Southern herald. (Griffin, Ga.) 1866-1866, August 16, 1866, Image 3

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j.jif Soutbrrn IjrraU). l.rirt'i"' Georgia, Aiiau-t 10. ISOG. The Daily lleialil. j n vi. w of the approaching busimss sca son and the growing business interests of the City of Griffin, the undersigned have determined to conimen'-e publishing a daily paper, the first number of which will appear Ihc Ist day of September. This being an enterprise in wh'ch all the eititens of this city and the surrounding countrv, are vitally interested, we shall ex. pect-a warm and cordial support; indeed it , a w ith them to say, whether or not they will keep up and sustain a daily paper. As an advertising medium, it is our in tention to make it the very best that the situation will allow In order to place it within the reach of all parties, the daily will be published at the exceedingly low price of six dollars a year. Those wishing to subscribe for the daily vc.'l' please forward their names with the subscrip. ] lion price. J D. X. MARTIN, i ,1. J. EAGAN’. i A Vi-iiv iioi.n M'lVi ui-Si -rA number of freed men in tills place—having been organized into a military company at the instance and sanction it is asserted, of the agent of the Bureau, J. Clarke Pwayze—commenced drilling through the streets of Griffin en last Saturday. Capt. Killers very promptly had the whole thing suppressed—and had lie ordered Capt. Sway ze to be tried before a proper tribunal, for felony or lunacy, or both, he would have completely performed his duty. It is gratifying to record that not a Union man iu the whole\community but condemns most enr phatically this movement inaugurated by ihe Bureau official at this place. "Whom the gods destroy they first nu kc mad.” The Comxi:t given in aid of ihe ‘‘Memorial Association” Inst Tuesday erei i g turned out to be a very neat affair. Many ot the pieces were fiuely rvnjered, and the a-idien -e, judging from the alteiition displayed. se< no 1 well plcit-i 1 with the evening's • trt■ rtaiione.ut. Damn Uiuit— By reference to their advertise meat in this issue it will bo seen that our enter,, prising friends, Messrs. I>\ukl A Rrei.> m. are in the market for the purchase of Itried Fruit. Parties having such to dispose -of had belter see them at once. ■g?“ We had :! ■ pi. -u-urc of .'-vi-t on last Friday evenirg, at the public discussion of the (Iriflin Literary f'oeiety. ’ihe tpiesto’ii debated was. "Ought females t ► be as t h-u ouchlv educated : ■ !. >o’s . males r Menu pics, Nibs, and \lfoi\i, argued on the uffivirtative side, nhiie the negativ e was supported by M s-r.»- Fitch and Jones. We but express the common setliiment of nil who woo- present, tha' the ijo-V lion «as ably a'guest «u b ih sides. 1 h.- I'r e-i-h-i ! de* idol-how. i or, that the alUrnmt iv. > a . ' s.iuniih dh he should have 10l led, we ti.iik, that that iieing the I■.!,■ •■-i t ion, these the n, g-i live had all th -un ii: o.’tliig.* of ! /( ing diaf’ed on the \s roi.g side. W her, nil wi- ■ diet \V, mist that will hold us to ace.i tnt for saving that, it; our 'pinion, about tin- !. -• -j. ,'fTi: ade on the . a coneern. , J3f“ ' ‘ut ft i-psl of the •• Arcade” ii i-rtainly a clairvoyai !--■!- !,..«■ and h.. ki.-ov to a- oud 'he very moinei.l .. 1. •, ■ jn,. s S'ltry lien's of th - .1. _- !