The temperance banner. (Penfield, Ga.) 18??-1856, September 11, 1852, Image 4

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sps:w rn'ino ‘tern f.. * t'r . i ■ ! wee (bn. *. ‘ i In ,-4*5 “! i- SV..M t 10 I V,; Tiiro’ Uh* v. r ' ,v '*. Audci’ll lh<- flow,,* Lor ; To look abroad O’-.f rioworkn of Ge l, Aral 1.r.-a ■ ;u •Thkvvcl. tojoro TANARUS!. pages over, Os books >f*tructiiig youth ; *Yi. sweet to i.i’mk — And ii i’|) to ib ink Os purity and truth. ‘Tin swi ct to pour The sou! bes ,t” ( iuil's throne ofriotu-.'t (’ri.ic ; And t*v< r feed Your highest. weal ’i'o run the Christian race. ’Tis sweet to win A soul from sin To God and holy tear ; ’Tin sweet to From sorrow’s face ’Clio bursli 7, burning t< or. ’Tis sweet to re. and, The !;fi A to feel, The Slant; <; ’ “ nee .; ”Ci- • efc In ,„W, You've not been slow, In paying up your dues. ’Tis sweet and meet, Aye, pausing sweet, To have u friend that's true; In whom you may Confide alwny, Whose heart pulsates for you. ’Tis doubly sweet At Jesus’s f>-et To bow and passive lie, And feel within You loathe all sin, Your home ,’ above the sky. I). I!. Mind Wiiat you Say. It is always well to avoid ‘ .tying eve ry thin” that is improper. Bin it is • peoially so before children. And here parents, ns wall as others, are often in fault. Children have as many ears as’ grown persons, and they arc generally moit! attentive to wluit is said before them. What they hear they arc very apt to repeat, and as they have not dis cretion and knowledge of the world enough to disguiso anything, it is gen erally found that “children ami fools speak the truth,” Heo that little hoy’s eyes glister, wbilo you are speaking of a neighbor, in language you would not wish to have repeated, lio does o t fully understand what you mean, but be will remember every wovd; and it will bo strange if lie does not cause you to blush by its repetition. A gentleman was in the habit of, ail ing at a neighbor's bouse, and tlio la dy had always expressed to him great pleasure from bis culls. One day just after she had expressed to him, as iisu at, her happiness from bis visit, her lit tle boy entered the room. Clio gentle man took him on bis knee, and asked : “Are you not glad to see me<leorgel” “No, sir,” replied the buy . “Why not, my little man?” ho con tinued. “Because mother don’t want you to come,” said George. “Indeed! how do you know that, George?” Here the motiler was crimson, and looked daggers at the little son. Hut lie saw nothing, and therefore replied, “Because silo said, yesterday, she wished that old bore would not cull he re j again.” That was enough- The gentleman's hut was soon in requisition, and ho left with the impression that “great is thr truth, and it will prevail.” Another little child,looked sharply in tbo face of a visitor, and being unked what she meant by it, replied : “Iwanted to see whether you bad a drop in your eye; 1 beard mother say you had frequently.” A boy once asked one of bis father’s guests, who lived next door to him; and when bo hoard ids name, be asked if lie was not a fool ? “No, my little friend,” replied the guest, “he is not a fool, but . very sen sible man. But why did you ask that question?” “Because,” replied the hoy, “mother said the other day, that you were next door to a fool, and I wanted to know who lived next to you.” Anecdote or l)tt. Yorrsu.—As the Doctor was one day walking in his gar den at Me!win, in company with two ladies, one of whom lie afterwards mar lied, a servant came to toll him that a gentleman w ished to speak to him. “Tell him,'’said the Doctor, “that 1 am too happily employ to change my situation.” The ladies insisted that lie should go, ns his visitor was a man ol rank, Ins patron, and fits friend. As persuasion, however, had no etl'ect, one took him by the right arm, the other by the left, and led him to the garden gate, when, finding resistance w as vain, he bowed, laid his hand upon his In art, and in that expressive manner ti>r which be was so remarkable, spoke the following lines: “Thus Adam looked when from the gar- j den driven, And ilms dispu'ed orders sent from heaven, l.ike him I go,but yet logo am loth; Like him 1 go for angels drove us both: Hard was his, but rmno still more unkind; IIUEve went with him, but mine stays behind.'’ Intellect is not tin* moral power, i .in solence is. Honor, net talent, makes Uie gentleman. ORGAN It;.’ Tilt; SONS OK TEMPERANCE AND STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION iUHit.itH’ I’. Glii S’S'S N In thankful to 1: , fri.uiJs for their fornuM support of him, and begs h ave to sy that he -■ uuroii ti candidate Ihr th.- office t.i Tax Coh lector in tile county of ( 0.-cnc, for the ye’ 1 . I Sot July 10, 1 salt. 2 J -if \„ ."UV are uinho.L'zeil to untiouoc.* t.zl - Kuo J. ft nor .i :<s a can.!’ . te for Inx Cos - I lect r of Green* County, at th.; Election on tin i Ist Monday i • January, 18.',1. August 7, 1853. 32 O’ W- are authorized to announce Gnor.uE P, Xh, ns a rondidnte for Tax Collett itorof Greene County, at the Election on the Ist Monday in Jnmory, i -fid. August 14, 1858. -id 1 O* We ac authorized to announce Henry C. Ter.M R, a candidate for Tax Collector of Greet r County,on the li -t Monday in Janu ary next. Aug. 21, 18.52. 3 4 -ts Groceries! < rocerics!! OA VIS & WOOD would i” •; utfnll v in for u. ; their friends and the public g.-n-raily that ; they have now received in .'tore a fine hot oj ’ Sugars, Cofiee, and Bale Rope of the very h- i ; that con lie had. Bale rope in small coils, say : ■ 45 to 75 ihs. in a roil, and warranted good, a!! j !of which will he sold nB low > nil I, ■ her. I in th,s market, comparing qunlity. Our Air Daria is now in New York buying our Ia LI. j SuppUep, and they will soon he in Store win n we idinll"he plean dto see r.ll onr friends at any ! time. Small Profits, td'iick Trade and Sure | Pay is our motto and pass word. (Ireencsboro, Ga., Kept, 4, 1852. ALDRICII & ROYAL DEALERS IN HOOTS AND SHOES, at Metcalfs new Iron Front Store, opposite tlie Masonic Hall. A, A. 11. have on hand,and will contin ue to rec’ ive, per weekly steamers from New Yon. -ilid Philadelphia, a large and well selec ted stock of the rnpst fashionable and n,-t t finished LADIKH, MISSES, GENTS, YOUTHS and Ctll LDULN’m BOOTS AND SHOES, all of whicti they invite the puldic to . xntnine, anil compare pricia and quality be fore purchasing. N. It.—lie -nr” lo v. II at 0 U Iron Flora Store. Augusta, Jan. 31,1852. 5- — ly Practice of Medicine. nR. D. C. O’KEEFFE, (late of PeidleU) ! respectfully tenders his professional setvi- ‘ ces to the < -iiiarns of Greeneshoro’ and Greene count). Ollicc over Mr A. T. Scott’s Store, j Greeneaboro’, (la. Aug. 21, 11-52. 3-I—if j li R LAVV S 1110 , Allautn, Ga. Offers for sale the best ijuulity of Watches \ i Jewelry ever offered to tile people ofupir I Georgia. Call and see. Atlanta, July 3d, 1853; 27—-12 mo. | Valuable Properly. lor Sale. fTMIE butixeriher offers for sale his House and : I I l,ot, near the Court House, in Greenes-| : boro,’ long known ns a Public Hotel Estab lishment. The place is well known to nit j persons visiting Greeneshoro, ’ and a forth, t description is deemed unneci ssary. Th; ! terms of Sale will be i.iade accommodating tr, a suitable purchaser. LOUDEN WILLIS. j (Irmifslmro,* July 27. —if Wesleyan Female College. J’ o j Macon, Georgia. fTMIE fifteenth annual term of this Institution * will open on the Ist .Monday in October, i with the following faculty : Rev E. 11. Myers, A. M. Pres, and Prof, ot j English Literature. Rev O. L. Smith, A. M. Prof. Mor. am 1 bit j I’liilosliphy. Rev. John M. Bunnell, A. Prof. Natural j Science. Rev. C. W. Smith, A. M , Prof. Math, ninths Mr. P. G. Gulteiiberger, Prof Music. MisaF. R. Guttenbergcr, Assistant in Music. MisaS. [,. Tildoti, Instructress in Ornamental lliam hes and French. Mr. and Mis. R.ll. Clayton, Steward’s De partment. wishing information ns to charges course ot Study,. Ye., Ac., miiyobtain it l y np- J plying to the President, Macon Da. O. L. smith. Macon, Sept. 4th, 1852. Harness! Harness!! rpHK Subscriber lies < >p nod a Harness IN- i -I- tablEhnieiit in Bairdslnwn, where he will execute all orders entrusted to him in the neat’- j e°i ninl best manlier. 2 £?” Repairing done at! the shortest notiee. W. II PACK, Bairdst own!Sept 4, 1*52. 3l!