Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1866, June 14, 1866, Image 1

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s0 Tj f HE & K lIR A L D UCitM <; "*• cr p. IST. Martin «b Oo.„ liatr* of Sttbw ripfion. • .>«e«Kr“-*J'*y r "" 0 • **> - * ’ 0a« e«pf «> ree ,n "“ th * 1 «<* Ordfr* f-»r JOB WORK ant? ADVEilTlS re*p^^ •olieited. and promptly attend- and to. ______ Ha* ilie Mat Gi.rei nmiit ft Ki:h to try or Execute Jeff r ion Davis? From the Constitutional Union. The question we profrfwe to di=cu.=*< is one pfverv groat imporfanee. fe.r on its solution depend, not only the life of a lellow-bcmg tut a*so the value of our- national faith and nioralitv in the estimation of mankind. The world will wa ch us narrowly in the exam ination of this subject, and judge us hy the decision we shall torin on it. Let us then caltul.y investigate it, and dismiss in in out miSUs every feeling that can in any way fetter our reason or warp it from truth. Has the I'lilted States Government a right to try or OX. cute .Jefferson Davis ?_ We aoswei unhesitatingly that it has n . such right Every candid man mu-t admit that the late (’onlt deracy was recognised t.y y>ur Government as a fc lligereiit pmvi r ; eon Sdiueutly ir admitted the right in that in tipient sovereignty to r. pel by force the It ■ tile invasion of its teiritori s Itv our arn.ii s In what eoii-i'ted the cruntii i'iiy of it- . pittance or a p ople to he punt-heil lor • x-o crei-it'U licit' rights—rights too, winch ■« confessed ours Ives, I v our public an I di plmuatic nets, belonged to them '! One of Che primary consequ uces of re cognizing the Confederacy as a heliigerent poser was that the fai'lt of the nation was pleJa- and to treat honorably all Dunfcd. ra es that should Jail into our hands, aid to re gard their lives us inviolate. To extent. Mr. Da'is, therefore, would be to for-went our public faith, to perjure ourselves before the world, to draw down on tts the hissings ami cxcera'ien of mankind, and to entail on our posteiity the inheritance of eternal in tatny. The radicals are hoar-e from howl ing out that Mr. D.n is is a tr.ifnr and there fore should nit et will) the. fate of a traitor or in other weeds die like a dog. But what viiliany or impiety is there that, this genera tiou of \ ipors. It ive not utter, and for the last jwo or three decides of years? Have t'hey not ft{iok« n bli.s|il.etny again-t tie Ahnigh'y hitii-e f le eati’-o in the law written hy his own Roger h condemns and rebukes their fanaiieism. In reply to this how! of tho radicals, we trill situ pi v say that the laet. of the iceogni tiun by us of the Uontc.l.raev, which Mr Dau- represented. Ii id in i' all the virtue •and 'orce of a bdl of nnmesty passed in hi favor Had Mr. Davis eon mined a tnihi n of treasons agaoi't us. f Ii - si nple act won I envi r tin m till.' and eiene. ! tlo rp n v) — We have no rig l t tin nto aid r' i . I • istt'inte, and to d'» so w ■ u and h mae • . p ■ ti dy and eruehy th "t has no | . i .he I “lery ofeivihz and n ito.iis ’’no .* - ii id .Mr. Lincoln W nil I. a v. . it I it and wi'h the nun 'e of h. ( i-f.-f the late Cons deracy In the, hum re >. only one or two madmen poip.-iraifi the heinous deed; in the latter, twenty mil lions ol people would dip tir ir Inn a- ill the blood of a in hi whom themselves had ah solved fr mi the .penalty u s his imputed crime. Mr. Davis has suffered enough alrea dy and a ju t and magnanimous people ought to have deiua and and long since that Ills prism doors be opened, and the old man al lowed to contemplate the sunset of life from his native fields. It m.y be thougJit bv s >mo slinf in ar .*u ii,g thus for Mr Dav is we sp. <ik a trust the intetesis of the Houth. l’or it ut .y h. said, if the S-ni'li wa< at any time a bellig erent power, she was an independent one and as such out of the Union; and, tlier.*- sure, is not entitled to any rights in it. To this, we reply that any State which is rccog niz and as a belligerent, is m r. lv in the in ho ate, not, in Hie lull and ab.-ol ite cotriiiion of an independent and severe gn p .wet Furtherni re tl.c S.ui It wa- nev.r aeki.owl edged to be out of the U' ion. For to J f vent that cousumiuatioti, we waged an ex tcruiin ting war again t Ii r; and now t'.at she is buck again, -he i- lie tile i 10 a!l 'h.e rtgh's and pr ■> i,e-c t* at itpp r'.ioi to -ever Mt' j et to the (J .nstt.u't *ll - I tin United Suns O.IC grca' Irr>r tl :i" lay :u On; '. II 111 of cur strife was ihi' and <• imii- ill .t a, ii inn;' should In- rut'll tiy mj ii 1 1• . I ■ who prtucli this dncrilii'. lulls' hive In- 11 horn will* fetteis mi lln ir limbs, for it 1- the uuc trine of slates. Mujoritii » Ini'o in. to do wrong, and we boldly- a.