Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1866, August 09, 1866, Image 3
£ou 1b fr u X) txa Ib. oriffiu, lieorgia. August 9, 1996. Ttie Daily llt-rald. * Ir view of the approaching business sea' son, and the growing business interests of the City of Griffin, the undersigned ha.-e determined to commence publishing a daily paper, the first number of which will appear the Ist day of September This being an enterprise in winch all the citizens of this city and the surrounding country, are vitally interested, we shall ex pect a warm and cordial support; indeed it ,5 with them to say, whether or not they will keep up and sustain a daily paper. As an advertising medium, it is our in tention to make it the very best that the situation will allow. In order to place it within the reach of all parties, the daily will be published at the exceedingly low price of six dollars a year. Those wishing to subscribe for the daily wilt please forward their names with the subscrip tion price. D. X. MARTIN, J. J. EAGAN. Josei-u Engel’s New Store.—Every body in Griffin and hereabouts, is favorably acquainted—and has been for years—with that splendid business-man, and reliable gen tleman, Joseph Engles; and, with this pre liminary, it gives us pleasure to assure our immunity that their favorite has returned, arid Is ’resolved to prove himself the same fair and honest dealer as in days of yore. Call on liitn, make his acquaintance—-or re new it—and let him prove to you that the war or nothing else lias demoralized him and that now, as eretofore, he has lots of good bargains to distribute among his old friends and acquaintances. New I>Ri.'..'ToHE Firm in Atlanta By reference to our advertising columns, it •will be seen that Dr. Thomas A. Warren, formerly of Griffin, in association with an other gentleman, has started anew Drug establishment in the Gate City. To those who know Dr. Warren, whether before the war, or during the war, or since the war, we will not address a word of commendation ; hut to those who have not made his acquain tance, we will say, unhesitatingly, that the Doctor is all that his friends claim for him, and they, otic and all, insist there is no wor thier man, better physician an 1 surgeon, purer patriot and Southern man than he. Go, then, to his drugstore rn Arlasua, buy your drugs—some of them, at least—from his est:i!ili>hment and we guarantee that you will be bound to like the man, and in liking the man lie bound to patronize him, and in patronizing him be bound to like the articles' you buy. Doth in quality and Tii price. Head i heir -ndverir-emcnt. teT Samuel Clarke, of this [dace, accused of having killed, on the l>t instant, his fath cr-iii law, Daniel Kirbn, also of Griffin, was tried for murder on the third of the month, convicted ot the same, and sentenced, the next day, (Saturday,) to he hung on the 2Sth of September proximo. Ilis counsel will carry the case to the Supreme Court. New Tailorin'*! Establishment.— dead the advertisement—to be found in the appropriate column—of Mr. C. B. Smith, who has opeued a Tailor’s Shop in Griffio > up stairs over Cherry’s store, Hill Street. Mr. Smith prom ts well, and we doubt not will pa-form up to his promises. Give him a call, and you can soon test whether he is sincere in what he says,—and he wants but a chance to make his deeds conform to his words. Southern Cultivator.—The August timber of this excellent Monthly reached our table several days ago. As usual, it comes laden with good tilings— its articles original and selected, being eminently suited for what they are intended, to-wit, “ the plantation, the garden, and the family cir cle ” Tt is published at the low price of §2,00 a year, by Wm. N. White, Athens, Ga. , - 'h Concert! Concert! Concert !On Tuesdav, the 14th inst. a concert will be given for the benefit of the « Ladies Memo rial Society of Griffin ” JOS. ENGEL’S I'll pi. The under.