„v . so as to send Charlie over just in tin;—-;i\ii,g sip. tip. sip?, ami live, live! The whole Herald family hereby send t«► the Doc. I>«>n, for lavois 1 received, tlit ir sincer* i thunk*. gmotii g. ZW“ Read tli*: very sensibb* communication headed “Thriftami li.dvi underice.” C«’;-». Anv of Hir fViomls that over vino sugar, ctdiVe, four, coin, laid, baron, do do., arc hereby infornu* i 11»at a r.»up!o of first-rate geutb*.. men—Moists i; i \ t fc J.»i;n-«.n_ l.avo all of these things, and r.» ; h more, i v rslo' at'ttpir .-loro opposite the brick warehouse on Solomon Street Everybody ki.ows favorably the se< ond mune in the firm, and w. oan ussure all concerned that for the fust, no b-.iS : man, of all the worthy rvfucee. n s i from INst r«*im*ssec, ever shook the dust from his boots ami left that Browniow’u land. Head tluir ■ advertisetnent. l""t il SUB-rt.k-Hiß'.- A Hol t' XkLL'I.O.N.-—i il<’ Post. . m iSer at this plaoe bn» refused to re< -ive in the I'ustofh u the papers of sm-h of our s ihs iihers about Zebulnn as hav.- tailed to pay the postage on their papers; lienee, we are forced to the m-ces sitv of keeping them in tholb-riM offi.*<\ until we get an opportunity to send them by hand. This! state-mmt wiij - lighten them as to the cause «►(*i their not getting th. ir papersby thc Z< hulon mail- Having ani. 1! nr. C\ niv —We idi to direct attention to tin- card of (leorg,- ]'illin another ! column. George is. wo know from experience, a good barber, ami truly <bs. rvir.g the [>atronage ! of our. citizens. Give him a trial, and,, our word for it, you will not undertake to shave yourself again. “Awake, Arise, or be Forever Far. Ren.”— Ye sleeping G riffinites, wuke up ! Hear ye cot the Columbus people, anil the Macon people, anil the Savannah people, every one ot them, discussing the great pro ject of the railroad fronrS avannah to Mem- | pt'is, via Macon, via Columbus, ;r,.l via every important place, except Griffin. The road from Savannah to Memphis, via Griffin, is demonstrably, some sixty or seventy miles nearer than'*by'any other proposed route- The question is whether Griffin will remain asleep— dead asleep—or wake up, and let Abi world know that there is such a place, somewhere, or somewhere e’se. Have ye forgotten that you have a road running to wards Memphis, already graded some fifty OR more miles ? Stir up, and build the road ! p> • j'w Mo-niuey—As the August number of this M ngttzine reaches tr just as we arc going to j ress, inf course, w ■ eatinot speak ©fits merits or demerits ad - viseuly. 'The pres c , however, that have re- , uvived it in due time, say it is an excellent number, and sus'ains its rcrutadon hereto- See,-:-,. I\l A liOLII MEDAL at int I Am. Inst. Fair, October 19, 1865. In direct competition with all the makers in the country. “PELOU BET” organs 1 A Nil 31 ETA) DEOXS. C PELOUBET & SON, Manufacturers 1 Respectfully invite the attc»ntion of purchasers, the tx ade and profession, to the FOLLOWING IXSTHUMENTS Os their Manufacture: I'KlbU. ILIKJS ORGANS, j ' Five sizes, Fire octave, one t«i three bunks of keys, three to eight setts of Reeds, Prices S2OO to SOOO SCHOOLORGANS Naha «Tyb*-». single and double Reed. Rosewood and Black Walnut cases. Pricos $l3O to 9210. J'inno style and Routable, Twelve Ynrietic*, from four to six Heave*. >ing!e and Double Ret and. Rosewood and Black \\ alnul Cuses Pi’icc-ssQ3to $230. Kvery Instrument is made by competent work men. from the best material under our personal , supervision, and every model tj improvement worthy of the name, is introduced in them.