Griffin semi-weekly star. (Griffin, Ga.) 1868-187?, December 04, 1868, Image 4

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All XjirumcaT with Warn. —A eoi<- re*p«Dd«bt of tfae Southern Cultivator, wri ibg apm the subject of wheat experiment ing, aajs, I de*ire to give the reader* of jjor paper the benefit of on experiment made bj a neighbor of mine with hi* last wheat crop. lie sowed down with the wheat, eigbtj pound* of *olt per acre, and gathered a Rood orop of wheat, clear of rust, while all around him tuado almost a failure. If salt will preTcnt mat, evsrj farmer should know it and use tL Again, Mr. George Cunningham, an enterprising fur* mer in this county, in Mutch laat, sowed on as a top dressing equal portions of salt and plaster on a portion of a lot of wheat, aa on experiment ; the effect was percepti ble to all. Tits wheat thus managed wus good, while that adjacent to it was verj 'oor.. Iheso experiment* are aatiafactory to my iniad that salt ia a preventivi of rust. As the cost of s«U is trifling, ocin pared to the losses snstained by rust, all ahold lest it for themselves. - ' —» as gag* A fl >«k of ants tffn miles wide lete* ly pa-sed through Shasta, OaL, on an ex, ploring expedition to the South. What t>. world of gossip would be pre vented if it wus only rein two bei oil that a person who tall* you of the faults of others, intends to toll others of your faults. Philosopher* themselves, like tbe.steio geutlniuuu of Jdarmoutol, after praising simplicity of iiviur, often sink to sleep on henvv suppers uuu beds of down. Mules nro worth from on* hundred and fifty to two hundred dollar* in Macon. ;'ov r,il J dr.was ! arc arrived there from l'e jooasoe nn.l lContueky. teg- Nut ag", a citizen of Chicago, tired oflifo, tried to take it by jumping tu to the lake. A friend ouW tho act and pul led him out, hut in doing no, tore tho trow »ers of the would. lu> au oido. The lattor wu* willing to bo rescued, hut for the tie* ttr iction of property he thrashed his ili.ud. " The account of a contest of wit* he twcisi a police justios ut the Toombs and u saucy girl who was arraigned for stealing, mult s good a four-line versa : ‘•Tho brass of your face," he said, •‘Would moke a four quart skillet.” ‘ l our Honor’s head,” the girl replied, “lias snp enough to fill it.” No man will e.xool in his prolossion, if lie thinks himself above it; r.nd commerce will not flourish in any country where commerce is not respected. C?st. An Irishman recently soliloquized : “What wuioo o’monoy to ho buying male when you know the half of it is hone, w hile you can spind it for rum that hasn’t a bone in it. C**k» Au affecting sight—To behold at a wed ling the sorrow-stricken air of the pa rent ns ho •'gives tho brido array,” when you know that for tho last ten years ho has tecu trying to got her off his bands. 861- A Now York church proposes to have a full band, string and brass, in the place of an organ. CfH,. The latest i o *''j from Paris is an artificial bunch of grapes eaob filled wdtb perfumery. The stem of caohjgiapa consti tutes its cork. r.2I3CIjIjLAN£jOU3. 4'l r.olitllv l!ctrs CocatT.