-igned desires lo inform the public that he has returned to his old home IN GRIFFIN, here he is determined to furnish them with GOODS as LOW as they can possibly afforded. I have on hand PRBSII cb NEW, A Complete Stock of DftY 0000$, nothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. My well known Character as a business roan here in former days, is a sufficient guar antee of Fair and Honest Dealing. Call on me at my NEW STORE at the STAND, West Corner of Ilill street and Broadway. JOSEPH ENGEL SCHOOL NOTICE. Til]' undersigned propose* to open n School in the building known ns Knot - .’* College, Au gust 6th.. Term* from *3 to {J j'dvtf H E. MORROW. sciT<X>l7XlTl ICE. rpilE Exercise* of Sir*. BETHI NKS School, A wiH lie retimed on Mnndav, fonb of July, jjjlv 26, 1866—1 t Store House For Sale. STILWELL it BEF.KS to remove to the Store i.ow occupied by J. 11. White <t Cos. I now offer for sale the Store House occupied by ilierii. It is considered by many the b*-»t *tand in the city excepting the one we pro to, being a corn er House, 90 feet long, with a fine basenicr.t story. Tliis property will bring 20 percent interest on the price I w ill take for it. I also have three Dwelling Houses for sale. joly*26-tf J. A. BKLKS. THE GREATEST INDUCEMENT OF THE SEASON AT MRS. TAYLOR’S MILLINERY EMPORIUM / HiNTEMPLATIXfi a radical change in busi- V-c ness the Coming reason, the undersigned offers lor the next FORTY or FIFTY DAYS, a LARCH, FRESH and FASHIONABLE STOCK of Millinery ami Fancy Goods, ut prices that will astonish the most incredulous. We attempt no humbujr, but the goods MI ST and WILL be *«dd at some price, a portion of the stock AT LESS THAN COST. A great ind'ieeinent will be offered to anv idl ing t<> make a good bill. Call soon, ns die best chances a e first taken. S. S. TAYI.OR, Agent, at Ladies' Store. Griffin, July I? 1866-41 <U EENSWAHE, CHIN’A AND 'GLASS WARE. McBKlbE, DORSETT A CO. Corner Whitehall and limiter Streets, Atlanta. Full lines of C. C. Granite and Glassware IN THK OEIGINAL PACKAGE or in lots to suit ps.rcbr.seva. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine assortment of" Assorted Crates” vert low to the trade. Dealers are pnrticulaily l-dqncstc 1 to tall and examine our stock . We feel confident that our TFKAIS will compare favorably with BEST NEW \ ORK rates, and our stock is as complete as any in the country, North or South. Mcßride, a co. July l?-3m I EUREKA OIL, |The Greatest Discovery of the Age! The Suffering Public will be glad to know that G. W. CROFT’S EUREKA OIL HA' been w rested from oWiviofi by a companv of philanthropic gentlemen, and at an in! iiu-nse outlay of capital, has again been placed bc lore the pc..pi,-. Wc do not. claim it to be a cure all, like some of tit e nostrums of the day arc said to be; but we do say that it possessesadvantanges over any olhor known compound for the cure Os Inflammatory and IToevatY.c diseases and as an Alleviafoi ofl'fe ft will wotonly allniate, but will cure a vast majority of 9he following diseases, such as Inflamatioii and Ulcerntiop of the Mouth, Throat, Stomach, anil Howell, Colic of any Hind. Dysentery (or Flux) Diarrhoea, “ Piles'' Diptheria, In flammatory Uhcumatism ,- and is also an inval liable remedy for Neuralgia, Ulcers of any kind (not malignant.) Eruptions. Burnt. Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Bone F lions. Swollen Clands. So} e Eyes, Ear and Tooth Aches. Spinal Affections, Ac. And in Couyhs, we challenge the world for iis equal. Ordinary coughs it will cure. In I’ulmottory Con sumption, Asthma, and Bronchitis it is the best palliative known! The Superintendent of this Company is a Grad uate of the Medical College of Nashville, and from long experience in his profession, aud f. good knowledge of Chemistry, he has been inttusted with the selection of chemicals for the manufac ture of tin* medicine, and lin» been and will be careful'to select the very finest, materials to be found in either foreign or home markets, ami we arc satisfied that the arf.T-.fle we are inYw putting tip excels any fonier article of ills same kind for purity of chemicals, and must be more efficacious. We place the *• Kri kk.v Oil ' before the world, and upon its met its or demerits if must rise or fall. But we know if the peoyle will try it, they Will be more than satisfied. For sale by all tbe pi-meipul Druggiata every where throughout the country. Compounded by (i. W. UitoFT. the original manufactuier, for ti e Eureka Oil Manufacturing Votnpafiv at Atlanta, Ga l’rice at retail $1.25 per‘bottle. Liberal deduc tions made to the trade. At. A. SHACKELFORD, M. D„ Supertendeut For sale bv H N. Ik DREWUY <t CO., I Druggists, I East side Util street, Grfl^^Dnß SHERIFF’S SALES. “ITT I LI. be sold before the Court House door, y V Spalding county. Ga., on the first Tuesday in September next, within tbe usual hours of sale, one hundred and fifty nine (159) Barrells of Phos phate, levied on as the property of C. \V. Ford, to satiety ti fa issued rroin Judge of the Comity Court of tln' County of Spalding. Mncoti and Western Rail Road is C. W. Ford, property pointed out in said fi fa. ALSO, At the same lime aha place Will ue sold one fraction L“t of Land known in the l’lan of the City of Griffin, ns Lot No. Ill), situated in \Veit Grif fin, adjoining lots of W. Hlcodworth, D. llit-ks and others, levied on as the property of J. M. Lunquest, to satily costs on two fi fas issued from Spalding Superior Court. Charles Foreman A Cos. vs. John Al. Lunquest. property pointed out bv J M. Blood worth. Aug 2-tds D. D. DOYAL Sheriff. ON the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Griffin, the following vacant Lots of land, according to the Elan of said city, to-wit: Lots No. Sand 4 in square 18; No. 4 in square 14; No. 3 in square lo ; all containing one acre each. No. 2in igi are 44 ; containing one Sere to be laid off in four Lots of one fourth acre each, square 56 containing 4 acres, known as the Parade ground; Thirteen business Lots on Lot No. 4 in square 43, fronting Hill and Taylor streets. All levied on as the pro perty of the City of Griffifi, to satisfy fi fa from Spalding Superior Court in favor of Thos. Kali, Administrator de bonis non came testammto an \nexo of Bartho oiuev Stell, deceased, vs Mayor aud Council, of the City of Griliiu, property pointed out by the defendant, D. D. DOYAL. Sh'ff ur Maeou Telegraph, Era and Intelligencer, of Atlanta, copy Until! day of sale, and send bill to D. D. Doyai. Sheriff. june2B:tds WILL BK SOLD BEFORE THE COURT house door, in the City of Griffin, between the usual hours »f sale, ou the first Tuesday in August next, one one-hurse wagon, levied on as the properly of Wm. 11. G. Mickieberry, to satisfy costs on fi fa issued from Spalding Superior Court. Chas. Street, for the use of Hanover Hank, vs Andrews, Ncwfou a- Micklcbcrrv, pr«p«itt !>•>'!]