-sert ilit if’all mankind were to conspire to oppress u: j'.i-l iy anv lndividuiii in the world. In- would have the right, it be had the power, n t only to resist, hut even to exterminate tin in to the extent that charity would s&ni-tion him. To argue tht ; point were a was e of time, for it is a- pa: cut as any uiaxim of moral science. If we have conveyed our ideas clearly to our readers, they will be convinced, we trust, that to try Sir. Davis for treason, would he to break the solemn oath of the national faith, and that to e, v ‘ '" ,u would b J national- - Let ' 1 0 r »?>wls are w phi thnr l- ' h wtoi' that the 'tbe'tj,., ‘lLis' under the influence lltf weather, and curls over on its side ; -niie in foul weather, swelling and expand ing its side, the cedar yielding to the pres sure because cut with the grain and is Dot susceptible to the influence of dryness or humidity of atmosphere. Perfectly Delighted,—Many of our journals appear to be delighted clause in the new Army Bill pro hibiting any person who served the late Con federate States, either in a civil or military capacity, front entering the armv of the Uni ted States. The Yorkiillc Enquirer savs : “We can now listen to war rumors, and hostile Congressional debates against Great Britain, Mexico, and other offenders,without any fears being dragged out again to dig trenches, or of become targets for rifle practice. We shall now advocate war fiercely and persistently, whenever the slightest provocation for it arises. \\ e think the United States ought to lick Great Britain at once for her past offences. Cuba might, at the same time, be wrested from that crazy old power, Spain, and Maximilian unseated in Mexico. Our Toie,.- p, r war, decidedly and emphatically.” Son IJKIfN II f(t \I fi. tn I). \. UARTIX & CO. NEWS, PACTS, &C The Prince of \V ales is sai I to 1 ick in public poiitemss A eorresponJent ol the IWI Mill Gazette complains ot liim and says that at the rteem Royal Academy doi n'r the Pi iiicc u.uni tested a degree of im pati. nee at lie ceremonies which was • cither | retty iiur proper. A negro .Sunday Seho .1 procession mare■>- ed tl.rough W a.-liiiigtoii. recently, headed ♦>y-their white teachers With banro rs Hy ing, with the toliowing iu-cription it|«m them, v.z : “ \\ e are John lir .wii's pet lambs ” lbiCQi'Kr De Afuicana. —This elegant o. iluuc- has long be. n km wn in the South in Srates. bit was never luliv appreciated mil tin* genius of the N nth was in roduc •«! South t.f th** Masonic I Don's line. It litis •■•■ on patentid by si. v, ns. Sumner &Cos . ■ml with a Mnall part if the essence of D. D. it is s;,j,t I.e riall', delightful. It can e had in tie. al* and gdlcri.-s of the House :•<! Senate an I m mot of tile Street Cat's— A lllllllnl lnh ll'J’ 111 < >\ San Fran Leo is going tv be supplied with water froth a lake in the Sierrt .Neva la Mount*.ns t.y an aqueduct two hundred miles long. Anew mineral is reported to have been discovert and in Dhili, containing ten per cent d'iodine. A cargo of it equals a fortune. On the of June tli re was to be given o grand and liner at Willis’ looms, London, to present (’apt. Maury, the rebel r. fugoe, ai'li a testimonial, which will take the oiotn tary 1 mi of 3.1 *l4l guineas. Sir John Dakingfon will preside. The IVun.sylvauia lliilioi l Company have 1 corps ot photographers now engaged in eking photographic views ol tlie rood from I’lol di Iphia to I’iiisburg I luy are trans ported Imm point to p . at oa a special train. The wotk will co-t S-'U.UUU. Ciov viior l’.itton, in a hitir to Uongrci ■ makes the star ling arino'iti 'emeiit lliar lliere are fully twenty thousand widows an 1 sixty liousand orphans ( whites ) in Ahjba oa, at:d that tlin e four!lts of them are destitute ! Sonic prophets are debating in the M line papers wh.-th-r the end of the world is to come in lShTi.r lS7d An Exti vsivf. (’asi: of rtVii, Knurrs IN (jt I I'M \ N CiiVNTY. The CJ'iii.matl *‘ia ) //.,. /./ h.,r s that whin. pe. p'e ttttenil’ng ji-huie ii" thitt-e innv on at .. lit Sabhattt w. i,- «ui : , ; s |to a Omit 1w 1 hundred tiegri tes .i,i g hem who 111 in. They vaca 1. .1 .. . ami I It the negroes in quie' a■*•l *• m. The | per :illrt uite t' -e 1. I .u-' • f tli" 1: gr s- 1,1 the ’.nflitent-e Ihe pro) r'„vi r of t' e N- w Yoifc llotc 1 ; ii:,s- and irty ibui 1» - ofgn in 1. op p .j , ;i,i> mum oiitvaiiC’- In Central l‘aik. , j.iid intend' t' e erection tlnrion of a hotel i nt ill-' m i't iitipo-iug char utter. It is t e,-ii'-iin nearly a tlnu; a"1 rooms, one hen (ii and ands venty-l'oiir ot wldrh will he pri v itc ;at !oi». and will b tin- finest ard rim.