—U. J. W. Ut'liiurs »p V a |,)|.•, for 1.. , lu, U I'u.aaUuUV Still S, tllbg fc|.ltt 0.. J VI,III I, Hill I f It 111. »U'l t will |>SSS U|.- I>a tIIHM'.KS St l'l v'i A ,\1 , oil Ills till !»V Ilf De cern. rr i--- WU.LY UOOIiMAIi, OiOlnaiy. il,c. ,1 ISM-JMV. f,v fj CtlOllt.t\--ni ml’-i'MV. i>. 11. I’hlume., mil W fr.-elof t!. ■ minor eliUlren -f ileory unit o.rr Jr.tur. wiv il u|,| it -- f- 1 Kioiopt'. n amt l’vrtonaliy amt n;n.rt wit'i.ifl nos Home,load. an I I will I 1.0 silos It,s »t lo o'clock. A. M. o tltuSib ilsv oil) h« V.'ILSV liOODUAX, dec. I, IMo-.L-!'i'a fee *- KOKUIA Bom (Vivxrf. llO.lO A. Phlnuzee, tiir ~-r l-ir 11. n AM nd, .milieu or RxuiUJ.tloil of Psnonu'.tv mill-vtUnj; spurt aau vslualtou or Hmuv »tvn.J, ,‘td I will pass oj.oti tlio wimo at 10 u nlock, A. it.,, i the fill Cuy of to wmlivi-. 1 *W. V 11.. V uUUUII.'iX, Ordinary, dor. 1, tBBS-2‘.-IV» fro il wroTiaH x IrOULWAIIN alf p«r*Anß from truding f« r u v*’rt tiu Prorolwory Motpaia le i»ay>il>l«* to D Turner, dutMinti *1 »y us *'r data, an 1 utttc) February 1 1, IMJB wil.teu wit i *t “ iic l, wkl Mgn-d by lu.. ***lf Tbs ci.ii'M -in’Jott for wli! h :il«l Nt.lo wua glvm h*v- U.m fulli .1, ! mu dwtoimiao I u .t tu pay it ti'ilcas cm i pll dby law. Li M. MATmfcWd. .he. 1 William EL Cline, —and— Fx-Officio, Justice of the Peace, Wf ILK utotirl iiromftlv to all buainenit ▼ T «-nlrutt*4 t» Mm •,*Ofh<*«»-over O. B. Ben-li* < < t ' Wsu-ro, corocriiiU *uJ hoi .non Ktx«*rU, Orll flu, Ot«.r u. vctobor 81, 2bfls-Btn ~T> 1 C KSON’IS CKLBIIHAXJCD COTTON SEED! r UAVK TAKEN !>>•* Asr«nnv f.r KICK X H»S> cfWhr.t..! i OIToS SF.KP. whlh Mr. ]nel(fM>n b*»* 1— <•» f.r lutnr rr«r* |w»»f. ctinir. Me hM now nituo t i .cl. .1 'fccti in in »'ott«>n mlidnc, end lil* S• *1 I-tli- t- *t In .In* iu«rk<'t *■» every pi into - <\ !u» w.ll n ! i it that H*r -election i»f tb-* bent nud iu >-t t>n> «il fie Hiv tli*- I »*•*■ t for liltniliitf 1 im Ir«j»r.itto tt loi dent u lUt ilUuntch * O O Ordem lef*. f;,r in** ut iii*‘ ‘ S I'Alt * Kit'!•- *lll be prompt y »t --tcicKil to, mid »ho fcnuwi- new of tbe M-a wurrmnied. IKN..V I I'ATIKKSON. OrilTo, Ooorp i, November 18,1868. ~Vr\ 13. GRIFFIN & CO., Cotton Factors, mm ah ffiiiMi IL'II33CI.OZI2A.KrTfiI, NO. 93 BAY BTKEET, S.t JMA’AM// GEORGIA. 11HKUAL AI.V .X' K.-irm.l.nn r.vri ON In “t.,rp, a or co£i*t|Ui-.l to our fr**udi .u NVw York or Liver pool oct 18, |SI|S- 111 I "or Sale. I ») •! . f iinlinjir .H LAND l *•-. o '.l ** oiitrf l«t tlit* hjptM ot Hot t’ltjr of Orlf r<>? ’* »••• I nit« *• f r r«**l rn. iw nj.* u tli«* I »• ' »•• t'Ucn of A. J. JdntbttH*. Ai.i*»v *1 ae o tn yg hot. i ',M N X. H BRADFIHDD’S COLUMN, Dr, John Bull’s GREAT REMEDIES BULL’S Cedrou Bitters. Authentic MPocument. Arkansas Heard From ! TESTIMONY OF MEDICAL MBY: ®tooej Feint, White Co M Aik , May 19M Dr. J'llin Bull—Dear Sir : La»t February 1 vm In LoubvUlo purchasing Drugs, and I get acme of yo«r Sar»a|iatllia and Cedron Bitter*. My tun*lA law, übw waa with me in the atore. haa be» n down with Bheniuatfam (or aoine tto.o, oom menct-d on the Bittera, and soon round Ida geaoral health Improved. l»r. Ulat, who