Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1866, August 09, 1866, Image 4
railroad guide. * MAC oX AND WESTERN RAILROAD. A. J WHITE. ParuDEvr. E, B. WALKK*. Sir'T. U.r. |I«co. } » A « Arriraat Griffin II Afrit* •* Atl*o ,a »• 1 tea** AU»«'» <5 5* A. M. Arrive at Griffin 0 6« “ " Arrive* ftt Mat ":i I ' *■ SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD WM. HOLT. I'nMi.rsT. YIIU-1L POWERS, Sw'r. Lm(m L n »!* ArriveaatKufaol* 18 P. >j. Le*va* ftifnllD 1° J" Arrive* *1 Mem" * '»•* P i! - iUMIT I,HANOI. Smithville 2 42 I :*L Arrive* at Albany 4 «4 >' 'J Leave' Albany 7 :i " *• '] Arrive* »t 5miUivi11e............ 0 t'9 A M i MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. joiin su stain, r*»»Dr.NT. CLARKE. Str'r. l*»vei Macon ’ "* *' *! Arrive. alOolumbu* * *■ »• Laave* Columlm* • ‘ ~ Arrive* at Mncon ‘ * u GEORGIA RAILROAD. J r. KINO. I’aeviMST. E. W COLE. SyrY i Leave* Angti-la J . * « Arrive, at Atlanta <1 SO 1 . M Leave* Atlanta 7 05 A. J. Arrives at Aiiguot* 9 SO A. . . NIGHT TRAIN. Leave* Augusta ..... •SD* A M Arrive* at Atlanta.. rt 11 A M 1 Leave. Atlanta ..7 30 I*. M , Arrive* at Augusta 9 30 A. M ATLANTA A WEST POINT RAILROAD. GEORGE 0. HIT 1., Sti r. I. save* Atlanta 0 00 A; M. Arrive* at Weal Paint 11 40 A M. Leave* Eatonton 12 32 P M Arrive, at Atlanta ti to P. M CITI BVBNEW DIHKI TORY. A. BELLAMY —Mayor—offii-i-at City Hull THtIS. NALL—l'lcrk anil Trea.urer <>( City Council. —Otliee at Nall it Ran.nin’. Stor.. GEO. D. JOHNSON —Chief Marshal -'.'dice at City llall. Ajti utuot —C. \V. C, Wright, J. S. tti-e, A. B. KathewS, J. N. Harris, C E Newton, M. D Smith, tlenry Moore, John 11. 'Vliito. BUSINESS COMMITTEES. Einanci:—Kaionnn, Moore. Harris. Sinaia* am> Ai.Ltv* —White, Bright, Math v»». Orpin ani rs—Moore, Smith, White. CattKTr.Hiui a.mi l’tm.ii. Lyra—Wright, llani* l.rnith. PuMr* and Franc WiiiiA—Emith, Mathew*, White. STHitrT Encroachment*—llarri*. New ton, Moore Nt’I'AKCK* —Mathew*. Newton. Ransom. pETrtpHta— -Newton llanaoiii, tVright. COUNTY OFFICERS. F. D. DlSMUKE—Ordinary Otllca up atairs n Odd Fellow* Hull. J. 11. COJSN ALLY—Clerk of Superior Court, flu-.e in Otl.l-Kellnwa Hall. JH. I.A K—( Ink Inferior Couil—Office up taint in OtW-Fetlow. Hull. D D. DOTAL—Sheriff. THUS. SI Mt INTON —Comity Trra tircr.-Of gee at Dr J. W, S. Mitchell's Store. n OVF.K S MK N T OFKI ( I F.KS. P. COMI’TOX —It. S. 1 nt•‘runl Revenue Tax Collector.-,-Offlce at the i’lantcf'a Funk ISmlding, Solomon .Street. D, A. J()t|NS"X —U. 8, Tax Assessor. —Office in Hauler's Bank Kniluing. 'rates of legal advertising. Sales of LuiuW liy Ai.Uiinislralors, Executors and Ouardiuna. are required by >.- w t° be In !I on the first Tuesday m each loon 111, between the hoMjp of ten in thnfMtcnomi and three in the nficr noon, at the cotirt house in the county in which the property is situated. Notices of these sales must be given in a public gazette to days previous. Notices of Sites of p«! ennnl property must tie given in a pumic garotte 10 days prs\ ions to s lie Notice t« debtors and eiediti is of mi estate must be published lit days Notiee that applieation will he made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell bind mud be published two mouths. fitttb'pakror letters of Aduriii'lratitPn <)mrdU anstijp Jke.amut lie published So dive. ('ilption*’ for dtsnia-ion I.S'ltl iidnlinist ration, ©rice* jfcontb for six months. . of di-jpotsioii irAitt C nurd it Hr 111 p U> Utiles for the foreeloslire of mortgages must he published once a month for four tuontl's—for es tablishing lost papers for the lull space of three months—-for compelling titles fromsAdiiiiuistni tors, where bonds have been given bv the di ceas ed. for tlxf%dhs|'nee of tim e months. I* l 11 v Atft>Si !