—|m. “DRY GOODS. \. T. A R. StOTT, HAVE on had a rich supply of Dress and - oilier Fancy Hoods, w hich they oiler ai very reduced prices, and to which they invite the attention of the public. Our Stock of Goods embraces every thing in our line. We would c all pattiouiar attention to the following; Ricli Brocade Silks, I.ich Figured Silks, Rich Watered do. Silk embroidered Grenadines, Rich colored do. Bordered Barege Robes, Silk Bareges, Barege DeLaines, Rich Or audios. Printed Shnllys, Muslin Robes, Printed Jaconets. Chamburg Ginghams, Fine Embroidered worked Mantillas, Black and colored Visiltes. Black Silk Slmw Is, Figured Barege do. Black Lace Veils, Fine worked Collars and Culls Cheniescttsand worked Under Sloe vc s. Swiss and Jaconet Edgin sand Inserti 1 French, English and American Prints, in great variety ot patrons, Parasols, Fans, Gloves, Ac. Gents black and colored silk llandkerc hicls, Cloths,Cassemcres A Vestings. Greenesboro,’ June22d, I t-.>2 Hi—ts LAND FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for sale the following Lots of Landt to wit: Lot No. 99, 19 Jist . Early; No. 397 nIS cist.. Early : No. 317, 13 diet., t.aily ; | , • -se; l.’ldist., F.arly; Noli?, 11! dist , Ha!ersli3l3, No. GO, 11 .ust., Habersham; Lot No. 3G,liu dial , Habersham. All of which will be disposed ofon reasonable lernrs, it early application is made. Address A. T. SCOTT, Greenesboro’, ■ ’ | Aug. 15, 1851 ri-io v Wholesale Grocery L>bbi!i<' sw ’ Char/fsloii, S. ('. HE Suhacribers havirg istabl);!” and te a • t Ives at NO I, HA YN E STREET, , >lie transaciion of a V/hclesale Grocery Business, ‘J.cctiully the patronage of their friends ■nd the putdic. Merchants un : ! planters vdi* ‘ .tg the- city, arc requested to giro us a call 1 “tore making pure! n■>.s. Careful httentio -1 shall he giveti to tilling Orders. H A N1), WI ELIA MS Sc VVIJXOX July, 10,1853. 38—3 m LAWSON A. ROW’BIiY, COMMISSION MEIICHAN T 39 Hay Sira l, f avaimali, €ic*; uia. P. A. I.AWSON, J. E. G I PREY. August 7, 1852. 32 J . J. PEAR C E WAREIIOUSE AND r Co in mission M ere ha nt, A tißti Ma. Gu. nAVr.NO rent'd a portion of the extec-ive j .1 . ‘■< Ftrit.t. near the Gi-l>e I;> tei, ard | So ,'h of Broad Street, I tender my thanks for i< patronage, and say to n y frien is, and | th i! public gen* rally, that i atp now still letter eituated to promote their interest, m well as jmy own,in tb • STORAGE AM) S\ES OF j ( ‘)T i ON, or c th. r PRODUCE, and shall j continue to i- ve try personal attcn : on t., all I hußiuußß orders directed to :ny ,ig", and will j mr’ke Cnnh advance” on Cotton in More, ig hen dean erf. J. J. PEARCE. Augusta, July 31, 1852. .7i -Cm Unadulterated Medicines. nB. PEI'MB &. Cos. are cot,-trimly, re • ceivittg fresh supplies of all the new preparations, which they warrant to be nnn tlulleraleil, and of the very best qua by, They have now on hand n full assortment of Surgi cal .Sr, Dental Instruments, I’., ts, Oils, Dye BtulD, Window Glass of all r /--, ii.< r with all other arli, les usually s,d ! hy drug gists, which they are prepared to :-d r: t the low est market prices. Augusta, May 1, ls-52. 13 Land Warrants Wanted! Ivv ill give thirty dollars for forty acp s, sixty - dollars foreighly acres, and one hundred j and twenty dollars lor IGO acres Petsons • from a distance wishing to sell win ,'xa-.- no tify me when they will he in Green*-boro.’ JAMES h. 1 DOWN. Greenesboro’, Ga. August 21, 1852. 33 Great Bargains. L' ERR IS At, PAUL Have constantly on D hand a full assortment of Ready-made Clothing and Gentlemen’s wearii “ apparel o jail descriptions and qualities. ALSO j Manufacture all garments to order. Warrant ’ good fits and to give satisfaction in all’eases. We also sell as cheap and on as i I terms as | any house in the city, and would r,-.-p etiiiliy invite all our up-country friends:,, give us a j call. J. C. FERRIS, G A PAUL. Augusta,Feb 21, 1852. 8 ly. CASH STORE. t t RO. W. PRICE, Dealer in Fan; y and Pta ! v J pie Dry Goods, for ('asli; One Door Mop; I the Washington Hotel, Macon Geo'. Nov. 8,1851. 45—ly J. A. VAN W.INKITe, KERCHAWT TAILOR. i Next door lo tiro. Rail Road Rank, A in;a.•da, Geo. Illavc now on hand n sptendid and full slock of Cloths, Corsimercs, Vestings, l>rap !n’s, Lines, iYc , which will be made to rc as good and as fashionable ns can be had in tile United States, ready mair. ci,<mmc. 1 have always on hand, a (irst rate si k of Clothing adapted to the season. Mv stock at the present is large and well selected, com prising every thing new and desirable. A LSI > : White and colored Shirts, Silk, Cotton ana Merino under garments. Collars, Cotton, Si;!;, j and Kid Gloves, Suspenders, Flesi, ry, Money j delta. Stocks, Cravats, Silk and Cotton Um brellas, Wulking Cato s, \e. J. A. VANWINKLE Augusta, April 3, 1852. 