Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1866, May 24, 1866, Image 4
'*"*! «•»*•** Off ttw *<3 (He brave ; TWa. mi . ««.d. |,ft u tail. *«n aaMirn mad. kb gra a _. > K* IW Vaaifa rrar znay twelraw llailMtMil •ooad a ilk fo.wera, 3a* abs Mr (aena.ry live* n > Indued h these tan hearts 01 uni a Whnf tSfeM* ifo Mewda mev'nerer know Wfoww r*#»e bia a e-piag das., Aafvla witl keep *4He» wateh, aa trow, Aad guard lira taered Intel Dm CkrUtUa *e Idler wear* a rro * a IV*'i fad#l-*e and aeaara, Dwagb Wrt.d* *«ey aever vaara Car him. * .va»ha tike bieepi. it para. Oaaangta*. <ta. Aped *4. !»«*. M B. A WkW VKOKTABLK la KSOLAHO —Tbe h« * * 'h a* i* tAaaiabtna m really qfffcei •uniiag wonder. Think of a radi-h with m 4 soda three feel long, and eMian Ceittg lae of nil inches in fair and twra'j >• We m»hnh of Making like it *%- eeya Jerk's hem .talk, which auih. n'ieaHv described ( lent ie a«vrrtheU-n# not *p»kcn (if ea gind to eel, ehenna th>» raduh in raid to be fnktabie aa ii ie moiwnMia The |xwl« ere i»e edible port in*, and when halt grown jom m»j pickle thru or eat thriu men parent pen ie a a dad. W hen Uiej ar • full grown joti may boil them, and they i.*4e like ( a CnWibmatioa ol a-petagu* aid pea*. The pleat eowtea fVnn J**a but we aie told tba> II bee been lairlyr tried in the open ground in England and ancieed* per hotly well, to add to ita tnerite io> pair arc ready lor u»>- in lenetben three nioiithe alter the mid ie eoern. At present, uiilortnnaie'y, tlieae aeed» are lamentably rearm; but il ad that a aanl a the tlnnen of the plant ia true, it ought t» be quickly prolific, and people who cannot afford to giro a guinea tor about hall adoieu erode will anon be able to Iry whul it ia iik-- for theaibvltee MT The work id laying the Atlantic ci bia ia • g peetod to begin about the middle ol the forth'-omi'ig July. KATIN OF LEGAL ADVERTISING. Sale* of land* h\ Adniinia'ra'ora. Ex puinr- | and Guardian* «ra required In law to to h-1.l on t the ftrul Tu.-i|.J in riieli loonlh. betwaeti the InHira of tan in I lie forruoun at.d throe in the after noon, at Ibe court lonise ill ihc count) in abivb the |>r«|>«ny ia situated. ho'irea of tin «e ml.- mint l>« gi van in a public gaz-lte 40 and« Vs previous. Notices ot *i,i*e of pcinonal property must he g ri-n in a puhli.t gazritc |o ilava pra» i.uia to eel.. Notice t>. detiiina and eteditor* of an ealate niuai be publi-h-.l 4u day*. Noline dial application will h* made to the Court if Or.finari for leava to aell hind mu.t he pnhti-hed taro nioi ilia. Citatioua for leltera of Adminialra'ion, Go tub anahip Ac , mini l.e piil.llahe.l Hilda)* Citatnuia lor ilimnia-ioii from adoiiniatratiun. once - month for aix tooniha. For tell era ol diamiariun Irom Guerdianshiii 40 data. it'ilna for the fereeloahre of imntgug. « mini b*' ptllilidi.'d Ola moult for four inoiin.e—for ea tahli hi. g tort pupcra for the full apnee of three monllln—tor root pelting title* fro .. Ail i.ilinllH toia where 1>... a- liaVi- lieen guru In the d* ccaa ail. fu the ui| apace of three iimiiihe. I’iihl eat in « will alwata leo nliiiue.l aonordiug to these the legal requirements, Ulilcaa otherwise Ordered at the lollowiitg n id Nherilf.a sale* |ier levy ol ten line* or lena |3 mi bhvritt'a luoit gage ii la >ahe per levy s*o Tax ('.tiled...