJi'd stilt!"? ittiivl, Aiixu<tii) I M. Nl'.U'flY & ro. nre poll’ reoeivii'L'H ti and well s -Ipr t- 1 Sto"k of >pn"2 nil (I Smn • - Ii"-r t.’loll'in- |-Te Storis, (. hoi (•, “4’ 1 ” * .Dora ;,ini 100 ‘ i*T ?vilh every n rl” I’ j uer'psnrj for g-iiilt nit n’s vn • ut. ’lie j t uth is < f d*< Buiitit r lire i queried tocailnnJ ♦ x.imiii’ I li.r lliefoFelVf9. Felt. 1852. iTaJ Z2ZL Z<2TN “IS 0 2 C N2C j I *FR RIS F \ L’L finve eccpturuly on hand n fu'l assort:m't tof Ready-made Clothing and * G lit.'cineit’s v\ aiing aj paid of all h kmj timis and qualities. AJ.-O | Vfnnufactnre nil warmer?? to order. W’nrrni t I frs and tn aive pntisfaetiou in .all capes • We aho e# II ns cheap aid on as uood terms as any liuiise 111 t!ie city, and woalJ re?pecil|j! y in i vite ail our up country Inends us a call. j J. C. IF UK IS, G. A PAUL. Aujusia.F’ h 21, 1952. H --lv New Spring (ioods. SNoWDNN & SIJK Ml. \i . r.i, NA\ I) nceivtd from NTw Vmk a part ol - their Spring Hipj In s, iui.t iii! which nr* ; B-irege D'Laints, and 1 lain and Print’d B.i regea. Fancy Satin PLid Ij**rag9, of new and hPHuiifnl st) |es. Fancy Silk'l'i-suta and printed Clially’s of! e!esa ill Myles. I rent’ll Printed Jaconets fir Lmlies I)re88 s. j Snp- i ior Pi * m Black I; •r- • • Black .M ir 1 1 1 1 11 *■ s, Biack Sdk Grcmnlin s. While Bjmnl Lares, urni White French Crap* s. for ladies Kvenin*; |)r> >S's I.toil* s’ Freud; Walked Cl i nas ties, with Collars. Lad es’ Worked Lace nnd Mu* lin Undei sleeves. Ladies* Freneli Liwn and Bmhroidered Cnmhrie llaiiiikercJm is. Ladies’ I,:ic* Rohes, a splendid article for Kveninif I)ie-s. s. Ku h Buick Silk and Lace Gimps, < f u w end hcautitul siyh-s, for tiiuimiiig Ludiis*’ Dresses. Kiifjh h nnd French Ginghams, of new and beam .lid si v h f*. Su *enm Fi'em h and Fngliph Prints Superior M liuiack, ('ocluco, and oilier l choice sty i< of Ame rienu Prints. f J he public are rpp. ct ully requested tucall and examine ihe assortuieni. Feh 21.1952 ft 10. J. Johnston—Macon,(n I V/iolesnle and lictaii Dealer in Watches, Jcwcli v. Mlvci*and SR* vin* Hill al \\ are, <itr.3'i, I tillei y, .71 iSs ry ;;*;<! k a’ y i Darrnerroti/pe Stock. Watchmakers * and Sl reismith#’ Material# , Musical Instruments. I t erfninery.*\r <\c. doors fiom t'te Icnier tfoepe. Waichwohk exrt used iii the best manner at slmit notice, and wummted. Macon, Nov, 2!) 49 I y •• g I'- CAU.MICIIAKI. vc DEAN', AKU s’l A, ua. KK KP coi\Miiii;!y mi liini.l, in iiiiilitiou ii : thi'irvxii-nsivf Stui k “t li -Itv\.uc un.*] I Cutlery, n xe is u|•| •i y us Axrieuliiirnl I mule j uieilta,i ■ uisis;nix ui Ploughs, l.'nltivalurp, !i"r runs, l orn Stn lit'rs, Smiw l ulu r.s, W lien | l''.'iia, Threshe is, Dram Cruiiier, .Vc. Feli.aj. Ir-.'