Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1866, June 07, 1866, Image 1

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SOUTHEBIF HERALD. rußLi- Mb ittßyti: it.-daT S<? p. U. Martin tto Cos., orrvc* glfllll HTf 'l BULDIMG. E.VtT SIDE WILL J*T. J gatct of kulMtr:i>tion. On, OBpy..* *< om««f>y •'* "o** l * 4 .- •*• —••••• 2 o** Oaa copy three months 1 00 gr Order* fw JWJ aval ADYKUTIS ISG> solicited, end promptly Slteridr.l to- - . . Bill Arp it Called Before the 11*- con'Uuctiuit commit tee. (SUPPRESSED TESTIMONY.) f 0 the Editor of the Metropolitan I'-eprd : | Me. Editor: Murder will out, and so evidence. Having seen Dan Rice’s; testimony before the Destruction Committee,; I have felt sorter slighted because no men-1 Hoc lint been made of d3iac. I suppose it has been suppressed, but I am not to be hid out in obscurity. Our country is the spe ctsl jury, and by and by this business wiR go up before it on appeal. The record must go up fair and complete, and therefore I’ll take occasion to make public what I swore to. I said a gQod deal more than 4 can put down, Mr. Editor, and at times my language Was considered impudent, but they thought that was all the better for their side, for it Illustrated the rebellious spirit—l heard one of ’em say : “ Let him go on—the ruling passion strong in death. He’s good States 'evidence.” When I was put on the stand, old Bout well swore me most fiercoly and solemnly to speak the truth, the whole truth, and noth ing but the truth, and 1 observed that he was then entertaining about a quart of dou ble rectified, and it looked like it had soured on his stoomck. Old Blow was settin off on one side with a memorandum book, gettin ready to note down some “ garbled extracts.” Old Iron Works was Chairman, and when he nodded his Republican head, old Bout well says he: “Your name is Arp, f be lieve, sir?” “ So-called,” says I. “ You reside in the State of Georgia, do you?” “ I can’t say exactly,” says I. “ I live in Rome, right in the fork of two injun rivers.” “ In the State of Georgia,” says he fierce ly.” “In a state of uncertainty about that,” says I. We don't kuow whether Georgia is a State or not. I would like for you to state yourself, if you know. The state of the cuuntry requires that this matter should be settled, and 1 will proceed to state,” “ Never mitd, sir, says he. How old are you, Mr. Arp.” “ That depends on circumstances,” says I “I don’t know whether to count the last five years or nyt. Durin the war, your folks said that a State couldn’t secede, but that while she was in a state oi rebellion she ceased to exist. Now you say we got out and we shan’t get back again until 1870. A man’s age has got something to do with his rights, and if we are not to vote, 1 don’t think we ought to count the time. That’s about as near as I can come to my age, sir ” Well, sir,” says he; “are you familiar with the political sentiments of tbe citizens of your State ?” “ Got no citizens yet sir that we know of. X will thank you to speak of us as ‘ people.” “ Well, sir,” says he, “I’ll humor your obstinacy. Are the people of your Btate ” - “ Don’t speak of it as a sir, if you please. I’m on oath now, and ' excuse me for being particular. Gall it a ‘"“Mr Arp, are the people of your sW.Vm sufficiently humbled and -pentant 'O come back into the Union on such may think proper to (mpose „ T and . Not much they R«h &; t t They think they are blind against your wouldn t volun ail JJ* j ea j wa3n ’t i* a i r> and hand. I bey ® a y,i c cards and stole the you ve mai et}J sam(J mc they don’t care a trumps, but »t do The’ve become indiffer darn what car(J no t(,; n g about your Guy ent amt jj; nesa . j mean no respect to you, Fawkejaq but I was swore to tell the whole gentle Q ur people aint a notiein you only trt’of cariosity. They don’t, expect any ,ilng decent, or honorable, or noble from you, and they’ve gone to work diggin and plowin and pl mtio and raisin boy children.” Right here the man wuk the memoran dum scratched down a garbled extract, and old Botttwell says he : “ What, do you mean by that, sir? What inference do you in tend “ I’m statin fads,” says I, “ You must draw your own inferences. They are rain in boy children. Any harm about that ? Any treason 7 Can’t a man raise boy chil dren ? Perhaps you’d like to amend the Constitution and stop it. Old Pharaoh to stoj) it among the Israelites, but ii SrSs& £rvfctie£g&#ri dren for the fun of it. They are a good thing to have in the houje, as Mre . Toodies would say.