*'■ 1 --ut 1-■ M : ’-'i-l". ri». GROCERIES *G. 1 ()()( ) IJLSUEIf ' wfriTi; corn, ”| | SACKS COFFEE. j BAHREIN SUGAR. A V, and C. For sa'c i y SALMONS * WARD. Atlanta, Ga. 11.S. DRIED BEEF, Choice,* lbs. BEEF TONGUE*. For sale by SALMONS i WARD. Atlanta, Ga. )0 1!Al:Iu:i ' s I ' !uL U - a!1 S™ s*'- 5 *'- -Q BOXES CANDLES, KEGS POWDER, For sale by SALMON* ik WARD, Atlanta, Ga. BALKS PRIME TIMOTHY HAY. (>0 IX)ZEX ,)ysti:i ' s> KEGS ASSORTED N AID?, For sale bv > SALMONS A WARD. Atlanta, G l. Just Received. 20 HMDS. CLEAR SIDES, 30 Tierces Choice Rib Side#, 20 “ Slioulders, 10 “ Sugar Cured Hams, 200 Uhls Sup'tino and Extra Eamity Flour, 2000 Bushels Corn, 25 Sacks Coffee. 50 Barrels A B and C Sugar, 500 Dried Beef, 20 Barrels Syrup, 100 Sacks Virginia Salt, 50 Bblt. Virginia Salt. SALMONS A WARD, We havo removed to LYNCH'S GRANITE FRONT BLOCK, corner Whitehall and Alabama streets, where we are prepared to serve custom ers, as we have a large stock of Groceries, Provisions &c., And our house being of large capacity, and con veniently located, is well suited for the storage of goods. SALMONS A WARD, Commission Merchants, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, June M-'ini Atlanta, Ga. WAR DECLARED! ITT EUROPE, JOHN H. WHITE & GO, Propose to sell thoir entire -Stock of- GOODS at .greatly IIF D t'CFsiy PH ICE 8 Until tire first of September next. If you I want BARGAINS, now is the time, and j John H. White & Cos., ' ! is the place to get them. Call soon or the I chances may a 1 be t'hken. IILH GOODS Now in TRANSITU will bo included in the proposed reduced rates. Come and satisfy yourselves. Griffin, Ga., July 5-ts GREAT INDUCEMENT! *’ We respectfully invite the attention of all per sons who desire to purchase Goods at prices sur passingly low, to our stork of smsenD shiier ghoul TO THE LADIES, We offer a Beautiful and Fashionable selection of Lawns, I’ackalls, French Jackonets, Mozambique*, Foulards, Calicos, etc. Also, a largo assortment of White Goods, such as Jaednet, Swiss and Or gandie Muslins, Nnnksook, Plain and Striped Em broideries of all descriptions, w ith a large variety of other Useful and Fancy articles. THE GENTLEMEN Will fin<l a Superior Stock of the La teat and most Fashionable Styles of READY - MADE CLOTHING, Together with French nnd Scotch Cnssimeres, Duhlia Cloths, and eveay other article of Furnish ing Goods necessary to complete their Wardrobe. Besides, our STOCK OT XOTIOXS, Consisting in part, of Hosiery, Gloves, Uandker chiefs, Laces, Linen and Jaconet Edg’ng and In serting, Hair Brushes, Toilet Articles, Ac., are un surpassed. 1 n addition to the above, wc offer a large assrot rnent of BOOTS, SHOFS and DOMESTICS, from the best manufactories in operation. All of the above articles will be sold at a small advance upon prime cost We can assure the public that our .goods were purchased for cash, upon as good terms as they can be bought, and we are determined to sell as low as any other house in Griffin. We will be pleased to show our assort ment to purchashers, feeling confident in our abili ty % give satisfaction to>even the most fastidious. LOEWENSTEI.Y 6l PFEIFER. Griffin, Ga., April 19, i 366. ts Corn and Bacon for Sale, ON TIME. MITU, STM’.K A CO., at the warehonse of O Jarnigan, corner of Forsyth and Alabama streets. Atlanta. Ga.. have a large lot of Corn and Bacon, which they p-opose to furnish to prompt, responsible planter* on the following terms; They will give fifty bushels of Com or three hundred pounds of Bacon for five hundred pounds of good Middling Cotton. The planters will receive the i Corn or Bacon now, and deliver the Coton next - November, at iheir *tore iu Atlanta, i The plant-r must give two approved endorsers «r lit not ir Iviv! inn- •>.! Nr DANIEL k RUCKEk, a GENERAL ft Q rocors, Frocluoo 0 A N D c Commission Merchants, E FARRAR’S OLD STAND. ft till.L ST., GRIFFIN, GA; 8 We uillfGon receive large i»i'c***a.or;H to our already tplendid Mock. Come and «*c ua at the •ate stand of the CUNNINGHAMS. W« gaurantee universal satisfaction to our customers May 24, 1666 ts Johnsons A (Jordon, EXTENIVE T R A I) E SAL E, PRICES DOW N TO SI IT THE TIMES! r 20 BOXES GROUND BERBER, . 