-: c istly li'ifel in the tro-1 f. German b.yfo'; in tiii: Pin'T».—Mr .1 < .li n I . -.v i, -i'll 1, ot lid i't ■i, S. recently ! hud a fori '.' nl Dutch nto work on ! | plantation.' lie says: i hey cost me f? U> , ncli to living tin "i to t’l .irh-st in fr- n> New Yoik. II i them far bettor than e\et I tinn_ht el' ii.-tiug ti.y hands, even give l" ineo(T ■ n! : urk' u , when what .1, mid ill' v do bit donainl hutt'cr fi>r til ir lire el and milk fur lie ir C"ff" ■, and the next tiling ttie whole crowd left me.” Comp, ti ion a n'|ug tli ■ steamship line' running hetaien Naviiin.-io' anl X w Y • jl'k . ha.' r.-due and itie file toSIO. A c >iitr;tC. r Iris i'Cen c ncbidcd be'won I tli ■ • c r- t r. of the ire "Ury and the 'ibini'- I E \pv. ,-s i 'omp iny h . w h eh the I nited State gin. ' In fin do, t. ai l.xpr-ss Company a ihc *■ x * 1a- i ■ e i <nt f-r the i r insporfnti on ot I ill. I,i.■ I1 ' oi’i hnl •tig'll;; # to the 1 Uoit dSa < , -O'l t ’ giy- it. as such agent I ~r ir .n p. v id in, jil! su di ai tudes which ut • {:o ho tr 11 ■ si- i red from olio point to any otli e point within the l nited .States, The 1/indnn /’« t li says that Jln-pn', \\,rl-hj lin ks more iikc an liberated than an illustra’- and jin rial. Artificial ri irig"va'ion is now us and for ex tracting from cano juice. A syrup ot six degrees of sugar, by freezing is convey ted into syrup containing thirty degrees, and ice which lias no saccharine matter. Os ‘course, it is cheaper to reduce a ay nip from about eighty-five degrees of the therm tiictei to ihirty-lwo degrees, than raise it to two hundred and twelve degrees. Makers id maple sugar would find this Over elev£J^|s(*'6 e men jf s U 9 t any hod y- suppose that Jefferson Davis, were lie how at liber tv, would go to the Philadelphia Convention? or permit himself to he represented there ’ Never, no never. \Ye are satisfied that republicanism in this country has proved an utter failure, and that the South will never have any rights while attached to the government, but she is unable to help herself—she is simply a prisoner of war, liaving the power to demand nothing ; her true policy is to wait with patience until she has the power to demand her rights. We have confidence in a super-ruling Providence, and we think we have been wrong 1 too much for the authors of that wrong to escape unpunished . their day will cDmo, either by divisions among themselves, or by trouble with some other ration—a lime when we may hope successfully to demand our rights—hut it will have to bo an occasion more oppor tune, and a power mors potent than the Philadelphia Convention. The St. Louis Democrat promises that within three weeks Pacific Railroad trains will run through to Leavenworth, Kan-as *• * lir I’t 11 is i! m:i t*»*• fiilimv, GEoiltil\, TilllslUl !ln|l\i\ii, JI\E 11. ]Slid. lien, iniii's I,l* .I,l' ;<> Ti, S. w.uil. '1 liu recent death of Gen. Scott, and the universal lamentation over the event at the .North, as well as the respect shown to bis character and anility. *t the S. uth, ju»tili . the n publii aii* 11 of the Joilo'v, .- letter to the present S cretarv id >taie, w in-, n on the day preceding the Cist inau :' i no: Mr. Lincoln : Wasiii.Vutox, Mar.-li s. b if —Di .tl Sill : Hoping tb it in a day or two the ticw I'resident wiil have happpily pas-el through all personal ilangi r, and find huu-elt install . and all li nor 1 -'H .a-sor of the gl* at \\ Asll- IMil'iin, with \iiii as chief ot las Uuhinef—*- I • eg leave 1 1 repeat in writing what I have before said to y>u orahy—this supplement to my printed •* \ tews " (dated October last) mi the highly .’is idi r. and conditiuii of our (so lit. f happy and glorious I'uioll. To meet the extraordinary 1 xigertei. sos the times, if scein* to me that I am guilty.ol no air 'niRV ill limiting the I’resident's find nf select in Ito one ol the faur plana ot I nice lure subjoin. I 1 Throw off’ the old and assume anew dc sign iti .ti the luini p :r!y—adopt the con ciliatory measures prop .