*_ wi 11 nty»i»s liegfnitinuaf Iceordrhg o th»l,uß> Segal reqdm'mcMs, unless otherwise ordered at the following RATES. Sheriff,* sale* per levy ot ten lines nr loss $3 00 Sheriff's mortgage fi fa sales per levy 6 ril Tax Collector's snles, per levy .1 00 Citations for letters of Administration, 6 00 Citations for letters of (Juardiiinship, S 00 Notice of application for dismission from Administration. 6 00 Notice of application for dismission from ~3, pflirdumabip 4 60 Application to sell Land tl 00 Notice to Debtors aud Creditors, S no Sale cf Land per square, 800 Sal* es p*ri*hable property 10 days 2 00 Kstra|' nhtk'cs, do day*. 4 oO Foreijoeiir*of mortgage,-per sqoar*. 4 0 for uann tiavertising his wife, in advance. 10 0 SPRING STYLES MBS. JACkSOM SfiVTOX, FASHIONAIILE MILLINERS, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. FEBRUARY INSTALLMENT. WE HAVE TIIF, PLEASURE OF INFORM ing our friend* and puhlie generally, that we hare just received IroOl New York a Jhafuliful oollectiouof 11,8 mo* G»hio::ulJe goods ill out line, and respectfttfiy invite Ihe eit)r.i tts of Gritfiii, ant *m-ounding country to examine our stewk before Pt-chasing elsewhere, as we can and ■wiD aell ° °an Be purchased in the State. Wc Have also of stating that we have York'to keep <« MOsT FAisKli 'N AUI.F. GOODS that can he li* (|> , |m , we ,„, v at all time*, to suup'v o, ,j j J ust with the vary latest styldf MRS. A -y,-\ VTO yf Fet y 15 Bin. EDDLEMAN &7ANKS, .» wiioviaAtK AXWmerAtL HOOTS, SHOES, TEATHER. SIIC TOOLS, LASTS, I’KGs, ALSO, MANI'FACTI REKS Os BOOTS Cto SHO\ Karp, th* LARGEST STOCK of Goods in .* line that i» t* he found in any one House in Off ■ iiic, .... . _ v.J Aviitnu 411*. Country MevckaatsS are invited to our atoci ksfor J purchasing elsewhere. CHEROKEE BLOCK, PEACUTREE ST., Atlanta) Oe**Ni» legal Advertisements. f 4IN ißt.l A. SPALDING t 4 MlSTY—Where - |VJ Win P. Mallory A I •nni-:i ■ r well the ! Will of »:• P M . |. |> <1- e«*.d B| I I-. - t.. Ili» . for an ordn tit ceil the Meal I ate tail* g: g t« -. . , tat. 'flies* nr* therefore to ril • an.l .'do mi per*.. * f-.'ieiM ed to to- a ,and a; pear at try off *• . ».rt..<, th- iim« f»- - ‘.10.i by i»., to alt.-w <*»*e if any #*i»t. why .id. r autlo.rli' gl le of j .ail Ileal Eatft’e >l, uhl i t,t l,e gmntt and Civet. J or .) r my *1 ..* ofhee, tin. Mav 2'.nh. 1 o',,', F IA DISMUKE May 31 fid Or.liaary / i 1 ORG! ■P ti i'. VJI J.rr*. If. lA>t;an ■pt.|h*t« whr l*tlei* ol di»iiii-'in» a* •< .tor or. 'lie e-t te of Hugh Ham.l, J.i.a<el, h* having fully *h»i>' «m° an.) wotHwl op said r -tate. Tl.t*s are tlirrefure totite and direct ail p< r»« : * eoii. srtied to bo tuul appear at my oil ' vithm I the lif iepref . rihe.l Ry law. and elo-w cause if .uy i t-iti-t why *iii * I let to i < of.ii no--ion »!ioii!.] i irratited. Given ut der my l<-*' :| l ■' nu ■ !'..•« ti.n* | May 7th. I Stiff E. D. DI-MI KK May 17-6tii Ordinary / i F.ORgIa si .' I 1 INC C< I NT Y.- Win • i- V F Win M. m.iuton r.dmi i tm'oi on the i tale of John R Reid late of raid iot.iity D.t'..e*d np pile* to me for letter* of di-mn‘-i“ii a* nduiini*' I n t'ir on raid E*tnfe he fully or* <1 and wound up the eame. The** are therefore to city and adnionirli all per»on» interert.-d or 1 to to* ai i rij p.-ai at nit otli.-e within the time | r. . rihed hy law. and *liow came if nny<xi*t W'hy mid letter* of dicini-eion ehi'iild not l.e gmiit.