The temperance banner. (Penfield, Ga.) 18??-1856, May 01, 1852, Image 4

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—r. isnaj. _ *w*uw . ■ > ■ 3 i*'T ta enaHsXk.. , ‘ IWI-H’—-• i-srtrrs* ,r - —•••.•- i For t'l ’ ‘ l\'ni ; ; l)'inri’ \ My Mt yon,'.’ Iv.L .■■, ntul nrt thou do; II Tiiv spirit \ tiro. :i rover tied ? Yes! impels now tin e mv,-, Blest heart of innocence .■■ml .lote! ’Ti.s but a dr.- m: i can't 1<• 1i• • ■ <■, ‘Hi*t thou wilt ; * r i.i >:'■• r-.eci e From mo a mother's i re. And oil hi t lit'.le liles-io, * Jure. But there thou i:rt.bcr. It of life, Believed from peril, p.iitt mid striiu ; Thy childish j.r.ittK*,! ely o .e, 1, iiushed in il “tUi: Toy Kpiiit'.- :;*>ttc ! llow lately sioee [ e.illeil thee iti'ne, A holy gilt from lo'iiveii'i shrini — llow pleased to hel my “liisl horn hr. ah, Ami now lay hnji.w mv anmliid i.i oe.Uii. The soft blue eyes will never Ag'ian, the features of my face ; The ringlets of thy ghv-*)’ hair, Are sleeping on thy > •eh so lair. “Smile g, title Alice,” •eaile once more (),l mother, as .-!,e knee’- hid,as* Thy sainted form; I -k hut lliis l/ist offering to my parting kU ! Ah, no! tile light of life has set, Thy mini! vvi'li heavenly spirits m I, With angels now thy voice does swell—j I’ll weep no more: Sweet huh", Farewell! EMMETT. I Fort Valley, (la., April 17th, 1852. Onto. UitTuverti. Translatedfrom the (, immi. Oat of the tavern I've just stepped to-night; Street! you ree.iugiit in a very had plight. Bight hand anil left hand are both out of place; Street, you are drank, Vi. a v ry clear case Moon! his a very queer (I mre you cut, One eye is Marii ■ .vliile t'other i shut, Tipsoy, I see, and you're iris-atly to Idaine ; j Old as you an• his a t rri ie Then tin ,-treet*, wh .i .. ;ean.inlou sight! None of them ■ TANARUS ily si aid;: g upright, Hocking and staggering; why, on my word, Each of the lamps is drunk a a lord. AH is confusion ; now isn’t il odd? I am tlie only Ibing sober abroad, Sure it were rash with this crc.v to remain, Better go into the tavern eg (,S. ( Magazine. Now Spring Cooils. full supplies. s\o w j>i:.\ a Mi*ica is, a ih;h- ra. I.) ESPKCTf ULLY uunouuci to friends ami IV public, tlml they have ri.-ivi-,’ ilh i: full SPRING SUPPLIES, cmhrai-in < n very lnrt{- mid elegant assortment ol STAPLE mnl FANCY DRY GOODS, among which nre: Rich white, watered and plain white Glace Silks,for I,tidies Scurfs and Mnniillu. Rich fancy and white liiocude Silks, for Ladies Dresses. Superior small Checked and Striped Sum mer Silks. Rich, Brocade Silks, for Ladies’ Mour ning Dresses. Superior black Rep. and rich fig'd black Silks, and black Nankin ('rapes. Rich Printed Bareges, and Barege DeLnins. Paris printed Grape de Paris and printed Grenadines, of new and splendid styles. Superior plain white, black and limey col ored Crape de Paris. Fancy French printed Organdies nnd Jaeko liets, of new and elegant stjles. Hoyles's printed Dawns, ol beautiful styles, ami warranted fist colors. A Inroe a irtment of fancy Gimps. and Ribbon nos, for Du m s Drorses. White .Silk Fringe* tor Ladies iScatls and Mantillas. Plain and White Dotted Swiss Muslins fur Ladies Dresses Superior White Cnmbrirks, Jackonets, Mull nnd Niinaook Muslins, of soil mid beuutilul finish. Plain, \\ bite, Black nnd Fancy Colored Ba reges. Lupin's Superior Black Bombazma and Black Challys's. Ladies’ White and Blnek I.ace Munrillus.of rich and elegant styles. Ladies’ Black Silk -Mantillas (some fur Mourning.) Ladies’ Rich Valencietics Dace and Dm - 1 broidered Muslin Collars Ladies’ Kinbroidered Muslin and Lace Ull tlersleves, ol beautiful sty It s, Ladies’ French Worked Cliiniusettcs, of rich ! and elegant styles. Ladies’ Duibroidcred Linen Cambiic ami French Lawn llaudkercliii . Jarkom-t and Swiss Muslin Edgings and In serting, a lai -ye n.