The temperance banner. (Penfield, Ga.) 18??-1856, April 03, 1852, Image 4

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•* -■> -a r Mtsz . ■ ra “2 w. kt -*• liar 111 and lloavvu. by koiia a. s.- Seek'sl tlwun horn • which chan'’ ;h nol? 11l v;iiu tliou’lt hoardi Uio who 1 world round, On earth is no such favored not, And no “continuingoi:y” I’ouud. Soyntthou to gold, “Tltou art my iiopo;’ To find gold, “Thou my confidence/’ Vet do thy coffer* never ope, And oouifotl to the poor dispi um?. Vain is thy hope; thy heart i* fir. <1 On treasure* thieves nwy soon assail; Rejecting those which arc upuiixed, And even over death prevail. Does thy aoul lean o i natural tiling , Amt make n Hlaff oi earthly love ! Beware I for that to which it dings Its tine support can never prove. Nature's most dear, delightful ties, F roi gly uniting mind to mind, If tUou dost dun) to idolize, M iy perish, leaving thorns behind. Yet say not “Happiness inu-t lie A phantom haunting feverish thought,” There still remains a hope for thee, A hope with heavenly brightness fraught. There is a home which knows no change, A treasure nought can take away, A love which nothing can estrange, A tall Which never con betray. Then seek ‘ a house not made with hands,” 1 Established on the unshaken rock; Unmoved, unharmed, it firmly stands Above the tempest's shock. Day thou “a treasure up in heaven” — Safe, incorruptible and pure; And seek the love by which ’(is giver.— ‘ ’Twill ho to then a stall secure, ’Twill boa guide, a brilliant sun, To light thee o'er this vale of (ears; Follow, and know on earth begun, A heaven to hist through endless years. iwi mvmvwmi Opposition to Hefobm in Mmujcaj. Science.—lncomplete data are only : known to ho incomplete by the a coos sion of that light which makes- tlu ir darkness visible. No century elapses without leaving science in a very differ ent state to that in which it fount] it; and in no science but medicine have we felt ourselves irrevocably pledged to the past. It is matter of notoriety! how much reform lias ever been oppos i ed in medicine, and while enough alter aliens havo boon etfectnJ iu its theory and practice to show that it can lay claim to no papal infalibility, no exemp tion from the unvcrsal law—progress j or death—yet the spirit in which all such change hus been met, affords u se rious warning, and an impressive lesson to the present day. —Eclectic Review: Article ‘ l llouutopaihy.” One of ohe “Old <Jvaki>.”—< >n the 1-ltli ult., an old and liighly esteemed machinist, a native of h ranee, named Francis Achile Voulies, employed in tlio Reading Railroad workshops at Reading, while ui work in his and part merit, was seized with npoph xiy, and in a few moments expired. He was a, soldier of the Fl itch urinica under Na poleon; fought at the battles ol Marengo and Austerlitz, receiving several severe wounds, the scars of which ho bore on ‘ bis person. Adhering to Napoleon as long us ho wus First Consul’ ho refused 1 to follow his fortunes when ho clothed ‘ himself in the power ot lvnperor and tyrant —and leaving his country, came to the United States iu a French vessel, which was wrecked in the Chesapeake buy, when he swam to shore, oft or being in the water for over ten hours, lie was sixty-four ye ars of age. Have you no Schools? — My order’ of the Government the roads iu Frussiu are lined with fruit Does. Noticing that some of them had u wisp raw attached to them, 1 inquired of the coachman what it mead. He replied 1 that the straw was intended as n notice to the public not to In’ e fruit from those trees without special |>eimission. “I fear,” said 1 that such a notice in my country, would be an invitation to at tack them.’’ “ 1 lubcu siekirs settler? (Have you no schools?) was his sig nificant rejoinder.— I’rof. Stojee. “ Jake,'’said an old farmer, one day, I > one of his morrows, “do you know how many horns there are in a di lemma ?” “No,” replied Jake, “I ut 1 know how many horns there is in a quart of whiskey.” Activity a (Yrk for the Rm'ks.— Poor I,other exclaims—"W hen I am assailed vvitn heavy tribulations, 1 rush out among my pigs rather than remain alone by myself. The human heart is like a millstone iu a mill; w hen you pul wheut under it, it turns and grinds and bruses the wheat to flour; if yi>u put no vvlnut, in still grinds on, hut then it grinds and wears away .” Leap Yea it.