- * *atea. per tev\ 3 m. Cilali.Mia for letter* of A.llui list' at ion, 6 in. Cttalioa* for leliara of Gtiaidiausliip, 3 ‘HI hollo* ol application for diaiiiie-boti from Aduiinni i aliun. Goo Notice of applicaiioii for dismission from tinai.ilaiivliiii 4 (o hpplhiaW'Ui t« veil Land i ;«i Noth'* to I'ehtoraand l.'ieditorz, 8 i.u Salt of Land per eqimrc, 3 ihi Sale of periahalile pi pvrty 111 day • £» gun Katray noiieva. mi data % 4 no Foravlocure of niorlgiige per mjuare, 4 in. Far man advertizing In* aife. m advance ]ii ihi OXJXJDJbiT MACON AND W tvMLKN KAILKOAD. J. WIMTK, I'aoiDlvT. K, ii WAI Mir'r. Leava Macon 1 so A. M Arrive at (iriffin 11 su •• •• Arrive at Atlanta I 57 P M Atlanta tt 56 A. M. Arrive at Oriltin .. 9 Arrive, at Macon I 35 l*. M MUIIT THAIV. ....7 p. M. Airtvea at |g •• •• Arrive* at Atlanta 4 05 \ \| Leavra Atlanta 7 p, J| Arrive* ai. Gridin ....!.losn • Arrive* at Macon 3 go A, M SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD. '"v WM. IIOLI". PirsiiiExt. YIUUIL Pv»Wtßs, M-rt. Hm»<- 7 23 A. M. A«llv«*atKulnulft * \b l* M Lmtm KufauL a to A M Arms* >1 Mi eon 4 to p. x. . >«*!<» SSASCM. MHII RMthvilli 5 « P. M. StlPir t t ..a m 8 09 A M. „-W RAILROAD. f, ■ - OLAB.vK.BJW. ***:|ijj ** i t ***~ * *"**• • • '• • • • • • • T H i. ii « . > vyfgifiM Tnni tS?y ** * • • -r*y%&m4si. A* m* -wffijfß*V < *T Ts .a. rai “3SKSSLrSa ,, s 1 trust him with >»».,«,» »- «-~ ~i" T*?t the biiafeuMiof his efowlt hMtwMTS TT > abaii.o.upy 4 to* . R«br«M r, ti.itm.lj. * ■» w *■ it- i . .4. " ' VCUk lawaWkw y aa pa.he. hrterevzci t* * a a«4 M>p. ar at mv office wUMathaUwe pveeiiti and to eb-.a eaim* if any •*» wkf emdk lytUre eboaid not ha graat #A. “'* [ " » • ■ f 'i .11 / j Given uaAer my bwad at office, tin* April 15ti !*■•*. e F. Jt. DIMII KR. april M-M4 Ordinary Pena ut raaioa Cocar. March Term; 1864 18. Ridfieay > Übel for Div»re*. Mary A. F hid**way. v IT appears | to the (’ouri that ibe Ikefrodant i« rut to (hi found m Ike County of Hull*. »i«l h n*>l t• be 6«u»d in thia State, it i* er,Je r «,i that the deft ndaiii be r> qnire.l to he and at*; ar at the the negt term of the Mi||ieriur Court of «e>iH Com . if to aeewrr the Plai itilf in nn neiinn of l.ihel for ftivnrrr. nod Ihnl tl-iaordrr tie pnhliehed «incf a month ft.r four momha previooe In the negt lem efthi* Court J A. Hrwr tjheltait’e att'r A true . gtrnet from the Minutee of eaid Coort Marett II 18*4. W R. (t«vWMmq t>Ht GF'ißffl A—.“rcLi ivu corvTt —Wherrae TVm M Itlanlon guardian of the perron and prop eery nf Wueair A. Ittairrnn. apptiee to m« fur tetter, of fhamkeiun a* tianrdiai aforrenid hie eaid ward haring arrived at the age „f twenty one veare. and had a full and fair rettlrmmt with him a* each. TT(e«r are Ihrrrlire. to idle and ado onldi all* tn'ere.lcd or rnncrrnrd *0 fm and aopear at lev affire within ihe 'imr prreer.ti—l hv law In i ahnw ranee, if anv eziat. aliv aiirh leltera nf Diz niiminn .hmilil net In* granted. Given under mv band at office, Ih'.ihe I*l April, I San V. D. DISML'KK eprl 11-40 Ordinary. GF< |R| • lA—itr.LDivii ouvTT.