14 | HI'ER SO NT & IIEIDT, Manufacturers of and Dealers in FASHION AMLR'It BA 1> Y MA DB CLOTHING, and Fancy Dress articles, Wholesah p Retail. P. Ot S. would respectfully invite the atten tion ofcountry Merchants to an examination c< their Stock, No, 101, Bryan and 6S St. Julian Sts. Savannah, Gn DANIEL PIERSON. EMANUEL IIEIDT. March 97,1853. 13 CARMICHAEL vt BEAN, AlGl hTA, CA. KEF.P constantly on hand, in addition a their extensive Stock of Hardware and Cutlery, a large supply of Agricultural lmpic ! ments,consisting of Ploughs,Cultivators, Har lows, Corn Shelters, Straw utters. Wheat Fans,Threshers,Grain Crahles, ,Cc. Ac. Feb. 22,1859. \v S WILLI FOR Ll, comm issiom Mi:ucia:iT. MACON, GBO. X..V 8, 1881. TV—ly Livery Stable! I.VIR the accomno jation ot Hors sand the JP ‘rraveilirg public, by W. E. M’OADH CO. Eatonton, Patnam Cos. Aug. dm “"KELLiAM & IIOWEIiL. Atlorncr* :,t I * l ' l, Atlanta, (la. Will continue tojir ; ueh all professi. nal bn sinrss entrusted to their cate, to the lull s taction of their clients. A. R. K111."i U. >- -b wei,t.. May 15, I'.'J. 22—ly AtlniiiiitilratorN Suits BY a decree of the Superior Court of Wal- . ton county, (Ga ) will he sold on the first i Tuesday in October next, at the Court House , ’ cioor in said county,between the usual hours of ! . Rale, a Negro man, hy the name of Booker, .b out fifty or sixty years old. Sold on a credit i.nt 25th day of next December ; small notes with with two good securities will be required. T. M. Fyl MBROUGH, A dm’r. With tlv will annexed on the Estate of Win. Michael, deceased. Sept. 4,1852. 30—td WILL he sold 1,.-fore the Court ilou ;e door, in the Town of Greeneshoro’, on the :(! i Tu, sir;/ in November n<'Xt, HPuv- n the j legal hours of sale, the tract of Land belonging jto the Estate of John R Jeter, deceased, whereon said Jeter lived, .enabling between K-.-v* u and eight I tuidre i acres, joining lands ,f E. I). Aifriend, James Moore, Lemuel Ship, Cephas Lev. is and others, To be sold under an order of the Ordinary of Greene i County,for the purpose of distribution. Terms i on thedsy. J. \VD SWANN, Ad’r. Sept, 4,1854. 36—6 t. “ITTILLhe sold, on the first Tin- .Ny i>s No- V vemher next, before the Court House ; j Door, in'the Town of Greensboro,’ Green j County,under an order of the Court ol Ordina ry of said county, One Hundred and x'y Acres of Land, more or less, adjoining la: * <■■ Jas Moore, Win. F- Luckic, and J. A. \Vi’- . an. 3 and others. Sold as the property of tlie i minors of Jo,-ph Grimes, late ofs-i-l ‘• unty, , j deceased, for Die benefit of soi l mino.s. Tern,:;. ’ on the day ol'Na.'e. ISAAC A. WILLIAMS, Gaad’n. ; Sept, 4, 1852, 36-9 t Administrators Suit;. ; AT7ILL be Sold at the late residence of N. IV 11. Whitl&w, deceased (at Woodville) i on Wednesday the 10th ot November next, all i I the perishable property of said deceased, con sisting of Corn, Fodder, Oats, Wheat, .Stock of I Mules. Cattle, Hogs, Plantation Tools, Wag- , j on,Carts, Household and Kitchen Furniture, j &c.&c. Sale lo continue from day to day ur j til all is sold. LUCY S. WHITLAW, Ad’x. JOHN G.IIOLTXCLAW, Ad’r. i Aug. 28,1852. 35—id AdiiiiitislralurN Y\7"ILL be sold, before the Court House I VV door, in the the town of Greenrsboro,’ j on the first Tuesday in November next, within I the legal hours, the Plantation belonging to the ; testate of Wane n E. Andrews, late oi Greene ! county, deceased; and known as the Cater- j j white Place, eight miles East of Greeneshoro’ ; I and within three miles of White Plains-—con | taining two hundred and thirty acres, more or j I less. Bold hy ordt rof the Court of Ordinary, j for the benefit of said estate. L L. AN DREW 8, Adm’r. Aug. 21,1852. 34-'Jt Administrator’* k:t!c. \\7ILL be sold at the Court house in * * Cherokee County on the first Tues day in October next, within the usual houts of; j Sale, tne following Lots of gold, viz: No. 519, land No. 254—in the 3d Dist. 2nd Section, j each containing Forty Acres.—Also one-third j of No. 5-18—one-third of No. 47 3, one-third , No. 4f ; 5, one-third of 534, each lying in the j third District, 2nd Section of Cherekee, Con taining 13 l-.'ld acres each. Will be sold also , cm the same day, at the Court House, in Cnss ‘ county, Le.t of Land No. 237, 6'th district 3d Section, containing 160 aefes. Will also be sold on the same day, at the Court House in ! Floyd County, one-third of a lot ofland No, j 28,23d district 3d Section, it being 53 l-3d acres, nil sold under an order :rom the Court of Ordinary of Morgan County as the lands of Richard S. Park, late of said county, deceased, j Terms Cash! NANCY T. PARK, Ad’x. IIEN'RY WALKER, I . ~ JOHN E. WALKER, \ s ’ Aug. 7th, 1851. 