—The \ * ur 1,’5 2 i* Leap “wherein,” us an old outhot’ say*, “ludyes may jjo a couriiito ye mu©, uml gentlemen shull It* i (U> it a fine of five del lar* if they refuse ye ndrlresst<t ot \ e Be up and stirrihg, l.idfis.. your peculiar prerogative oonus ouK once in lour yeuvs. “ Why don’t you put oti a clean shirt/” said a *wtil the other night to liis companion; ‘‘then (he girls will smile upon you •> they do upon me.” “lively body eun't afford to wear a clean shirt every day as you cun,” was the reply. “Why m4F said white collur. “Beemiv,” s id > tied collar, “ every hotly's mother is tod i iroeft i+Mtin. ORGAN OF THE SONS OF TEMPERANCE AND STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. Hooks, Books, WUIMBICALFWES, by Tutu Hood; llnr|ier' Magnum-, Manb,l’ib . Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ortoh; Fever’s Maurice Tiernny, Johnson s Gardri -r; Annual ofSeientilic Discovery, 1e22; Clofcruook by Alice Carey; Dream Fife hy fi K Market; Shiiuiu’ Golden Christina*; Hanna's Fite of Chalmers; Burke’s Complete Works; Latham’* Man and his Migrations; •jiuilh# Nuiuinl ll,story of iiutnun spe cie*. •lust received and for sale, st WiIITE’.S t ‘univrriiiy Bookstore. Athens, March 27. 13 The I'r<‘4'iiiHst>ii’ l>;iugliler. \THHIFFF\O Rnninnce, just received, am! sot sale hy chase & Peterson. Athens, March 27. 13 Southern Series, r I'M IE Golden Chriatimie, hy W. Gif ore ■ -l Simms, being No l.of a series of inter Uniting southern books, just it’ceiveil and fur, sale hy CHASE St PETER-ON. Athens, March 27. 13 Quakerism, (AR the Story of my life, hy a Indy who, for ’ lorly years, was a ineml.ei of the Society t Friends for sale by CHASE Sl PETERSON. Athens, March 07. 13 | Wesley and Methodism. HY Isaac Taylor, fur sole hy CHASE & PETERSON. Athens, Man h 27. 13 NOTICE (tfi'LEN or Strayed from ihe subscriber on k Sumtay niglit 7tit ot March, a bright clay hank horse; a good harness horse; wniks and trols; thirteen or fourteen hands high; inclined to he drooped rump behind, no other marks re - mentbered. A liberal reward will be paid for the horse or information so that I cun get him. Direct to Dr. Walker C. Allen, Greenville, Ga Mareli 27, 1852. 13—3 t j JAMES E. WILLIAMS, (Lute of Knoxville, Ten.) (.'().M MISSION ME IiCJIANT, Johnson's Ware-House, Western Cor ner of Hunter <)• Prior Streets, Atlanta, <r. Expects to keep constantly on lininl Corn, Oats, Flour, Oucon, Lard, Butler, ice., <&,o. 11 r Orders from a distance promptly atten ded to. Feb. fib. 1852. B—3in. ALDRICH & ROYAL DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, at Metcalf's new Iron Front Store, opposite the Masonic i Hall. A, &. R. have on hand, ami will contin ue to receive, per weekly steamers from New York and Philadelphia, a large and well selec ted slock ol ihe most fashionable ami nentes; finished liADIKS, MISSES, GENTS, YOI'THS Hint CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES, all of which they invite lh public to examine, and compare pricis and ipiality be fore purchasing. N. It.—Be sure to call at our Iron Front Store. Augusta, Jan. 31,1852. s—ly HARDWICK. A COOKE, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MAY STREET, 633 j \JZI3X* R S. HARDWICK. J. G. COOK. Nov. 9th,IPSO. 45—if. NEW mi (lOODS, tatOEEKIEti, IIAIimVAKI', LITLEItV, Ac, Fill IF, Subscriber is now receiving a general I. and extensive ot Stock, Dry Goods, Cruet 1 - ( ries, Hardware, Cutlery, so. which lie is pre pared tn sell on (lie most accommodating terms, ills Slock consists in purt of the Ibiluwing arti cle*!: Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses and Salt, Syrups, F’fsh, Potatoes, Tobacco and Segura, Powder, Shot, Lead, Iron and Sled, Bugging, Rope, and Twine, Flannels, Findse ys find Negro Ctli, Hats A, Cups Hoots and Shoes, Domestics. Satinets, Kelt'ty Jeans it Cloths. Calicaes, Muslins, Ginghams, Latest Styles. ALSO A large am! well selected Stock of Farmers and Mechanics Tools, such as Anvils, Bel low*. Vice, Screw Plates of the beat quality, Augurs, Plane* uud Plane Irons, Braces and Bulls. Cross Cut ami Hand and Mill Saws; in short a largo Stock of of Hardware 100 tedious ; to mention, to lie louml m the Three Story . Br i k Building on ;he corner of White Hall and Alabama Sirt eta. N B. Country produce bought at the high-; isl market price, and goods sold as low, as enti le a Horded. (live me a call and see for your -1 selves. AUOrder* promptly attended to. L. J. PARR. Atlanta, Feb. 28,1553. < DR. ALLEN, i| AV ING perfected himself iu the Durham ( * system with Drs Piliuan OU Durham,; Will practice eight miles tionit ot Greenville, ( at Phillips Store. Entertainment (or those who have come from distance. Price for* medicines und prescription !jji2so. Terms Casii. Feb. 28 1952. 