*-* Mr. Arp, are net the feelings of your peo ple very bitter towards the North ?” “ I beg your pardon, sir, but, you’l have to split the question, or else I’ll havo to split the answer. Our people have a very high regard for honorable men, brave men, noble-hearted men, and there’3 a heap of ’em North, sir, and there’s a heap of widoWs and orphans there wo are sorry for; but as for this here Radical party, they look upon ’em like they was hyenas a scratch in up the dead for a livin. It’w as natural to hate ’em **-H is to kill a snake. It's utterly ble for me to tell the strength and length and hight and depth anaTrCKaJt 'heir con tempt for that party They look upon a Radical as—as—as —well as a beggar on horseback—% buzzard sailin round a dead eagle—a suck egg dogcreepin up to the tail of a dead lion. They talk about birin Brownlow to abuse 'em, to use language on ’em, like he did a few years ago when he spike against Pryne. If they do hire Brownlow, he’l spatter ’em, he’l daub ’em all over, and slime ’em and slobber on ’em about right, and it will stick, for the pores are open and their morals spongy. I’d like tc stand off about ten rods ami bear him spread himself. It would be worse than a squirt-gun lull of cow slop, and l have no doubt would give general satisfaction.” “That's sufficient, sir,” says old Boutwcll. “ Ff it was in their power to do so, would your peoplo renew the fight?” “ Not unless they could fight the Radi cals all alone, and all the world agree to ____ •SOUTHERN HERALD. BY l), \. MARTIN A CO. t hands off.’ Even then there wouldn’t be no fight, for we couldn’t cotch you.” What do your people say upon the sub ject of equality?” “ They say it’s a lie, sir—it don't exist by ' nature and never can by practice. Folk* were not created free and equal That may be a theoretical truth, but it's always been a practical lie. There’s grades of society everywhere, there’s men I give the side walk to, and.there’s men that gives it to me., There's men that I vote, aud men that vote me, and the grades go up, tip, up, step by step, from my sort to Mr. liavis, and Mr. Stephens, and General Lee, and Howell Cobb, anl Ben. Hill, and their sort; for they are the highest in the nation ; and then again it goes fnen.wie down, down, down to the negroes and the Republicans and tbe Radicals, and that’s as low as they run There aint no equality, and you can't inak one. We’l vote the negroes certain. I'll vote Tip, and Tip’s a ‘ head center ’ Ile'l vote about forty, and the first thing you know we’l elect seven big, black, greasy nig gers to Congress. We’l do it certain— seven of’em 18 carats strong, with African musk. The other rebel States will do the same thing, and you ! have about fifty of ’em to draw scats with, and you can all stick your legs on your desks together, and swap ! lies and vermin, and be shampood at the same shop, and the fair sexes can set togeth er in the galleries and mix odours, and fan their scent about promiscuous. We'l give ! you a full benefit of your Civil Rights bill, see if we don’t. You go on —play your cards. We are bidin our time. We are payin your taxes and your duties and back rations for 18(14, and licences, and your in fernal revenue, and obey in your laws with out bavin any hand in makin ’em, and we are cut off from pensions, and public lands ; and you sold a poor man’s: still in my coun ty tbe other day because be couldn’t pay your tax on some peach brandy lie stilled for bis neighbors two years ago; and soon yoti’l be sellin the land for tbe land tax, and you’re tryin your best to play the devil gen erally; but you’l catch it in the long run. See if you don't. Talk about Fenians.