-. I by Mr. Critten den, or the Deuce Convention, and, my life upon if. we shall have no 11. w ea-e ot seces sion ; but, 011*1 lie contrary, an early return of many, if not :t'i of the States which have already broken off from the l u on. With out some equally benign measure, t e re maining slaveholding Stiles will probably * join the Montgomery Con led.-racy in less | than sixty n this city, being in j eluded in a tor. i:. country, won a- require | a permanent gat 1 1->ll of'at le.-t thirty ii e I thousand tr.. ps, to protect liie l. aariimenl ■ within i*. 11. C .11. ct 'the duties oa loreign goods 'outside the | ns of which ills <>> -. rtiineut lorn lost the . niinand, or el *-0 s iell port' :by act oi (.’ nigs, and ’ > kade them. 111. Col a, t r the sic .led Stat s by inv»» I ding annas No d.-uht this might be done ! in two or three Years hy a young amiable < General—a Wolf.*, a l*.*saix, or a Hoehe — with three hundred >lt msaed dis-ip ined : men, ( sept up to'that number,y_estimai tig a * thiid tor gai'iisons. and (.lie loss of a greater 1 nun her hy skirmishes, steg.-s, battles, and 1 Southern fevers. The destruetion ol life an 1 prop, r; v on the otii r side would he i frightful—h .wever perfect the dis * topline of th * ii.vnj is. 'he conquest coin pi. ted, at that I >1 tl I. Ol - waste ol hutni'. hi'.* to the N .rtn 1111 I Northw -t. wi It at ! least fg-oO,‘lt"), |; l*U added thereto and mi ; I, 1.10 .’ h till 1 it devastated provim*. * ! le t be to brought inti harm my with their i:Oi.|t r- ) ■ :*s ; but t i be lie id for general ions by hi* ivy •**avti- e* is at aii 1 qiadruple ilie net ■liliiis or taxes which it. would be possible 1 to extort from tin in, lollovved by a Diot.etoi •r an Emperor i'\ Say to the seceded States—W ay ward I -li rs, depart in p ice. In iiuste, I remain, t.ry truly yours, , r IM'IM.II ' Ct.TT. Uo«i. \i idintii If. S :\v.. I. A Nt.-.v Kxi'Los'nE CovrdC.Ntt.- A week i-r tw . a •.», we c.e icl Ir m a I! ' n I ap r a toiv oi' a se 1 e .plain to !i.t 1 ..t, who, lini'ing a -tispieines box on hjur.l id- \*e- el. niaiktd " sodium, '* fl ing it overboard. As i- ,11 as tie package t.iueln and the wat r, an 1 xph s' "i cs ni r. and. iitiug the s. aiu o .11 itir: cn- e .lutnn to tln st. rn . ! the veg-cl. It was our* and that this ding, ro ,s parcel 111'tst ii.v*: con.iiu *d nor -. y 1 i iM.i, but we if r Irom a San Ft amis to j .urntd that it wa- anew eheiui eil mixture called sudium and amalgam. I bis material is n. v r m inufae.tureil in very l-.rgc q nrutitii’s tiiou: *i i: has I teen t se t l .r sale iti San Ft neisco, one fi• 111 etuimiti'g lo have as much as two humlti 1 ounces f r sale. lh ■ amount does not seem large, hut when it i- understood that the ex p.osive ] o.v. r of o „■ ounce of silinin t equal to that of ah..ut twenty five | minds ol , ..unpiAvder, nr r.vo and a fialf pounds oi j nitroglycerine, it can readily be conceited n .it even i fuY-u or twenty ounce-', exploded in one pl.icc, would create' imne-ose It v< • And when one n fleets that even »•* /“He a , thi ;>as a sno liful ot r *-' ,lun ~ ,n i iact with two him !r, •' s °*‘ «M«Um wou and oee i-io.! ■- nxplosio" .-p d/o ,i ls . which no : ,J r ‘° oeeavened hy me igi.i'n,,, I l' fi . e ..ton-and pounds of i>>"der, or ti.. ! of five >'..udre l pounds of mtro ! ,‘j ( , r j nc ran form some conception of Us lreml' n^ous destiuctive power—'• U We agree with tiui v/xcxilA'Sjton ti itc€v ry, and cannot thefbre join in the denumfn tions of Dr. Craven’s book which appeared in our correspondent’s article.— Atlanta In telligencer. A Life-Saving Bathing Apparatus. A French engineer named Descn is exhibit ing in London a bathing apparatus which is also a life preserver. It is of simple con struction, resemples a child's cradle, the upper part having a cylindrical cork-float, canvassed ovtr, nearly .surrounding the ma chine, which keeps the bather afloat with the greatest ease and safety. The body con sists of a r.ct, with light iron tubular pipes for supports ; and the bottom or bed piece of twilled tick, at the foot of which there is a screw copper rudder, which turns upon a swivel with a pair of cork soles the shape of the foot. Against this thu bather place? his feet, and is thus enabled to guide or steer himself in any direction, while by the use of a handle attached to the left side of the apparatus below the cylinder, he is enabled to propel himself or recede. This invention can be used in the open sea, as well as on a river or lake. A Great Roof.