-sm tmeiit. Real Valencieucs and i'lircad Daces, (Ed gings and Inserting* ) F. Muslins, and Muslin Band*, for Ladie’s Pulf Cud's and Fmlet deev •... Ladie’s Plain White ami rich Duibrsnhred Crape Shaw Is. Ladies’ plain While, Bhu k nnd Fat cy Km broidered Grenadine Shaw i Ladies’ \\ kite Bin k Embr. fieri .1 Dace and Fancy Grenadine earls. Ladies’ elegant I,tidal and ruh ani.h Fa ns. Ladies’ Carved Combs, of new and beautiful patterns. Avery large as. ttment of Ladies', Gentle mens’, Youths'and Citildrens’ Hosiery of su perior style and manufactare. Alexander's Ladies’ Kid, and Ladies'and Gentlemens’ Gaumlctt (■ ms. Superior Ginghams and Prints, of new and beautiful styles. Superior Irish Linens, Long Lawns, and 12-4 Linen Sheetings. Superior 8-4 ami 10-1 Damask Diapers, Da mask Table Cloths nnd Damask Napkins. llucabuck Diapers, a superior article for Towels. Extra Silk Wnrp French Black Cushmeretts, nnd single Mill Freneli Blnek Ca.sinieres, a choice and elegant article lor gentlemen's wear. A large assortment of plain White and Fatt er i.inen Drillings, lor Gentlemens’ and. Y ouths’ tumult r wear. S. & S. will continue to receive through season, by the steamers, me latert sty t> f Da ilies’ Dress Good*, anj other Annullable arti cles. All of their stock has been selected with great care, t- sty> ami qual ity.uud they feel assured that their Goods w II ; give entire satisfaction to purchasets. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine the s nortuient. April 10,1852. It G. W. F F UKY & CO WUO. LSAI.r AMI RETAIL iir.Al.rßS IN Hals C.tpt>, ISoiiuctA, Flowers, stmt 1 tribi llus. Masonic Hall Hui/ding, I>road Street, Augusla, (la. Feb. 31, 1 552. 8 j OKU W or Tin; HONS or tempi ranch and state temperance con vention .... - -* —rt-TTtCt .T-MBWZCB jl N l >r.i! an order of die Iloiiora'ib- Court I V <d Ordinary of Morgan e, .imv, v, < t t, • ’ so: i oil the last Tuesday in June next, f. lor** , tie’ o irt tlou ■,! nr, in ih<* Town of Mudl ■• ‘ * *■*•,n i,s Rank ’Motes, K.v cuiimis item. .. ~! s-ili , r,nr! .V counts, he!e’ 11. it. 1 si” ! . ‘.!• o! Kit,,r.rd S. I ark, l.itt ol M„,,;..ti ‘ I couniy, dfci ased- viz; Jot , ana Dates. In I’aricll Bunk 111. a, 55 (, I V, Mt'ti lay 13, li-37, 1073,1 I j Williiiiii Ward, May 37, Isy'j, j |o Win 11 llnrvrs, Jan. 1, Is 17, 50 (JO Win, 11. Ham,s, Jan. 1,1 ts 46, tis 87 ] J.-im* Malone, Jau. 25, 1-2 -, 30 00 j <'liarles Scngt-e, June 7, 1821, |(j ;ji) ! Isa It, art!.-, Oct. 15, 18'3, h j| , .VloorfidJ Owens, April 24, 1811, I‘Jli (ju j ! John Crutciitieid, Nov. 119, 18 15, Vs (.11 j liir:, a Thompson, Sept. 28, I*4o, lid ()i. T. J. M< Ch*i In y, Aug 13,1821, 38 5a ; John stoker, tv pi. 13, Ift22, 73 00 I It. Peeler, Jan. 1, lß2ti, 7 00 M. Pncli’ t, Jail. 1,1827, 7 0( J as. No Jau 11, 18-12, (i 02 I) Lanier,April l, 1843, 10 Gli J L Pluck, .Sept 20, 1 r.'H, 18 87 i C. f), Bostick, March 31, I-TO, ,j oil i A. It. Pierce, June 16,1826, 7 59] M. Picket, Jan 10,182(1, 17 25 j S. Weutltingiim, April 2J, l £ 2ff, 3 03 .1. Anderson, Jr.n. 1,1841. 54 51 F. A. Ansh-y, • ii| 7, 1840, 13 0(1; R W Jones, July , 1850, 10 00] Joint M Coition i, Juit 30, 1833, (is It i otr. 30, 1833, SJII 80 8. Dingier, Felt. (1,1813, 1 5u John llawk, Jan It, 1810, 12 O’ : ! - . ■., I (i, 1639. 21 00 VV. M. White, Mar 4, 1842. 31 31 John Pickets, Jan. 1, 1645, fts ti I \V. Rail & VV Sharks, Jau 8,1 ~ 13, 1 25 ! V. Sanford, Jr. Mny (i, 1834, 47 0(1 j James Riley, July 21, 182 H, 5 75 J. N Littrant, Jan, 2, 1827, 3 is I A. Scott, March 1(1,1841, 10(1 3s ! Executions. It. fv Park vs. Edward IJanq.ton and Job Clurk, 1827, 27 00] R S. Park vs. Joseph Vardiinan, Sept. 21, 1e22, 18 81 It S I‘ark vs 11 Reunipton & Clark, Jan. 22, 1822, 77 00 VV ft Burk vs. Ii E* f.-aii;;, Jan I, D ‘7, 78 73 „ „vs E Reanipton & Clarke,l-23 77 00 „ „ „ 1822, 77 00 „ „ 1*23, 77 00 „ „ „ „ 1821, 77 00 j „ „ ~ 1822, 77 00 ; „ „ IU.! (sail .;, Nov 23, I*2B, 10 21] „ „ „ Jan 21, 182(1, 14 10 „ „ A. Thompson, Oct. 25, Id'll*, ti 22 j (>pen Accounts. .1 Ileinsnm, IF I N, 10 00 Henry Colton, i .IT, 111 U 0 Bryant. Wheeler, 1F,17. I 25 Dr. Hudson Wade, 1832 3 and 4. 4 3f> ,M. Turner, 182 C, (12 | Id, II Harrison, 1828, 1 23 : 11 Wade, 1829 nnd 30, 50 Reuben Dawson, le.3‘J and 41, If ; W. Greer, 1839, 1 (10 B Bit say, 1827, 3 87 I Sanford lieur-roves, 1812, 02 11 Broadtioux, 1841 and 12, 1 12 j J M’Gee, 1837, 63 .lames Mayhcr, 1838, 81 j M (Slaughter, 1838, J 25 I, luiwa, 183S, 87 .1 D l’uples, 18.37 and 38, 2 50 Henry Kirby, 1833, 2 llti 1-11i|tali Anderson, 1837, 1 87 1 Joseph Varda tun, 1827, 5 09 , T Wyatt, 1833, 87 i Mr. Harnum, 1827, 5 78 ; M Rumps, 1839, ( 2 .Marlin Picket, l*-!?, (i 00 T. Holoinan, 182(i, 1 00 Randolph Peeler, 1828, -1 21 ! Burnett Mori is, 1829, 2 25 kobeit Dean, lß2b, 1 21 11. Johnson, 18.3-1 mid 35, 2 e l jGeu.W Dillard, 1823, 7 50 .lames Lester. 