has been ,u bad health, tried them And he also Improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been In bad health for several year*—stomach and Uver affected—he Improved very much by the use of your Hitters. Indeed, the Cedrea lUUers haj given you great popularity la this erttie menu I think I could sell a neat qaantlty of year Uadlciaoe this fall, especially of your Cedioo Billet* and Sar«*purUl* Ship me via Mamphl#, oare Kickeil A Neely. BeapcctfuUy, CJ. B. WALKER* null’s Worm Destroyer! To icy lotted States and World-wide Headers. I hat* t< oelvcd many teatiumtlala from prefcaalon al ami medical nun, aa uiy Aluiau ice and tartuua pubUcullwus httvu ohuwn, all which are Mroaine. The follow lug luttcr from a highly cdncuted aod p*»p uar phydoiun In Utorgm, is, oi rtainiy one oi the mutt *elia ble conuuui lcall -uh Ihuveever iweelved.— Dr Clement knows exactly what he i>pouk* of, and hU teslluiony deM'i vca tu bo written fn letters of gold. 11* ar wluit the Doctor says of BULI/tt WOL.U Dll* BTBOVLH: Vlllanow, Wnlker Cos„ CJa., June 99, 19C6. Dr John Bnl.— Dear Jr*ir : I h:» . - c recently uivenyour * Worm Destroyer” seternl trials, and flnd U womlur* folly ffhctclous, It hnsii 't f.illevl lu a tin lc limtaoce tu the wlsliod fur t ffect. I aut doing a juet'y large coun ry practice, und have d.tiiy use for nomu mi tic e us the kind. Imu free to confess tha; 1 know of no remedy recommended by the abkat that Dho certain audspeedy In it* cJTucta. On the Contrary, they are uncerUlu iu the extreme. My object In wilt ing you h’. to find out upon tv hut terms 1 can get the Medicine directly from you. If 1 can gut It upon easy terms, 1 shall use u gruut deal of It lam aware bit the u*e ol such article* ts contrary to tho teaching* and i r».ctioe of a great maj oily of the regular line of M. D.'s, but 1 see bu jttM caiita* or g«»od ii'Otc in Uia* carding a remedy which v.e know tube of&flfcnt, simply because we in ay be ignoiant »>' Its oumbluatlua Fur my tout, I dull tuakj It a role to use all and any nioaus to al oviftte fullering bunuitiity which l ina> be able to ootniuHU'l—uot hesiiallog booanae s«*iao unu more In* genlous than myself way lea mod lt.q effects llist, and accnnulthu solo a» seouru that ktiowlmlgo liow ever. Inin by no uiuaCv :tu Advocate or tupporU r of the Ihou-unus of wuithle j uudtiums that flood the country, that purport t.» o iru *.ll mnnn< rof Übcuse to wliieh human tlesh is h»>lr. l’l n.u tuply soub. and Inform me of yuur best teniii l am, sir, uiuftlreopect fully, JUUU'fc I*. CIEMIuNT, M. V. BULL’S 3M3 i A GOOD I'E'ASVX FOR 2 US CAF TAIN'S FAl’lH. IT7*FMtI tbo CupLil.t’tf LctUr acul tba Lotlar from bla Luotbur. Bent*)n F»f»rrftcks, Mo., April 8»>, 1888. I)r. John Hull—l)«*arSir : Knuwiii|f the ftlu'ieD« y of your r-unrapurUln, non ti.u bculliiK uutl beuetlcial quail tlun it puiwc hya, l scud you thu mtU a ulciuent of m.v o.ibD 1 was wi.iinded two year* ago- wus taken prl*an«r a •! confliwd for sixteen months Belnumovud no often, my wounds have nut lieaU 'l vet. lhavu not »at uti u moment since I whm wunnUetL laui Mbot thro-igo the bins. My K' health U tmj air* a, nod I nuctl surnetiling lu assist nature . I have mure faith In your rtumat'U'i.ln than in niiy thing ei»o. 1 wUh that th it Is ueuui v. I'Jcune txptcHS mo half a do&en bolt left, HUd oblli'U Cap!. 0. P. JOHNSON, St. Louis, Mo. P. B.