—A roof is in process of construction in Detroit, over the Michigan ; Central depot, which will cover three hun-' dred thousand square feet, or over seven acres. 'ins i'tt; 'it i:nr am» ' uM.ias*. — \.n fNPTo i in: (ji i.t Within a v k Mr. Tl .. . "t« \ -k.. | s hi- w. rd .1 we sit e- 1 \ I I.> list le will bavtt p.uek' enough to s ;• u* —<j lanel b.iwei-n the I’nfci"' » ; : t' *. r >*. w 'i b.* ir n_ht : a «ic« *! .. lu his eh on > tir- Iv, r ! ■. • • it < f.-ffi ih wl.. d..ii*>r su»r on ihe Dr -id. n*. 'lr Stevens angrily exclaimed:— *- It is ine we biult Up il Wall ..gaiaat Miult* tyranny a* tlus- It is tmilfi: ,-ai e in off, . If I w> t a li’tle , J lager / h ill I in <1 iri k, ftb I would b' tl . < fth ei- kn w that lilts is a gian.l i'spmst t the nation, beiore j which in 11 who ar • gui t\ in . ashall b« brought *i Ith ;.*,.- pr ute Ito another ’*!'.' is quite i ryghf. '1 lie House of |{* pr. M*ntative.» is a grand t )( wliieh guilty otli ials j can bebi i. hf, and the S. n le is a c msti tuli al ti i> .! 1 , w !i*eb te ir ca-cs may be tie and If ■ i . sid.-nt l.e *- t• e - ina hle,” if Id- S <r* i’. are “r. eresnt." il Sen iters a * *• .* -'ate. " tid il tie Dresident and his Seeretariis an* •■ g* 11!t\ of ma t* as sane, 1 in oil; , ' it i-; ** ; 1 tlu 1 1*. > slmuM be punish, and. No body can ..Ij. et to t! The Const it lit'.* 1 . mint i;td if. Mr v i.- veit* has, tfu r lore, a e e,r . 'iirse before him. Let not his bacl<l>nr,e bid nor to knees grow weak. I. t 101 pr -on' hi clTnrgea in • ! .! Irm atid ht n- have a trial. 'll .* ...iiniry i- all read, hr ihi , tnovcni lit if the radie .Vs are 'lhtngse.n not an I ought not to go 011 any hng 1 - they have lien, going on durisig tlo* pt t few mniiths. T,*i> lest interests id I*' American pi epic r. quir.t that tlo* .piarr* 1 between the D,.- i,t and Coi*:o* ss shad h* ended in son., way or o'l*, r The way Uat Mr. Stev.ns 1..A ell. is p rtoq s. tin sleirlcst, and eons qu utly wear, in favor of i(s adoj i1 -n //• /■*< '■!. Tiie U.Nivmsnv <m in. S-h tii —It will he reiueinhered that the pet projected tb : lute 81-b p 1‘..1k was the estabu-l.inen ..I a great rsonUKrii I tr or the patronage and ill the int ie-'s of the Dio .stunt Lpi.-i.■ j ti ( bur.*lt. The inst tn on was design. 1 i to lie to that c sirelt what < >x | lord is to the ngoi ati < Imrch, and the I Sorbnntie t. the Fr. mli Dr tjniii'tti o. | Bishop ol T. ini. s- e, thus describes a tec. nt | visit *ic made to its sir,, on Scwall Mouutaiu. [A'o./ie///., “ Arc .1;:; iniid i>_. the Rev. Dr Merrick, itho Ri*v. ! h is. Mori's imd Geo. It j Fairbanks. INq.. one > f tlni Ti its'i. sos the I nivetsity of me visit. .1 1 I'iuver j -tty I’. ee. '!:, bn. 10 mgs, w h ilie 1 x co[ ti. ii of an old I. eaVnt, were burned * . : the i'.d.ral are y wli .e encamp and on the gioaml. 'J In* e.irni r of the Fnivcrsity, a l.'oek of tail iiie weighing six tons, was bt x.p up and entirely removed. The val ualie iami-eape .I,.dolus by tin: venerable Bisjlip of \ 1 rmout ; all tin* topngr .phieal imp* and reports of the origin er corps, timing the pe *ll i lines if loeal posoioti, the dev a'ton above tie aI. v.*l, as well a ih '*> vei l f the Mtrro ii ditig <•.>•,titi v. w< r<* r- tii-'T<i fi*'tn tin: inn - ,te in which tl.e> wen kept, : ml eart'n 1) off 1 1 select, and •*»«-.*;• i> 1 1* . 'l i: building I f< ar 1 lie.* ■ .11 It. :!*'.! !; *l. In t i.e eveti.ii. WOfu ■ ('ll da . . -on lb it,* .-elec <d lor I, elipcl ; g oh. red tue wm km. 11 . I.out it, an ' the bles.-ing tim Iliad ot tin t ip:. 1 1 on our und rlaking. We recite.) .hiAt> .stl.-s’ (':'•'! nnd in a- the gi nd old w.ids rn : with the Gloria in Kxcciaia.” < • uti cotton i- now made into ropes , tbistoragu, and kept under water. V. ben j unjnr.l.T is 1 * i.clat th • in inufa a ! I'ef hours sutiiecs to send tin: cotton on i». wk. It has l found by making ,th rope-, w Ii ni.'inv u.r übannels ll.iougb ' tl( 111 iss, the e .'i m explodes a'm-t in-tan ■ tojeeusiy, ui; i »a a violent in action as the v Hig.'st f;i’» i.'ii'e .. t’harg. s f.frgunsarc i.'F ittade ia' ".v 1 r> irts : :tti ex:, C'.m --j pifed of c in 11 of 100-c texture, tne ignition • fivliicn s':.r.. the bail aid ai ipt. rior or ■ User mat-, al, which so; p i,*s the g .s u>*c- cn-ary t ■, k• «• j> up ihc c.iiisMnity-ai'cclcra!:) : the (.Till. The reMilr is a great in initial V: li-citv Compared with - oijiewdiT in an Fi. fit l-.l rifle, the rot ton gai a tr.