Newspaper Page Text
rl -g| iftHEIl KYFRY THI'K-DAY M<iltNlXfi
X>. N. .Martin it? 00.,
• —• |{nt<‘N of Subi»rriplion.
Oce copy one year .V*. 0*»
one e*-|’F •'* 'TuM.lh. S 00
One •°| , y t** re * montli*,, Imi
gg- Order* tar JoL WuRK aud AIiYEETIr*
INO respecSlully solicited, aid promptly attended
——. .
“ilSakt* Hasit-Mtuvly.”
The general observance of this sound
maxim would save a world of trouble to pol
iticians, but they disregard it entirely, and
<ro off, to use a homely idiom “ half cocked”
whenever a movent tit is 'guested for pub
lie consideration. oit i- now in rei mice
to the proposed Notional Convention at
Philadelphia, in \ugn-t • ! the pre-- i
seem to ‘jump at conclusions” withs hound,
and one of our cotemporaries ha; taken up
on itself to nominate or elect delegates for
the State at large, to w t : lion. A II Ste
phens, Hon II V Johnson. II n l>. li
Hill, and lion. A II Cob|uitt, —all unex
ceptionable men, but inctt ol too much good
*en?e, we take it, to accept a nomination
made in such a manner.
Keep cool, gentlem n, lot us discuss the'
Question a little We have over a month’'
time to meet the isoie, and it tit ■ appoint
nicnt of delegates is to he mole hy the press,
or hy his excellency, the Gov r ten days
will suffice tor the purpose. But if the
people are to act advisedly, wo would sag
cest the first Wednesday in August as the
proper time. This will give three weeks
time for examination of the question, and
two afterwards for tae g dug-forward of the
]>ut we must insist on our “ condition
precedent ’’ before we can yield our con cut
*to the proposed measure, lo ok at the facts
of the situation '.
For over a year has President Johnson
declared his policy of reconstruction, and up
to this day, progress has eti ilia l»* in
the work ? lie may have done all he could,
or all that a Congress wou’d alio-.v
him to do, but tint 1 it' he.-, pn i-i us li t
in its benefit* to the S.tuli Bit he has
not done all tl .i’'iii ini l
the country ought, to have and me to p-eoti-iii
the South, or In r puo;>!.- 11 has
not treated Jcffet-ou Divi- uitli that nciu
ency due to one so exalted and so pave !
He has allowed him to he heavily ironed
and treated with inn uniuy lie has allowed
and stiP allows Ins illustrious p- soner to !;
tortured by u-thtss ttoi-es and Satan's it,
vention 0‘ Cah-iuot Bight li -iriug upon liis
couch ! Id fuel N .tlire's soe-t re
storer. balmy s'eep ’ uittWf'-uch uireu:n-t i-i
--cos ? Who can long li v>• wi limit sleep ?
Andrew .loliti'on is r- -pounibie t- r this ' or
rible iti« [ ni-si rC >t», ash- is the Head of the
Government and e-n re i- fonton, or
any oilier Cabin. t ofli ■r t! '.viu tn-t obi v
his t-iders.
What th. . is -foe li. t\ Sorb to \n
df'-w -i ohtisoii that ’thi -m doh ;-i»es
to a CollVt oto ol I ■ It eui' ? N-- 1 rg !
nothing! Andean . S u 1 t n t;m of
note and hinioritbl.- -j - t... go f rw ml and
taken seat in that L ■ ••-. wi■ Id a h. -■ v-or al
most ol J< fief on 1 'avi- . .glia' < |.|'at ;.li'h ?
What ('onlederate (Ictu r ,I, tie oilier <if • n
gross, or private citiz n jot liaml* with
their Lite em mi'-s u! fir ' s ••tiring tin*
release of the late hr side ,t of a ••lost
cause.” I- his fate t, he ignored hy S -itlt
em men? <!'d I'oi dd ! lladur let re
main, as we all : r"—ou l.iws, and sTatig vs
to the (lovcrtoiieut ii-i ('"iisf.iunou . hour
Fathers, uuiil h. a | r ■ a in i.-u .if./. •
ammstj/ on tlio part o' the Ih --I • t tie
doors of the pti->n lion »r • thrown op n,
and the people’s repn . • . tir. is p. rnt 1 ed
to go free as others, no mor- guilt 1 .- s tii.m
he, have gone before hi o. — hiou ('•:!.■«
The Louisville Journal ox Gen.
Grant's late < >itt>Kit. - Ih- following re
minds us of “ uu and In tig syne."