- Among those we would call attention to the 1 KK M ( »!,AM K. which has been so much admired, and can be found only in instruments of our own mo nufuelur& V. Ti: g. the-Very lla'tß'iing Tc'iimonials ~t • '-lit Bi >•!< >sors aud i trg.misU, we give the fed• i ll* | bnls I conceive t<> bo iinopproaelmbl*' li. th r beautiful smooth quality.”- \V.m A. King “It i* a grand, good Instrument, and doe? cred it of the builder.”--]!. C. FoLGiut, Troy, N Y. '! hey are among flic finest Instruments mniui- t■ •■* ; 11 c<i ci’iu iin t lxi- country or abroad.—Wm. lb.lg. M.-lmilm, Aptomas." ‘•■’dtevb ive given universal satisfaction "--AY. i " 1! av. Li.v. . on .indue. W is. ■■There is a peculiarly sweet and sympathetic j tore which harmonizes charmingly wit h the voice." \V. H. Cooke. ‘ T n’u i iFiiruln-rly pleased with tlie Arrange meiit of the different registers.”—Wm. 11. Bi:ai> m hv, “No other instrument so nearly approaches the organ.”— Th* ('horhibr, X. Y. “I hi- intiruruent ha- a el« a r superiority over \ct iuinduced umu.uc us. - lndrpnek nt. X. Y. ’ *Tli«' tones and the action arc excellent.”—U-v. W. s. I u.\v itt. Hudson, \ew York “The more we u-*> it the belter wc like it.”—J. P> IJaovk, Hudson, N. Y. “The Two Hank Organ ITannonium is really a gem.”—J. W. Ktnn;i xti Poston, Mass. “We have found them excellent in all points constituting a good instrument.”—J. C. Cook, T. J. Cook. “It looks and sounds splendidly.’V-S. Ik Sa\- Tox, Troy, N. Y. The must perfect toned Mclodcon I ever saw.” Gi v T. “ I hey fall back on such substantial merits as supeiioi ity of workmanship, beauty of tone and reasonableness of price. And we must say that in all their respects they are well worthy of praise.” —Musical Pioneer, Any. *6O. Kv« i v Instrument is fully warranted, and Boxed and Shipped in Now York city ittihont charge. Circulars, Cuts, and Price List*,"'Ac. son! on ap plication to C. PELOUB-ET Sc SON, BLOOntIELDi X. J. Or J. M. Pelton. S4l Broadway New York; Conrad Meyer. 7Arch Street, Philadelphia i'a.. >. Brainard A Son Cleveland. < thin ; J. A. Tucker tfc Go., Jackson, dchigan ; Weiner it Gerard Cincinnati. Ohio ; Jm l 11. Snow, Mobile, Ain, WHOLESALE AGENTS. Ul EENSAVAKE, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. MqBRIDE, DOIiSETT & CO. Coruwr Whitehall anil Him ter Streets, Atlanta. Tull lines us C. C. Granite and Glassware IN THE ORIGIN Ah PACKAGE or in lots to suit purchasers. A SPLENDID RETAIL STOCK. A fine assortuust el' Assorted Crates” veri low to the trade. DeaTtrs areparliea ally tt-pieite! to call an j examine our stock . We feel confident that our T.IiMS will compare favorably v iib BEST N frtv YU ft 1C rates, and our stock is as complete as any iu the country, North or South. limit)’-' ivm- rrr ,t o>. TiTy l-Ghin CROCERIES *6. 11 || || | B! 'HEI.S Trime WHITE. CORN, - |~ V. t cFFI li, -IJ i*arux:l*>n;.\u, Aiini c. Fur Wt bv S ALMONS A WAKn, Atlanta, Ga. | lbs BEF.K, Choice.J || 11 * liI.KF TONGUES, For riale by SALMONS * WARD. Atlanta, <la. BAKF.KLS F.'.oUl’. r.ll grm!e« ►A BOXESCANDI.ES, j I j KEGS POWDER, For tale bv SALMONS A WARD, Atlanta, Ga. - / | BALES PRIME TIMOTHY H AY. DOZEN uYsTERS, KEGS ASSORTED NAHA For Bale by s M.MONS A WARD. Atlanta, H i. Just Received. 20 HDDS. CLEAR SIDES, So Tierces Choice Rib Sides, 20 “ Shoulders, 10 “ Sugar Cured llama, k'oO Rbls Sup’tine and Fxtra 1-amity I lour, 2000 Bushels Corn, 25 Sacks Coffee. 