*.!. f.iven under any hand ai my ‘ fit* l in* the let day * t April 1. April ]2th u t;in. I l '. I ). Pi Nit KE. Ordinary. /T GEORGIA sPARIHNG « OI NTY—' \ 1 n* Wm, M. HU:;t<»n min ii*istrntof <•:. t!i« M-* t*r«» of .Sgrali F. li**i•! !»»•<• «*l -•' l * • \ 1 ;tp» li»‘8 to fne f*tr »li»n>i».*i«>n ns .*i»|fi ini I trnU»r on Miid I- tat h«* U iMlig fully ndministt i- 1 filial wound nj> III*- k ui •• I Til?*** ur** ihcrpfotp lo cib’ and n«1 11 :»»ni>t* a': i»pfson* inleicMv *1 or chicn ♦•! t«» I*•* mid appear n t my office within the time pi c-crihcd by law und #how cause if n» v exid why sai.l letter■* sli .uld rot he granted. (■)'•*?, nmlrr r.iy band al m.v y"> “ ll.ia lit tiuy of Ap» 11 jbOO i- 1* I»I"" IJv I . Ordinary. * (t KoiUil .\, .r v: ! >!' (• n S'l V I OeorgeW. foil*,-r..r bttci of diHUiiiodon uh a«!mi. tral«»r on tin* ••• •t i ii 11 !. - L White, dt-si*', n-.uiiM&tvt and woiiihl up Haiti 4 'itute. 'rh‘*»*4-are. th4‘i«-ffie, b* ci*. and fill | person* interested, to l»»*. and «| pr ar>tniy ofli- • . \vi*liiti the time pr* 'crile dby law. t•» sli<>xynu-. I if any exi**. why hu* h letb-ri idiould i «»’ be cd. liiveil tiuder my hind, at edi. . this day of January, F 1). l»lSMl Kl-. (Jrdinar)'. ('I I.OHGI Sl*Al.t4N(i COUNTY NYm i a as 1 JT Tlmr S Allen appli* *to me foi letterf* of .lis. in:i i*»n on the estate of A. A. «Allen, l»e ha\ incr i full y mlminis!en and “anl estate. Tl»es«* are, therefore, lim it.-and a<lrnoi.isl. a ! j persons conecii.ed to be and appear at my oil ■ • within the ti ne j*i < «<•; .I . 1 by law, 1»> show i-.m if any exists, why sai l lelterj dis!nissi»i*y >hnu’d j not he granted, (iiv.-n under my hand at ofl’o e. this the Kith day of lYbiuuiy. 1 s <*t» Feb. 2*2iu6tn. F. !.> Ordi: ary. / 1 lnltClA *’t and N'l V —Wl.i ea - s I Win. IJoyee applies to me for hti-i of Administration on the estate ol Coiimlitis Johim son. late of sai l eouu’y ticccii-ed. These are. therefore to eite and ndmnnish all p-j sfins iiitereste.l or concerned to he nrd npjjear ut, my ofhee within the time |*r*'sei ibe<t by law show cause if any exist why Mieh bMlers v»f *\<l ministrntion should t «*t !>*• grant' and. (iiren under my hand at offc tin th* 1 1 *’l* du» *• 18ftG. 40d. F. I>. M>Mi;ivF. SIXTY days af'er date. 1 shall nppls to the Or dinary t»f Spalding Cnuj.;y tor leave t•m li the | Utul Instate bfdoiigu to the Ksta*•• «-! Fi u r Far r:n .1.-V. 11-. .1- ' JOSIAII SI! I'l lT I'Ll). Adoiini-t rater of l’oter Fan ai l>iate. May 31, 18«w,-r.. 1 IturiH Frt*Ku:ou l«-i hi. Maxell Term; lSth* K. IF bi-brow.* y ) r*. >Til 1 1 f<T I>ivnrc*\ Mary A. F. lli.lg a > Jl’ appearing to t h** t ourt Fel'emlant i- I»ot to be foil ml in the Coir.ty ol and : not. c» be found in this State, it is ordered ti -c the tlcfi ndant be r< p.ired to be and nppe i at tJ the nexi term of Superior Court, of a- 1 - i iy 1 1 * answer the F-bii i'dl in an a> tion *>♦ ' »* *. : i for 1 >ivi»l ee, aud t!i"1 I J,js tinb’f • put.dishe.l "I IV a month for fmir mm :h* pu vi-t" to the .-.t ofthi* Court .1. A Hi m t.ibrii3' ’ v | A true extract from the Minutes oT •hm ; "Ur! ; March Hi IStW, W K llanu-*!- m « huh. i npr' it b> iMdt m> y. (1 l.oiici A. sl'A i.i dNC II'I'M V. \\ lo reas I M \ M-Ctill" udi Alu »iiiftrator of llo'o ; | 0. Met iiilough dee. u>*'d applies to m«- for an order to ‘-ell the real e°ta‘e belonging J«) «#id Oht.Ue. m'.'. tlicrrtbi o. to cite and ndrnofttth all Iftotor* concerned to be and appOnr at my <-tli-e within the ti ;.e p' < crilicd !-< I.nv to show e .us** if nny exist, why nit ord'-p ntithoi i/i- th* -J. of said real «state should i o* \> • <1 (Jiven under my hand ..r ojl.t ,i j and •'.