—TVh»ira. IV m M ' lent, n gnai.lian ••( Ihe prieou and pm prrlv of J It Itcid. appli •« to me for Icfier- of |M.iiiteeinn n* Guardian aforrenid hi. .aid ward having arrive.) el Ihe age of twenty-cue year*., aid had a full an.l fair acllhui.-nt with him 10 eurh j Theke are, therefore tn cite and ndinniiirh all p-raoa* interealed or concrrnrd t*> lie and appear ! at inv nfficr within the time preern-iheif l-y fnw in ! .how C»n«r i' any rzi.l whv nu ll Idler* of Die i mi.ieon .hoiil.l not h- granted. I l ive" uii.ler tny hand at office ill* f.t April, | ISitc. F l> DISMITKK. ■pr’li4o Ordinary. (1 KlHfOl X SPAI.IUNG CD! M V — I Win M, Rlantou aihohiiatrator nit Ihc'r of John It Reid la*c of .aid roiintv Drccaec.l ap plica In me for lelirr/of dianii..ion a. ndiiiinie' r* t'ir on .aid Katatc hr having fullt aiiiiiiuietcred and wound up the eaine. Tlie*c are thei-ef-re to a-i»v and adinoni.h all j perron, inter, atnl or coiieeruc.l to l.e and appear j ill my o(tier within the time prerrrilied by law and allow cauae if any exiel whv said Irtlcr* of i .li-mi-.ion nhonld not he granted. Given under | nil halo’ in niv "ffl-e. thia Iho l.f day of April IBi<fi i April litli luGtn. F. 11. DISMI KK Ordinary. / 1 GKllitOl A SI’AI.DINt. COI NTY—’T here \ T a« Win. M Itlnnion admiiii.lrntor on th» K* tale nf Sarah K. Kei.l late of .aid eoiinly deconaetl up. lie. to me for ictlereuf .11-nii.-ion a* intniini. traior on Mini I'.tnte he having fully adiniiiietcied ami wound up 111- aame There are therefore to cite and adinonieh all |M>.*on* inteie*. .-d nr eone. rued lobe nnd appear at my otfiee within the lime pren-rihed hv law and -how calt-e if mty eziat win a»ii| Id ter* dioiil.l ooi he grunted Given under my hand at mv oftiee this let day "I April Ibtili K. I>. ItlsMI'KK, (ll dinar v. / T KOIIGIA. SPA LI >1 XG foil.Vl V —Wheeae V I George TV. While applle. 'nine for letter, of di.iiii..iun a. tidmi.traior on the eatnte oft'harlee It While, deceiired. having fully ndmiiiirtcrod and wiiuiid up .aid eatnte. Tltcee are. therefore to cite nnd aduumi.h all penon. intereat-il to he. and appear at mv nffi-e. w i’liiu the time preaerihed l.\ law. to .h..w eauee. if any cxi.t whv amdl letter* ehoiild not he grant, ed. Given under my hand, at otfiee, thi. 3'ith day of January. I (Stitt. F I> DlsMt’KK. Ordinary, CTl’tfUni TANARUS, SPALDING t’i il : v TV. WiiKKKia X | ho« S Allen appliee tn me for letter* of di.« | mi. ion on the dale of A A. (’. Allen, lie having fullV adaunietered raid eatnte. Thee re, therefore In olr ami ndmiudeh all iterant.* eonecri ed to he anil appeal* ai my utfiee within Ihe tl tie pieaeed.ed law. to allow enu.e ■ f any exi.l*. wh> raid lei I era dieiniaeorv ehoiild not lie granted. Given under mv hand at oftiee, ihi. the Irtili da) iif K. lnuarv I Httft Fell. 211116111. K. D. DISMUKK. Ordinary. CtKORGIA Sl* X 1,1 >| N G COUNTY Where X a. A .1. Maddox, Adinini-ti-ator on thee* tale of Charier J. Maddox, late of eaid Count) il. eeß.-d ilpplie. lo me foe leave in eell the land h-lopgi g to .aid Katatc for the pnrpoee of paving del.!*, Ho. Tlieee ale, therefore, tn cite and admnnivh nl I pereona unueeriied tn he ami appear at mv oftiee within the ti ,ie preecrilie.) t»i law to show enure, it any exi*t. why an ardor authorizing the aide o» eaid laud .lioulii not tie granted. Given under my hand at otfiee, tld . March 10th l«rt« ’ F. 1> DISMUKE. •'td Ordinary Gr.onoix. 