.a. 8 il. W. FEICRY c r v ( (>. ivnot es.i i.i. *\n r.Lr.iii. pi:at in iiSaj>, < ; [>•, Oatl)iii>l., E’luWi'l'-. •iml IHibrottas. Mason t Hall ]uiihhn <:■ lJioad Slrci t, Augusta, ( a. Feb. 01, ISfii. “ 8 Planters Ti'iiiiiciaiift; House, oisiri iv,<a. (South- 11 rst Corner oj the City ) lAm nt my old siaml with cnl.arifed ueconi'tim. and prepared lo give ail Hun 1 may call plenty ?l COI.P W.\Tl!!i DRINK, {and-ns for the balance they must r.?ke t rhaucee, nnd if Hot s.itlßlled no pay required. My prices for the funire will be as follow^; For Muu ami Horse, hreaKfust, supper nnd Lodoti4, $1,25 M ~ Single Meal, 35 ~ Lodging, 15 ~ Horse teed 35 j *. per day nnd night, 75 . •.• Mouth, 15JMI j WILLIAM FIiKKM \N. GriHin,H.i .July 12.1851 29— ts COTON SEED. HP 11 F. Genuim* Potmirnnnte Cotton S**e.{ f. r .1. S.ale til tlic reduced puce of $-..*0 j* bushel, by GkV.KNF, MMONTON BI RKE. Green* shorn', Feb. 7, L w s2. J L. STEWART, KHCi’S * private Hiinnling House for l!ir accommoiiiitioii o! the |iubi:c. Price aa- , : curding to fare. Conyei's Station. Dec 13. 5O t i ( liDUAIt i)A U SOX', Atloi lii'y a* l.uw. C’iu nh m. lie i X. a; i Will practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit. Nnv •-*.< 4-? ly It W\ S VVILLIFORi). co .u v i a isi.n i;;:t illva MACON. CiFO. r N'*r 8, *s—Jv W4I. s. LAWTON tV OT U’arr-llotiM* iiud Commission i’ll t*i** t*.. ia ■, Cartier of Second and Coy ar Streets, 71 1 neon. (hi. A. B. LAWTON & CO. WnnsiSutt #• :nid €TiisniaixHiosi A2 ‘iciiniit^ (fa/rt horjie. ( rear a in . LAWTON, DOWELL& CO. S ai'toi'K r<>;sisnSdo:i JltT* No. 210, titty Strict , Savtnrwhi ( a. Tender th**ir services m their Irieml* ami the puhlu*, hoping fr*iu 11*•r hmy: experience iu hitsim S-. to tie able to give 9a t isfaetloft. Tie v hei* leave n ren r to Samuel J. Ray, i:t| . Man.i. I>.i ; .1 ml tie l> F Purt*T. Charles ttin, S L; T Ii Peeples, ami , R T Lawton, Kstjs , Lawr#-nceville, S C.; j 1 tn| W .1 J/i wtoii. Seri Veit Cos. G;i ; W. A. Ctimihintf, Lsq Coweta Cos (la.; N. Dudley, i:.sij ILmiip, (i.i.; G*v. C J M’Doiiahi, Mari eltjt,(i;i ; Gen. ii II Mii’s, la. Robinson, uud (i W. i I iskiil, L-qs , Chattanooga, Ten. Nov I, I “'sl. 44—5mpd J.P. CALHOUN, M’lioSciab* Rebtil Fanuß At the earner nf Broad nnd. Centre streets , near the Lamer Market, A CG l-TA.G A. ITFIiE M'. he n now op“itifi!f a fresh and * * W* ll selected stock Ol F \ MII.Y GKO Cl*.R ILS. < oiis srinir j.j p-trl </ th fdlowinu nt ?( h*s Santa Cm/, Clanli* and, (-rushed and! I’ovxdernl Sljef.FS; JliV't, Rio.and Cuba Col* I f-’ •; \!olass’s and Sviiip; Mack* r* l. Nos I, 2. nid 3. inw hole ami half barrels and kit-*; Can* 11 les. Soap, Tobacco, Setfrfrs. Fiuits, Pickles, I'reservs, Sardines; Rasius, ijour, Rice, and •di aod every v.i ricty of articles usually kept in’ ‘ishne. ‘Htose wanting such articles would}: Id u t i] to (five him a call, as he is determined ; i * sell them low. The pniroiinee of the rit • /.ei is of August.! and the country is respect fully j >di* ired I. P. CALHOUN. ‘ j Nnv. 8. 