9 To the Public, M AYING noticed in the “Temperance Banner,” that Dr. Allen, of Troup Cos , C.a, litis published to the world that he has “ac complished himself m the healing art,” under Dr’s. Pitman A Durham, 1 take llii* method ol informing the public, that if I am the Dur ham alluded tobv Dr. A , lie has attempted to impom himself oil them as far as relates to me, by gmug publicity to a falsehood. l)r. Allen knows lurtliing whatever of mv practice of med icine, L. DURHAM, Sen. March 27, 1552. 13—fit Blank Books. \l7T!are just receiving a superior a**oit , ** incut ol Blank Books, including Records. Day Books, paged and unpaged, lull hound,’ halt bouud and tn Russia, which we offer at lower tut* s than titty have ever been sold in tins mm ket. Also, ottr mtial varh ty of School aud Miscehuneuus Books Call and examine it WHITE'S t niiersity Rank Store. Athens, March 13, 1-52. 11 ON THE WAY, he delivered at Peiifield or any Rsli * Ri i 1 .-nation to suit the purchaser, ‘hi 1 r, V'.'rf, ‘S'*’ llff sntYN CL OF SEVEN DIFFERENT STYLES ao.Mt wrrn rn* Aeolian Attach:; ent, ( Gilbert’s Patent ) AH, of the most approved tone, and warranted ,as durable a*any mad* in th* United Stales , Apply enily to P. S. WHITMAN. Peiifield, Ga. Jan 12, l-.>3. 3—6r,i Blake’s Eire Proof Pi int. OB PFF’MB A Cos. offer for sale a quati • uty ol Blak'-’s celebrated Fire proof Paint for ‘covering roofs and outbuildings. Aim I •Surgical and Dental ii . tiumenis, Gold aflil Tin Foil, Jones’ and White’s celebrated incur-, ruptabie Ttetb, together tvith a general assort-) ineiit c,l jnue .Medicines, Paints, Oils. Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, and every other article | j in their line, all of which they are prepared to ; l sell ut the luWeat market prices, | D. B. P. &. Cos. are agents for one of the beet i l seed growing eatablisliments in the country, ; and w ill fill orders (or fresh and valuable grit ; den and field Seeds at the shortest notice. Augusta, 15 March 1 853. 11 Rock Sprititr Water Cure, a v < AIM COX, Jl, D., MARIETTA, CEO. r IMIK Water Cure Establishment ofDr.C -I- (JOX has been -uccessful, not only in ’he ■ number of patients, but in proving the e,fi | ci'ency of the mode of treatmentaaopted forme i removal of disease. Dr. Cox is prepared to | cite instances, in this place and elsewhere, to invalids oflong standing who have, under his! i regimen, been restored to vigorous health. No) l place m the .Stale ofii rs greater advantages for -mdi an establishment as that of Dr. Cox, or holds out stronger inducements to persons in j fad health who wash to avail themselves of the peculiar mode of treatment used by Hydropath ic physicians.-- Marietta Advocate. J j Letter* of enquiry, post paid, will be promptly attended to. Mtoil, jes2. 10— 3m PIANO FORTES IiMiOM the celebrated factory of JONAf CH ICKEKING, Boston. .Mr. Nathan B. Clapp (Professor of Music, ! in the Greeneshoro Female College, respect luliy announces to his fiiends and the public, iu this vicinity, that he is now prepared h lurniah Piano Fortes of every description gnu price, from the above well known establish- J incut, ut short notice, and the lowest cash I pi ice. These instruments have been too long before ; • lie public, uml their merits and superiority are too well known to need comment. Having unusual facilities lor selecting and furnishing the above instruments lie guarantees that they shall give pel leet satisfaction. Sheet Music of every description, both vocal and instrumental,constantly on band. For particulars or applications, apply to Mr. Clapp at the Grteiicsboro’ Female College. Jan. 24, IKiU. 4—6 m New *S|)iin<* ADDITIONAL SUPPLIES. kJNOW DEN & SHEAR, Augusta, Ga. liavs kJ just received from New York, by the Steamer Union, a large and splendid assort meat ot I.allies’ DRESS GOODS,of new and elegant