— When the good men of the North and the South all get together, they’l walk over the track so fast that you won’t have time to get out of tbe way. You’l subside into obscur ity, and your children will deny that their daddies ever belonged to such a party. Ex cuse ne, gentlemen, but I’m a little excited. Five cents a pound on cotton will excite anybody that makes it. Tax on industry— on sweat and toil. Protection tariffs for Pennsylvania and five cents a pound tax on Southern cotton—half its average worth and your folks will manage some way or oth er to steal the other half. My advice to you ■ is to quit this foolishness and begin to trawl the only road to peace.’ Old Blow couldn’t keep up with his gar- | bled cxiTiets. “ What uu.v-es th*? President so popular ! at the outh ?” : Contrast, sir— The more lie ain’t like your party, the popular lie is. -« Id treat us about right, t reckon, if you would let m», j.,„ but you beuc n E;, n so, tluit. sometimes he don’t understand hu,. self. I don’t think he knew for a while whether his Peace Proclamation rcstor .-d the writ of habeas corpus or not. Bi tdo you go on and impeach him, and that will bring matters to a focus. I’ll bet you’d be in Fort Delaware in a week, and the Southern members be here in their seats, and they’ll look round at thq political wreck and ruin and plunder and stenla; s that’s been gnin on. and they might exclaim in the language of tbe poet, “ NYlio’s pin here since I 'eh pin gone f ” “ Mr. Arp, suppose we should have a war wikh England or France, what would the rebels do ?” “They’d follow Gen. Lee, and Gen. Johnston, and Lorn-street, and Bragg and old Bory. My opinion is, that Gen Leo would head tbe Union army, aud (Ln Grant would be bis chief of staff, and Gen Buel would rank mighty high, and ” “ What would you do with Gen. Bhcr man ?” “ Sorry you mentioned him. We’d have to hire, him 1 reckon, as a camp fiddler, and make him sing " I 101 l Columbia” by fire light, as a warnin to the boys how mean it is to burn cities and towns and make war upon defenceless women and children. No, sir, our boys wouldent fight, under no such.” v At this time the man with the nictuoran vjk-i—aif more irarblcd extracts. “Do jdtPthink, Mr. Arp, that if tl.cj South should ever bold the balance of power. ! p they would demand pay for their negroes ?” ; “ I can’t say, sir. But I don’t think the j Soath has lost anything that way. We got) their labor before the war for their vittels j and clothes and doctor’s bill, and we get it I now for about the same. It’s all settled j down that way, and your Bureau couldn’t ! help it. The only difference is in the dis- j tribution Some of us don't own as many as we used to, but everybody has got a nig ger or two now, and they’ll all vote cm or turn em off. A nigger that wou'.dcnt vote as I told him, ehouldeot black my boots.” -At-tbis time the Committee looked at ono ! anotoeF, seemin to be bothered aod aston ished <! extracts were put dowu with a vim. M.. Boutwcll Chairman, li think, sir. we are about thrWglMFi'ljh the J witness. I think, sir, his testimony sclfW! the question as to what we ought to do with Southern traitors ” The chairman gave me a Republican nod j and remarked, “ Yes, sir. I think we do.— j The scoundrels burnt my iron works ” Whereupon I retired, having given gen eral satisfaction Yours truly, Bm, Arp. I figy The old and new school Presbyterian Assemblies met the first time, since 1837, al St Louis, on the 22d of May, and dis ( cussed the project of reunion. Two Modcr [ ators presided. Twelve hundred persons voted in favor of re-union. Definitely stat j cd measure will be instituted to effect that object immediately **T!iff* l*rn i* Jliclifi-*r Ilian ibr Nuon!. n GRIFFIN, (.Mill, TillßShW UORNING, JIXE 7, I.Slid. .\rero kilted- Yesterdiv aftent.ion. an _-ro r.isn by t' name of Joe, whilst being f-;onght from tic. jail to stand his trial for one of the gros-, st and most heinous offences knawn in the land, that of committing a rape upon a very es timable lady of this country, was shot by the husband of the lady, from the effect of whim the negro died in a very short time We give the particulars of the case as we re cetvetl fhrttt from Mr. I-rrr-diant httnseif. the - husband of the ladv upon whom the offense was committed : On ilia 10th of July last about sunset, whist Mrs. Gres haul was returning home from a neighbor’s, this negro man Joe ar rested her, at the same time drew