We read tin- order with nnminjled sur
prise and amazement.. We could •co-c-Jv
at first think it g< nuirie Not in ■ akin to it
ever came from the distinguished Lieuten
ant-General before, lie i-y otic ol'the very
last of the eminent men ol the u.vion li on
whom we should have expected either the
usurpation or the tu-anni -il t-x ueise of po-,v
cr. But this order of his t! omiod out,
will, in our view, he gr s> tyranny. \\ e at
confident that the Pre-ident, who, more than
almost any other public man in the eciontr- .
makes the Constitution his guile, and
guards, with j<-ut- ;;s care, all the rights of
all the people, will annul the Li, u'cuant-
General’s order without delay
Disfranchised.—Tlio Columbus .'■fon
says, that “nearly til! the he-t men of the
two old national patties in Tennessee —all
the old wheel horses of the Tenne-sea De
mocracy and Whiggery—such men as John
Bell, Cave Johnson, Neil S. Brown, Goo.
W. Jones, Win. H. Stcph ns, Wm. T.
Avery, J no. L. T. Sneed, Langdoti Haynes
are disfranchised, laid on the shelf, ostra
cised from public affairs, while the riff-raff,
low plotters and schemers, turbulent nobod
ies, political paupers and adventurers—-such
men as Arnell, l>uggan, Brownlow, &c , &e.
—sit in the seats of power and control the
destinies of the State ”
Rebellious Demons* a ations. —We
beg leave to call the attention of the Radicals
to various symptoms of a disloya. spirit ex
hibited in the Southern States on the 1.-st
Fourth of July. In quite a number < f places
there were demonstrations by the newspa
pers and among the people in favor of the
Great Rebellion 6f 1770. The names of
G. Washington, ringleader of the insur
gents; T. Jefferson, red waistcoat fnan, and
author of the Declaration of Indpendeiu e,
so-called; Patrick enry, who wanted
“ Liberty or Death G< orge Mason, and
other notorious and acknowledge i reb-’ls
were 'eulogised in terms which sho - that the
spirit of rebellion -is not 'jet crushed in the
old hot-bed of the American Revolution.
The inclination to distinguish the Fourth of
July from other days still prevails among
the descendants of the men who raised 'heir
hands against the lawful authority of King
Georgs, aud stripped him of the brightest
jewelg ot his crown The thing demands
looking into by the Reconstruction Commit
tee and some measure adopted to make trea
son odious. —Baltimore Transcript.
Wiio can Represent thf. South?—A
South Carolina gentleman in Washington
writes to the Charleston News that the
11 A" ho -<x/ l it ion Cortrrn/ion >cill oof tb?*r
a!> nir/.
iii ii, \. m turn A 01,
S> o it t It r v u ij rralb.
I'illili, <;< ui'gin Jnlyi»C.
llou-.'las it ml Si-wanl.
It is now settled that Seward, and not
I’resident Johnson, i- to deliver th orati u
at the hiving of the corn r spine <if tin-
Douglas Monument shortly to take place in
Chicago. S.V rrd -• mT<By; ~ry smart ]
in liis way; but th it way die- no'. h.ippL-ti
to he in the line ot’i-u!*»_-y or hi.igr Ip’iv.—
Let atiy one read. f *r iximp'i-, the compari
son he e--ay- h ;w- u the great Napoleon
and John Quincy A lam-, to he convinced
what a pitifully p...-r judge of char r lie J
is To run ap-a I ' 1.-. eu Naj.-ileoti
and Jo n (Ju'tiey Ad mis, a- Sew rid.
as supremely uoiculoiis tn run a jav.ll :
bet >ceu the ".rd!;, eagle tha*, s.ui gazit-g.
braves the highc.-t cut: -.r- an, and the e tt
temptible wl that haunt-the ceiu- tery-elni,
and makes night hideous wi'h his laughings
over the grave of your buried hopes. The j
Southern and many of the Northern friends
of Douglas will have cause to regret that the
author of the “ irrepressible conflict’’dog
trine was ever called up,.ii to piitd the |,.r
trair. ot the great advocate of “ unfriendly
legislation” alias “ squatter sovereignty,-" I
alias •• abolitionism.”
ewardhis a' -iatel that the 1.
h ,ur- of Sr, phetl A. I)o tglin W
ton were spent with i.itu i Sew ird ) and Lin
coin in organizing n-si.-tatiee tin t-ur, s to the
utliirn scc.'sston tnoveuient. What here
tofore lie nit rely alltid -d t •. ho will i-lab-uve
to the full in liis fort iu-oiniog speech, and :
the qU' S'ion will be settled w: ether Doug 1 .-
approved or disapproved the coercive meas
ure- ol the L: ico'n admiyiistratinn. We are
satisfied that lie heartily appro-.[ t ! e war, 1
and died an etioiny to the S eith. a- i itter a
tno hitti r, ,-t. Sew .rd will bring all th
air, tiiiuking he i- doing great serve
the m-moi-y of hi- dec- i— I IVi, nd.
1 he-e same t: u. of. at Jest n.;i!iv of.