• v - ! ilu’v 1806. ' F. 1 > m>Ml KK, t >rdii ary. July lU-GOd <1 K< >KG L\, SO A liDJNK CO I?.N IY W h Y W. r. Maxwell nppint<> me for T. t!. i < of Administration ort the estate of ,m: di Kiik, late of said county decea ■ and. Tliese are. therefore, t v cite and admonish all persons interested cm* concerned !*» I«-■ and nj»j►« »r at my otliee within the time pia'-eribed by law to show cause, if nn\ • \ “t. why such letters of Ad ministration should not he grant and. Wirtvi tinder mv hand at. office tld* i day if July. 1666. ‘ F P. DI.-V.FKi: Oidiuary. j July PJ 3vNi tfHEQKdfA IT Joseph N lla: rs. I m for of the I t.ce ot j Jacob W. Andrew*, «lrc'ea-cd, applies t<* me for I an (>rder to (ell the It**nl F-tate be’mur'ng to the j IK'ate of the Snd Ja b\V Anji.rws. These are. therifjre to yite nod admonish at! persons interested or inmeeri'ed to be and appear iat office within the time preset dm by law, to how cause, if any exist why eueh order should not be granted. (liven ui dcr my T and at office this ‘2nd diy f August, 1 St’rt- i. I*. DISMUKK. («rditmrV / lOKKcIA, SPAI.PINC, Ctd'M Y.—When is V... 1 11. M Stnrr a bnii.i-: rat of- • f \V. P Starr doesased applies t.* m lor an order to sell th reat estate belonging to said estate. These are therefore to cite and a linonish all persons concerned, to bo and appear at my oil: within the time law. to show came ■ ifnn\ exist, why twdsfguiVrizing the sale of j srdd real e>t.aUVi nal be granted. (liven under my haful at otliee. this t!ie 2nd d.r. of July ls 6(». I*. P. Ui i:. ary. i July 19-God I GEORGIA, SPALDING COUNTY—Who-,u< ] V_T lsii.ic A. lHiis’cn.adiamistrah r of f.'iiffi i 1 Lavender deceased a- pli.-s in n,.- f • «-t ,>!ti,r !-- sell the real estate 8.-loi gmg to estate. TUtse ar*, the|*eft-i e, to on-- nrd :. ! - li nil | pw-sans cotjaernfd to l>e anti appear at my ,-tV.-. j within the time preset i tied h\ law, to wv» j if any exist, why -ai 1 order should rot i -r.v ,J. I Given under mv hand nt t the- il i • juddav of i July JSB6. F. D. DISMUKH. Ordiuary. , July 19-cod ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. T> vii tivof*-: order from the Court of Ordi mJ uarv t-fE|Wi Bug county (I,or. :i, there will ! be sold, on th,’ t.r-t I'uesdav in t epie nher i.t"". before the Court House, door in the city of Griflin, the Lauds belonging to the Estate of Charles J, Maddo*. late of said county deceased, the same Nitie'ing of seveVity five ncies. nbout four mibs , aj the city of GntEii, with or.hnary in,]»rove , j \tbereoc; Sold for distribution. ’ Dv- r a. J MADDOX, Adrr X-I ft 4 Professional Cards. \ c. (<x>K. attorney at law, lililHlN. I- •> L” 1 ' j i>. N. MAICIIN- i ATT<>A -V h Y 1 T LAW, , t, i; 1 I l IN. geg l: *■ IA . I.IT . :. \! ' '!II. I il'l ..ff.— . air'll Di. M. J. DANIEL, I’itAcro inl; ruvsiciAS. OEEI<T. t'j. 'Ui* Ei»i.t t. R-*.'t J J' \ Maid* li-ni.i D. E F. KNOTT, 11. v j ; rrton.r.ll‘< Criffin, i«|«lfnlfj' lro,l»r»lii* •> j; o h L> ■- I '* N A I. S L R V I t E S T W '.J, «|... I::av A.">ir«'ll». ». Ofii. I. 1 ' •m --i-, 11,.- DPIt K lil il Di: '• ' tw..', ti. LiV'-v V, |,i;, _, .1,.-]. L** i*j*v l.e f..ui..l <R<\ • i ****— 1. t except wlt.ii Pl»fVv», | ilinllv . 1 ' h’'.’ ’ l l ■ ®P ,!) I*' 1 JOHNSONS fk, GORDON (J o m til iist>i f> » -(/ >' cliitit l*' AMI l t.vI.KIS IS GRUC - IES, PROVISIONS & &’. MAARYP.A STREET. I RANKRIN BLOCK. Jnny 4. t 4». j i, hall. t. w # . TULirjAN. Hall 8c Thurman. ATTORN I Y.' AT RAW. ./.! rKSOX. ... .uhOKOIA \\J II I. |>l a.'li. • ill t!,V .■* e. !!l| .I.illj; 1 lie vV l’i.:xf Ji;m. iai tin. i n an, 1 attend t. > the .’