1 Spaluixo t oixrv I WHEREAS. H nnali Irwin app'ie. to me for letter* of Giinrdiaoahip nf the per eona and property 01 William Irwin. Benjamin lnvio Irwii and Tlnunsa Irwin—minor ehil Iren of Alexander Irwin dr-eared There are therefore tn cite and admoni-h all par ie. iatererlcd, to be and appeal- at mv oftiee within the tune prescribed by law, to .how cause • f any exist why etich letter, should not tie grant ed. Given under my hand at otfiee, March jo. '66. F. l)J DIsMUKK, Ordinary. /J Kttßt.l T.M'AI.DING t(d MY.—Where,i. VX W. J. F».trr a pi is to me for letteie "f die liiieai.iii a. guardian of IS. K Dulfey having paid off and settle up with hie raid ward 'I heee are, therefore, to cite and admnuieh alt I'gelie* interested, to he and appear at mv i.ftiee within the 'ine preecnhed In l ,« . to .h » c-aioe if my exiet, why eaid letters should not he grant ■ and. •*ir*n under my timid at office, this 17th day of April 1866. P f>. Dlti.Ml'KK. April l»-4o.i Ordinary. ADMINISTRATORS SALK. g)D) V virtue "f All el'ler from the Court of Ordi <M*y **f Spalding countv Geor is. will be •old liattf first Tueeiav in July next , betnfe thr jtt thr city of Griffin. tha real Eatatr Estate of jfettdwPj I lav dmwased. in the Wtrdluwi 1° *L* ctty-orTTnffln, *>d laid county, know* ah “!Wi A Hay's Warehouse. pJ&asmL- r . JOHN H. IIA V, Adm'r. —».—■■——i-——- *4l OOLUCIWI tAU ansWK theueaal hour, of sale. '*W jP H l*' x y ?« pictures. n MothrM with wenies. t bottle hi*. 1 tie «wp. S f loulfejf )*»-, S4O pJeks £»** b "< I ?* "filgß-jf •*«» xdlope • set* bead* • S’erte beads, 7 petite «*F'4Me, 1* piM.« «■** *«Wriuf maebmes, « mng», *2 abrwi haHa, 1 *1»li»*8w» * '"AtOb <1 Oifintflft i eat i t dfo i* %* MinV{) ' /’V<- TO TIJE f f . ' ' i 1 1 , ' . TRADE. if . aijl/ c . V\ K have now in elorr and nro ronxtant ly repleniahing tl e following GOODS, Which we expect to eel!: 50 Hale* Mu on Mil!* Nheellnw. 45 *• F'int K'ver Oenahttrit*. 20 “ Cotton Yarn*, No 8. 10 tt 12, 100 hi,!*. Oiunited. Powdered A. IS. 0. Sugar, ion liaija Rio Cuff e, 15 .1 iva ill). 7.', |i-xe» Uiiiiin*—whole, 1-2 and 1-4’s 4 4 . ares Fresh Cove Oysters, 55 boxes Admantine Candles, 15 •• Sp.-rm do 2il •* N:eiitte do 20 cases 1 4 b«>x Sardines, 10 “ (ireeti Corn. 10 “ Pil e Aopltt, 20 baskets lleidsick Champaign, 20 twixes imiigo, 10 “ Madder, 30 ease* Concentrated Potash, 10 •• “ Logwood, 100 “ L’tpiora, Brandy, Wines, Whiskey at.d Schnapps, 100 boxes Starch, 100 “ Snap assorted 500 (tags Shot assorted. 100 kegs powder, 1-4's 1-2’s, and whole kegs, 40 doz. seives—iron and grass, 50 " Hoes, 20 “ Levert*’Celebrated Axes, heavy 50 boxes Candy, 50 doz. Brooms, 50 “ Painted Buckets, 375 boxes Tobacco—assorted brands and »* low as anywbeie in the United States, 50 boxes So in. 3.5 kegs “ 15 neats Jut per^Tubs, 75 (ioils Hope, 5(1 bales bagging, 1,000 “ Colton Twines, 50 cases Armv Brogans—No 1 artie’e, 2t)it keg* Nails—a-sorled, 20 bags Pepper, 10 “ Spice, 50 doz. Spades and Long Handled Sliovels. 4fio S de* Sole and Upper Leather, 3HO doz. Pad Lock*—assorted, 300 " Pocket t.'utlerlv, 4 000 Gross Screws—assorted 4,000 papers Cut l acks ol' doz. Jute Plow Lines, 1.700 lbs Shoe Thread 300 gross blacking— assorted, 95 doz. Shoe Blushes, 25 “ llor-e *• 15 “ Wbitewasli Brushes, 500 lbs. Bagging Twine, 75 bbls. Plaster Paris, 10 “ Bourbon Whiskey, 24.000 Cigars, 100 5 ainl 10 gallon kegs, ! 