. tin-in—who w ft i- flu I h,v Jto'.igi ,s to !
light ns. an ! a- v~ r.i'e tl-. a! • ine.v solicititi -
us to join th ito ak and :- ’ . R-| ii- a's
How v. ,-i-ev iFa' thete i- not auuthi-r
DoUglnS- li I.oil - th- if t' • i- g sh *
again ho made, ;ha will u-t tell th,-:n a .;
to light Hu- S at'h, and devastate it ? W
doubt i,- t tha; th- C m-i r. -Ac No: -it aud
'he Itadical North ha? aud and •> '- • < ■'
'other as much a- a me m wife and a mean
hu-'-em i ever hat< 1 and despised each i.-h.,-r;
tint wo must not forget that nevcrthch s
tliey are tnnn and wile, a . 1 until they are
ah.-nlutely diver,-.--d. and iiarc become irre.
eoiiciiably uli, tiate 1. any third p:i>ty —in
which category is-tlie South—should be vet
chaty of interfering in the least, by th e ,
word, or sign
f outturn-*n i.\ Mts-m tii —A coup'-j op
gentlemen from »;issouri recently called
upon the I’r ,-idetit and ini',■ruled him of a
dcep-lai 1 seh,one on the cart of tic- r.- lieals
to carry t!- Miss mri • Ic.-tioti by fore es
arm- if nee .—-try .Secret leagues wtv r
gmiz ,1. the militia Wucd, a id arms had
hen sh'q-p and t.i vart--u<Npart- of the State
by (■ i\u riiur I ietclier f , the purpose of it.-
fluenetii* the election. ’!" IV- -id ‘ a
-tin and jhe g-< n'!- m ,ri tha' : s it was Id- dut-v
to nrotect all cu:z--ti- ii tie: r-i.l .m it ol
their rights, ar. such it wottM mly be fi ees
.-ary, in ca —d such outrage... for the citi
zens to applv ‘A him.
A Durr Kxtremitv.—-The It -1 teals
prooosc to luak it an olieti-e putd-liahle
with fine and iniju-lsontu, lit, f,r at. - tie t ,
have Confederate lumJa or tmie.- in hi- j •
session They have virtually pus-gd the
same law also in respect to greenbacks
They do not make it an offense to have them,
birt, by opptessive tuxes, they make it an
impossibility to get them or keep them.
WSk. Ilenry T. A'ardell, a ruggist, and
citizen of Macon, committed suicide in that
city on the night of the IStli instant, lie
is reported to have been generally esteemed
as an amiable and intelligent gentleman.—
The jury of impo st- guv -a verdict that,
when he did the deed of self destruction, h
was laboring under a temporary aberration
of mind.
BS?* The Fracdman’s Bureau bill wa-, , n
the ltitli instant, put on its final p:i--u it.
the House, immediately after the reading ol
the President’s veto message, and p issed by
the requisite vote —yeas 103, nays 33. It
was at once sent to the Senate and that
body also it by a two-thirds vote
yeas 33, nays 17. The bill is therefore a
South America. —There has been a
great battle fought in South America, iu
which the allies . ilruzil, Uruguay, and the
Argentine Republic) gained a victory over
the Paraguayans, who abandoned the fi and
with a loss of G,OOO killed and wounded, tj
gnus and 4 flags. Loss of the Allies, 2,000.
rhr, Alonzo Greenlow and A. B. i'avlor
fought a djel, the 12th of July, on the
Tennessee and Mississippi line, near Menu
phi-. The latter w.- kiT.-l at ‘he fir:-' lire
'•'Mi, ?’ ii is Migfilirr tlmii it..- vu nri!,**
tiBIFfi.V, liM.ll, lilißltll Sum lit, .111.1 it). I*.
The Wi-t •rn heat er ; . insto ad off
the him-.-iitah!-.? faiiiir.- pr ii Ifr it all
>•' mg. tor a month «,r tw > | reeading the liar
Tc.-’ing. i- lik-dy to turn out wry large and
fine. All the croaking about- the wheat
crop w:.- hut the <■•!•! ili.-ingenuous ruse, prae '
ticc-l • •ry - ••:. and- uiatii gin a n>- an 1
se.ii-htic-s to get iii o! the old steck on
liatnl, at more than a lair t rice.
' - .
< ' t tie nd breed Buck town copper
mime s, -itu;.', I near (heve-latid, ila.-t Tenues
- ••, ar.- \i- tig, it n reported, larger!
am .tints of copper than they ever did. The '
company in charge of the mines are now
w -rkit-g on a vein of the yellow sulphuret of
o i.p.-r which is from forty to sixty feet in
width, and so far no bot'tuu having been
f.-uud to it.
Sect iry S< stri • g'y - .
the Philadelphia t ouvention uml expresses'
the belief that no party, as n-'\v organized’
ean rc.-tore the l uion. while Attorney Gen
eral Speed opposes the Convention, and
places his trust in the Bopuhliean party.
Rev. Dr. Nathan Hoyt, of Athens,
Ga . died on the 12th instant, after a pro
tr act, 1 illness. “ lie was the pride and
idol i.flits congregation, and universally re
spected lor !i- piety arid line feeling ” lie
was nearly t ighty y t at, of age.