..’lei'tio'.i . f Ct.AtMs egai: -t the GtM;r.Ai. Govr.i v mi -r Mardilrt. ts. J. <>. A. Al.lOlli), atn'UN i:y at law, gjmhtx, i.a T\ ' ILL attend to »udi | >r. f.— i. >•. r*l l>;:<i.'ic** ns I t r:)*y he out Minted til hiA-ara in tU < ■ coiiit li.-s of S|ia'duig. Pike. Upson, Monroa, Putt* Henri I ivette. t' nv.'t.i aid Merri»ether. By ■ and diligci t attention lo prof, rsioi al .!•;!> .. ... , i, ivor tvrptnrvr 1 hr-v who may et.- trust .Rim with l.u-ie. s. lie i< <l«»ormine.l that the l.n-i: • " of Id* ell.-nt«. teg' tiler villi hi- own ah til 1 i '.i|.v Ui< tin.e an.l att. idion • win dvelv. i Mil 11 ilI >l>| e III' ALiHRIIfV. pehniii i 22, lti'.ff Iv. I'd tYNTON A IJISMLKE. 1 r 7NQ/.‘ A' K V .S’ .17 LA W , ;UI FIT N. Kx GEORGIA. j ,r> yruvt'Hn'tm **f 0,1.1 F'l/'.t'x Hall.) \ WILL I.rni'tie* inN-lie cioijiitie* Ilf Spill.lii.o llviiry. Units. Monroe, Cj*<pti. Pike Mrrriwetlier v ii)*l'l« nt..l Clay ton. attention given ~'llie settleinen'l und eolloetioiTi«f delit*. .IAS s BOrNTuN. I'TU'.D. D DISSLKi: Jan ti UOYAL k N INN ALLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GUI I'll N GEORGIA. \ *rii.i. i:a< rit r. in Tin: counties of ! V v Spsldiiiir. Ileni'k. Fiivette. Butts Mi,i.].,,» i I I -ti I iko. t TrfVlon * and Mviriwentlier; and !II i.l Ml. !d to llie'cnil. .1 i. nos elnit,i* attalnst th I * 1< ial * !o\- i i,ih n! ; niitl aio«> !•» the purchase '" >i ■ ! As\i , -hall ih Vote our Vvh.'K;. Iltt. If. i'»n to i':i' j-: use ion, we hope 1" lo* aide hsjiive general I -at i sl.-ii-tii.ii ,i> all who may think j i- | --I l" i t-ga.- L. T. DOY.t A. D. NUNN ALLY. ] Dee 27.1f Charlie Wright, WATCHMAKER AXU .IKW-KLEI F.AsT s iliU.liir.l. STREET, ft j-te ; JkY .y( OVER CFFOMi'S All \V*srlt uttnthilcd. Dec®: 18C5. j lini- l* KiMH.AY. Hi"-*. W MAN .IIAM. FINDLAY & MANGHAM, ■Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ;’IN( Y FAMILY (iROT ERIKS \\-Ji 1 litl -lON> iU.M IIAI i V. 1 Wh,. /Liquor., fig irs, T‘,- 'Fruits, Cinijy, ;...-. tv--. Ac. , K , ~S I, n-ni r r oi-,'o-Jti i mar NAtIoWR uam, *1 \ ON, «i t A »HG :A. in m y 10: NEW EUIIN IT ME STO UK /V MAC OX. (•ILL.IW.IY, I’EIItS & CO. ! Have just opened and Receiving Dally, n Large Quantity of FURNITT RE, Consisting in part of ! CHAMBER SETS, j PAIILOH SETS,' ! BUREAUS OF ALL KINDS, CHAIRS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, GREAT VARIETY OF CARPETING WHAT KNOTS and BOOK SHELVES, HAT TREES and TE A TOGS, MABLE TOP TABLES, j EXTENSION, BREAKFAST, DINING and TEA TABLES, ; SPRING BEDS, I CRADLES, CRIBS and CHILDREN’S CHAIRS, WINDOW SHADES, a Great Variety, j MATTING, SOFAS, 1 TETF. TETES, etc., et<\ liojutmt tjf of old rnnitui.- Mum* In ttic lo ' btyle. \oti will find us on Cherry onf* ' »iO >r hUkVf J. I>. Ross. mnvl( :lin tCE! f pilE eubscribei-a, having com]dated tWei* ar .l l-ai gemei ts, arc now noejiared to furnish the citJZeusot trritfin, an 1 aurrounding countl-v. with itT'ijn in quantities to suit, at their new ICE HOUSE, opposite the Passenger Depot. The bt ice for the present is live eer.ts l-v retail, aid * I’Bcrtl dedu-sU;. -wad-* 'ha trade Jh'v 'f mTnTuY A 1 A r K c oN SCBACK'S D P/ O s SUGAR-COATED, Purely vegetable. free from Mercury A!.L MINERAL POISON, Al.d ai’C, undoubtcdlv.'the j best remedy extant 1 ROEAGKS % Silk WI) \EHVOrS HEADAfIIE! jr.ZkXjS* 4b/ ~T.n tv r-rtl.e \ in i -‘* t-4 mernbr.cne of the bnvrcN, thereby rcfiiovT: t!ie cause**. Ann | fr- - ■ LIVER PILL * 1.• ■ v I >». ti tv* tin • hrit com ; - 1 • most 1 Ptiwerfu* Vegetable Extracts 1 wl.icl. li.*v e. ' . -II • ••!, •1. the SPLEEN AJiD LIVER, I's h«|»py effeef of w!i .