370.000 [be. American ami English Iron sssortr.', I 2.900 iLa Cast S'.cel, 30,000 “ I’low “ assort r. I. , 4 000 li ft UtiMirr Melting from 210 10 inch Etc., Etc., Etc. Etc.. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. WE ate now receiving and opening our Spring Stock*, which embraces every varie of good* t|suelly kept by us, and ere expect to itfef inducements to dealers, unsurpassed far taf house South or West. We buy and largely and trill be contented with small pmflu. We feel conlldeut of giving salts- Belton te «!• wbo patronise us, and we be .pan make it to their interest to i«Me?* if aeon; thereby saving the tedi« oestrees of a journey, aad expense to the Jlmlh or WetK. J R rrSS & SON TUmli Grocer* sod Dry Goods Merck sots CORNER 2D AND CHERRY 8T&. MACOF A WarcTt 22 2'n * X... i .. - fJTht L lidermifwel ka* re— v«d hie stwvk ai DRY GOODS! TO ITROOIM. JOKES A CO S, Coder Almah Hall—Meeer*. Cwle A Moloae'e Old Stand. WHERE THEY WILL BE OFFERED -A.X COST! I have also on hand ia tbe same building, ■ Good Slack of GROCERIES! CORX, FLOUR. \ Alan, always on hand, MEAL AND QRITS. 1 Alao, ZOO bufliels *• BOYD'S PROLIFIC COTTON SEEP. *ll of which I re#p*N;tfullf call the attention ! of my old friends and the PUBLIC GENERALLY. A- BTWATHEWS Griffiin, Ga., April 12, ISH6. 3m (JRIFFIX FKMALE COLLEGE. r pilK3l) TERM WILL BEGIN let MONDAY 1 in Apiil next with n full Fm-ulty. W. A KiKtKKS. President and Prof. Nat. Sciences and Mathematics. A. It NI LICS. Pn»f. Eng. and I*atin l*iterature. CHAS A. E. VA>QUK, Prof. Modern l-ang. ami Pftiiitintf. HENRY SIIoLLLKR. Prof Mu-ic. . Miifi MAT WAGNER. Pi in Primary School. Prof. S4’IK»EIJ.ER wan formerly Prof, of Mu«ic I in the Udtitnbia. Female I’tiilege. (S. U.)and is an HCcomplii>li«‘d Musician He was also for ffev**ral \ear>» of Clirint’fi Church in that city Prof Vawjiio is w 11 know’ll in thi# communly a« an accoiii|tlisli«‘<| Artikt and pucc*-B>ful instructor in »he Tarious Modern LMntiiag«’fl. We earmsth «*all uj>on our friends ami the com miinity generally to Mistain the only pennanTnt giate Institution left in Griftin. Upon its •iieceM, the future pn»sperity of our favi»rei City krreatly ilepends 'I he <»i itfii • Female College <le | niattds your confidence, appeal** to your s\ inpathy and deserves vour p .ironage Wilt you sustain it i or will you let it go flown in the ruin? TUITION FOR TIIE TERM. 1 Primary School, A|o 0o Preparatory Department, 15 •m» : (*olfege ** 2*t D" M u. ic “ 2«i On French. lo on Drawing ami Painting, 10 OO Uie of Piaiio. 3 oo Tuitic»n pavuhle in advance. The alnive prices are 20 per cent, he low the of the last term. W. A. ROGERS, President. March 29. lSt>*». 