C Tin- Rome <'■ ”ri r, of a recent date, .
s-iys that tJ■ • ii. .1 ■ph 11 .lohn -ton ha- uc
, c-.-pt. -1 the Presidency of the Selma- and I
Tennessee R’ner Railroil.
i he 1 s- by the hunting of Briggs’s
Print and Dye YCoiks, in liiiladelphia, on
the 12,d. of July, ant iutifs so two minion dol
lar- Stveral hundred hands were thrown
out of employ nu-nt.
T -'ton King and James 11. Lane,
bn. . i v,'..»:n comuiitt- and suicide, were niem
r - --I ' S:u ' * -g’..'!icr, ari l were b• h
in nihi-rs of the Cotiv -ntio.i.
r-%. Geo. Bruce, a well well known typ
fmntl r. rce -u:ly died in New j'ork, at the
1 v,iin- -I age of eighty live years.
£-• ' 1 J-'ti. Grt t.t has eonelud i not t i ac
t-tit tin. IV- iJ. icy fi- th- xt term. He
will !••' fit- pe pie l.miw when he is ri-.-.-ly
to : rve lilt ill.
i ' v i t-»r Jim Lane, who .-hot himself f
i" the head, a sh rt time ag >, died id the
wound on the 11th ins! mt.
i flier,• were only three elot- tiKn*s in
k in.-.t-, City, recently, i-t one. week.
I’l,' Cox Y UNTIO.V cl’
Guiutii y.”—A sp-eiil meeting oft! ,- ('nn
\ .-tut' n will he l-.i-M a! Ma.-on on We i.••• 2 v
the ’ "itli ot August.
Ml nietiibi-rs who ean possibly atten-1
1 thi- -.-tort, are requested to l-** present, as
. iio-iin - ui' iniu-.rtatiee r tiuires th ir action.
Members of Planters’ Convi-nti n-■ of oth
. r State-, who f.-.J a pr cut ar»d future iu
tervs: in the agri ultur 1 cun-lition of the
h, are earnestly ittvi-e-l to |,-irticjpa‘e in
the th lih- reti-uis of this meeting
11'comm in calamities, poverty and deso-1
lati.ot ev.-r unite in brotherhood and e-.mmon
I destiny, now is the time for tfbtive svmi>::thy I
and practical co-operation.
.1 V. Jones.
First \ ice-I‘resident,
‘•Cull n Planters’ Convent: :i of Geor
gia ”
July «•! . IMUi— 4t
Mu Davis.—The Louisville Journal
says': “ According to the most reliable ac-.
chunt-s, Mr Davis, if not soon permitted .to
go at large, will di- in prison without a trial,
alter the long confinement he lias endured
And this, wo cannot to say. wiould
hi. ;; in ■ ,-t deplorable thing. It would a
calamity in a national point of view.' It
: would create a feeling of intense hi’teriiesa
against, our Government in the heart.} of
millions of our own people, while foreign n ;
tioris would, with aim, s' one voice, and that
. a voice of thunder, cry out ‘ shame 1’ .'May
| Heaven avert any such monstrous evil!” i
»-¥,T j 1. cutenant .Maury, now on a visit
to Europe, lias ju-t submitted to a commis
-ion in Paris, composed of naval officers and
; engineers, presided over by Admiral Bonez
- Vt ileauntezy, anew torpedo of his own in
vention, which he offers to the French i
Government, h e tfleet of this torpedo is
described as being more certain and mur
derous than any hitherto known i t Europe,
ami ii supposed that some agency Cr more
p wi lful than gunpowder is used iu its com
pos tion. •«*-
Ct-fI*A 1 *A Washington telegram of July 12th j
says that Secretary Dennison has resigned.]
; He writes to the President that the call for
a Convention at I’hi.adclphu is antagonistic
to the j),'iiey ol the paity that nominated '
and elected .Mr. Lincoln, and over the Con
vent! .n 1' which he was President, aud he
th t lore withdraws from the Cabinet. It
i.- lum ii-d that Atlmney General Sp- ■ and
has tender, and his resignation, and that the
, Secretiry af the Interior, Mr. Harlan will
1 do the same.
Is dependent or the States!—Mr,
, Sumner, of Mass., is reported ;having said
■ in the Senate of the l nited States, the oilier
day, that “the time hail come for them (the
Senate) to assert the independence of the
National Government over the States.”
A Preventive or the Cholera. —The
habitual use of onions as an article of food,
is said to be almost certain protection from
' cholera, even when in immediate contact
wit l.xir
| I•• f- !‘>»,i g t, tribute t-i the m. iii-.ry ~fa
l.rave »n.l trt.. i 0,-, at- ~.|.ii.-r. l'i• -t■ i.ittiin.
G«.. who *a» ,f ii t.y t!,.- el emy !,.-sr Avreai lire,
X. a. Mo. , ! - ]
Lit IK n. I*. II alstfil
111 - -•!. !'., ’.m Jii.p- -be I tear.