*:; can be n nib ; *.n • tir two dtvt .e *i hev lii'in-n'i* the llile, Assist Dhfestion 9 ( \ /;v i 'ostiernes*. In fit, they ar#», their name I , » •heatos, the BLOOD PILL ‘ l’l.e Life-Giving Principle.** - •??!•• .» ti'Al’iv in.' | , .t-:M,i .n ti.,- I'.. 1 ;, ucnr ■ ! I,o ; , r-»V** l*i'll n: 1 1 v tiAiiMi.K-s to | 1 ; ts, «• i: n l\s nr tiij; I m<»>r ii Ui a 11: co.s ii ic , ITUNS, are H • SAFEK, SUJSEH nlii) BETTER I Purgative Pill I thull • s r>.. i been nvi. lable I to Ii: ir.u-i'd. Jin t. b» -ii» Ii Mv >C liAl • II f . . ••- I e»i :i.» I I!KM BDV !■« !i« 1111.KKI bh.l |*e. >• -.e Mii-T have a ..reel of t-nn!!- \ j t rhev j *1 *i*‘ •*'Jy. «*'!.• *?* or ino-t 1 v Kit -• t t* <: \ ' ATH Vi; IT. - , ROBAGK’S BIdOOD AMD LIVER ' an l n p i jL N. X\ *a H i t.e Hith- aA* xk Xf % PRINCF, WALTON & CO., to I,r. tS..\V, I: j:,ek.) si it.K’ittl'.'tmlu!. Nos. 56. SS, GO & 62 East Third St. • CINCINNATI, O. Are Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Paten! Medicines EVERYWHERE. SADBIES, SSAR\KSS AND I. i: A T it E u . Gr . EERSfD, OOri ON AN A M E, | fit'lii'U'H Mulberry avd Cherry Struts, MACON, GEORGIA, Cal!» the att4x.iion of Dealers and Planters lii-* Slock of Spit i.tli l Saddlery und Harness Goods. i i Consisting of llu* following (i« : V I MVrU.s', CT.NTS’and RGYNSADDLES, CARISI Mil-:. BUGGY ,{• DRAUGHT HARNESS, Wot'L, li Al It aud STRAW COLLARS. As well a* IIAP.NL S. BRIDLE. SOLE. UPPER, BEL LOWS. BAND mid SI RING LEATHER, always on hard at the lowest prices. H A I-; D W A R E , of nii kinds in his line. My facilities Igr nianufaetming all classes of work, are unsurp««--e-l hy any House in the State i All ! ask is. LOOK AT MY STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. All Kinds of Repairing Done A jai; 'JlWiin HARDWARE & CUTLERY. CARRIAGE MATERIALS, , TRIMMINGS, PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES* AND GLASS. C. 11. JOHNSON :s coiif-tantlv receiving at his ord stand on Hill Street, a large assort me- t [of ad goods in hie line, which he is selling at v hulcs-tle and retail a* low n> tliey ua be bought in firvv imerior market. TERMS CAGE Insure Your Properly ! ( • IT* >N is Ajjent for the ‘l 1 H 1 KN T lT T \f. Ii scrnnrf C<>n?pnny. <*f . A, bon?. (, i . r .pital, boo Tiie rNMKUWRITERS AftKNCY of Now Vovk. over SXO*>o,ooo THh IH'MF Companv of New York, m ar ‘ s { .<> i*HO..N-?X d* Prr\AM Co»rpany of Hartford, Councctictit, and other good Oompumew. are Solicited <»m Cotton, Merchandise, Fun iture. and fhdtdmcs. I ( - ■«. • j• r ] iv.. 2t. *f HEW HARDWARE STORE. ! 11. C. BARROW, WHoLF>ALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN J/iiniirarr. Cutlery, Auiions, *Vr WHITEHALL ST., COKNKH ALABAMA, s ATLANTA. GEORGIA. lias Ju.xl r.-ccive ! a La:ge a:ai Sjßeiuiid assortment of Tal,!e Cutlery. JVn-ket CotUrv f-iioe Knives. S.-i'-ror* and Shears Razors and Sira; it, St,-e!s, Needles Chop Axes, Ilati liel*. Foot A.iz. Plants. Cl.iseP. Axes. Hroad Axes, Si'.v S-tts. lirmvitjv K vr*. AtiL’trs. Brace* and P.tts, lla tuners, Mol k. i tk re'irlits, lland S.-iw«, Cross Cut Saws, Anvils, Bellows, lit-tn-h S«-ri-v*s. \ i, e 9. Woo l Sii»s, Mill Sans St.o-. ks an I If- 1, Wilson Boxes, Steel Squares Gimlets. Pipe Boxes, Bujjpv Nuts, Carriage Bolts, Shoe Nails, Shoe Tat ks lion Biioiry Findings, Shoe Hammers, Shoe "Pincers, Shovels. Tories, Fire Irons, s l.oe Avv Is. SI m I'r gs. Foot Seraliers. IJinjes, Bntfs, Shoe Ti.r.-ad, Spni. s, Sl.ov»-ts. F- t ks, llaines, tiardvti Rakes, tfarilen 110.-s, Si-reus. H-ioks ami Fire 80d5,.-P attmin St ales, Bolts, Lati-hrs. Sash Pit!''