—'The following was written April 30, lSto by Mrs Jennie Johnson, mother of Johnson : Dr. IV.l—De.rMr : My hushud.Dr. C. 8 Johnson, wns * skillful iuftTeon and phyalcluu lu t’ential New York, where he died, le tving the ahoveC 1’ Johnson »o my emu At thirteen yoarn of aif*», he bad a ohronlo dl.trrhrtvi an I«. rofula. for whleh I gave him your Ba*»k;vtillSa. It cuiir.i* him 1 have fur ten years re* ouiiiiiifiided It to uiMiiy lu New York, Ohio and lowa, for serolu d,lever sor«»« un<l general der>llUv. IVriecl aUcccMD haaaUendod It. 7'he « ure* efftvUit in home ca*6*nt *crqfuU i and fear nort* u-cre uhn*>*t mir aculous. I »m very anxious fur my non t« again have reooutsu tu your .saraapArlllv He is fearful of getting a spurluusarticle, hence his w rithig lo >ou for It. Ilis wuuuda weiu Uriiblc, but 1 believe bo will re over. Respectfully. JENNIE JOHNSON. 23r. Jolin Bull, Manufacturer and Vendor of the Celebrated Smith’s Tonic Syrup ! FUR THE CURB “F MW & IS'ZTXK* —ojr— Chills and Fever. The of this Celebrated Medicine, juktly claims fur it a sup riorlty over alj remedies ever offered to the |*i:hli for the .*> sfu, rertain speeuy and penusnont cure of Ague ami Fever, or rhllls and Fe ver, whether of sh rt or lung stmdlng. lie refer* to the entire Western am! Southwestern country to bear him trotirnonv *u the truth of th** aeserlh-n, that In no c •«* whatever will It fell to eure, if the diruc ione arc strictly lollowed and carried *.ut. In a great many ctu*ea a hn» be* n Rufllelent for a cure, and -'hole families have b«-eu cured by h H.nrl bottle, with a perfect restoration of the gem r.l health. It 1* however, pru'tent.Hiid In every ease more certain to cure. If Its us** is t o ul;iu.*d In e»nii»!l«r and fee fora week or two a/U;» the dl*ea«u ’.ua been eheckud. more ei*|*e dally In IfP.cultan lonut a *»i«-*r c»* . U«uaily, thb ruuflieioe will not reouiio auv aid to keep tho bowels in v<hml order; sho.ild the patl nt, however, ruqulrt* a eaUkartlu luetlidne, alter having taken three or four doses of tlie Tonic, a single dose ol NULL'S VKU KTAIILK FAMILY PILI> wilt beeufltdeut er"DK. JOHN ISL'LL'3 Pi Inc pal Office: \it. JO Fifth Irofs Street, LOIISVILI.E KENTUCKY. All of the shove remedies for sale by L. H.BRADFIELD, Dvugslat, W’l.U.ti.ll StTMt AtiaaU, Hi.ifl. an ** IIOMv DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, DRUGS, AC. OSAZUaXW f. nbw^oW, DREW BY & C 0., DEALERS IN STAPLE AND PANCT . ’ DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, BATS, HARDWARE, BASKETS, WOOD AND WffiLO 77 WARE, CROCKERY, TIN, YANKEE NOTIONS, PER* FUMERY, AC., Sill Street, ------- Grlffln, cAa- Ootobw Z\ 1868. , 3m G. A. & H. C. CUNNINGHAM Have Received and Opened their Fall and Winter Stock of Groceries i Dry Goods jttoots* Which were purchased on the most reasonable terms, and will be sold a little lower than could otherwise