styles, among which are— Rich primed Grenadines nnd Crape Be pans, ot the latest Puris styles. Rich Printed Bareges, ol new and beautiful styles. Printed Bareges, with small figures, suita ! file fur Children's Dressi s, Fancy Priuted Barege DcLaines, of beauti ful styles, for Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses, i Printed Barege DcLaines, for Ladies .Mor ning Dresses. Rich Fumy Brocade Silks, for Ladies’ l Spring Dresses. Rich, \\ bite Brocade Silks, for Ladies’ , Mourning Dresses. White, Dotted Swiss Muslins, a beautiful ar : tide for Ladies’ Dresses. Rich Embroidered Swiss Mashas, for La- I dies’ Uadersleeves and Mantillas, j Ladies’ White Napoleon Luce .Mantillas,of’ | elegant styles. Ladies’ Embroidered Cambric and Muslm ‘ Collars. Ladies’ Frilled ami Osborne Collars, of rich ; and elegant styles. Ladies’ Embroidered Cambric, Muslin and Pagoda Undersleeves. Worked Muslin Bands, for Ladies’ Puij Culls and Undersleeves. Jaciwielt ami Swiss Muslin Edgings and In serting*, a beaulifiil assortment of new pat terns. White a/nl Colored Tarlatan Muslins, for’ Ltulies’ Evening Dressts, Black Figured Bareges, anew and beautiful; article for Latin s’ Mourning Dresses. Su;u nor Black Cbailey, tor Ladies’ Mour tlipg Dresses. | Hoyles Printed Lawns of new styles, war-’ rar.ted last colors. •Marine Blue and Green Tissues, for Ladies’ 1 : Veils. Alexander’* Ladies'Kid Gloves, a large as-j eortmeitt. Ladies’s and Gentlemen’s Gauntlet Gloves, and Ladies’ Black and White Silk Hose. Ladies'Sandal Wood and Spanish Fans, of ; new and elegant styles. ’ Ladies’ Silk am! Bridal Fans, of splendid I stylis, tunable for Bridal present*. Superior Fancy ami Mourning Prints and Ginghams. The public are respectfully invited to call ami examine the above, with a great variety of other articles suitable for the present season. I ! March 13,1852. 11 Choice Uoiserv. ONOVVDEN Si. SHEAR, Augusts, have n l ’ ceived this day from New York, by the steamer Marion, a very largo supply of En glish Choice HOSIERY, for Ladies, Gentle men. Youths, Misses and Children, (some of I 1 exti a sizes) which they have selected with I ’ great care, from the same ‘Manufactory of their i previous supplit s, and which have given such universal satisfaction to all who hove used ; them, being remarkable for their elasticity, beautiful shape, and excellent make. We feel assured that the article will give entire sat isfaction to all who w ill give it a trial,and res pectfully invite the attention of the public to the .tssorimenl. March 57. 14 ITcmli Milk Uurp tunhiHe rettv. ONO\VI)KN iC SHEAR, Augusta, have re f- ceived this day, from New York, by tire steamer Marion, Ext: French Biaek Silk- Warp Cashmeretts, aud Extra French Black Single Mill C YSSIMER ES, of single and ’ double widths, and of rich lustres, the most choice and elegant articles for Gentlemen’s’ Summer wear. Also, a supply of French Fan cy Linen Briilings, and Marsnißos Vestings, to 1 all of which they rcspei tfuily invite the .men tion of the public. March 27. 13 4 Notice. \GOOD supply of Sole; Harness, Kip and . Brogan LEATHER, on hand and for sale at low prices—all Georgia manufacture, — Ordess from a distance executed with dispatch. Apply to R. L. M’WHORTER. Penfield, Gn., Nov, 15 4fi GEORGIA, Morgan County. PERSONALLY came before tne, Elijah F. I Jones, Acting President of the Madison Steam Mill Company, who, being sworn, depo - -rli and eaitb, that the sum of forty eight thousand seven hundred and one dollars and hi/.; y cents of the Capital Stock; of said Corpo ral,mi has actually been paid to said Copart ;nc oh ip, in gold and silver and notes oil specie paying banks, and the sum ofone thousand dol lars in real estate employed by said Corpora ,;i,n. ELIJAH E. JONES, /’resident of the Madison Steam Mill Cos. This the 18th daj of February, 1852, sworn to and subscribed before me, JOHN ROBSON, J. I. C. GEORGIA, ) Morgan County, j I, John C. Reese, Clerk of the Superior; Court in and tor said county, do hereby certify hat the above is a correct copy of the original, on file in my office, and the same is duly recor ded in Land Book K, Folio 555. This Kith day of February, 1 .-(52. Given under my hand and seal of office. JOHN C. REES, Cik. Sup. Court. Madison, Feb. 26. 