a revolv er and presented it h< r bead, and told her il she opened her mouth, be would blow her damned brains cut. lie then made her fill-* low him to a spring near by, and told her to wait awile as there would bo other women that be wanted to take along. They failing to pass I hat way, the negro then took Mrs. G. to a corn crib near by. and there carried ! out his hellish design. He then compelled her to follow him into the woods and there remain with him for tbe night, it raining all the time. All tlii* was done while Mr. Giisham was absent from home. The next day the negro left for parts un known, and no tidings were beard from until 1 j Sunday, loth instant, Mr. G. got on his track, and on Thursday, tbe 17th, a negro, ! supposed to be Joe, was arrested and put in j custody. Mrs. G. was then sent for and on seeing the negro Ics ified positively that lie was the identical one who committed the deed He was then ord. red to jail to await his trial, which was to take place before tbe County Judge on yesterday. It was while j I proceeding from the Jail to the Court House, 1 he was killed by Mr. Grisham. After killing the negro, Mr. G. gave him self up to the Judge of the County Court, who bound him over on a bond of three thousand dollars for bis appearance at tbe next Superior Court of the county. — Aw r- ; i icus liepiddican , 2t ith. The Bask of—lts Ciiakteh ani> the British Government. For too third time in the twenty-two years’ history jof tbe Peel, Ac of 1844, the Bank of Eng- I land has been compelled to ask of the Gov eminent a suspension of its terms of incor poration. For the third time the Miuistirs iof th • Crown have interposed to save its Charter from legal forfeiture. On Friday, the 11th May, the Bank bad not the where , willed to continue its payments to doposi | tors, its reserve of notes being so reduced that, without any intimation from the Gov i eminent of relief, it could not have <-• -no on | with its business another day. Un such an ! intimation did it proceed with its discounts and payments so close to, the point of entire j exhaustion that the Chancellor of the Ex-I c'ucqucr announced in tbe House of Com mons at midnight on Friday, that the Gov ernment bad authorized an over issue of i notes, and would ask of I’arii mient the p is sage of a bill of indemnity for this violation j of the Peel Act of 1811. Tiiad. Stevens introduced on the j ' *■ of May a bill declaring that the Stati s j Intelv in -.bullion have forfeited their right- ; under the Cm' -Gution, and can be re-insta ted in the same on,, i|, roU gh the action o' | Congress. It provides n..> (bey may form I valid Governments, the prcsei,\,, tlP s being ! continued for municipal purposes they shall be duly alteicd, and their Executive and Legislatures recognized. Constitutions are to be formed by Conventions, and sub mitted to the people, a majority of whom is I necessary for ratification. All male persons | above 21 years of age to vote. N'o Consti'- tuf ion is to be presented for Congressional sanction which denies civil rights to any S person. The bill was committed to the commute i of tho w hole on the state of the Union. Tlmd. 81evens offered a resolution instruct i ing the Committee to double the pensions of j Federal soldiers. I’lowinu rv the Remains of the Con J federate Dead.—While the noble and he- ncvulent women of the South arc engaged in strewing flowers over the graves of the Confcd' rate sold'ers who fell during the war, the nogros are busily employed in plow in'j vj> tin hoila sos the bra re Confederates who full upon the battlefield of Franklin ! j The Buffalo (N. Y.) Courier, in noticing this i fiendish and atrocious barbarism, Stys : “The Freedman’s BrS presided over by a Ilad eai, '"■“Sa pa ‘’isions to extra piety have been used over the nas turned with fiendish maliciousness, the battlefield oi l Franklin, Tennessee —wliepa thousands of Confederate dead, from every quarter of the ! South, lay buried in shallow ditches—over I to the negroes of the Freed men’s Bureau. The' ground is being plouctl up, and tne bodies of the dead inhumanly disinterred and abused. Such brutal vandalism should be rebuked” by the people of the North in some public