32—2 m Gcs^:ta^:ia;®tz3iE;c22t. j ATTILL be sold before the Court House j 1 * t door in Greeneshoro’, on the first Tues- 1 day in October next, Seven Hundred Acres oi j Land, more or less, lying in Greene County, I on the waters of Richland Creek, ndjoining-tiie I Lands of William Bryan, John Smith and oth-j ers. Sold under an order of the Court of Ordi- j nary of said County as die property ofWilliam . j Credille, deceased. Terms of sale will be gi ’ veil til the day. SINAI CREDILLE, Ad’x. R. A. CREDILLE, Ad’r. August 2nd, 1852. 32—-gt GEORGIA, ) ! (beent Count:/. 1 VI7IIEREAB the Estate of Susannah Bar j kcr, deceased, has become unrepresented j i by the death cf Elisha S. Hunter, Adm’r. with j i the will annexed: These are therefore to cite i and admonish all the kindred and creditors of j said deceased, to appear at my office on the first Monday in October next, and show cause, it any they have, why tlte Clerk of the Superi or Court should not be appointed Administra tor de bonis non, with the will annexed, upon : the instate of Susannah Barker, deceased. Given under my hand at office in Greenes- j boro’, this 24th day of August 1852. JAS. YV. GODKlN,Ordinary. Aug. 28,1852. 35—fit l CjA\VO Months after date I will applv to the j ! A Ordinary of Greene County ior leave to ’ sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of George Phillips, deceased. C. S. CREDILLE, Ex’x. July 24,1852. 30—Sm r!A WO Months after date, we will apply to | -A the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, lor leave to sell the Lands and Negroes of Eli sha S. Hunter, late ofsaid county, deceased. i ANN E. HUN TER, Ad’x. JAMES L. BROWN, Ad’r. August 10,1852. 33--2 m r jAWO months after date 1 will apply to the ; L Ordinary of Walton county for leave to ■ :i Two Negro Women,about forty-live and fifty years old. Said negroes belong to the Es- 1 , late of John M. Michael, minor of Wm. Mi ! chat 1, deceased. T.M. F-IMBROUGII, Guardian Sept. 4.1*52. j WO months after date, l will apply to the J- Court of Ordinary of Greene County, lor * Have to sell four A< res ot Land, the property of : the minor heirs of rlenry English, deceased, JOHN D. ENGLISH, Guard'n. August 4th, 1851. 32-*--2m , r JA WO month# after date I will apply to J- the Court of Ordinary of Greene County, I for leave to sell two Negroes, the property of ! Jesse Stephens, deceased, to effect a Division. JOHN STEPHENS, Guard’n. July 17, 1852. 2)—2m Notice. VGOOD t t'v ofvVide; Harness, Kip ana -B •• gan 1 \THF.R-, on hand and foi sale at low ;■ !e- s—all rr tnre,—. Ore. ss tr> :u a di. ;anc executed wi, . d.spaUh | Apply to R L. M'WHORTFM i Penffeid, Ga , N*ov, 15 4 Original Certificates asaii Let ters, (LAN be seen by any who will ca I at the J store ot the Subscribers, received since the Ist of January, 1851, proving the superiority i and worth of MARSHALL’S MAGICAL PAIN ERAD -ICATOR, There is no Ilambng here! But plain andßtraight-foiword truths. Ts Liniment will not cure, every thing, I nor 4#ery disease, either in “Man or Beeitj” lint what it is said to cure, that we will WAR- ! RANT, or the Money will be Paid Backlf I The Diseases refared to are— Rheumatism, Acute and Cl ronio-Lumba -1 go, Painful Nerves, Scrofula, Spinal Affections,! Dislocations, Sprains, (Edematous Swellings, I Tumors, Ganglions, Nodes, Wens, Bruises, I Strains, Weak Joints, Contracted Tendons, ! Weak Back, Headache, Gout, Goitre, Palsy 1 and Toothache. As an auxiliary remedy, it is highly recom i mended in the treatment of inflammation of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Lungs, Liver and Spleen. In all forms of diseases win ie the patient i.- inclined to sink, it stands, : wit! cut a rival in die annals of Medicine, as n Jixeitant; and will produce a reaction it j li- vital spark hut feebly burns. i’iij icians will find it to b-a most powerful ‘ Counter Iritant, meeting the indications of Ve.-'sicnnis, without producing the diagreeabie effects of a Blister. For sale in Peidield, by T. S. Hankinson, j ami by the principal Druggists throughout the | State. N. B, Be careful to purchase none without j the written name of J. E. Marshall on each box. W. 11. & J. TURPIN. Proprietors. Feb. 21. 