1827, I 37 j S 11 Gilmer, 182 b, 3 31 David M Crockett, D-2G. I -11 !.1 M Dcnvenport, 182 b and 27, b 25 d->l>it Rickers, 18-14, 15, 4b ami 17, (1.3 7 9 Charles Bruce, 1848, 49, 50, and 51. 20 00 P King, 1 45, 2b till \V 11 Rallies, 184(1 and 48, 87 38 William Glover. 1831, -l 57 j Mr, Sims, 1819, 30 79 j 1 James Rooks, .37, (12 j John Branch, 1843, 1 On j William Burton, 1849, 3 9.9 j Dr. Stanford, 18 17, 1 00 j I W. Burton. 1-51, 4 (id j Joel Newsom 1851, 7 20 All sold for the benefit of said Dstate | Terms on the day ol Sale. N T PARK. A.I i x 11. WALKi.R, , . „ l J. Id WALKER, L S ’ I April, 24, 1853. 17 IIURAOU PITCH & Cos. DEALERS IN ax 1d J. iliidu'J u,/ ‘2d Street, next door to Media iiics’ Hunk, Nnt'! . ‘.'<*<> Where may at all ..irs be t miitl a general I Stock ol Goods u- .Hi:;, kept in Clothing Store:-., such us Merino Shirts, Linen Bosom do. Drawers Socks, Glores, Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, I ’mhirllas, Trun Is, ('ar. pet Bap y Valises, i)-'. Fresh supplies weekly from our .Manufactory, ’ corm i eV.te and Chapel Streets, New Haven. Nuv. 8, 1-51, 45—ly PIBKSON& lIEIDT, Manufacturers of and Dealers in !• YSIUONAHLE ’ HEADY MAPI', CLOTHING, and Fancy Dress artich s, Wholesale 4’ Detail. P. AS. would respectfully invite the atten tion of country .Mi rebuilt* (u u rxaminntion el tln-ir Stock, No, 101, Bryan and tie St. Julian Sts, Savannah, Ga. DANIEL PIERSON. . EMANUEL HEIDT. March 37,1852. 13 Candy! Cmuly!! r l''llD Subscibers nre inmuifacturing assorted 1 Sugar Candy ol a very superior quality. 1 They are prepared at all times to lilt orders with a in.-it and perfect artie.e, warranted us --oil as any nmnufaetured itt the State or else where. Prices to suit the times TINe DEY A. I.NGK \M. Augusta, April 17,1852. 1G mus. McDonald, MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER. Grceneshoro’, Ga. April 3,1852. 14—3 m LlMUli . D.UVmO.L At(orui') at Latr, Coiumhus, Georgia; V. i.) pr: i eiu -e Chat oooehei- Circuit. Nov. 29 48 ly . v r— iNiiff DRV (1001)8, • OT'S'HJtSY* i2s - . rpin; Suhscriher is now receiving a genera! : J mid extensive ol Stock, Dry Bonds, (Ir.iev rii II I re, Cutlery, <■’ P re * pan J to sell on the iimst < ‘ntilig terms. IL Stock contisis in jnrtot die pillowing arti- C.U-Hl ,'dTir, CoH i*, Ric#*, Molntsr® snd Syrirpf, Kih, ‘l ohflcco and Sfgari, P(;vv(i> r, .Snoi,is- ud, Iron and Steel. Rope,and Toin**, I ,:inn !>*, Lint! m jp m and N?t?ro Cth, Mala & Caps Hoofs and Sho*s, SaiinetH, Jeans &C!ot i w . Caiicoea, Muoiins, i.aufct Styiea ALSO A lar"e and well S!*lt*eted Htock of Farmers 1 and ,M( clianica Tool*, sucli ns Anvils, B**l ! Sf.YY , Screw of tr.< J b* st aur.!ity, Plum sand Plane Irons, Braces ami i Hurts, Cross (’ut and Hand and Mill H ;in short a large Stock of of Hardware too tedious j to mention, to l e found in the Three Story ! Brick Building on the corner of White liail ! and Alabina Streets. N. B. ('ouniry produce bought at the bigh i egt market price, and goods old as lo / , • caii • ije ahortied. Give me a c■ •ii asid lor } ur | selves. Ail Orders pi inptly ail!.-tided to. L. J. PA fill, Atlanta,Fell. H , 1852. b JAMES eTwILLIAM^ {Late oj JiiKKcri/lc, ‘Jen ) COMMIiSSIOH MKllCii.t'; i’, Johnson's Ware J lor. Hisl'/ii Cor ner of Hunter ij- Prior Clrc is, Alliiiit;)) Otto. Expects to keep constantly on linn! Corn, | ‘Jills, Flour, Uncoil, Lird, i. liter. . „c . ■ ! 11./’ Orders from a distance promptly mu-n ----i ded to. Feb. 28.1852. b—3m. ALDRICH vC ROYAD DEALERS IN J >OOTS ANL> SHOES, at Mi-tcalfs y y • * Iron Front Store, oppo-.i the Ala. Hall. A. &R. have on hand, and will contiu* tie to receive, per weekly Bteaiu<TH trin New • Vork and Philadt Ipiiia, n largo an.l well srlec i fed stock of t!ie most fashionable ami tieatesf. j finished LADIES, MISSES, CENTS, [ YOUTHS nnd CIIIEDREN’S lIDDTS AND , SHOES, all of wliich tbeyinvin* tlie public tc ! ( Xainiin , and compare prices and (piuiity be fore purchasing. N. B.