3m AGRICULTURAL PAPERS for TWO DOLLARS AND A HALF. THK SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR. I> Itediiimid h Wm M. M hilr, Kda. established in isij. Volume 24 ('itmmeucv* January, 18iio. O Monthly $ 2.00 per annum. i Six copier 10.00 in advance By Speciiil arrai gement with tin* MARYLAND FARMER, another excellent Kura! Monthly, pub lished in Baltimore, Maryland, at one dollar mid n half, lioth papers will he sent one )e:ir f«»r three dollars—six »»f each tW «iK»een d-d1... ? -tc. ..f each for twenty five dollars—giving each snh. scriber in this case, b >th papers for two ilollait ' and a half. Address, NN M .N \V HITE, Athens, Ga. I MY Kit KKIIOKFKK, 11KNKV COIIN REHOEFER X COHN. Wholesale and Retail Dealers IK DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SIIOKS. HATS, NOTIONS and CAKPKTS, j Which we offer for sole for Cash as low j as any house llns side of N»w Yoi-k City. 5.000 dollars worth of Clothing, pun | li' f/if at cost to close them out. full and examine our Stock, it is tfee largest in j Gtittiii, and by purchasing you can save 25 per | ernt. RF.IIOEFKU A COHN. at J. I* Milner's old stand. J»ny 4. ts. SPRING- STYLES IIS. JACkSOUXEWm, FASIII<)N A HI.E MILLINEKS. i GRIFFIN ; GEORGIA. FEMRUAHY IN’STAI.LMKNT WE HAYRTUK PLEASURE OF INFORM ing onr friends a> and public generally, that j we have just received from New York a bneuliful eullci tion ot the nmsi. fashionable goods in our Miae and would respectfully invite li e cinxens of i Griffin, and surrounding country to examine our 1 stock before purchasing elsewhere as wc can am) | wil sell as LOW as can be purchased in the State. We have also the pleasure of stating that we have I made arrangements in New York to keep onr I selves supplied with t ie MOST FASHIONABLE I f»Ot >I>S that can he had S” that we may be able, at all times, to simply onr friends and customers, with tlie ve-y latest sty les. Mlts. JACKSON A NEWTON. Feby 15 6m. Cottage School. GRIFFiN GEORGIA. NEXT TERM WILL COMMENCE ON Monday. April *43, 1860 i A tinniber of Pupils in ihisWuiol is limit ! td. the improvement of rack can t*»ihe bet i ter secured. The progress of those nubile at tendance during the present term, sg before, has ■ been highly satisfactory ; and their behavior has ] reflected equal oedit upon themselves and their teacher. There has not been, so far ns remebered, ! * discordant note in the School. May it ever be ; thus. It affords pleasure to state that the tuition is i reduced to old rates for the benefit of those who |uiy by tbe term in aJenncc- As it has long been I customary in moat School., and all Colleges, to require tuition fee* in advance, nearly all con sider it no hardship to meet this requirement I'u it ion will l»e returned far time lost by pro trorted tick nr n* of the teacher or taught. | months. PatsasT Rairs — fl*. $1«, $lB per term of three j moutha i The a*w Fchoel building, which haa been j erected at individual expense, will shortly be in l readiness for tbe eonrenierce and eomfort of the pupsla. A share of petroifmgs Is requested. 1 Mae H t. MORROW. Griffin. April 19, Iwi? r» a. w. iolTtesf" (FORMERLY OP ATLANTA GEORGIA) DEALER Iff - » FANCY arid STAPLE DRY GOODS, FAMILY GROCERIES, SARD W ARE), STAPLE DRUGS and MEDICINES, <to., Ac., Ac., Ac. TAKER PLF.ASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO THE CITIZENS OF GRIFFIN and turronadi. country, he i* now opening at the StORE LATELY OCCUPIED BY COLONEL ituf THEWS, (formerly by Mtwfon A Mtckltburry) • *’ Choice Stock of Goods, V pelleted with GREAT CARE, and adapted to the wants of the people,«:ontUting ia p ar