500 BBI.S. FI.OUR. all Grades, , 60 BBLS. SUGAR, all Grades. OI L, OI L, OI L, OI L, OI L, OI L! EXTENSIVE DEPOT. Any quantity furnished at prices so cheap as In guarantee every family to buy u Barrel. Cheaper tbau Caudles or Wood. 2000 SACKS CORN, 25 HUBS. BACON, 20 TIERCES LARD. 10 BARRELS WHITE BEAN'S, 2o SACKS COFFEE, GREEN AND BLACK TEA, 50 Bbls. NEW CUor N. O. MOLASSES, «0 BOXES CANDLES. 500 Bbls. ami Boxes CRACKERS, all sorts, 100 BOXES BICKLES, all kinds, 10 Bbls. I’ICKLES, Cucumbers, 20 BOXES RAISINS, Almonds. Brazil Nuts, Pecans, Walnuts Ac. CANDIES, all sorts. 500 Black Pepper,Ginger Spice Ac. Cotomon Starch, Bearl Starch, Maizena. Large STOCK OF LIQUORS, To be bartered for I’rodtice, Cotton or Lard. «» In fact anything you may need eau be found at unr House. Call soon at JOHNSON'S A GORDON, maylO-.iim Ah.ban a St., Atlanta, Ga. GUDNEtI A L LAND AND EMIGBANT AaEX O Y , WITH HEAD-QU ARTERS AT GRIFFIN, Ts£o R G I A. I shall keep a Registry in my office, where all par ties having Lands. Plantations. City, or other prop eriy for sale, rent, or exchange, are respectfully solicited to Regisler them free of charge, whether my services are engaged as Agent or not. I am thoroughly acquainted with Southern Lands, hnd therefore amply able to discern the quality and strength, as well as what they are best adapted for, etc., etc., which will enable me to render valuable services to Capitalists nnd others wishing to invest or exchange. I now have several Plantations, Lots, and a considerable quantity of wild lands in different parts of GeorgiA lor sale, rent or exchange, and will soon have them mapped out on my Register so that all can examine for themselves. I am now making, nnd will soon have perfected arrangements with parties in New York, Phils delphia, aud Baltimore by which 1 shill be able to advance money on lands, slowing crops, etc. Rwermes; George >'. Nichols, Esq., Bay street Savannah, Ga ; Ransom Rogers, Esq., No. 119 South 4!h Street, Philadelphia, and the business men of this eitv. A. J ACKSON ROGERS, ar Oflico. for the present at my residence, ou corner of itrvsdway and Eith Streets, opposite Marshal College. I July 19,8 m Plantation for Sale. 1 OFFER for sale my place in Schley county. Ga., containing 335 acres.- There are 200 acres cleared, the balance heavily timbered w ith oak and pine. This is one of tl* most desirable places in South-Western Georgia, being both pro ductive aud healthy. These lifts not been a case of chills on ! fever, nor any malarious sickness in i three year*, or since I have owned it. The place - is eight miles from Amerkue, and four miles from Ellaville, the county site. There areal,out 160 acres in cultivation—Bo in wheat and rye. 40 in cotton, and about the same in corn. Half of the corn and cotton crop will he sold with the place, if desira hie. Also, a few Hog* and Cattle. Titles goo-!.