manner, or they will forever be dis graced in the eyes of the civilized world.” ltr. S. Andrewiythtm an who proposes to “ navigate the air” ••'successfully as steam era navigat o Ayater. made an experimental aerial rop lge from New York on the 2-Ttli May. J lie took three other persons in hi- PWTshtp,” nnd remained over head f r about an hour, when he descended at Astoria, five miles dista- t from tho starting point. He reported that he found no difficulty in making headway against the wind, and claim. (I the success of his experiment. BPU, Speaking ofthc trial of the illustrious prisoner in F rtress Monroe, Prentice says : •‘lf President Johnson i-half aawiu in this matter as he is iu most others, Jefferson Davis will very soon be released from prison i without trial and paroled or pardoned.” I And alluding to the disfranchisement of • Southerners, he observes “ the Kadi eats do i serve disfranchisment as much as the rebels ! do. We know of no rebels that deserve it more than Sumner and Wilson and Wade and Chandler and Stevens.” NEWS AND FACTS Sol'i hers Li i EitATiRE. The Cineir.-• n iti (la~rtte dedans that, with th • excep tion of K f gar \. I’oe, the S'Utli has never produced a male or female who ha- added anything to the literature ol the 1 nited States. . It is rumor, and that the King of Italy will himself be the rommander-in-chie. ol the Italian army, with General do la Marmona as chit! w staff! The Congr. ss flail at Saratoga. N. 4.. was destroyed by fire on the 2!Uh o' May. Los*, sJOO'oth.l. 11. re’s one-half Pope’*, and one-half some one else’s muse: “’’Lis education form- tin? romninn mind " “And with ttie- t>i rail they whip it in hrh nd ’’ Cyrus W. Fields, the Ocean-telegraph man, lias made thirty-six voyages across the Atlantic on business eunnee'ed with bis fa vorite enterprise, to whieh be lias devoted the last twelve years of his life. The President has approved the Post Office Appropriation bill. Ibe aggregate amount i’ur inland service i-818 377,0 U B-sides this, $1,300,i.'0il is appropriated fir the transportation of mails to Brazil, Japan, China, and by sea to California. The Southern people arc foolish enough to think that “ Northern debts ” were in many instances more than liquidated by the trans ler North of Southern carpets, pianos, jew elry, furniture, librarh s, and everything of value which could be moved, during the in vasion.—N. O. Vers nt. Among the advi rt Dements in a la'c Lon don paper, we mad that “ ’1 wo Sisters want washing.” The S ato Department learns that no j Austliuns have be. n to Mcx'co, aud ! that none will lie sent. The funeral of Gen. Scott was to take ; place on the Ist instant' at the Chapel of j the West Point Academy. Two or three more seducers have been i shot. Shoot them all as quick as p>,-*ible 1 The Bankrupt bill which has passed the j House, and will probably p i*s the Senate, | provides that any person in debt, to the j amount of three hundred dollars or more, ; may surrender bis property and go into bankruptcy. A debtor may also be com- [ pelted to go into bankruptcy, and his <iis ’ charge in. either case i- to be final. Wc do not know what property, it any, is exempted from tbe surrender, or from the seizure. Tbe Senate lias passed a r, solution favor ing the immediate adu.i* ion of the Tenues sec delegation, into Congress. Miss Evans, authoress of Beulah, is en gaged on anew work sunn to be issued.— I The scene is laid in the State of Georgia It is stated that no loss a sum than fifteen thousand dollars lias been raised in England as a testimonial to Liuteuant M F. Maury, “in acknowledgment and appreciation of tbe eminent and dis at. re-tod Services, - which, hr nigh futy y rs of iota lout la- I bor, he has render, dto . deuce and man kind.” Spain to New uv Teeihiraph I— \ convention has been concluded between i France, Italy. Portugal, Brazil and llayti, i’or j the establishment of a ,South Transatlantic | line to the Brazil- and North America, via j Guiana and the. Wist India Islands. Maximilian is sjiid to be a dr-eondant of j the Caesars. He ss certainly the wiser of ; Mexico. The construction-bf a submarine tunnel I between Calais and Dover is seriously eon | teuiplated. Levees