—Be eare to cull at our Iron Front Store. Augusta, Jan. 31,1852. s—ly ON THE WAV, r lie delivered at Penfield or any Kali ■ Road Station to suit the pun b scr, OF SEVEN DIFFERENT ftTYEEis. SOME WJTII THE Aeolian Attachment , ( Gilbert's Patent.) All, of tiie most npproved tone, mid ‘vnrrnnted ns durnble as any made in the United States Apply ently to 1’ S. WHITMAN. I’entield, Ga, Jail. 12, 1*.)3. 3—(ini DR. ALLEN, HAVING perfected himself in the Durham 1 system with ltrs Pitman &. Durham,: will practice eight miles norili <4 (ireenvilie, ] .ii Phillips Store. Entertainment or tims who have come from a distance. Price for] medicines and prescription JSO. Terms Cash. Feb. 28. If 52- 3 CASH STORK 1 t EO. W. PRICE, Dealer in F.mev mill Sla s-pie Dry Goods, (nr Cnsli; On • Doc-r noiri the Washington Hotel, Macon Geo. Nov. 8,1851. 45—ly I N<*w Sprin” Goods, Fiji! Supplies DAVIS & WOOD, Ll ESPIdCTFDDDY annoum- to th. ir V friends and the public, that they have re ; ceived their full supplies of i-pring Goods, em | bracing a large and elegant asortmeiit ofSta ■ pie and Fancy Dry Goods,Hurd Ware, Groce ! ries, &c., &c. , AMONG Wnicn ARE t Rich Fancy Brocade Silks, for Ladle:- Dresses, j Sup’r. Black Grode Rhino Silks for Ladies Dresses, .Senrfj, Aprons, &c Rich I’riiitril Bareges and Barege DeLnines. ; Fancy French Printed Organdies and Jaco nets, of new and elegant Styles. Sup’r Plain and Printed Lawns, Yard wide, for 1 -Acts per yd. mid upwards. J Jaconet and Swiss ‘Primings and in great variety. Plain nnd White Dotted Swiss Muslins, for Ladies Dressi sand under sleeves. . Sup’r. White Cambric, Jaconet, .Mull and Nansook Muslins, of soil Jt beautiful finish. Lillies Rich YViought and Fmh'd. Muslin nud Luce Collars and under sleeves, of tirm i quality. Ladies French Wrought Chemastvltc,tine finish Ladies Dawn mid Linen Cmnhrie llandker chiefs, at 124 ets each and upwards. Real Valenciennes and Thread Laces, Ed gings and 1 nst-rtiugs. Ladies line Fans,Shell, Tuck and Side Comb- Ladies’ Horn, Tuck and Side Combs. \ large lot of Blin k and White Holsny, Kill, Silk i(- Linen Gloves, tor Ladies and Gents wear of line quality and colors, assorted, Sup’r. Ginghams, j yd wide, at 12J ets per yd. and upwards. j Sup’r. American, French and English Prims, G.J ets per }'d to 25, Irish Linens, Linen Diaper for Table Cloths and Towels in gri itl variety, some very line. A tine Assortment of Cashmere:-*, fancy A. pl'n Cassimens, Drnp IN- Ettas, White ami Coloured Linen Drillings, k>r Gentle men's wear. A tine seiection. Brown Homespun 1-4 wide GJ per yd, good. „ ~ 5-4 ~ 121 per yd. good. Bleached do. from G 4 ets. per jd. up to JBJ 1 cents per yd. A huge lot of Silk if- Straw Bonnets, Some of them Trimed. Bonnet nnd Neck Rib bons of high colours and New Styles. I,adit s', Gentlemens, Youth’s and Childrens’ Shoes and Boots, Bootees, Ac. Also, Heavy Domestics,such as Cotton Yarns, Osnnhurgs, Stripes, CottonuJis and Bed Ticking. School Books,Paper, Ink,and Stationary. Together with a large lot id Hard Ware— Planes, Pocket and Table Cutlery; Truce Chains, Svthe Blades, Chop Axes, Cross Cut, Hand and Tennant Saws, Files. Hoes, Iron, Nails, Castings, if-c. Also, Codec, Sugar, Rice, Tobacco, Molasses, Salt, Drugs and Metlii ,ne .Ae , As. All of which have b. en carefully bought in the City of New York for cash, t-xpri s- y for thisMmket,and vviil be sold at a very small advance t>u New \ ork Frici s. We only ask you to cad and examine before you buy eh -where. Greeitesboro’.Ca. April2l, 1e52 J7—lt Rock Spring Water Cure, Rv < A CSV COX, .?!. D,, MAIULTTA, GEO. rt VIE! Water Cure Establishment of Dr. C. - COX lias been successful, not only in the number of patienig, hut in proving tlie < lii ciency ol the mode of treatment adopted for the ren.oviil oi iG --a. Ijr. Cox is prepared to die instances, in this place and elsewhere, to inialido oi long standing who have, under Ilia regimen, been restored to vigorous health. No place in the State oilers greater advantages for su Ii an establishment as that ot Dr. Cox, or bolds out stronger inducements to persons in had health who \vL!i to avail themselves ol the peculiar mode of treatment used by Hydropath it physicians.— Marietta Advocate. O'Letters of enquiry, post paid, will be promptly attended to. March, 1852. 