50 Barrels A B and C Sugar, Dried Be-f, 20 Barrels Syrup, 100 Sacks Virginia Salt, 50 Bbl'. Virginia Salt. SALMONS A WARD. We liav(* removed to LVNCITS GRANITE FllOs 1 BLtiCK, corner Whitchill and Alalmma streets, where v*c are prepared to serve* custom ers, as wo have it Nige stock of Groceries, P2’ovisions &c., An.! mil- houso being of 1.-.igi' capacity, and con veniently local. I, i. well suite.? for the storage ol rood?, SALMONS dr WARD, Comtnissfoij Mere!‘ants, t'.»nn*r of Whitehall and Alabama >t*'ccts. June M-o.u Atlanta, Ga. TV A R DECE AHEO! i»r Eunopß. JOHN H. WHITE & CO, ] ’iviposa to sell their entire Stock of tiOODS ut greatly REDI'CEI.) PRICES Until the first of September next. If you want BARGAINS, now L the time, and John IS. White & Cos., i> the place to get them. Call soon or the ciianee.- may a. 1 be taken. it aif <*ooi9s Now in TRANSITU will be included in the proposed reduced. rates. Come and satisfy yourselves. Griffin, Ga.. July o ff Wc respectfully invite the attention of all per sons who desire to purchase Goods at prices sur passingly low, to our stock of SPRING AM) SIMMER GOODS, TO THE LADIES, We offer n Beautiful and fn-hionahle selection of Pawn Ihicknlls, French Jw-kimcta, Moznmtii.jiies Fonlai Js. t aheos, etc. Also, a large assortment of White Goods, at.. I' ns Jaconet, Bv"RJ and Or iratulie .Muslins. Nanksook, r'.-th) and-iripc.i ,M n -1 middies of all d"seiiptious, with ajnrge vari ty of other Useful and Fancy articles. THE GENTLEMEN Will find a Superior Sto.dc of tl •’ T.atcs* and most Fashionable Myles of REAI)V - MADE CLUTHI.VG, Together with French arid Scotch Casßimcrcs, i)iibl'n Cloths, and cvc.iv other article of Furnish ing Goods necessary to complete their Wardrobe. Besides, our . $ STOCK OF . VOTJO.VS , Consisting in pait. of Hosiery, Gloves, Handker chiefs, Laces, Linen and Jaconet Edg ng and In serting, Hair Brushes, Toilet Articles, Ac., are un surpassed. In addition to the above, wc offer a largeassrot niet.t of BOD'I'.-, .SII'JI Sand DOMESTICS, from the tiest mar,nfaetorics in opci-ntion. All of the above articles will be sold nt a small advance upon prime cost. We can assure the public tlmt our goods were purehrs-d for cash, upon as good terns as they can be bought, and wc arc determined to sell as low as any other house 1 iu Griffin. \\ will be pleased to sln.vr our assort monl t" | i.rclioshers, feeling confident in our abili ty to give satisfaction t even the most fastidious. JLOI-:\VKNSTi:iN FIEIFEK Gridin. Ga . April IR. if Corn and Bacon for Sale, OX TXlVtai3. xji ill. —TMIh A CO., at the warehouse of U Jart.igxii, coiner of Forsyth, and Alabama streets, Atlanta, Ga.. hav -s large lot of Corn and Boon, w ieh they propose to furnish to prompt, respor.- V planters on the following terms: Tin y will give ti':y Lu~R l.s of Corn or three hundred p..ui,.ls of 1 1,-icon for 11 e hundred pounds of good Middling Cotton. The idpntcrs w ill receive tb« Corn or l>ac->n new, and deliver the foton next \'ov.-mh- r. .t th•:: store in Atlanta. T -j- -rum-' gi, um approved endnr »rr. r a :■ 1 : tun's ft ?-n " DANIEL & RUCKER, G GENERAL ft Grocers, Produce 0 A N D - G Commission Merchants, t i .mm: vies oi n stand, ft lIILhST OKIUFIN, tiA. S We will soon receive large accession* to our already splendid Stock. Come and see ti« at the late stand of the, ('(\\.\lN(ill A We g irat.tcc nt ivcjbal satisfaction to our customers May 24, 1866-ts Johnsons di Donlon. i:\temvi: T R A 1) E S A L E, ■MUCKS DOW N TO SI IT TIIE TIMES ! 