have been taken, plans I drawn, and a special commission has reported tothi Emperor of the French, on the sea-i --! bility of the scheme. I VALUABLE MaNUSURIPTS TU.YF.AEKD j The Paris Mmiitenr makes an important an nouncement The t'o»n of Kdcemiadzin, I near MV. Arrara', in Armenia, the residence i of the patriarch, contains a splendid library, j composed of three thousand Ann nian manu j scripts of wlrch the literary world was hith j erto quite ignorant. A catalogue of tbe collection has now b t n printed, and presents av; s f field for rest arches to the religious and political history of Central A-ia. It re veals the existence of unknown works Ly the fathers of the church, and of fragments of Diodorus, Sieilus, and of Aristotle. The Amenian Patriarch states, iti ati official pre face, that those manuscripts which have. ‘been kept t’*' Good*: I on’ •or -Xannniilion. but tin, ...y oe taken for learned men in all pis sc world, if they pay the cost of copying There is a mountain of fine rock salt on the Colorado river, in \rizona. lying in cube of all sizes, and so pure you would nevi r dream of its being salt, if you did not put it to your tongue. It more resembles broken chunks of the finest plate glass T< re is not a particle of ton ign mattir in if, anil there is enough of the article to supply the population lor certurics. A negro onian in Mobile, gave birth to three ohildren on the 22d alt. They are be named 'i’had. Stevens, Wyfdell Phillips, and Chas.TsumnefT Gen purchased tlie WV*crn l*a*lß:c railroad of Missouri, for one million fflvc hundred thousand dollars Terms of payment; One-fourth cash; the balance in four < qual annual payments. The road is to be finished to Springfield in two y ears and a half, and to the State line in three years. It is designed to form * link iu the great Southern Pacific railroad. « . A Slander.— It is asserted by the Nation al Intelligencer that the editor of tho Wash ington Chronicle (Forney is the editor chief, but we don’t know whether hcujfe. or not,) receives his colored are' " at his residence, and gives them iNG, dee. : market affords. The Intelligencer jy, ally regarded as an honorable, upri rial, but it is possible, nevertheless, statement is a mere Copperhead atteralwa injure the character of tho negroes fl*ry ! Register. 0 g : VOL 1. NO. 21. The Captive Pratki for— Rev. 8 W. Rogers. Rector of iho Episcopal Church in Memphis, issued » Whit Sunday pastoral letter, in which lie quotes tin- following s> n timent latdy expressed in a letter from ex President Davis lo his wife: “ Although f can hoar the voice of my people no longer. I am comforted by the hup! that their pray ers are offered tor uiy welfare " The Rec tor then exhorts his e< ngregation to offer the -prayer-every night when ihgji go to hod, and every morning a* wm as they rise : “OGod whose mercies ara everlasting, and whose power is infintie, lnnk down with pity and compassion upon Thy servant, whom thou hast la' i in a place of darkness and the deep, (live him always a sorrow ful sense of bis sins and ot Thy fatherly love and correction, (live to his judges tender ness and compassion, and to him a meek and forgiving spirit, toward all those who have confined him Rai-e us friends to pity and relieve him Give him the eonliual com fort of Thy Holy Spirit, and so sanctify bis afflictions that they may w ik for him an eternal w. igbt of glory through the merits of Ji.-us Christ our Lord Gratifying Lniklmokncf.from Wash, i noton City. —General W. T. Wofford the member elect to Congress from this Con, greamonal District, telegraphs to this paper as follows—his telegraph bearing date Wash -1 ington City, the 'J.’itli instant: ! “General Howard has directed Gen i il son to use extraordinary means to supply • tbe destitute people of our devastated dis trict r.'ith provisions.” We make record of this considerate order with plea-ure. Doubtless it bus been issued I through the influence of Gcncial Wofford at Washington, bis representation, and his feeling appeal in behalf ol Ills suffering peo ple in his District—iho Cherokee section of ! our State, .