10-3 m PIANO FORTES rBIOM the celebrated factory of JONAS P CIIICBERING, boston. Mr. Natl an i). Clapp (Professor of Music) in tiie (J;ei nos mro Femaie College, respect ] fully announces to his fiiends and tlie public, ; in tins vicinity, tlmt lie is now prepared to j liirnlsii Plano Foites of every description nnd price from the above well known estaiilish cn mt, at short notice, and tiie lowest cash ] uric”. These ii.strjji I'.’iit; have been too long before j ] the public, i.n l iL-h- merits and superiority are tuo well ii.. jwii to need comment. Having unusual facilities for selecting and , furni.-.kiiig tiie above instruments he guaranti ee . lli it they small give perfect satisfaction. Eia-et Aiu-ic of every description,both vocal , and instrumeiual.eoust.iiiiiy on hand. For particulars or applications, apply to Mr. Clapp “i tiie (!;. . nesboru* Female College. , Jau. 24, 1852. 4—Cm PICUUETS ! Si’ v ‘.T --'A2ota gh s. |4FFEHTIVE in tbi ir oppi ration, and for : wljieh a diplunm hns beeif awarded by the | i South Carolina Institute,arc Manufactured by : Ii 1T"(JI sold by U. Picquet itdi,!. | at liaar Root ami ftihoe ftiiorepind J. &S BoileH : ■ii tin ir Hardware and Cutlery Store, Angus- ! la, Ga. A thuap.-r, a Rmiter, and a turning Plough, are iurmshed with each Stock, for $3,50. — And some w ill, a Scraper, 2 Rooteis, and 2 . ‘1 urniug i : u . • : i :4.| 50. Augusta, Aptil 1,1152.. 14 Dissolution. ft |MI E co-partnership heretofore existing be-i tween the undersigned, is this day by ! mutual consent, dissolved. Those indebted j i will please cull and settle immediately; am! ] those having demands against the firm, will ! please present them. The stock on hand will] be sold at. cost. KLOTZ & LTNNENKOIILL. Greem shoro,’April 24, 1852. 17—ts GEO >IA. ) (trecne County. \ Court of Ordinary. jY VV. CHENEY, Guardian of M, F. Che - • ney, applies to ibis Court for letters of i Disini:: ion : —All persons interested will ap j pear and show cause if any they have, why I letters dismissoiy should not be granted said applicant in terms of the Law. | Given under my hand, in office, April 7th, 1872. J. W. GODKIN, Ordinary. April 10. 15—(Jm GEORGIA? i Greene Connty, S Court of Ordinary. \yiLEY W RIGHT and Samuel Wright.] Executors of V. bulon Wright,dceen- ■ ■!,■ , apply lo tiiis Court for Dismisson from the l trust : po :ol in them :—Ordered by this Court ! that all pi'i sons having objections will file them I in this oi,ice In line the Ist Monday in Novem- ■ ] her iiexl, or in default letters will then be grant ’ ed said ajipiicants. .1. W. GODKIN, Ordinary. April 10, 1852. 15—Gin (.fie?;;. ;3.i, > Greene ( aunty, j Court of Ordinary. 14/HEKEAS, Ambrose Ilutchenson, Ad mini.-tralorof Simeon Fuller, deceased, 1 applies to me for letters Dismissoiy:—These i are, therefore, to cite ail persons interested to] appear at my cilice, on or before the iiist Mon- | day in (tc.tobcr next, to show cause, if any thev : ] have, wi.v ietlers Dismissory should not be 1 j grunted said applicant, in terms of tiie Law. ] Given under my hand, in oiiice, March 13th ! 1 *52. .1. VV. GODKIN, Ordinary. March 13, 1852. ll—Cm GE MS IA, ) Greene County. \ Court of Ordinary. ’ll DUE AS, Walker Lewis, Administra ’ * tor of Cephas Wright, deceased, ap plies to me lor letters of dismission:—These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons ; ntieie-ted to be and appear at my oiiice within the time prescrib: and by law, to shew cause, if 1 any they have, or letters of dismission w ill be granted said applicant on the Ist Monday in lieptember next. JAS. \V. GODKIN, Ordinary. Feb. 14th, 1852. 7—bm c 4, 1 Greene County. V Court of Ordinary. U/ r IIEREAB, James Dolvin, Administra tor of Maty Broach, applies to this Court for Letters Dismissory:—Orderi and by this Court, that Citation issue,nud that persons interested appear and show cause, if utiy they have, by the fir-t Monday in October why Let ters of Dismission should not be granted said • pplicant in terms of the law. Given under my hand in office April D-t, 1852. . AS. \V. GODKIN, Ordinary. April 3. 14—bm GEORGIA, ) Greene County. ) \ ATHEW DF/AN.Adininistratior of Fi- V d-'J. crick Dean, deceased, applies to me lor letters of dismission from the Administration ■ said estate; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and cred itors ol said deeeeaseil, to appear at my office wiibni the time prescribed by law, to show causi, it any tlo-y have, why letters of dismis sion should not be granted said applicant by this court on 1 lie iirst Monday in (September next, in terms of the law-. Given under my hand officially this 21st da) of February, D52. 