-.jt ctory having an incurvation of • lira and otic third inches, ihc powder tho-c •»»«Wirec-> Ldit i.icL< s in the fir.-t one bun <!r Tri; Term “ Fi;m\\”—Clii-f Con ire ■^fcpliens being asked . to the nri-Jlt ®f|he )’ "ti Fenian, i plies, C.r-ugh Mr. (*0 ft’fin, t u- . 1 ry stii'lent of Irish historv i*,”il ri'c ii * ! - ircv: n A?j:' cl in In !;i j’-ia , i jßr’ n -1 s' l.arc the other night by i i‘vib 0 1 1 ? Battle of Manassas ” on the piano. Amateur ” writes to the Troy Times that “ when the audience were invited to listen to Blind Torn, they did not expect to be re galed with the story of their own defeat.” He adds that the thing was a “ deliberate insult” to the audience. President Johnson has been made a Lf.T). by the University of North Carolina. Mercer, the philanthropist, is being Sued extensively in WtilMngton Territory for not finding husbands for the spinsters. Prince Napoleon is “ my goad cou-in ” to the Emperor once more. The reconciliation is said to he complete ; the Prince will re sume the Presidency of the exposition, and will make no more naughty republican spcchcs. \ north Carolina paper says the City Coun oil of Xewbern has voted against raising a flag on the City Hall, on the ground that as their members of Congress are not admitted, the L nited .'-tites cannot ask them to do homage to the flag. M. de la Chatrc has taken pains to pub lish seven octavo volumes, and more arc promised, under the frightful title : “ The History of the Popes; Crimes, Murders, Poisonings, Parricides, Adulteries, and In cests of the Roman Pontiffs, from the Time of >t. Peter Down to f>ur Own Pay.” VOL 1. VO. 1 W Ainu-. —The S utli. rn K. . .cr *on relink ''* tei' topic, which * Ii ’ . . \Y, 1 !a . nsi,.. ty t> •ot' wtnt re’nrn * 1,.* .* on v of I ’d«r;n. and city ol Mil j.,. . If ■ ;le I'l gol'l Witches. Kiidwili , ~11 .y v,.,s al, tl! t'e *'J. We li.Und frotlf ts . : x 1 k- f ..1 llittre bail Ir and atid tw n'y five gold Watches returned. « n 'l tbirt\ one v*lt.< and at from flfiO m ? !(W (file, ut siir «itir.«'U' roritol a lew <Ly» a letter from a min 111 tfbio, telling him that lie had his gold wat h. taken when in .Milleilgeville Tn l''»4 and tbit if In' w >uld send him s.'»<• he would sen 1 wttfeb t bkn. S'ho nme ol the owner was >n the wutub Unfortunated>. tl»e widow. *i mo In r of tho «u tier, of the, lost at the liu..- all hef'ailver w are (jul a gold watch of lur own and an amount oi'gwld coin .Just think of it! that the four, ty of ilahi* win. with ti JO voters, gi.. s 10 to ire gold watches than the who*, of NiW England and a half dozen of the W.-'. in State tl.r "ti in The * .. .1 Witch t *x i- a farce ,N. rili, or il e people of that section are an worthy of I cing trusted upon 0:1th. U. •ire aware pilot the \ aukce had the reputa tion of bei' g si h'w.l. euiitiing. m .nev savii g. 111 a. \ making, hut we w.-r • not a ware tha' ih.-v would p. ; jure thrms. lies to save a dol -11 r >*r two. l.e’ 11- hear an explanation Iron. New Ellg 111 *. i-ajf Si and ili.t viiiin.'i.t patri .t, IJ. 1' Wa ■. in .-pet ell made not quite six yen *• 1 tint * one o* those who would ask tin 1.1 to cm ome in -u Ii a I ni* n. It would ti doing u* Ist.: to Ihe plalfot 111 of 1 lit. p 1 tv to which I In I. ng. Wehave adop e I tile .f l d* eiaraifion of indepet.d. nee ;.s tin t. .si- ol 1 hir ) olitieal movements, which de. .dales that ineri, when tfoir gov.rnm n: C •■'. - to pioteet 110 11 rights, when i' i« so I tom the true purpo-es of tl . government as to ..pj.o-c th. in, havo the 1 iglit t > recur to fundamental principles, and. il need fie, to destroy the government under which they live, and to erect on its ruins allot her inor * conducive to their wkliato I hold that tiny have this uheuever tlo*r think the emitingi iicy has eotno. * * You c tinot lore.lily hold men in this Union, for *he int mpl to do so, it seems to me, would I subvert the first principles of tho govtin m.'t.t tiial. r wilie/i we live.!’ T at- spot,.. Mr Wide in Tn JStTO Mr. Wade lav. r- the hanging es some thous ot people for doing just w hat he as s' red they had .1 pm I', el rigid l > do.— I'hihi- A Ijiliiu Ai/r, May 'Ault. * - 11.11}—D.ial, Foil Cl) HE—a I M. .ti farie.r says; “ lie is convinced ilia bttiiuiiiiotis coal is a sure preventive of hog e1i..1. ri. He has four hogs that will average three lir.tnlr. and pounds live weight each, and now about s von tnon'lut old ; -oiii- 1 1 1 re*• months since, lie In gan to Iced tin m daily with coal, and, to determine the .in 1 1 con* uni'd, weighed it. h’or the first -U days, they consumed one anil a quarter 1 •' *) ; and in;; the past ni tilth he has r Ml! . I weighing 11: ..111, a-.d fill fs that they ■at tw 1 | ini.ds 1 arli. He thinks this daily t. 1 .1 ng keep.; lb. ni in a ne-fe healthy r .11 diii 11 I hey Ii ive no il Hire to root like o Ii r hogs, in, the, sopplie* what they would Ig. * liotn lie, H*.il. lie a:.