- i long overrun und devastated by Thomas’s army. Gen. Tilson cannot un .0 to supply the destitute in t.bat section jof out State too soon. They need prompt relief, or, wc are a-sured, in many places, starvation will overtake many, and they will I perish To (bn Wofford, much credit is | due for Ins i*• rtions in h< ball of bis suffer ing consti; nine It off >r Is us pleasure to j chronicle bis suect sfu! effotsin their be -1 half.— A tlaiitu Inter ii/i liter, Map 27th. L’niioetkd Flour tiif Most Health FUL —Having been raised in a goal wheat country, wc cannot well overcome an early attachment to “ mother’s nice wbi'e bread.’’ Vet science plainly teaches that the most healthful lire i I is made from wheat ground j without separating the bran. Tiio tmarser ! portions of idle bran keep the finer particle* ol flour separated so that the gastric juice of thastomach m ire readily penetrates and dis solves the mass, and hence, is better for di gestion. 1 liese enur-er particles also pro mote the healthful action of the intestines, and prevent con-lipation, which is ono of the prolific cans sos di-ease in these days. It would bo far bettor, doubtless, if every flour bolt were removed Irani our grist mills, aud people consumed the meal of the whole whett kernels, ju-t as tlie several parts are combined naturally. Taste depends mainly upon habit; tho-e accustomed to the unbolt ed flour eat it with a relish. —American ( ! Ai/ricultiirist. We n nu mber at the battle of tbe I I Wilderness- a gallant young Missi-fiippian I j had fallen, and it night, just before burying him, there cone a letter from her lie loved ] | best. One of the group around his body a _ . minister whose tenderness was womanly, .. i broke tbe silent tearfulness with whieh he j J saw the dead letter ; be took it and fuid it on the heart of him whose heroic heart was stilled : ‘ Bury it with him. He will see it when he wakes ” It was the sublimcs.t sen - of the funeral service. —Peterthurj ■ Index. c A French seientifi • work gives the , details of a remarkable experiment. Into a bell-glas-fit! of air, a tube is made to carry a - | slow current of hydrogen. This tube enters e I at the bottom, arid is carried nearly to the dome of the bell glass. Klcetric sparks are passed through the glass at the end of the tube. The hydrogen immediately ignites, and in the form of small luminous spheres, darts all about (he bell-glads. In n short time these bccuine very numerous, and rush all around the inside of the jar, but without “ -firmf u-LASS, ’ JMERCHANT TAILOR, , ®(fstairs over Stillwell <fe Beeks’ Store.) I T vy say yiconstantly on band a fin* Stock of and • you call Ilia. ' sis ted the mighty p. ; eminent almost five 'S t . liant vietorics and h | >K p ;ss GOODS, iia.l million of oir be.* ! field ! It wasn’t pu. /o /“ rm,/ * 0/7 kindt have been. uke a complef +m-i on the fM>rteet havi^ .fa a li Jfcshe thus discpß^ r *i , ' ,7 * ct «»tiw losopby we rP* 01 ' i cliiaticH, theology kadi gone,. ... Tj 1 admire Barrow ; as a pool' —- I genial man, Hogg has nMSMUKE. i .to : while as ala« ,e „ • his like behind hu« A you, Mr. Corner „0BJ0»GIA. Ham, a« g< *ui \ 1 loved and ] V ■ 1 .ctiea ie vfie ******* at A Mooraa, Up atm, Fika. HarnWtktr I“ “ ■ ji»ktiwifamu - FkfD. SpQlUtt. V J t .n t, VIRGIL a COOIW ATTORNiy _ «-»i 9 li D. N. MABtlNi 4 ATTOJUT ST AT LA GRIfFIF, GEORGIA. ] Oflk-e neit door to'lk« Herald oflfer. maySlf ■ . t \Tia ff a** itftirnwc. One t«*yy fltc year.•«v««* *a om IKrnfv iiinnwtlii..A I. I Hit Ow eoj.v itires ulol. -lm,. ....... s -...... W* ISTjtaixSCT is A I i.« ts »o pp* lat the ti-4 ®t Ika na.« paldfr jflMp' iumJy W “ 4'li rrtkpirU a*. tU* r tea sf Oaa I >ot]sr anil sis V Cents per squara ol T>-n Dims, far ti«- lost o.mi .wm, K..d Rea Cent* far . . • fiitwrquent-h.arrtf .—sdeaarr. dad* etiniM ma«L* e rmlrisis (nr advrf l-MriiMU * ri.Ut.isg lUr«« B.ouUia auJ loegtr. i-i j The latest Berl.# di»paic!ie* aay that a tria>y of alliai cj i been signed f>e tween Italy. I’ni-sii and the ran ton meet* fnrmi'.g ftchfieid. Nnermberg, for the Bava rian army. GaribaUft has accepted the eon luaitd of voluuleuta, and ifecliues hie iotea tion to co-opimie with the gi -rious army et Italy. A Trieste telegram says tho ltaluta squadron has taken pr.siuon on the Adriatic, eloping the Gulf of 1 rfVrte, and Area tentng Venter-, Trieste and other yovO. son from Venice liaa departed to Bohemia. Twenty two thousand Austrian troope have been rent North. The Austrian-Mexico* legion has been disbanded. A i.i.E«it:D Revival op a Lost Art.