8---Gm J AS. \V. GODKIN, Ordinary. UIIURGIA, ) Gi rene County, f Court of Ordinal y, J Oil N BO.M NER, Executor of Mis. .Mary *’ Mapp, deceased, applies to me fur letters of dismission Irum said estate:—These are there -1 to to cite and admonish all and singular the aindred and creditors of said deceased, to ap pear at nty office within the time prescribed by iaw, to show cause, if any they have, why let 'ts ol ■ uission should not be granted said ap- I i o r.•: t i ’ i .is e-i ut on the tiist Monday in Oc-’ ; er next, in tenusof the law. litven under my hand officially this 13th day of March, 1v52.l v 52. J - - W. GODKIN, Ordinary. larch vil, le.-2. 13---6 m i Blake’s Fire Proof P. int. Dll. PLUMB &. Cos. offer for sale a qunn • tity of Blake's celebrated Fire proof Paint for covering roofs and outbuildings. Also Surgical and Deiitnl Instruments, Gold and , Tml . il, Jo <-s’ and White’s celebrated incor i eptabie Tei tii, to<-■ (ht-r with a general assort ment ■ pun Medicine*, Paints, Oils, Dye .Stulls, Window Glass, and every other article! 11l their line, ail of which they are prepared to sell at tiie lowest market prices, 1) R. P. & Cos. are agents for one of the best -•■••ii growing establishments in tiie country, and will fill orders (orfreih and valuable gar den and field Seeds at tlie shortest notice. Augusta, 15 .March I 852. 11 ~ t .2 cm , CQ YA'Hii; 8 GEORGIA SAUSAPA It I L L A . FOR Jaundice, Sica Head-ache, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Constipation of the lloicels, Piles, caused. In/ Cost ire ness, Pain ia the Pan els, or Jth, umalisia, caused by ike use. of Mercury, Syphilis, Scrofula, Boils, Li ners, Sue. *pc. ‘■'Hl.- PREPARATION is made as pure as *- po -idle. Its hitler taste, and beneficial es , -els iii diseases of tiie Liver, and diseases m isiiig from an impure stale of the Blood, 1 prove it to be the purest and most useful prepar j a lion of Sait-aparilla tiiat is made. Those wlio have u.-ed the various prepara ofSaisuparilln will find, by the taste and eiilcl, Hint there is more Sarsaparilla in one ! h- ttle of Dr. D’s. preparation, than in hull a ] dozen bottlesasit is generally made. Thai it might he more particularly adapted to pun* sional u- -, nothing but the pure Sarsa parilla has been used, that for different disea res, physicians migiit combine or prescribe with it, such articles us they might consider most appropriate in casts under ilieir treatment, i Its alterative and mildly purgative eifi-ci upon the bowels, make it not only a good sub- ] stitute f.,r Mercury, but useful in removing ail i di .-i.-vs a*, iig i.oin lire imprudent use oil ■ Mercury. i', and only by DENNIS, M. D., Au g'lita. Georgia. Sold in A-gusttt by W. il. Tutt, P. A. ?,1o- I ise, D. if. Plumb tv, Cos., VV. 11. &. J. Turpin, ] Haviiund, Bisley, est. Cos., VV. K. Kitchen, and Earrett, Cartt r cv, Cos. In Penfield by D. Her ron, M. 1). Pi ice —sl per bottle; (Jbottles for $5. Remember to ask for DENNIS’GEORGIA i ; SARSAPARILLA. Augusta, July 5,1851. 27—ly |Orh;i:aß Ccilißcalcs and Let ters. (MAN be seen by any who will call at the J store ol tiie Subscribers, received since the ! Ist of January, i’ 51, proving tlie superiority and worth of MARSHALL’S .MAGICAL PAIN ERAD ICAToR, There is no Humbug here! But plain and straight-forward truths. This Liniment will not cure every tiling, nor every disease, eitner in “Mail or Beast;” hut what it is said to cure, that we will VV AR RAN TANARUS, or the Money will he Paid Back!! The Di.-eases releivtl to are-- Rfieumatisiu, Acme and Cl rouic—Luinba | .o, I'niniui Ncrv- • . Scrofula, Spinal Affections, i'• slocatio is, ains, (Edematous Swellings, !Tu oofs, t iaiui.t i• r., Nodes, Wens, Bruises, Tai. Weak Jim:. Is, Contracted Tendons, j Weak Back, *i* udaclie, Gout, Goitre, Palsy t and Toothache. A- an auxiliary remedy, it is highly rccom- j I mended in the treatment of inflammation of the | 1 Atoinach, Bowt is, Kidneys, Bladder, Lungs,! ] Civer and Spleen. In all forms of diseases* win re the patient is inclined to sink, it stands, i without u rival in the annals of Medicine, as an hxc iimt\ and will produce a reaction il the vital f p.Ti k hut feebly burns. Physicians will fitic! it to ne a most powerful Counter Jrit .'