1852, 8. Valuable Property for Sale. |7 , r.v;.t the late indisposition of my better half, JU lam compelled to sell—(and no mistake.) The following property, in the city of Griffin, will be offered to the highest bidder on Tues day the sth clay of October next, between the hours of 10 . M . and 4 P. M ,to wit: A Eni’tjo new Monse not fiiJisSieH, situated on an acre lot bounded by Solomon street on the South, and 10th street on ihe West, eacit 100 feet wide, with 30 feet alley on the North.—Good well and water as in the city or county lo be found. This h"u:e is convenient and desirable,: 1 either for a College or Boarding House, or j both; with charter of incorporation granting ; full privileges of the house. I feel it not inap -1 propria ie to give the following description: | It is 3 stories high, front on 10th street, 60 : feet with Portico; trout on Solomon street, fit I feet with Portico, L shaped, rear Jine 45 feet, Piazza 6 feet on the tear -side to Ist and 2nd story. Passage through, each 10 feet wide. 10 rooms, each with fire places—lint is, 4 rooms 24 by 22 feet, 4 do. IT by 24, anil 2do :13 by 21 feet in the clear. The third story !,as 1(1 rooms large enough for bed rooms, and ; one lair” enough fora study room. Roof flat: j round 5‘J story, 12 feet on each side, and fi | feet on the etui, and flat on top of third story, making a fine observatory from which the j Stone and Pine Mountains may be seen. The house having room enough to educate, board 1 and lodirc 11)0 students with a sufficient mint ! her of teachers, without being too much crow ded. One dwelling house; four good large rooms, with fire places, with half acre lot—fronting : Solomon Btreet North. , j Also, one smoke home, new and well put up. AI?o, two liotr: es occupied by me as kitchen, : :o be sold re^nritc. Alpo, a large lot of sash, 10 x 12—15 and 18 lights to the window. French glass ertra j No. 2; about 1200 lights in all. Also, a fine lot of extra poplar shingles, 21 1 long and rived to 1 inches width, | about 14,000. Also, a large lot of sawed timber, consisting I j olscantling of various sizes and lengths, quar- j 1 tered flooring, ceiling, <{■■■:. <{-c. Also, a choice selection of Law Books, I : mostly Elementary works, beside* many other i j valuable books on miscellaneous subjeots. Cost | j between $1,500 and §2,000. Besides many useful articles of household, ’ ami kitchen furniture. All of which will be sold upon the following I j terms: All sums of $lO or under, cash. Ail! j other sums 10 per cent cash will be divided in- j j to equal payments to fall due in succession 3 : months apart Thus sums over §lO and not! ! exceeding ,8.100, cash paid ten per cent, say 5 n I I fa 100, leaves §OO due, for which sum three’ ’ s-pnrate nr,tr3 will be taken of (S3O each, to j i fail due, 3, t, and 9 months after date, and so i :of all the rest of amounts hereinafter men- j tioned. \ Sums oversloo and not exceeding.s4oo - S4OO 1000 8 payments 3 months, 1 1000 “ 2000 12 : 2000 and over 1G „ „ j Interest to be paid from sth Oct. 1853, upon ■ not: sto become due after that time. Small nstes and solvent security will be re : quirtd. j No tide to be made until the full amount of the purchase money is paid. Titles to the i premises clear and unquestionable, will then be ’ made. Don’t forget it, the sale will be made on the I premises at the time stated, viz: Oct. 5, 1852. P. B. COX. ’ Griffin, August 21. 1052. 34 Jefferson Hall For Sale. WILL be sold beicre the Con-t House door vv in the town of of Green tboro*, On r County, on the first Tuesday in October next, the well known plantation in said County, the late residence of Augustin Greene, deceased,: : nine miles below Greencsboro’, and two miles ‘ below Union Point, immediately on the Ueor i gia Rail Road; containing seven hundred acres, more or less ; one hundred in the woods, ad- 1 ; joining lands of Thornton, Carlton, and others; with a fine Dwelling House, and ail necessary I and comfortable out housts, all in good repair, vv iih a fine Orchard of the < hoicest selection of ; fine fruits, fine vineyard, &c. Plantation in a | high state of cultivation, w ith fine Springs, of 1 | the purest water; in short,one of the most de | sirable Locations in Middle Georgia. Persons desirous of purchasing a fine, healthy Location, ; convenient to a good School, will please call I and examine for themselves. Will be Sold also, | at the same time and place, lot of Land, No.! i 126, in the 10th District of formerly Irwin, now ; Lowndes County; also a lo', No. 330, in the 9th of Appling County. All the above property sold in accordance with the last will and testament of Augustin Greene, late of said County, deceased. Terms | on the day of sale. Mary f-, ExCx BENJ. F. GREENE, Ex'r. July K'th, 1552. 