P- - - in tlia (I :-■< .
Ye* It- : . p.-!e .It-p.ili.J-' g bar,
A: 1 t :.D ih trut*.
A *.>n there wnv <»l' |»n*«ir«'».
In life’. V’*Ui,g l‘G-1 rt flit «i A> \% Il ,
Tii<* worthy *tnl of LU t|v*Srca,
'i he !u .i • 1 «*rpwn.
A 1 r;iv. . h«»ui? m Vr m«*t the f •'
i! •* Mr.. \ I.nriJ t*. *a\.• ,
Bui h *!. f ,v. ni«! a y U ’.v
Ami •’ *i ’H »M LTttV»*
B-’M.c fr* ’ th** ! »“i\ Irnttlc livhl
r i») : .nh«T■!* for •-! t«* how.
li** Wolf iff /’.!/ ; ’* lluLij ■" * ?i I#* • 1
l p,.n l.ia brow.
’• I W>!l to pe. IliV llllior oil."
lie rni.l , ■ liivbirit- I* o'.-r ;
. I hop* to i et il.e II..! v < hie
No enter I -V !, fen i.’.e fri. ti I.
W'uv liei.l . e**<- t!:■ or -live.
('rtn.iik Li- c'.bii / life—it* cu-J,
( T to.ti.lib- g: ave.
Comp,.-** upon lii* lowly Liei’, v
Kro "■ "i':«t to " il.-lit.-:
His man'. , l-atui-cs seemed t» <■/.*»»,
And vr.-ar a smile.
N..--V to th* trmn|iet tongue . f fume
lie's lieedl.-ss in L's .lentil,
1 hough man may seek to win n name,
'I i* Int a brent li.
The -1 the still-ilk the iron hail.
1 '.-s! I .theti ed. lie o’er .
•'UI- ill til is- . ll«U by nuillbms, f„:|,
And wm- no more.
Your gallant h- art. in denth is still.
No n:or you stout'y tirnve
T ie f.emini's wrath. Lu: nobly tiii
A soldi.-l's grave.
t.i Mill a, t. a , .1 1. , -. V tiv, 1 Sii'-,.
b-peoeD of N aHaitilighaiii*
A few days .-dure, \ align ii -ham made a
characteristic speech at Columbus, • >!iio.—
Discus sing the proposed amendment to the
Constitution, lie said :
I ndi-r, land in I am-not opposed to these
amendmen -i j!-,- --- tl.oy are amend
ments to th ('• :,.- titiui ti, i.!t!- tit'li I think,
with the President, that tome should be
made while ih-ven Stu’es tire out. Whenev
er nil the States are again hack in th ir
plu there are m::i ■ amendments which I j
will desire to sec adopted.
1. We wilt want to the liberties
of the white .a, 1v ; r.»vi bn rhe may stand ,
here as .Mr. J- weft. 1. ■ rme as I am doing, i
am! as Gen. '; ug-in will do, and ta’k !.* flu
people at >u‘ their rig! ' without h
rested and thru ! int i : ba-t’le—[Cfl'ecr-.d
2. I want an am -tidnu-nt 'hat will proclairn ,
in tenn.s even in no d.r ■ -■*! . tha' no Presi- |
deti* i -.ever so pend the /-///.<;.( rw/ms,
‘ tin I tha’ the writ ean u.-r, r he snspendc I
... I-y tin: I'resid -nt ort' ogres', except far the
particular spot .vlicre jn-lic-ial j-rocc.-< I
th 1 want an amendment that will fir ver
crush under foot.—aye, with an iron heel -
that execi hie doctrin born of the lata dcs-1
I .fi.snt, -tlio' tli-re ii war pow-r higher
than the ('• oist’uution, an-l that all the Pres
ide ti thattohi to I- me aw irsc <!■ <pot '
than t!:o Czar <!' Ku '- 1, i- to get uji awr
with one of the States, or with some Power.
That damnab'e ilo-tritu i want to bo made
so datum.hie that the lepro-y of sin and
datnr.'vji ..i will e'ttig around it I ircvt-r.—
[Grc-.he - J
\V"I '.'l “ '.\tr, M.'.V J NHT.ANI).
, There is am, i r nmendment I should
; want to pr p >-■• as an humble ciriz--ti. if I
never get b • -ri that.. 'Who are your < -on
stitutiou tirl. -rs? They are from New
England • v or Sumn- r . arid j .tir Wilsons,
and all that ei t *; and that other t hus <! J
t meanest Yank -* y t. vour Western Yankei -
in Congress, wli > |egi> ’ate for the hem i t old
New England, end n gleet the interests of
their own con-.ductus. We have sonic of
that sort in <)! . > mi l not fur from this dis- *
triet. If we are t i have alteration.-- in the
Constitution when all the N'a'tcs have been
■ restart 1 ?!, (here is thi to be submitted.