* I eoiiteiuls that the < 11 img .*f Ihe slum's to | r vent root ng i a barharous, positive destruction of tin health el the [orker. Ttio hog does not r *ot simply for the fun tis the thing, hut to su| p!y a want-of the systeftl, and as coal answers the fmrpo-o, he ceases to root, and les down in a h.zy quiet. When the coal has heon omittid for two or three weeks, the propen.-ily to root returns.” I’lioruF.i y liv ittF. Fupi:.-—The Pope has uttered a double ptopheev. At a err. mony bell in tie chapel of Delazzo MaSajuio, in coinin' to .ration of a miracle wli li. ac.'ord iog to a I’ .'oan legoTnl, wi.k petfotm.'d hy •■'*. Dl.iii*., w! - t.iis-d Ir* 111 the da l a youth of the family ol .Massimo, a select party was present, chiefly bcomging to the high cleri- cal or h-git ini: 1 nobli ' -c*. Ills I Minos in ole a l»ri f>pt--el» in an inspired or projdi «-tic toil , and ?| !»e • f the future, says tint report a< it from the iinpros-i >n of secon'l 'ijjbt. lie ' ltd that the present year would be one ot tri .inph and of brilliant victory u-> r the cut iiiies fifth temporal power. “I -ha! ,” hd remarked, *• In-holil the triumph, ao-i. ii I'tiiX, 1 ,-*iall r- nd -r up my soul to l> 1 ’ Ibis singular prophecy is said to l i e | r 1 iiicod a powerful effect on the au > . i.i , itn- of wi o n w- re tears \n Inoi.nm vhy Besouution —\t the Sew England Anti-Slaw — 11 | the Emperor of Ausliia is said lo be de voured bv a deep melancholy which he only shakes off in moments when most occupied by business. Abandoned by so many in | this hour of trial, and surrounded by dang ers of w aieli be cannot faihorj the depth, it is rot strange that at his age he should feel *o beavUjp the weight of his position. Elias Howe, the inventor and patentee of the sewing machine known by his name, lias declaie 1 his purpose not to apply for an extension of h s paten*, which runs out this year, on the ground that he has made a I million and a half dollars on it already. In the Sena'e recently, a resolution was | passed appropriating $1,500 to Mrs. Ahbie Green, of Richmond, for having sided one hundred and nine officers and soldiers of the federal army to escape from the Libt v prison. The Rome (imritr is informed by one of the justices of tlie Inferior Court of Floyd county, that there are now in that county between eight hundred and one thousand while persons destitute of bread—most of them widows and children—who are not ; included in the classes for which the Legis lature Las made an appropriation. A country exchange notices the fact that a man stopped his papers on Saturday and died oti I ties'ifty. M-ral—con id it t get along without his paper. I_JPAh.II""JJ.-- —U SO( Vm±lLY 11MRA hD 9 * g..mK »r>TE»n»i»«. | o»t«sjH -aw inr v • W ' • *• -A* e.w th«, *,... f«M» Zir A-1 .Ypo-d S* pna f..r it lot | A-Her* '»■■">« *» in»r *, .( •• lH« '•iUai m*4 tifi y CctiU X'*" •'* TjO ii infr. for tli'* i’ -• »•' <1 • •*nty flT< (Vdla sos ■ 1. !» t in <Mrar;«r. Lii'*- ml - J instk ot* t vuUicti f*e **iv# t%r«*,. *t ■ i j. i u !»r»r«r u *i<«| lorf«f. ——■ -■ ■■ ■■ ■ D» vtqK\T.t7 vTirtK—lt seem* that the i.-tiiorjtitat, m mcident to the war i» growing and worse. Aie. AH every paper WC ake up eont tins revolting details «f crimm II ports . f iiiur . r, ar.Hjtt, robf'ery, rape, irf' taoiKß !e, at.d v inline* of every ttir.d and" and gre . ar,*. i'.s ronimonphica tnr.ies in lb# .c al columns . itha newspipera. AUstction* I the l. tinny share in this spiri*. of tawlcaa iic-s They arc not coiifi .ed to chic*, or to +4o- tm- k >rf she G » war. North,— W< -t, and South, the si'-k.-ntny record is rti* ame.and we lesr it trill be very lt»g beibre we si. sd ha vis in Atm rica a high state f p i*.lie mural-, or a well a-.sured condition of -a ia! order.—- (’hruuii lc. .f Sentinel. _S * 1 r. Mi a Evan*’ Noui.e tdoNDJor.—-Mi** K.ans, the futtomsa ot lieu u/*,aud oth- r "• I Work* dfutefen b. i .1011 sly p,r e i-c l a tn.irWe Mw«' u’cutn f’r*. dead ol M ►fiilc. Sfic has net n pnnl . xample. that we arc. assured w ill be followed when South rn finance* reeover fc.uu Uieir Ir.