••/(/, meeting the indications vs VVssicanis, without producing the dingreea’ule elleet.s oi a Blister. l or sale in l‘< l.mdd, by T. S. liankinson, | and by the principal Druggists throughout tiie i ►State. N. B. Be careful to purchase none without t she written name of . I F. Mo rehail on each | -ox. VV. IJ. Sc, J. ‘i‘L iIPIN, Proprietors. Feb. 21. 1*52, 8. I Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar. A SAFE and certain cure for Consumption j of the Lunas, Spitting of Blood. Coughs, I v olds, Asthma, Pain in the Side, Bronchitis, Hooping Ctiagh, and all Pulmonary affections. EilracU from Certificates. | V* Inch can he seen in lull by calling on tile A .:t ut and jetting a pamphlet, r. At - . rr 1 - .Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hospital, New York, says:—Dr. Rogers’ 1 I liverwort and far cured a case of the most distressing Asthma of twenty-six years stan- ADAM HARRIS. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq. 01 Cincinnati, says.—l had the Consumption!! attended with the most distressing Cough, and discharged several quarts of Mood from the Lungs, and ail 1 my friends and physicians gave me up to die, vet 1 lew ootties id Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and far restored me to perfect health!! (i A B RIE L WHi TE HEAD. 8 worn to and subscribed this 28th day of November, ls lb. 11. E. SRKNCER. Mayor ol Cincinnati. Mrs- Child (reeides on Sixth street, two ! doors v. a ot Smith,Cincinnati,) says: 1 laid 1 tile pu,,nonary Consumption, attended with a most hi dressing cough, which reduced me to j a mere skeleton, and and although under the i care of an able physician [Prof. Harrison] I 1 ■ - :1 i mi’ll to grow- worse, and gave up all : ho,.es of recovery 1 ! At this crisis I was per !‘--l ‘J to try Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar, v Di li entirely Imuled my lungs and restored me to perfect health, Ly the use of a few bot- ANN CHILD. Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says; Although it may peem unprofessional, I leel constrained |o state that I used Dr, Rocers’ Liverwort and Tar in the case of Charles Wade, who was quite low with Pulmonary Consumption, with the happiest effect afier the usual remedies l.ud failed. WM RICHARDS, M.D. t>e wiii iicdiu season! And neglect not that cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, and inviting on thaf dread disease, Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Uo gers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. eg-Thep inmic i„ siaued Astinaw Roger.- on the ouil re alTt j Jw ‘ ai l " r aiv uaa botUe, and i,M wh(J i m SCOVIL&MEAI). o v o , . . 113 Chartres st., New Orleans • Gw’.rr.-tl Atr - • Tflu- Southern Siatcs tv. whom a’i ©r ■’ r ‘ aU(I I'HcatK.u.t, U addressed, told by T. S. H:\ukioson, I'eufield, Ga. f ain & Nt'-l ett. ancon.Ga. Bttttt v\Br , Home, Ga. ” l' 1 ; ! H'ih XNt -.c. Columbus. C% ” , l ,a ! - I'ort Gaines, Ga. o”, {.O. H di-Ik, All auiy. Ga. 501441 “ ; “W oY i; C l.x Ri -v. August (lurries ton, S c. X Cos. and I*. a* Cubes Mar<h J-'. J’ l i‘J Jm. ft PUT) MONTHS after date, I will nmk* ~l- application to the Court of Ordinary, ,/ (.Irene County, for leave to nil tlie Lands’be h m.’i..g to tlie Estate of William Bickers ]).’ ceased. ’ r. I>. JACKSON, Ad’mr ] .March 13th, 1852. 1 iVO lUomlis alter date I will apply t 0 (), e I Court of Ordinary of Greene County, f ur leave to sell a Negro man named Jack, be longirg to Mary Y., Lovitia E., and Martha C. Janes, minors, for tlie benefit of said mj. nors. R. J. DAW SON, Guardian. March 20,1852. 12—2 m * ftp\VO months after date, we will make ap- X plication to tlie Cour of Ordinary of Greene County, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes, belonging to tlie Estate ofJessePerk ings, deceased. NICHOLAS PERKINS,). VINCENT SANFORD, $ l ' x ’I'* 1 '* March 13th, 1852. rP WO moiilhs after date, we will apply to tlie Jl Court of Ordinary of Greene County, for leave to sell tlie Lands belonging to the Estate of William Credillc,deceased, except the wid ow’s dower. SIN DR CREDILLE, AJm’x ii. A. CREDILLE, Ain’t, GEORGIA. ) Greene County. 