t 0 f Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, HATS, Ladies'. Gent*', Mistea’ and Oiildren's Fine SHOES ; Umbrellas, parasol., Shade., Hoei kirls, Balimiral*. Hosiery, G!ovee, Buttons, Gent*' Hue Shirts and Collars, Soape, Pomedet Pef fuuiery. jy AINU — A Choice Stock of Family Groceries, such as Java. Rio and Maricaibo COFFEE; Crushed. A, B. C and Brown SUGAKS; Tea, Oysterr Mackerel. Potatoes, Pepper, r-pice, gromwl and race Ginger; Sperm and Stnr Candle*. Crac'terz Starch, Indigo, Madder. Coparas, Snuff. Chewing and Smoking 'tobacco. Candles, lUisius, Pickle* CateiijA and Saueez, with numerous oilier articles of daily use. Of~ ADSO Hardware of every Description, tfatl*. Ax«*<. Shovels. Spades, Trace Chains. Kettles, Boilers, Frying Fans, Knives and Forks Pocket Knivea, Scissors, Coffee Mill*. Curry Combs, etc., elc., Staple'Drugs and Medicines, etc., etc, Castor. Train and SwetOil; Spirit* of Turpeulite. Paper, Envelops, Ink, Pens, Slates. Pencil, and in feet, he has and will continue to keep on Ii aud, almost every article tbatisgenerally needed all of which are < ffered low for cash. WAN I ED TO PURCHASE -Country Produce of all kinds, Gold and Silver Coin, and Souther* Bank Notes. Fl >R SAI.E-Sight checks on New York, in sums to snit purchasers. Gold and Silver Coin for salt March 8 -ini A- W. JUNES. GROCER IE Si WE have on hand, and are receiving a larg Stock of Groceries which we offer to Ihe Trade at low figures. We have now in store and fo r sale the following articles : , 500 boxes Tobuceo of ill grades. 50 sacks Rio Coffee, 10 “ Java " 100 bids Sugar—A B C Crush’d nnd I’ow'd. 175 bbls Salt, 400 bbls Flour, Superfine, Extra aid ! u oil) 20 cask. B icon. Sides and Shoulder., lull kegs Nails from 4d to 12d. 3i 0 bags Shot, all sizes, 25 kegs FF (i. Towder, 75 boxes Assoifed and Fancy Candy, 125 boxes Ground Ginger, Pepper and mus tard, 100 boxes Sujar, Soda, and Butter Cracker*, 25 “ Farina and Water, 30 “ Bi-Corb Soda, i, i and Ilb papers, 10 kegs “ " “ 5 “ Sal Sods, 20 ehests Green and Black Tea, 150 boxes Soaps of ail qualities, 10 sacks Grain Pepper, 20 bbls Old Bourbon Whiskey, 20 " Pike’* Magnolia, 100 Packages Mackinaw 1, ?„ <t 3, Caudles, Cigars, Blacking, Yeast Powders, <fre. tie. GEO. T. ROGERS <t SON. Macon, Mari It 29. 1866. 3m DANIEL & RUCKER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers FAMILY G ROCER IKS, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, WF>T MItE HILL STREET, KEEP Constantly on ha«d a full assort ment of the following articles : SUGAR, POWDER, SODA, COFFEE, SHOT, Blacking and Horse Brushes. SALT, Caps, CORN. LARD, FANCY CANDY 4* boxes, FLOUR R A ftpb-e* HA RD WARE , \Jn7G WOOD WARE Almonds, Bruil-Nnts and Pecans, nsH. MEAL, CHERbE, lemons, CRACKERS, - CANDLES, PICKLES , Soap, Sardine*, Hatchet TOBACCO. CATSUPS, RICK, SAUCES. A Frnk tnpply of GARDEN SEEDS. Griffin. Ga.. Dee. 27. 