185!; 45 O’i'iill uaid IVtuBT W ;ii llv i24,<*d k'a’ii* .*B.” \5 ’ ! . are mm* nfi’ei irnr the remniiifler of our ’ ’ I’ . I and U inter -toek, nt very low pri • - ti e-** 111 want will | lea-** ”ive ns ;i call ‘e |j,ve our usual supply *l Staple (Rods, which we will sell on oeco umodaiinii terms. C A. vt W.S. DAVIS. Greenrshoro*, F* b. 7. I “52. G Just Received. nil WV Wagon Traces. lleav \ Plough True* s. Li ;ln Ploueii Truces. Sv DVt lls Cast Steel Weeding Iloes. load* s t ienuine Patent l lo* S. W. A L'l'dnll * C iS'Pteel lloeS. B ad* s Hi ight t ast Steel I lo* s. l iime N♦’'\* ( :"|i \V [ M*diBSCS. Suiiar,- C’olf Swrm s I*n. N C All ot will* h VN lil lie 8- 111 ns low as they can l*e purchased in August * and laid d*we in tlii? ; Min.ket C. A 4- w. S. DAViS. j (* r- e in** b**r#*. l'di 7, 1851. G Kent/. vV ITyNKNKuIIL, FjmM iisii! Mitu* M;tK<‘rs opposi tk ink court house, J \ VF, now on hand, ami nre daily r* ceiv t * tug an e\**elleni ass*rtmelit ot 800 1 8 \N I’ SI It LAS, t•r ladu sand gentlemen's wear, wldeli th* will e|l very low. The y are also prep-ired ** make, on short i notice, Boots or Shoes, of most superior uml asnionatde m\ h s lreeiiesboro*, Julv I 0?h, I *- , 51. 28 CASH STORE. / 1 F.O W. PRICE. Deal* r in Fancy and Sta- I i>. I pit* Dry t'mo <s. t• r Cat'll; ()ue Door 11011 l ! the WashiiiDfmi Hotel, Mucoil Geo. N- v 8, l v sl. 45 —ly lIURACIi FITCH & a DtlAl.DiiS I .•*’ -S?U.x&*jaalaa*f daj-vgY LXlXiia.-r,, Uit Sn-ret. i.cxl ilour t > Mechanics’ Dunk, MilfUit, . \\ ticra u ay al all ini .-s l.p l'""n| a g.'n.ral “i|"i‘k ot IjooJs uaually kfj'l tn CiolUjng Sious, \ s'trlt as ; Merino Shirts, Linen lioire.i do. Drawers < Socks, (i luces, CrortiU, Slocks, Hun and ‘ore h itf s. Siis/irn ders, L luhrel.its, relinks, Cur pel Bugs, Wileses, 4-'-. F tvsli supplies wrrkly front our Mamtfaclory, | i-oriit-r an.l Cliaptl Streets, Mew It.veii Nov. r>, IPSI. 45 1 v | : City Hotel—Atlanta. r rilL mote sio-t**.i has fitted up ii smtabi* 1 J- M\!e. a U:rg :*ml <ou no linus ilnii-f, nt . the corner and F o>i ami Decatur sire* ts. M !;i)-: , ti) .t ii t!u* joirp se oi ncco nuod*niMD ‘ 1 .Il l • Mil II L nrdeis Tliig House is k* pt ii i. <tr*eti> p r im*tp!*’s, and a , w o w .mi q*tr t aco;m;Mdaiio: s, arc res- j pvt-uui*> j*j <mud to give the City Hofei a trial, j 1 L. ii BUTLER, i Jan 3, 1552 I—6 Triumphant Success OF Tin s S’ ;<•'!