1 Court of Ordinary, f'A REEK MOORE applies to me for the ►J Gn i uiianship of Mary A. E Kendall, mi nor, and Henry A S Mapp, minor aud orphan of James Mapp, dec’d:—Ail persons interested will appear at my office and shew cause, if any they have, why Letters of Guardianship should not be granted said applicant in terms ( of the law. Given under my hand, April Ist. 1852. JAS. VV. GODKIN, Ordinary, April 3.14—5 t GEORGIA* t I Greene County { Court of Ordinary. TTINCENT SANJ-ORD applies to me for V Letters of Administration upon tlie Es tate of Elisha 8. Hunter, dec’d:—All persons interest, and will appear and show cause, if any they have, iiy letters sitould not he granted said applicant in terms ot tlie law. Given under my hand ii. “Mice, April Ist, 1852. JAS. VV. GODKIN, Ordinary. April 3.14—5 t npWO months after date, we wilt apply to | x the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, lor leave to sell the Lands belonging to the Estate ot Win. Credillc, deceased, except the’ widows dower. SINAI CREDILLE, Adm’x.- R. A. CREDILLE, Ad’r. April If), 1852. 15 VVVO mouths after date, we will apply to i the Court of Ordinary of Greene. County, for lean to sell the Laiidsund Negroes belong ing to the Estate oi Email*!* 1 i’.idu-r, deceased. JL F. PARKER, f .. J. F. PARKER, j] Al< r ’ April 10, 1852. 15 1 1 ‘WO monhts after date, I will apply to the A Court ot Ordinary of Greene County, for leave tosell the Lands belonging to the Illi nois ot A. J. Broach, dei cased, for the benefit of said minors. S. DURHAM,Guard’n. April 10, 1852. 15 NEWTON HOUSE. Corner of Broad St. &i College Avenue, A'STERNS, GA. j ftpHE undersigned, having taken tlie above j popular and well known Hotel, is pre pare il to accommodate the iravelltnp public and permanent Boarders, in a style t, at cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. B KING. Formerly of Forsyth. Athens, Jau. 12, 1852. Notice, * * * : ID Mippiy ot .Sole; Harness. Kip and ’ * Brogan LEATHER, on iiand and for .■'he a: low prices—all Georgia manufacture,— . Defies:- from a distance executed with dispatch. ) Apply to R L. M’WIIORTER. I’enfield, Ga.. Nov. 15 4(1 LAND FOR SALE, § OI i-.for sale the following Lots of Land, | x to wit: Lot No. 93, 13 Hist, Early; No. 397, 13 d:st,, ly ; No. 317, 13 diet., Early ; Lot 318 13 diet.. Early; No 147, 13 dist., Habersham; No. l-’h 11 (list., Habersham; Lot No. 36,13 dist., Habersham. All of which will he disposed of on reasonable terms, il eariy application is made. Address A. T. SCOTT, Greent shorn’, Geo. Aug. 15, 1851. trimly 33 ts iNot.ce to Debtors nnd Creditors. A persons indebted to the Estate of Janits B. NiekeUon, late of this county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those to whom said [ state is in debted, are tie si rt and to present their claims duly proven and in terms of the Law. ANN M. NIC KELSON, E’x. W. T SHANNON, E’r. Gieene&boro’, April 5, U 52. To the Public. TTAYING noticed in the “Temperance i Banner,” that Dr. Allen, of Troup Cos., i Ga, has published to the world that he has “ac j compiished himself in the healing art,” under Drs. Pitman Jv, Durham, I take this method j of informing the public, that if I am the Dur | ham alluded toby Dr. A., he has attempted to impose hitnseli on them as fur as relates to me, jby giving publicity to a falsehood. Dr. Allen knows nothing whatever of iny practice ofmed ici D?’ , „ L- DURHAM, Sen.. March 27, 1852. jg (; t City Hotel—Atlanta. fT'ML undersigned lias fitted op in suitable * style, a large and commodious House, at i the corner of Floyd and Decatur streets, At lanta, tla , for the purpose of accommodating | trailsetent and regular Boarders. This House , e kept upon strictly temperance principles, and jail who wish quiet accommodations, are res ! pectluily in yited to give the City Hotel a trial. ! . „ „ L. R. BUTLER. Jai - 3 - 18S3. I—fi,n J. D. STEWART, IF LEPS a private Boarding House for me -11 accommodation of the public. Price ac coni it: re to fare. ( - nyei’s Station • Dec. 13 1851 50 w, S. WILLIFORD, COJIJIISSWN mriKCIIAHT, MACON, GEO. Nev 8, 1851. 45—ly