be afforded. o a.u, im. George HP*. Jf^hite, WITH LOEWENSTEIN & PFEIFER, —DEALERS Hf — STAFLB and FANCY —SlND— tgtt rnmmn mD 11 Mil E, East Side of Hill Street, Griffin, Georgia. We are now receiving the Largest and Best Selected Stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting of every Variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods; Mnts; Bleached, Brown, Striped and Checked Domestics ; Embroidery, Laces, Hosiery, Handkercheifs, Gloves, Shawls and OIOaKS, And Everything Usually kept in a First Class Dry Goods Establishment. The Gentlemen’s Department IS THOROUGHLY SUPPLIED WITH CLOTHS, CA3SIMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISHING GOODS, Heady-Made Olothlzxa, Hats, ■NTCAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. And ev.rx article aeemry for . genteel outfit We make t apectnltyof ttt* Ua* af our tinSl 1I—. aad cannot be excelled in quantity, quallt; or pric*. * . The Tailoring Department! Is conducted by I. N. Hair, assisted by O. B. Smith, Oho bare no tupertor. Inthelt Uuo, and nr. alirajn ready to do your work with NBATNEM aad UISPATCU •A.XjZj work warran'ted, DOTWe respectfully solicit a continuance of public patronage.* Prices for Cutting same as before the war ! Sopiooihsr SS, lit*. Loewenstein lc Pfeifer. BOHEUERMAN’S DRY GOODS COLUMN. SPECIAL BARGAINS! IN Clothing! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &0., &o. AI OTUMAI’S Biaitmi! Staple Dry Goods; 10,000 yards PRINTS ; 20 bales HEAVY HOMESPUNS ; 5,000 yards Striped and Plain OSNABIfRQS ; 5,300 yards BED Til KINO, all qualities; 10,000 yards BLEACHING and SEA ISLANDS ; 3,000 yards figured Dgl.AlNES—cheap ; 3,0 0 yards (all Woo!) French and English DxLAINES; 3,000 yards (all Wool) FRENCH MERINOES, to be given away at half price ; 10,000 yards ENGLISH MEUINOES, all colors, at 50 cents—would he cheap at fl Black Goods! MERINOES, BOMBAZINES, SILK ALPACAS—any quantity—leas than New Yorlf Cost I American Poplins ! All Shades—Cheaper than the cheapest,- Call and give them a thorough examination,' Real Silk Irish Poplins ! AT LOWER PRICES than they have ever before been offered at in Georgia f Silks! Silks! 2,0.0 yard* solid and figured SILKS, 50 per cent, below Ccst. Examine them 1’ Cloaks and Shawls! We keep all kinds. We ounnot enumerate. OomC and sec them’, and yon will find* what you want at lower prices than elsewhere. Flannels! Flannels! 10,000 yards WHITE, RED and OPERA—aII qualities and prices—cheap! White Goods ! The largest stock in town, coneisting of JACONEI*. SWISS, NAINSOOK, BRIL*' LIANTS, 11USL1 LINEN, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELS, Napkins, Dimity, Ac! Clothing and Cent’s Furnishing Goods l As Well as BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, to be sold at astonishingly low prices; Blankets ! 100 pair BLANKETS—common and fine—to he sold a great sacrifice. Hoop Skirts ! Hoop Skirts! 100 dozen, from 20 cents and upwards. Crockery and Glass-ware! At less than N«w York cost 1 FOB THE BEST BAREA'NS IN ALL KINDS OF DRV HOODS I ao to A. Schcuerman & Bro., Jftasonie Halt, Oriffin, October 31,-ltM. *»