> 1 £2j jiu tc.'ln r. rp; j i.s pjtc’ lleiit pr’ iMrat.on lots bee'Hestt ‘ 1 I X siuee I!"’ lirst ol list J Hilary ill upward. , ol'Three Tii'ius.iud eases. Tue proprietors have every a-siirane.e in urging tuis p>ep irinion upon ihe attention of the niHieleil. I liases pteial I'laiiiH Oil rfoullteni people, ns il is a purely Sniil/ierii pri partition. Toe fairest mm I'tiiei a4vaulageoits ptaiposilionsure oller*-il t< any person puiclia.-nig the ttrtiele £r.|t<ill.*. no tit'll •-ti t lie ileiiveil Irino il altera lair Ii i'i aCi't/uling to direi lions, Sie money will be refunded hy the Agent. II you ute troulnt'i! with any of the diseases ivliieli .Marshall’s Eritdiculor w.TI go mui g.-t a box at ottee, it will C"3l only 5 I ivms you ii ill he sure to get Fifty Dollars ivorth oi ; tieitelit. ‘J'he diseusi 9 wltielt Marshall’s Frndt eator will cure, are Rlieuinalisnt, J.umbago. paiul’ul .Nerves, .Scroiuii, Spinal alleclions, Dlsio alions, Sprains, llrutses, Strains, Weak Back, Weak Joints, lieudiiche, (iotit, Toolll ai'lie, Aslliina. Stricture ol the chest, Jcc. .Vc with in any other n i tor tilleclioi.s. it las proved very ell'-itive in cases ut liitlntiitua'ioti o; me Stomacit. 14 uvels, Kidneys, ij-c., iSte. tn a word, tl you are trnuhled in any way, It) th.a ointment, it is lo he had at T. IS. tl V.\ Ivi.N SON’S, Agent. None genuine’ u dess ti ivittg the writteli sigttaluie ot J. hi. Marshal! o i ea'cil box. Oct. 4. 17 Ai’Flill’ U'iiif Sa:.Afi>! Medical House, Bslab/ished fifteen years ago, liy DR. K 1 Mi L’i I, IX , N. \V. Corner of'i'liird it Union Streets, be tween .Spruce and Fine Streets, I’ .iL, iDKU’JiIA. Youth and Manhood, A Wig,irons Lije o, a premature death. KINKhiLIN on Sett Preservation. Only lift Cents. T i bo-iVju t p’.i l ii lioii i-i Hil-’J vvi h u cf 1 iu'bra'at’on, on tliciiitiiiti. ic .1 it it ehj oi‘...c iieiier.uivc . Kaidi’t*- w-aii. elt .it.-.e .u ioudi, Ai.viti.ouU .uiu {.ltd .Iqo ailibhuu.due r*.aU • . ..ii. 1 ic v;U Ijl lo o*lvice and im;rci ive warning it give**, willpre \an vim.’ i ui aery ji,ti <u*'i auve au..u. iiy i’***<u ive . r.i 0.1 1 y rea iii git ui.l l.arn li iw t* preveu*. the do tr c t on tii i., c.i c.ll.arc.l .\ ivm.i..a tn ui .t cents. ei?du di in 01'jD.tT ald re rd t* I>*i ) KiaKi.i.lN. .N. VC . u .tct If l.ii.ou .n 1.0 If *• •c 1 .in • C.iix. r. iiudcll'li.a. iili o.i UiC.i ouuß, uu*Joi unve.- ujhj [•.-!’ c uiu rua 1. j 1 11 .ii i at aiiiveuce m y addte. s Dr K. by le.ter, pu t juid, ; ai.u be. u. e- ai it toe. i'i iMigc or M i. .110 . D.rec’.i 11 . &c. furwar*! U, ly en iir.g a w u.t.aituu, anu put iii* iti ieirotu Dai.urf- or • in. • iiy. Ii <uK- •it i~* ..o il . * eattra, c n\... ir .a .and er>, . iu.n ,n. tiOviVO M-eiu at very ium <a-ca. N..v.S, 151, ■l.i-ly GEORGIA SARSATA ii 1 L L A . F-*R Jaundice, Sck Head ache. Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, C >n#l l pit ton us tue D nee Is Due.