—A correspondent of f’pper Sandusky, 0., aaya that u Mr Disman, of that place, hasdiseov crcd the proceaa us hard* ning copper, and baa sectored a patent for it. The art icaappeaed to have been ios' since the daya of King Solomon. I’lie material is properly called silieated copper, and can he worked ditfcovf friction. All neeeessity for oiling machin ery marie lor It, la obviated. The writer says the Clcvlmd, Columbus and CiDcia otti ltailroui are now toting the prepared metal, and, in ease of its siteccaa, are prepar ed to give the inventor BDLOOO for it* tarn on their road, 'lio-re is much excitement and interest in t'ppcr Sandusky over the subject. ' . , • , . Ufiohted Riot at Quincy, Ff.*.—• i’u-si ng. rs from below report a bloody riot' between tin* whites and blacks in the town of Quincy. Fla., on Saturday night last. So far as we Lave been able to gather tl;4 par ticulars—and they are hut report* that may he eontrudioted—i negro waa arrested for soma offense and rominitud to jail. A large lot of negroes .vsenibled on the night stated and att* uipted to rc cue him, when upon a fight ensued between the party anil town officers, m which the Murshal was killed and several citizens wouo led —Macon Tr/ajraph, 2Uh. nsw. 1 he Columbus (Mie* ) Sentinel say* : Memphis boasts of having a dog that sleigh* over one hundred and eighty poood*, and “challenge* competition.” We don’t re iiiembcr the cx*ct “ heft ” of Tlmd. Slevcnr, tmt think he is a little ahi ad of the Memphis pup; but if he lack* anything in weight, ho more than make* it up in other cenine char aclcristic* requisite to enable him io compete with the Memphis dog, or any other “cur of low degree.” Bsa>~ A correspondent writing to(hu Balti more Sun, from Lynchburg, aays; “ Now the negroes aro beseeching their former mas ters to take them buck and wherever the mas ter or mivtris* eon boas Mired that they will be sufe in doing so by the negroes remaining faithful, and can find any use fur them atalf, they are t iken in, clothe I and fed, gr ally to tnu relief Os the hallOUrred freedtuen. But ihoutauda aresriil without hiwswhern they are deemed uniru«tworthy.” A Mr. Richard L. Dante write* to H’W.-'x'i Spirit of the Timm, that a Mr. Gabriel Ellis living at Starkville, (State not put down) can keep awake for over a month at a time, and then sleep as long without waking lie (ElKs) farther expresses tbe opinion that he could stay awaits a yc*r, sod then sleep in proportion, without injuring hi* constitution. ’ '--•If nil Few people are award that In tbw month of June, IHiil, just after onr civil #i»r commenced, the earth passed through the tail of a comet. We w«-ro completely im mersed in the tail of the great comet of that year tor hours. This had no perceptible effect on tho weather, a loot, which sopportv tho theoty that comet* are«omp««ed ot much rarer particles than our atmn-phers. - .’ ' ee) Serif' An Irishman named Daly, died late ly in New York, at tho ago of ons htHM drsd and sixty years. ID* eldest daugh ter is sixty-aioe y -at* aid. He never had a sick day until his last illnes-s seldom hf late year* took alcoholic stimulants, bps used coffee and tea, aud smoked tobaceo bf 1 large quantities. t; ■'< EnQURV INTO THE 'Ig.MUHIS Ii is stated that s ven different are now engaged in a-c< rtainui£ relative to the Memphis jrtd. lias appointed one, Ueuepal , other, General TT ri:rj) * pit]!rtTJff Fisk a fiurtlt, the Qil* couturda'cl llilt'otwM, a ditch&rve the indabtedacaa of th« a«varwf 7 and fur other pcrpoaea. W« hereby notify Capiuthlt aad Dm ti generally, that on the firrt Tuesday hi JvdifjK will lie offered for sale at Jackawp. Heorgia, to the higheat bidder MfWtl - fffMm dollar* worth of Conuty I’onda, By the Coart. W. R, j mays tda ‘ WATGUMjIf&WBwD JJtWgIH EAST EIDBfULL EHUT i\ jCr~jl over uffoj m All flark timatrd ttT" tXnoM. # r. mSatwti. XmUI Ob aTmIXJT iWftlli v;/. AtTOEMTAAT U€x j % f . a• ./ «v#;* *,* * *a,, ■riSrirr- -.. ATTORSffYAT LA .WBTOCj.