«■*. Counter Seali s, Rope Nulls, Sash W —hts Sash Cord, - Cotton Cards, Water Bucket*. Curtain Bands, Bed Casters CoflVe Mills, Slates. Sieves. Well Buckets, Tubs, Brooms, Jim Crow Curds Sifter*, Sad Irons, Tin Dipper*. Cocoa Dippers, Cooking Stoves, Otliee Stoves, Ovens, Pots, Tea Kettles, Sauce Pans, Frying Fans, Tin Buckets. Tin Pans, Lock Chains, Trace Chains, Horse Bn:she.'. Curry Ci luhs, Whitewash Brushes, shoe Brushes, Cardie Sticks, Oil Lamps, Giinil Stones, Files, Shaving Cream and s-' —ap*. L<Mikii.-z tklaesc*. Faneetts. Brittnt.ia Ware. To --etts. Gun Caps, Go:; Tubes. Spoons, I.adiees, Sand Paper, A- And numerous other artieli-a. It: fact, every ihii— nsiisllv k--pl in a Wholesale ail Ileta:) Hardware IL-i—. t'ld-ts ii--!. t ttilly sdiclteil and promptly til Ini January I. 86. 3m X! Il sT( 'lk OF FAMILY AM* FAM'Y (i ROC E R I RS, i*< now coiiipleti*. \\ o invite* an exaiiiinatioi of our Susr&rs, Coffees, Teas, Flour, and Rice J , . -Il rtOUl.d ROBiLCKS, ROBACirS BlaiOOH AND 3LtIVSR BU KWH TFL UR. ,s7 (cut iwi sj: ) Jtcr, M k-tel l 1 Isl— I-. llerriMfs. Pe,' - ir-lir: hie Ft nit*. " ('tit F.uit-y Dale-. I.’>ii-i!is Prunes. 1-lgs and Nt of all kinds.* ’ Ki-iiiM:i- I.allies. Wick*. Chiimtey*. atd* Candlt-sin Pat utlnd Wax. M il and lallow, I’a, .and Stick Cattily in great vari-ty. Milk, Hail r, SaJ", Win,\ Fay end Plain (’meters. Fioth Dairy and Stale Cheese always ,n hand, Smoliiitu and Charing Tobacco . in great, vaiiety. In brie»’, il is our aim those goods thai every Housekeeper Daily newH* For j-riees, we prefer our ( ustolners to exercise their own judgment. We solicit a call from our and the pub lic generally S. W. MANGHAM, & CO s. T. ATKIN, Wholesale and Retail Dfaler in Stoves. Ranges, (iratr-s Pumps, X’ntlerv. Rritania. and Piute*! Ware. Wooden and Willcw Ware House Fun i-diii g (ioode, ere., etc, etc, etc., Also, Maiiufaeturer of TIX, COPPER VXD SIIEFT IKOX WIRE, No. 2 "iV in ship Block, Pe»cl>treo Street A PLANT I, GLOItGI. STtiYEP, KaNCvL". TIN -LATi:. silld.r IRON COPPER' AND ZINC. 150 U(-*‘ii g ami Cooking Moves, with Furniture coinj-h-tc. The Chilton Cooking Range, the best Range i" 300,000 lbs. Iron, assorted sizes of the l-est qua.'] ty. A NICE ASSORTMENT OF English anil German Table Cutlery, Scissors, Butchers' Knives, Shovels, Spades, Ac. ALSO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Plain and Planished Tin Ware, Britaiiia and Jnpancd Ware, Wooden and Willow Ware, House Furnishing Goods, (in variety): Glass Ware, Lamp*. On* Fixtures, Manilla Rope, Bed Curds, Twice, Blacking. Shoe and Stove Blacking, Ac. ■uaySl—3m NATIONAL HOTEL. Corner Whit hail Stieetauu W. * A Railroad ATLANTA, GEORGIA. This N\wly«Erected. Conum-diour, First Class Eiotol, Ellegantly furnished tlii-onghout, and complete in nil its appointments, is now open for the reception of guests, and in successful operation. Attached to this Hotel is a fine Billiard Parlor, with Phelan Tables. A First Class Bar, fully and completely stocked with choice liquors, W Mies and Cignrs. Tiie patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. puatt, pond a cokea', Proprietor.*. 11. D. 11 Aims Clerk, Bate of the "Brown House,” Macon, Ga. June 26th, 3m. JOB WORK OF every description Printed at the Soituer-s nEVALD office, sr-tii c*a*«r i t'l flari rcrxTf ♦ fullt* tnlio'ieJ •• FKESH ARRIVALS! or nx« SPRING GOODS, AT N. H. SI Al ON’S (at hzset banks’ old stand.) Consisting of a Full Assortment 0 f LADIES DRESS GOODS, seen as POPLINS, MOZAMBIQUE^ SILKS, DEBAIZE. MUSLIN DeI.AINE, ORGANDI and PI AIN MUSLINS SILK MANTILLAS, and 1 INEN TRAVELING SACfcj A great variety of SHOES AND SLIPPERS, NOTIONS anri all kinds of PERFI’MERY, and SOAPS, Ladies Traveling TRUNKS4c. Also a Fine Assortment of fLOTIIIXG&fiEWSFIHMSIIIXfiCOOfiS STRAW, WOOL AND FEI.T HATS, PASSIM ERE. I. I N E X a ..,! C 0 T T O N A BE, For Suits, and a Fine Situk of BOOTS, which I will sell at very low prices. COME ONE, COME ALL, And examine my Fine and Cheap Stork *f Goods ! It ivit'i astonish you how chearMou .