2----2 m r F • O Months ■; r data, we will n; ; m A- the of Ordinary of Greene l .untv, for leave to Fell the NcgM; lelonclng to ti.e Estate of N, 11. Whit! iv. : , ‘■ • , f i.i :m tv, !deceased. LUCY 8. WHITLAW, \ Px b 1 1N G lit *’ VZ LAW \ r. Vug. 28, lung. 35—2 m. Dr W XV. MARSHALL, or JIACOJI, GEO. TT/ OULD call the attention of the public to ’ ‘ a number of certificates published in va rious papers in the State of cases of Fistula cured by him, In the treatment of Fistula, recourse is generally had to the knife, which is ! always painful and often hazardous and very frequently unsucccsful. More than one half of the cases that have come under his care of late, had been subjected to tlte knile without experiencing the leastben cfit.but rather made worse. They were per fectly cured by Dr. M. without the use of the !. :. ■,or ait) such operation, without the least ! d"f “r, and with but little or no pain. Inmost ’ cases the treatment does not prevent the ordi ! nary pursuits of business, although the patient is i “ ,-ssarialiy obliged to be under the imme niediate care and supervision of the Doctor from o:: m four weeks, according as the na tc: nd I'iutimslancesofthe ease tnay demand. Dr. M. does not exaggerate, when he says that the plan oftreatment he pursues is obliged to I'jccc'd in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, if uot in every case of Fistula. SSttiiti! 6£c*nd!! Macon, sth Oct. 1849. 8 ML W. W. MARSHALL;—Dear Sir— .L/'jV great relief 1 have recently received at ycur hands, induces me to offer my testimony to v our successful treatment of Cancerous affec tion?. Some ten years ago, a small lump, some thing like a wart,made its appearance in the centre of my lower lip, giving me at first no in - convenience or pain. After several years it begat) to grow, l then applied to a physician who cat it otl'below the surface of the lip and burnt it with caustic, ami 1 thought, cured it. In a short time afterwards, it reappeared and t-wmore rapidly than before; affecting with in the last six months, the glandsofthe neck, and giving me occasionally considerable pain. My physicians gave it as their opinion that it was cancerous and that nothing could relieve me but the knife. In this situation 1 put ntyself under your treatment, on the 1 Oth September last, and to day, I think I may sately say, that I am well. I trust that you will long live to afford relief to ;ie c Gfict- and and distressed. With niy warmest thanks, for your kind and constant attention during my stay with you, I am respectfully, yours, S FLOYD. Col Floyd i-7 known to the community as the brother of Judge Floyd, and an eminent lawyer rosidingat .Madison, Ga. March 6,1852. 10— ly Aif MtTED £t*LlS>i Medial Iloune, Jhslawished Fifteen years ago, by D R. ‘ K I N K EL I N , N. W. Corner of Third & Union Streets, be tween Sp’ uce and Fine Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Youth and Manhood, A Vigorous Life or a premature death. KINKELIN on Self Preservation. Only 25 Cents. T'*i* honk TiiiM: Lcii® fHIM with n c cfnl inforrration, on lit 1 ’mm 1 . • .u”i luf.Mf. oitiio Generative Organ*. If atidre.-- 11 -Mire to Youth, Manhood and Old Age. rndshould 1,0 TOOL hy all. i vV.iIV. !'■ ?. 1: !ce nJ imprrs-ive warning it give?, willpre of ::ivcvy And aiiieiing ar.d save annually Thon san • • lives. ! iiy it will learn how to prevent the deslrnc t: in of their ehiidiDU. r • o” co cl cents, enclosed in a letter. acldresKrd to PH. Kl'* N. \V. <‘t*iini cf third and Union Sirt-ets. between 7] ! v.v unl I'ine, Philadelphia, w ill ensure a hook, nndtr envtl c-itc. per return mail. Per • ‘as at a diMc.nve ad lress Dr. letter, post paid, and Ik cured ai homo. Pd; A/0.8 of M licinos Directions, &c. forwarded, >y -ending.* a iviiuitance, and put up 8. cure from Damage or L \uiority. h- elltr .New \ • nts I’edlars, t’-tt vasrers, and nil#ih ew, .