< ihi > has three millions ot people. Ear
off in th’ N-rtheasr, bv r tin- barren hills ,
. and :, ’-girt c<*a-t, 11,: t! ;se little .States, not •
much larger,'all togethf-.r, than the State of
• < thin—Rhode Isiand, very nuu-h after the
fashion of Delaware, which <ll Major Noah
in olden tit.-ii ::,I !, • eoul-l pqr in his
hr -eeii. « pocket, it t ught to be put iii sonie
hody's pocket, 1- r that old tyrant that domin
<. red lo re for three years, i- now Governor
there—l mean Burnside; Connecticut, New
Hump-hire—,-.ix ol thesg .States, two hundred
years old, have three millions of people.
How many Senators have t!uy got ? Six.
How many has Ohio? Two—and such
Senators: jiardo-i me. [Laughter] 1 i-tn
i not sure they- ought not t. > bo reckoned to
New England. 1 judge so from tluir votes
•on tariff questions and similar measure'’. —
Three miTßcui ol Yank cs ex- rei- • -ix ti- •
the power;4ft4ht: Sen,:-.- Chamber that the
same number of citizens iu Ohio exerei.-c.
That is equality f.r y u. And yet they
must needs change the basis.ol r, presents
] tion in order to force negro equa’i. :. -h
I South. It is not because of e! i. g the
I Constitution that 1 opp ,-c- tlict*- amend
ments; b.-iatiiC th-.- time inu-t ■ when
| other, amendment, will be demand 1, and
; ,nc if them will t- to redur- New England
:to two Sc:,at rs or at moot four,
i . Mind, 1 w ,u! l prefer to take the Consti
! tut ion ju :as oar lathers made it. It was
' good enough lor them, and under it we have
prospered as no nation ever did before. And
1 warn New England to beware, ic t domin
ion and power, like riches, may take unto
themselves wings, and fly away.
Maoneii Iron.—A new arid singular
source of magnetic iron Las been discovered.
It appears that the shavings of iron and
1 steel, and especially the lung spirals produced
| in turning iron on the lathe, are highly mag
netic, especially in the case ol soft iron.
This magnetism is pern, ‘.nent, and M. Greiss,
■ the discoverer, has observed that the South
pole is always at the cn 1 which is first
- touched hy 'he
\|>L. I. \O. *l.
The Railroads on tiie Tariff— The
Philadelphia Convention of Railroad Presi
d'-nts adopted on the Nth, a loud remon
str.ini-.- a: iin-t the tariff ujh.ii iron and steel
rails N"W th<‘ S-it!,i-rn people at least,
mi -hr to remonstrate against the exurbit
at.t tariff rate- h TANARUS:: tr iad* The South
ern railroads will own the country iu ten
\> iis by means of tln:ir transportation
charges, if the farmers continue the foolish
policy ot importing corn and bacon to feed ,
Ttihur * n'lpdoyt-.l in cotton product inn
A negro has formally petitioned the Pro- ,
fate t' nirt of Tallaliati h:e county, Ala , to ,
be allowed to sell Itiuiself into slavery, lie 1
njs lie is twenfy-iw.i year* old. a good field i
hand, and lie bt-lieVes Worth a thou-and dol- |
i.-rs. He says tlicre me too many responsi tit - surrounding him, and that lie is dis
-it - ti.-.I with bis | lcm nt cn-llii n The
Pro: .'-c Court having no jurisdiction in the ]
premist.-. has for" ard. i hi- petition to Thad. (
Tin x and y.r.v There w. re only *7.
perso: s ju Mi inphis. in that voted
agaii :-t ree -n Now there are not less
than m'o haw / ../ persona claiming to be one
of the six. i*
Human na’iire is much the ame every
where W e e old find localities where it is
:.s trail as hi Mi niplii*.
Mr- Eli \Y:, i., r, of Hartford, who has be
come heires.- to a I’orDine of §US,*K> ( ),O<M) in
Europe, is th • wile (.1 a machinist and the
in. (her . I ~ev. •;•! eliildreti. The family will
have for Eng’...:, 1 next week to assume pus
sissioti of the property, and it is rumored 1
that tin y will ml -cq'ieutly return to Hart
ford and erect a palatial residence in that
city. The property was originally bequeath
ed to Mrs Walker’s father, and as he was
dead, the whole amount came to her as liis
1 only child.
A I iiiou man of the strict,* sense, ri ■ fl
ing at ( larksburg, V irginia, Young by name,
c.iimiiiitteil suiei.le in a fit of remorse for bis
labors in behalf of the Jacobins. It seems
that during the war and since, he Ins busied
himself reporting nciglib iis to the Provost
Marshal, and noting as a general spy upon
the citizens. The day before his death he
r< que.-vd a form-'V friend to go among those
whom he had injured, and beg their forgive
mss for him, and with a sense oi his sios
pie M i.: upon a soul : > cowardly to repent,
iiw nt out and ha:, , 1 hitiisrlf.— \orfo>k
i 1 try ui ma .