1866 tl M W- «a J H JOHNSON, Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN GROOn EES, PR YISID r S kT„ &G ALABAMA STREET, FRANKLIN BLOCK, AI LANTA, GaOB lA. Jany 4. te. . ~ JOB WORK ~~ OF every deaeriptioa Priatad at tbe Somuta Hnuu ofSoa, with iwtacss and despatch Orders rcspti-tfitffy aoHettcd tl NEW HARDWARE STORE 11. C. HARROW, wholesale AND RETAIL DEALER in’ Hardware, Cutlery , Notions, tyc WHITEHALL ST., COKKER ALABAMA, ATLANTA, GEORGIA Has Just received a Large and Splendid assortment of Table Cutlery, Pocket Ctulerr Shoe Knives, Scissors and Shear, Razors and Straps, Steels, Ncedirt Chop Axes, Hatchets, Foot Adz, Planes, Chisels, Axes, Broad Axes, Saw Setts, Drawing Knives, Augers. Braces and Bits, Hammers, Monkey Wrenches, Hand Saws, Cross Cut Saw*, Anvils, Bellows, Bench Screws, Vires, Wood Saws, Mill S*«, Stocks and Dies, Wagon Boxes, Steel Squares Gimlet*,, Pipe B.ix. s, Buggy N IMS, - Carriage Unit* Shoe N.hD, Shoe Tacks. Lon at.d Riiggv Fisdiugx, Shoe Hammers, Shoe Rmcers, Shovels, Tongs, Fire Iron*, sloe Awls, Shoe Pegu, Loot Sclapers, Hinges, Bulls, Shoe Thread, Spades, Shovels. Forks, JI iiitcs. Garden lvakes, Garden Hoes, Screws, Hooks and Ilingez, Fire Bolts, PI at form Scales, Bolls, Latches, Sash Pul lies. Counter Scales, Rope Nails, Sash Wsighti Sasli Cord, Cotton Card*. Water Buckets, Curtain Bands, Bed Caster. Cuff, e Mills, Slates, Sieves. Well Buckets. Tubs, Brooms, Jim Crow Curds Sifters, Sad Irons, Tin Dippers. Cocoa Dipper*, Cooking Stoves, Office Moves, Ovens. Pots, Tea Kcttlez, Sauce Pans, 1 ,-yiug Puna, Tin Buckets. Tin Pans, Lock Chains, Trace Chains, Horse Blushes, Curry Combs, Whitewash Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Candle Sticks, Oil Lumps, (iiiud Stones, File*, Shaving Cream and Soaps, Looking Glasses, Fancetts, Brittuniu Ware, Tex Setts, Guo Caps, Gun Tubes, Spoons, Ladlces, Sand I’aper, <tc. And numerous other articles. In fact, every thing usually kept in a Wholesale and Retail Hardware House. Oulers respectfully solicited and promptly filled. January I, C 6. 3m. HRRDWARE «o CUTLERY. CAKkIAGE MATERIALS, TRIMMINGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND CLASS. C. 11. JOHNSON is constantly receiving at his old stand on Hill Street, a large assortment of all goods in his line, which he is selling *1 w holesale and -etail as low as they can be bought in nnv interior market. / TKRMS CASH. Insure Your Properly - C. IT. JOHNSON i& Agent for tbe SOUTHERN MUTUAL Insurance Company *f Athens,Ua., Capital, $235,00® The UNDERWRITERS AGENCY of he* York, over s3,ot>o,oo® THE HOME Insurance Company of he* York, near $4,000,00® I’HCENIX A PUTNAM Company of Ilsrtfcrd, Connecticut, and other good Companies. Risks are solicited on Cotton, Merchandise, Furniture, *od Buildings. -dM*- Losses promptly adjusted. NUNNALLT, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GRIFFIN GEORGIA WILL PRACTICE IN TIIK COUNTIES Os Spalding, Henry, Fayette. Butts. Monroe- Upson, Pike, Clayton, and Merriweatlier; *n will attend to the callection of claims sgstnst t Federal Oovernm ut; and also to the puren*** rad sale ol real estsi.v As we shall devote our whole attention to on profession, we hope to be able to give gener* satisfaction to all who may think propel to eng** eur services. L, T. DOY J A. D. NUNNALLT- Dee ST. ts __ DR B P. KNOTT, Having returned to Griffin, respect fully tenders_hh PROFESBIONAL SERVICES To «ho«e who mow desire them. Office and ffi o®’ 0 ®’ ia Use BRICK BUILDING between the Lt*«7 Stable*, where he may be found day or n :f,/ except when rr*le«*lenslh er.gsgid *1”-