#, caused byCost ceuess, Dam in the JiOtrri ,v, ur llitenm ilism, caused by list oj Mercury, Syphilis, ScroJtila, Ljjils, Ll cars, Sic. 4*6’. r IMIIS I’RiJiLAR .A'PION is made as pure as I- po.'sihle. lis hitter taste, and beneficial ef !* cis iu diseases ol the L:v- r, nnd diseases ansiuo from an impure stale of file Blood, prove it robe tiie purest and .’.lost useful prepar ation ol Sarsaparilla that is made Those who have used the various rioiis >fSarsaparilla will find, by the taste and ’ iK-ct, that tneie is more Sarsaparilla in oih i.Mtie us Dr. D’s. preparation, than in hall a dozen bottles as it is generally made. That it mii'in he more particularly adapted to profession a \ use, nothing hut the pure Sarsa parilla has been us *tl. that for different disea* ! scs, physicians might emubiue or prescribe with it, such articles as they might consider most appropriate in cases under their tieatioelit. iis ainrafive and mildly purgative elfeei | upon the hiw ls, make it not only a n*od suh stitute tor Mercury, hut uselul in removing ail diseases arisn g Horn the imprudent use o; Mercury. I’rt-]aired only by DENNIS, M. D., Au ! ga-t 1. Georgia. Foul in AugiiPta by TV. 11. ‘Uull, P. A- Mo ise, i) li. Pltttttli &, Go , W. 11. & J. Turpin. Uavilatul, Rjtley, A Uo , \V. K. KiU'hen, and Da lit 11, Carter Ov, Cos. Iti i'eiilield by i). Her ron, M D. Price— §1 per bottle; f bottles fur §5. lie oi ember to ask tor DENNlri’ GIaOKGIA SAUSAI’ARI I.EA. Aitgitsla. .1 uly 5, 1851. 27—-ly ! Oiiyiiiu! tei!iii*tal<‘B h<l ELct* ief*. Cl AN be seen by anv who will rail a! the J store ot tbe Subseiiberv. received since tlte j Ist of .luiiiiarv, 1051, proving the supctiority ] and ivoitlt of ; .MARSHALL’!* MAGICAL PAIN ERAD ICa'IUR, There is no Humling here! Put plain tind Stiatglit fornaril truths. [ Tlos LuiiitH tit will not cure every thing, | ! nor evt tv dtseuee, eiiner to ’-.Man or llepsi;” l ut wliitt it is said to cure, that lie mil WAR RAN TANARUS, or the Money trill he rai l Back!! The Diseases rrfered to ttre-- |{lteiiu,atisin, Acute and Cl rontc---L'imba- | go. I’ninfill t\etves. Scrofula, Fpiital Ats etiinis, D aloea I tie s. Sprains, (E teiuato'is Sivi ibltgs. i Tinners, Ganglions, Nod'S. Wens, Druses,| 1 Strains. Weak Joti'is, Conrracteil Tendons, \ : “ Ciik Park, ll adache, Gout, Goitre, palsy I and 4'ootliarlie. Asrin aimliary, it is highly recoin-1 j mended in the treatment of ml) nninalion ol ttie I Siom icii, Pun i Is, Kulne vs, PI older. Dungs, j Diver and Spleen In ad forms of dise.sesj wln-re toe patient is inclined to sink, it stands, j without a rival nt the annals of Medicine, as in J.xcitnat', and will ptoduce a rtaction it ; die vital spark but leebly burns. Pul s,clans will tint! tt to i.e u most power Til j Counter lriluvt. Ji.eeln g the itidieiiltoiis of Vi ssic.n is. without producing the diug'etitbie I elfio ts ol a Blister. for sale in Peidteld, by ’!'