The Sat ami.h - ays that certain
new cork is are planting on an ext* n-ive
scale in that s -tion tin,l paying the frccd
. in, i h\ “ vnWWe ” jewelry and trinks's.
A party lms . • Nonli for a further supply
Ito un-el the lu x! p iyiiient. Tlio Irecdmen
arc di-toveririg the r-windlc, ar - dissatisfied,
and tl.r Igui t , !.,-. . without fu!lifting their
The Mammoth Gave in Kentucky is not
without its story of love and romance.—
.',)iiii i twentj’ years ago a dashing Tennes
see girl promi-.-d her mother that she would
never marry a eeria'u man “on the lace o(
the earth”—tui-l suitor being particularly
o’-j e-ion !! •to the !ady. S' th’re was quiet
fir some time. Bu one pleas nt day the giy
• girl and her lover run away and went into
the Gave to pit now called “ Bridal Cham
ber,” and iii the presence of a’fow witiics-es
were there niatriiuoiiially united, about 23-‘i
let t below tin: “ lace of the earth.”
Tlio Wa-hington eorrcspotiduiit of tin- N.
York Ciminereial says: “J \Y. |-‘. rney*
frietul • c mpluin th -' the Chrouiele is not a
sufficiently r< tnutii-rativo institution, anti
they deuiatnl ttiat the official publication of
the con r.-aional debates be taken (rom
Mis r-. iLves, of tlio Glob: and given to
' him.”
| A Mobile paper -ays: The Austrian Em
; has.-ador arrived back at Mobile, from At
lanta, with nineteen ex-'Tinted -rate officers,
I all <>f wdiom have accepted positions in the
Austrinn army. I.arge numbers of Mobil
itms will accompany him on his return to IN •
rope, starting on Thursday, both as officers
and piuvat, Among the officers are Gent
, Aiiingtou atid Col. P. Barry,
Pensions.—Th- present pension list of
the United States j. about ' 1 ‘1,000,000 per
annum, and it is estimated that the pro
posed changes will swell it to 822,000,WU. —
hould the widows and orphans of the sol
di rs of the War cl’ 1 12 be included, it will
h- at 1'- . ’ ~.1,000,000. — .\ . 1 Ti thnnr
The Richmond l.iofuirrr announces that
anew flag is t * be raised on the State Capi
tal s>. .-a, “ most of which is to be formed
from the magnificent State flag which was
first used to shroud the cufliti of Stonewall
Jackson when his funeral cortege moved
through the city.”
lion. John Minor Bolts, in a political
speech delivered in Baltimore on the Ith of
Ju!; , i li that he was not one of those who
v. ill V- the negroc s the right of suffrage :
and he gave as a reason that they would be
sure to vote with the Democratic party !
’The New ) ork K.rpr*** savs : “ The close
voting on the tariff in the Dense, Saturday,
Bi t , .VI, and .Vt to 4W; indicates that Gen
ital Bousseau is to be suspended with—like
Voorhces and Brooks—while <!rinnell is to
be kept in— a- be votes tlir -buo and g3OO
. i < r rrntnnvf win tod.
There has been an unsuccessful revolt in
Spain Gen. Prim i- arrested by the French.
A mammoth turtle, weighing seven hun
dred pounds, i> on exhibition at Baltinnre.
An Ohioan, named Ambrose B. Butts,
recently lifted a dead weight of 2,7371
It is sai l that Mr. Davis l:a-expressed his
regret at the publication of U>r. Graven's
Gen. Jubal A. Early is engaged iu writ
ing a hLtory of his Valley campaign.
No title can be acquirsd to property won
at a raffle, according to a Baltimore Court.
Tie M ary landers aud Pennsylvanians who
insist upon being “ protected,” to offset pro
tection given New England, demand that the
tax he paid on Novia tteoth .- >al.
Kiir-.,* sre-niun./s avi* it-vrasi-iso,
< »ne voy.y ona yr»r |3 (M>
< Ine copy tis month*... ..... ..ZOO
1 ' spyii n m. j ...i
tw A-I |-»I»r. .taj. f -*a at th* *n.J of thttao*
psi-1 for it n.,t pr*-. i9iaij r*n*w*-I.
A !v*rti«.-.:*n»« in«*rt*.l «*. ij„ r%t „fr»
Is H»r a-. 1 M'-y G«nt* |>*r a-piar* of Ten |jn*«. for
tl,- »ll*i iVVMtty- fire tent# for
each -nt incut insertion payable in a,lranr*
1 .literal -ledi- uous mad* on contracta for adrw
’-•ement* rtuming three months and lontr-r.
The coffin which contains the mortal re
mains of Gustave 111., requiring repair, was
reetnt y opened in the presence of the King
and <Jueen of Sweden; the face of the de
ceased wa - found to he in perfect preserva
Fast s’.- inib, its ply the Hudson river.