— Possession Ist October, or if the purchaser take the crop, possession given immediately. Price, w ith one hslf th<x crop, sl 2 per acre without the crop. ?10 per acre. Address Dr. A. C. Hornady, on the premises, or the subscriber, at Atlanta, Ga. : may 17—Sm IJ. 0. HORNADY Pike Sheriff ’s Sale. UX fill he sold before the Court House door, in It the town of Zebulon, Pike county, on the Brst Tuesday in September next, within the legal ! hoar* of safe a plantation In the 9th District of said county it being the land sold by N. P. Daniel to John W. Pate, known in the plan of said I District by parts of lots Nos. 90, 127, 103, and ; 102, the other numbers not known, the whMe con taining eight hundred a<res more or lesa, it being : the plantation where S. Cranford now residee levied on by virtue of a fi fa from Pike Inferior, Court in favor of John Neal va. Nathaniel P. Dan j iel—oath of Plaintiff required under the Stay tiled and property pointed ou' hv him and tenant in |>ossession notified. . WM if M'< LENDtiN. 1 .Vtjj-U' Sheriff THE MAN WHO FAILS TO BUY WHERE TUB BF.ST BARGAINS CAN J { HAD, IS IN THK VERY NATURE OF THE CASE EITHER NEGLIGENT IGNORANT, OR CARELESS. THE QUESTION; WHERE CAN THESE BARGAINS BE FOUND? TRY THE NEW FIRM OF j Who offer their best Services, ikith a LARGE and ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS* Among which they enumerate LaJitV i>rea« (j<x*U in cvcrjr rarietj. i . GRKNAbINES, FULLARDS, PRINTS, LAWNS, MUSLINS. PACK ALP; FRENCH JACONETS, MOZAMBIQCES, 1 Indeed everything that the most fastidious eouhl desire. WHITE GOODS, I JAUONKT. N SWISS, OKGAMMKS. NANSOOKS, LONG CLOTHS. IRISH LINENS, LINEN LAWNS, COTTON A* Li non DIAPERS, SHEETINGS tfc Siiirting*. I Especial attention ia called to the Stock of LACK POINTS, and LACK J GOODS generally. In EMBROIDERIES they cannot be surpassed. The endless ra ! ricty of FANCY GOODS and YANKEE NOTIONS, forbids even a partial enumeration. I In their department devoted to GENTLEMENS’ WEAR, Titty take especial pride believing as they do, that they offer a stock far superior, in 1 point ol SI \ LE, Q 1 ALIT\ and QUANTITY to any evet before opened in Griffin. In s BOOTS AND SHOES. j l-or the Million, wc simply throw ourselves in the front, as second to none, cither in 1 rice, Quality, Style, or any othei particular. The Ladies especially are solicited to ex amine our stock of SHOES, as wo claim to havo puperiorty in that line. Connected as *o are with the largest houses in this section—with a New York whole sale house to represent our interest in purchases—bUyiUg as Wc do for cash, and Intending to Become Permanent In Griffin, we think that the trading public will readily see that wo have not only th* AHILI 1 ) but the DISPOSITION and INTENTION to 6eii good» upon such terms M cannot fail to give satisfaction. Remember Scheuerman, Bro. & Daniel. At their Store, West side Hill street, North of Reeks k Stillwell, and oppoeit* fc. H. Johnson’s Ilurdware store —better known as SCHEUERMAN’B OLD STAND. June 28, 186G-tf W. H. G. MiCKEtßftftftY WITH ■a n. mm & a, Successors Os ftEtO, MtGKEtftftftftV $ COo • OFFER FOR SALE AT PRICES SUITABLE TO THE TIMES; Rio Coffee, Sugar from 16 to 26 cts., per lb., Mackerel, in bbls. l-2s, 14s and Kite, *A LARGE LOT OF CROCKERY, HARDWARE, ( NAILS, KNIVES and FORKS, HAND SAWS, SHOVELS and TONGS, AXES, ANDIRONS. CHOP AXES. SADIRONS, CmSELvS. . BUTTS and SCREWS, ■ TRACE CHAINS, Brass KITTLftB: PAD LOCKS, SKILLfem AUGERS, OVENS POTS, tfc HOLLOW WARE, BRASS HOOPED BUCKETS, CHURNS pIOOMS, PAINTED BUCKETS, TUBS, • Ae., Ae., &«. CORN, CORN MEAL AND I^OUR. BACON • , HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, jJO Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, CANE SYRUP, .' , MOLASSX6, 100 Sacks VIRGINIA SALT, 200 Bunehea SWL,’° “ft *, L( ' 0VY Factory j THREAD. LARGE LOT of anJ C WANT tD -3000 Bushels of WHEAT deliwod in good <:r p|^ 0 ( , | 4^ e bighowt mark et price paid for BACON, LARD, CORN, ' fo _ '"i * c . &e., W | _ Southern Bank Notes, Gold k Silver re' / he aborc articles st theb market value. _ OXJO. '* CQ^ •June'2l, 180 G--Cm irtOOMS, •to., Ae., Aa