. S lintikilisotl. [ and hy the p. incipal Druggists throughout tiie: ! Slate. N B. Be careful to putchasp none without t die written name ot J E. Marshall on each ‘ *” W ii ,v .1. T l RPlN,Propnel rs. Feb 21.1-52, b. CAUTION!! r pilE public are cautioned against trading tor two promissory notes, dated ou or , about titli November last, given by me to l.rente \V. Blount of lluncock County, Ga. | orhearer. One for tivenry-tive hundred dol- j | I trs, p tyaliD twenty lifilt December la-t-tlie ( other lor eight hnnilr* it and one 50 Dili dol lar*. payable ! m ini filth Deretuber neat, botlt 1 I ivlitcti are now tn the bands ol T It* s w. 1 urner ot Spaita, Ga. and 1 bool rtie oiiligu ii"U ol said Turner lo deliver said .cites to me t i.i acele.i. and sbtiil tbetefote inn pay I Item Uilhss compelled so to do by law. NICHOLAS PERKINS. I Feb fitb. 1853- 7— so ‘m *ii U , I t ‘li’ ii A 9 cor ti.e■/ ant. C 1 1 1 . Pain in the Side, Hip Dick, /.nniis nail Jaintu. Dr.rofulii, King’s Unit, White Swellings, lined Tumors, Stiff J mis nnd nil fixed I’uiiiS whatever Where this fluster is applied pain cannot exist. i lAS iUTS jk> st * tli-'ftilvAntppe oPtcir g patuflm 1 .1 u xw? — l.oni-c they mail, d.c.i iu l Virtue* in all <d.mattfc. r.i.’.! l iii**l I’.iii I’.xt *ct**r las ’ ocn so xt**n-irtl’ n ed ly ri.p-’d ‘ un ii*i le 1* fil. 11 jr* norai. butli in thi ii.i.t y .ti ii I'jH.*. tlm iti 1 Jinurt no* > lcs to ay ‘i:y tld* g v* 11 ‘ . Vc : 0 in .y ■e * lot* \* li* * aju in 1a?u• fi r bt* U *• i-ow rswltoluv ii vt ri *1 it. I'o tlsei.- \r will * mj'ly -t ;o v\ bat it )u do e in tliuumnda. f tuwa, and what it w.U uu f r them when Iliad. A VOICE FlfoM GEORGIA. Dead the following testimony from a Physi cian. ('v.\Ti.v.v k.#~~ A’oir H liv..w Plaster has curod mu t.fp'iasa wlii Ii I haw < ffe <•. ii*> dvi ve \o r j* t l>mirig tin iwrivd I I.i oreil uinb*r unatlli ti n* l iny I iu and-iile,and tr e*iaiuny re e .ie dtat in own in’die i expe d, but wiib . a o’ ii gr lit* . At lei.R h 1 11 td your I'll* itr. undam it'ivr by i sg* de;t’ : t tn.ielv 11 red. 1 wi 1 r onimeud th* Jew D.tvid *>r H b *\v I'l - ei tend v! *> a rsi fleiii g In in cuu tr.'-.o of ht 111 re a•. ju*. .i.:ii. o’pains in tl e curia*k. ‘1 .ep-op e t i.e ijii.i lm. c 11.1.0 lecaiiu wCiiuuiulad wiih its win. 11 w .11 re ui 1 to ii u *. Voura. ir’ lv. \1 \V \VA KCR, AI.D. * F r \ th, Aionrou cuNiuty, Ga. To Alwis’-y. sccvill Meal Vew Orl.aua. La. •jew ii.winvtm uKiir.iivT cdasteimn n. carouna. M -.4 rs -ov ill it Aleati: 1 It ‘u ; eon 1 r *td ed with the cRn-nit rh*i!tii.i 11 f ;-.he I *-r iwciveycar. On the Ist of.Ji ly. ldV, , 1 ■a-•"I aI.: a 1 cotill! .o. ui nmy elt iu led,ami tie puia j evero t.. .t Ihal ■ot k|n a wiiik tor s\ and y.