10— Jin Dr. W . W. MARSHALL, or MACOY, CiEO. ITTOULD call the attention of the public to VV a number of certificates published in va- ! rious papers in the State of cases of Fistula cured by hirn, In the treatment of F’istula, recourse is generally had to the knife, which is always painful and often hazardous and very frequently unsuccesful. More than one half of the cases that have come under his care of late, had been subjected to the kniii. 1 withoutexperiencing the least ben efit, but rather made worse. They were per fectly cured by Dr. M. without the use of the knife,or any sucli operation, without the least danger, and with but little or no pain. In most cast s the treatment does not prevent the ordi- . nary pursuits of busineas, although the patient j is necessarially obliged to be under the imme- j mediate care aud supervision of the Doctor j from one to four Weeks, according as the na- | tore and circumstances oi the case may demand. Dr. M. does not exaggerate, when lie says that the plan of treatment he pursues is obliged to succeed in ninety-nine eases out ofa hundred, if not in every case of F’istula. Read! Read!! Macon,sth Oct. 1849. i Dlt. W. W. MARSHALL;—Dear £Sr-~ I The great relief I have recently received at \ your hands, induces me to offer my testimony I to your successful treatment of Cancerous affec tions. Some ten years ago, a small lump, some thing like a wart, made its appearance in the | centre of my lower lip, giving meat first no in convenience or pain. After several years it began to grow. I then applied to a physician who cut it off below the surface of the lip and burnt it w illi caustic, and I thought, cured it. ina short time afterwards, it reappeared and grew more rapidly than before; affecting with in the lustsix months, the giandsufthe neck, und giving me occasionally considerable pain. My physicians gave it as their opinion that it was cancerous and that nothing could relieve me but the knitc. In this situation T put myself under your treatment, on the 10th September last, and to day, I think 1 may sulely say, that I am well. 1 trust that you will long live to afford relief to tlie afflicted and distressed. With my warmest thanks, for your kind and constant attention during rny stay with you, 1 am respectfully, yours, S FLOYD. Col Floyd is known to the community as the brother of Judge F'loyd, and an eminent lawyer rosidingat Madison, Ga. March 6,1852. 10—1 y AFFLICTED SiRAI>! i Medical House, Established Fifteen years ago, by D R. ‘ K 1 N K E LIN, N. W. Corner of Third & Union Streets, be tween Spruce ami Tine Streets, PHILADELPHIA. 1 m Mil and Manhood, A Vigorous Life oi a premature death. KINKELIN on Self Preservation. Only 25 Cents. Till’ book just xmMished is filled with u-eful information, on theiuiirniitu- anti tin-ease* oi'tho Generative Organ*. It adtlrc - , soii'Clf ilike to Youth, Manhood and Old Age. and should he | Tad fiy all. I : !• valuable advice niul imureadve warning it gives, trill pre- i voui ‘ t ‘ of misery aud suffering and save annually Thou- ; sands oflives. i'u. i-uts l>\ reading it will learn how to prevent the destruc tion of their children. A i\ Miitiance cents, euclo.-ed in a letter, addressrd to DU. KINKF.i.IN, N. \V. vomer et third and Union Streets, between Spruce and Piue, Philadelphia, w ill ensure a book, under envel ope, per return mail. 1 VrM-Ls at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, post paid, i aiui be v ured at lioiua. r.u imps Os Medicines Directions. &e. forwarded, by sending a remittance, aud put up secure from Damage or Curiosity. Book—elk-r-t, N( ws AgenU, Pedlaiw, Cauvassers, and anoth er*. supplied wiih the above work at very low rates. Nov. 8,1551, 4 s—l y Original Certificates anil Let ters. (4 AN be seen by any who will call at the J store ot the Subscribers, received since the let of January, 1851, proving the superiority and worth of MARSHALL’S MAGICAL PAIN ERAD -ICATOR, There is no Humbug here! But plain and straight-forward truths. This Liniment will not cure every thing, nor every disease, either in “Man or Bessi;” but what it is said to cure, that we will WAR RANT, or the Money will be Paid Back!! ‘File Diseases refered to are - Rheumatism, Acute and Clf*nic---Luniba * go. Painful Nerves, Scrofula, Spinal Affections, Dislocations, Sprains, (Edematous Swellings, Tumors, Ganglions, Nodes, Wens, Bruises. Strains, Wenk