2o boxes ground pepper, siit) BBLS, I I ol 11, all Grades, 50 BBLS. SUGAR, ull Grades. OIL, OIL, OIL, OIL, O I L, OIL! EXTENSIVE DEPOT. Any quantity furnished flt prices so cheap as to guarantee every family t<> buy A Jin rre I. Cheaper than Candles oi Wood. 2000 SACKS CORN, 20 HMDs. BACON, 2.) TIERCES LARD. 10 CARRELS WHITE BEANS, 20 sacks coffee:, GRE»::V INJ) HI.Af K TEA, 50 Tilda. NEW CROP N O. MOLAS>BS, 20 BnXES CAN DLLH. sm» Jibls. and Boxes i RAt’KKRS, all sorts, Kh> BOXES FICKLKS, all kinds 10 lihls. PICKLES. CuetKibcs, 20 B* *Ni:s RAISINS, Aiimud*, Brazil Nut«, Peenns, W nlnut* ii A CAN DI KS, nil norts, 500 Lbs. Black J’••pper, (finger Spiee ifce. '’oniiuou Starch, 10-url starch, Maizena. Large STOCK OF tJQUOU^, l'o be barter.' 1 for Produce, Cotton or Lard. In fact anything you may need can be found at orr lioUe ’. Call soon at J-HINSONS A GORDON, innylOiMin Alsban.a St? f Atlanta, (in. | EUREKA OIL, HTho Greatest Discovery of the Age! The S'jft'eri: g I’uHic w ill I><- 1a 1 to know that I G. W. CROFT’S EUREKA OIL I I A" liffn \vrc.Mcl from oblivion by a comp.iny XI of pliilantlifopii.* ni.< lat an ini ni(*ns£ out lay of rapital. boon plncriJ I»p --foro tlie people. We do not oUim it to he n cure all, like -.mie of the nn-tr Dm* tin* Jav arc faul to bo; bill \V o Jo hay that it p • .*?o«i' a J'vniituiisree over any other know n cornpoun 1 for the vine of Inflammatory an-l l loerativc tli-** ?»-• -s an ! as an Alleviatoi of Paiik It will not only alleviate % but will cure a vast majority of the following diseases, such as InHumation anti l-ieoralion of !he Mouth, Throaty Sfmnach, and Bold?a, Colic *>f any kind , Ihfin ut'.rp (or Flax) Diarrha.?., "PC' », / )<ptheria, lujhimtnatorp llFinnafistn ; and is also an inval uable remedy for A '•itral'/ia. Fleers of any kind (not malignant.) Eruptions. Hurv *, S.-nUh, Bruises, Cuts, Hour Eeflans, Ftrollrn Claud*, S<a e. Eyes, Ear awl Tooth Aches. Spinal Affections, &c. And in Covt/hx, we challenge the world for iis c<jual. Ordinary e-mglis it. trill cure. ! p ilmor.ory Con sumption, and Bronchitis it is the best palliative known! The Sup* FHitemlont of tLi- f*<.;npany i s a Gra«l --| iiatc of the 'Modicnl t’oliege of Nashville, and fynu long •-yj-erience in hi- 3 profession, and a good knowledg* lie has been intiusted ;yith tin 1 •- on rtf for the manufac ture of the medicine, ami has been and will be careful to s.dect trm T - v v finest materials to be found in either f-n i,m or HoTi.T markets, and we are Fatisfiod that the article we are netting up-oxcels any funer article of tlie. -rarne kind u-7 j4irity of chemicals, and must be more efficacious. Wc jdaci the “ !a i.;:n \ On.” I fore the world, and upon its merits < r demerits it must rise *-r fall. Put wo know if the pcoyle will try it, In-v will he more than xatix/Pd. . | For File by oil the principal Druggists every-* wheie throughout the eountry. ('n::ipounded bv i (>. W. CiH it. the original mai.ufactuier, for the Eureka Oil Manufacturing Company at Atlanta, j Ga. * j Price nt retail ?1.2S per bottle. Liberal deduc- ; tions made to tlie trade. M. A. SHACKELFORD, M li, huperteudent j Fur sale bv | N B. DREWKY <fe C<»., Druggists, and East side Iliil street, Griffin. Ga. [ Store House For Sale. STI LW ELL it lil.l-.KS oxpoct to remove to the SU»rt- now occq-iod by J. 11. White & Cos. I now offer for ra! tlie At ore House occupied by them. It is considered by many the best stand in the city excepting tlie on- we go to, being a corn cr llou-e. 