-. .xt this time my .1 ji.ds cim pic cri. en It* 11c rew Plater.” and it j*-i 1 keu .I.i j*.t. 1. If. u>e.mid i lip tnu e than ha.f I’ t’.i.erdgt aii*t n .nif ilay i was able to out. I con-id ( ’ t e *tl brvw l*L-.'a*i"u.c I eat reuieoy i'o. a I sort ut iaiu I in* v iii u e. G. VV. .VAIIaJS. llcndcriunville, X. ('. Aug. I Iti: 8-. MiI.ESS ! The irnnincu s HdOi ly by nt, und imr tidwerlitef* Iml t/li’<iUft,nH I i,u ,>OHUI. S • l’r.l.Al IS AI.L.IWKDT > itELI.IT. I I future i/it ocuui..c wiU/i-ive ‘tie H/ju tu.t 0/ E. TA LOR ! the i.eiti ileel-pt .icr/n/i\ived I U.l uu ILt top uj each bo* ; ■ eoimmi fiu k ’nun, lull bcih OsLtuud on J nee y .M'uVIL St ME.AD, llJClia ire s .. ‘ e” O leans, So'e Geneutl Agents f’ rthe Sou'Jutii > a to w hour ail order# and -ipi'i t .wit . do- agencie mu tbe nddrev.ed. bold b> i. >.,it on. i’otniei* . Ga. %t idnSt \e- oti. Adac* n, Ga. ~ : -*t ey cV tii*/.. Dim -.(.a. „ J * . . ‘I ti. ‘v Nt-.;!* •. < - 1 ml US. Ga. •1 \ hi t’s ail. E'*rt (ia.ias* Ga. F . u. VV i*;< It Alta y Ga. Su’d at whole a.eiy liavilniid'Xt lii.-lev. Augusta. iluv.l.iud, liau’ali Sl Cos. and I*. M. Cohen Charleston, S. (J, tct lid, | ./!. * Sliff PECTORAL For f•• •• Curr of corpus. <ou>s, hoarseness, IiKO.\U!ITIS, VHIOO3’i\O-('olbH C KOI P, ASTHMA. A.\l) co.vsi’.iirnox. This remedy is ■ofletrii lu the with the cot fidem e we It el lit an article which selttom tails to realize the happiest rIII its ttiat cun he and, sin ti. W nett mice irteci, its superior ity over every other tin theme (it the kind, is Luo apparent to escape (Ist i vatu,t: at and where its virtu* s tire known, ti e public no lengt t hes ttale vvhtit atititote to et* ploy ti.r the distres sing and dangrrotc, nli* <to is < t the pi imena ry organs, which are incident to cut climate. And not only in the loinonable attacks upon the lung*, bin tor the milder vhiimos et Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, <J-e , and tor Children is is lhe pleasantest and sutest medicine that ran e obtained No l.nnilv should be without it slid those who have used it, never will. Sc3*‘r i;u’ K’aticiai. Dr. J. O Ayer, l.ovvell, — Dear Sir: FreKitg under obligations to you tor the iietniation of my health,! Sind you an | tut of i, y esse, “hith you are at !ih* riy to juililish lot the ben. lit ol others East iintuttui I t* * k a had rold, ticcoinpann tl ti) a ,-i vt m cough, ninl made ue ot many medicines Without nhiaiingrelitf [ was obliged to give up business, frequently | raised blood, and count get no sleep at night, i A friend gave me a bottle of your Cherty Pes i total, tin- use ot which 1 immediately commen ced aecorduig to directions I have just pur chased the lieh bottle, and am neatly recovered. I II w sle, P well, in) cough has ceased,and nl! by the use ot your valuable medicine. I, .