-an Imv of me; a!i I =*sk, please give meg trial, and sat-fy xi-nrself. that you t-.m Imy (tends as cheap as you did Before the war. Our s'tv k is t-om))!'-lt', at and of the Best tjua'ilv. All ell'ot ts Be made to meet vt-ur itpprtu aDand give satisfai tion. N. 11. SIMON, At Henry Banks' Old Stand. Ciifftn Ca . April Ift, 1686 ts AGENTS TOTED IX EVERY TOWS, TO SELL TIIE EOLU WING VaXLUA l ILK yOU TI ili US 111 STORY Southern History of tilt: Uar, lil F. A. FoLLARD. Koitor Richrunml Examiner. 2 vols.. 8 vo., about C»75 pages each. per vol Witli gu >pbmJitl Mecl Foitiailu ’l’his is ihe only eoniple. e mhl authentic history 'KC s iUt* >outhei it side published, ♦xter.oi. gas it ‘lOi'S.Jvioii the beginning ** f the war to tic tlr.jii snn entTep of (he (’otifeiieintt* •*. Mr. eraey lias t nabb i him to j»i•* j aye .1 work unt qualed ii necn'-acy ii"*l interest, and which is er. t ry where ucknowh lg<«l t«» be the Standard ern History. It sliMil.l place in every libiai.. II ’ 3 SOUTHGENERA 1 TilKHl LIVES AND CAM i'AHiNS, BY < Al’T. W. PARKER SNOW, W « t lt 17 Splnirfid ste, | Portraits, 1 /01. Bvo . 500 pages*, y-I ,‘ 0, Containing Riographies of the dislingni'liej South ern (ieneials*, with fu 1 and graphic HeeOtintß of the vaiioiH campaigns inwitiuh they were engaged. It is a most important arid interef* liig volume, and hn.«* been prepared with the litiiio t care and thoroughness. HI. LIFE SERVICES AND CAMPAIGNS or STONEW ALL JACKSON, BY A VIHGIGIAN. 1 vol I*2 II •< :] 'A pilots: dollar and a half with «\uttmntm l etrait* •*F JA( K”-(-N and hi> successor lA\ : » I ...» -U. i. This is tiie only authentic hist r\ «»f 1 liis diatin gulshed leader which has been writ’en. It has been pr* pared from Official reports enntempo rarv narratives, aid personal aeipimntniice, anp . is complete aid full IV. THE RAIDS AND ROMANCES, OF j\f oR G A N AND HIS MEN BY Jiu,. SALLIE UOCUE£»TER FORD. With Steel Potrait of General. MORGAN, 1 vl> 12 mo., 424 pagee, sl, seventy-five cent*,. A complete hiatoi-j- of ill's daring officer, more thrilling and interesting than fiction. V. WOMEN OF THE SOUTH Distinguished in Literature Use y<*. I-.iglit vt) ( , l ive ‘uinilred and eleveny* ges. Tln-ee dollars And a 'half, Illustrated mtl did Potrnits, on steel, from life, cf Mme. Octavia Walton Lx Vert, Miss Mauia -I. Mclktosh, , Mrs. Rosa Yeßtner Johnson, Mrs. Annie Cora Ritciiie, Mi.-s.Alulsta J. Kvans, Mrs. 1.. Virginia F'bench, Marion Harland, , And containing full biographical sketches an® specimen extructs from the most celebrated ® Tlt ' mgs prose and verse, of _ TIIIKTY FIYF. DISTINGUI-'IIFB LITERARY "WOMEN OF THE SOUTH.” All the above works are having an iounenM sale, and agents are doing splendidly everywhere many making from ten to fifteen dollars per day We want an ugent in every town iu the >ouW ern States, licturnad t'oldji-i», Ladies, leather* and qthett, w ilj find ibis most profitable employ* iiieuf Exclusive territory given, and liberal induce ments offered to canvassers. For full particulars at.drass C. B. RICHARDSON, Publisher, 540 Broadway, N. *. J. T. JENKINS 8c CO., WHOLESALE DItUGGISTS, AND Dealer* in Paints, Window Glass- Chemicals, Chemical Apparatus, Stationary- Pantent Medicine* and u eomplete assortment * FANCY ANI) TOILET ARTICLES ALABAMA T. ATLANTA. Daelgf.r.