'j-itc-t long, with a fine basement etorv. This property will bring SO percent interest on the price i wilt take for it, 1 aN j have three Hr. riling House? f«r sale. jnlySCif J. A. BLLKR. SCHOOL NOTICE. RJtiir. iindorsigneil propose* to open a F. bool in JL tin. ti-iilding known Knott's College, Au gust fith Terms from frj to J3. julylf ’ H. id MOfiROW. JOB WOltlv OF every dcsciipticn Trintf ja*f; - • r.-n :« Utba-ti tfS with i • -• ;. TIIF HG' who KAILS TO HUY WHKIUI TIIK Hi--T HAID.AINS CAN HK HAI). IS IN TUB VKRY NATIKL OF Till: CASK KITiU NEGLIGENT IGNORANT, OR C Alt ELENS. THU Qll ESTION: WHERE CAN THESE BARGAINS’ HK FOUND* I HY THE NEW HUM OF a«i ni\,«u Bills, VYho v'Ber tbeir be-*t Services, wiib & LARGE aai ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of FAXOU-STAIU DRV .GOODS, Among which they etfMmera'c Ladies' Drcsd Goods in every variety. (IRENA DINES, FT I.LA UDS, PRINTS, LAWNS, Ml SUNS, PAI KALS, FRENCH JACONETS, MO/.AMHRjUES, li. l-jtd cverytbing that the most fastidious could desire. WHITE GOODS, 1 JACONET, SWISS. ORGANDIES, NANSOOKS, LONG ( LOTUS, IKiSIi LJNENs. LINEN LAWNS, (’( GTON A I.incn DIAPEI4S, SIII l'IN(IS A Shirtingt E-pcci:d attention is called to the Stock of J.A( 11 I*ol NTS, and LACK GOODS generally, [n EM HH( 111 JURIES they eannot lie surpassed. 'I tie etulbsst va riety ol I- AN( \ GOODS and A ANKLE NOI K t'' , Ss j t• >rU i< l h cv< na j art' t ■ nnu; ’ratio** In their department devoted to GENTLEMENS’ W EAR, They take especial pride believing as they do, that they <dT< r u -lock far j>ii|*eriur 9 in point ot hl\ Lk, Ql ALI i \ and Ql AN 111 \ to any ever before < [-nod iu (iilTui. In BOOTH AJiD SHOES, For tlie Million, we (Amply throw ourselves in the front, ns m eood l > n oe, «it 1., r ia Price, Quality, Style, or any othet particular. The Ladies cs|icci.illy t solicited to ex. amine our clock of SHOES, a.s wo claim to have superiorly iu that line. Connected as we are with the largest houses iu this section—with a New York whole sale house to represent our interest in purchases—buying a ivc do for c u .-b, and Intending to Become Permanent lu Griffin, we think that the trading public will readily see 11..;t we have not only the ABILITY but the DISPOSITION and INTKN 1!< >N to kii g" !s ujion sueli terms a* cannot fail to give satisfaction. Kemeuiber Scheuerman, Bro. & Daniel, Yt their Store, Wc-t side Hill street, North of Reeks fc Stillwell, and oppivdtc C. H. Johnson’s Hardware store—better known as SCfIF.I KKMA.VS OLD STAN D J une 2H, 1 SGtJ-tf # Wew Firms W. H. G. MtCKEtBEm | WITH OH 11. IlfiXll 4 fll., SUCCESSORS OF ! HEIO, MtCKEtBEkEY CO., . f'FFKR FOR KALE AT J'RIH-.-* SLIT A RLE To IHETIMK3 Rio Coffee, ♦Sugar from 18 to 26 ct«., per lb., Mackerel, in bbis l-2s, l-4s and®ts. A LARGE LOT OF CROCK El! Y, HARDWARE, N AILS, KNIVES ami FORKS, H AND SAWS, SITOVELSat.iI TONGS, AXES. ANDIRONS, CHOP AXES, SADIRONS, CHISELS, BUTTS and SCREWS, TRACE CHAINS. Hr s *s KITTLES, PAD LOCKS, SKILLETS, augers. Ovens.’ POTS, Ef,' HOttOW WARE, brass Hooped ri ckets, ciii ilvk broom* PAINTED BUCKETS, TUBS, te., 5e.,%. CORN, CORN MEAL AND FLOUR. BA COX &c. ‘ iAM '' SHOULDERS. SIDES l*;^ ck ? I \ n ,SVv ) /! I « S a A , 1 .;. T3 - UJiA’MOLASSES. THitUtn ' * J,NIA bAL1 > - 00 Butichrs .-WiiTS and ALCOA V Factorv iIIKLAD - L ARGE LOT ol A, li, and ( .-'. GARS. WANTED, > Ru-fii uofAN i! EAT delivered in good .' ctdir. ih< hL)-.-«t r -u et price paid for BACON, LARD, COBS, . ‘iEAL. ELOI H PEAS, &e.. &cY, ko. Southern Rank Nutc.<, Gold & Silver revived tor-my ot tl-.c above a nicies at thrir tnaijcot value. , w - j geeOiß mnEcxnm co,