->. riTuNb, A M.. Prim-ij al iUt. Hope Seminary, liaxovtit, Ohio, Aprils, 151. i Dear Sir:—l wish i could tell all that suffer j with a cotiglt, what your Chetry P,(total has | done lor me. ft does seem thev might be ben-’ | ‘ Ihtcd by the information. I had a lung fever who It le.t my lungs weak and inflamed. Be rt g very tel b;e and unable to gain strength e*.. tiil, tiiy iriends thought I most soon sink irmpeTf!- sumption. I had no appetite, and a dreadful’ cough was fast weniit.g me away. Ila gan to take your biainifnl medicine, by the advice of a c'letgy man, wln hansien itseflicts before. It eased toy cough al first, ami gave toe restat n glit In less than a hatnight I could eat well, and my cough ttad ceased to he tiouhlesotne, toy appetite retained. tod n,y food nourished me, which soon o stoted my strength. Now, | aller live w eeks, Ia In well amt strong, with 110 other help than your Chetry I’ecioral. Yours, with rrspect, JULIA DEAN. PREPARED AND SOLD BY JAMES CT A \ LU, Prtictical Chemist, Lowell, .Mass, j Sold to Pt-nlield, by T. S. Hahkinsoh ;in Athens, by Uti.t, At, tSiumr; in .Macon, by J. If. it U. S; In Augusta, by llavii sjtr-, KtM.ET it Cos ; to t,re, iieetmto , by J Cunnnig . bam & Cos , and by all Druggists throughout ||ih Siuif mid rtfuniry. March 1 5. in>i. ry A<!uiui*{i-.its'’s Sait:. lie sold in Covington Ga. oil the *• (list lu sdav ill March, the Dower of Mary ID haul, deceased, relict of Philip Bal lard, it being lot No 3d4, in tlte first district of originally Walton now Newton, Cos, GREEN B. UGBURN. Ad’r. Jail 3 1*52. I—2m ATTILL tie sold in Greeneshoro* Grrerr ” County, on the fi et ’Puestlny in March next,the hoy Tom, belonging to toe Estate of 11*'my Sur.lord, deceased, for the benefit of the cteditors. I erins Cash. PUSAN A. SANFORD,Adm’x. JOHN SMITH, Ad'r. Jan .3, Iw.VJ. I—ifat^ AtlniLiivli'iitui’tt Sale. A\7 11-T. lie sold to the highest bidder befor* At tli- Court lioii-e door ill Walker county, within the lawful hours of sale,oil the first Tues day in Aptil next, it* pursuance of an Order front the Honorable the Interior Court of Ta linf* r * county , when sitting as a Court of Or dinary. the so lowing | roperty. m vvtt: On* Tract or lot ot Land, Ling aid bring in tin? .t to ditto tu ! id county of Walker, known tie .ot number 3 fi. containing one I mulled and sixti acres, agreeable to a pint v f the sante.Tvo he sohl for iisiri'oiti*iii a:;,,,0g ihr hgate*.-ef Sooinion I town. *I ■, - n->’d. I eroie of talc w ili he made known on thd | day ofsale. MOSES BROWN, Ad’i, Jag 8, 1352 S—tX