Joints, Contracted Tendons, i Weak Back, Ihadache, Goal, Goitre, Palsj and Toothache. As an auxiliary remedy, it is highly recom mended in the treatment of inflammation of the ’ Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Lungs, Liver and Spleen. In all forms of diseases, where the patient is inclined to sink, it stands, without a rival hi the annals of Medicine, as an Excitant-, and will produce a reaction if! j tiie vital spark but feebly burns. Physicians w ill find it to t>e a most powerful Counter Iritnnt, meeting the indications of \ < ssicnms, w ithout producing the diagreeable effects ofa Blister, For sale in Penfield, by T. S liankinson, ‘and by the principal Druggists throughout the State. N. B, Be rareful to purchase none without the written tinnte of J. E. Marshall on each ■ex W. li. & J. TURPIN, Proprietors. Feb. 21 1*52, 8. GEORGIA, j Greene County. ) MATHEW DEAN,Administratior of Fred erick Dean, decease*!, applies to me for letters of dismission from the Adininistratiotrof said estate; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and cred itors of said deceeascd, to appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why letters ot dismis sion should not be granted said applicant by this court on tbe first Monday in feepteinber next, in terms of the law. Given under my hand officially this 21st day of February, Zrs2. 8---6111 JAS. W GODKIN, Ordinary. A’s Snle, \T7TLL be sold before the Court House door VV in Early county, oil the tirst Tuesday ill May next, within the lawful hours ol sale, a Tract or parcel of Land, containing two hun dred and fiftv acres, known as lot number one hundred thirty-eight,in the twenty eighth dis trict of Early county,To be sold in pursuance of an order from the Honorable the Inferior Court of Taliaferro county when sitting as a Court of Ordinary for distribution among the legatees of j Solomon Brown, deceased. Terms ol sale to; be made known oil the day of sale. MOSES BROWN, Ad’r, j Jan. 6th., 1892. 6—td rpWO .MONTHS alter date, I will make I J- application to the Court of Ordinary, of! Greene County,for leave to sell the Lands be- j longing to the Estate ot William Bickers, De- ! ceased, L. B. JACKSON, Ad’tnr. March 13th, 1852. rpWO MONTHS after date, we will make J- application to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes, belonging to the Estate of Jesse Perk igs, Deceased. NICHOLAS PERKINS, ) r , . V INDENT SANDFORD, j March 13th, 1852. GEORGIA, ) Greene County, j Court of Ordinary. WHEREAS, Ambrose Hutchenson, Ad ministrator of Simeon F’uller, deceased, applies to me for letters Dismissory:—These are, therefore, to cite all persons interested to appear ut my office, on or before the first Mon day in October next, to show cause, if any they have, why letters Dismissory should not be granted said applicant, in terms of the Law. Given under my hand, in office, March 13th, 1852. J. W. GODKIN, Ordinary. March 13, 1852. 11—6 m TWO Months after date I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, for leave to sell a Negro man named Jack, be longing to Mary Y., Lovttia FI., and Martha i C. Janes, minors, for the benefit of said Illi nois. R. J. DAWSON, Guardian. March 20, 1852. 12-—2 m GEORGIA, i \ Greene County, j Court of Ordinary. ; JOHN BONNER, Executor of Mrs. Mary ; *’ Mapp, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate:—-These are there ; fore to cite aud admonish all and singular the ! kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by j law, to show cause, if any they have, why let ters ofdiSmission should not be granted said ap j plicant by this court on the first Monday ill October next, in terms of the law. Given under my hand officially this 13th ! day of March, 1852. JAS. W. GODKIN, Ordinary . March 20,1852. 13—6 m Temperance Odes. THE subscriber has published a small Tem- - perance Book,containing thirty-six Odes! and Scings, and a dialogue, in which ohjee- ( tions are answered. The Gland Division of South, Carolina have recommended it as well adapted to the purposes for which it wasinten ded, and (t has met with a ready sale. They ran be obtained at the hands of Shepherd, Mc- Creery <F Cos., Charleston; John F. Marshall, Columbia,and Evans and Mclver, Cheraw. Should tlie friends of the cause desire de- I positories at other places, their wishes shall be attended to, if they will address me at Levens worth, Darlington, S C. The prices are, a single copy for 10c. 25c. for 3, for 25, •‘53,50 for 50, §6 per hundred, and $55 per 1000. The undersigned desires the aid #f Temperance men in the circulation of these original Odes, by Viator, of Darlington,” so far as they consider them calculated to do good. Those who look upon them in a different light, will be cheerfully excused from aiding. JOHN CULPEPER. March 6, 1852. 