The I 'aniel Dr< w recently made the run from
34th street. New York, to Yorkers s dis
tance of eighteen miles, in thirty five min
utc>. This was done without any particular
A report to the House shows that there
are two hundred and forty million dollars of
the public money deposited in the sub-
Trrasurj's depositories and national banks.
Os this amount, forty millions are in the na
tional banks of San Francisco.
Othri.eo and his Occupation—Tlio
Buffalo f\mrier, (Democrat,) of the 4th,
says: *’ Rcticid Oum ireonlly remarked to
a gentleman of thi* city, who met him in
tlio Wert, that ‘ unles-i the Southern States
wer* speedily admitted to representation in
Congress, and the right of self-government
conceded to them, we should soon have an
other rebellion.’ ”
It is stati-d that Queen Yiotoria sends a
telegraphic dispatch every morning to the
King of l'russia containing commonly only
the words, “God guide you for the best.”
Since the bar-rooms are shut up in New
York on Sunday, some of the barbers have
invented anew hair tonic—for the beard—
which is applied just under the moustache.
The Richmond Whij calls upon President
Johnson to remove Secretary Stanton, so as
to “ render it impo-uiblo for posterity to
hold Mr. Johnson accountable” for placing
manacles upon the limbs of Jefferson Davis.
England is neutral in the pending conflict
in Europe, as it was during our war. A
pick-pocket is always neutral where there is
a row going on. Ife cannot stop to quarrcF
in such g'od times.
Governor Orr, of South Uarolina, has is
.-uod a proclamation calling on the people of
liis State to select delegates to the National
Union .Convention to be held at Philadel
As there can be found nobody in Canton,
Miss , who is able to swallow the test oath
without seriously shattering his moral con
stitution, the post office there is for rent,
having been closed some ten or twelve days
A French professor hai just discovered
that the earth (locr not move so fast as if
did two thousand years ago. The learned
man computes that in one thousand six hun
dred millions of years hence it will coin.’ to
a stand still.
Hhmi Prices in Vienna.—The price of
every article of consumption as a necessary
of life was rapidly advancing in Yicuna, iu
face of a depreciated currency.
Petroleum is found abundantly in Louis
iana, and orders have gone North for ma
chinery. It is designed to construct works
to supply the Missis-ippi Valley.
A feast for the historians—the discovery
at a town near Mount Ararat of 3000 Arme
nian manuscripts, hitherto unknown to the
lit-rary world.
Picture frames and glasses are preserved
from flies hy painting them with a brush
dipped in a mixture made by boiling throe
or four onions in a pint of water.
P or Forney wriggles liko a wasp that has
had its sting plucked. But there is no help
for him; he is pinned to the wall, tn ento
m< logical specimen, and thtfe must remain.
Five nobleman—the Karl of Breadalbane,
and the Dukes of Argyle, Athole, Suther
land, and Bueclcuch—are said to own on«-
fourth of all tho land in Scotland.
By the last, census of London it appears
that there are more Scotchmen there than
in Edinburg, more Irishmen than in Dublin,
and more Jews than in Palestine.
Gen. 11. F. Butler has incited the negroes
of New Jersey to test before the courts their
right to vote. He is the principal counsel.
A large bed of plumbago (black lead; has
been discovered near Houghton, on Lake
Superior. It is said to be of superior quality
Texas election returns favor the election
of Throckmorton for Governor and the Un
ion conservative ticket elected by an immense
A Paris letter says Napoleon received
Beauregard with unusual cordiality, and
sent a G ham her lain to show him into the
Corps Legislatif.
A Washington telegram having stated that
“ Benjamin F. Butler is here professional
ly,” the Augusta Constitutionalist ask? if the
detectives know it.
National Union Convention.— The
newspapers are discussing the propriety of
the South’s being represented in the C-eetven
tion proposed to be held at Philadelphia on
the 14th of August. The discussion will
J übtless increase nominally the numbers of
the- Union party as the advocates of repre
sentation in a National Union Convention
can consistently be known by do Other name
than Union men.
Hereabouts nobody seems particularly
interested in the matter. We have been so
bothered with reconstruction, oaths of all
sorts, constitutional amendments Ac., that
we are in the state ol mind, as to getting
back into the I'nion, of the boy in the atory
which to be so great a favorite with the
stump speakers. It is something like this :
In the days when the first emigration was
setting strongly towards Texas, a traveler
out West came across a wagon broken down
in the road, by the side of which sat a half
grown boy crying as if bis heart would break.
“ What’s the matter, my son,” said the trav
eler—“ Matter enough,” answered the bov,
“ don’t you see the wagon’s broke down,
and the mules is strayed off, and sister Ball
she’s strayed off too, and the children ain’t
got nothing to eat, and dad’s back yonder
at the grocery playing poker, thrip ante mad
mamy’s drunk, and I’ve lost my jack knife,
and I don’t care a cent if I ncvcT get to
Texas !” Washington Gazette,