- ut pt.js'ra'i i Wo cm .t expect the l ii! I States to do anything for ftmao who i.'ll in arm- for - res.ion, nor are the Mate (ioverturnn » now able to da anything. It is only fioin pii-atc mnnifiettnee that oor e. ed In-: .an now rc .ive the moqumenta .in.’to their mem irii «. All honor io Misa I.vans! * ffiibmtn / E emit net. New Yuuk, June 7. —i’rcsident Roberts wis arrested, nnd declining a request to ap t.e .r at Mirshal Murray’s office, he Was brought before Domtuissioner Hctts. Rob erts obstinately refuged to accept tb* kill ton.;, red I’ r him, and declined ui giro bis p* r.'.uio' pir and -1., appear, and that h" would no* v o*ate the ti SVrality l .tvs. Tl.* aw re nnnde.J to the co-tody of the MuTAha). wi»b q'.i.irter- at th* A.-tor House, Col. Kotrigati. < x ilium*, r of Congress was ul-o liri' Hjtd. The apprehensum of R .herts and S v.-eny are that (Tic inrasi -n or Canada is at an end. # tm>“ Ilftpti t newspapers arc hcU|{f resus citated in all tho South, and as a general title they are better printed nnd iirdri nbl/ edited than bes >rc th.t way. Virginfa, North* Dorolina,Georgia, I nnstosco, Kentucky, and is-is-ippi have ouvv Baptist papers or thoir wn. Thu l ife effort Ht tv-ntiiofi between tins duoooiin.itioß and the Disciples ft'amp hullituaj his provc-i to be a fa hire, and the Ripti-ts will go <’ i wi ll tlx ir former agcucics as an evan. c'ieal and InfluchTilal Church. S*a-' The Dostiuisk' bus bent a c .iiimuiiieatioq to the. y.-nate protesting irtiti'! tin propose! plan of uniting telegraph lines wi<li the postal •ytMjfm IT., say* “as a result of mv iiivesiiguioris I J. not flunk it v.iil do for the (ir.ormncnl to imugnrafe the j roposo i system —not only bucaqsc of i -.’ .iibifu! fin incial .-'j • in, but on account of its questtonnh!o fe sibiltfy under our po litical ttvstett!.’’ ‘ * ! BIJY. G v. S'w.iin, President, of the V-irlh Duroimi University, hi-pnldtshed a letter in wlii. li l.e sfronu'W condemns she conduct ol some students ol liiat instil utipn in iKsu i gj t.aii ticket aiib Joffv w n D.via, J. C. Brickimidg.., Z. B. Vance mid other in-u -‘ gent leaders, a- Tionofa'ry hietHßersi ? He - *ys lo* bn- no means of oCea si .mil outrages of this nature. ;-.w .g Ext it! v, rs'T in T imM ire informed, says tha Quincy i , tilth, ilutsovcral negroea about 'ihumas villc, Georgia, violated that* contractu re- C'titiy , and being arrested to go to j til, which treat: -1 excitement, rum ir h:n i», a riot, in which several pef'-.tiw white sod bin k wore killed. yms ♦ yay. \ Itu—iaa eheiiiist has fnjwt the :• cim-ntx firm COnrpomils with an «r •.■y which i-t invcfioly |woportiohcd td their s;n citic gravity. Huts metcury otiogheav ier than iron has less chemical energy M. Ifckctoff, iL re'ore, snpposcif the Itws c'lctnic t! Affinity to he identical with thoifr nf nicChariie-t. Ttinx. Tho nu«st extraordinary instance of* patidte • ui rceord, in modern times, is (hat of an I lino s judge who listcne4 for tWo and lya while a coupte of wordy auorevyt aom- t tend: 1 about the coU'trisctiim oi an j&t. the legislature, and then ended ver-y by (juicily remarking—tlMWftjf the law is ripe t't I ” On. City, .'lay Half the baainsufc. portio-i of the city is in ashes, fiwfflßl ser«n*y five stores, ii<ht hotels, in / hoti-ea, a church and a N>nii|myHV' lo 3 aatouum by w^t[toW parts of soft water. The weight of a cooiaoa nickel cent to a pint of water somes sufficient ly near. The solution is applied by moisten' ing a piece of lint, and renewed when the pain returns. Missing Confederate Soldiers Th# following we ertraot from the Macon TeU graph : •‘An anxious widowed mother, who has been left alone and destitute, desires inform ation concerning her two sons, who have not been heard from since the close of the war, viz : David S. Arthur of a Mississippi Regi ment, Johnson’s command, who was wounded at the battle of Atlanta. Columbus W. Arthur, Company G, Ist Rigiinent Mi'-'iiiippi Cavalry, Forrest's com mand ; wan captured and sent to Camp Dotpg.- lass, from which he raaJc bis escape, and not since been beard from. Whether iivißg or dead, any information concerning these parties, addressed to their mother, Mrs. Mary Arthur, care of Mr. Watts, Exchange Hotel, Montgomery, Ala., will be gratefully received. *- Oar brethren of the Southern and West? ern press mil please extend this notice. The work of widening the track on the Montgomery and West Poi»t Railroad is progressing ss rapidly as cireumvtsmici wiii adtri t