10 City Hotel—Atlanta. f|THE undersigned has fitted up in suitable A style, a large and commodious House, at j the corner ot F’loyd and Decatur streets, At lanta, Ga., for the purpose of accommodating j transeient and regular Boarders. This House j is kept upon strict ly temperance principles, and all who wish quiet accommodations, are res- i pectfuily invited to give the City Hotel a trial. I L. R. BUTLER. Jail. 3, 1852. I—6m NEWTON HOUSE. Corner of Broad St. &. College. Aeenue, i ATHU;.\§, CA. TIIE undersigned, having taken the above ! popular and well known Hotel, is pre pa red to nceonnnodate the travelling public and permanent Boarders, in a style that cannot tail to give entire satisfaction. B. KING, Formerly of Forsyth. Athens, Jar. 12, 1852. DISSOLUTION. rpilE Copartnership heretofore existing un- L der the style of C. A. & W, S. DA = VIS, was dissolved on the first of March Inst, bv mutual consent. The business will be coinin’- i tied at the old stand, by Messrs. VV. S DAVIS ! *|r JOHN 11. WOOD, under the style of DA VIS & WOOD. C. A. DAVIS, I w. S. DAVIS, March 8, 1852. fTMJE undersigned would embrace the present J- opportunity to return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends, who have extended to him so liberal a share of patronage in all his bu siness connexions, and hopes that similar man ifestations of kind regard may he continued o his suecessors. C. A. DAVIS. Greenesbor,’ March 8,1852. il—4t Pomegranate Cotton Seed. \ ew hus h e ' s see( l °f this celebrated Cotton, may be had by early application at the Banner Office They are deposited on consignment,and it not sold soon, will be re turned. Persons desiring to purchase are in vited to examine a specimen stalk of the Cot ton at the Banner Office. March 20. ll—Bt i Dr Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar. i SAFE and certain cure for Consumption A of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and all Pulmonary affections. lAtrticH from Certificates. Which can be seen in full by culling on the Agent and jetting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York, says;—Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tur cured a case of the most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years stan ding. [Signed] ADAM HARRIS. Gabriel Whitehead, FJsq. of Cincinnati, says.-—I had the Consumption!! attended with the most distressing Cough, and discharged several quarts of blood from the Lungs, and all my friends and physicians gave me up to die, yet a few bottles of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar restored me to perfect health!! GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscribed this 28th day of November, 1846. H. E. SPF.NCER. Mayor ot Cincinnati. Mrs. Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati,) says: I had the pulmonary Consumption, attended with a most distressing cough, which reduced me to a mere skeleton, and and although under the care of an able physician [Prof. Harrison] I continued to grow worse, and gave up all hopes of recovery'! At this crisis I was per suaded to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restored me to perfect health, hy the use of a few bot tles. ANN CHILD. Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says: Although it may seem unprofessional, I feel constrained to sta’e that 1 used Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar in the case of Charles Wade, who was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, with the happiest effect alter the usual remedies had failed. WM. RICHARDS, M. D. Sse warned i season! And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, and inviting on that dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Ro gers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. j£3"-The genuine is signed Andrew Roger?’ on th stee plate engraved wrapper around each bottle, and is sold wliol® and re ail by SCOVIL it MEAD, 113 Chartres* *t., New Orleans, Sole General Agent s for the Southern States to whom nil oi dr> and applications for agencies must be addreiaed. Sold by T. S. llnukinson, Penfield, Ga. ~ Pain & Nesbett, Macon,Ga. „ lJattey& Hr , Home, Ga. „ Danfort Ii Negle, Columbus. Gn. „ Dill k Marshall, Port. Gaines, Ga. ~ F. <. Welch, Albany. Ga. Soidat Wholesale Lviluviland,& libeley, Augusta. llaviland.llarrall & Cos. aud P. M - Cohen Charleston, S. C. _ March 2U, 1851. W>c GDc&mssifhS} 9 GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA. FOR Jaundice, Sick Ilead-ache, Dizziness, Lots of Appetite, Constipation of the Dowels, l'iles, caused hy Cestivcuess, Fain in the Bowels, or Rheumatism, caused by the use of Mercury, Syphilis, Scrofula, Boils, Ul cers, &.c. ijr c. fTMJIS PREPARATION is made as pure ae J- possible. Its hitter taste, and beneficial ef fects in diseases of the Liver, and diseases atising from an impure state of the Blood, prove it to be the purest and most useful prepar ation of Sarsaparilla that is made. Those who have used the varioua prepara tions of Sarsaparilla will find, by the taste and effect, that there is more Sarsaparilla in one bottle of Dr. D’s. preparation, than in half a dozen bottles as it is generally made. That it might be more particularly adapted to professional use, nothing but the pure Sarsa parilla has been used, that for different disea ses, physicians might combine or prescribe with it, such articles as they might consider most appropriate in cases under their treatment. Its alterative and mildly purgative effect upon the bowels, make it not only a good sub stitute for Mercury, but useful in removing all diseases arisirg from the imprudent use of Mercury. Prepared only by DENNIS, M. D., Au gusta, Georgia. Sold in Augusta by W. H. Tutt, P. A. Mo ise, D. B. Plumb&Co., W. 11. &, J. Turpin, Haviland,Risley, & Cos , W. K. Kitchrn, ard Barrett, Carter it Cos. In Peiifield by D. Her ron,M. D. Price—§l per bottle; 6bottles for Remember to risk for DFINN IS’ GEORGIA SARSAPARILLA. Augusta, July 5, 1851. 27—ly e £>•’ B’ it si z ra-ja Tv\ O months aTti r date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Greene County, for leave to sell the Real Estate of James Mapp, late of said County, de ceased. MARY MAPP,Adm’x. q GREEN MOORE, { . ~ VV. L. MAPP. \ Ad rs ’ Feb. 14th, 1852. 7—2 m _Jz£uu GU JJ’ 7 rial , .a, rp WO months after date application will be -*- made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Greene County, for leave to sell the real Estate of Daniel Duncan, late of said county, deceased. THOS. L. SANDERS, Ad’r Feb. 14, 1852. 7—2 m AdiniuiMralor’s §ale. be sold to the highest bidder before V the Court House door in Walker county, within the lawful hours ofsale,on the first Tues day in April next, in pursuance of an Order from the Honorable the Interior Court of Ta liafero county, when sitting as a Court of Or dinary, the following property, to wit: One 1 met or lot of Land, lying and being in the 26th district of said county of Walker, known as lot number3o6, containing one hundred and sixty acres, agreeable to a plat of the same. To be sold for distribution among the legatees of Solomon Brown, deceased. Terms of sale will be made known on the day ofsale. MOSES BROWN, Ad’r. Jan. C, 1852. 6 —ul. GEORCiIA, / Greene County, $ WHEREAS, Elibu Hall, Executor of the will of \V illiani 11. Hall, deceased, ap plies for letters Dismissary on said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said I abased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show any they have, or letters will be granted said applicant on the first Monday in September | next, in terms of the law. Given under iny hand at office in j boro’, Feb. 27,1852. 9-2 m. JTW.GODKIN, Ordinary. GEORGIA, V Greene County. \ Court of Ordinary. ■WHEREAS, Walker Lewis, Administra tor of Cephas Wright, deceased, ap plies to me for letters of dismission: These are theieioie to cite and admonish all persons in lei reted to be and apnearat my office within, the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, if any they have, or letters of dismission Will be granted said applicant on the Ist. Monday in* September next. ‘ JAS. W. GOBKIN, ‘Ordinary. feb 11th, 1852. 7-ffin