-T.ppliei wivn the above work at vtry low rates. Nov. B, lßßt, 45—ly Dr. Guysott’s Yellow Dock and SARSAPARILLA. The Creat Snmmcr Medicine. PR. GUI S"TT'S IXtrROVKI) EXTRACT Or YELL OVV DOCK ANDS AR 3 A BARILLA. CHJR the cure ofall diseases or disorders gen- A , r;!t*H by impure blood, its great suc cess cntitl's it to the name of the GREAT AMERICAN SPECIFIC. : : > f-.r r. it i> known it is r.niveisally appreciated, ai.d- m ry CM rc-L- phv idr-L* a c it th A\ in th- ir j-vaetico with the mo 6 l .ttppy ifl’Gt.-. a;.d eerify t hat it is the tost extract In exit tenet, aad the only one thr.t > i’ANDS TIIE TEST OF TIME. Every wear r , d- to ir> r eat i-p.riorify, and mnUivliee lt *•- tonihing euro'. ‘! 1 vietim of li LItILMTAKY SCROFULA, \\ jth c v-|” v, l•• tp-v.-, honey--.end ed fie h, and earirn^- ’ *; - U'lyso-.i - Yi.Uow Dock and Sarsrpa- P'* l 1 tv- aul’t.-ti l i’ -. llishonihle tonoont* ac :, .a,cl his malady not only relieved, bat PERM \NEXTLY CURED. It r;■ •vlo.- af ly • evtt 1 fi’t in the results of past •vr,cr>npcs ‘•.’ f\ . .Cry 1 Extractc-f Yellow Dock and Sarar. rlla 3 1 is, beyond sil c mpttrbon, the MOST POWERFUL REMEDY ON EARTH f r Ihe following dteasev, and nil others proceeding from VITIATED BLOOD. Sc-rnf. t;v m- Kin-’- I.vit, Rlienmatim, Obstinate rntanenu to I 1 •■aptes nr la. tutus on the face, Blotches Iwil-.l 1 ■ n o s re Kyi . Iting Worm or Tetter o nt ari l Pains oi’ tbo treses und -1 int , StuLborn Ulcer 1 , by - l' : ili:ic Lumbago, and di-- • arising from ;m injudicious u e of Mavcury Acite-o Dropy, F.\r. ■i : ■.. jirv l noo in life, Liter Coin {•Glint, Air.'':, t • . •.. r. I ntl. ;.■ t Fever, < holer* I’Dy cut'-ry, Dianl rr>, Pu.thova of the lil'-'Oi in the Held, Files, Fains in the Bar t, Sides, Brea t and all forms <<t Muscular, Gli-ndulnr and Skin Diseases. It U a • nvore;;rn rpeeifU tor General Debility, and the host ren ov.-itor (.f a ‘mo.ten constitution. It traces and re-invigoratcu ‘■ iry i t g.'B, p; iTt: ce- regular.ty in every function, and pwdu- V v ’ ’• s 1 n d‘ the whole phy.-ieal system, which is the ■ e*'t seLiu-ityi'or LONG LIFE! uet p.U wlio wi hto purge the Mood frun the impurities con •r 1 • i : :i.( free iniu :euec of the appetite during the * in ter, and to prepare the system to RESISTSUMMER EPIDEMICS, re; <u t ih v t“Gnyy-.A’s Fx v;.et of Yellow Dock and Sarsapa ’ ri.G.’vv Iris p; a vitii; it-elf an antidote for many of the mot v • -ium .!-•* •. s that ttvsh i- t.air to. and they will never l o 1 r<> * !• ’■ • :.i- rciuy.iy tl e pi’ !•: • .•!, !.;• r.cver w *. ■ ■ re- i ■ aver; for iti.-: founded on experience, jtrfc a* a* “ ”h in other and spurious compouuds is ale founded inexperience. They i *. V 1 ;< • 1 :,i INT.RAL NO.-TRUMS to eek hope, life >n-l vii- rfiom this FI"RELY VEGETABLE REMEDY. T!:er- !< -v. h-nu v< r broken down in health and spirits, howevr” tfandi tin r. lei o and i are <f nci very L-. the p:u.u* only understand that his Imre-- of ; !.y,ical rotor ralybi ~t V3OTTS EXTRA( TOF YEOmi DOCK and SAiteAi ALILi.A,u. l persuade him for his LIFE'S SAKE ’ u -> ■ • mid n j have no he nation in predicting liis ppeedy it ■-top..(mu to lieaitu. Asa means ofrognlatinu all the fune tion^of WOMAN’S DELICATE ORGANIZATION, it ha nn Oipial in die marei’a mcUiea, anti at that critical period olidewi n,the ot her decline ctiinmencos, its cordial au i in v;-o*-utaig proper iiir. will enable her to PASS THE CRISIS SAFELY. TTF’ None: miine unless put iu> in large battles, containing ’ I'-art. ;.ud ?Le name of Mimn in the ghi.-j, with the vie'-'.n iat v;reof “S. F. Bennett” on the outride wrapjier. Pi’ ll e. pei bottle, or ix bottles for ;s>. Sold by , , SCUVIL U. MEAD, 113 Carters St.,N. Orleans. General Ar< ur- for the Southern Stateß to whom all or ders must b; a like : • and. Sold by Colcl h: Hankinson, Penfield, Ca. Landrum A llawkmt* Lexington, „ 11. Norton it Cos. Maditou. And 1 y ms appointed in every town in the State. al.t i lbi2. 22 3m. Livery Stables. COME ONE—COME \LL! •‘tVc have i song to greet yon. ‘ ’TMIG Subscribers! uving opened a LIVERY J- STABLE in lireenesbi ro,solicit the pat ronage of the public. We are prepared to fat* in. i conveyances to any place that you may wish to go to, at reasonable charges. We are a- > prepared to take .cry scvciul care of all horses entrusted to us, having procured the services of the celebrated Ostler WASHING* t’ON. We flutter ourselves that we can give general satisfaction to all. DUSTER & BRANCH. Oreonesbt -July 3 lirbsl. i;7—3rr<